EX0006, WRONG COMBINATION OF M-CODES , ALM0006, A7.5, Any wrong combination M-commands have been mistakenly given at the same time. EX0013, M85-COMMAND WITH SPINDLE ON , ALM001, A0.0, An M!5 command has been given d"ring s#indle rotation or milling rotation.
ALM001!, A0.$, A cycle start has been activated EX0018, NEED ZERO-RETURN , ALM001!, witho"t e%ec"ting the &-a%is and '-a%is (ero ret"rns a)ter a machine lock cancel. EX0019, WOR-COUNTER AT FULL COUNT , ALM001*, A0., A cycle start s tart has been activated with the + or e%ternal work co"nter at )"ll co"nt. EX00!0, EDITING SWITCH E" IS ON , ALM00$0, A0., A cycle start has been activated with the diting /ey witch on.
A0.5, he cycle o#eration EX00!3, START INTERLOC ON #EXT$% , ALM00$, A0.5, has been started while an e%ternal start interlock signal has been in#"t. EX00!&, CHUC UMCLAMPED , ALM00$, A0.6, A cycle start has been activated with the ch"ck "nclam#ed. EX00!6, DOOR NOT CLOSED , ALM00$6, ALM00$6, A0.7, he cycle o#eration has mistakenly been started witho"t door closed. EX00!9, TAILSTOC INCHING' (UILL NOT OU , ALM00$*, A1.0, A cycle start has been activated d"ring tailstock inching or with the tailstock 2"ill not 34. 34. EX0033, ONL" HANDLE MODE , ALM00, A7.6, he og #"sh b"tton has been #ressed together with the 3.. 3.. release b"tton a)ter the hard 3.. 3.. limit switch has been tri##ed.
A10.0, A a"to-door closed detection signal EX006&, AUTO-DOOR OPEN , ALM006, A10.0, has been deactivated witho"t an a"to-door close command having been given. EX0068, SET UP MODE TIME O)ER , ALM006!, A10.$, oor interlock cancel time has been over.
A10., oor lock EX0069, DOOR LOC CHEC TIME O)ER , ALM006*, A10., com#lete signal has not been t"rned 3 a)ter ela#sing the time set in timer. A16., he tailstock EX0093, TAILSTOC OUT PERMIT ERROR , ALM00*, A16., 2"ill 34 #ermission signal is abnormal. heck the monitor circ"it. EX009&, INTERRUPTION SIGNAL ON , ALM00*, A16.5, A16.5, he motor interr"#tion check signal is in#"t at o#eration ready com#letion o) each motor. heck the motor interr"#tion circ"it. EX0095, TURRET ILLEGAL MO)EMENT , ALM00*, A16.6, he t"rret attem#ts to move witho"t command. heck the t"rret o"t#"t driver or clam# signal.
EX0096, INTERRUPTION FAILURE , ALM00*6, A16.7, he motor interr"#tion check signal is not in#"t at o#eration ready com#letion o) each motor. heck the motor interr"#tion circ"it. EX0301, T-CODE COMMAND #*!% , ALM001, A7.7, An invalid -command has been given. 89ead$: EX030!, T-CODE COMMAND #*1% , ALM00$, A1.1, An invalid -command has been given. 89ead1: EX0303, M1+'M18-COMMAND BUT AUTROT 1. , ALM00, A1.$, ither an M17 or M1! command has been given while the t"rret inde%ing short-#ath control is e))ective. 8+ #arameter A43;3< =1>: EX0305, TAILSTOC UNCLAMPED #*!% , ALM005, A!.0, A -command has been given with the tailstock "mclam#ed. 89ead$: EX031!, NEED TURRET ZERO-RETURN , ALM01$, A1., A -command has been given with the t"rret station not inde%ed to the correct #osition. ?nde% the station man"ally. EX03!0, DURING POL"GON MODE, ALM0$0, A1., A -command has been given d"ring #olygon mode. EX03!!, TAILSTOC UNCLAMPED , ALM0$$, A1.5, An M, M, M1, M1 or M* command has been given with the tailstock "nclam#. EX03!&, TAILSTOC UNCLAMPED #*1% , ALM0$, A1.6, A -command has been given with the tailstock "nclam#ed. 89ead1: EX033!, TAILSTOC NOTCONNECT POSITION , ALM0$, A1.7, An M7* command has been given with tailstock not in connecting #osition. EX0333, TAILSTOC INCHING'(UILL OUT , ALM0, A$.0, An M7! or M7* command has been given with the tailstock 2"ill 34 or in the inching state. EX033&, TURRET PARAM$ MUST BE 8, 10, 1! , ALM0, A$.1, A val"e other =!>, =10>, or =1$> was in#"t to the #aramter as a setting )or the n"mber o) t"rret station. ;eset the #arameter. EX0350, PHASE-B SIGNAL NOT ON #*!% , ALM050, A1$.1, he t"rret inde%ing #hase-@ co"nt signal has not been activated. his error is ca"sed when a #hase-A signal is o"t#"t twice in a row. ither the #ro%imity switch )or the #hase-@ co"nter is de)ective or it is im#ro#erly ad"sted. 89ead$:. EX0351, PHASE-A SIGNAL NOT ON , ALM051, A1.0, he t"rret inde%ing #haseA co"nt signal has not been activated. his error is ca"sed when a #hase-@ signal is o"t#"t twice in a row. ither the #ro%imity switch )or the #hase-A co"nter is de)ective or it is im#ro#erly ad"sted. 89ead$:
EX035!, PHASE-B SIGNAL NOT ON #*1% , ALM005$, A10.7, he t"rret inde%ing #hase-@ co"nt signal has not been activated. his error is ca"sed when a #hase-A signal is o"t#"t twice in a row. ither the #ro%imity switch )or the #hase-@ co"nter is de)ective or it is im#ro#erly ad"sted. 89ead1: EX0353, PHASE-A SIGNAL NOT ON #*1% , ALM05, A11.0, he t"rret #hase-A co"nt signal has not been activated. his error is ca"sed when a #hase-@ signal is o"t#"t twice in a row. ither the #ro%imity switch )or the #hase-A co"nter is de)ective or it is im#ro#erly ad"sted. 89ead1:. EX035&, PHASE-A NOT AGREE WITH PHASE-B #*!% , ALM005, A16., "rrent #osition data in the #hase-A signal co"nter and the #hase-@ signal co"nter do not agree. ither the #ro%imity switch )or the co"nter is de)ective or it is im#ro#erly ad"sted. 89ead$: EX0355, PHASE-A NOT AGREE WITH PHASE-B #*1% , ALM055, A11.1, "rrent #osition data in the #hase-A signal co"nter and the #hase-@ signal co"nter do not agree. ither the #ro%imity switch )or the co"nter is de)ective or it is im#ro#erly ad"sted. 89ead1: EX0356, TURRET INDEX TIME UP #*!% , ALM056, A17.0, "rret inde%ing has not been com#leted within the s#eci)ied time. 89ead$: EX035+, TURRET INDEX TIME UP #*1% , ALM057, A11.$, "rret inde%ing has not been com#leted within the s#eci)ied. EX03+&, TOOL LIFE UP #*1% , ALM07, A11., ool li)e "#. 89ead1: EX03+5, TOOL LIFE UP #*!% , ALM07, A17.1, ool li)e "#. 89ead$: EX03++, PHASE-A COUNTER ERROR , ALM077, A11., "rrent val"e o) #haseA co"nter is not =1> at #ass tho"gh the t"rret home #osition d"ring t"rret inde%ing.ither the home #osition detection switch or the #hase-A co"nt switch is de)ective or they are im#ro#erly ad"sted. 89ead1: EX03+8, PHASE-B COUNTER ERROR #*1% , ALM07!, A11.5, "rrent val"e o) #hase-@ co"nter is not =1> at #ass tho"gh the t"rret home #osition d"ring t"rret inde%ing. ither the home #osition detection switch or the #hase-A co"nt switch is de)ective or they are im#ro#erly ad"sted. EX0380, TAILSTOC CLAMP'UNCLAMP TIME UP , ALM0!0, A11.6, he tailstock clam#"nclam# o#erated has not been com#leted within the s#eci)ied time. EX0381, TAILSTOC UNCLAMPED , ALM0!1, A11.7, he clam# check signal has been deactivated with the tailstock was clam#ed. in#"t. EX0383, PHASE-A COUNTER ERROR #*!% , ALM0!, A17.$, "rrent val"e o) #hase-A co"nter is not =1> at #ass tho"gh the t"rret home #osition d"ring t"rret inde%ing. ither the home #osition detection switch or the #hase-A co"nt switch is de)ective or they are im#ro#erly ad"sted.89ead$:
EX038&, PHASE-B COUNTER ERROR #*!%, ALM0!, A17., c"rrent val"e o) #hase-@ co"nter is not =1> at #ass tho"gh the t"rret home #osition d"ring t"rret inde%ing. ither the home #osition detection switch or the #hase -A co"nt switch is de)ective or they are im#ro#erly ad"sted. 89ead$: EX0386, NEED TURRET ZERO RETURN #*1%, ALM0!6, A1$.0, he t"rret clam# check limit has been deactivated d"ring cycle start. 89ead1: EX0393, NEED TURRET ZERO RETURN , ALM0*, A17., he t"rret clam# check limit switch has been deactivated d"ring cycle start. E/0&01, M3'M&'M13'M1& COMMAND ERROR , ALM001, A$.$, Any o) the )ollowing commands have been given im#ro#erlyB MC d"ring normal s#indle rotation MC d"ring reverse s#indle roatation M1C d"ring normal milling rotation or M1 d"ring reverse milling rotation. EX0&0&, M3'M&'M13'M1& ERROR BAD S-CODE , ALM005, A$., An M, M1, or M1 command has been given either witho"t given an -code command a)ter t"rning on the #ower or a)ter giving an 3 command. EX0&05, M&1, M&!, M&3, M&& COMMAND MISSING, ALM005, A$., An M, M or M1* command has been given witho"t giving either an M1, M$, M, 0r M command. EX0&06, SPINDLE INTERLOC SIGNAL ON , ALM006, A$.5, An M, M M1, M1, M1* or M* command has been given while the e%ternal s#indle interlock signal activated. EX0&0+, BAD SPINDLE DIRECTION, ALM07, A$.6, he direction o) s#indle 8or milling: rotation has been changed or while shi)ting the o#eration mode )rom a"tomatic to man"al, or )rom man"al to a"tomatic. EX0&10, M10'M11'W' SPINDLE OR MILL ON , ALM010, A$.7, An M10, M11 command has been given d"ring s#indle rotation or milling rotation. EX0&11, M3'M&-COM WITH SPINDLE OG ON , ALM011, A.0, A M, M, or M* command has been given d"ring s#indle ogging. EX0&1!, M3'M&'M13'M1& W' CHUC UMCLAMP, ALM01$, A.1, An M, M, M1, or M1 command has been given with the ch"ck "nclam#ed. EX0&!1, DURING TAILSTOC INCHING , ALM0$1, A.$, A M, M, M1, or M1 command has been given d"ring tailstock 2"ill inching. EX0&!9, M13'M1&'M39 BUT MILLING OG ON , ALM0$*, A., A M1, M1, or M* command has been given d"ring milling ogging. EX0&&8, M-COM BUT NOT AT MILL STATION , ALM0!, A., Dith the rotary tool station not inde%ed, either anM1, M1, M* or M, M d"ring M*0 command mode, command has been given.
EX0&&9, NOT MILLING STATION , ALM0*, A.5, A E$51 8#olygon: command has been given at the #osition other than the milling stations. EX0&51, SPINDLE DRI)E UNIT ALARM , ALM051, A1$.1, he s#indle drive "nit alarm has been activated. EX0&53, MILL SPINDLE ALARM , ALM05, A1$., A milling am#li)ier alarm has been activated. EX0&56, SPINDLE INDEX TIME UP , ALM056, A1$., #indle inde%ing has not been com#leted within the s#eci)ied time. EX0&61, TAILSTOC OUT SWITCH NOT ON , ALM061, A1$.5, he tailstock o"t check signal has been deactivated with the tailstock 2"ill o"t. EX0&+0, GEAR CHANGE TIME UP , ALM070, A1$.6, Eear change has not been com#leted within the s#eci)ied time. EX0&+1, GEAR CHEC LIMIT SWITCH NOT ON , ALM071, A1$.7, he gear check limit switch has been deactivated d"ring s#indle rotation. EX0&80, SPINDLE ORIENTATION TIME UP , ALM0!0, A1.0, #indle orientation has not been com#leted within the s#eci)ied time. EX0551, ELEC$ CONTROL UNIT O)ERHEATING , ALM0551, A1.1, Abnormal increase in electrical control "nit tem#erat"re. EX055&, OIL AIR PRESSURE STILL DOWN , ALM055, A10., o increase in oil air #ress"re. +ossible ca"se is broken #i#ing or motor )ail"re. EX0560, AIR PRESSURE DROP , ALM0560, A1.$, Air #ress"re has dro##ed. EX0561, OIL PRESSURE LOW , ALM0561, A1., ecrease in hydra"lic #ress"re. EX056!, LUBR$ OIL PRESSURE STILL DOWN , ALM056$, A1., o increase in l"brication oil #ress"re. +ossible ca"se is broken #i#ing or motor )ail"re. EX0563, NO DROP IN LUBR$ OIL PRESSURE , ALM056, A1.5, +ress"re has not decreased within the s#eci)ied time a)ter t"rning the cycle #"m# 3FF. +ossible ca"se is )ail"re in the #ress"re switch or the magnet. EX0556&, NO DROP IN OIL AIR PRESSURE , ALM056, A10.5, +ress"re has not decreased within the s#eci)ied time a)ter t"rning the oil air #"m# 3FF. +ossible ca"se is )ail"re in the #ress"re switch or the magnet. EX056+, LUBRICATION WATCH DOG ALARM , ALM0567, A1.6, L"brication #"m# #ress"re detection switch has not been activated within the s#eci)ied time. EX05+0, INSUFFICIENT LUBRICATION OIL , ALM0570, A1.7, ?ns"))icient l"brication oil.
EX05+1, INSUFFICIENT OIL IN AIR , ALM0571, A10.6, ?ns"))icient oil in oil air l"brication system. EX0590, THERMAL TRIP , ALM05*0, A10.1, 3ne o) the thermal relays in the a"%iliary motor has been tri##ed. EX090&, L-TURRET NOT AT Z ZERO RETURN , ALM0*0, A!.1, he #arts catcher 34 command has been given while the lower t"rret '-a%is is not (ero-#oint. EX0905, PRESETTER ARM DOWN , ALM0*05, A!.$, he #arts catcher 34 command has been given with the #resetter arm rise check switch deactivated. EX090+, PRESETTER ARM DOWN , ALM0*07, A!., he #resetter arm rise check switch has been deactivated while the #arts catcher is o"t. EX0911, NO MORE BAR STOC , ALM0*11, A.7, @ar stock has r"n o"t. EX0913, M+1-COM WITH SPINDLE OR MILL ON , ALM0*1, A.0, An M71 command has been given d"ring s#indle rotation or milling rotation. EX0915, NEED Z-AXIS ZERO-RETURN , ALM0*15, A.1, An M17 command has been given while &, ' a%is at the (ero #oint. EX0916, PARTS CATHCER NOT HOME POSITION , ALM0*16, A.$, M71 or M!5 command has been given while the #arts catcher is not in the home #osition. EX09!!, M+0-COMMAND BUT CHUC CLAMPED, ALM0*$$, A., An M70 command has been given while the ch"ck is clam#ed. EX09!3, SENSOR ON , ALM0*$, A7.$, An M7$ command has been given while sensor is t"rned on. EX09&!, SENSOR ARM OUT , ALM0*$, A0.1, M, M or -code command is s#eci)ied with e%tending the #ositioning sensor arm. EX09&5, ROBOT COMMAND ERROR , ALM0*5, A., ;3@3 command has been given while the machine is not in home #osition. EX09&6, ROBOT ARM IN, ALM09&6 , A.5, he )ollowing commands have been given while the ;3@3 arm is moving ?. 8M!, M, M11, M!, M*, M71, M!6, -command: EX0951, CONTACT BUT NO PRESET MODE , ALM0*51, A1.$, he sensor has been activated witho"t setting the #resetter mode. EX095!, CONTACT AS ARM RISES , ALM0*5$, A1., he sensor has been activated with the #resetter ascending. EX0953, ARM UP SIGNAL OFF IN AUTO MODE , ALM0*5, A1., he #resetter arm 4+ detection signal has been deactivated d"ring a"tomatic mode.
EX0956, TWO OR MORE SENSORS ARM ON , ALM0*56, A1.5, wo sensors or more have been activated d"ring #resetter mode. EX095+, PARTS CATCHER TIME UP , ALM0*57, A1.6, he #arts catcher o#eration has not been com#leted within the s#eci)ied time. EX0959, BARFEEDER EMG STOP , ALM0*5*, A1.7, he bar)eeder is in emergency sto# state. EX096!, ROBOT C"CLE TIME UP , ALM0*6$, A15.0, ;3@3 cycle has not been com#leted in the s#eci)ied time. EX096&, NO MORE WORPIECES IN ROBOT , ALM0*6, A15.1, 3n models e2"i##ed with a ;3@3, work#ieces have r"n o"t. EX0965, FULL PIECES IN ROBOT , ALM0*65, A15.$, 3n models e2"i##ed with ;3@3, the ;3@3 is com#letly )"ll o) work#ieces. EX0966, ROBOT ALARM , ALM0*66, A15., he ;3@3 alarm has been o"t#"t. EX096+, LOADER EMG STOP , ALM0*67, A$0., he loader state is in emergency sto# state. EX0968, NO MORE BAR STOC , ALM0*6!, A15., @ar stock has r"n o"t. EX09+8, SENSOR ALARM , ALM0*7!, A17.5, isconnection alarm is occ"red in the #ositioning sensor am#li)ier. EX09+9, CHUC CLAMP TIME UP , ALM0*7*, A17.6, he ch"ck clam# o#eration has not been com#leted within the s#eci)ied time when work seating check s#ec. EX0999, SE(UENCE PROGRAM ERROR , ALM0***, A15.5, Abnormality in se2"ence #rogram. +lease contact yo"r dealer. EX1005, PUT IN THE NEW MATERIAL , ALM1005, A.6, +lease s"##ly new work #iece. EX10!&, DOOR MUST BE OPENED ONCE , ALM10$, A.7, 3#en and close the door be)ore starting new cycle. EX103&, MUST BE POWER OFF , ALM10, A7., M"st be #ower o)). EX1035, MONITOR PARAMETER ALARM #*1% , +;105, A1!.0, +arameter )or load monitor )"nction is im#ro#erly set. 8G1: EX1036, TEACHING ALARM #*1% , +;106, A1!.1, Alarm occ"rs d"ring teaching mode. 8G1: EX103+, SPINDLE O)ERLOAD #*1% , +;107, A1!.5, #indle is overloaded. 8G1:
EX1038, X-AXIS O)ERLOAD #*1% , +;10!, A1!.6, &-a%is is overloaded. 8G1: EX10&0, Z-AXIS O)ERLOAD #*1% , +;100, A1!.7, '-a%is is overloaded. 8G1: EX10&1, SPINDLE O)ERLOAD #*!% , +;101, A1*.5, #indle is overloaded. 8G$: EX10&!, X-AXIS O)ERLOAD #*!% , +;10$, A1*.6,&-a%is is overloaded. 8G$: EX10&3, Z-AXIS O)ERLOAD #*!% , +;10, A1*.7, '-a%is is overloaded. 8G$: EX10&&, MONITOR PARAMETER ALARM #*!% , +;10, A1*.0, +arameter )or load monitor )"nction is im#ro#erly set. EX10&5, TEACHING ALARM #*!% , +;105, A1*.1, Alarm occ"rs d"ring teaching mode. 8G$: EX10&+, MACHINE SPEC$ PARAM$ CLEARED , +;107, A!.5, +arameter )or machine s#ec. is im#ro#erly set. EX1050, SPINDLE LOAD WARNING #*1% , M;1050, A1!.$, #indle is overloaded warning level. 8G1: EX1051, X-AXIS LOAD WARNING #*1% , M;1051, A1!., &-a%is is overloaded warning level. 8G1: EX1053, Z-AXIS LOAD WARNING #*1% , M;105, A1!., '-a%is overload warning level. 8G1: EX105&, SPINDLE LOAD WARNING #*!% , M;105, A1*.$, #indle is overloaded warning level. EX1055, X-AXIS LOAD WARNING #*!% , M;1055, A1*., &-a%is is overloaded warning level. 8G$: EX1056, Z-AXIS LOAD WARNING #*!% , M;1056, A1*., '-a%is is overloaded warning level. 8G$: EX106+, DOOR CLOSE SIGNAL OFF , ALM1067, A$o.1, A"to-door close detection signal t"rns o)). EX1068, DOOR OPEN'CLOSE TIME O)ER , ALM106!, A$0.$, A"to door o#en or close detect single was not t"rned on within allowable time. EX1069, DOOR SENSOR TEST ERROR , ALM106*, A$0., Area sensor in#"t signal 8&100*.5: does not t"rn o)). EX1300, PRESETTER ARM NOT FULL" RAISED , ALM100, A5.0, An M$5 or M$6 command has been given with the #resetter arm not )"lly raised.
EX1301, TAILSTOC UNCLAMPED , ALM101, A5.1, An M$5 M$6 command has been given with the tailstock "nclam#ed. EX130!, TURRET INDEXING , ALM10$, A5.$, An M$5, M$6, or M7* command has been given d"ring t"rret inde%ing. EX1303, M!5'M!6 BUT SPINDLE ON , ALM10, A5., An M$5 or M$6 command has been given d"ring s#indle rotation. EX130&, M!5'M!6'M+9 BUT MILLING ON, ALM10, A5., An M$5, M$6, or M7* command has been given d"ring milling tool rotation. EX1&09, M3'M&'M90 BUT SPINDLE INDEX MODE , ALM10*, A5.5, An M, M, or M*0 command has been given d"ring s#indle inde%ing mode. EX1&16, M3'M&'M19 BUT SPINDLE BRAE ON , ALM116, A5.6, An M, M, or M1* command has been given with the s#indle brake activated. EX1&1+, M3'M& BUT SPINDLE LOCPIN OUT , ALM116, A5.7, An M or M command has been given with the s#indle inde%ing #in not at the =?> state. EX1&19, NEED TURRET ZERO-RETURN , ALM11*, A6.0, Dhen the t"rret station has been im#ro#erly inde%ed, either an M1M1 M* command has been given or an MM command has been given "nder M*0 command mode 8with t"rret still im#ro#erly inde%ed:. EX1&!1, M13'M1& BUT SPINDLE BRAE OFF , ALM1$1, A6.1, An M1 or M1 command has been given with the s#indle brake not activated. EX1&!!, PRESETTER ARM NOT FULL" RAISED , ALM1$$, A6.$, An M, M, M1, M1, or M* command has been given with the #resetter arm not )"lly raised. EX1&!&, M-COMMAND BUT SPINDLE ON , ALM1$, A6., An M*, M0, M5, M6!, M*0, M*1 or M1$ command has been given d"ring s#indle rotation. EX1&!6, M-COMMAND BUT MILL ON , ALM1$6, A6., An M*, M6, M6*, M*0, or M*1 command has been given d"ring milling rotation. EX1&33, M-COMMAND BUT NOT TURNING MODE , ALM1, A6.5, An M, M, or M1* command has been given while not in t"rning mode. EX1&35, NOT MILLING OR TURNING MODE, ALM15, A6.6, An M1, M1, or M* command has been given while neither in milling mode nor t"rning mode. EX1&&!, M39'M&5'M68 DURING M90 MODE , ALM1$, A6.7, An M*, M5, 0r M6! command has been given d"ring M*0 8s#indlemilling synchroni(ed o#eration:. EX1&&&, M-COM BUT NOT IN TURNING MODE , ALM1, A7.0, An M0, M1, M$, M, M, or M*0 command has been given while not in t"rning mode.
EX1&51, C-AXIS OFF WHILE SPINDLE ON , ALM151, A15.6, -a%is connection cancel detection has been deactivated d"ring s#indle rotation. EX1&5!, C-AXIS CONNECTION TIME UP , ALM15$, A15.7, -a%is connection time is "#. EX1&56, C-AXIS CONNECT OFF2 C-AXIS ON , ALM156, A16.0, -a%is connection detection has been deactivated d"ring -a%is connection. EX1&5+, OIL COOLER ALARM , ALM157, A16.1, 3il cooler is overloaded or oil tem#erat"re is abnormal. EX1&58, MILLING HOLDER OIN TIME UP , ALM15!, A16.$, Milling holder has not oined to the drive within the s#eci)ied time. EX19!1, M'S'T CODE IN SAME BLOC , ALM1*$1, A7.1, M!5!6 command and -code command have been given in the same block. #eci)y M!5!6 in a single block. EX19!&, M39' T-CODE IN SAME BLOC , ALM1*$, A7., @oth an M* command and a -code command have been in same block. #eci)y M* in a single block. EX19!8, DOOR NOT CLOSED , ALM1*$!, A.6, h"tter o#enclose command has been given while the )ront door is not closed. EX1936, CHUC UNCLAMP , ALM1*6, A0!.0, An )orkardt ch"ck inde% command has been given with the ch"ck "nclam#ed. EX193+, SPINDLE ON , ALM1*7, A0!.1, An )orkardt ch"ck inde% command has been given d"ring s#indle rotation. EX1938, FORARDT CHUC NOT HOME POSITION , ALM1*!, A0!.$, Forkardt ch"ck inde% command has been given while the )orkardt ch"ck is not in home #osition. EX1958, ROBOT POWER NOT TURNED ON , ALM1*5!, A17.7, ;obot #ower is not t"rned 3. EX!0!+, NC ON OPERATING , ALM$0$7, A0!.6, ?nterlock ket switch was t"rned to release side d"ring a"tomatic cycle or )eed hold. EX!0!8, PUSH SINGLE BLOC SW$ ON , ALM$0$!, A0!.7, ycle start b"tton was #ressed at single block 3FF stat"s. EX!0!9, C"CLE START NOT PERMITTED , ALM$0$*, A0*.0, ingle block was t"rned o)) or door was o#ened d"ring a"tomatic cycle. EX!033, DOOR SENSOR DETECT , ALM$0, A0*.7, Area sensor detects obstacles a)ter s#eci)ying a"to-door close command.
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