This particular literary piece is concerned with development in the field of jurisprudence that took place during the medieval. However, the paper majorly focuses upon the social contract th…Full description
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Music Activity Book
A great place to find a piecee of music to play on any given day. ^^
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Activity Sheet English Grade 6 Week 7 Day 1
Grade 8 Music Student
Saint Joseph School Gov. Camins Avenue, Avenue, Zamboanga City Grade 9 MAPEH Quarter 1st Name: __________________________ Sore: ____________ !r. " Setion: ____________________ #ate:_____________ Ativity No._______ Ativity $it%e: $it%e: Musi o& t'e Medieva% Period (earning $arget)Pur*ose: $arget)Pur*ose: At t'e end o& t'e %esson, t'e students CAN: E+*%ain t'e *er&ormane *ratie setting, om*osition, ro%e o& om*osers)*er&ormers and audiene- o & Medieva% e&erene:
Grade 9 Module. DepEd Resources
I. Con Conce cept pt No Notes tes Music of the Medieval Period (700 – 1400) The Medieval Medieval period is also known as the Middle Middle Ages Ages or ―Dark Ages Ages ‖that started with with the fall of the Roman Empire. During this time, the Christian Church influenced Europes culture and political affairs. Monophonic plainchant was named after !ope "regor# $, who made this the approved music of the Catholic Church. !ope "regor#s action made monophonic plainchants popular. Although it was originall# transmitted orall#, scholars agreed to put it in notation to assist dissemination of chants across Europe. Characteristics of the Gregorian Chants: % monophonic % &ree meter % Modal % 'suall# (ased on )atin liturg# % 'se of Neume notation During During the latter latter part of the Medieval Medieval !eriod, !eriod, secular secular music music which was not (ound (# Catholic traditions emerged. Most of these songs were performed across Europe (# groups of musicians called Trouadours! Trouadour Music: % 'suall# monophonic % *ometimes with improvised accompaniment % Tells of chivalr# and courtl# love % +riginated in &rance % ritten in the &rench language
"dam de la #alle was also known as "dam le $ossu ("dam the #unchac% -. e was the son of a well / known citi0en of Arras, enri de la alle. e received his education at the Cistercian A((e# of 1aucelles, near Cam(ral. Adam was destined for the church (ut he eventuall# married. is patrons were Ro(ert $$, Count of Artois, and and Charles of of An2ou, An2ou, (rother (rother of )ouis )ouis $3. Adam was one one of the oldest oldest secular composers composers whose whose literar# and musical musical works include include chansons chansons and poetic
de(ates. e was a trouv4re, poet and musician, whose literar# and musical works include chansons and 2eu56 partis 7poetic de(ates- in the st#le of the trouveres, pol#phonic rondel and motets in the st#le of earl# liturgical pol#phon#. is musical pla#, ―8eu de Ro(in et Marion ‖was considered the earliest surviving secular &rench pla# with music. #is &or%s include: 9. Le Jeu de Robin et de Marion 2. La Chanson du roi de Sicile
II. Learning Experiences A. C'e/ing &or 0nderstanding 1. Grou* t'e students into 2. 3. $'e tea'er 4i%% be *resenting a video *resentation about t'e &eatures o& a Gregorian 'ant o& t'e medieva% *eriod. 5. 6e%o4 are t'e &o%%o4ing guide 7uestions t'ey 4i%% ans4er a&ter t'e video *resentation. $'en, ea' grou* must *resent t'eir &inis'ed out*ut. 3-2-1 Chart Three things that they hae learnt !ro" the text#lesson
T$o %uestions that they still hae&
'ne aspect they en(oye) !ro" the text#lesson.
*. Synthesis o! the Lesson #iretions: Com*%ete t'e 58381 C'art regarding t'e musi o& %o4%ands o& (uon Three things I !oun) out+
1. 3. 5. T$o interesting things+ 1. 3. 'ne %uestion I still hae+ 1. ,. Li!elong Learning irection+ *ns$er the %uestion that is eing as/e) an) $rite it on the space proi)e).
1. 'at do you t'in/ is t'e im*ortane o& /no4ing t'e musi o& t'e medieva% *eriod; 'at one*t or %essons an you a**%y into your %i&e; 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000