Anarhy lohol Wasted Wasted Indeed
HoW tHe FIends Came to Be CIvIlIzed
addicion addicio n culure · sraegies or sobriey sobrie y · civilizaion civiliz aion and booze bo oze
Wated, ndeed
· part one
How Ciilization ame to Fiend
· part two
anarchy & alcohol
or how he iends came o be civilized
Peering through the og behind hi eye, he aw an alohologram: a world o anguih , in whih intoxiation wa the only eape . ating himel een more than he hated the orporate killer who had reated it , he tumbled to hi eet and headed bak to the liquor sore . Enoned in their penthoue, they ounted the dollar pouring in rom million like him, and hukled to themele at the eae with whih all oppoition wa ruhed . ut they , too, oten had to drink themele to leep at night – i eer thoe anquihed mae sop oming bak or more , the tyoon ometime retted to themele , ’ p.
Peering through the og behind hi eye, he aw an alohologram: a world o anguih , in whih intoxiation wa the only eape . ating himel een more than he hated the orporate killer who had reated it , he tumbled to hi eet and headed bak to the liquor sore . Enoned in their penthoue, they ounted the dollar pouring in rom million like him, and hukled to themele at the eae with whih all oppoition wa ruhed . ut they , too, oten had to drink themele to leep at night – i eer thoe anquihed mae sop oming bak or more , the tyoon ometime retted to themele , ’ p.
Wated, ndeed anarchy & alcohol
Wated, ndeed anarchy & alcohol
E orv a world Ix: o enchanmen, or anarhaholim
Slohed, mahed, trahed, loaded, wreked, wased, blated, platered, tanked, uked up, bombed. eryone’ eryone’ heard o the arci people with one hundred word or now; we hae one hundred word or drunk. We perpetuate our own ulture o deeat. ? H – I : re thee anarhit o uptight that they would even denounce the only un aspect o anarchism – the beer ater the riots, the liquor in the pub where all that p---k theory i bandied about? hat do
they do or un, anyway – at aperion on the little un we do hae? on’t we get to relax and hae a good time in any part o our lie? Do not misunderstand us: we are not arguing against indulgence, but or it. A B “ k p p p,” . A Ck B , you mut alway be high – eerything depend on thi. S k, k! F k k t. Dk, k f , p p . T k f q
E orv a world Ix: o enchanmen, or anarhaholim
Slohed, mahed, trahed, loaded, wreked, wased, blated, platered, tanked, uked up, bombed. eryone’ eryone’ heard o the arci people with one hundred word or now; we hae one hundred word or drunk. We perpetuate our own ulture o deeat. ? H – I : re thee anarhit o uptight that they would even denounce the only un aspect o anarchism – the beer ater the riots, the liquor in the pub where all that p---k theory i bandied about? hat do
they do or un, anyway – at aperion on the little un we do hae? on’t we get to relax and hae a good time in any part o our lie? Do not misunderstand us: we are not arguing against indulgence, but or it. A B “ k p p p,” . A Ck B , you mut alway be high – eerything depend on thi. S k, k! F k k t. Dk, k f , p p . T k f q
k: p , pp . I k f , , f k , p p . T p p o relaxation and release while impoverishing lie o all that is genuinely restul . I some sober people in this society do not seem as reckless and ree as their boozer counterparts, that is a mere accident o culture, mere circumstantial evi. T p x hierarhy, miery it help (and the apitalim, hierarhy, maintain) – f - , . B “” “” k, , p, look hard enough. For For these individuals – or us – lie is a constant celebration, one p. Alcohol, like Prozac and all the other mind-control medications that are making big bucks or Big Brother these days, substitutes symptomatic treatment or cure. It k p , x , twoold. It not only replaces positive actions which would address the root causes o our despondency – it prevents it prevents them, them, as more energy becomes ocused on achieving k . Lk k, k p . I p- , ’ p p: ppp q . I , pp, , rom one panacea to the next – Viagra, vitamin C, vodka – instead o approaching our lives holistically and addressing our problems at their social and economic roots. Tis product-oriented mindset is the oundation o our alienated consumer society: p, ’ ! W x, , - – p! e , -p . “L k – k” ’ p , pp – ’ ’ or it any longer! Against inebriation – and or and or drunkenness! drunkenness! Burn down the liquor , p p!
For a Luid Bahanalian, Etati Sobriety!
spurIous reBellIon
P W W p p p . T p k k pp, pp, p x ’ : , , xp . T p p - , k p . T drinking parents is mirrored in the sanctimonious practice o religious groups p p - -, ree-wheeling drinkers – wi th “riends” like like Baptist ministers, we teetotalers won der, ? Tese partisans o Rebellious Drunkenness and advocates o Responsible A . T k k k ; k like common sense. An “ecstatic sobriety” which combats the dreariness o one and – p k – f p f . alCoHol
& sex
In tHe rape Culture
Let’s Let’s lay it on th e table: almost all o us are coming rom a place where our sexuality p . W’ p, , , , , , , p. W’ , ’ k k, ; , ’ , px, p. Tis doesn’t mean we can’t have good, sae, supportive sex right now, in the middle o that healing – but it does make having that sex a little more complicated. ’ pp p pp p ’ ’ , – , . F k . I , p p p ; , p , k ’. I , , x , k, k, ?
k: p , pp . I k f , , f k , p p . T p p o relaxation and release while impoverishing lie o all that is genuinely restul . I some sober people in this society do not seem as reckless and ree as their boozer counterparts, that is a mere accident o culture, mere circumstantial evi. T p x hierarhy, miery it help (and the apitalim, hierarhy, maintain) – f - , . B “” “” k, , p, look hard enough. For For these individuals – or us – lie is a constant celebration, one p. Alcohol, like Prozac and all the other mind-control medications that are making big bucks or Big Brother these days, substitutes symptomatic treatment or cure. It k p , x , twoold. It not only replaces positive actions which would address the root causes o our despondency – it prevents it prevents them, them, as more energy becomes ocused on achieving k . Lk k, k p . I p- , ’ p p: ppp q . I , pp, , rom one panacea to the next – Viagra, vitamin C, vodka – instead o approaching our lives holistically and addressing our problems at their social and economic roots. Tis product-oriented mindset is the oundation o our alienated consumer society: p, ’ ! W x, , - – p! e , -p . “L k – k” ’ p , pp – ’ ’ or it any longer! Against inebriation – and or and or drunkenness! drunkenness! Burn down the liquor , p p!
For a Luid Bahanalian, Etati Sobriety!
spurIous reBellIon
P W W p p p . T p k k pp, pp, p x ’ : , , xp . T p p - , k p . T drinking parents is mirrored in the sanctimonious practice o religious groups p p - -, ree-wheeling drinkers – wi th “riends” like like Baptist ministers, we teetotalers won der, ? Tese partisans o Rebellious Drunkenness and advocates o Responsible A . T k k k ; k like common sense. An “ecstatic sobriety” which combats the dreariness o one and – p k – f p f . alCoHol
& sex
In tHe rape Culture
Let’s Let’s lay it on th e table: almost all o us are coming rom a place where our sexuality p . W’ p, , , , , , , p. W’ , ’ k k, ; , ’ , px, p. Tis doesn’t mean we can’t have good, sae, supportive sex right now, in the middle o that healing – but it does make having that sex a little more complicated. ’ pp p pp p ’ ’ , – , . F k . I , p p p ; , p , k ’. I , , x , k, k, ?
¶ Spk x, ’ pp p patriarchal gender dynamics. For example – in how many nuclear amilies has alcoholism helped to maintain an unequal distribution o power and pressure? (All the writers o this tract can call to mind more than one such case among their relatives alone.) Te man’s drunken sel-destruction, engendered as it may be by the horrors o surviving under capitalism, imposes , – . A j … tHe tyranny oF apatHy apatHy
“Eery uking anarhit projet I engage in i ruined or nearly ruined by alohol. You You et up a olletie liing ituation and eeryone i too drunk or toned to do the bai hore, let alone maintain an attitude o repet. You You want to create community, but ater the show everyone just goes back to their
room and drink themele to death. I it’ not one ubtane to abue it’ a motheruking other. I undertand trying to obliterate your onioune i a natural reation to being born in alienating apitalit hell, but I want people to ee what we anarhit are doing and ay “Yeah, thi i better than apitalim!”…whih i hard to ay i you an’t walk around without tep ping on broken orty-ounce bottles. I’ve never considered mysel straight-edge,
but uk it, I’m not taking it anymore!” I’ O W i it i humiliating to be ruled, how muh more humiliating it i to hooe one’ ruler , responded: “I it’s humiliating to choose one’s masters, how much more humiliating ’ !” H q , – , , qp pp literally to the way some o our attempts at creating anarchist environments environments pan out p. T p ’ k pp. I , p “” , : “’ !” I p, an assertion o the individual’s individual’s right to be lazy, selsh, unaccountable or his actions k . I x, p p pj p , p k k pp. T k k – , , p p . B k oerie – p p
, k ’, behavior when you are too ucked up or dialogue. Tese dynamics go two ways, o – k all p pp p k – p p p, . Tk p f – maybe even just your energy and efort? – that goes into drinking were put into resisting, building, creating. ry p have spent on corporate libations, and picture how much musical equipment or bail money or ood (-not … , , k , !) p or – instead o unding their war against all . B: cokehead presidents die o overdoses while radical musicians and rebels live the chaos p ! soBrIety & solIdarIty
Like any liestyle choice, be it vagabondage or union membership, abstention rom k . A , not px selves superior to those who make diferent decisions. Te only strategy or sharing ( , k !) p xp – p “ ” and it work , j . P j j f x – k k xp p f. A – q . W pp p. Especially in the case o those who are struggling to ree themselves o unwanted ad, p: A A, xp, j one more instance o a quasi-religious organization lling a social need that should p -. A , we anarchists must ask ourselves: do we take our positions simply to eel s uperior to (, ) – pp cessible alternatives? Besides, most o us who are not substance-addicted can thank p ; p
¶ Spk x, ’ pp p patriarchal gender dynamics. For example – in how many nuclear amilies has alcoholism helped to maintain an unequal distribution o power and pressure? (All the writers o this tract can call to mind more than one such case among their relatives alone.) Te man’s drunken sel-destruction, engendered as it may be by the horrors o surviving under capitalism, imposes , – . A j … tHe tyranny oF apatHy apatHy
“Eery uking anarhit projet I engage in i ruined or nearly ruined by alohol. You You et up a olletie liing ituation and eeryone i too drunk or toned to do the bai hore, let alone maintain an attitude o repet. You You want to create community, but ater the show everyone just goes back to their
room and drink themele to death. I it’ not one ubtane to abue it’ a motheruking other. I undertand trying to obliterate your onioune i a natural reation to being born in alienating apitalit hell, but I want people to ee what we anarhit are doing and ay “Yeah, thi i better than apitalim!”…whih i hard to ay i you an’t walk around without tep ping on broken orty-ounce bottles. I’ve never considered mysel straight-edge,
but uk it, I’m not taking it anymore!” I’ O W i it i humiliating to be ruled, how muh more humiliating it i to hooe one’ ruler , responded: “I it’s humiliating to choose one’s masters, how much more humiliating ’ !” H q , – , , qp pp literally to the way some o our attempts at creating anarchist environments environments pan out p. T p ’ k pp. I , p “” , : “’ !” I p, an assertion o the individual’s individual’s right to be lazy, selsh, unaccountable or his actions k . I x, p p pj p , p k k pp. T k k – , , p p . B k oerie – p p
, k ’, behavior when you are too ucked up or dialogue. Tese dynamics go two ways, o – k all p pp p k – p p p, . Tk p f – maybe even just your energy and efort? – that goes into drinking were put into resisting, building, creating. ry p have spent on corporate libations, and picture how much musical equipment or bail money or ood (-not … , , k , !) p or – instead o unding their war against all . B: cokehead presidents die o overdoses while radical musicians and rebels live the chaos p ! soBrIety & solIdarIty
Like any liestyle choice, be it vagabondage or union membership, abstention rom k . A , not px selves superior to those who make diferent decisions. Te only strategy or sharing ( , k !) p xp – p “ ” and it work , j . P j j f x – k k xp p f. A – q . W pp p. Especially in the case o those who are struggling to ree themselves o unwanted ad, p: A A, xp, j one more instance o a quasi-religious organization lling a social need that should p -. A , we anarchists must ask ourselves: do we take our positions simply to eel s uperior to (, ) – pp cessible alternatives? Besides, most o us who are not substance-addicted can thank p ; p
p k – they . L , , , , q , - - p. N p ! revolutIon
So anyway – what are we going to do i we don’t don’t go to bars, hang out at parties, sit on p - ? nything ele ! T p ’ x p , , , f. Dk social lives, occupying some o the eight waking hours a day that aren’t already k. I p – , k , tracks – and contextually – in ritualized, predictable behaviors – in ways more explicit systems o control never could. Oten when one o us does manage to escape the role o worker/consumer, drinking is there, stubborn holdover rom our , p p p p. F , p k p, p . Dk inidentally p p , – p p p the pq pq . T , , , . I, , nothing p – p? – , . When one or two persons cease to drink, it just seems senseless, like they are ejecting themselves rom the company (or at least customs) o t heir ellow human beings . B ommunity pp p , f x pp k- . Y’ Y’ k p ’ : “ ” , p p or revolts yet unimaginable. Like any revolutionary liestyle option, this one ofers p x .
No war but the la war – no oktail but the molotov oktail !
et u brew nothing but trouble! 7
postsCrIpt: HoW to read tHIs traCt
W k, ’ ’ – , pp, drunken stupor – that this is as much a caricature o polemics in the anarchist p. I’ I’ p p brought attention to their theses by deliberately taking an extreme position, thereby p p “” “” p j. Hp p x, k p . And all this is not to say there are no ools who reuse intoxication – but can you f ? T , ; - , p ! I k them to drink, that – barring those hypocritical power-plays between lovers or p , – p . T k , , to the insecurity revealed by ideologues and recruiters o every stripe rom Christian Mx x . A , f – xp , , , k, another world i poible . predICtaBle predICtaBle dIsClaImer
A eery CI. CI. x, p pp o whoever agrees with it at the time, not the “entire CrimethInc. ex-Workers’ Collective” or any other abstract mass. Somebody who does important work under CI. k p I’ p – ’ o!
Have a drink on me – conumer are what make apitalim work!
p k – they . L , , , , q , - - p. N p ! revolutIon
So anyway – what are we going to do i we don’t don’t go to bars, hang out at parties, sit on p - ? nything ele ! T p ’ x p , , , f. Dk social lives, occupying some o the eight waking hours a day that aren’t already k. I p – , k , tracks – and contextually – in ritualized, predictable behaviors – in ways more explicit systems o control never could. Oten when one o us does manage to escape the role o worker/consumer, drinking is there, stubborn holdover rom our , p p p p. F , p k p, p . Dk inidentally p p , – p p p the pq pq . T , , , . I, , nothing p – p? – , . When one or two persons cease to drink, it just seems senseless, like they are ejecting themselves rom the company (or at least customs) o t heir ellow human beings . B ommunity pp p , f x pp k- . Y’ Y’ k p ’ : “ ” , p p or revolts yet unimaginable. Like any revolutionary liestyle option, this one ofers p x .
postsCrIpt: HoW to read tHIs traCt
W k, ’ ’ – , pp, drunken stupor – that this is as much a caricature o polemics in the anarchist p. I’ I’ p p brought attention to their theses by deliberately taking an extreme position, thereby p p “” “” p j. Hp p x, k p . And all this is not to say there are no ools who reuse intoxication – but can you f ? T , ; - , p ! I k them to drink, that – barring those hypocritical power-plays between lovers or p , – p . T k , , to the insecurity revealed by ideologues and recruiters o every stripe rom Christian Mx x . A , f – xp , , , k, another world i poible . predICtaBle predICtaBle dIsClaImer
A eery CI. CI. x, p pp o whoever agrees with it at the time, not the “entire CrimethInc. ex-Workers’ Collective” or any other abstract mass. Somebody who does important work under CI. k p I’ p – ’ o!
Have a drink on me – conumer are what make apitalim work!
No war but the la war – no oktail but the molotov oktail !
et u brew nothing but trouble! 7
How Ciilization ame to Fiend or how he iends came o be civilized
How Ciilization ame to Fiend or how he iends came o be civilized
Te hitory o ivilization i the hisory o beer. I
Te AnarhoAnarho -Primitiis Primitiis ae or o r Straight dge:
, ; , k, . C – , , q p p, development, and universal alienation – seems to be inextricably linked to alcohol. O , k k p , p p xp k: M p p . I k , p, p p pp p. B /, p , k p p x p ? I k – , p – . T k x k . W “p” pp x p p – p f p pp p – p p k incompetence incompetence and detachment. It’s not hard to imagine that this situation hastened, , p , toilsome tasks o xed living were carried out by the requently inebriated and incapable tribespeople. Without these chies and the primitive judicial systems , p: , p , S . S p pp pp neighbored the aboriginal alcoholic agriculturists; but as every historian knows, p . Lk p , , k excesses and inringements, must have provoked a series o wars – wars which, sadly, the lushes were able to win, owing to the military eciency o their autocratic pp j p. E , ’ p p: . A
A H-S, At A! 12
Te hitory o ivilization i the hisory o beer. I
Te AnarhoAnarho -Primitiis Primitiis ae or o r Straight dge:
, ; , k, . C – , , q p p, development, and universal alienation – seems to be inextricably linked to alcohol. O , k k p , p p xp k: M p p . I k , p, p p pp p. B /, p , k p p x p ? I k – , p – . T k x k . W “p” pp x p p – p f p pp p – p p k incompetence incompetence and detachment. It’s not hard to imagine that this situation hastened, , p , toilsome tasks o xed living were carried out by the requently inebriated and incapable tribespeople. Without these chies and the primitive judicial systems , p: , p , S . S p pp pp neighbored the aboriginal alcoholic agriculturists; but as every historian knows, p . Lk p , , k excesses and inringements, must have provoked a series o wars – wars which, sadly, the lushes were able to win, owing to the military eciency o their autocratic pp j p. E , ’ p p: . A
A H-S, At A! 12
k , – , , , – p . A p , , , , civilization through the Roman wars or Empire to t he holocaust perpetrated upon N W Ep . B j , p. L’ k ( , k ’ ’ q k … , !) p . W’ , tribes settled down – in the ertile lands around rivers, where wheat and barley q.
tHe domestICatIon oF man – By alCoHol
Enkidu, a haggy, unkempt, almot besial primitie man, who ate gra and could milk wild animals, wanted to test his strength against ilgamesh, the god-king. Gilgameh ent a prositute to Enkidu to learn o hi trength and weaknee. Enkidu enjoyed a week with her during whih he taught him o iilization. Enkidu knew not what bread wa, nor had he learned to drink beer. She poke unto Enkidu: “at the bread now, it belong to lie. Drink alo beer, a it i the usom o the land.” Enkidu drank een up o beer and hi heart oared. In thi ondition h e wahed himel and beame a iilized being. – T , Ep G 3000 bc , Ek P .
T 6000 S, . S k , “ k” p Nk, S . T Nk ! T , Code o Hammurabi o Babylon, pp : p -- . F xp, k two liters while besotted priests and kings got ve. [For an interesting thought xp, k – – , p .] .] H p p k j
p – paifed by their meager alohol ration to dicourage reolt or ecape – was always at hand to keep arming and brewing. K k p , p p W W . T p , : , , “j” , p . Tough it was yet newly-invented, beer inuenced inuenced every single acet o emerging . B , – ! I A Ep, k pp f P pp , k N . A p, . E F, p k: Kaleala , F p p, . B , G -p C. O , pp N A A, - – . T “ ” G R k they were in blood – the entire ancient world was lost in a collective hangover. T p pp “enlightened democracy” was based on the subjeion o women and masses o slaves. T k “” , ympoium, k p starring Socrates, whose claim- pp augmented by his inhumanly high tolerance . S his glorications o real – proided thee
weren’t alely attributed to him by hi mendaciou pupil, Plato – one can f k.
k , – , , , – p . A p , , , , civilization through the Roman wars or Empire to t he holocaust perpetrated upon N W Ep . B j , p. L’ k ( , k ’ ’ q k … , !) p . W’ , tribes settled down – in the ertile lands around rivers, where wheat and barley q.
tHe domestICatIon oF man – By alCoHol
Enkidu, a haggy, unkempt, almot besial primitie man, who ate gra and could milk wild animals, wanted to test his strength against ilgamesh, the god-king. Gilgameh ent a prositute to Enkidu to learn o hi trength and weaknee. Enkidu enjoyed a week with her during whih he taught him o iilization. Enkidu knew not what bread wa, nor had he learned to drink beer. She poke unto Enkidu: “at the bread now, it belong to lie. Drink alo beer, a it i the usom o the land.” Enkidu drank een up o beer and hi heart oared. In thi ondition h e wahed himel and beame a iilized being. – T , Ep G 3000 bc , Ek P .
T 6000 S, . S k , “ k” p Nk, S . T Nk ! T , Code o Hammurabi o Babylon, pp : p -- . F xp, k two liters while besotted priests and kings got ve. [For an interesting thought xp, k – – , p .] .] H p p k j
p – paifed by their meager alohol ration to dicourage reolt or ecape – was always at hand to keep arming and brewing. K k p , p p W W . T p , : , , “j” , p . Tough it was yet newly-invented, beer inuenced inuenced every single acet o emerging . B , – ! I A Ep, k pp f P pp , k N . A p, . E F, p k: Kaleala , F p p, . B , G -p C. O , pp N A A, - – . T “ ” G R k they were in blood – the entire ancient world was lost in a collective hangover. T p pp “enlightened democracy” was based on the subjeion o women and masses o slaves. T k “” , ympoium, k p starring Socrates, whose claim- pp augmented by his inhumanly high tolerance . S his glorications o real – proided thee
weren’t alely attributed to him by hi mendaciou pupil, Plato – one can f k.
BreW and state
In lie be I called Gambrinus, King o Flanders and Brabant, Brabant, who frst have
made malt rom barley and o oneied o the brewing o beer. Hene, the brewer an ay they hae a king a the frt maser brewer. – T p monarh, .
T R Ep p, p ( , !), - k . T C. C. B – C C , p . Mk, p, p k to ease their miserable religious asting – and so, not surprisingly, surprisingly, the consumption -p. B p - , k p . B pp p C p p p, p p k j. Te birth o capitalism and the nation-state began with the commercializa . T , , . M M p, G - p-k p. W k p C -, k k xexempt monasteries. Tey began licensing out brewing to the rising merchant , p x p . B . C “Y,” xp, “A .” p , x-p “B A” , bridal . E p k, p G S.
BreW and state
In lie be I called Gambrinus, King o Flanders and Brabant, Brabant, who frst have
made malt rom barley and o oneied o the brewing o beer. Hene, the brewer an ay they hae a king a the frt maser brewer. – T p monarh, .
T R Ep p, p ( , !), - k . T C. C. B – C C , p . Mk, p, p k to ease their miserable religious asting – and so, not surprisingly, surprisingly, the consumption -p. B p - , k p . B pp p C p p p, p p k j. Te birth o capitalism and the nation-state began with the commercializa . T , , . M M p, G - p-k p. W k p C -, k k xexempt monasteries. Tey began licensing out brewing to the rising merchant , p x p . B . C “Y,” xp, “A .” p , x-p “B A” , bridal . E p k, p G S.
Her-story and Hop-story
Herewith hall brewer and other not ue anything ot her than malt, hop, and water. Tee Tee ame brewer alo hall not add anything when ering or otherwie handling beer, upon penalty o death.
gloBalIze alCoHolIsm
Indeed, i it be the deign o Proidene to exaate thee aage in order to make room or the ultiator o the earth, it eem not improbable that rum may be the appointed mean. It ha already annihilated all the tribe that ormerly inhabited the ea oas.
– Beer Puriy & Eugenics L B-L
While the monasteries were commercializing beer and the nation-state thriving f , p , strange and miraculous drinks or the poor and excluded o medieval society. Tese “” “” jp , , k, , , , , , p , – f q p. F xp, k f “ ” p , ermented drinks would heal the sick, calm the angry, and give hope to the hopeless. P k k p . A k, p k p p , . A p q H R Ep, G p . T Dk B, W iv, p Beer Puriy Ac q . F 1516 , beer was to be brewed only with the sedative hops: henceorth all alcohol was homogenized, and whatever medicinal or restorative ermentation technology had x . Hp- k , think clearly, and eventually a slow death – all qualities needed to make both G p p k p . Te women who had ormerly been the respeed brewers o the peasant villages were hunted down and burned at stake as “brew witches.” o this day, witches . B p 1519. W , the last independent and creative brewing centers were destroyed, and women p k G p k ters. Trough alcohol the common k , p or lie in the Middle Ages became nasty, nasty, short, brutish, and – above – k.
– Benjamin Franklin who was, primitivists take note, the “discoverer” o electricity, among – k p Columbus discovered America. Perhaps “domesticator” is more accurate a term? Anyway, k .
A p Ep p , . T , H, xp I. T U S P at Plymouth Rock, instead o urther south as planned, because they ran out pp: “p .” T , W W Jf, - , . C? Te oundations o colonial genocide bear the stench o a long and protracted alcohol-induced nightmare – nearly every indigenous culture the Europeans encountered was destroyed by European alcohol and disease. Te spreading o frewater among indigenous populations o North America went hand-in-hand px- k. M , xp p, j Ep “ .” B , , , , qk . T p q N A – p throughout the world in every European colonial endeavor. While the drug o choice varied (sometimes it was opium, or example, as in the “Opium Wars” Great B C), j -p p. T I R pp , p . T J W pp C Linde to enable articial cooling, allowing those with the inrastructure o civilization to brew anytime, anywhere. Contrary to popular belie, Louis Pasteur invented pasteurization or beer-making , and only later was it adopted by the . Y, , ,
Her-story and Hop-story
Herewith hall brewer and other not ue anything ot her than malt, hop, and water. Tee Tee ame brewer alo hall not add anything when ering or otherwie handling beer, upon penalty o death.
gloBalIze alCoHolIsm
Indeed, i it be the deign o Proidene to exaate thee aage in order to make room or the ultiator o the earth, it eem not improbable that rum may be the appointed mean. It ha already annihilated all the tribe that ormerly inhabited the ea oas.
– Beer Puriy & Eugenics L B-L
While the monasteries were commercializing beer and the nation-state thriving f , p , strange and miraculous drinks or the poor and excluded o medieval society. Tese “” “” jp , , k, , , , , , p , – f q p. F xp, k f “ ” p , ermented drinks would heal the sick, calm the angry, and give hope to the hopeless. P k k p . A k, p k p p , . A p q H R Ep, G p . T Dk B, W iv, p Beer Puriy Ac q . F 1516 , beer was to be brewed only with the sedative hops: henceorth all alcohol was homogenized, and whatever medicinal or restorative ermentation technology had x . Hp- k , think clearly, and eventually a slow death – all qualities needed to make both G p p k p . Te women who had ormerly been the respeed brewers o the peasant villages were hunted down and burned at stake as “brew witches.” o this day, witches . B p 1519. W , the last independent and creative brewing centers were destroyed, and women p k G p k ters. Trough alcohol the common k , p or lie in the Middle Ages became nasty, nasty, short, brutish, and – above – k.
– Benjamin Franklin who was, primitivists take note, the “discoverer” o electricity, among – k p Columbus discovered America. Perhaps “domesticator” is more accurate a term? Anyway, k .
A p Ep p , . T , H, xp I. T U S P at Plymouth Rock, instead o urther south as planned, because they ran out pp: “p .” T , W W Jf, - , . C? Te oundations o colonial genocide bear the stench o a long and protracted alcohol-induced nightmare – nearly every indigenous culture the Europeans encountered was destroyed by European alcohol and disease. Te spreading o frewater among indigenous populations o North America went hand-in-hand px- k. M , xp p, j Ep “ .” B , , , , qk . T p q N A – p throughout the world in every European colonial endeavor. While the drug o choice varied (sometimes it was opium, or example, as in the “Opium Wars” Great B C), j -p p. T I R pp , p . T J W pp C Linde to enable articial cooling, allowing those with the inrastructure o civilization to brew anytime, anywhere. Contrary to popular belie, Louis Pasteur invented pasteurization or beer-making , and only later was it adopted by the . Y, , ,
p . F , -p . O , – k p – consolidated by a ew major companies controlled eudally by amilies like the A-B ( wing groups and religious undamentalists). As or other links between alcohol -/ – pp H k G. resIst CapItalIsm – desIst drInkIng
I’ I’ x, , p k p , , , p, , x p, p, oppression, oppression, ungoverned technological development, religious superstition, and f p p . I p , pp , p, kp p p pp p. T p q , , , , , , p p – “k k ,” O W . I’ surprising, or example, that the primary targets o advertising or malt liquor ( x -p p) U S: pp , q p -, p. C – x – pp . T p , k, . our antI -autHorItarIan HerItage: teetotalers FIgHtIng tot totalItarIanIsm alItarIanIsm
I’ k . O through the history books to amass a long list o heretics, utopians, reormers, revolutionaries, communitarians, and individualists who adopted these liestyle choices as essential elements o their platorms. We’ll leave that list-making to – xp
k F N, f extolling the kind o ecstatic bacchanalism described herein, N. Vachel Vachel Lindsay, the visionary hobo o Springeld, Illinois who traversed the early United States to share p pp p p, J B k, , M X ( ), ezln – p p Zapatista women ed up with mens’ bullshit. (Te capitalist government o Mexico p k Ocosingo; in that city and others; Zapatistas have responded by setting up bar “ ” p .) O P E’ E’ k xp pp A-A . Y L C us P W MK . O, – ? – ’ I MK. O – p would have made in this struggle already i anti-authoritarians such as Nestor Makhno, Guy Debord, Janis Joplin, and countless anarcho-punks had ocused more energy on the creation and destruion they loved so dearly, and less on k ? enougH HIstory! let tHe Future BegIn!
Perhaps so much talk about araway times and peop les leaves you cold. Sure, history can be dead – and th e history o triumphant armies and mass-murderer Presidents . A , p, , pp k p. P j , – their ’? W’ p p pp p, ! E “” , ’ k ’ k k p - ptive sobriety that – or all any o us know – may not even have existed. What p , . History is the residue – no, better, the excrement – o such activity; let us not k , . L p , , ! T k despots and beer-bellied bigots may destroy their world and smother beneath their , , – p .
p . F , -p . O , – k p – consolidated by a ew major companies controlled eudally by amilies like the A-B ( wing groups and religious undamentalists). As or other links between alcohol -/ – pp H k G. resIst CapItalIsm – desIst drInkIng
I’ I’ x, , p k p , , , p, , x p, p, oppression, oppression, ungoverned technological development, religious superstition, and f p p . I p , pp , p, kp p p pp p. T p q , , , , , , p p – “k k ,” O W . I’ surprising, or example, that the primary targets o advertising or malt liquor ( x -p p) U S: pp , q p -, p. C – x – pp . T p , k, . our antI -autHorItarIan HerItage: teetotalers FIgHtIng tot totalItarIanIsm alItarIanIsm
I’ k . O through the history books to amass a long list o heretics, utopians, reormers, revolutionaries, communitarians, and individualists who adopted these liestyle choices as essential elements o their platorms. We’ll leave that list-making to – xp
k F N, f extolling the kind o ecstatic bacchanalism described herein, N. Vachel Vachel Lindsay, the visionary hobo o Springeld, Illinois who traversed the early United States to share p pp p p, J B k, , M X ( ), ezln – p p Zapatista women ed up with mens’ bullshit. (Te capitalist government o Mexico p k Ocosingo; in that city and others; Zapatistas have responded by setting up bar “ ” p .) O P E’ E’ k xp pp A-A . Y L C us P W MK . O, – ? – ’ I MK. O – p would have made in this struggle already i anti-authoritarians such as Nestor Makhno, Guy Debord, Janis Joplin, and countless anarcho-punks had ocused more energy on the creation and destruion they loved so dearly, and less on k ? enougH HIstory! let tHe Future BegIn!
Perhaps so much talk about araway times and peop les leaves you cold. Sure, history can be dead – and th e history o triumphant armies and mass-murderer Presidents . A , p, , pp k p. P j , – their ’? W’ p p pp p, ! E “” , ’ k ’ k k p - ptive sobriety that – or all any o us know – may not even have existed. What p , . History is the residue – no, better, the excrement – o such activity; let us not k , . L p , , ! T k despots and beer-bellied bigots may destroy their world and smother beneath their , , – p .
T p A & A C G' – paired with Robert Granjon' liely itali – R S. M x 10/12 k 40 -j 26 p . E pp p I F, j pk , p rimethn. ex-orker ollecie 2003.
T p A & A C G' – paired with Robert Granjon' liely itali – R S. M x 10/12 k 40 -j 26 p . E pp p I F, j pk , p rimethn. ex-orker ollecie 2003.
we are cement around the ankles of drowning liquor tycoons.
This special edition of Anarchy of Anarchy & Alcohol was released to commemorate the designer’s fourth sober spring.
we are cement around the ankles of drowning liquor tycoons.
This special edition of Anarchy of Anarchy & Alcohol was released to commemorate the designer’s fourth sober spring.
I you are wrestling with addiction to alcohol, write a letter to our recovery circle or more sober strategies rom some o us who have kicked the habit. Alcoholics Autonomous
Post Ofce Box 765 Winona, MN 55987