Aerobic Exercise for Losing Weight Important Guidelines for Aerobic Activity Definition of Aerobics: Aerobic means with air or oxygen. You should be able to carry on a short conversation while doing aerobic exercise. If you are gasping for air while talking, you are probably working or exercising anaerobically. When you work anaerobically, you will tire faster and are more likely to experience sore muscles after exercise is over. Think of aerobic activity as being long in duration yet low in intensity. Aerobic activities include Walking, Biking, Jogging, Swimming, and cross – country skiing & aerobic classes. Anaerobic activity is short in duration and high in int ensity like Weight lifting, Sprinting, Soccer and downhill skiing. By using the same l arge muscle group, rhythmically, rhythmically, for a period of 15 to 20 minutes or longer while maintaining 55 – 85% of your maximum heart rate will give you maximum benefit in Cardio activity. activity. Benefits of Aerobic Exercise: In addition to cardiovascular benefits the other additional benefits are Control of body fat – Aerobic exercise in conjunction with strength training and a proper diet will reduce body fat, Increased resistance to fatigue and extra energy, Toned muscles and lean body mass, Decreased tension and aid in sleeping, Increased general stamina and Psychological benefits – Exercise improves mood, reduces depression and anxiety.
The Aerobic Curve: The aerobic curve occurs when you begin exercising, increase your intensity level, hit the high point and gradually decrease your intensity level. The goal when exercising aerobically is to hit your target heart rate and maintain it for the entire exercise session. This works the muscle more effectively and burns more calories. It is not ok to stop in the middle of an aerobic activity because your body is sending extra blood to the muscles. Stopping suddenly can lead to muscle cramping and dizziness – that is why all aerobic activity have a warm up and cool down mode at the beginning and end of every exercise. Targeted Heart Rate: To determine your targeted heart rate – [1] First reduce your age f rom 220, then calculate your lower heart rate at 60% of that figure and your upper heart rate at 80% of that figure. If you exercise within your your targeted heart rate you will benefit most. It is harmful and dangerous to exercise beyond 85% of your targeted heart rate. Exercise Frequency: Cardiovascular Cardiovascular exercise is an ongoing process and requires consistent reinforcement. To To maintain your current level of fitness you should do aerobic exercise at least 3 times a week. To To increase your level of fitness, try exercising 4 to 5 times a week. Remember to consult your physician prior to beginning a new exercise program – Stop exercise if you feel pain, Nausea or Dizziness. No matter what your fitness level is or what your goals are, you will look and feel better when you regularly participate in an exercise program. To To be successful you must incorporate it into your lifestyle – just li ke eating and sleeping.
Stretching to increase Flexibility: Flexibility is defined as the range of motion around the joint. Within each joint there is an optimum ROM necessary for peak performance. Factors Factors that affect flexibility are 1. Age – as we age our joints loose some of their flexibility 2. Inactivity – Causes joints to loose their flexibility because connective tissue shortens 3. Gender – Women tend to be more flexible than men are 4. Body type and Strength training – Flexibility is specific to each individual because everyone everyone has a different muscle structure, joint structure and genetic composition The good news is that with training [Stretching] your degree of flexibility can be increased. Also the other benefits of stretching include – Reduces muscle soreness, Reduces risk of injury, Improves relaxation both physical and mental and reduces stress. BASIC STRETCHING EXERCISES – BOTH FOR WARM UP AND COOL DOWN Before starting an exercise program it is advisable to do some stretching exercises in order to warm up and the same stretches is recommended recommended as a cool down after your exercise program is completed. While these low intensity aerobic activity exercises are done you must move into a stretch until a sli ght tension but not pain is felt in the muscles of your body. body. Each stretch exercise must be done for 20 to 30 seconds. Your breathing must be slow and rhythmical. Never hold your breath during stretching exercises. 1.
QUADRIC QUADRICEPS EPS STRET STRETCH: CH: [Fron [Frontt of thigh thighs] s]
Place left hand firmly against the wall, reach behind and grasp your right heel with right hand and pull your heel towards the buttocks while maintaining an erect and upright posture. Hold on to this position for 20 to 30 seconds and then release. Repeat for opposite leg. 2.
HAMSTR HAMSTRING ING [Bac [Back k of Thigh Thighs] s] & LOWER LOWER BACK BACKSTR STRET ETCH CH Lie down on floor with neck shoulders and buttocks in contact with t he ground and keep left foot on ground and bend your left knee. With your right hand hold thigh against your upper body, body, and extend your right l eg towards ceiling. Hold on in this position for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat for left leg.
INNE INNER R TH THIGH IGH STR STRE ETCH Sit down on floor with t he soles of the feet together, together, hold ankles with hands lean forward from the waist while applying downward pressure to the inside of t he knees. Hold for 20 – 30 seconds and then release.
BUTTOC BUTTOCKS KS,, HIPS, HIPS, ABDOMI ABDOMINA NAL L STRET STRETCH CH Lie down on the ground while keeping both shoulders in contact with the ground. Gently pull your knee at right angle towards the ground. Hold on this position for 20 – 30 seconds, and then repeat for other side.
CHEST CHEST,, SHOU SHOULDE LDER R AND AND UPPER UPPER ARM STRET STRETCH CH Sit on the floor on your buttocks, place hands behind and rest the palms of the hand on the floor. Move buttocks away from arms while keeping arms extended back and palms on the ground and knees raised. Hold for 20 – 30 seconds and release.
Body building for muscular strength, Tone and Endurance: Muscular strength is defined as the maximum force that can be exerted by a muscle or muscle group. Muscular endurance is the capacity of a muscle to repeatedly exert force or to maintain a fixed contraction for a period of time. Anytime you are lifting the same item over and over again you are displaying muscular endurance. Muscle tone refers to the f irmness of your muscles. Both endurance and strength exercise will improve muscle tone. The different methods available to improve muscular strength, endurance and tone are – Weight stations [Independent or station Gyms], Free weights/Hand weights, Tubing / Bands and Calisthenics such as push – UP’s, triceps dips and abdominal crunches.
Before you choose your method of training you should determine your current fitness level. •
Fitness level 1 – you never or rarely exercise
Fitness level 2 – You You perform at least one set of 15 – 20 reps on 8 to 10 of the major muscle groups. Two to three times a week
Fitness level 3 – You You perform at least 2 sets of 8 to 12 reps on 8 to 10 of the major muscle groups, three to four times per week
In general if you want t o firm up and tone your muscles you should stick with fitness levels 1 & 2. If you want to build muscle then you should strive and work to fitness level 3. After you select a level you will notice that within each is a strength component, an aerobic component and a flexibility component. In order to see results you must do some type of aerobic activity to decrease body fat and you should also stretch the muscles before and after strength training. This will decrease your chance of inju ring the muscle and will help the more serious body builder lift more weight. Benefits of Strength Training: [1] Strengthening of your bones, [2] Reshaping your body, [3] Increasing your metabolism & [4] Improving your posture. A special note to Women: It is found that many women are afraid to lift weights because they don’t want large muscles. Your genetic makeup determines what types of muscle fibers you have, how they are distributed, the ratio of estrogen to testosterone and how body fat is stored. It also determines body type. There is only one body type that has a tendency to build muscle – The Mesomorph [Mesomorphs tend to be more muscular]. The other two body types - Endomorph [more rounded, hour glass figures] and Ectomorph [Slim and linear in shape] will not get ‘bigger’ muscles from weight lifting because their bodies respond to weight training differently than Mesomorphs. In fact, an Ectomorph and a Mesomorph can be