A PROJECT REPORT ON College Management System [44936]
Abstract Education is an important and traditional part of society. As time has progressed education as also changed from traditional one. So according to the progress of education level. It also reuired changing the !ay of maintaining the student information in the colleges. "he college management system is !e# #ase system. "he system deals !ith the registration of trainees$ record updating and maintaining as !ell as attendance management system. Objective & Scope Objective "his is a !e# oriented application allo!s us to access the !hole information a#out the college$ staffs$ students$ facilities etc. "his application provides a virtual tour of %ampus. &ere !e !ill get the latest information a#out the students and staffs. "his generic application designed for assisting the students of an institute regarding information on the courses$ su#'ects$ classes$ assignments$ grades and timeta#le. It also provides support that a faculty can also chec( a#out his daily schedule$ can upload assignments$ and notices to the students. &ere administrator !ill manage the accounts of the student and faculties$ ma(es the timeta#le$ and upload the latest information a#out the campus. Scope ) %ollege information* "hrough this service one can access the complete information a#out the college campus such as courses availa#le$ admission procedure$ placements$ college events$ achievements etc. ) Student trac(ing* Any company or any organi+ation that !ant to chec( the summary a#out the student of the college$ so that they !ill #e a#le to choose the particular students for their campus placement And for that purpose they !ill #e given a particular lin( through !hich they can access the information reuired. ) Student attendance status* It gives the attendance status of students. ,aculty !ill update the attendance periodically and can #e seen #y students and parents. ) Student-s performance in eams* "his facility provides the performance of the student in each eam !hich is conducted #y university or college such as midterm performance. /ar(s o#tained #y students in eams !ill #e updated #y faculties that can #e access #y students and parents. ) Eam 0otification* "his facility notifies students and parents a#out eamination schedule. THEORETCA! "AC#$RO%N "oday in college-s student details are entered manually. "he "oday "he student details in separate records are tedious tas(. 1eferring to all these records and updating is needed. "here is a chance for more manual errors. Problems in e'isting system( ) It !as limited to a single system. ) It !as less user2friendly. ) It have a lots of manual !or( /anual system does not mean that !e a re !or(ing !ith pen and paper$ it also include !or(ing on spread sheets and other simple soft!ares5
) It reuires more no of employees need to !or(. ) It !as time consuming process. ) "he present system !as very less secure. ) It is una#le to generate different (inds of report. Sol)tion to t*ese problems( ) "he development of the ne ! system contains the follo!ing activities$ !hich try to automate the entire process (eeping in vie! of the data#ase integration approach. ) ser friendliness is provided in the application !ith various controls. ) "he system ma(es the overall pro'ects management much easier and flei#le. ) It can #e accessed over the Internet. ) 7arious classes have #een used to provide file upload and mail features. ) "here is no ris( of data mismanagement at any level !hile the pro'ects development is under process. ) It provides high level of security using different protocols li(e https etc. PRO"!EM E+NTON "he pro#lem is to provide the complete information a#out the college campus. In !hich the college staff mem#ers$ students and parents can access the information and !ill #e familiar !ith college campus. It !ill provide interactive environment for the staff$ students and parents #y getting (no!ledge of student attendance$ remar(s$ eams performances$ grades$ timeta#les$ notices etc. Analysis Mo,el( "his document play a vital role in the development of life c ycle S8%5 as it descri#es the complete reuirement of the system. It means for use #y developers and !ill #e the #asic during testing phase. Any changes made to the reuirements in the future !ill have to go through formal change approval process. S:I1A /;8E !as defined #y
> article$ ?A spiral /odel of Soft!are 8evelopment and Enhancement. "his model !as not the first model to discuss iterative development$ #ut it !as the first model to eplain !hy the iteration models. As originally envisioned$ the iterations !ere typically 6 months to @ years long. Each phase starts !ith a design goal and ends !ith a client revie!ing the progress thus far. Analysis and engineering efforts are applied at each phase of the pro'ect$ !ith an eye to!ard the end goal of the pro'ect. St),y o- t*e System( $rap*ical )ser inter-ace In the flei#ility of the uses the interface has #een developed a graphics concept in mind$ associated through a #ro!ses interface. "he I-S at the top level have #een categori+ed as =. Administrative user interface @. "he operational or generic user interface "he administrative user interface concentrates on the consistent information that is practically$ part of the organi+ational activities and !hich needs proper authentication for the data collection. "he interfaces help the administrations !ith all the transactional states li(e 8ata insertion$ 8ata deletion and 8ate updation along !ith the etensive data search capa#ilities. "he operational or generic user interface helps the users upon the system in transactions through the eisting data and reuired services. "he operational user interface also helps the ordinary users in managing their o!n information helps the ordinary users in managing their o!n information in a customi+ed manner as per the assisted flei#ilities.
N)mber o- Mo,)les "he system after careful analysis has #een identified to #e presented !ith the follo!ing modules* "he modules involved are* =. %ollege information* "hrough this service one can access the complete information a#out the college campus such as courses availa#le$ admission procedure$ placements$ college events$ achievements etc. @. Student trac(ing* Any company or any organi+ation that !ant to chec( the summary a#out the student of the college$ so that they !ill #e a#le to choose the particular students for their campus placement And for that purpose they !ill #e given a particular lin( through !hich they can access the information reuired. 3. Student attendance status* It gives the attendance status of students. ,aculty !ill update the attendance periodically and can #e seen #y students and parents. 4. Student-s performance in eams* "his facility provides the performance of the student in each eam !hich is conducted #y university or college such as midterm performance. /ar(s o#tained #y students in eams !ill #e updated #y faculties that can #e access #y students and parents. B. Eam 0otification* "his facility notifies students and parents a#out eamination schedule. CONC!%SON An implementation of college management system has #een successfully created and the !e# interfaces have #een successfully designed. "he pro'ects has #een completed in the given time frame. "he pro'ects team has successfully achieved all the planned o#'ectives. "he administrators are epected to maintain the relia#ility and accuracy of data#ase !hile inserting $ editing and deleting student-s registration entries and attendance entries.