G.R. No. L-28946
Forms of Wills
January 16, 1929
In re estate of Piraso, deceased. SIXTO ACOP, petitioner-appellant, petitioner-appellant,
v. SALMING PIRASO, ET AL., opponents-appellees. FACTS:
!is appeal "as ta#en from from t!e $u%&ment of t!e 'ourt of First First (nstan)e of *en&uet, %enyin& t!e pro+ate of t!e last "ill an% testament of t!e %e)ease% iraso. !e "ill "as "ritten "ritten in n&lis! "!i)! t!e suppose% testator iraso %i% not #no" t!us t!e proponent-appellant )onten%s t!at t!e "ill is not ali% for it "as not "ritten in a %iale)t un%erstoo% +y t!e testator. testator. !e proponent-appellant proponent-appellant furt!er )onten%s t!at t!e "ill "ill s!oul% !ae +een in t!e (lo)ano %iale)t, t!e %iale)t t!at is #no"n to t!e testator. !e proponent-appellant assi&ns t!e follo"in& follo"in& as alle&e% errors errors of t!e lo"er )ourt/ 1. (n !ol%in& !ol%in& t!at in or%er or%er to +e ali% ali% t!e "ill in in 0uestion 0uestion s!oul% !ae +een %ra"n up in t!e (lo)ano %iale)t. 2. (n not !ol%in& !ol%in& t!at t!e testator testator iraso iraso %i% %i% not #no" t!e (lo)ano (lo)ano %iale)t "ell enou&! to un%erstan% a "ill %ra"n up in sai% %iale)t. . (n refusin& refusin& to a%mit a%mit t!e "ill "ill in 0uestion 0uestion to pro+ate pro+ate.. !e fun%amental errors errors assi&ne% refer )!iey )!iey to t!e part of t!e $u%&ment "!i)! rea%s rea%s as follo"s/ 3The evidence shows that Piraso knew how to speak the Ilocano dialect, although imperfectly, imperfectly, and could make himself understood in that dialect, and the court is of the opinion that his will should have been written in that dialect. dialect.
W!et!er or not t!e "ill !erein is ali%.
N5. !e fa)t t!at t!e "ill "as "ritten in n&lis! "!i)! t!e suppose% testator iraso %i% not #no", is su)ient to inali%ate sai% "ill a))or%in& to t!e )lear an% positie proisions of t!e la", an% ineita+ly preents its pro+ate. 7e)tion 628 of t!e 'o%e of 'iil ro)e%ure, ro)e%ure, stri)tly proi%es t!at/ "No will, except as provides in the preceding section" as to wills executed by a !paniard or a resident of the Philippine Islands, before the present ode of ivil Procedure went into e#ect$, "shall be valid to pass any estate, real or personal, nor a&e " of #
G.R. No. L-28946
Forms of Wills
January 16, 1929
charge or a#ect the same, unless it be written in the language or dialect known by the testator," etc. oreoer, t!e presumption in faour of t!e "ill esta+lis!e% +y t!is )ourt in +an&an s. +an&an :4; !il., 4<6=, to t!e e>e)t t!at t!e testator is presume% to #no" t!e %iale)t of t!e lo)ality "!ere !e resi%es, unless t!ere is proof to t!e )ontrary, )annot +e applie% in t!is )ase +e)ause, in t!e instant )ase, not only is it not proen t!at n&lis! is t!e lan&ua&e of t!e 'ity of *a&uio "!ere t!e %e)ease% iraso lie% an% "!ere t!e "ill "as %ra"n, +ut t!at t!e re)or% )ontains positie proof t!at sai% iraso #ne" no ot!er lan&ua&e t!an t!e (&orot %iale)t, "it! a smatterin& of (lo)ano.
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