Faults of the ECU793 (APC200) Behavior in case case of faults faults It is considered critical to be able to select Neutral in all circumstances. Selection of Neutral also is considered the safe state in case of many faults. The APC200 APC200 has been designed to guarantee selection of Neutral in some conditions. When poer is applied! the APC200 first selects Neutral ithout range clutch engaged and starts initiali"ing itself. This includes a series of self#tests to assume system integrity. The initiali"ation phase ta$es about % second. It includes Poer#&n Self #Test and integrity testing of the redundant shutdon path. After poer up! the APC200 is in a Neutral 'oc$ State. This means the transmission remains in Neutral until the shift le(er is cycled physically through Neutral. Over voltage) the controller is (ery tolerant to large transients on the poer lines. *(en poer supply le(els up to +, -dc ill not damage circuit components.
oe(er! oe(er! a magneto#resisti(e sensor supply (oltage in e/cess of about %. -dc pre(ents the speed sensor circuit from operation 1fault indicated. A fault fault indication on the display is gi(en to arn the operator of the problem. 3ault remo(ed) normal operation is resumed.
Uner voltage! the controller ill continue to operate at (oltages belo %, -dc. -oltage belo %% -dc causes the controller to enter the reset condition and shut off all outputs.
3ault remo(ed) not applicable because this fault results in APC200 resetting.
"nternal errors#$alfun errors#$alfunctions ctions (Alar$ (Alar$ Coe 00)! at poer up! a series of integrity chec$s is performed. These These consist of normal CP4 and memory function function tests.
If the test pre(ents operation of the controller! controller! the controller loc$s itself in a reset state ith all outputs off. If the faults detected relate to shift limits and controlling the transmission is still possible! the controller re(erts to shutdon mode. In this mode! the transmission cannot be operated. 3ault remo(ed) not applicable because internal faults are only chec$ed at poer#up. An e/ception is the code chec$sum program. If this fault occurs! the AP200 enters a ait loop alloing the production test system to program program the correct correct chec$sum! in order order to get the system system running properly.
Alar$ Coe 20 % &eunant &eunant shuto'n shuto'n ath error ) at poer up! before the solenoid is acti(ated! the pressure feedbac$ 1Analog Input 0 must indicate lo pressure. Then after acti(ating the solenoid! the pressure must rise ithin a gi(en timeout.
After poer#up! the pressure feedbac$ signal is ignored if the engine speed is loer than 00 5P6. When the engine speed e/ceeds this limit! this signal is still ignored for an additional 2 seconds to allo the system to build up the pressure.
If any of this fails or occurs too late! faults are generated! and the APC200 is not alloed to operate. Any fault related to it causes the APC200 to enter Shut 7on mode. 3ault remo(ed) this fault is permanently flagged until the controller is poered don.
Progra$ out of control! the atchdog timers reset the APC200 automatically if due to a program disturbance either one is not timely reset 1%0 ms. Additionally! during program e/ecution! critical (ariables are continuously chec$ed for content integrity. If faults are detected! the APC200 defaults to the reset state.
3ault remo(ed) not applicable because this fault results in controller reset.
"nter$ittent voltage ro! after poer is restored! the APC200 enters the reset condition! resulting in the immediate selection of neutral 8 no clutch engaged.
It stays there until the shift le(er is placed in neutral and the (ehicle speed drops to a safe le(el here normal operation resumes. In absence of poer! the transmission defaults to Neutral 1pro(ided the redundant 7ri(e solenoid operates as e/pected. 3ault remo(ed) not applicable because this fault results in controller reset.
ingle faults on analogue oututs ) faults related to analogue outputs are detected by (arious principles. 9esides being monitored :ust li$e &N;&33 outputs the current through their sense line is compared to the target current. Significant de(iations from the target current are treated as faults too. Errors/malfunctions related to outputs A02, A04, A06, and A08: these outputs control pressure modulators and ha(e the capability to loc$ conflicting clutches. 3aults on them are considered critical. Any single fault on them results in the selection of Limp Home mode. Errors/malfunctions related to outputs B01, B0, and B0!: these outputs are not in(ol(ed in transmission control. *rrors are indicated if used! but no further action is ta$en.
ingle faults on on#off oututs! faults related to &N;&33 outputs are detected by comparing the desired &utput State ith the actual &utput State 1using dedicated feedbac$ lines. This implies that if an output is intended to be "##, it is not possi$le to detect s%orts to &round .
If on the other hand! the output is intended to be "', open circuits or s%orts to $atter( )*+ cannot $e detected . In order to circum(ent this problem! each critical on;off output is toggled for %ms e(ery 220 ms in order to capture all faults. Any fault relating to an output used by the application is flagged. The APC200 cannot distinguish beteen open load or short to battery 1< conditions. An open circuit condition on these outputs is therefore interpreted as a short to battery condition. #aults related to A1!, A16 )#- selectors+: faults related to A%! A%= result in selection of 'imp ome mode. #aults related to A10 or A20 )edundant -%utdon pat% solenoid control+: Any fault related to A%0 or A20 immediately results in Shut 7on mode. These outputs control the redundant transmission shutdon solenoid. A fault related to this solenoid implies that the APC200 cannot select neutral in case of a se(ere fault on a critical output.
3ault remo(ed) single outputs! normal operation is resumed. 6ultiple outputs! controller remains in shutdon mode until poered don.
"ncorrect inut atterns! the shift le(er pattern presented to the APC200 is continuously chec$ed for plausibility. irection selection related inputs ) a three input direction selection mechanism 1using redundancy is used to allo detecting any fault related to the direction inputs. A fault on the direction inputs immediately results in the selection of Neutral. an&e selection related inputs) to inputs are used to encode > ranges. An incorrect pattern is flagged as a fault. 7uring the fault! the last correct position remains selected.
3ault remo(ed) normal operation is resumed.
ee sensor faults: the fault detection relies on a permanent monitoring of sensor current. If it gets too lo! an open circuit condition is assumed. Con(ersely! if it is too high! a short to ground is signaled.
3aults related to incorrect sensor mounting or sensor malfunction for transmission speed related sensors are detected by comparing actual transmission ratios ith selected ratios. If one or to (ehicle speed sensors fail 1turbine! output or drum sensor! the controller ill signal the error but ill calculate the (alue based on the remaining sensors. This ill allo the dri(er to continue dri(ing. 'ote: if more t%an one sensor or t%e en&ine speed sensor fail, t%e controller is no lon&er considered safe to operate. n t%is case, t%e controller ill sitc% to L3 H"E mode.
A sensor specific fault indication on the display is gi(en to arn the dri(er of the problem . 3ault remo(ed) normal operation is resumed.
Analogue sensor faults! the mapping of fault#codes to functions described belo is typical but actually depends on parameter file settings. -erify using the appropriate iring diagrams. 3ressure #eed$ac -ensor #ailure )!0+: i f the (al(e#resident pressure sitch is shorted or has an open connection! this fault is shon. Considering it?s critical role in ensuring the safety integrity of the dri(e train! any fault related to this input results in system shutdon. 5ransmission 5emperature -ensor #ailure )!1+: if the temperature sensor indicates a transmission temperature belo #0@C! a short to ground condition is assumed. If the temperature sensor indicates a transmission temperature beyond <%0@C! an open circuit condition is assumed.
*ither condition is indicated on the display to arn the dri(er of the problem. While the fault is present! the temperature (alue is limited at the loest or highest (alue used for temperature compensation. ooler nput 5emperature )!2+: on transmissions ith analog cooler input temperature sensor! open and short circuit conditions are detected and displayed. In case an &N;&33 temperature sitch is used! no faults are detected.
Any such fault results in a -alue &ut &f 5ange? fault on the Con(erter Temperature reading shoing up as fault +>?. Chec$ ith the specific application?s iring diagram for references to the applied sensor type.
Accelerator 3osition -ensor #ailure )!6+: if the accelerator pedal sensor produces an out of range (alue! the accelerator position is assumed to be at 0B.
This results in 'o Accelerator shift point? selection. A fault is indicated on the display. Brae 3edal 3osition -ensor #ailure )!+ if the bra$e pedal sensor produces an out of range (alue! the bra$e pedal position is assumed to be at 0B.
Inching and declutch are disabled. A fault is indicated on the display. 3ault remo(ed) normal operation is resumed.
*rans$ission ratio faults! each selected transmission gear has an e/pected transmission ratio. The actual ratio is measured continuously.
If one of the directional clutches is supposed to be engaged and the transmission output speed is abo(e a minimum (alue for chec$ing! the actual ratio is compared to the e/pected (alue. 6easured transmission ratios are accepted ithin B de(iation on the e/pected ratio. If the de(iation on the ratio e/ceeds these limits! the appropriate fault is flagged.
Converter *e$erature ro+le$! fault code +>? co(ers o(er8temperature conditions of the transmission. If the related sensor e/hibits a fault 1open or shorted code 0> is shon indicating an out of range condition.
If the oil temperature e/ceeds %00@C! a arning is gi(en 1code 0
ervice re,uests! in case there is a condition that reDuires direct inter(ention from a speciali"ed ser(ice engineer! a fault in the range of 70.00 77.77 is generated. If such a fault occurs! the error display intermittentl( shos this code and the ord 9ode.
When the fault is read though the CAN#bus! no special indication is pro(ided other than the fact that these fault codes ha(e numbers from E0#EE. In case such a fault occurs! please contact the *uropean Spicer &ff ighay ser(ice department located in 9rugge 8 9elgium for assistance.
"nication of faults: hen a fault is detected! the * #led starts flashing. In order to find out hich fault as last detected hold the ;-; sitch for about a second. The display ill then sho the fault area .
When holding the button another second or so! the display shos the number of times the fault has occurred 1since the last time the fault counters ere cleared. When the S? sitch is released! the fault type is shon. A flashing display indicates a fault that?s no longer present. If se(eral faults coe/ist! pressing the S? sitch before the normal display is resumed selects the ne/t fault for display. 3aults are shon in order of se(erity. After the last fault has been displayed! the display shos F ## F meaning no more errors is detected.
Priority x/29 Fault area
Power On Self Test
3100 4
50,51, 52,53
Redundant shutdown path
3300 3
Battery voltae
5000 2
Sensor supply voltae
1700 15
Sh!ft lever d!re"t!on DIGIN3 – NEU DIGIN4 – FWD DIGIN5 - REV
1200 24
Sh!ft lever pos!t!on DIGIN0 – 1-2 DIGIN1 – 2-3 DIGIN2 – 3-4
1100 22 41
Trans#!ss!on rat!o
1650 16
$onverter te#perature
1000 23
03, 0%,0&
Trans#!ss!on pressure feed'a"( ) ANI0
1900 14
Trans#!ss!on te#perature sensor – ANI1
300 29
$ooler te#perature ANI2
900 24
Bra(e pedal pos!t!on ANI3
800 25
Ref voltae out ANI4
600 26
Servo #otor pos!t!on ANI5
500 27
Throttle pedal pos!t!on ANI6
400 28
*ru# speed +Sensor 0 A22 – A23!
1600 17
Output speed +Sensor 1 A24 – A25!
1500 18
.n!ne speed +Sensor 2 A26 – A27!
1400 19
Fault Types
Priority x/29
Fault area
Fault Types
Tur'!ne speed +Sensor 3 "11 – "18!
1300 20
/wd /S AN#0
2500 8
00,01, 02,03
Rev! or 2 nd 4th /S AN#1
2400 9
00,01, 02,03
2nd or Rev /S AN#2
2300 10
00,01, 02,03
1st 3rd /S AN#3
2200 11%3
RSP dr!ve soleno!d + D#0
2700 6
24/S sele"tor D#1
2100 12
13 /S sele"tor D#2
2000 13
RSP dr!ve soleno!d D#3
2600 7
naloue output supply
2900 5
9999 1
00,01, 02,03
Serv!"e Reuest $onta"t SOP* serv!"e *ept