The Basics o the chart !rt Medical Astrology Moon Lagna & lagna lord 8 th house & lord Kendras Trikas Trishadayas Marakas: 2>7 (both 12 th from rd & 8 th ! Marakas for different lagans "ause of death from #lanets in or as#e$ting 8 th and%or rd "ombustion etrogression 'tationary gni)'omeeyam (modus o#erandi! 'igns: *+, (fire signs)better resistan$e- ability to fight. /ater signs) more #rone to illness! 'ignifi$ations of #lanets- signs and houses 'un: 0itality- general health andanta: eginning of fire signs or ending of /ater signs 'ar#a drekkanas ,hen is a house strong%#rote$ted and /hen /eak%affli$ted3
Malefi$ s$issoring enefi$ durudhara of the lagna or lagna lord Lagnadhi yoga 4)5 4) 4)12 4)6 Mrityubhaga tmakaraka natikaraka d0erse dasas +arly dasas u#iter)enus% enus)u#iter dasa Kala$hakra dasa: refer K"4 notes d0erse transits
Marakas or each lagna as per Parasari:
ries: enus (lord of 2 and 7! Taurus: Mars- Moon- enus- u#iter emini: Moon "an$er: 'aturn Leo: 'aturn irgo: enus
"hen is a house strong#protected and !hen !eak#alicted$
%ouse or its lord is strong !hen:
Lord e;alted- in o/n sign or as#e$ting o/n sign argottama ,ith or as#e$ted by benefi$s
%ouse is alicted i:
=$$u#ied by malefi$s s#e$ted by malefi$s =/ned by an affli$ted #lanet ffli$ted in 0argas
A planet &or lord o a house' is alicted i: "onun$t malefi$s s#e$ted by malefi$s
@naffli$ted lagna lord in ? or 8 th @naffli$ted Moon in ? or 8- es# in the de$antes of u#- en or Mer$- or daybirth in K or night birth in '
Balarishta and arishtas in general 1A
Moon in ?- 8- 12
as#e$ted by malefi$s is /orst
as#e$ted by benefi$s is also not great
@nas#e$ted Moon is best
@naffli$ted Moon in ? or 8- es# in the de$antes of u#- en or Mer$- or daybirth in K or night birth in ' is =K
1A Moon /ith all malefi$s in a Kendra 2A
Malefi$s in rasyanta $onun$t Moon in a Kendra
,eak Moon in Lagna or B or 8B /ith malefi$s
Moon in 1- 7- 8- 12 /ith malefi$s (signs ries- Taurus & "an$er are better!
+$li#se ('un & Moon on K #lus Lagna as#e$ted by 'aturn & Mars
etrograde benefi$s in ?- 8- 12 as#e$ted by malefi$s is bad
enefi$s in ?- 8- 12 as#e$ted by malefi$s is medium
1A Lagna in gandanta 2A
Lagna lord in the 7 th /ith malefi$ /ithin 1 degree and lagna lord ha0ing higher degree (defeated in /ar!
A Malefi$ s$issoring of 1 st and 7 th CA Too many malefi$s in the ? th house DA ahu in a Kendra as#e$ted by malefi$s ?A
etrograde 'aturn in ries or '$or#io in the ? th or 8 th as#e$ted by Mars
ara mushti yoga: malefi$s in eastern half- benefi$s in /estern half- es# for $an$er and s$or#io lagans. /at$h all /atery signs for this
Malefi$ lagna lord in MoonEs na0amsa or /ith moon in 4)5 under malefi$ as#e$ts
1A Malefi$s in 1-7- 2- 12 destroy family 2A
Malefi$s in trines from /eak Moon bad for mother
Fote: Too many malefi$ influen$es $annot be offset ust by u#iterEs as#e$t aloneA ( Fot enough good karma in #rarabdha to merit gra$e%inter0ention in this life!
1A Malefi$s in - ?- 11 (inherent resistan$e! 2A
ahu in - ?- 11 as#e$ted by benefi$s (this $ombination is good for any malefi$!
enefi$s in Kendras (u#>en>Mer$! (166k>16k>k!
CA 'trong lagna lord DA
Malefi$s surrounded by benefi$s (in same sign or durudhara!
Lagnadhi yoga or benefi$ s$issoring of lagna
7A 'trong lagna lord in - 11 or Kendra 8A
*ull Moon hemmed by benefi$s (es# as#e$ted by enus!
u#iter as#e$ting or /ith Mars 0ery good. also good for mothers
16A *ull Moon in o/n house or e;alted- friendly signs as#e$ted by benefi$s 11A u#iter in Kendra or Trikona in o/n house or e;alted 12A enefi$s in trines #romote health 1A 'trong 8 th lord 1CA 'trong tmakaraka & 'trong 'un
ositi0e •
'aturn in 8 th
'aturn "+ /ith 8 th lord
8 th lord in 8 th
8 th lord in 11 th /ith a benefi$
"ombination of Lagna lord and 8 th lord is good for longe0ity if it o$$urs under benefi$ influen$eA
Fegati0e •
ffli$ted 8 th lord in ? th or 12 th
8 th lord /ith ketu in lagna
Malefi$ 8 th lord in 11 th
,eak and affli$ted 8 th lord
"ause of death $an be as$ertained from the 8 th and rd houses
,actors a+oring reco+ery:
'trong lagna and lord
'trong ? th lord and house ( ability to fight ba$k- resistan$e!
'ubse9uent dasa good
u#iterEs as#e$t on dasa lord in 4)1 or Transit
*a0ourable transits
etrograde planets etrograde #lanets in kendras are not good /hether malefi$ or benefi$ 1A
+0en a benefi$ retrograde lagna lord in lagna is not $ondu$i0e for health
etrograde #lanets transmit their influen$e by asso$iation or as#e$t tooA
etrograde #lanets in0ol0ing 8 th or ? th houses or lords- $ause more serious illnesses during their dasa%antar and #ose a #roblem for $om#lete re$o0ery lea0ing their after affe$ts
Fote: 'tationary #lanets /ork similar to retrogrades but are /orse and $an $ause a stilling of life #ro$esses Transits: ,at$h natural malefi$s transiting o0er: •