English Lesson Plan for grade 8 studentsFull description
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Ten godsDescripción completa
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cours de Nivellement
using indirect feedback in correcting student writing
speechDeskripsi lengkap
INDIRECT SPEECH, IRREGULAR VERBS Transform Transform the story. story. Use inire!t s"ee!h in the "ast. Use # say, ans$er, ans$ er, e!%are, e!% are, retort retor t &.
A %o'e story Romeo ( # I fee% f ee% sa $hen I !an)t see yo*, +*%iet. It rea-s my heart. & EX. Romeo said he felt sad when he couldn't see Juliet. It broke his heart. +*%iet ( # *r fami%ies are enemies. They /0ht /0ht a %ot. & Romeo ( # I *y roses an yo*r n*rse rin0s them to yo* e'eryay. I $rite an sen yo* a %etter too. & +*%iet ( # I a%$ays rea them an -ee" -ee" them *ner my "i%%o$. "i%%o$. & Romeo ( # I -no$ o*r sit*ation is i1!*%t. 2hen I thin- ao*t *s, I for0et to eat an rin-. & +*%iet ( # E'ery time I see yo*, I fa%% in %o'e $ith yo* a0ain. a0ain. & Romeo ( # 3y Da foris me to ta%- to yo*. & +*%iet ( # 3y 3*m e!omes 'ery an0ry $hen $hen I s"ea- ao*t yo*. She says I m*st for0et yo*. She te%%s me to %isten to her. her. & Romeo ( # I *nerstan. If they !at!h *s, I $i%% %ose yo* fore'er. fore'er. & +*%iet ( # I sometimes ream that $e se!ret%y se!ret%y %ea'e to$n. In my ream, yo* !ome on a $hite horse an $e rie a$ay to0ether. to0ether. &
INDIRECT SPEECH, IRREGULAR VERBS Transform Transform the story. story. Use inire!t s"ee!h in the "ast. Use Use # say, say , ans$e ans $er, r, e!%a e!%are re &.
A %o'e story Romeo ( # I fee% f ee% sa $hen I !an)t see yo*, +*%iet. It rea-s my heart. & EX. Romeo said he felt sad when he couldn't see Juliet. It broke his heart. +*%iet ( # *r fami%ies are enemies. They /0ht /0ht a %ot. & Romeo ( # I *y roses an yo*r n*rse rin0s them to yo* e'eryay. I $rite an sen yo* a %etter too. & +*%iet ( # I a%$ays rea them an -ee" -ee" them *ner my "i%%o$. "i%%o$. & Romeo ( # I -no$ o*r sit*ation is i1!*%t. 2hen I thin- ao*t *s, I for0et to eat an rin-. & +*%iet ( # E'ery time I see yo*, I fa%% in %o'e $ith yo* a0ain. a0ain. & Romeo ( # 3y friens fori me to ta%- to yo*. & +*%iet ( # 3y 3*m e!omes 'ery an0ry $hen $hen I s"ea- ao*t yo*.
She says I m*st for0et yo*. She te%%s me to %isten to her. & Romeo ( # I *nerstan. If they !at!h *s, I $i%% %ose yo* fore'er. & +*%iet ( # I sometimes ream that $e se!ret%y %ea'e to$n. In my ream, yo* !ome on a $hite horse an $e rie a$ay to0ether. &