Hindu Hindu Adopt Adoption ionss and Mainte Maintenanc nancee Act, Act, 1956, 1956, S.18, S.18, Civil Civil Proced Procedure ure Code, Code, 1908, 1908, S.15 S.15 Maintenance Maintenance - Interi Interi aintenance aintenance can !e "ranted "ranted !# $ail# Court u%s 151 C.P. C.P.C. to &i'e and c(ildren in a suit 'or aintenance 'iled under Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act a"ainst (us!and. )P.Srinivasa *ao +s St.P.Indira AI* 00 A.P. 10 Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, S.18, Civil Procedure Code, 1908, S.151 - Interi aintenance - Court can "rant interi aintenance in a petition 'or aintenance 'iled u%s 18 o' Hindu Hindu Adopti doption onss and and Main Mainte tenan nance ce Act, ct, 1956. 1956. )Mo( )Mo(in inii /(ar /(arat at alia aliass Seea Seea Anr. nr. +s +../(arat 002) Civil Court Cases 236 )PH Hindu Hindu Adopt Adoption ionss and Mainten Maintenanc ancee Act, Act, 1956, 1956, S.18, S.18, Hindu Hindu Marria Marria"e "e Act, Act, 1955, 1955, S.1)1 S.1)1 4A"reeent to live separatel# - oes not operate as decree o' divorce dissolvin" arria"e 7i'e livin" separatel# under suc( a"reeent is entitled to clai aintenance 'ro (us!and 'ro date o' institution o' suit 'or aintenance. )/ouraa +s Siddappa eevappa Patarad 00) Civil Court Cases 91 )arnataa Hindu Hindu Adopt Adoption ionss and Mainte Maintenanc nancee Act, Act, 1956, 1956, S.18 S.18 - Interi Interi ainte aintenanc nancee - Mainte Maintenanc nancee a&arded a&arded u%s 15 Cr.P Cr.P..C. - Interi Interi aintenance aintenance "ranted tain" :udicial :udicial notice notice o' a&ard u%s 15 Cr.P. Cr.P.C. C. - ;ot lia!le to !e inter'ered &it(. )+. )+.Sant(ana +s S.Sat(#a AI* 00 00 Madras 92
Hindu Adoption Adoptionss and Maintenance Maintenance Act, 1956, S.18 - Maintenance Maintenance -
Hindu Hindu Adopti doption onss and and Main Mainte tena nance nce Act, ct, 1956 1956,, S.18 S.18 - Main Mainte tenan nance ce - uri urisd sdic icti tion on - 7i'e appre(endin" dan"er to (er li'e at t(e (ands o' (us!and and (is 'ail# e!ers le't (er atrionial (ouse at place ><> - Cause o' action arises at place ><> - It is S.0 CPC and not S.19 Hindu Marria"e Act &(ic( "overns :urisdiction - Court at place ><> (as :urisdiction to tr# petition 'or aintenance. )Pana: Sur#aant ?o(ar +s Ma#uri Pana: ?o(ar 00) Civil Court Cases 5 )/o!a#
Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, S.18 - Maintenance - @u antu - Status o' (us!and is deterinative o' uantu o' aintenance to !e "iven to &i'e. )St.Meenu C(opra +s eepa C(opra AI* 00 el(i 11
Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, S.18 - Maintenance - Second arria"e - Previous arria"e not dissolved - Second &i'e is not entitled 'or aintenance. )a#alas(i +s ris(na Pada#ac(i 00)1 Civil Court Cases 610 )Madras
Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, S.18 - Maintenance proceedin"s - ;o procedure is prescri!ed 'or 'ilin" a proceedin" under t(e Act - Provisions o' Code o' Civil Procedure &ill (ave to !e 'ollo&ed. )Pana: Sur#aant ?o(ar +s Ma#uri Pana: ?o(ar 00) Civil Court Cases 5 )/o!a#
Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, S.18 - Marria"e durin" su!sistence o' previous arria"e - 7i'e is not entitled to clai aintenance. )a#alas(i +s ris(na Pada#ac(i AI* 00 Madras 12
Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, S.18 - 7i'e - *i"(t o' residence - Ceases &it( deat( o' &i'e as suc( ri"(t is (er personal ri"(t - ?e"al *epresentatives o' said &i'e do not (ave vested interest in atter. )S(eela *ani +s a"dis( C(an der S(ara AI* 002 el(i 158
Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, S.18) - Maintenance - urisdiction - Held, proceedin"s 'or aintenance can !e instituted at a place o' residence o' &i'e &(o is residin" at di''erent place t(an (er (us!and. )Sunit 7%o *avi San"avai +s *avi 002) Civil Court Cases 662 )/o!a#
Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, Ss.18, 5 - Interi aintenance - Marria"e durin" su!sistence o' 'irst arria"e - Hit !# S.5 - ;ot a Hindu &i'e &it(in eanin" o' S.15 - ;ot entitled to aintenance - Also not entitled to interi aintenance durin" pendenc# o' proceedin"s. )Sures( (ullar +s +i:a# (ullar AI* 00 el(i 3
Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, Ss.18, 0 - Maintenance - urisdiction - 7i'e and dau"(ter, due to circustances, leavin" atrionial (ouse and residin" &it( (er 'at(er - Place
&(ere &i'e resides &it( (er 'at(er (as :urisdiction to tr# t(e petition. )Mrs.Suc(eta ilip <(ate +s ilip S(antara <(ate AI* 00 /o!a# 90
Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, Ss.18, 0 - Interi aintenance - Can !e "ranted. )+.Sant(ana +s S.Sat(#a AI* 00 Madras 92
Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, Ss.18 0, Civil Procedure Code, 1908, =..*.1 - Interi aintenance durin" pendenc# o' application seein" perission to sue in 'ora pauperis - Can !e "ranted - B(e oent an application in 'ora pauperis is presented it is coenceent o' t(e suit. )/al!ir uar +s Anita *ani 002) Civil Court Cases 5 )PH
Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, Ss.18 0, $ail# Courts Act, 1982, S.3 Maintenance - Clai !# &i'e and c(ildren - Court 'ee - Proceedin"s !e'ore $ail# Court is not a suit - All t(e petitions in t(e $ail# Courts are in t(e nature o' petitions or application - Ad valore Court 'ee is not pa#a!le. )Mata +s Hari is(an 002) Civil Court Cases 63 )*a:ast(an
Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, Ss.18 0 - Maintenance - Paternit# o' c(ild disputed - Court (as po&er to order a person to under"o ;A test - ;A test is scienti'icall# accurate. )/oi Anr. +s Munirat(ina 002) Civil Court Cases 36 )Madras
Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, Ss.18 0 - Maintenance - 7i'e and c(ildren 7i'e is entitled to live separatel# i' (us!and aes un'ounded alle"ations o' unc(astit# a"ainst (er - $at(er cannot escape lia!ilit# to aintain c(ildren !# sipl# ain" a stateent t(at (e &as read# to aintain t(e &it(out ain" attepts to "et custod# o' c(ildren livin" &it( ot(er. )S.ellaa +s S.An:ane#ulu 00) Civil Court Cases 11 )A.P.
Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, Ss.18, 8 - Maintenance - Dn'orceent a"ainst trans'eree o' propert# - Can !e en'orced onl# &(en trans'eree (as notice o' suc( ri"(t. )an"al +s St.At&ari#a evi AI* 00 All. 33
Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, S.19 - Maintenance - 7ido&ed dau"(ter-in-la& S(e is entitled to clai aintenance a"ainst t(e sel'-acuired propert# o' (er 'at(er-in-la&, &(et(er it is in (is (and or in t(e (and o' (is (eir or donee - Maintenance includes provision 'or 'ood and clot(in" and lie and tae into account t(e !asic need o' a roo' over t(e (ead. )/al!ir aur +s Harinder aur 00) Civil Court Cases 80 )PH
Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, S.0 - Marria"e o' dau"(ter - DEpenses - Marria"e per'ored durin" pendenc# o' appeal !# &i'e - ;ot(in" to s(o& t(at (us!and per'ored arria"e (isel' spendin" aount - /# ere entionin" o' t(e nae o' (us!and in t(e invitation cards, (e cannot tae advanta"e o' t(e sae and contend t(at (e per'ored t(e arria"e - 7i'e (eld is entitled to clai arria"e eEpenses spent !# (er 'ro (us!and. )S.ellaa +s S.An:ane#ulu 00) Civil Court Cases 11 )A.P.
Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, S.0) - au"(ter - Can clai aintenance 'ro (er 'at(er even a'ter attainin" a:orit# i' s(e is unarried and so lon" s(e is not in a position to aintain (ersel' out o' (er o&n earin" and propert# - B(e !urden is on 'at(er to point out t(at s(e is in a position to aintain (ersel'. )Mansi +s Anirudd(a *ac(andra Pusalar 00) Civil Court Cases 125 )/o!a#
Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, S., Dvidence Act, 183, S.11 - Son - s ot(er &it( soe ot(er person - ;ot disputed !# plainti'' - *aisin" dou!t on conduct and credi!ilit# o' plainti''>s ot(er - Siilarl# transcript o' tap recorded conversation purportin" to !e !et&een plainti''>s ot(er and collea"ue o' de'endant discussin" relations(ip o' parties and a!out custod# o' plainti'' - Cannot esta!lis( plainti''>s case &it(out veracit# o'
conversation !ein" esta!lis(ed - ;o pria 'acie case ade out eit(er 'or interi direction 'or ;A test or 'or "rant o' interi aintenance. )Master >F> +s >>. AI* 00 el(i 195