What is the minimum wall schedule that can be used in a male threaded joint in normal fluid service, carbon steel (notchsensitive) and NPS 1.5 and smaller a. Sch 1! b. Sch "! c. Sch #! d. Sch 1$!
What is an e&am'le of a straiht-threaded joint a. b. c. d.
etermine the linear e&'ansion (in1!!ft) of a carbon steel 'i'e between !/0. and "5!/0. a. b. c. d.
'er 'er 'er 'er
1!! 1!! 1!! 1!!
ft ft ft ft
%!.! %!.!5% 5%3 3 %!.% %!.%$+ $+3 3 %!.% %!.%1! 1!3 3 %!.% %!.%5! 5!3 3
f " materials, carbon steel, 1#6hr-#Ni, 7onel, *luminium are heated from ! derees 0. to 55! derees 0., which one will e&'and more a. b. c. d.
+.!" +.+2 %.2+ +.1$
* %!3 %!3 lon lon carbon carbon steel steel 'i'e 'i'e is hea heated ted unifor uniforml4 ml4 to "5!/ "5!/0 0 from from !/0. etermine its lenth after heatin. a. b. c. d.
hreads (male) of threaded 'i'in hreads (female) on a threaded valve *n union com'risin male and female ends joined with a threaded union nut * joint used in instrument tubin
1# 6hr 6hr-# -#Ni Ni 7onel *lum *lumin iniu ium m 6arb 6arbon on Stee Steell
What is the modulus modulus of elasticit elasticit4 4 of carbon carbon steel steel material material (carbon (carbon content ≤ !.+) at !!/0
a. b. c. d. .
'si 'si 'si 'si
Poisson3s ratio ma4 be ta8en as 999999999 at all tem'eratures for all metals. a. b. c. d.
%5,5!!,!!! %5,+!!,!!! %$,!!,!!! %2,5!!,!!!
!.+! !.+1 !.+% !.++
Sto' valves are allowed on the inlet and outlet side of a 'ressurerelievin device, 'rovided: a. he valves are a''roved b4 the jurisdiction b. he4 are a''roved b4 the ins'ector c. he4 can be loc8ed or sealed in both the o'en and closed 'osition d. he valves are non-risin stem valves
0or a li;uid thermal e&'ansion relief device which 'rotects onl4 a bloc8ed-in 'ortion of a 'i'in s4stem, the set 'ressure shall not e&ceed the lesser of the s4stem test 'ressure or 999999999< of desin 'ressure. a. b. c. d.
*n *S7 *5+ =rade > 'i'e with a ma&imum wall thic8ness of !.5 is bein considered for use in a cold service. What minimum tem'erature can it be used and not have an im'act test a. b. c. d.
1!5 11! 115 1%!
?%!/0 ?15/0 ?1!/0 !/0
@ach set of im'act test s'ecimens shall consist of 9999999999 s'ecimen bars. a. % b. + c. "
d. 5 1%.
* carbon steel *S7 * 5+ =rade > material is bein im'act tested. What is the minimum ener4 re;uirement for this material (averae for + s'ecimens-full4 deo&idiAed steel) a. b. c. d.
* thic8er wall 'i'e is joined to a thinner wall 'i'e. he thic8er 'i'e is ta'er bored to facilitate the fit u'. What is the ma&imum slo'e of the ta'er bore a. b. c. d.
derees derees derees derees
!.15 !.%! !.%% !.%5
*n NPS # schedule * NPS # Schedule "! (!.+%% wall), *S7 * 1!$ =rade >, is to be welded. he weather is clear. he sun is shinin. he tem'erature is +! derees 0. What 'reheat tem'erature, if an4, is re;uired. a. b. c. d.
15 %! %5 +!
* NPS % schedule #! (!.%1# wall) is welded into a NPS $ Schedule "! (!.!.%#! wall) header. What siAe cover fillet weld (t c) is re;uired around the full4 'enetrated roove weld of the branch into the header (@&'ress answer to nearest hundredth) a. b. c. d.
ft-lbs 1! ft-lbs 1+ ft-lbs 15 ft-lbs
None %5/0 5!/0 15/0
he Aone for 'reheat shall e&tend: a. b. c. d.
*t least B be4ond each ede of the weld *t least 1 be4ond each ede of the weld Cver onl4 the weld itself *t a minimum % each side of the weld
*n *S7@ * 1!$ =rade >, NPS #, Schedule "! (!.+%% wall) 'i'e is to be welded to an *S7@ *++5 =rade P2, NPS #, Schedule "! (!.+%% wall) 'i'e. What 'reheat tem'erature is re;uired a. b. c. d.
5!/0 15/0 +!!/0 +5!/0
When com'onents of a 'i'in s4stem are joined b4 weldin, the thic8ness to be used in a''l4in the heat treatment 'rovisions of *S7@ > +1.+, able ++1.1.1 shall be: a. hat of the thinner com'onent measured at the joint, e&ce't for certain e&clusions. b. hat of the thic8er com'onent measured at the joint, e&ce't for certain e&clusions. c. hat of the averae thic8ness of the two com'onents, e&ce't for certain e&clusions. d. hat of the thinner com'onent measured in the thinner 'i'e e&ce't e&clusions.
*n NPS " Schedule "! (!.%+ wall) branch connection is welded into a NPS $ Schedule "! (!.!.%#! wall) header. * D reinforcin 'ad is used around the branch connection. he branch connection is inserted into the header. he material of the branch and the header is *S7 * 1!$ =rade >. What thic8ness would be used to determine whether heat treatment of this connection is re;uired (@&'ress answer to nearest hundredth.) a. b. c. d.
!.#! !. !.! !.$!
*n *S7@ *++5 =rade P2, NPS #, Schedule "!(!.+%% wall) 'i'e is to be welded to an *S7@ *++5 =rade P2, NPS #, Schedule "! (!.+%% wall) 'i'e. What >rinnell Eardness is re;uired after 'ost weld heat treatment a. b. c. d.
%!! %%5 %"1 %5!
Where a hardness limit is s'ecified in able ++1.1.1, at least 9999999< of welds, hot bends, and hot formed com'onents in each furnace heat treated batch and 1!!< of those locall4 heat treated shall be tested. a. b. c. d.
5 1! 15 %!
*n *S7@ *++5 =rade P11, NPS #, Schedule 1%! (!.1# wall) 'i'e is to be welded to an *S7@ * ++5 =rade P2, NPS #, Schedule #! (!.5!! wall ) 'i'e. What >rinnell Eardness number is re;uired after 'ost weld heat treatment he =rade P11 material is the controlsF thus, the >hn number must be ≤ %%5. he averae of both material must ive a >hn number of ≤ %++. he rade P2 material onl4 re;uires chec8inF its >hn number must be ≤ %"1. he rade P11 material must be ≤%%5 and the =rade '2 material must be ≤ %"1.
b. c.
0lattenin of a bend, the difference between ma&imum and minimum diameters at an4 cross section, shall not e&ceed999999999 < on nominal outside diameter for internal 'ressure. a. b. c. d.
0lattenin of a bend, the difference between ma&imum and minimum diameters at an4 cross section, shall not e&ceed999999999 < on nominal outside diameter for internal 'ressure. a. b. c. d.
5 # 1! 1%
% + 5 #
While assemblin a 'i'in s4stem it is re;uired to 'ull two 'ieces into alinment. his distorts one of the 'ieces ('uts a bend into one of the 'i'e sections. he assembl4 is in a strain that the ins'ector
feels is detrimental to the e;ui'ment. What action should the ins'ector ta8e a. Since an4 distortion that introduces a strain is 'rohibited, the detail(s) should be removed and the 'roblem corrected. b. Since the 'i'e details fit u' and there a''ears to be no 'roblem, the s4stem m4 be tested and if no lea8s the ns'ector can acce't it. c. *s lon as the s4stem will fit toether and the flanes and other connections will ma8e connection, the ns'ector ma4 acce't it. d. f the s4stem will not ma8e connection the ns'ector should re;uire the 'roblem to be correctedF however, if it connects without lea8s, the ns'ector ma4 acce't it. %$.
>efore boltin u' flaned joints, the ns'ector should chec8 alinment to the desin 'lane. t should be within 999999in ft or 999999< measured across an4 diameter. a. b. c. d.
>efore boltin u' flaned joints, the ns'ector should chec8 alinment of the flane bolt holes. he4 shall be alined within 999999 inch ma&imum offset. a. b. c. d.
1+% 11$ 1# 2$"
*n ns'ector, chec8in bolts on flanes, finds + bolts in a NPS $, +!!G class flane that will not meet *S7@ >+1.+ bolt lenth s'ecification. What did he find a. b. c. d.
11$, !.5< 1#, !.!5< 1+%, !.!5< 1$", !.5<
he he he he
bolt onl4 e&tended from the nut b4 D lac8 of enaement was % threads. lac8 of enaement was 1 thread bolt onl4 e&tended from the nut b4 +#
Hou find a flaned joint with two fibre as8ets used to ma8e u' the joint. What is the correct course of action for an ns'ector a. Iemove the as8ets and re'lace them with two s'iral wound rafoil filled as8ets b. he joint is acce'table as is because the as8ets are fibre.
c. wo as8ets are unacce'tableF have the joint re'aired to ta8e onl4 one as8et d. Iemove the as8ets and r'lace them with two wra''er with rafoil ta'e +!.
*n ns'ector finds incom'lete 'enetration in a radiora'h of a irth weld of normal fluid service 'i'in. What can he acce't or can he acce't an4 incom'lete 'enetration f the incom'lete 'enetration is 11$ or less (or ≤ !.% w) dee', he ma4 acce't. b. f the incom'lete 'enetration is 1+% or less (and ≤ !.% w) dee', he ma4 acce't c. Ee ma4 not acce't the incom'lete 'enetration d. f the incom'lete 'enetration is 1+% or less (or ≤ w) dee', he ma4 acce't a.
When s'ot or random e&amination reveals a defect, what should the ns'ector do a. a8e one additional sam'le of the same 8ind used for the first e&amination. f it is acce'table, re'air or re'lace the oriinal defect and acce't the job. b. a8e two additional sam'les of the same 8ind used for the first e&amination. f the4 are acce'table, re'air or re'lace the oriinal defect and acce't the job. c. a8e two additional sam'les usin a different ins'ection techni;ue. f this is acce'table, re'air or re'lace the oriinal defect and acce't the job. d. a8e " additional sam'les of the same 8ind used for the first e&amination. f the4 are acce'table, re'air or re'lace the oriinal defect and acce't the job.
Prior to a h4drostatic test, a 'i'in s4stem ma4 be subject to a 'reliminar4 test usin air at no more than 999999 'si ae to locate major lea8s. a. b. c. d.
"5 +5 %5 15
What is the minimum time that a lea8 test must be maintained (all joints and connections shall be e&amined for lea8s) a. $! minutes b. "5 minutes
c. +! minutes d. 1! minutes +".
* NPS 1! *S7 *++5 =rade P2 'i'e was installed. t had to be chaned b4 addin an NPS $ *S7 *++5 =rade P2 branch connection. he weld(s) were 'ost weld heat-treated. When should this section of 'i'in be lea8 tested or should it be lea8 tested a. b. c. d.
f a non-to&ic flammable li;uid is used as a lea8-testin medium, it must have: a. b. c. d.
hat calculated accordin to >+1.+ 1.1 times the desin 'ressure 1.%5 times the o'eratin 'ressure 1.5 times the desin 'ressure
6alculate the h4drostatic lea8 test at ! !0. re;uired for a 'i'in s4stem with NPS $ *S7 * 1!$ =rade > 'i'e that o'erates at a ma&imum of $!!!0 and "!! 'si. Iound to the nearest 'si. a. b. c. d.
*t least a flash 'oint of 1%!!0 * boilin 'oint of 15!!0 * va'our 'oint of 1!!!0 * sta4bolt viscosit4 of 1%! at 1%%!0
Where the desin tem'erature of the s4stem is the same as the h4drostatic test tem'erature, the h4drostatic test 'ressure shall be not less than: a. b. c. d.
before and after the heat treatment before the heat treatment after the heat treatment no test is re;uired
5!! $!! $2" ""!
'si 'si 'si 'si
Where the test 'ressure of 'i'in e&ceeds the a vessels test 'ressure, and it is not considered 'racticable to isolate the 'i'in from a vessel, the 'i'in and the vessel ma4 be tested toether at the vessel test 'ressure, 'rovided the owner a''roves and the vessel test 'ressure is not less than 9999999< of the 'i'in test 'ressure calculated b4 *S7@ >+1.+, 'arara'h +"5.".% (b). a. $
b. c. #5 d. 11! +2.
f a 'neumatic lea8 test is used, the test 'ressure shall be 9999999999< of desin 'ressure. a. b. c. d.
f it becomes necessar4 to use a JSensitive Kea8 est method, the test 'ressure shall be at least the lesser of 9999999'si or 99999999 < of the desin 'ressure. a. b. c. d.
1! # 5 %
What is the lonitudinal weld joint factor, @j, for *P 5K @IW (@lectric Iesistance Welded) 'i'e a. b. c. d.
1!,++ 15,%5 1,%+ %!,%!
Lnless otherwise s'ecified b4 the enineerin desin, the followin records shall be retained for at least 99999 4ears after the record is enerated for the 'roject: e&amination 'rocedures, and e&amination 'ersonnel ;ualifications. a. b. c. d.
5! 15! 1%5 11!
1.!! !.25 !.#5 !.$!
What is the castin ;ualit4 factor, @c, of a *%1$ carbon steel castin that is not u'raded 'er >+1.+ 'arara'h +!%.+.+ (c) and able +!%.+.+ (c) a. !.#5 b. !.#! c. !.5 d. !.$!
* carbon steel 'i'e has ≤ !.+< carbon in it. What is its 7odulus of @lasticit4 at "!!!0 a. b. c. d.
'si 'si 'si 'si
ouble welded sli'-on flanes should be 9999999 between the welds for fluid services that re;uire lea8 testin of the inner fillet weld, or when fluid handled can diffuse into the enclosed s'ace, resultin in 'ossible failure. a. b. c. d.
+!,!!!,!!! +1,2!!,!!! %2,!!!,!!! %,!!,!!!
sanded machined scored vented
f a relief valve has a sto' valve at the inlet or outlet. s it 'ermissible to close either or both these valves while the e;ui'ment the relief valve is 'rotectin is in service. a. t is not 'ermissible to bloc8 off a relief valve while the e;ui'ment it is 'rotectin is in o'erations. b. t is 'ermissible if an authoriAed 'erson is 'resent and this 'erson can relieve the 'ressure b4 another means. c. t is 'ermissible to bloc8 off a relief valve while the e;ui'ment it is 'rotectin is in a reduced o'eratin mode, i.e. the o'eratin 'ressure andor tem'erature is reduced. d. t is 'ermissible to bloc8 off a relief valve onl4 when the e;ui'ment it is 'rotectin is not in o'erations.
Wh4 would 4ou not use cast iron material in the majorit4 of cases in oil refiner4 or chemical 'lant a''lications a. he 'ossibilit4 of embrittlement when handlin stron caustic solutions. b. ts lac8 of ductilit4 and its sensitivit4 to thermal and mechanical shoc8 restricts its use. c. he 'ossibilit4 of stress corrosion crac8in when e&'osed to acids or wet E%S. d. he 'ossibilit4 of stress corrosion crac8in if e&'osed to chlorides in E%CM5! ''m.
f 4ou e&'ose co''er and co''er allo4s to ammonia, what would this 'ossibl4 cause
a. b. c. d. "2.
Hou have a fluid that does not o'erate at hih 'ressure. he fluid is not to&ic. he fluid is not flammable. @&'osure to the fluid will not cause damae to human tissue. he desin ae 'ressure is 1%! 'si and the o'eratin tem'erature is 1!! !0. he owner re;uires metal 'i'in to be used and he does not desinate the cateor4. No c4clic 'roblems will occur. What cateor4 fluid service would 4ou desin a. b. c. d.
* desin condition *n o'eratin condition *n e&cursion * duration
n elevated tem'erature service a condition under which 'ressure or tem'erature or both, e&ceed the desin conditions is 8nown as: a. b. c. d.
C'eratin conditions esin condition @&tent of the e&cursions Service life
n elevated tem'erature service a condition under which 'ressure or tem'erature or both, e&ceed the desin conditions is 8nown as: a. b. c. d.
Normal fluid service 6ateor4 fluid service 6ateor4 7 fluid service Eih 'ressure fluid service
n elevated tem'erature service an4 condition of 'ressure and tem'erature under which the desin conditions are not e&ceeded is 8nown as the: a. b. c. d.
embrittlement stress corrosion crac8in h4droen attac8 sul'hidation
@stimated life Service life @;uivalent life @&cursion life
he ns'ector finds that @IW (electric resistance weld) 'i'e is used in a 'i'in s4stem. What lonitudinal joint factor (@j) would be used to calculate the re;uired thic8ness for 'ressure a. !.#5
b. !.$! c. !.#! d. !.2! 5".
he joint factor cannot be increased b4 additional e&amination on which of the followin lonitudinal 'i'e joint: a. @lectric fusion weld, sinle butt weld, straiht or s'iral, without filler metal b. @lectric fusion weld, double butt weld, straiht or s'iral c. @lectric fusin weld, sinle butt weld, straiht or s'iral with filler metal d. @lectric resistance weld, straiht or s'iral
* NPS 1! 'i'e made from *S7 *1!$ =rade > carbon steel is to be chec8ed for minimum thic8ness (tm). he 'i'e o'erated at 2!! derees 0. he e&istin thic8ness is !.%2. etermine the coefficient H. a. b. c. d.
* NPS 1! 'i'e made from *S7 *5+ =rade > carbon steel is to be chec8ed for thic8ness (t). he 'i'e o'erates at 25 derees 0. he e&istin thic8ness is .%2. etermine the coefficient H. a. b. c. d.
!." !.5 !.$ !.
JS is defined as the stress value for material from able *-1 of *S7@ >+1.+. Pic8 the value of JS when the material is *S7 *++5 =rade P2 and the tem'erature is 25!/0. a. b. c. d.
!." !.5 !.$ !.
11"!! 'si 1!$!! 'si "!! 'si %!!!! 'si
*n NPS 1% seamless 'i'e made from *S7 *-5+ =rade > material o'erates at $!! 'si and $!! derees 0. 6alculate the 'ressure desin thic8ness for these conditions. a. !.%1#
b. !.""% c. !.%!5 d. !.121 52.
*n NPS 1% (1%.5 o.d.) seamless 'i'e made from *S7 *-5+ =rade > material o'erates at $!! 'si and $!! derees 0. he conditions re;uire that a corrosion allowance of !.1%5 be maintained. 6alculate the minimum re;uired thic8ness for these conditions. a. b. c. d.
*n NPS "(".5 o.d.) seamless 'i'e made from *S7 *-1!$ =rade * material o'erates at +!! 'si and "!! derees 0. he 'i'e must cross a small ditch and it must be ca'able of su''ortin itself without an4 visible sa. * 'i'in @nineer states that the 'i'e must be at least !.%5 thic8 just to su''ort itself and the li;uid 'roduct. Ee also states that a !.1! corrosion allowance must be included. 6alculate the thic8ness re;uired for the 'i'e. a. b. c. d.
!.%2% !.+2% !.+5! !.1"%
* blan8 is re;uired between two NPS #,15! 'ound class flanes. he ma&imum 'ressure in the s4stem is %#5 'si at 1!! derees 0. * corrosion allowance of !.1! is re;uired. he inside diameter of the as8et surface is #.%5. he blan8 is *S7 *-%#5 =rade 6 material. 6alculate the thic8ness re;uired for the blan8. a. b. c. d.
!.%1# !.+"$ !.++! !."+$
!.5"5 !.5#" !.5+! !.55%
Which of the below ma4 onl4 be used for cateor4 fluid service a. b. c. d.
*S7 *-+++ =rade $ *P 5K =rade "$ *S7 *-1!$ =rade > *S7 *-5+ =rade 0
What is the minimum thic8ness of a blan8 that is made from *51$$! material (seamless) and is 1.+5 .. he 'ressure is $+! 'si at $!!/0. 6orrosive 'roduct will be on both sides of the blan8, and the s'ecified corrosion allowance is 1#. a. b. c. d.
Per >+1.+, a 'i'in desiner must have 9999999 4ears of e&'erience if she has a bachelor3s deree in enineerin a. b. c. d.
1.5 1.$% 1.5% %.!$
5 1! 15 Not s'ecified
Lsin the iven formula, calculate the desin 'ressure of a !.+2 re'lacement 'i'e (measured thic8ness) with the followin information: i) ii) iii) iv)
a. b. c. d. $$.
7aterial: *$% >! 6lass 1+ Pressure and tem'erature: 5+ 'si O +!! !0 iameter: NPS 1$ 6orrosion allowance: 11$ %S@(t-c) P ---------- 1!!! 'si 2"2 'si 2"% 'si #!! 'si
What is the desin 'ressure allowed on a re'lacement *-1+5-* @IW 'i'e that is NPS $ ($.$%5), and is installed in a s4stem o'eratin at !!!0 he 'i'e is Sch.#!, and the enineerin s'ecifications re;uire a 11$ erosion allowance to be maintained.
a. b. c. d.
152$ 11$ 1+$ 1#!!
%S@(t-c) P ---------- 'si 'si 'si 'si
What schedule of seamless 'i'e will be re;uired if a seamless re'lacement 'iece is ordered for a 'i'in circuit with the followin conditions: i) ii) iii) iv) a. b. c. d.
7aterial : *-1!$ =rade > Pressure and tem'erature: ! 'si O #!!!0 iameter: NPS 1# 6orrosion allowance: 1# Sch. Sch. Sch. Sch.
"! $! #! 1"!
*n * +#1 H +5 'i'e is 1.! thic8 and is installed in a s4stem o'eratin at 15! 'si. * re'lacement 'i'e will be ordered, and will be the same material (not normaliAed or ;uenchedtem'ered). f the desin minimum tem'erature is "!!0 and the nominal 'ressure stress is 1!,!!! 'si, what tem'erature can this material be o'erated at without im'act testin a. b. c. d.
?#!0 -#!0 $#!0 %!!0
1. %. +. ". 5.
c c d a c
*S7@ *S7@ *S7@ *S7@ *S7@
>+1.+, >+1.+, >+1.+, >+1.+, >+1.+,
able +1".%.1 able +1".%.% able +12.+.1 (a) Q *''endi& able +12.+.1 (a) Q *''endi& able +12.+.1 (a) Q *''endi&
$. a . a #. c 2. d 1!. 11. 1%. 1+. 1". 15. 1$. 1. 1#. 12. %!. %1. %%. %+. %". %5. %$. %. %#. %2. +!. +1. +%. ++. +". +5. +$. +. +#. +2. "!. "1. "%. "+. "". "5. "$. ". "#. "2. 5!. 51. 5%.
*S7@ >+1.+, able +12.+.% (a) Q *''endi& *S7@ >+1.+, able +12.+.+ *S7@ >+1.+, able +%%.$.1 (c) Q *''endi& *S7@ >+1.+, able +%%.$.+ (b) (%) b *S7@ >+1.+, able *-1 Q 0i. +%+.%.% b *S7@ >+1.+, +%+.+.+ b *S7@ >+1.+, +%+.+.5, able +%+.+.5 d *S7@ >+1.+, 0i. +%#.".+ a *S7@ >+1.+, +%#.5." (c) Q 0i. +%#.5." c *S7@ >+1.+, ++!.1.1 Q able ++!.1.1 b *S7@ >+1.+,++!.1." and +%+.%.%> d *S7@ >+1.+,++!.%.+ Q able ++!.1.1 b *S7@ >+1.+,++1.1.+ c *S7@ >+1.+,++1.1.+ Q 0i +%#.5." c *S7@ >+1.+, able ++1.1.1 b *S7@ >+1.+,++1.1.(a) d *S7@ >+1.+,++1.1.(b) b *S7@ >+1.+,++%.%.1 b *S7@ >+1.+,++%.%.1 a *S7@ >+1.+,++5.1.1(a) a *S7@ >+1.+,++5.1.1 (c) c *S7@ >+1.+,++5.1.1 (c) b *S7@ >+1.+, ++5.%.+ c *S7@ >+1.+, ++5.%." b *S7@ >+1.+, able +"1.+.%* b *S7@ >+1.+, +"1.+." c *S7@ >+1.+, +"5.%.1 (c) d *S7@ >+1.+, +"5.%.%(a) c *S7@ >+1.+, +"5.%.%(b) a *S7@ >+1.+, +"5.".1 d *S7@ >+1.+, +"5.".% (a) c *S7@ >+1.+, +"5.".% (b) b *S7@ >+1.+, +"5.".+ (b) d *S7@ >+1.+, +"5.5." b *S7@ >+1.+, +"5.#(a) c *S7@ >+1.+, +"$.+ c *S7@ >+1.+, able *-1> b *S7@ >+1.+, able *-1* d *S7@ >+1.+, able 6-$ d *S7@ >+1.+, 0+!#.% b *S7@ >+1.+, 0+%%.$ b *S7@ >+1.+, 0+%+."(a) b *S7@ >+1.+, 0+%+."(f)(%) a *S7@ >+1.+, 0iure 7-+!! a *S7@ >+1.+, R+!!.1 c *S7@ >+1.+, R+!!.1 b *S7@ >+1.+, R+!!.1
5+. 5". 55. 5$. 5. 5#. 52. $!. $1. $%. $+. $". $5. $$. $. $#.
a d a c b a b b a d c b c c c d
*S7@ *S7@ *S7@ *S7@ *S7@ *S7@ *S7@ *S7@ *S7@ *S7@ *S7@ *S7@ *S7@ *S7@ *S7@ *S7@
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