these are commonly used moshell commandsFull description
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Descripción: Ok, si aún no sabes usar esta famosísima ventanita negra, ESO SE ACABÓ!!!! porque aprenderás desde cero :) Para abrirla aplasta al mismo tiempo las teclas + y en la ventanita que te acaba de salir...
Describe various RNC/NodeB processes and alarm clearing.Full description
dgggFull description
Integration RNC EricssonFull description
Descripción: dggg
CMD FLOUEFull description
ydvFull description
Comandos para editar con CMDDescripción completa
MOSHELL NOTES – HOW TO To check pm counters for E1 In RXI pr atmport=ms-x-y get lpget Subrack=MS,Slot=x,PlugInUnit=1,E Subrack=MS,Slot=x,PlugInUnit=1,Etm1=1,E1PhysP tm1=1,E1PhysPathTerm=ppy athTerm=ppy To check E1-MS port in RXI (add E1 for RBS) In RNC st get iub In RXI pr . eg. pr .0095 lk st atmport=ms-x-y bl lget ms-2-2 (then check iub number with STR printout – see tally or not) reservedBy Aal2PathVccTp=b0001a2 Aal2PathVccTp=b0001a2 <----- iub # = 0001 In RBS (when port is ready but E1 not pull through yet – so that no alarm) pr atmport get ie. get 1345 lget Subrack=1,Slot=2,PlugInUnit=1,E Subrack=1,Slot=2,PlugInUnit=1,Etm1=1,E1PhysPa tm1=1,E1PhysPathTerm=pp2 thTerm=pp2
set administrativeState 0 (to lock the 2nd physical port) set 194 administrativeState 0 (to lock the 2nd physical port)
To remove Utrancell & IubLink in RNC
lst lst singmu ldel
eg. lst raza
lst .b ldel .
eg. lst .b0095 (WARNING : Check other proxys) (WARNING : Exclude other proxys)
eg. pcr cellcarrier pmAverageRssi to read the counters to stop/resume scanner to delete scanner
To set SAC in Utrancell
pr utrancell=ower serviceAreaRef (then) get utrancell=ower serviceAreaRef set utrancell=AMGMMU servicearearef LocationArea=1,servicearea=12 (SAC defined)
To set Electrical Tilt (RET)
pr retdevice get set electricalAntennaTilt get ret electrical
To set Latitude/Longitude
get sector lat set sector latitude
To log alarm in a nice format
Sample Scripts in moshell for 10 Enter commmands (one per line), then type "done" > get radiolink num > wait 2 > done
To enable E1 supervision
To create Group (eg. Not reserved VclTp)
get vcltp reservedby !.*= lma vcltp reservedby !.*=
To create performance counters
To check cell state In RNC
lst utrancell st utrancell 1.*0
(cells Unlocked & Disabled)
To check RBS MO In RBS
st plug cabx cab
(AuxPlugInUnit=2 is the RET, AuxPlugInUnit=1 is the ASC) (without the external parts)
To change PSC ( In RNC
st plug cabx cab
(AuxPlugInUnit=2 is the RET, AuxPlugInUnit=1 is the ASC) (without the external parts)
To change SAC (Service Area Code) In RNC
Pr cell Get proxy Get set utrancell=KCC1BU servicearearef LocationArea=1,servicearea=284
To change maxtxpowerdl for specific cell (usually to clear CONGESTION alarms) In RNC
get CUV1BU_1 maxtxpowerdl --> in EMAS, click Utrancell, Properties, Cell (PCIPCH in Common Channel) set CUV1BU_1 maxtxpowerdl 402 maxtxpowerdl value stated as x10dBm (actual = 0.1x) maxtxpowerdl value usually 0.4 dBm lesser than maxDlPowerCapability (from RBS) thus if maxDlPowerCapability 422, maxtxpowerdl 418 (422 – 4)
To check network clock synchronisation In RNC & RBS Read clock (GMT +8) ntpconfig info Check which OMNIFSERVER the node is connected to (i.e ntpServerAddressPrimary) – from get 1
To check atmport & pp (physical port) In RBS
lpr atmport vc32&33 for signaling lpget 1007 (vc proxy) – to see number of ATM traffic cells transferred get atmport=1-2-2 then : lget Subrack=1,Slot=2,PlugInUnit=1,Etm1=1,E1PhysPathTerm=pp2 to un/lock have to set values 1 or 0
To administer state of Mos In RBS
St plug Deb proxy Bl proxy No need to use set 1 or set 0 (only for physical ports) otherwise use deb & bl
To autocreateCV In RNC & RBS Get config Cv ls (2 CVs will be used for the autocreate CV function) Set “proxy” autoCreatedCVIsTurnedOn true/false Set timeForAutoCreatedCV (UTC time) Set timeForAutoCreatedCV 13:00 (cv autocreated at 9pm) To check SAC corruption In RNC
tg | grep -i kcc1bu lh mod1 cell get 1/1/1/1/2/1.44 cellData lookout for , sac int 10 } which states a wrong SAC value for the Utrancell get utrancell=kcc1bu cid (cid = SAC + sector number) get serviceArea=284 to confirm SAC for the cell
To any hanging modules In RNC only stdh
To restart Node In RNC,RXI & RBS acc 0 restart poll (to wait 20seconds until node comes up again)
To create CV In RNC,RXI & RBS cvms CXP9010373%1_R11G_050725_1516 emfauzi change_ntpserver_ip cvms CXP9010373%1_R11G_050725_1516 followed by comments for the CV cvset CXP9010373%1_R11G -- to set the CV startable
To change LAC (Location Area Code) In RNC
get servicearea=132 get locationarea get routingarea get externalutrancell LAC --> corresponding LAC changed at neighbour RNC (if defined) set ExternalUtranCell=uefaMU_1 lac 12050 -->to change the externalutrancell LAC parameter for the particular cell at another/neighbour RNC get utrancell=uefa lac --> to view externalutrancell LAC parameter at neighbour RNC get utrancell=cinoMU_3
To restart node In RNC & node B acc 0 restart pol - to get moshell connected once node has restarted
To check plugin status In RNC & node B st plugin st plugin 1 0 st plugin 0 1 lst plug 0
To enter Moshell with security enabled In RNC & node B moshell -c host.p12
To block sectors via Moshell In RNC
St blip Bl the proxy Deb the proxy (can have multiple proxies for more cells)
To view delay & attenuation parameters within a sector In RBS
Get jumper Get feeder Get rbs xdl
To delete something already done with a script In RNC/RXI/RBS First you have to generate the MO Delete script
This is done by ./undomo >
Where is the script which was run earlier And is the Delete Script Modify so that downtime will be less Run to undo the wrongly defined MO Then run t he modified/correct
To check E1 state In RXI
St ms-20-2 Check whether port locked or not
pr the port number
pr pp(port#)
Pr pp2 or pp7 (ETM1) lst Slot=8.*Vc12Ttp=5$ (ETMC41, MS-8-5) Get proxy and view admin state whether locked or not
Then do deblocking Deb proxy St proxy
Make sure port is deblocked (can also see in EMAS)
St atmport Check port lock state
St pp
St pp2
st pp3
st pp4
To check locked board in node In all nodes lst plug 0
To restart / reload board In all nodes Acc 000900 restart Acc 001400 reload
GSG – get set get In RNC
To activate type gsg To deactivate type gsg again Use run command (not trun)
run and trun In all nodes trun is only for xml scripts
run for scripts such as
set DAGAMU_1 usedFreqThresh2dEcno -12
trun for running the last script :
run is for any script (txt for for example)
open logfile
l+ 20060113_CR003_RNCTGEM01.log cannot have undo mode while having gsg activated run CR003_13012006.txt close logfile
CAB printout 0 = slot 28, 1 = slot 1 In all nodes
RXIKPNG02> cab 060206-11:09:22 ....... =========================================================================== ========================== SMN APN BOARD GREEN YELLOW RED PRODUCT NR REV DATE SERIAL NR TEMP COREMGR =========================================================================== ========================== 0 1 SCB2 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2108/3 R3D 20050608 TU86364489 0 2 HUB MP ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2106/40 R5A 20050626 TU86494707 +32C Active 0 3 GPB40 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2106/40 R5A 20050626 TU86494699 +31C StandbyReady 0 4 TUB ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2104/4 R3B 20050620 TU86442436 0 5 TUB ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2104/4 R3B 20050620 TU86442439 0 8 ET-MC41 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2161/1 R3C 20050718 TU86644146 0 10 ET-MC41 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2161/1 R3C 20050718 TU86644042 0 12 ET-MC41 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2161/1 R3C 20050718 TU86644052 0 14 ET-MC41 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2161/1 R3C 20050718 TU86644056 0 16 ET-MC41 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2161/1 R3C 20050718 TU86644037 0 18 ET-MC41 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2161/1 R3C 20050718 TU86644067 0 20 ET-MC41 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2161/1 R3C 20050708 TU86592867 0 24 ET-M4 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2102/1 R3G 20050702 TU86545997 0 25 ET-M4 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2102/1 R3G 20050702 TU86545998 0 26 ET-M4 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2102/1 R3G 20050702 TU86545996 0 27 ET-M4 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2102/1 R3G 20050702 TU86546001 0 0 SCB2 ON OFF OFF ROJ 119 2108/3 R3D 20050608 TU86364157 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 is slot 1 0 is slot 28
primary ScramblingCode In RNC
get iska primaryscram
maxDlPowerCapability /maxDl In RBS
get local xdl In RBS
get SOGXBU_1 maximumtransmissionpower
redefine TD in VC In RXI
Resources for CELL does not come up – apparently TD is defined as U42 lget AtmPort=MS-24-1,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc39 lrset AtmPort=MS-24-1,VplTp=vp1,VpcTp=1,VclTp=vc39 atmTrafficDescriptorId AtmTrafficDescriptor=C2P4000
Check E1 loop In node
lacc AtmPort=MS-27-1,VplTp=vp5 eteloopback
Check 101 or not In node RNC & ATMCC only Pr vc21432 Pr vc*RBSID*32
To check what is in the RNCMODULE In node RNC Lt rncmodule Get rncmodule Pr rncmodule (then get proxy oso can)
To check how many HSDPA users in a cell (must know CID) In node RNC dyncelldata cid 02301 RNCKPNG01> dyncelldata cid 02301 060425-10:51:23 Trying password from ipdatabase file: /home/emfauzi/moshell/sitefiles/ipdatabase... $ dyncelldata cid 02301 cId: 2301 Cell froId: 65 CC SP: 011000/sp0.lnh/CommonChMainPT rncModuleId: 4 IubLink froId: 22 Total ASE DL: 944 aseDlAdm: 240 beMarginAseDl: 100 Total ASE UL: 16748 aseUlAdm: 500 aseUlAdmOffset: 40 beMarginAseUl: 0 CPM RL Count: 0 compModeAdm: 15 HSDPA UE Count: 5 <------------------------- 5 user currently hsdpaUsersAdm: 20 SF8 RL DL Count: 0 sf8Adm: 1 SF16 RL DL Count: 0 sf16Adm: 16 SF32 RL DL Count: 0 sf32Adm: 32 SF4 RL UL Count: 5 sf4AdmUl: 20 DL Code Allocation Level: 40.23 % dlCodeAdm: 80 % beMarginDlCode: 5 UL Interference: -105.2 dBm Filtered DL Power: 23.44 % pwrAdm: 75 % pwrAdmOffset: 10 % beMarginDlPwr: 10 Congestion State: Uncongested $
(7 means 7 db)
To change cell reserved unreserved, 1) moshell to RNC 2) lt all 3) lget alammu cellreserved To change to unreserved 4)lset alammu_1 cellreserved 1 To change to reserved 5) lset alammu_1 cellreserved 0