'.0 nhala nhalatio tion n of diesel engine fume from machine
'.1 hort hort term4 term4 irritate the eye and lung !ong term
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Risk Control R
Recommended Control #eas$res
1.1.1 .1.1.1 .1 $nly $nly fully ully trai traine ned d worke orkerr can can oper operat atee the the mach achine. ine. t must be the the sam same person to do the operation operation and press the foot pedal. pedal. $perating manual must must be place with the the machine for easy reference 1.1.1." %ool bo& bo& briefing must be done done every day before start work work to remind the worker to follow the safe working procedure 1.1.1.' Close supervision is needed to ensure ensure worker are follow strictly the procedure of work work 1.1.1.( 1.1.1.( )uarding )uarding *achine/movi *achine/moving ng +art
# +rovide +ersonal protection euipment such as safety goggles and protective - clothing ebar must must properly properly fi&ed to the platform platform 2.1.1." 2.1.1." )uarding )uarding machine machine " ".1.1.1 *ust wear suitable hand glove when doing the handling or the cut rebar ".1.1.2 %ool bo& briefing on reminded the ha3ards
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