Descrição: The Author Masahiko Tanaka was born in Tčkyo on February 24, 1941. He studied agriculture and veterinary medicine at Nihon University. After graduating he chose Karate as his way of life rather ...
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Notes regarding Appeal after settling account in private and getting new offer from public side. When finishing finishing settlement with CFO/CEO CFO/CEO in ‘private and !ou get a new offer" a new contact offer from compan!/intervenor/etc" compan!/intervenor/etc" which is considered considered in ‘public remember rule# $f !ou leave the field of battle" !ou lose. %ou must respond to a new offer& otherwise !ou are admitting !ou are agreeing with their claim. Appeal# the onl! facts !ou can use in an appeal are the facts in the original trial court. $f that factual record is not on !our side" dont appeal because !ou cannot change the factual record on appeal. $n that case" there is no remed! remed!.. 'he foundation foundation for an appeal appeal is the factual factual record record between me and and the CFO/CEO (steps ) thru * on the A+, process process or mortgage process-. 'he CFO/CEO remains silent to me and does not respond respond at all. 'hat means he is in perfect perfect harmon! with me and m! record. record. 'hen obtain a Certificate of rotest" which is done b! a third part! Notar! " so under the rules of evidence" that format is an eception to heresa! rules so it is admissible in an! trial court proceedings. Administrative Administrativ e proceedings are" are" in fact" m! court. 0ince no response was received received b! CFO/CEO" $ am winning. winning. Now !ou $ have to get someone on the the public side to recogni1e that win and ratif! it" to change the corporate records" so that the corporate records show that m! setoff for that account should be ledgered on their boo2s and the! are to stop pursuing this as an unsettled obligation or debt . A trial court alwa!s uses a recommendation based upon the facts as the! appl! to the 3urisdictional 3urisdictional venue of the trial court. court. $n a public corporation corporation the law that applies to them is ‘public polic!. polic!. 4oes public polic! ‘recogni1e ‘recogni1e m! private setoff5 Answer# NO6 0o the! automaticall! do not not accept accept m! administrative administrative process in that compan! because the! do not and cannot see m! law which applies to 'he 7epublic8.the! 7epublic8.the! assume the law which applies to 'he 4emocrac! (corporate 90A / :an2ruptc!- and in the assumption of that law" the! do not see m! private setoff the! will ignore me and m! process. What is needed to get a remed!5 remed!5 $ have to go on an Appeal and let the Appeals Appeals Court loo2 at the law of the case as it applies to the facts because the appellate court can attach the law& and it can see international law" it can see m! law" or it can see its own law. law. $snt m! offer and acceptance acceptance bac2 to them based upon upon the law of 'he 7epublic" 7epublic" the private side5 %es6 0o the appelet court has the capacit! to attach a finding pursuant to m! law which the corporation itself cannot and will not do. 'he Certificate Certificate of rotest rotest proves the CFO/CEO left left the field of battle and did not respond. 'he Certificate of rotest is m! record of the proceedings in the original ‘trial court. 'he reason the debt debt was not abated is that the the CFO/CEO is the original original trial administrative agent and the trial agent cannot see m! foreign law and m!
setoff coming from 'he 7epublic. ;e cannot ac2nowledge that8in his 3ob description" he does not have that abilit!. 0o" $ must submit m! record to an appellate proceedings. When $ reero / >ip666 Where is their record in CC$ in opposition to mine566 'here is plent! of case law stating that if creditor/irs/govt did not answer with their record in CC$ in opposition to mine" then the! admit that NONE eists" and if no record eists" then there is no opposition on m! the appellate court will rule on will be# 'he sufficienc! of m! administrative factual record8..that would be m! record/m! administrative procedure (steps ) thru *-. 'his is the onl! factual record for the appeals court to ma2e a 3udgment. 'he appeals court now has the facts8the! have to attach the law8..what is the law to attach of this case5 $f $ 2ept coming bac2 on the private side" and $ have not ‘re? contracted on the public side (which would forfeit m! remed!-" then the appelet court can sa!" this is submitted under 'he @aw of 'he 7epublic (private side-" it is not submitted under 'he @aw of 'he 4emocrac! (public side-" and this part! is acting in harmon! and capacit! with one who operates out of 'he 7epublic" he is sta!ing in character as a Commercial Creditor. 'he appellate court can loo2 at foreign law. And since it sees that m! factual process is in harmon! with the law of 'he 7epublic" the! will not invalidate m! process. 'he appellate court or the appellate review proceedings is going to see that whereas the original part! cannot rule on that . 0o when $ finish m! original administrative process and the original part! went silent and has no record against me" and $ have perfected m! process" and $ am wondering wh! $ am not getting a remed!8.the reason is that $ need witnesses to ever!thing. $ have the private record witnessed to because the! never ob3ected to it in 'he 4emocrac!" which is where the! sit and where $ submitted the remed!8 but $ have no acceptance in terms of their ac2nowledgement of the rule of law upon which $ submitted the factual record. 0o" $ need a witness in 'he rivate that the! can recogni1e the law of the 3urisdictional venue from which $ submitted m! factual record. 'he! can onl! do that on appeal6 'he! cannot do that in the original 3urisdiction. 0o8.who has to re
not reactive66 4o not wait for them to provide a remed!8.that is an reaction of a 4E:'O76 4ont step out of character. $f a third part! of that compan!/creditor writes me a letter after $ve completed m! administrative procedure" that is an action of opening up a channel of negotiations to demand an appellate hearing. 7E0ON0E# Eample# letter from customer service that !ou have not paid !our utilit! bill in + months and we are going to turn off !our service# 'han2 !ou for !our letter. $ conditionall! accept !our offer that !ou have m! authorit! to turn off m! utilit! for lac2 of pa!ment upon proof of claim that $ cannot appoint !ou as the appellate officer of this proceeding and that $ cannot send !ou a cop! of the certified record where according to the record there should have been setoff on this account months ago. Now that $ am appointing !ou as the appellate officer" $m sending !ou a cop! of the record on appeal attached to this return and as the appellate officer $ direct that !ou review this on appeal as of right and if !our appellate review shows that m! record of setoff should be sustained" $ want !ou to direct !our compan! to appl! the setoff to this account and to continue m! services. As this is an appeal" !ou must send a cop! of this to the original part! (CFO/CEO/$70 Agent/etc- along with a cover letter sa!ing" ;ello" $ve 3ust appointed (Name of Appellate Officer appointed- as the appellate officer because there appears that there has been no credit on m! account and $ am appealing as of right now the fact that there has been no ledgering of this setoff. 0ince we are on appeal" $ have notified !ou of the record. lease find attached a cop! of the record on appeal. 'his appeals procedure fulfills the re