5000 palavras mais utilizadas e sua frequenciaFull description
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A list of the 100 Most common Adjectives according to the Corpus of Contemporary American English
Descripción: A conjugated list of the 100 most common verbs according to Oxford Dictionary.
A conjugated list of the 100 most common verbs according to Oxford Dictionary.Descripción completa
100 most common nouns according to the Corpus of Contemporary American English and presented by Venture English InstituteFull description
Descripción: A list of the 100 Most common Adjectives according to the Corpus of Contemporary American English
Descripción: A list of the 100 most common Adverbs used in modern English adapted from the Corpus of Contemporary American English
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comprehensive list for the most common 1000 words in Russian, with English translation and part of speech cathegoryFull description
question that I've search
6000 Most Common Korean Words
5000 Most Common Words 1. the 2. be 3. and 4. of 5. a 6. in 7. to 8. have 9. to 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.
it I that for you he with on do say this they at but we his from that not n't n't by she or as what go their can who get if would her
all my make about know will as up one time there year so think when which them some me people take out into just see him your come could now than like other how then its our two more these want way look
first also new because day more use no man find here thing give many well only those tell one very her even back any good woman through us life child there work down may after should call world over school still try in
as last ask need too feel three when state never become between high really somethin most another much family own out leave put old while mean on keep student why let great same big group begin seem country help talk where turn problem every start
hand might American show part about against place over such again few case most week company where system each right program hear so question during work play governme run small number off always move like night live Mr point believe hold today bring happen next
without before large all million must home under water room write mother area national money story young fact month different lot right study book eye job word though business issue side kind four head far black long both little house yes after since long provide service
around friend important father sit away until power hour game often yet line political end among ever stand bad lose however member pay law meet car city almost include continue set later communit much name five once white least president learn real change team minute
best several idea kid body informatio nothing ago right lead social understan whether back watch together follow around parent only stop face anything create public already speak others read level allow add office spend door health person art sure such war history party within
grow result open change morning walk reason low win research girl guy early food before moment himself air teacher force offer enough both education across although remember foot second boy maybe toward able age off policy everythin love process music including consider appear actually buy
probably human wait serve market die send expect home sense build stay fall oh nation plan cut college interest death course someone experienc behind reach local kill six remain effect use yeah suggest class control raise care perhaps little late hard field else pass former
sell major sometime require along developm themselve report role better economic effort up decide rate strong possible heart drug show leader light voice wife whole police mind finally pull return free military price report less according decision explain son hope even develop view
relationsh carry town road drive arm true federal break better difference thank receive value internatio building action full model join season society because tax director early position player agree especially record pick wear paper special space ground form support event official whose matter everyone
center couple site end project hit base activity star table need court produce eat American teach oil half situation easy cost industry figure face street image itself phone either data cover quite picture clear practice piece land recent describe product doctor wall patient worker news test
movie certain north love personal open support simply third technolog catch step baby computer type attention draw film Republica tree source red nearly organizati choose cause hair look point century evidence window difficult listen soon culture billion chance brother energy period course summer
less realize hundred available plant likely opportunit term short letter condition choice place single rule daughter administr south husband Congress floor campaign material populatio well call economy medical hospital church close thousand risk current fire future wrong involve defense anyone increase security bank
myself certainly west sport board seek per subject officer private rest behavior deal performa fight throw top quickly past goal second bed order author fill represent focus foreign drop plan blood upon agency push nature color no recently store reduce sound note fine before near
movemen page enter share than common poor other natural race concern series significant similar hot language each usually response dead rise animal factor decade article shoot east save seven artist away scene stock career despite central eight thus treatment beyond happy exactly protect approach lie
size dog fund serious occur media ready sign thought list individual simple quality pressure accept answer hard resource identify left meeting determine prepare disease whatever success argue cup particularl amount ability staff recognize indicate character growth loss degree wonder attack herself region television box TV
training pretty trade deal election everybod physical lay general feeling standard bill message fail outside arrive analysis benefit name sex forward lawyer present section environm glass answer skill sister PM professor operation financial crime stage ok compare authority miss design sort one act ten
knowledg gun station blue state strategy little clearly discuss indeed force truth song example democrati check environm leg dark public various rather laugh guess executive set study prove hang entire rock design enough forget since claim note remove manager help close sound enjoy
network legal religious cold form final final main science green memory card above seat cell establish nice trial expert that spring firm Democrat radio visit managem care avoid imagine tonight huge ball no close finish yourself talk theory impact respond statement maintain charge popular traditional
onto reveal direction weapon employee cultural contain peace head control base pain apply play measure wide shake fly interview manage chair fish particular camera structure politics perform bit weight suddenly discover candidate top productio treat trip evening affect inside conferenc unit best style adult
worry range mention rather far deep past edge individual specific writer trouble necessary throughou challenge fear shoulder institution middle sea dream bar beautiful property instead improve stuff detail method sign somebody magazine hotel soldier reflect heavy sexual cause bag heat fall marriage tough sing surface
experienc replace British encourag lot lot lot lot argument by once camp brain feature afternoon AM weekend dozen possibility along insurance departme battle beginning date generally African very sorry crisis complete fan stick define easily through hole element vision status normal Chinese ship
solution stone slowly scale bit university introduce driver attempt park spot lack ice boat drink sun front distance wood handle truck return mountain survey supposed tradition winter village Soviet refuse sales roll communic run screen gain resident hide gold club future farm potential increase middle
smile location clothes Indian quiet dress promise aware neighbor complete drive function bone active extend chief average combine wine below cool voter mean demand learning bus hell dangerou remind moral United category relatively victory key academic visit Internet healthy fire negative following historical medicine tour
depend photo finding grab direct classroom contact justice participat daily fair pair famous exercise knee flower tape hire familiar appropriat supply fully cut will actor birth search tie democrac eastern primary yesterday circle device progress next front bottom island exchange clean studio train
address branch combinati just frequently governor relief user dad kick part manner ancient silence rating golden motion German gender solve fee landscape used bowl equal long official forth frame typical except conservati eliminate host hall trust ocean score row producer afford meanwhil regime
division confirm fix appeal mirror tooth smart length entirely rely topic complain issue variable back range telephone perceptio attract confidenc bedroom secret debt rare his tank nurse coverage opposition aside anywhere bond file pleasure master era requireme check stand fun expectatio wing
separate now clear struggle mean somewhat pour stir judgment clean except beer English reference tear doubt grant seriously account minister totally hero industrial cloud stretch winner volume travel seed surprised rest fashion pepper separate busy interventi copy tip below cheap aim cite welfare vegetable gray
lack beneath beside black incident limited proud flow faculty increased waste merely mass emphasiz experime definitely bomb enormous tone liberal massive engineer wheel female decline invest promise cable towards expose rural AIDS Jew narrow cream secretary gate solid hill typically noise grass unfortuna
hat legislation succeed either celebrate achievem fishing drink accuse hand useful land secret reject talent taste characteri milk escape cast sentence unusual closely convince height physician assess sleep plenty ride virtually first addition sharp creative lower behind approve explanatio outside gay campus proper
2082. 2083. 2084. 2085. 2086. 2087. 2088. 2089. 2090. 2091. 2092. 2093. 2094. 2095. e 2096. n 2097. 2098. y 2099. 2100. m 2101. 2102. 2103. 2104. 2105. 2106. 2107. 2108. 2109. n 2110. 2111. 2112. 2113. 2114. 2115. 2116. 2117. 2118. 2119. n 2120. 2121.
live guilty living acquire compete technical plus mind potential immigrant weak illegal hi alternativ interactio column personalit signal curriculu list honor passenger assistance forever fun regard Israeli associatio twenty knock review wrap lab offer display criticism asset depressio spiritual musical
link mass lake transform tension display leading bother consist alcohol enable bend saving gain desert shall error release cop Arab double walk sand Spanish rule hit print preserve passage formal transition existence album participati arrange atmosphe joint reply cycle opposite lock whole deserve consistent
2252. resistance 2253. discovery 2254. tear 2255. exposure 2256. pose 2257. stream 2258. sale 2259. trust 2260. benefit 2261. pot 2262. grand 2263. mine 2264. hello 2265. coalition 2266. tale 2267. knife 2268. resolve 2269. racial 2270. phase 2271. present 2272. joke 2273. coat 2274. Mexican 2275. symptom 2276. contact 2277. manufact urer 2278. philosoph y 2279. potato 2280. interview 2281. foundatio n 2282. quote 2283. online 2284. pass 2285. negotiatio n 2286. good 2287. urge 2288. occasion 2289. dust 2290. breathe 2291. elect 2292. investigat or
4657. 4658. nt 4659. ly 4660. 4661. 4662. 4663. 4664. 4665. 4666. 4667. 4668. sed 4669. 4670. 4671. 4672. 4673. 4674. r 4675. 4676. 4677. 4678. 4679. 4680. 4681. 4682. 4683. hic 4684. 4685. 4686. 4687. 4688. 4689. 4690. ming 4691. 4692. 4693. 4694. 4695. 4696.
cemetery harassme deliberate fame regret striking likelihood carrot atop toll rim embarras fucking cling isolated blink suspicious wheelchai squad eligible processor plunge this sponsor grin color demograp rain chill refuge steer legislator rally program cheer outlet intact vendor thrive peanut
4697. 4698. 4699. l 4700. n 4701. 4702. 4703. 4704. 4705. er 4706. le 4707. 4708. e 4709. n 4710. bly 4711. 4712. 4713. 4714. n 4715. 4716. 4717. 4718. ly 4719. 4720. 4721. se 4722. 4723. 4724. 4725. 4726. 4727. 4728. 4729. 4730. cal