A great ebook on Actuarial Science. Presented in a simple but accurate way.Full description
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Descripción: Manual de Seguridad Industrial en Centro America. Detalla las normas y equipos de seguridad que se debe de utilizar en el sitio de construcción.
A Preparation for Exam P/1 by Marcel B. B. Finan (2008) Deeper Understanding, Faster Calculation ± Exam P by Guo (10 th edition 2008) Actex Exam P (2006 paper) Probability by bpp (2004 paper)
S.O.A Exam FM/2 y
y y y y y
A Basic Course in the Theory of Interest and Derivatives Markets by Marcel B. Finan (2008) Actex FM/2 (2007 Edition ) Deeper Understanding, Faster Calculation ± Exam FM by Guo (2008) Exam FM study Program Guide by BPP (2009) Financial Mathematics by Chris Ruckman (2 nd Edition) ASM FM/2 study guide (2007 paper)
S.O.A Exam MLC y y
Deeper Understanding, Faster Calculation- MLC by Guo (2008) S. Broverman study Guide (2007 paper)