Executive Summary
Introduction to the topic
Introduction of organization
Literature Review
Research Methodoogy
!ata "naysis # Interpretation
Recommendation # Suggestion
"s in case case of any any other other functio functiona na area area i&e i&e mar&et mar&eting ing'' product production ion or fina finance nce'' the wor& wor& personne department has aso to be panned( )anning in the personne area a rea is mainy concerned with crystaizing from where the right type of peope can be secured for future anticipated vacancies(
Manpower panning is the process by which management determines how the organization shoud move from its current manpower position to its desired manpower position( *hrough panning' management strives to have the right number and the right &inds of peope' pe ope' at the right paces' at the right time' doing things' which resut in the growth and success of both+ the organi organizat zation ion and the individu individua( a( *he manpowe manpowerr panni panning ng is one of the basic steps steps in the recruitment and seection procedure(
Recruitmen Recruitmentt and Seection Seection is is the the process process wherein wherein the organizati organization on finds finds the the best best candidate candidate among the vast array of candidates( *he function that ocates the sources where from the re,uired human resources can be avaiabe and to attract them towards the organization is &nown as recruitment.
Seection Seection can be defined defined as the process process wherein wherein the the organizat organization ion has to to seect seect a sma sma ot of peope who are usefu to the organization in terms of their capabiities and their ,uaifications( *he main aim of organization at this stage is to have a we+e,uipped manpower efficient enough to hande a the tas&s gracefuy(
*his *his projec projectt entit entited ed "Recruitment "Recruitment and Selection Selection in Vodafone” odafone” aims at studying the recruitment and seection procedure underta&en at this ever growing organization( *he project gives a brief idea as to how the whoe process wor&s( Every organization has different poicies' at times uni,ue and it is very rare that the poicy of one organization matches to the poicies of another organization(
It is true that the the success of any organization depends upon the od dictum: right person for the right job. "t the same time it is a the more important to have right and tested combination
of recruitment and seection poicies to attract' seect and appoint a desired ot and repenish it from time to time(
RECRUITMENT Recruitment and seection are the most important functions in an organization because with the hep of these functions the management seects the best avaiabe candidate from a batch of them( *he organizations' in this growing competitive word' need to have the best of the manpower so as to have an edge over its competitive(
"ccording to -ippo' "Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization."
In the words of .oder'” Recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measured for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force."
*he recruitment needs can be cassified into+
)anned need arise from changes in the organization and retirement poicy( *hese occur due the expected changes in the organization so the management can ma&e a proper poicy for it(
"nticipated need refer to the movements in personne which an organization can predict by studying the trends in the interna and externa environments(
Resignations' deaths' accidents and iness resut in to the unexpected needs(
Recruitment is a process or a series of activities rather than a singe event(
It is a in&ing activity as it brings together the empoyers and empoyees(
It is positive process because in this activity the empoyers want to have the maximum number of job see&ers so as to have a wider scope for choice utimatey eading in spotting right persons for job(
It is an important function as it ma&es it possibe to ac,uire the number and type of persons re,uired for the effective functioning of the organization(
It is an on going function in a the organizations' but the voume and nature of recruitment varies with the size' nature and environment of the organization(
It is a compex process because a number of
factors affect it ++the nature of the
job offered' image of the organization' organizationa poicies' wor&ing conditions etc(
*he various sources of recruitment are +
Internal Sources 0 Incude+
)resent Empoyees who can be transferred or given promotions(
*he retired and retrenched empoyees who want to return to the company(
!ependents and reatives of the deceased and disabed empoyees(
External Sources 0 $onsist of+
)ress advertisements(
$ampus Interviews(
)acement "gencies(
Recruitment at factory gate(
Empoyment Exchanges(
!uring my short stint at 1odafone' it was observed that the recruitment need of 1odafone is diversified( It needs persons who have &nowedge of use' processing of natura ingredients of number of varied products' technica &now+how of atest industria technica &nowedge' and computer appications to pharmaceutica industry to manua wor&ers( *he importance of the process coud be understood that the present wor& force of 1odafone is 2'344 empoyees( 5ence' the recruitment and seection procedure shoud match the compexities of the need and at the same shoud commensurate with the compex need of the organiza
SELECTION Seection is the process of choosing the best candidate out of the a the appicants( In this process' reevant information about the appicants is coected through a series of steps so as to evauate their suitabiity for the job to be fied(
It is the process of matching the ,uaifications with those re,uired for the job so that the candidate can be entrusted with the tas& that matches with his credibiity( It is a process of weeding out unsuitabe candidates and finay identifying the most suitabe candidates(
*his process divides the candidates into two categories+the suitabe ones and the unsuitabe ones( *he suitabe peope prove to be the asset for the organization( Seection is a negative process because in this process the management tries to minimize the number of peope at each step so that the fina decision can be in the ight of a the factors and at the end of it best candidate is seected( Seected candidate the has to pass through the foowing stages+
)reiminary Interview(
"ppication -orm(
Seection *est(
Seection Interview(
)hysica Examination(
Reference $hec&(
-ina "pprova(
Preliminary nterview is the initia screening done to weed out the undesirabe candidates( *his is
mainy a sorting process in which the prospective candidates are given the necessary information about the nature of the job and the organization( 6ecessary information about the candidate is aso ta&en( If the candidate is found suitabe then he is seected for further screening ese he is dropped( *his stage saves the time and effort of both the company and the candidate( It avoids
unnecessary waiting for the candidate and waste of money for further processing of an unsuitabe candidate(
!pplication orm is a traditiona and widey used device for coecting information from
candidates( *his form as&s the candidates to fi up the necessary information regarding their basic information i&e name' address' references' date of birth' marita status' educationa ,uaifications' experience' saary structure in previous organization and other such information( *his form is of great hep because the scrutiny of this form heps to weed out candidate who are ac&ing in education' experience or any other criterion provided by the organization( It aso heps in formuation of ,uestions' which wi be as&ed in the interview( *hese forms can aso be stored for future references thus maintaining a databan& of the appicants( #election $ests are being increasingy used in empoyee seection( *ests are sampe of some
aspect of an individua7s attitudes' behavior and performance( It aso provides a systematic basis for comparing two or more persons( *he tests hep to reduce bias in seection by serving as a suppementary screening device( *hese are aso hepfu in better matching of candidate and the job( *hese revea the ,uaifications' which remain covered in appication form and interview(
#election nterview invoves the interaction of the empoyer and the empoyee(
invoves a persona' observationa and face+to+face appraisa of candidates for empoyment( It is an essentia eement of the seection procedure( *he information obtained through appication form and test can be crosschec&ed in the interview(
*he appicants who have crossed the above stages have to go through Physical %&amination either by the company7s physician or the medica officer approved for the purpose( *he main aim is to ensure that the candidate is physicay fit to perform the job( *hose who are found physicay unfit are rejected(
*he next stage mar&s of checking the references( *he appicant is as&ed to mention in his appication form the names and addresses of two or three person who &now him we( *he organization contacts them by mai or teephone( *hey are re,uested to provide their fran& opinion about the candidate without incurring any
iabiity( *he opinion of the references can be usefu in judging the future behavior and performance of a candidate(
*he executives of the concerned departments then finally approve the candidates short+isted by the human resource department( Empoyment is offered in the form of an appointment etter mentioning the post' the ran&' the saary grade' the date by which the candidate shoud join and other terms and conditions in brief( "ppointment is generay made on a probation of one or two years( "fter satisfactory performance during this period the candidate is finay confirmed in the job on permanent basis or reguarized(
Seection is an important function as no organization can achieve its goas without seecting right persons for the re,uired job( -auty seection eads to wastage of time and money and spois the environment of an organization( Scientific seection and pacement of personne can go a ong way in buiding up a stabe wor&force( It heps to reduce absenteeism and abour turnover( )roper seection is hepfu in increasing the efficiency and productivity of the enterprise(
1odafone over the years "s 1odafone was formed in 89:; as a subsidiary of Raca Eectronics )c( *hen &nown Raca *eecom Limited' approximatey 24< of the company7s capita was offered to the pubic in October 89::( It was fuy demerged from Raca Eectronics )c and became an independent company in September 8998' at which time it changed its name to 1odafone =roup )c( -oowing its merger with "ir *ouch $ommunications' Inc( >?"ir *ouch@A' we changed our name to 1odafone "ir *ouch )c on 29 Bune 8999 and' foowing approva by the sharehoders in =enera Meeting' reverted to our former name' 1odafone =roup )c' on 2: Buy 2444( Cey miestones in the deveopment of 1odafone can be found in the foowing sections' organized by year0 "##$
1odafone agrees to ac,uire *ee2 Itaia Sp" and *ee2 *eecommunication Services SL/ from *ee2 "% =roup( >OctoberA 1odafone announces competion of the ac,uisition of 5utch Essar from 5utchison *eecommunications Internationa Limited( >MayA
Safaricom' 1odafone@s partner in Cenya announces the aunch of M+)ES"' an innovative new mobie payment soution that enabes customers to compete simpe financia transactions by mobie phone( >-ebruaryA 1odafone agrees to buy a controing interest in 5utchison Essar Limited' a eading operator in the fast growing Indian mobie mar&et' >-ebruaryA 1odafone announces agreements with both Microsoft and .ahooD to bring seamess Instant Messaging >IMA services to the mobie which can be accessed from both the )$ and mobie handsets( >-ebruaryA 1odafone signs a series of ground+brea&ing agreements which wi ead to the mobiizing of the internet( .ou *ube agrees to offer 1odafone customers speciay rendered .ou *ube pages on their mobie phones( ith =ooge' 1odafone announces its intention to deveop a ocation+based version of =ooge Maps for( ith e%ay' 1odafone announces it is to offer the new e%ay mobie service to customers' ith MySpace(com 1odafone announces an excusive partnership to offer 1odafone customers a My Space experience via their mobie phones( >-ebruaryA( 1odafone reaches 244 miion customers >BanuaryA "##%
Sae of 23< sta&e in Switzerand7s Swiss $OM >!ecemberA Sae of 23< sta&e in %egium7s )roximus( >"ugustA *he number of 1odafone ivesD $ustomers with F= reached 84 miion in March 244G( e ac,uired *esim Mobi *ee&omuni&asyon 5osteter >*ur&eyA in May 244G( Launch of mobie *1 capabiity and 1odafone Radio !B' which offers a personaized' interactive radio service streamed to F= phones and )$s( F= broadband through 5S!)" aunched offering faster than F= speeds( Bapan business sod to Softban&(
?Ma&e the most of now@ goba mar&eting campaign aunched( Sir Bohn %ond succeeds Lord MacLaurin as $hairman( "##&
e competed the ac,uisition of Mobi-on S("( >RomaniaA and Oscar Mobie a(c( >$zech RepubicA >MayA( Launch of 1odafone Simpy' a new easy+to+use service for customers who want to use voice and text services with minimum compexity >MayA( Introduction of 1odafone )assport' a voice roaming price pan that provides customers with greater price carity when using mobie voice services abroad >MayA( "##'
e aunched our first F= service in Europe with 1odafone Mobie $onnect F=H=)RS data card( e have 8; )artner 6etwor&s with new agreements in $yprus' 5ong Cong and Luxembourg( 1odafone iveD with F= aunched in 8F mar&ets >6ovemberA( "##(
"t the =SM "ssociation "wards $eremony in $annes' -rance' we won the mobie industry7s most prestigious awards in two categories' %est $onsumer ireess "ppication or Service and %est *eevision or %roadcast $ommercia for its goba consumer service' 1odafone iveD Our premium handset for 1odafone iveD' the Sharp =84' won the %est ireess 5andset "ward for the Sharp $orporation( 1odafone iveD attracts 8 miion customers in its first six months( 1erizon ireess and 1odafone co+operate on aptop e+mai' internet and corporate appications access for the /S and Europe( "rums Sarin succeeds Sir $hristopher =ent as $hief Executive(
e tria our goba mobie payment system in the /C' Itay and =ermany( *he tria enabes customers to purchase physica and digita goods using their mobie phone( e aunch the first commercia European =)RS roaming service( $ustomers are abe to seamessy access services such as corporate e+mai' intranet and personaized information on their mobie phones' aptops or )!"s over =)RS( *he 1odafone =roup -oundation is aunched' with pans to contribute J24 miion to community programmers' guided by the =roup Socia Investment )oicy( In October' we announce the aunch of 1odafone iveD' a new consumer proposition' and Mobie Office' a new business proposition( In 6ovember' 1odafone Remote "ccess is aunched as part of Mobie Office( *he service gives business customers an easy way to connect to their corporate L"6 to access e+mai' caendar and other business specific appications whist on the move( "##)
e ac,uire Ireand7s eading mobie communications company' Eirce( 1odafone and $hina Mobie >5ong CongA td >$5MCA sign a 7strategic aiance agreement7( *he =roup competes the ac,uisition of a 23< sta&e in Swisscom Mobie( e introduce instant messaging to our networ&s' a faster and more efficient way to communicate using text messages via SMS or ")( -irst goba communications campaign aunched in "ugust( *he campaign features *1' cinema' print' onine and outdoor media' each version as&ing the ,uestion' 75ow are youK7( -irst 1odafone )artner "greement with *!$ Mobi "HS' !enmar&7s eading mobie operator( *he agreement is the first of its &ind in the mobie industry and means 1odafone and *!$ Mobi wi cooperate in deveoping' mar&eting and advertising internationa roaming products and services to internationa traveers and corporate customers( e ma&e the word7s first F= roaming ca >between Spain and BapanA(
On ; -ebruary' terms are agreed with the Supervisory %oard of Mannesmann by which Mannesmann woud become a part of the 1odafone community( *he transaction amost doubes the size of the 1odafone =roup( *he agreement to ac,uire Mannesmann "= receives European $ommission cearance on 82 "pri 2444( 1erizon ireess is aunched in May' the combination of 1odafone "ir*ouch7s and %e "tantic7s /S ceuar' )$S and paging assets( 1odafone Essar is a ceuar operator in India that covers8G teecom circes in India (the name of the company 'the mar&eting brand used is simpy 1odafone (its offers both prepaid postpaid =SM ceuar phone coverage through out India and is especiay strong in the metros( 1odafone Essar provides 2= services based on 944Mhz and 8:44Mhz digita =SM technoogy 'offering voices and data services in 8G of the countries 2F icense (the company is often praised for its aware winning advertisement which a foow a cean 'minimaist oo& (Sep 89 2441odafone the word eading internationa mobie communication company has fuy arrived in India (1odafone Essar announced today that the 1odafone brand wi be aunched in India from 28st sep onward (*he popuar and endearing brand '5utch wi be transitioned to 1odafone across India (this mar&ed a significant chapter in the evoution of 1odafone as a dynamic and ever growing brand (1odafone the word eading mobie te Essar in may 244 #company was formay renamed 1odafone Essar in Buy 244 ("sim =hosh ' Managing !irector of 1odafone( 1odafone group ?s communication company competed the ac,uisition of 5utch "run Sarin is visiting in India even as the %ritish operator bid for a majority sta&e in India mobie services operator 5utchison Essar has run into tough competition 1odafone Essar is owned by 1odafone G
In !ecember 244G 5utch Essar re aunched the 5utchP brand nation wide 'consoidating its services under a singe identity (the companioned into agreement with 6** !o $o Mo to aunch i+mode mobie internet service in India during 244 (the company used to be named 5utchison Essar 'refecting the of its previous owner '5utchison (the brand was mar&eted as 5utch (after getting the necessary government approvas with regard to the ac,uisition of a majority by the 1odafone group (*he company was rebranded as 1odafone Essar( 1odafone have both )repaid# )ostpaid #have a83(FG miion subscribers and 8(4;< mar&et( share in India and operator 8G circe
S*OT ANALYSIS 1odafone is one of the eading $ompanies in the word( %ut Li&e any other sector' 1odafone aso has its Strengths' ea&nesses' *hreats and Opportunities which have been identified as beow0
).) Stren+t,s
I( II( III( I1( 1( 1I( 1II( 1III( I( ( I(
Strong internationa )resence and %rand recognition( Ony Indian operator' with 1S6L' that has an internationa submarine cabe Strong advertising with QooQoo concept e defined cost reduction initiatives' managed )urchasing' outsourcing *he brand name it has in the Indian mar&et *he &ind of subscriber base it has in the Indian mar&et It has the 2nd highest mar&et share in India>source 0 i&ipediaA It has a 2nd highest subscriber base in India 8st being "irte Its strong advertising strategies and impact on peope Its India@s Frd biggest mobie carrier>source0 %usiness standardA Exceent 6etwor& $overage
)." *ea-nesses
I( II( III( I1( 1( 1I(
/ncertainty in revenue growth in the 5S!)" networ& based on historicay sow consumer mar&et ta&e+up of F= data services Low R#! /bi,uitiouegory' products' services 5igh customer churn >FF(FF
).( Oortun/t/es
I( II( III( I1( 1( 1I( 1II( 1III( I(
Emerging mar&ets and expansion abroad Innovation Latest and ow cost technoogy )roduct and services expansion =rowing data business and F= auctioning 1"S as a means to increase "R)/ >big boss' Qoo Q44A =rowing Enterprise soution mar&et >84(2< in 2449 anticipatedA Large capita can be raised by isting 1odafone on Indian Stoc& Exchange>I)OA *ower sharing business with Indus *owers
).' T,reats
I( II( III( I1( 1( 1I( 1II(
6ew entrant7s ow price offering Mobie 6umber )ortabiity 5ighy competitive mar&et Sti ags behind major competitors in /S" Extremey high penetration rates in &ey European mar&ets Reguatory intervention on tariffs creates pressure on revenues )oor $onnect with Rura "reas
S5OR*LIS*I6= $"6!I!"*ES
-IL *ERI6= $"6!I!"*ES
E1" L/"*I6= SELE$*I6=
" Recruitment anaysis is conducted depending on the job profie( " we+ designed and comprehensive recruitment anaysis is invauabe to an organization@s we being( Recruitment anaysis basicay ensures the avaiabiity of the right resources in the right pace to match the future organizationa needs( Recruitment anaysis can be defined as the process of ensuring the right number of ,uaified peope' into the right job at the 19
right time to deiver the resuts in an efficient and effective manner( Recruitment is the process of searching for and attracting ,uaified candidates to appy for the positions that are avaiabe( hether your company is heaviy recruiting or in the midst of a hiring freeze' you shoud aways have a recruiting pan( )ans wi vary based on hiring voume and type of position' but you shoud articuate a standard strategy of how you recruit and fi positions( " we+defined recruiting strategy wi hep ensure that the right empoyees are in pace when needed(
*he objectives are0 8( *o maintain the re,uired ,uantity and ,uaity of human resources re,uired( 2( *o forecast the turnoverHattrition rates( F( *o pan to meet organizationa human resource needs at the time of expansion or diversification( ;( *o ma&e contingent pans to hande sudden re,uirements and situations of shortfa(
*here various methods of recruiting are given beow0
). INTERNAL SOURCES: Many organizations try and identify empoyees from within the
organization to be groomed to ta&e on higher responsibiities( Interna recruiting is beneficia' as wor&ers &now the firm cuture managers aready &now the wor&ers and the interna advancement can motivate the empoyees( In today@s technoogicay advanced word many organizations depend on their 5RIS( Some of the interna sources are0 a( 1o2 !ost/n+s: Openings are pubished on buetin boards >eectronic or hard copyA or in ists avaiabe to a empoyees( Interested empoyees must repy within a specified number of days and they may or may not have to obtain the consent of their immediate supervisors( *his is the process used by managers to provide information about job openings to empoyees( b( E3lo4ee Re5errals: Empoyees wor&ing with an organization recommend their friends or ac,uaintances for vacant positions in the organization( *his source is usuay one of the most effective and reiabe methods of recruiting 20
because many ,uaified peope especiay for the ower and midde management are reached at a very ow cost to the company( c( Contract Mana+e3ent: *emporary wor&er poos are created to meet out the unexpected demand of the human resource in the organization( d( !re6/ous E3lo4ees: Organizations can recruit their previous empoyees as they can prove to be reiabe as they aready &now about the organization poicies and procedures and need not to be trained and easiy adjust to the environment(
". EXTERNAL SOURCES: *o meet demands for taent brought about by business growth to
see& fresh ideas or to repace empoyees who eave organizations periodicay turn to the outside abor mar&et( Managers oo& outside the firm for peope who have not wor&ed at the firm before( *he foowing methods are adopted to recruit peope form outside0
a( !ress A76ert/se3ents: "dvertisements are paced in both newspapers and trade journas and three factors infuence the choice of this media+cost' profie of the readership and circuation( Some factors affecting the design of advertising are0
*he image of the organization(
*he nature of the job(
*he chosen media(
*he prediction of the target mar&et(
b( *al-8INS: In a wa&+in no prior appointment is there' the appicant approaches the organization directy( It is the most common and east expensive approach as in this the job see&ers submit unsoicited appication etters or resumes and from empoyees point of view' wa&+ins are preferabe as they are free from the hasses associated with other methods of recruitment( !irect appications are particuary effective in fiing entry+eve and uns&ied vacancies' some organizations compie poos of potentia empoyees from direct appications for s&ied positions(
c( E3lo43ent A+enc/es: Empoyment agencies now provide occupations for amost a eves in an organization( *hey are broady cassified into pubic or state agencies' private agencies and headhunters( d( 1o2 S/tes: 1arious job sites i&e 6au&ri(com'*imes jobs(com'Monster(com etc come in very handy in finding candidates with the desired s&is( e( 1o2 5a/rs + Bob fairs typicay wor& best for entry+eve candidates' but events targeting diversity andHor speciaty careers' e(g( engineers' can be found( f( Cororate *e2 s/te + hen job see&ers are interested in a company they wi go directy to that company7s eb site to conduct research andHor oo& for avaiabe jobs( Ma&e sure your eb site7s job section ma&es it easy to find and appy for jobs(
Short isting is the transition phase between recruitment and seection( It is the stage where the tota number of appicants is reduced to seect the group the empoyer wishes to carry on to the seection phase( Short isting may comprise of severa stages depending on the number of appication received' the compexity of the job re,uirements and sophistication of the seection process used by the organization( Short isting comprises of0
). NO*LEDE OF MATC9IN CV;s: -irst of a the candidates are short isted on the
basis of matching the $1@s( *he $1@s or curricuum vitae are universay used and their form is standardized( *ypicay a $1 comprises of0
Evidence of S&is' "biities and "chievements
Empoyment 5istory
". MET9ODS OF S9ORT LISTIN: *he most common way to reduce the number of
appications by short+isting them by categorizing them to various departments first( *hen as&ing the department heads to shortist the appropriate candidates accordingy(
Short isting must be carried out independenty by at east two peope and ideay' as many of
the interview pane as possibe(
"ny member of staff' who may prejudice the outcome' shoud be excuded from short isting(
Short isting shoud aways be carried out using the person specification so that appications
can be measured and assessed against criteria and be made on the basis of fact and not assumptions(
*he use of short+isting form is recommended( *he short+isting pane to record individua
assessment of each candidate and provide feedbac& can use short+isting form(
Short+isting form must be used at the interview stage( Short+isting decisions must be based
ony on the information contained in the appication form and any other supporting information suppied by the candidate( Irreevant information in the appication form shoud be disregarded(
*he attributes in the person specification must be consistenty appied to a candidates
irrespective of their gender' ethnic origin' age' socio+economic bac&ground' disabiity' reigious or poitica beiefs' famiy circumstances' sexua orientation or other irreevant factors(
Some information can ony be determined at interview stage or as group exercises'
presentation' tests' etc(
"fter individua assessment of each appication' decision of whom to short ist must be ta&en(
Once a short ist has been drawn up' candidates shoud be invited for interview( In the short isting of candidates the foowing things shoud be &ept in mind0 o
Evidence of s&is' abiities and achievements that match the criteria that have been specified as essentia for the job as cosey as possibe(
$onsistency of empoyment >oo& for unexpained gapsA(
uaifications compatibe with the dates given(
Evidence of career deveopment( 23
Evidence of industry &nowedge(
)revious empoyer(
-itering techni,ues are used to reduce the number of appicants and aso gather reevant information needed before conducting the interview( -itering techni,ues invove different methods' such as0
Cnowedge %ased -itering
S&i %ased -itering
"ttitudinaH%ehaviora -itering
number of appications is more i&e in $ampus recruitment( *he evauation is done based on candidate@s academic ,uaification' percentage of mar&s scored and experience eve or through simpe written tests(
using simuation exercises are varied( !ifferent types of simuation exercise incude0
In=tra4s: In+trays or in+bas&ets invove wor&ing from the contents of a
manager@s in+tray' which typicay consist of etters' memos and bac&ground information( .ou may be as&ed to dea with paperwor& and ma&e decisions' baancing the voume of wor& against a tight schedue(
Test o5 ro7uct/6e t,/n-/n+: *he tests oo& at the voume' diversity
and originaity of your ideas( .ou are presented with open+ended ,uestions reating to various probems and situations and are as&ed to generate responses within a time imit(
rou exerc/ses: =roup exercises are timed discussions' where a
group of participants wor& together to tac&e a wor&+reated probem( Sometimes you are given a particuar roe within a team' for exampe the saes manager or personne manager( *here woud be assessors' who are not oo&ing for right or wrong answers' but for how you interact with your coeagues within the team(
!resentat/on: !resentat/on: .ou may be as&ed to ma&e a forma presentation to a
number of assessors either on a topic given in advance or in some cases to interpret and anayze given information and present a case to support a decision(
Fact=F/n7/n+ Exerc/ses: In a fact+finding exercise' you may be as&ed
to reach a destination starting from ony a partia &nowedge( .our tas& is to decide what additiona information you need to ma&e the decision and sometimes aso to ,uestion the assessor to obtain this information(
Role=!la4s: In a roe+pay' you are given a particuar roe to assume for
a certain tas&( *he tas& wi invove deaing with a roe payer in a certain way and there wi be an assessor watching the roe+pay(
Soc/al Soc/al E6ents: E6ents: -rom the moment you report to reception unti you
eave' participant wi be under scrutiny as part of the seection procedure T so the way he behav behaves es at a a time timess is impor importa tant nt(( 5e wi wi be expec expecte ted d to cope cope with with gener genera a sociaizing amongst other candidates as we as with the management and wi be observed at mea times( *his gives an opportunity to find out as much informay about the organization as he can(
"biity tests attempt to measure measure awareness' awareness' &nowedge A2/l/t4 Tests: Tests: "biity and other such aspects( *hey aso measure simpe s&is i&e probem soving( Each test is presented under exam conditions with a strict time imit( Empoyers use aptitude test either as a sma part of the interviewing process or to determine whom they wi interv interview iew i(e( i(e( those those who achiev achievee a certai certain n mar&( mar&( *ests ests are of differ different ent types types i&e i&e Language /sage' Speing' 6umerica "biity' "biity' Reasoning' etc(
invoves )sychometric )sychometric ATTITUDINAL>
*esting( It heps in &nowing how empoyees fit into an organization@s cuture( Organizationa psychoogy shoud not be confused with cinica psychoogy( )sychoogica assessment aims to assist organizations with their human resource issues( "ssessing "ssessing candidate@s aptitude and persona
stye heps organizations ma&e effective seection decisions( )sychometric testing is mainy of two types0 o
)rojective T E(g( *"*' Rorschach' etc(
Inventory %ased T E(g( M%*I' -IRO' etc(
"n interview is a procedure designed to obtain information from a person@s ora responses to ora en,uiries( Interview is by far the most widey used personne seection procedure( *he interview is the foca point of the recruiting process( )art of the seection process' usuay the fina portion of an examination' for the purpose of evauating education' experience' and persona ,uaifications of the candidates' candidates' aso &nown as ora interview interview(( It is a meeting between an eigibe eigibe and an appointing appointing power in order to discuss appointment to a specific vacancy( vacancy( "n interview is a conversation between two or more peope where ,uestions are as&ed to obtain information from the interviewee( Interviews can be divided into two rough types' interviews of assessment and interviews for information(
*he most common type of interview for assessment is a job interview between an empoyer and an appicant( *he goa of such an interview is to assess a potentia empoyee to see if heHshe has the socia s&is and inteigence suitabe for the wor&pace( Simiar interviews are aso used for admissions to schoos' aotment of grants' and other areas( In most deveoped countries' rues and reguations govern what can be as&ed in these interviews( 5ighy persona ,uestions and those unreated to the job at hand are forbidden' as are ,uestions which invite discrimination >Udo you pan to start a famiyKUA( 5owever some interviewers tend to as& such ,uestions in order to see how the interviewee reacts and if >sA he is abe to eeganty 27
avert the ,uestion( Such interviews can be brief fifteen+minute affairs or they can stretch for many hours even over a series of days( "nother important type of interview is the psychoogica one that can be divided into three forms0 structured' semi+structured and non+structured(
*hese interviews are used by journaists' aw enforcement' and private investigators( " recent technoogica trend in journaism interviewing has been the rise of e+mai interviews( *hese interviews differ from traditiona teephone and face+to+face interviews in that interviewees can have more time to formuate a written response( " good interview resuts from
)roper preparation(
Identifyin Identifying g the candidate@ candidate@ss abiities abiities before discussin discussing g
the position(
"s&ing a series of open T ended ,uestions(
Evauating interviewing resuts(
=ood interview interview ,uestions ,uestions start with job description description >anaysisA(*he >anaysisA(*he job descripti description on incudes incudes tas&s' responsibiities and re,uirements( *hose who currenty perform the job shoud create it( *his wi reduce the inaccuracies and increase the interviewer@s awareness of the actua job duties( It shoud further0
successfu performance in the job and then
!ete !eterrmine mine
com compet petenci encies es
need needed ed
ran& them respectivey( respectivey( )rep )repar aree ,ues ,uesti tion onss hat hat meas measur uree each each defi define ned d
Estabish an evauation method for the resuts(
T9E !RE 8 INTERVIE* !RE!ARATORY !9ASE: *he pre T interview phase incudes few
things to be done for ensuring effectiveness of the tota operation so as to avoid any mista&es' which adversey affects the whoe interview process( It states0
/se the data of job anaysis to determine the re,uirements for effective performance of the job and the criteria by which these
may be identified and assessed( *hese data provide the foundation for the whoe seection process( !etermine acceptabe entry eves for
new staff vis + a vis the job re,uirements for fuy effective performance(
/se other tests and information to suppement the evidence provided by the interview( "ny other seection methods used need to be vaidated' i(e( shown to improve the predictive ,uaity of the process(
!ecide the pane of interviewers( hen an interview board is used the membership shoud be the smaest number necessary to fufi the tas&( )ay particuar attention to a+important
environmenta detais such as time' pace and setting to enabe candidates to fee as comfortabe as possibe( )roduce a coverage pan designed to
provide the maximum possibe significant information( hen interview boards are hed' discuss
and agree the objectives' criteria' the coverage pan and the areas that each board member wi cover(
*he interview process shoud0 $oncentrate initiay on estabishing a
sympathetic' productive atmosphere to encourage candidates to ta& freey(
%egin with introduction and a brief
expanation of the purpose and scope of the interview( -oow
systematic coverage pan throughout in order to ensure a comprehensive coverage( !eviations are i&ey to create gaps in the information obtained( In board interviews arrange for each
interviewer to interview in turn( )ay utmost attention to the form of
,uestion' i(e(0
$oncentrate on ac,uiring as much evidence as
possibe of potentia abiity to do the re,uired job' based on the facts of past behavior and achievements(
In genera avoid hypothetica ,uestions'
especiay those which have no bearing on the job( *hey can ony produce hypothetica answers(
/se a simpe open ,uestion form which does not
impy answers(
%e constanty aert to possibe effects of the interviewee@s non+verba behavior and manner and possibiity of misinterpretation of intentions by candidates( %e a itte sympathetic and avoid extremes of codness(
)ace information in perspective(
More often than not there are more candidates than vacancies( *he seectors shoud assess the suitabiity of each individua candidate instead of comparing the merits of candidates( It shoud0
Systematicay assess the evidence obtained in the ight of the job re,uirements( In assessing evidence concentrate on soid
facts of past behavior as indicators of motivation' attitudes' vaues' persona ,uaities and abiities and in sum of potentia to do the job( *here is a itte correation between the behavior and i&ey behavior in the actua environment and conditions of wor&(
In the assessment process ta&e account of a avaiabe evidence( *he documents are very usefu when written by the authorities competent to confirm the facts of past performance( *hey are of much more doubtfu vaue when they purport to assess suitabiity for empoyment because of the i&eihood of bias and the writer@s probabe ac& of direct &nowedge of the job re,uirements(
8( LISTENIN: Most peope aren@t good isteners( " good istener encourages positive resuts( e isten best when there is a pay+off or a penaty( )ersona istening awareness is the &ey to constructive change( It shoud be &ept in mind that wor& and istening are inseparabe and azy istening is hidden cost in business( e tend to e,uate isteningP with hearingP and that is simpy not the case( =ood istening impies heightened awareness of what you hear' accurate reception of the information presented to you and integration of information in such a way that it is usefu( -our &ey eements of istening0 a(
Emotionaism must be avoided
2( %ody LanguageA incude foowing which can hep in &nowing what signas you are giving or you can deiberatey send the signas you want to(
thus protecting the body@s vita organs and conse,uenty signifying a defensive action( If the fists are cenched' the person is hoding himHhersef bac& >temporariyA( " disguised arm fod is when one hand moves across the body unnecessariy to adjust a watchstrap or cuff(
9an7 to Face estures: " very common hand to face gesture is when the spea&er paces
a finger or fingers in front of the mouth when spea&ing which is interpreted as an untruth being 33
tod when the spea&er is rather embarrassed about spea&ing it( *he movement may be traced to an action of wanting to say the words but at the same time' hod them bac& with the hand( *he resut is incongruence and rising of suspicion( If the hand is paced to the chee&' with the forefinger pointing up' often accompanied by a sight titing of the head' this suggests that the istener is in fact istening and ta&ing account of what is said normay a good sign(
!ostures: *he ?set@ of body whether rigid or reaxed gives immediate signas of reaction
and can be accompanied by other non+verba signas( " forward facing posture with hand obviousy paced in the poc&ets deiberatey suggests a power approach(
S/tt/n+ an7 S/tt/n+ !ostures: 5ow the other person is sitting can give us some good
indications of their attitudes( Reversing the chair and sitting' eaning over the bac& can indicate power and contro sumping >with arms foded or casped in the apA may suggest dejection or submissiveness( *he s,uare+on position behind the des&' with the person eaning forward on the des& with the hands paced downwards on the des& and a stern oo& on the face must signify an aggressive attitude( *his is the most consciousy noted non+verba signa(
F( DIFFERENT TY!ES OF 0UESTIONIN: *he different types of ,uestioning methods are0 o
uestions to avoid
Open vs( !irective vs( $ose ended
%EI >uestion $yce MethodA
0uest/ons to a6o/7: !on@t as& ?mutipe@ ,uestions' don@t as& ?eading@ ,uestions'
which give the candidate hints about the &ind of answer you want and aso don@t as& ?no+win@ ,uestions( %y restricting answers to areas that show the candidate woud do something wrong' you won@t find what they naturay woud do( *hin& carefuy before as&ing ?cever@ ,uestions as
an experienced candidate woud give impressive answers but if their answers past performance ,uestions don@t show their strengths' this type of ,uestion is uni&ey to revea them(
Oen=en7e7 6s. D/rect/6e 6s. Close=en7e7 0uest/ons: Open+ended are those that do
not define the scope you shoud ta&e >i(e(' how many and what &inds of experiences to discussA( OpenTended ,uestions have more room for creativity( Exampes of open+ended ,uestions are0 hat do you &now about our companyK ' hat are your strengths and how do you reate to our companyK Or what are your biggest accompishments wor& non+wor& during the past few yearsK !irect uestions are used to gather the data that is factua and objective( *hese types of ,uestions do not probe into the vaues and ideas of the candidate( Exampes of direct ,uestions are0 ith your bac&ground' what ma&es you thin& you can do this jobK Or "re you sure you want this jobK $ose+ended uestions are those types of ,uestions which wi have answers either yes or no(
a candidate to te stories about experiences( *he objective is to seect and probe for competencies which wi resut in more effective seection decisions( It incudes probing for critica events and specific competencies( "so deciding what data is vaid and predicts future success in the job( *he ,uestion cyce method is we accepted in the industry today( It incudes setting scene ,uestions' as&ing past performance ,uestions' what+if ,uestions' then more detaied and other ,uestions and asty giving information about the company and the job(
!ro2/n+: *he &ey to getting candidate to ta& openy is to as& probing ,uestions( *he
main purpose of probing is to simutaneousy trac& what the interviewee is saying without direction and constanty foowing a eads that hep reach the objectives of the interview(
;( CONCLUDIN T9E INTERVIE* : *owards the cosing of the interview eave time to answer any ,uestions the candidate may have and if appropriate advocate your firm to the candidate( *ry to end a interviews on a positive note(
$ontinua monitoring of your recruiting process wi ead to better hires( hen you identify an issue in your process' adjust your programs accordingy( In addition to trac&ing traditiona metrics such as time+to+fi and cost+per+hire' ma&e sure you ta&e into account ways to measure some of the intangibe metrics' such as ,uaity of hire and retention( Ceeping trac& of your recruiting and retention successes and chaenges wi hep you fine tune your program into an effective and efficient hiring system that your whoe company can embrace( Evauation re,uires a tota comprehension of the job and of the candidate and of their reationship to each other( " very important concept that the recruiter shoud be aware of at the time of evauation and seection is that of %ad Recruitment(P hie doing a recruitment it shoud aways be &ept in mind that it does not turn out to be a bad recruitment(
Bad Recruitment
*he entire effort' time' cost and resources that are spent in the recruitment process' go wasted if the recruitment turns out to be a bad recruitment(P " bad recruitment is one where the hired candidate is not abe to do justice to the roeHjob assigned to himHeaves the organization very soonHthe cost of recruitment is higher than the vaue addition that the new empoyee is expected to do in the organization etc( In such a scenario the entire purpose of recruitment is defeated' hence at the time of recruiting the 5R manager shoud a the time have at the bac& of his mind that his recruitment shoud not turn out to be a bad recruitment(
%ad recruitment occurs in F situations0
Cannot 7o: *he person ac&s the s&is re,uired(
*/ll not 7o: *he person ac&s attitude(
Does not -no? ?,at to 7o: *he person ac&s the &nowedge(
$ost of %ad Recruitment
). D/rect Recru/t3ent Costs
*rave and stay
*ime costs of peope concerned
". In7uct/on Costs
"dministrative costs
Reocation costs
(. Sta2/l/@at/on Costs
Learning time
Mentoring and *eam time
De 8 Mot/6at/on Costs
/nproductive time
Other peope eaving
*eam oss
Cl/ent Relate7
InternaHExterna $ient oss
-uture business oss
Lea6/n+ Costs
Other peope eaving
Redundancy costs
5andover costs
Recruitment has ac,uired immense importance in today@s organizations( Organizations have reaized the 1aue of human capita and its roe in their deveopment( Recruitment is the first step in the process of ac,uiring and retaining human resources for an organization( In today@s rapidy changing business environment organizations have to respond ,uic&y to re,uirements for peope(
%ad recruitments affect the company and the individua( *he wrong person doing the wrong job is harmfu to the companies( .et in a cases' the cause of the bad recruitment can be traced to one of the foowing reasons0
anaysis of job function(
anaysis of necessary personaity T s&i profie
initia screening
interviewing techni,ues
,uestioning techni,ues
utiization of second opinions
References Other
were not chec&ed
issues i&e 5ao Effect' Stereotyping' Simiar+to+me Effect' -irst Impression' and Leniency
Errors' etc shoud aso be evauated(
Recru/t3ent !roce7ure
The candidate goes through
A Department head raises a requisition
the first level of Interview
Has the
The concerned head fills the manpower requisition
candidate .es
The concerned requisition then goes to the CEO/ED/D O! for the position approval"
qualified the
first round of The candidate fills up the Interview? application blank
Once the approval is given #$ team sits with the concerned department head/team and finali%es the date within which the requirement is to be filled and discusses the special skills /e&perience"
The candidate goes through the second level
#as the candidate qualified the second level of Interview
#$ decides the source of C's Ads( $eferral( Consultant( )ob *ortals!
The short listed candidates are informed of the selection process+ venue and time at least ,- hrs in advance
The candidate goes through a round of #$ interview
#$ invites C's and shortlists the same
#as the short listed candidate turned up on time for the selection process
#as the candidate qualified the #$ interview.
Ste).*he first round of interview is conducted by a pane comprising of 2+F members' this is
mainy the technica round where the candidates overa &nowedge and expertise are judged(
Ste"."fter a thorough technica screening' the candidates are interviewed by the !irector
operations V!>OAW' he interviews them and decides the candidates overa suitabiity in the organization( In 1odafone no permanent recruitment ta&es pace without an interview with the !>OA(
Ste(.Once the candidate is recommended by the !>OA' there is an 5R round where the saary of
the candidate is negotiated( *his is done by the 5R office' 6ew !ehi
Ste'."fter the saary negotiation' the 6oida Office sends the candidate detais to the $orporate
Office 6oida for reference chec& and for generation of appointment etters(
Ste&(*he $orporate Office 6oida' after conducting a reference chec& generates appointment
etters and dispatches the same(
Ste%(*he seected candidates are expected to join the organization within 83days of receiving
the appointment etter( *hey are re,uired to undergo a compete medica chec&+up before joining 1odafone and submit a copy of the same at the time of joining(
Ste$.Retention and /pdating of the Records(
Retent/on O5 Recor7s:
" records of seection processes of hired candidates are retained in hisHher personne fie( " records of seection processes of rejected candidates are a so retained for a period of one year from the day on which the candidate@s ast recruitment process was hed(
*hese records are ceared at the end of one year after scrutiny(
U7at/n+ O5 Recor7s:
*he detai of every empoyee who has been hired has to be updated within five wor&ing days of the date on which his appointment etter has been issued(
If the new hire fais to turn up on hisHher first wor&ing day' this is added to his
records within three wor&ing days from the date on which he was supposed to report to wor& for the first time( *he detais of the empoyees who have finay joined 1odafone has to be added to company !atabase on the same wor&ing day when sHhe first reports to wor&' a these records are saved in a particuar format(
9UMAN RESOURCE INFORMATION SYSTEM B9RIS 5uman Resource Information System or 5uman Resource Management Systems >5RMSA shapes an intersection between 5uman resource management >5RMA and information technoogy( It merges 5RM as a discipine and in particuar it@s basic 5R activities and processes with the information technoogy fied( It is a systematic procedure for coecting' storing' maintaining and vaidating data needed by an organization about its human resources' personne activities' and organization unit characteristics( 5RIS is a fast growing area of 5R due to the technoogy driven cuture we ive in( 5RIS are software systems that are designed to ma&e the process of 5R record &eeping much more effective and efficient( *he systems are created to hod empoyee information' and they can span from just payro systems to broad reationa databases that hod a variety of empoyment information( " &ey benefit to computerized records is the abiity to run reports and connect data( In a company without a forma 5RIS system' you7 find 5R professionas utiizing "ccess' Exce' or manua fiing systems to trac& and maintain the needed information concerning empoyees( *raditionay' human resources departments reied on mutipe programs in each department( "n 5RIS integrates a of these programs through a common database and singe+user interface( "n 5RIS combines separate 5R systems into a centraized database that performs the majority of 5R transactions( Role o5 9u3an Resource In5or3at/on S4ste3
5RIS is a much more dynamic concept than the traditiona personne function in an organization which has mutipe functions since it not ony does it dea with the probems of administering the personne functions but aso heps the organization in severa ways as under0 8(
)roviding support to other systems T Supportive Roe
!eveopment of systems and research T "dministrative roe
Management of 5uman Resources T Manageria Roe
!eveoping $ompetencies of various &inds T !eveopmenta Roe
$atering the process needs T )rocess Roe
O2ect/6es o5 9RIS :
*o offer an ade,uate' comprehensive and on+going information system about peope and jobs in a centraized and accessibe ocation(
*o suppy up to date information at a reasonabe cost(
*o deiver an accurate' timey management information(
*o aow an easy and faster access to data and to faciitate human resource panning decisions(
*o provide data security(
5RIS is designed to monitor' contro the movement of peope from the time they join the organization ti the time they decide to eave the organization( It actuay provides the support for the foowing sub systems0 8( Recruitment Information 2( Leave' transfer' promotion' increment Information F( Manpower panning Information ;( *raining Information 3( )erformance appraisa Information G( )ayro Information
Nee7 5or 9RIS
ith the rapid advances in Information *echnoogy' a tighter abor mar&et with higher recruitment and retention efforts by empoyers together with an increasing mobie wor&force in a goba mar&et pace' the face of the 5uman Resource function has changed forever( " these infuences represent both chaenges and opportunities for a management functions and especiay for 5uman Resources' with empoyees@ s&is and &nowedge becoming the &ey factor to success in today@s very competitive mar&etpace( In today@s business environment' the 5R functions must not ony be focused on the wor& pace but aso the mar&et pace and in&ed directy to the core business strategy( In order to achieve this' the 5R department shoud be an integrated unit within the business and therefore centraized( Nee7 For C,an+e
*here are severa very important reasons for reguary reviewing your current system with what is avaiabe in the software mar&etpace( -irst and foremost0 cash the bottom ine( hen was the ast time anyone in your company had ta&en a hard oo& at the costs associated with your current 5R softwareK 5ow much time is spent maintaining personne records' recording time' running and correcting payros' maintaining training and succession fies' etcK 5ow much money and resources are being used to pu information from mutipe databases or converting data in order to run reportsK 5ow many doube and tripe entries are being made just to preserve the integrity of mutipe systems and databasesK *hese are just a few ,uestions that probaby aren@t being as&ed or answered( " company coud attain cost savings if timey information was avaiabe throughout the organization( " rea time integrated 5R system coud hep you spot costy negative cash fows such as high+targeted turnover' high eves of absenteeism within certain business units' and ow retention( $ompany+wide reporting through an integrated 5RIS system can enabe managers to proactivey adjust poicy to avoid these unwanted expenses( *rac&ing and managing empoyees training and deveopment on a singe system aows the company to internay promote and fi vacancies internay' further reducing recruitment expenses( %y integrating externa recruitment' position re,uirements can be matched with appicant@s ,uaifications' aso reducing costs through decreased turnover( !ownoading payro resuts and other cash fows out of payro into 44
accounting can be automatic through an integrated system( *his ony a brief review of cost savings that can be achieved though an integrated 5R system( Select/on !rocess
Seecting 5RIS software can appear to be a reativey ambiguous process to decision ma&ers as the information is aways favoraby s&ewed from software vendors (%y ta&ing a few steps before interviewing vendors' you can accuratey obtain company+specific information( %efore choosing 5RIS the foowing points must be considered by the company( %enefits
5ow wi our organization benefit from a new 5RIS systemK
hat are the ris&s associated with impementing new 5RIS softwareK
hat are the ris&s associated with deciding to continue to operate as beforeK
-inancia "spects
5ow much vaue wi this software add to our organization and what are potentia savingsK
5ow do the newy gained benefits compare to the overa investmentK
hat are the ris&s associated with deciding to continue to operate as beforeK
5ow much money is being wasted on opportunity costs associated with the current 5R softwareK
*rac& Records
hich and how many other companies within our industry use this softwareK hat is their satisfaction eveK
5ow experienced are the consuting firms in the industryK
Interna Resources
5ow resistant are users to changeK
5ow can I form a dedicated project teamK
5ow ong wi it ta&e for users to be sef+sufficientK
*he -uture
hich and how many other companies within our industry use this softwareK hat is their satisfaction eveK
5ow much vaue wi this software add to our organization and what are potentia savingsK
5ow do the newy gained benefits compare to the overa investmentK
hat are the ris&s associated with the deciding to continue to operate as beforeK
5ow much money is being wasted on opportunity costs associated with the current 5R softwareK
*here is aways some degree of uncertainty when it comes to seecting a provider for your 5RIS system' but there are ways to reduce this uncertainty( %y identifying specific needs of a new system' understanding the barriers to ma&ing the best decision and ta&ing measures to overcome these barriers' your company can better understand the process and reduce this uncertainty(
9RIS !ract/ces At Vo7a5one
"t 1odafone' a very traditiona approach of maintaining 5RIS is foowed( *he organization does not ma&e use of any specia software for this purpose( 1odafone uses Microsoft+exce for maintaining a its 5RIS' and at present does not have any centraized information system in the organization(
*he 5R department circuates Roe Summary SheetsH)erformance "ppraisa forms to a the empoyees of the organization' irrespective of their project and cadre( Roe Summary sheets are circuated once in every six months whereas the "ppraisa is done ony once a year( *hese sheets are fied by the empoyees of a departments and sent bac& to the 5R' for updating its 5RIS(
One main master document is prepared in Exce and any type of information that the organization needs can be generated or retrieved from it(
!ro2le3s In T,e Current S4ste3
*he current practice of maintaining empoyee records in exce has the foowing disadvantages0 8( Lac& of proper wor&fow in the organization 2( !ata Inaccuracy F( Improper handing of the information ;( *raditiona way of generating the reports 3( Longer time to retrieve data G( *he entire process of circuating Roe Summary SheetsH)erformance "ppraisa -orm in a departments' coecting them in itsef ta&es very ong( *he entire exercise ta&es amost a month and within this duration there are fresh joinings' resignations and transfers( 5ence the data is not very reiabe(
M4 role In T,e Recru/t3ent !rocess
My roe incuded downoading profies from 6au&ri(com and initia screening of the $1@s(
*hen getting these profies short isted from the concerned head of the department(
Lining up short isted candidates for a eves of interview i(e(' for the first' second and the fina round(
$oordinating interviews with the paneist as we as the candidates with regards to the timing' date and pace of the interview(
)reparing detaied Synopsis before the interview for the consutation of the interviewer paneist(
"s soon as the approva is sent by the office' communicating to the candidates to send their current organization@s appointment etter and saary sip for further processing(
*o recruit and retain the human resource of re,uired ,uantity and ,uaity(
*o foresee the impact of technoogy on wor&' existing empoyee and further human resource re,uirement(
*o minimize imbaances caused due to non+avaiabiity of human resources of right &ind' right number in right time and right pace(
*o identify and satisfy individua and group needs(
*o provide of faciities and condition of wor& and creation of favorabe for maintaining stabiity of empoyment(
*o create faciities and opportunities for individua or group deveopment(
*o consider and contribute to minimization of socio economic evi and to improve the wefare of society(
Recruitment of right personne posing re,uisition s&is' &nowedge and competence(
!etermine the present and future Re,uirement of organization in conjunction with the persona panning and job anaysis
Increase the poo of job candidate with minimum cost(
Evauate the effectiveness of various recruiting techni,ues and sources for a type of job appicant(
Increases organizationa and individua effectiveness in short and ong term(
Start T identify and preparing potentia job appicant who wi be appropriate candidates(
Meet the organization ega and socia obigations regarding the composition of it wor&force(
5ep reduces the probabiity that job appicant once recruited and seected wi eave the organization ony a short period of time(
5ep the increase success rate of the seection process by reducing the number of' obviousy under ,uaified or over ,uaified job anaysis(
RESEARC9 DESIN !ecision regarding what' where' how' when' how much' by what means concerning an in,uiry in a research design( It is the arrangement of conditions for coection for coection of data in a manner that aims to combine reevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure( *he pan is the overa scheme or program of research( In other words' scheme or strategy impies how the research on objectives wi be reached and how the probems in the research can be tac&ed( Research reated to human behavior is a systematic design' coection' and anaysis' reporting of data and finding reevant situations to the probems faced by the company(
In short the study endeavors to describe Recruitment and SeectionP situation prevaiing at 1odafone' !ehi with the hep of the opinions cherished by the respondents(
Researc, Met,o7olo+4
*he ,uestionnaires were prepared for the empoyees to &now their opinion about the recruitment and seection process of the company and the fied form were coected and anayzed(
Sources o5 7ata: !r/3ar4 Data= are those which are coected for the first time for a certain investigation( *hese
are origina and essentia raw data( 6o doubt this is very time consuming but nevertheess' the resuts are accurate and reiabe( In the study' the primary data is coected through schedues( Schedues may be defined as a )erforma that contains a set of ,uestions' which are as&ed and fied by the interviewers in face to face situation(
Secon7ar4 Data: are those information or facts aready coected( Such data are coected with
the objective of understanding the past status of any variabe( Study have been underta&en by coecting the pubished data about profie of the company' its recruitment and Seection process(
Data Collect/on: hen panning was competed' the survey moved into the fied and undertoo& the fiedwor& that is distribution and coection of facts( *he tota numbers of ,uestionnaires distributed were (& out o5 ?,/c, onl4 (# ?ere cons/7ere7 5or anal4s/s ' few were not considered due to incompete
data entry and few ,uestionnaires were not fied(
Sampe !esign0 T4e o5 un/6erse: the universe has a finite number of respondent@s i(e(F3 who are invoved in
the recruitment and /()( Seection process and wor&s ony for their 1odafone( Sa3l/n+ un/t 0 the samping unit is the individua wor&er of 1odafone(
S/@e o5 t,e sa3le 0 the sampe consisted of F4 empoyees(
Sa3l/n+ !roce7ure: 6on probabiity samping is used in the procedure of the research( In
which the probabiity of unit seection is un&nown at any stage of the seection process and the seection of unit is based on the judgment of the researcher was seected(
*he method used was uros/6e sa3l/n+ ( *hese term means seection by design T by choice and not by chance( *he sampe was chosen which was thought to be typica of the universe with regard to the characteristic under investigation( 52
Such type of samping was possibe because of my guide who aready had the necessary re,uired &nowedge about the staff that made it easier to recognize typica items in the universe(
Tools an7 Tec,n/ues 5or Anal4s/s o5 7ata:
Researc,er 3ust 2reat,e l/5e /nto t,e col7 7ata 24 s-/ll5ul anal4s/s an7 ,ence nee7 to 5ollo? t,ree stes 8 e7/t/n+G class/54/n+ an7 anal4@/n+ t,e 7ata.
*he content of the data obtained in a survey were carefuy chec&ed for any possibe inconsistencies and incompeteness( *hen came the carefu anaysis T the data are then coded and tabuated according to the rating in the dummy tabe( "nd then finay tabuated data is interpreted to reach a fina concusion(
It is the ast stage of survey( *hrough good presentation' significant facts and comparisons are highighted( T,e resentat/on o5 5acts 7one 24 rear/n+ c,arts l/-e 2ar c,artsG /e c,arts etc.
*he foowing interpretation has been done on the basis of the ,uestionnaires fied up the recruiters of 1odafone( *he main aim behind this interpretation is to show how effectivey recruitment is done by the recruiters of 1odafone and their opinions regarding the recruitment process
!art/culars Reson7ents .es 88 6o 3 Others0References Interna !atabase 88 Total (#
H )" (( )) )# )##
FG(G < recruiters says that yes' job portas are the best source of finding the candidates'8G(G< recruiters says ?no@'2F(F< recruiters prefer references and FG(G< prefers interna database(
!art/culars Less than 83 %etween 83+24 More than 24 Total
No. o5 reson7ents ; 8 9 (#
H )(.( &%.$ (#H )##
8F(F< recruiters ma&e at east ess than 83 cas in a wee& and 3G(G< ma&e at east 83+24 cas in a wee&' F4< recruiters ma&e more than 24 cas in a wee&(
3 3+84 "bove 84 Total
No. o5 reson7ents 24 : 2 (#
H %%.% "%.$ %.$ )##
GG(G< recruiters forward 3 resumes for formatting purpose in a day' 2G(G< recruiters forward 3+84 resumes in a day and ony G(G< recruiters forward above 84 resumes for formatting purpose in a day(
!art/culars 83 minutes %etween 83+24 minutes More than 24 minutes Total
No. o5 reson7ents G 28 F (#
H "% %) )( )##
83< recruiters conduct teephonic interview for 83 minutes' G8< recruiters conduct teephonic interview between 83+24 minutes and 8F< recruiters conduct teephonic interview for more than 24 minutes(
!art/culars %eow ;4< ;4+:4< above :4< Total
No. o5 reson7ents F 84 8 (#
H )# (( &$ )##
"ccording to 84< recruiters' beow ;4< candidates are seected by the 1odafone' FF< recruiters say that between ;4+:4< candidates are seected by the 1odafone and 3< say that above :4< candidates are seected by the 1odafone(
!art/culars 24< 24+34< "bove 34< Total
No. o5 reson7ents G 83 9 (#
H "# (# )##
24< of bio data are rejected by 24< of recruiters' between 24+34< of bio+data are rejected by 34< of recruiters and above 34< of resumes are rejected by F4< of recruiters(
$= MINIMUM H OF CANDIDATE SELECTED IN T9E TELE!9ONIC ROUND *IT9IN ONE MONT9 !art/culars %eow 24< 24+34< 34+4< "bove 4< Total
No. o5 reson7ents 3 83 84 4 (#
H )%.$ ((.( # )##
8G(G< recruiters say that beow ;4< candidates are seected in the teephonic round within one month' according to 34< recruiters';4+G4< candidates are seected in the teephonic round within one month'G4+:4< candidates are seected in the teephonic round within one month and above :4< no candidate is seected(
No. o5 reson7ents 82 8: (#
H '# %# )##
FF(F < recruiters say that teephonic interview is sufficient to judge the overa capabiities of a candidate and GG(G< recruiters don@t agree with this
8( -ace to face communication with the candidates appying for the jobs was not possibe as a the interviews were conducted on the teephone itsef( 2( Sampe size was sma so the findings cannot be generaized( F( Recruiters were reuctant to give sufficient information for the study( ;( "naysis of data obtained from the ,uestionnaires was done on the assumption that the respondents gave correct information(
CONCLUSION FINDINS CONCLUSION 1odafone pays a very important and integra part in India companies because in India( 4+:4< is contract positions and a the major companies are totay dependent on recruitment firms to provide suitabe candidates for the jobs vacant( 1odafone aims to provide ,uaity and cost efficient man+power in a timey manner( It >1odafoneA can improve time+to+hire+ %y outsourcing your recruitment process to Recruiting Bunction >1odafoneA companies can get access to a high ,uaity of candidate poo( Empoying a arge number of resources' training them and managing them can consume a ot of their time( 1odafone can get companies high ,uaity empoyees without any hasse of searching' finding' short+isting' negotiating' etc(
It >1odafoneA gives managers the time to focus on other core 5R activities+ by outsourcing day+to+day recruitment activities managers can ta&e out more time for strategic panning' daiy operations' empoyee retention' training' and ong+term peope deveopment initiatives( Outsource the recruitment process through R)O department of 1odafone and yet retain compete contro+ 1odafone( Recruiting Bunction can ma&e it easier for firms to transfer non+core recruitment processes outside the enterprise whie retaining fu contro of information and wor&fows in a seamess' tighty integrated manner( Increase recruitment cyce productivity+ %y outsourcing the recruitment process at ow cost' companies get higher revenue and more time to do business deveopment( 1odafone has refined processes that hep you get staff ,uic&y for your day+to+day and scaing needs(
Co33on 3/sta-es 3a7e 24 recru/ters:
Recruiters do not spend enough time ta&ing to the candidates( *hey must probe a
candidate on the foowing points0
+ Resume+project wise( + "vaiabiity' wiingness # commitment( + hether they have any offers in hand( + hether they have attended any interviews recenty and how do they fee about the
+ Rate negotiations' shoud as& for current pay rate # expected pay rate( >6ever discose how much we can offer A(
Most of the recruiters do searches but tites+since every cient have different terminoogy for different roes' so recruiters shoud spend some time understanding the re,uirement first(
Recruiters do not &eep information reated to recruitment process handy(
1ioation of time zones whie caing(
"daptabiity to gobaization T *he 5R professionas are expected and re,uired to &eep in tune with the changing times' i(e( the changes ta&ing pace across the gobe( 5R shoud maintain the timeiness of the process
Lac& of motivation T Recruitment is considered to be a than&ess job( Even if the organisation is achieving resuts' 5R department or professionas are not than&ed for recruiting the right empoyees and performers(
6o )oaching + *his agreement creates a firm arrangement between the parties to guarantee a reciproca 6on+poaching responsibiity confirming not empoying' partnering' contracting or engaging each other@s empoyees' agents' consutants' or anyone otherwise having an interest in operation or management of the other and provides for a comprehensive soution to confirm compiance of the conditions agreed in the terms of this agreement(
)rocess anaysis T *he immediacy and speed of the recruitment process are the main concerns of the 5R in recruitment( *he process shoud be fexibe' adaptive and responsive to the immediate re,uirements( *he recruitment process shoud aso be cost effective(
Lean 9R 7eart3ent = Smaer teams typicay have a s&eeton recruitment team' or one
that is managing mutipe competing priorities( !uring recruitment drives mandated by the ine business' such organizations are sometimes swamped and strugge in doing bu& hiring(
Strategic prioritization T *he emerging new systems are both an opportunity as we as a chaenge for the 5R professionas( *herefore' reviewing staffing needs and prioritizing the tas&s to meet the changes in the mar&et has become a chaenge for the recruitment professionas(
LEARNIN I had a good earning session wor&ing with 1odafone' beow are the things which I have got opportunity to earn about0
9R Structure 0 have got to &now about the entire 5R structure' &ind of profies and wor& being
done in 5R function by different process owners in their respective verticas i(e( 8( 2( F( ;( 3(
*aent "c,uisition >ResourcingA )erformance Management Learning # !eveopment Empoyee Engagement )ayro and MIS
Recru/t3ent Nee7: Every organization has its objectives or a set of =oa and a suitabe
wor&force with one mission is re,uired to achieve those goas( Recru/t3ent Sources: we have basicay two types of Sourcing which is further divided in its
sub parts0
Interna Resourcing 8 2 F ; 3
*ransfers Interna Bob )ostings )romotions !ependents and Reatives of deceased empoyees Retrenched Empoyees
Externa Resourcing 8 2 F ; 3 G
"dvertisements )acement "gencies H Outsourcing Empoyee Referras Onine Bob )ortas =enera a&+ins $ampus )acements
Internal 1o2 !ost/n+: I have witnessed many Interna Bob )ostings in the beginning and have
excusivey handed one interna job posting as we for the position *eam $oach T $ustomer Service' we have started the interview schedued with the written "ptitude and -unctiona tests with the $utoff percentage of G4< foowing by persona interview with Recruitment Lead and -unctiona 5ead(
Inter6/e? 0uest/on/n+ 0 *here are certain types of ,uestionings which shoud be done and which
shoud not be done i&e there are ,uestions which shoud be avoided in interviews i&e' we shoud never as& mutipe or eading ,uestions which give the candidate hints about the &ind of answer you want and aso we shoud not as& ?no+win@ ,uestions( %y restricting answers to areas that show the candidate woud do something wrong' you won@t find what they naturay woud do *hin& carefuy before as&ing ?cever@ ,uestions as an experienced candidate woud give impressive answers but if their answers past performance ,uestions don@t show their strengths' this type of ,uestion is uni&ey to revea them(
RECOMMADATION AND SUESTION T/s to 2e a success5ul recru/ter:=
Spend time to understand the re,uirement
)ic& up right &eywords from the re,uirement for search
Budge candidate7s commitment eve earn how to ,uaify a candidate
Learn how to ,uaify a candidate
%e fast+do not spend unnecessary time on a re,uirement
Learn to Mutitas&
5ave cear understanding of the documentation and contracts
!eveop good istening s&is' negotiating s&is and anaytica s&is
%e patient
"s the interview with the candidates appying for the jobs is conducted on the teephone ony so communication s&is pay a very major roe because the recruiter is communicating with a person who is from another country( *herefore' there shoud be no communication gaps(
F4 "pr 244: %oo& by *(6( $hhabra Managing 5uman Resource *echni,ues and )ractices 8st Edition )ubished on 2444(
8 "pr 244: )ersonne Management 8st Edition 8st )ubished on 8933(
5uman resource Management C( "shwashappa 3th Edition *M=( Sutan $hand )ubication(
1S) Rao 5uman Resource Management 2nd Edition Exce )ubication(
5uman Resource Management in %usiness $ontext >Frd Edition 244A by "an )rice )ubished by *homson'
M"="QI6ESH6ES)")ERS %/SI6ESS *O!". %/SI6ESS ORL! *5E *IMES O- I6!I" *5E 5I6!/S*"6 *IMES
E%SI*ES X http0HHwww(vodafone(in
0UESTIONNAIRE 8A 6ame of the empoyee0 2A Recruiter code 0 FA "re job portas the ony best source of finding the candidatesK
.es0 6o 0 Mention' if some other sourceHsources isHare there0
;A In one day at east how many cas are made by the you >recruiterAK ess than 83
between 83 + 24 0 more than 24
3A 6umber of resumes forwarded to the manager for formatting )urpose in a day0 3
above 84
GA !uration of the ca procedure0 83 mins
%etween 83+24 mins( 0 More than 24 mins(
A "t east how much percentage of candidates are seected by the cients Of 1odafone( %eow ;4< 0