Kissing the Thumbs, TaqbÐl al-IbhÁmayn wa Mas’Î al-ÝAynayn,
o Kissing Thumbs
Upon the name of the Beloved 1 D
The permissibility of kissing the thumbs-plates, or fingers, and placing them upon the eyelids upon the pronouncing, reading or hearing the blessed name of ‘MuÎammad’ í, is not a contemporary issue, but almost as old as creation itself. This question, however, continues to be raised amongst groups of mutual ideological contention, where the supporters continue to perform it silently and the opposition terms it as an evil innovation, and that too, at times, with aggression. The answer we presented to one brother who raised this question to us, after cornering me inside a masjid by those who oppose this act, is as follows: It is permissible and laudable to kiss the nail-plates of the thumbs and rub them over the eyes upon hearing the name ‘MuÎammad’ being mentioned. This issue is known as ‘taqbÐl alibhÁmayn wa mas‘Î al-Ýaynayn ’ 2 . Such an act is a cause of blessings and mercy upon its performer. D
In the favour of such a noble act, we find many evidences of which some are:
1. al-ÝAllamah IsmÁÝil al-ÍaqqÐ (AllÁh have mercy on him) cites: In (books) such as the QaÒaÒ al-AnbiyÁ’ 3 [it is stated that] when Àdam ï was in Paradise and he yearned to meet MuÎammad í, AllÁh Almighty inspired to him: ‘He (MuÎammad í) shall be from your loins, and he (í) shall appear in the last (of) times.’ [Àdam ï] requested a meeting with MuÎammad (í). Therefore, AllÁh Almighty rendered MuÎammadan luminance into the index finger of his right hand, and that luminance extolled [Almighty AllÁh], which is why that finger is called ‘musabbiÎah’ 4 , as it is [mentioned] in ar-Rawà al-FÁ’iq, or AllÁh Almighty demonstrated the beauty of His Beloved (í) in the nailplates of his two thumbs like a mirror. [Adam, ï] kissed both the nail-plates of his thumbs and he wiped them over his eyes. [This action of Adam, ï] became an established practice among his progeny. Thus, when [the Archangel] JibrÁ’Ðl [ï] narrated this episode to the Prophet [í], He [í] replied: ‘Whosoever hears my name in the adhÁn, and he kisses both the nailplates of his thumbs and he wipes them over his eyes, he shall never go blind.’ 5 D
Kissing the Thumbs, TaqbÐl al-IbhÁmayn wa Mas’Î al-ÝAynayn,
2. The Messenger [í] entered the masjid and seated himself adjacent to a pillar. [SayyidunÁ AbÙ Bakr] aÒ-ÑiddÐq [î] was sitting next to him [í]. [SayyidunÁ] BilÁl [î] stood and commenced [the calling of] the adhÁn. When he proclaimed: ‘ash’hadu anna MuÎammadan rasulu ‘LlÁh’ 6 , [SayyidunÁ] AbÙ Bakr [î] placed both the nail-plates of his thumbs upon his eyes and pronounced: ‘qurratu ÝaynÐ bi-ka yÁ rasÙl AllÁh’ 7 When [SayyidunÁ] BilÁl (AllÁh be pleased with him) concluded the adhÁn, the Messenger of AllÁh [í] said: ‘O AbÙ Bakr, whoever does as you have [done], AllÁh Almighty will exonerate all of his sins!’ 8 D
3. Shaykh al-ImÁm AbÙ ÓÁlib MuÎammad ibn ÝAlÐ al-MakkÐ, AllÁh raise his status, narrates, in his book Quwwat al-QulÙb, on the authority of Ibn ÝUyaynah, that the Messenger [í] entered the masjid on the tenth of MuÎarram in order to offer the Friday prayer and he (í) took up seat next to a pillar. [Upon hearing the name of ‘MuÎammad (í)’ in the adhÁn, SayyidunÁ] AbÙ Bakr [î] wiped both the nail-plates of his thumbs upon his eyes and said: ‘qurratu ÝaynÐ bi-ka yÁ rasÙl AllÁh’. When [SayyidunÁ] BilÁl [î] had completed the adhÁn, the Messenger of AllÁh [í] said, ‘O AbÙ Bakr, whoever wipes his thumbs over his eyes upon hearing my name, like you [did], and he [also] says whatsoever you said, AllÁh Almighty shall absolve him of all his sins; fresh or old, hidden or manifest!’ 9 D
4. Al-ÝAllÁmah al-ImÁm ShamsuddÐn as-SakhÁwÐ (AllÁh have mercy on him) states, referring to [SayyidunÁ] AbÙ Bakr [î], that whenever he heard the call of the muadhdhin 10 (saying): ‘ash’hadu anna MuÎammadan rasÙlu ’LlÁh’, he would also say that, and then kiss the inner fingertips of the two index fingers and wipe them over his eyes. He (the Prophet, í) thus said: ‘Whosoever does as has done this friend of mine, my intercession shall be valid for him.’ 11 D
5. Reproduced from the book MujÐbÁt ar-RaÎmah 12 , al-Imam as-SakhÁwÐ (AllÁh have mercy on him) states that SayyidunÁ KhiÃr [ï] said: Upon hearing the muadhdhin call ‘ash’hadu anna MuÎammadan rasÙlu ’LlÁh’, whoever pronounces: ‘marÎaban bi-ÎabÐbÐ wa qurrati ÝaynÐ MuÎammad ibn ‘abdi ’LlÁh’, and thereafter he kisses both his thumbs and places them upon his eyes, he shall never suffer from opthalmia. 13 D
6. al-ImÁm as-SakhÁwÐ (AllÁh have mercy on him) reports from the jurist MuÎammad ibn SaÝÐd al-KhawlÁnÐ (AllÁh have mercy on him) that al-ImÁm al-Íasan [ï] said:
Kissing the Thumbs, TaqbÐl al-IbhÁmayn wa Mas’Î al-ÝAynayn,
Upon hearing the muadhdhin call: ‘ash’hadu anna MuÎammadan rasÙlu ’LlÁh’ whoever says: ‘marÎaban bi-habÐbÐ wa qurrati ÝaynÐ MuÎammad ibn Ýabdi ’LlÁh ’, and then he kisses both his thumbs upon his eyes, he shall not go blind and nor (shall he) suffer from opthalmia 14 D
7. al-ImÁm as-SakhÁwÐ (AllÁh have mercy on him) narrates from the book History of alImÁm MuÎammad ibn ÑÁliÎ al-MadanÐ (AllÁh have mercy on him) that he said that he heard Majd al-MiÒrÐ (AllÁh have mercy on him) saying: Upon hearing the mentioning of the Prophet [í] in the adhÁn, whoever invokes blessings upon him [í], he joins together the index fingers and the thumbs and he kisses them, and then he wipes them upon his eyes, he shall never suffer from opthalmia. 15 D
8. Under the same reference as the last, it is reported that al-ImÁm MuÎammad ibn ÑÁliÎ al-MadanÐ (AllÁh have mercy on him) said: It has been reported by numerous scholars of Iraq that when one kisses his thumbs and wipes them over his eyes, he should recite the following:
Òall AllÁhu Ýalayka yÁ sayyidÐ ya rasÙl AllÁh, yÁ ÎabÐbi-qalbÐ, wa yÁ nÙra baÒarÐ, wa yÁ qurrata ÝaynÐ ’ 16 D
AllÁh-willing, his eyes shall never be sore - this is proven by experience. Thereafter, the respected ImÁm states that since the time he heard that, he would perform likewise, and his eyes had never been sore till that day, and nor will they ever be, AllÁh-willing! 17 D
9. al-Imam aÔ-ÓÁ’Ùs (AllÁh have mercy on him) reports that he heard the following ÎadÐth from ShamsuddÐn MuÎammad ibn AbÙ NaÒr al-BukhÁrÐ (AllÁh have mercy on him): Upon the hearing of the words of the shahÁdah 18 from the muadhdhin, whoever kisses the nail-plates of his two thumbs and wipes them over his eyes, and, whilst stroking [his eyes with them], he says: ‘AllÁhumma iÎfÁÛ Îadaqatayya wa nÙra-humÁ bi-barakati Îadaqatay MuÎammadin rasÙli ’LlÁhi wa nÙri-himÁ ’ 19 he shall never go blind. 20 D
10. You should know that it is commendable to say ‘Òall AllÁhu Ýalayka yÁ rasÙl AllÁh’ 21 upon hearing the first 22 shahÁdah. Upon hearing the second shahÁdah, [it is commendable to say]: ‘qurratu ÝaynÐ bi-ka yÁ rasÙl AllÁh ’. Then, and after placing the nail-plates of his thumbs upon his eyes, one should say: ‘AllÁhumma mattiÝ nÐ bi ’s-samÝi wa ’l-baÒar ’ 23 . The Prophet [í] will lead [the performer of this noble act] into Paradise.’ 24 D
Kissing the Thumbs, TaqbÐl al-IbhÁmayn wa Mas’Î al-ÝAynayn,
11. al-ImÁm ash-ShÁmÐ (AllÁh have mercy on him) states that it is likewise in the Kanz al-ÝIbÁd of al-QuhistÁnÐ, and similarly in the FatÁwÁ aÒ-ÑÙfiyyah and in KitÁb alFirdaws: Whoever kisses the nail-plates of his two thumbs when hearing: ‘ash’hadu anna MuÎammadan rasÙlu ’LlÁh’ in the adhÁn, [the Prophet, í, says:] ‘I shall be his guide and his admitter into the rows of Paradise.’ A complete discussion on this can be found in the commentary of al-BaÎr ar-RÁ’iq of ar-RamlÐ. 25 D
12. The eminent ÍanafÐ jurist al-ÝAllÁmah aÔ-ÓaÎÔÁwÐ (AllÁh have mercy on him) reports a ÎadÐth from AbÙ Bakr (AllÁh be pleased with him), as reported by ad-Daylami (AllÁh have mercy on him), and then states: and likewise has it been narrated from SayyidunÁ KhiÃr [ï] similar to it, and it is practiced upon in terms of supererogatory [actions]. 26 D
13. al-ÝAllÁmah al-ImÁm al-QuhistÁnÐ (AllÁh have mercy on him) reports from the Kanz al-ÝIbÁd: Know, that it is commendable [to say]: ‘Òall AllÁhu ‘alayka yÁ rasÙl AllÁh’ upon hearing the first shahÁdah, and upon hearing the second (to say): ‘qurratu ÝaynÐ bi-ka yÁ rasÙl AllÁh’. Thereafter, one should say: ‘AllÁhumma mattiÝnÐ bi ’s-samÝi wa ’l-baÒar’ after placing both the nail-plates of the thumbs upon the eyes. Thus, He (í) shall be a guide for him into Paradise. 27 D
The citations above are generally from eminent books within the ÍanafÐ school of thought and legal methodology. The same beliefs are held within other schools, of which some are mentioned in the following. 14. It is stated in the famous book in the ShÁfiÝÐ school of thought, IÝÁnat aÔ-ÓÁlibÐn, and also in the KifÁyat aÔ-Óalib ar-RabbÁnÐ, a famous book in the MÁlikÐ school of thought, that one should pronounce blessings upon the Messenger MuÎammad í whenever he hears his blessed name in the adhÁn, and: then kiss both his thumbs and place them both upon his eyes. [Consequently,] he shall never go blind and nor suffer from opthalmia. 28 D
15. al-ÝAllÁmah JamÁl ibn ÝAbdullÁh ibn ÝUmar al-MakkÐ (AllÁh have mercy on him) states: I was asked regarding the kissing of the thumbs and placing them upon the eyes when [the name of] the Prophet [í] is mentioned in the adhÁn ; is it permissible or not? I answered him with what is in the text:
Kissing the Thumbs, TaqbÐl al-IbhÁmayn wa Mas’Î al-ÝAynayn,
‘Yes. The kissing of the thumbs and placing them upon the eyes at the mentioning of the name of the Prophet (í) in the adhÁn is permitted – rather, it is admirable, which our scholars have expressed (as praiseworthy). 29 D
16. The exegete of the Holy Qur’Án, namely, al-ÝAllÁmah NuruddÐn al-KhurÁsÁnÐ (AllÁh have mercy on him) states that he would, upon hearing the mentioning of the name of the Prophet (í) in the adhÁn, kiss his thumbs [and wipe them over his eyes]. When he abandoned this noble act, his eyes became sore: “Then I saw him (í) in a dream and he (í) asked, “Why have you abandoned anointing your eyes during the adhÁn? If you wish your eyes to be cured [of the soreness], then return back to the [practice of] anointing.” I awoke and anointed [my eyes] and I was recovered, and their illness has not yet returned to me.” 30 D
17. Wahb ibn Munabbah (AllÁh be pleased with him) said that there was a man from the BanÙ IsrÁ’Ðl (Israelites) who had spent two hundred years in the disobedience of AllÁh Almighty. When he died, the people cast his body into a pit of rubbish. AllÁh Almighty inspired to [SayyidunÁ] MÙsÁ [ï] to have that body removed from there and offered funeral prayer over it. [SayyidunÁ] MÙsÁ [ï] replied: ‘O My Lord! The BanÙ IsrÁ’Ðl are witnesses to his waywardness.’ AllÁh Almighty replied: ‘That is true, except that whenever he would commence [recitation of] the TawrÁt and look upon the name ‘MuÎammad [í]’, he would kiss it and place it upon his yes, and he would invoke blessings upon him (í). I acknowledged that [action] for him, pardoned him of his sins and wedded him to seventy houris.’ 31 D
18. The Prince of Sages, MawlÁnÁ JalÁluddÐn ar-RÙmÐ (AllÁh have mercy on him) states: In the Gospel, the name of MuÒÔafÁ [í]is cited, He who is the leader of Prophets, pure and guided. For seeking reward, one group of Christians Whenever they would read this name dignified, Would kiss it and express reverence thereto, Show it love hold it in affection most high. Their saviour in all was the light of MuÎammad[í], The progeny of theirs was thus multiplied. Their was also a second group of Christians, Who did disregard this name glorified. Disgraceful the outcome of theirs was to be, Corrupted beliefs and bereft was their life. The name of MuÎammad is helpful to all, Imagine the power and aid of its light! 32 D
Kissing the Thumbs, TaqbÐl al-IbhÁmayn wa Mas’Î al-ÝAynayn,
19. al-ÝAllÁmah al-MullÁ’ ÝAlÐ al-QÁrÐ (AllÁh have mercy on him) says: I say that when the ÎadÐth is marfuÝ 33 to [SayyidunÁ AbÙ Bakr] aÒ-ÑiddÐq [î], it is enough to be practiced upon, according to the saying of the Prophet [í]: ‘My practice and the practice of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs is incumbent upon you.’ 34 D
20. Shaykh TaqÐ UthmÁnÐ also mentions this act in his ‘Discourses of Islamic Way of Life’ thus he states: Upon listening to the adhÁn in the masjid, you hear the words “ash’hadu anna MuÎammadan rasÙlu ’LlÁh” you suddenly feel a deep sense of love for the Messenger of AllÁh (í) and in this state of love and ecstasy you kiss your thumbs and place them on your eyes. This action, in of itself, cannot be considered sinful and nor bidÝah (innovation). The reason being is that you do this out of love for the Messenger of AllÁh (í), and love and respect for the Messenger of AllÁh (í) is a praiseworthy act and a sign of faith…. 35 D
Kissing the Thumbs, TaqbÐl al-IbhÁmayn wa Mas’Î al-ÝAynayn,
NOTES & REFERENCES 1 This is based upon the work originally authored by FaÃÐlat ash-Shaykh al-ÝAllÁmah al-MuftÐ MuÎammad ShafÐÝ al-KhaÔÐb al-OkarawÐ, AllÁh have mercy on him. 2 Kissing the Thumbs and Anointing the Eyes. 3 al-ImÁm ÝImÁduddÐn IsmÁÝÐl Ibn KathÐr (700 – 774 A.H.) AllÁh have mercy on him, Stories of the Prophets. 4 one that praises. 5 al-ÝAllÁmah IsmÁÝÐl al-ÍaqqÐ (1063 – 1137 A.H.), AllÁh have mercy on him, TafsÐr RÙÎ al-BayÁn, Volume 4, p. 649. 6 ‘I testify that MuÎammad (í) is the Messenger of AllÁh.’ 7 ‘You are the consolation of my eyes, O Messenger of AllÁh (í.)’ 8 al-ÝAllÁmah IsmaÁÝÐl al-ÍaqqÐ (1063 – 1137 A.H.), AllÁh have mercy on him, TafsÐr RÙÎ al-BayÁn 9 ibid, Volume 4, p.68 10 one who calls the adhÁn 11 ShamsuddÐn MuÎammad ibn. ÝAbdurraÎmÁn as-SakhÁwÐ (831 – 902 A.H.), AllÁh have mercy on him, al-MaqÁÒid al-Íasanah ; also reported by ad-DaylamÐ 12 Abu ’l-ÝAbbÁs AÎmad ibn AbÙ Bakr ar-RadÁd al-YamanÐ, AllÁh have mercy on him, MujÐbÁt arRaÎmah wa ÝAza’im al-Maghfirah 13 ShamsuddÐn MuÎammad ibn ÝAbdurraÎmÁn as-SakhÁwÐ (831 – 902 A.H.), AllÁh have mercy on him, al-MaqÁÒid al-Íasanah 14 ibid. 15 ibid. 16 ‘AllÁh shower blessings upon you, O my liege-Lord, O Messenger of AllÁh (í), O Beloved of my heart, O Luminance of my vision, O Coolness of my eye!’ 17 ShamsuddÐn MuÎammad ibn ÝAbdurraÎmÁn as-SakhÁwÐ (831 – 902 A.H.), AllÁh have mercy on him, al-MaqÁÒid al-Íasanah 18 Testimony of the belief in AllÁh Almighty and / or the belief in the Prophet MuÎammad í 19 ‘O AllÁh, preserve both my pupils and their light by the blessings of the pupils of MuÎammad (í), the Messenger of AllÁh (í), and their light.’ 20 ShamsuddÐn MuÎammad ibn ÝAbdurraÎmÁn as-SakhÁwÐ (831 – 902 A.H.), AllÁh have mercy on him, al-MaqÁÒid al-Íasanah 21 ‘AllÁh shower blessings upon you, O Messenger of AllÁh (í)’ 22 The testimony of belief in AllÁh Almighty is pronounced firstly twice, and then followed by the testimony of belief in His Messenger (í), also twice. Here, the first shahÁdah refers to the first of the two testimonies in the belief in the Messenger of AllÁh, MuÎammad (í) 23 ‘O AllÁh, equip me with hearing and seeing’ 24 ÝAbdurraÎmÁn b. AbÙ Bakr JalaluddÐn as-SuyÙÔÐ (849 – 911 A.H.), AllÁh have mercy on him, Shar’Î al-NiqÁyah 25 MuÎammad AmÐn Ibn ÝÀbidÐn ash-ShÁmÐ (1198 – 1252 A.H.), AllÁh have mercy on him, Radd alMukhtÁr, Shar’Î Durr al-MuÎtÁr, Volume 1, p.370 26 AÎmad ibn MuÎammad aÔ-ÓaÎÔÁwÐ (d. 1231 A.H.), AllÁh have mercy on him, aÔ-ÓaÎÔÁwÐ ÝalÁ MarÁqi ’l-FalÁÎ 27 al-ÝAllÁmah al-ImÁm al-QuhistÁnÐ (d. 962 A.H.), AllÁh have mercy on him, ash-SharÎ al-KabÐr 28 as-Sayyid al-Bakri, AllÁh have mercy on him, Íashiyat IÝÁnat aÔ-ÓÁlibÐn ÝalÁ Íalli AlfÁÛ Fat’Î alMaÝÐn (1300 A.H.); ÝAlÐ ibn NÁÒiruddÐn al-ManÙfÐ (d. 939 A.H.), AllÁh have mercy on him, KifÁyat aÔÓÁlib ar-RabbÁnÐ li-RisÁlat Ibn AbÐ Zayd al-QayrawÁnÐ 29 al-ÝAllÁmah JamÁl ibn ÝAbdullÁh ibn ÝUmar al-MakkÐ, AllÁh have mercy on him, MunÐr al-ÝAyn fÐ Íukmi TaqbÐl al-IbhÁmayn, p.14 30 al-ÝAllÁmah NÙruddÐn al-KhurÁsÁnÐ , AllÁh have mercy on him, Nahj as-SalÁmah fÐ TaqbÐl alIbhÁmayn Ði ’l-IqÁmah 31 al-ImÁm al-ÍÁfiÛ AbÙ NaÝÐm al-IsfÁhÁnÐ (336 -439 A.H.), AllÁh have mercy on him, Íilyat alAwliyÁ’ ; ÝAlÐ ibn IbrÁhÐm al-ÍalabÐ ash-ShÁfiÝÐ ( 974 -1044 A.H. ), AllÁh have mercy on him, InsÁn alÝUyÙn fÐ SÐrat al-AmÐn wa’l-Ma’mÙn a.k.a. as-SÐrat al-Íalabiyyah 32 MawlÁnÁ JalÁluddÐn MuÎammad ar-RÙmÐ (603 – 671 A.H.), AllÁh have mercy on him, MathnawÐ, couplets translated from the Persian poetry 33 attributed to him. 34 al-ÝAllÁmah al-MullÁ’ ÝAlÐ ibn ÑulÔÁn MuÎammad al-QÁrÐ (d. 1014 A.H.), AllÁh have mercy on him, MawÃÙÝÁt KabÐr, p.64 35 Shaykh TaqÐ UthmÁnÐ (b. 1362 A.H.), IslÁÎÐ KhuÔbÁt (Urdu), 1/231