Ana_hina (II)
PART 1 - LISTENING Directions for questions 1-25. You will e!r questions on te test t!"e. Select te one correct !nswer !# $# c# or % !n% &!'e (our !nswer seet. D) N)T *RITE )N T+E TEST ,))LET.
1- Roger Roger is is going going to use use the the scal scale. e. What What does does he he want want to do. do. a. He wan wants ts to look look at at tin tiny y part partic icle les. s. b. He wants to stop his ehicle. c. He wan wants ts to weig weigh h so! so!et ethi hing ng.. d. He want wantss to to rul rulee peo peopl ple. e. "- It is #our #our #i#tee #i#teen. n. What What ti!e ti!e is it$ it$ a. a %uar %uarte terr o# #ie #ie c. &-
#i#teen nu!bers be#ore #ie.
#i#t #i#tee een n nu!b nu!ber erss be#o be#ore re #our #our
a %uarter past #our
He wants wants to to get in touch touch with with his instr instructor uctor.. What does he want want to do $ a. #orget his instructor. b. contact his instructor c. re!e!ber his instructor. d. touch his instructor words.
'- ill said that he #elt #elt sleepy. sleepy. What did he say say $ a. He wasnt sleepy. b. He wouldnt be able to sleep. c. He was sleepy. d. He couldnt sleep. *- +onald +onald has a pain pain in his chest. chest. Where Where is the pain$ pain$ a. right aboe his sto!ach b. below his sto!ach c. in his ankle d. in his #oot ,-
y shirt shirt is !ade o# synthe synthetic tic #abric. #abric. What kind o# #abric #abric is it $ a. colored b. washed c. co cotton !ade used
d. !an-
/oday /oday is is Wedn Wednesday esday00 yester yesterday day we went to town. town. When did we we go $ a. to!orrow b. with eorge c. on /uesday d. at the o##ice
2- I hae hae to be in in the the dentis dentists ts o##i o##ice ce at 131*. 131*. When do I hae to be there$ a. at 144" b. at 1&1* 1,1* 5- What What colo colorr are are her her sho shoes es$$ a. red b. wool
c. at 1*1*
d. at
c. leather
d. s!all
14- Air is !i6ture !i6ture o# gases gases surround surrounding ing the the earth. earth. What is it $ a. a blue gas b. seer eral gas gases toge ogether
Ana_hina (II)
e6haust apors
a co!pound
11- 7dward o#ten uses the dictionary. What does he o#ten do $ a. He eats a lot b. He uses an encyclopedia. c. He has trouble #inding things. d. He looks up the !eanings o# words 1 . c 1 1 . d
" . d
& . b
' . c
* . a
, . d
. c
2 . b
5 . a
1 4 . b
Ana_hina (II)
1". 8oe is going to the barbershop. Why $ a. to get his suit pressed c. to get a haircut
b. d.
to hae a drink to do so!e shopping
1&. /he pilot can land now. What can the pilot do $ a. take a rest b. bring his plane down c. take o## d. #ly #aster 1'- /he clerk said that there were only three roo!s aailable at the hotel. What did the clerk !ean$ a. /here were reserations #or three roo!s. b. /hree people were at the hotel. c. /hree roo!s were ready to be. d. /here were three checks at the hotel. 1*- Al#red said 9/hey are blinking the lights.9 What did he !ean $ a. /hey are turning on the lights. b. /hey are turning the lights on and o##. c. /hey are turning o## the lights. d. /hey are watching the lights. 1,- /he cashier told orge he could open an account. What could orge do$ a. put so!e !oney in the bank b. look at his account b. take !oney out o# his account d. account #or cashiers !oney 1- ladty saw her grand#ather yesterday. Who! did she see $ a. her !others brother b. her #ather who is 54 c. her brothers #ather d. her !others #ather 12- Ralph spent a great deal o# ti!e in the south. How !uch ti!e did he spend there $ a. none b. little c. a lot d. ery little 15- I# we are haing a thundershower. What are we haing $ a. a bath b. a harest c. a su!!er day stor! "4- /hey are going to Houston by :et. How will they go Houston $ a. /hey will #ly. b. /hey will walk. c. /hey will drie. d. /hey will run. "1- I# the doctor asked a %uestion0 what should you do $ a. close the door b. #ollow hi! c. look at the! d. answer it
d. a
Ana_hina (II)
""- What !onth co!es right be#ore ay $ a. August b. 8une ;epte!ber
c. April
"&- 8ohn walked %uite a distance. How #ar did he walk $ a. a long way b. not ery #ar c. a #ew stops run 1 " . c " " . c
1 & . b " & . a
1 ' . c
1 * . b
1 , . a
1 . d
d. a short
1 2 . c
1 5 . d
" 4 . a
" 1 . d
Ana_hina (II)
b. d.
a non-co!!issioned o##icer a !a:or
"*- Why did Allen go to the station $ a. to !eet her #riends plane c. to see the #actory
b. d.
to get her hair cut to catch the train
Directions for questions 2-5/. You will now e!r st!te&ents on te test t!"e. Select te one correct !nswer !# $# c# or % !n% &!r' (our !nswer seet.
eep your eye on the road. a. ?ook o## the road. c. ;tay away #ro! the road.
b. d.
Watch the road closely.
&1- /o! is a ery neat person. a. He always works ery hard. c. He is always ery clean.
b. d.
He is always sick. He is always ery strange.
&"- /he weather was cloudy yesterday !orning0 but it cleared up last night. a. /he weather go worse yesterday. b. /he clouds went away last night. c. It was clear yesterday. d. It was cloudy last night.
Ana_hina (II)
&&- 8ohn said that he dreaded going to the dentist. a. He had to go to the dentist. b. He liked going to the dentist. c. He #eared going to the dentist. d. He wanted to pay the dentist. " " " " " " & & ' * , 2 5 4 1 . . . . . . . . b d b a d b b c
& " . b
& & . c
Ana_hina (II)
&'- /his wristwatch is old. a. It is not war!. c. It has been sold. &*- y roo! #aces adison Aenue. a. It looks out on adison Aenue. c. It is across #ro! adison Aenue. Aenue.
b. d.
It is not new. It is !ade o# gold.
b. d.
It is near adison Aenue. It is away #ro! adison
&,- /he electrician #i6ed !y radio in one hour. a. He repaired the radio. b. an hour. c. He replaced the radio. d. &- Robert #ailed his last e6a!ination. a. He !ade a high score. b. c. He receied help on the e6a!ination. d.
He listened to the radio #or He cleaned the radio.
He !issed a #ew %uestions. His score was unsatis#actory.
&2- /he students !ade up their !inds to go to the party. a. /hey decided to attend the party. b. /hey did not worry about the party. c. /hey could not decided about going. d. /hey are not going to the party. &5- /hat instru!ent panel that is ery i!portant it is on the le#t. a. /he panel is on the le#t o# the instru!ent. b. /he instru!ent panel on the le#t is useless. c. /he instru!ent panel is not on the le#t. d. /he panel on the le#t is ery use#ul. '4- r. rown called a ta6i co!pany and asked0 9
He was tardy. He was absent.
'"- He #lies %uite well. a. He has stopped #lying. c. He #lies when he is well.
He #lies ery #ast. He #lies ery well.
b. d.
Ana_hina (II)
'&- We always en:oy reading the local news. a. We en:oy the international news. b. c. We en:oy the newspaper sta##. d. city. & ' . b
& * . a
& , . a
& . d
& 2 . a
We en:oy editorials. We en:oy the news o# our
& 5 . d
' 4 . b
' 1 . a
' " . d
' & . d
Ana_hina (II)
''- /he hotel roo!s are e6pensie. a. /he roo!s are costly c. /he roo!s are pretty.
b. d.
/he roo!s are large. /he roo!s are decorated
'*- /he !erchandise is on sale. a. It is to be sold at a higher price. c. It is being sold #or a li!ited ti!e.
b. d.
It is already sold. It is reduced in price.
',- 8ohn !ust go to the dentist today. a. He could go. c. He has to go.
b. d.
He !ay go. He should go.
'- /he physical training !ade hi! ery tired at the end o# the day. a. He beca!e hope#ul. b. He beca!e satis#ied. c. He beca!e e6hausted. d. He beca!e happy '2- /he students checked their baggage be#ore getting on the plane. a. /hey #i6ed their baggage. b. /hey #ound their baggage. c. /hey turned in their baggage. d. /hey sold their baggage. '5- 8ones tried out the car on the highway. a. He rented it c. He bought it.
b. d.
*4- I a! used to drinking co##ee #or break#ast. a. I always drink co##ee. b. c. I a! accusto!ed to drinking co##ee. d.
He tested it. He lent it.
I do not like co##ee. I neer drink co##ee.
Directions for questions 51-/. You will e!r %i!lo0 on te test t!"e. Select te one correct !nswer !# $# c# or % !n% &!r' (our !nswer seet.
*1- What did you gie your grandson when you saw hi!$ A coin. What did the !an gie his grandson$ a. a loan b. a dollar bill c. a %uarter sta!p *"- Hand !e that tool oer there. What do you need to do $ I hae to tighten this bold. What tool does he need $ a. a wrench b. the scissors c. a #ile ha!!er
d. a
d. the
*&- Hello0 Is Ruth there $ Hold the phone. What does she want the !an to do $ a. wait a !inute b. take the telephone line c. open the telephone book d. hang up the phone *'- Are you hungry $ @es0 Id like so!e dinner. What would the !an like to do $
Ana_hina (II)
a. c. ' ' . a * ' . a
eat a big !eal eat a piece o# candy ' * . d
' , . c
b. d. ' . c
' 2 . c
drink so!ething hot eat so!ething light ' 5 . b
* 4 . c
* 1 . c
* " . a
* & . a
Ana_hina (II)
**. +id you send the students to r. 8ohnsons =##ice$ @es0 I hope that he went to the right roo!. Which roo! did she want to student to go to $ a. the large roo! b. the wrong roo! c. the roo! on the le#t d. the correct roo! *,- What are you looking #or0 /i! $ A ther!o!eter. What does he want to !easure $ a. hu!idity b. at!ospheric pressure c. te!perature d. wind elocity *- How do you like your watch$ Its accuracy aries. What should the wo!an do$ a. He has a ery good watch. b. he doesnt wear it. c. It doesnt keep good ti!e. d. It is too tight. *2- What shall I do now $ /urn o## the #aucet. What should the wo!an do $ a. let the water run b. stop the #low o# water c. !ake the water run !ore d. change the #aucet *5- What kind o# cli!ate does your country hae$ We aerage about eighty percent hu!idity. What kind o# cli!ate does it his country hae$ a. windy b. hot and dry c. cool d. ery da!p ,4- How is the weather where you are$ We are haing beauti#ul weather this ebruary0 but a !onth ago we had snow. When did they hae snow$ a. in arch b. in +ece!ber c. eery !onth d. in 8anuary T+IS IS T+E END ) T+E LISTENING PART ) T+E TEST. PART II - READING Directions for questions 1-1//. Select te correct !nswer !# $# c# or % !n% &!r' (our !nswer seet. D) N)T *RITE )N T+E TEST ,))LET.
,1- +id art see Alice last night$ @es0 Alice ______ by art. a. was saw b. had seen c. was seen ,"- ;elect the correct sentence. a.
d. did see
Ana_hina (II)
c. health
d. speech
,'- I think Harry will choose the correct answer. a. select b. behaior c. aoid
d. attract
* * . d
* , . c
b. behaior
* . c
* 2 . b
* 5 . d
, 4 . d
, 1 . c
, " . a
, & . b
, ' . a
Ana_hina (II)
,*- I cant go with you _______ I a! busy. a. al-though b. because whether
c. and
,,- I like to read ______ when I hae ti!e. a. horses b. the piano garden
c. books
d. the
,- We got the repair!an _______ our teleision last week. a. #i6ed b. #i6es c. to #i6 #i6ing ,2- I hae been in the language school _______ si6 weeks. a. #or b. since c. while ,5- /he trouble ______ by the !echanic. a. was located b. located locate
c. was locating
4- /he doctor will see you as soon as he ________ . a. could b. possible c. will be able 1- /o! abandoned his car when he had the accident. a. held on to b. le#t c. took repaired "- We welco!e the new year ______ a lot o# noise. a. #or b. with c. on
d. was
d. to
d. was to
d. can
d. by
&- /his deice is used #or drilling !etal. a. polishing b. !aking holes in #astening parts to
c. ordering
'- 8ohn was _______ 7nglish yesterday. a. studied b. studies studied
c. studying
d. has
c. !uch
d. cups o#
c. situation
*- How _______ tea do you drink eery day$ a. !any b. lots o# ,- +on per#or!ed his !ission satis#actorily. a. assign!ent b. pleasure !essage
- 9+o you eer go to the !oies$9 9Bo0 I ______ go there.9 a. seldo! b. o#ten c. usually
d. eer
Ana_hina (II)
2- /he brakes need ______ . a. ad:ustable b. ad:usting ad:ust
c. usually
d. on
5- When the teacher ca!e into the roo!0 I ______ . a. talking b. a! talking c. can talk talking
d. was
24- I# I had !ore ti!e0 I ______ hi! a letter. a. hae written b. would write hae written
d. will
, * . b * . c
, , . c , . a
, . c . a
, 2 . a 2 . b
, 5 . a 5 . d
c. wrote
4 . d 2 4 . b
1 . b
" . b
& . b
' . c
Ana_hina (II)
21- Would you !ind i# I turned on the /C$ a. leae b. know
c. beliee
2"- /hey will hae a holiday ______ work ne6t onday. a. at b. #ro! c. about
d. care
d. in
2&- In this book the author narrates !ost o# the i!portant historical eents. a. aoids b. in%uires about c. accepts d. tells about 2'- /his kind o# weather is typical #or this part o# the country. a. abnor!al b. reasonable c. usual dependable 2*- How #ar is it to school$ a. /he school is three !iles #ro! here. oclock. c. =nly young children go to school here. day.
2,- /he na!e o# the last !onth o# the year is _______ . a. cold b. ;aturday c. past +ece!ber 2- ;elect the correct sentence. a. I should take to town which bus$ town$ c. Which bus should I take to town$ town$
;hould I take which bus to
Which should I take bus to
22- Id like to hae this suit ______ at your special price. a. to clean and to press b. cleaned and pressed c. cleaning and pressing d. cleans and presses 25- Hart and ;cha##ner _______ since two oclock. a. are waiting here b. wait here c. has waited here d. hae waited here 54- /he teacher is sitting _______ her desk. a. in b. to
c. with
51- 7ither he _______ she is planning to attend the !eeting. a. and b. but c. with 5"- ;elect the correct sentence.
d. at
d. or
Ana_hina (II)
a. b. c. d.
Accidents are a constant worry #or the co!!ander. Accidents are #or the co!!ander a constant worry. or the co!!ander are a constant worry accidents. A constant worry are accidents #or the co!!ander.
5&- He had to leae early0 so he ______ wait #or us. a. shall not b. couldnt c. wasnt 2 1 . d 5 1 . d
2 " . b 5 " . a
2 & . d 5 & . b
2 ' . c
2 * . a
2 , . d
d. hadnt 2 . c
2 2 . b
2 5 . d
5 4 . d
Ana_hina (II)
5'- When you are talking on the telephone0 the operator so!e ti!es interrupts you. a. connects b. cuts in on c. listens d. oercharges 5*- /his plane di##ers #ro! that one in two ways. a. be the sa!e as b. out-speeds c. is unlike contacts 5,- Houston is an i!portant port city in /e6as. a. city with a harbor b. c. city near a creek d.
uniersity tourist attraction
5- A pilot !ust hold the stick ______ . a. #ir!ly b. #ir!ing
c. #ir!ed
d. #ir!
52- Harry thinks that he ______ ne6t !onth. a. had gone b. has gone
c. !ight go
d. went
55- A!erican #ood tastes _____ when one gets used to it. a. better b. ery best c. !ore good better
d. !ore
144- He told his son to turn on the /C i# he ______ . a. should want b. would want c. want to
d. wanted
5 ' . b
5 * . c
5 , . a
5 . a
5 2 . c
5 5 . a
1 4 4 . d