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(201 ) 431 -2429
Uhe CWocus ~€gac!J ,I
(201) 431-2429 POST OFFICE BOX 144 •
C.,g ~"e CWo~us ~Q. Al Mann Excl usive s Copyr~ght
("Wocus" is the pron unci ation given to the Lati n word 'Lotu s' by the Modoc India ns of Klam ath Lake 'Vall ey of Know ledge ' in Cali forn ia) Wiza rds, Warl ocks , Witc hes, Sorc eress es, o,ee 50 , Necr oman cers, Magi , Wond er-W orker s and Myst ael Ther gists
and Divi Vood ooist s, Sham aness es and Conj urors , Exor cists Faus tand s ners ; Prop hets and Prog nost icato rsJ Diab olist ists , Ench antre sses and Sire ns. zens To all Eart ly Mort als; Tato oed Bret hren andofDeni the ders of the Deep ; Inha bitan ts, Visi tors and Inva Neth er Worl d. r of the To all King s and Titan s. To Bore as Rex, Rule Pose idon and hes Nort h Wind and Sove reign of the Froz en Reac God of the Ocean Seas that the prin ciple known as "The
OCl/ tOW
Wocus Lega cy" Arch Mage work by your humble and warm blood ed Serv ant, The Silv er of r Ipsis simu s and Mast er of Magi c of the Orde Key, Al Mann! tings ! To all who read and enjoy my writ ings , Gree purs e your may And may the Gods smile with you alwa ys and grow fat. (p) Ther e is some thing new unde r the Sun! .ay or may not The Secr et that I am abou t to devu lge er magi cians be to your plea sure . Yet, bear in mind that mast the over ing muss ime like the late Al Bake r spen t a lifet open t17 secre of ways folde d bille t and expe rime nting with age. mess n ing the bille t and read ing its hidde er-te ar Bert Rees e's umbr ella move and Al Bake r's Cent r. labo this of and thre e-pe llet trick are the frui ts hs perf ectin g the Your humble auth or spen t many mont htorig inal 'Acid us' move s, whic h are today the acme of sleig of-ha nd for bille t work ers.
So now I introduce a billet that works by itself! After it is folded it opens out by itself like a 'Lotus Blossom! ' Please examine the gimmick in the envelope that has white paper on one side and a glassine film on the other. I have left this gimmick as is so that you can see how it is put together. If this gimmick is folded in half it will open out when released! Play with it awhile but only fold it in one direction instead of two ways. After you understand the principle, use rubber cement and cement a piece of white paper on the exposed side where the film shows. When the cement dries, trim off the edges slightly and now the gimmick will look like a piece of card, like the material you use in billets. You can now use this gimmick as a billet by having some one write a message on it and then turning the card writing-side down. When you pick it up, do not look at it but hold it over your head and fold it two times in one direction only. (see Fig. J) Then throw it into a box but do not look into the box. Just walk away and get your crystal baIlor a glass of water and as you hold the baIlor glass over the box, pretending you are looking for images, you will get a good look at the message on the now opened billet! Now for the details -MAKING THE WOCUS LEGACY BILLETS. You will need some polyethylene film, 6 mil in thickness (.006 of an inch). Do not use anything thinner This material is sold in paint stores and some hardware departments. For a few dollars you will get a roll that will last you a lifetime and some left over. Cut some pieces of the film is sizes 2! by J inches. Then apply cement to the edges of two pieces as shown by the diagonal lines in Fig. 1. You must use a cement that will work with polyethylene. I use a cement labeled 'Contact Cement' by Duro. This cement can be used on rubber and leather. The film will curl a bit after the cement is applied. Let it dry as per the Fig. 1 instructions (about 10 minutesJand then put the two pieces together carefully aligned BUT they do not have to be aligned perfectly. Place the pieces under a press till the cement takes. I use two pieces of lumber and some clamps. When ready, cement white paper on both sides with rubber cement and then trim the gimmick so that it resembles a piece of card. What you make is actually a small pocket of film that is sealed on all four sides. There should not be any air bubbles inside the pocket. Your prepared billet now has hidden powersl It has a memory I 0
HANDLING THE BILLET. Give the VIP a No. 2 pencil or a ball-point pen to write with. He can write a whole question that covers the whole cardl After he finishes tell him to turn the card writing-side down so that no one can see the messagel Tell the audience that you are going to pick up the card and fold it and to please watch you and notice that you never look at the card. I must touch the card with my finger tips to get the necessary vibrations, you say. So pick up the card and hold it over your head so that it is visible to all, openly fold the card once as shown in Fig. 2. Then fold it a second time in the same direction as in Fig. J. The card is slightly rounded like a cigar but to the audience it simply looks like a folded card. . Hold the card in the air as in Fig. 4. as you patter. Then place it inside a cigar box or what have you but place it so that side "X" as shown in Fig. J is downwards and touching the bottom of the box. Never look at the billet or inside the box while handling it. To the audience it just looks as though you threw it into the box, but actually you place it in the box gently. The billet will open up as soon as you release it. The billet must also be marked with a secret 'dot' as shown in Fig. J, so that you will know which is the top of the billet. That way the billet will open right-side up so that the message is readible. All is now ready for the reading which you do in the pretext of doing something else. That, Gentlemen, is the gist of the idea. There are many fine points for working with this principle and I will detail some here. You will no doubt come up with other ideas in handling.
2flte U!Ln.
Fig. J
Fig .....
WdlJU8: If you palm a dummy billet ir. the left hand, then if you bring the true billet held in your right hand to the left hand, you can easily switch the billets and then tear up the dummy billet. Allow a few bits of paper to drop to the floor and then throw everything into a box or basket. The billet will open up among the pieces for later readingl
~he 8c";!Jelt 8 CPod,iul/1l,; EFFECT. On the seer's table is a scryer's crystal ball on a small podium. A sitter is asked to write out his most important question and then to turn the card writing side down. The seer then takes the card and folds it and then removes the crystal and drops the folded card under the velvet cloth that covers the podium. The crystal ball is then replaced and the seer looking into the crystal divines the thought and answers the question. Fig. 5 gives the solution. The podium is about four inches high and J inches square. The Crystal ball is a 4 inch diameter ball. The podium has no top to it so that the crystal ball can nest in it. Fig. 5B. After the sitter finishes his writing, the seer removes the crystal ball and the velveteen cloth. After the billet is dropped into the podium, the cloth is replaced but so that the back is higher in order to expose the now open billet as in Fig. 5C A Wocus Legacy billet is used of course and it is marked with a pencil dot as in Fig. J in order to place it correctly inside the podium. The best presentaion is to simply take the billet, fold it and drop it into the podium quickly without any farther ado and then do the reading. This will hit the sitter between the eyes o NOTE. The back window shown in Fig. 5B need not be as big as shown. A 2 inch high . opening will do.
Fig. 5
YOUR CRYSTAL BALL. (MF) You may be able to buy a 4 inch crystal ball today for about $100. But some crystal balls sell for as hibh as $20~000. Your crystal ball is like a fine jewel. A flawless and near perfect (spherically) ball is as expensive as any precious jewel. They also go up in price with the years. Most crystal balls come out of Quartz crystal and come from Czechoslovakia. So insure your ball for a few thousand dollars and tell your sitter about it. NOTE. The Wocus billet can of course be re-used simply by using a pencil for the writing or using Erasable Bond paper.
If the 'billet kings' of the past were alive today they would probably handle the Wocus billet as follows. If you can palm a playing card undetectedly, you can do the move described here. First get a prepared billet that measures 2 by 2 inches. After the VIP writes his thoughts on it, fold it from the bottom up in thirds~ as shown in Fig. 6, A and B. Then hold it between the fingers as shown in Fig. 4 and then put it to your temple and then take it as shown in Fig. 7 and place it against the temple of the VIP. As you do that stick the first finger of the right hand (assuming you are right-handed) between the folds and with the help of the VIP's A temple push the billet into your fingers and out of sight. Let the billet open out as you release the pressure of the thumb. The thumb may also help in opening the billet. Get a quick glace at the message and then look away, crumple the billet in your hand and pocket it. Get a slate and chalk and read his Fig. 6 mind! You must practice these moves several times before presenting it. The idea is to clip the top of the billet between the first and second fingers and let the billet open out downwards, while the four fingers and palm cover the move. Fig. 7 (SMP) There is nothing wrong with you folding the billet. Many persons in your audience resent taking orders from you. I well remember the time when I told the editor of a newspaper to open the prediction box. She said to me, "You open it. Why should I open it?" So I open it and had an easy time of it and got headlines for it. Some spectator even refuse to take part in the show or get out of their seats. So if you fold the billet for them, you are saving them the effort. But you must convince them that you never look at the billet even after it is folded. While you are holding the open billet against the VIP's temple you glance at it in the pretext of looking into his eyesl T.A. Waters, aptly put it that billets are psychologically invisible (Script)l Once the billet is folded and then crumpled and pocketed it becomes non-existent as from then on you are going to read minds! Since you are still 'fishing' for vibs, the audience assumes that you do not know the thought yet until you write it on your slate!
The Wocus Legacy billet can be used as a prediction pellet! It will not work with the 'key' boxes due to the pressure exerted by the billet inside the key. The pressure will slow down the operation and cause failure, BUT it works well with. Nelson's Prediction Pen. This item was sold by Bob Nelson of Columbus Ohio and some are still available. The pen takes a big billet. So the Wocus billet can be rolled as in Fig. J and stuck into the pen. A good way to present the effect is to seal the opening in a small bottle and then break the seal with the pen, depositing the billet in the act of trying to take it out. In the meantime the billet has expanded so now you will have to either take the billet out with a pair of tweezers or break the bottle with a hammer! Use an opaque bottle.
Sp,°A.Lt .9",,, 'Bottle .'
EFFECT. After the sitter writes his question on a piece of card, the psychic takes the slip and rolls it and sticks it into an ink bottle. The question is then divined and answered. Fig, 8, reveals the method. The bottle is painted with jet black paint on all sides and the bottom except for the back side which is transparent. However, when the psychic removes the bottle from his desk drawer, he flashes it and it appears to be painted on all sides. The billet must be inserted into the bottle so that side "X" as in Fig. J is Fig. 8 facing the front of the bottle. That way the billet will open out right-side to the back and exposing the message as in Fig. 8. This bottle you should not break as it has taken you some trouble to prepare. The billet is taken out with a pair of Tweezers and rolled up in the act so that the billet looks the same as when it went it. Now, I ask you, what mortal in his right mind is going to believe that the rolle"d billet blossomed o:ut to reveal the secret message? Besides they will know that the bottle is painted black on all sides!
On JUly 10th, 1982, Gary Lee Williams of White Plains, N.Y. phoned to say that Tr-Id was out-of-this-world. I was working on The Wocus Legacy and let him in on the secret. Straight away he put his mind to it and called back four hours later to say that he could do the "Lotus Move" with an unprepared piece of paper!!! He then wrote a letter with all his ideas on it (July 16th) and these ideas are incorporated in "Wocus II." If the following instructions are followed, you will find that the "Lotus Move" works every time. THE PAPER. Although any kind of soft paper can be used, it is best to use opaque paper. Red or blue paper. This will obviate the thought of transparency. Use fieces of paper the same size as the billets you are used to. Say 22 by Jt inches square. Fold the paper in half and 'break' the fold by folding the paper back and force. This will assist greatly in the move. Also if you wish you can fold the paper into quarters and 'break" the quarter folds also. But actually only the first fold is important. THE GIMMICK. Use a single thickness of polyethylene film, 6 mil thick. (see sample in envelope). Cut the film smaller than the billet. It can be round or square. Also cut a small piece out of the center as shown in Fig. 9 I prefer the square piece. The hole in the center of the film serves several purposes. First you can tell where the center is by feeling it with your finger-tips. Secondly it lessens the friction of the gimmick after it is folded into quarters. This friction sometimes causes the gimmick to slip out a bit. Fig. 9 Thirdly, the hole in the center avoids a 'break' after the gimmick is folded into quarters. Since the film has a 'memory' and a tendency to open out, a break will slow this action.
THE PRESENTATION. After the VIP writes his thoughts, he is instructed to turn the slip writing-side down. You have the film gimmick palmed in your left hand. So you pick up the message paper and place it writing-side down over the gimmick and then cover the paper with your right hand and place your hands to your head to get the 'vibs.' Then without looking at your hands, fold the paper downwards and over the gimmick, and then into quarters. Now -l~ you throw this folded paper into the box, it will open out to reveal the message!
cont .
only progr am NOTE. Neve r put a break in the film . This will the brea k •. at d folde stay the memory of the film so that it will make the NOT DO ters, So when you fold the bille t into quar actu ally are folds the folds hard , but fold it over gent ly so that roun ded inste ad of flat. If the pape r is twice as large ar. Afte r you fold as the gimm ick, you can do the Wocus Cent er-Tee, hold it to your the pape r into quar ters with the gimmick insid the thou ghtl then temp le and noti fy the audie nce that you rece ived nal cent er-te ar tear the pape r up as you do with the conv entio and then tear up techn ique . Stea l back the folde d cent er piecge into a bask et or the rest into tiny bits and throw ever ythin e empt y---. rwis what -hav e-yo u, and show your hand s otheyou pick up a clip- boar d l unti et bask the Do not look into essio ns. You can see the for exam ple and star t to draw your imprleft side of the clipb oard open cent er-p iece as you look over the (or the righ t side ).
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Fig. 10 expl ains the mira cle. The Wocus II bill et is folde d into quar ters and dropp ed into the ballo t box throu gh the slot . The The bille t open s up and reve als the mess age. see only prob lem is that you must prac tice to orde r in t bille d folde how you must inse rt the up. e for it to open righ t-sid The back door in the Ball ot box can be Fig. 10 cove red by a swin ging secr et door . Sinc e the to do. box has a botto m, that shou ld not be hard card a of out made be The box can also boar d cand y box. up the box Sinc e the Box has a back door , you can pickand let the lap your rds towa ~der any pret ext, tilt it back then retu rn and re leisu at it b~llet fall out. You can then read l it to the box if nece ssary bag. Simp ly cut I~ an e~ergency you can even use a pape r the bag, shak e it into et bill the out a w~ndow ~n the back . Drop then be or what ever and glim pse the mess agel The bag and all can torn up and throw n away I quite easy . Just Making the bille t open up righ t-sid e-up is Then the bill et . hand t plac e a mark on the back side uppe rrigh folde d billfold inse rt and et so that the mark is on the outs ide of the from youl away the bille t into the box with the mark
t the "Woc,:s Well , Gent leme n, that is all I can tell you abou more to ~t be to got has Lega cy." But I have a feeli ng that there r late lope deve will than that . No doub t that some thing more is here given on mati infor And if you do not think that the well not are you aps perh wort h more than the price paid for it, Men talis t. vers ed in bille t work of in the art of tothedoin g the Mutus-NomenI for one do not want to go back readi ng, altho ugh mind as off Debi t-Co cis card trick and palm ing it I admi t that laym en love the trick .
GlJa.,mpilt. t1hO~l1,td
A perso n is told to write down her thou ghts on a piece of pape r and then to conc entra te on the thou ght. She is then told to eraSe her thou ghts from the pape r. The same pape r is passe d to anot her perso n who is also told to write down her thou ghts and then to fold the pape r twice . it at his The Men talis t take s the folde d slip and hold ing d erase and then fing ertip s divin es the firs t thou ght thatd was destr oys the pape r and divin es the secon thoug ht! this effe ct. But The read er may alrea dy have a solu tion forguei ng. I am sure you will agree that the plot is intri subs cribe rs wrot e When "The Donovon Pape rs" was relea sed, many into the AME files ing Look to ask what kind of pape r was recommended. r pape r, write Type I found the idea l pape r. It is Eras able Bond made by is and s Medium weig ht. This is sold in stati oner y store rs. othe than er seve ral comp anies . As expe cted some is bett can type on it or write This pape r has amaz ing qual ities ! You ly erase d on it even with a china mark er and the writ ing can be easi with an ordin ary eras er. eras e. But let's You can even write on it with ink and it will il. penc 2 no. a use not go that far. In our tests we will secr et of the found I Toge ther with the erasa ble bond pape r, t time! firs the for t Here it is, in prin the Vampire Thou ghts! le. It is SECRET AND PRESENTATION. The secr et is quite simp nce. audie your gue the patt er and the plot that will intri essio n The firs t perso n gets the piec e of pape r and aninimpr Jupi ter the used is gimm ick. Here I recommend the gimmick thatyou may have your own Effe ct in "Thro ugh A Wall , Mist ily." But favo rite. the gimmick as Afte r the secr et mess age is writ ten, take backconc entra te on to and you tell the perso n to look at her writi ng thou ght from the pape r her thou ght. She is next told to erase her
cont. • ••
with the eraser on the back of her pencil and to pass the slip of paper and the pencil to another person. The second person is told to write her thoughts on the slip of paper as you turn your back for an instant and glimpse the impression of the first person's thought I The second person next folds the billet. You take the billet at your fingertips and without looking at it place it to your temple and divine the first thought, the one that was erasedl to the amazement of everyone. During the ensueing amazement, tear up the slip of paper and discard it 0- (you have just done your favorite center-tear method )and then reveal the second thought. NOTE. If you know the secret of The Donovon Papers you will have no need to tear up the folded slipS
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Here is another intrigueing plot that may dumbfound your audience. You inform the audience that you are going to attempt a most difficult and unique test. "You have all heard of thought reading, well I am going to try something different. You may call it Memory reading!" METHOD. The method used here is exactly as the method used in "Vampire Thoughts," except that you do it with a single person. Tell a person to think of a thought or question and to write it down on a slip of paper. He is then to concentrate on'it and then to erase it from the paper and to think of something else. He is instructed to write his thought again on the same slip of paper. Mentalist takes the paper and folds it and places the slip to his temple. He then destroys the piece of paper and discards the pieces, some of which drop to the floor. Mentalist tells the person to please concentrate on his thought while Mentalist writes on a slate. Say that the second thought was "Son" and that the person is thinking about it. "I have received an impression and I have chalked it on this slate which I will show you shortly. Please tell us, for the benefit of the audience the exact thought you had in your mind." Spectator replies "Sonl" "That is what you were thinking about, Correct?" "YesS" "NOS" "You were not thinking of anything else'? "Ladies and Gentleman p while this person was thinking of his Son, I was attempting to read, not his thought but his memory! His memory had a clear record of the first question in his mind!"
cont , •••
firs t ques tion "Wil l you plea se tell the audie nce what yourerase d" was. The one that you wrot e down firs t and then "My ques tions was, 'When will I sell my hous e?" tion Men talis t turn s his slate aroun d and shows the same ques chalk ed on it! the impr essio n NOTES, The firs t ques tion was gotte n from the cent er tear but gimmick. The secon d thou ght can be gotte n . via as you can see it is not at all nece ssary incin g since you The patt er for this effe ct can be most conv ythin g that you have say that your subc onsc ious mind reco rds ever In fact ever ythin g ever read , seen , touc hed, taste d or smel led. feel! is reco rded in your memory and can be reyour sens es calle d.
Throu gh Gild ed Gate s The Wonder Work ers Pass To Conq uer Worl ds Beyond The Mean Perfo rmin g Mira cles En Mass That Less er Mort als Have Not Seen Yet Thei r Wonders Are Wrought By Prin ciple s Well Known But Hidd en, Bene ath The Pale Of Thin gs Givin g Thei r Deeds A Gold en Crown And Thei r Words A Magic Ring And Coup led With in The Normal Vein We See A Wondrous Stra in Of Ench antin g And Bewi tchin g Joy When We Beho ld With Chee r Deli ght A Magi cian In His Ploy l Al Mann Wish ing You