Running Pre-Clone on the Source Apps Tier: perl appsTier
Running Pre-Clone on the Source DB Tier: perl dbtier
Copying Application Tier from Source to Target: connect to target application server with root user and copy the run edition filesystem from source to target. TARGET> cp -r /u!/fs! /u!/cloned
Copying RDBMS Oracle Home from the Source To Target: connect to target db server with root user and copy databsae oracle home from source to target. TARGET> cp -r /u!/database/!!.". /u!/clonedb/
Bacing up to !ata"ase online #$ith rman% : #onnect to source database using rman$ and bac%up your database plus archive log in to the directory you want.. rman target / bac%up device type dis% format &/u!/rman/'d(full('s('p.bc%& database plus archivelog)
Running Post Clone in the Target Data"ase Ser&er: cd /u!/cloned/! /u!/cloned/!!."./appsut !."./appsutil/clone/bin il/clone/bin perl dbTier
Target System Hostname (virtual or normal) [oraapps] : Target Instance is RAC (y/n) [n] : Target System Dataase SID : C!"#$ Target System %ase Directory : /u&'/clone
Target System utl*ileir Directory !ist : /usr/tmp #umer o* DAT DATAT"+,s AT"+,s on t-e Targe Targett System ['] : Target System DATAT"+ Directory ' [/pro//appsst/ata] : /u&'/clone/ata Target System RD%.S "RAC!$H".$ Directory [/crp//tec-st/'''&] : /u&'/clone/''0&
Do you 1ant to preserve preserve t-e Display [oraapps:&&] [oraapps:&&] (y/n) : n Target System +ort +ool [&233] : 4
5 c /u&'/clone/''0& 5 C!"#$-ostnameenv Edit the init#*+,E.ora file and add the following parameters
db_fle_name_convert='/u01/database/data','/u01/clonedb/data' log_fle_name_convert='/u01/database/data','/u01/clonedb/data' save the fle sqlplus / as sysdba startup pfle=
duplicate RA,>duplicat e target database to #*+,E bac%up location &/u!/rmanb%p&)
Running Post Clone in the Target Application Tier : perl appsTier 0o you want to add a node 1yes/no2 3no4 5 Target 6ystem 7ile Edition type 3run4 5 8rovide the values re9uired for creation of the new A88*(T+8 #ontet file. Target Ta rget 6ystem :ostname 1virtual or normal2 3prod4 5 Target 6ystem 0atabase 6;0 5 #*+,E
Target 6ystem 0atabase 6erver ,ode 3apps4 5 Target Ta rget 6ystem 0atabase 0omain ,ame 3apps.dba.com4 5 Target 6ystem
Copying 'BSpps !irectory from Run e!ition to patch e!ition #in this case fs( to fs)% in the Target Application Applicati on ser&er: 3approdBapps C4D cp -rvnf /u"/cloneapps/fs!/E<6apps /u"/cloneapps/fs!/E<6apps /u"/cloneapps/fs"/
#*+,E 0ATAalter system set service(namesF&8RE service(namesF&8RE8R+0&$&ebs(patch&$&8 8R+0&$&ebs(patch&$&8RE8R+0(p RE8R+0(patch& atch& scopeFmemory) 6ystem altered. 6*> alter system set local(listenerF8RE8R+0 local(listenerF8RE8R+0 scopeFmemory) 6ystem altered. 6*> alter system register) 6ystem altered.
Running postclone on the Patch '!ition of the Target Application ser&er: cd /u!/cloneapps/fs"/E<6apps/comn/cl /u!/cloneapps/fs"/E<6apps/comn/clone/bin one/bin 1patch edition &s clone/bin2 clone/bin2 perl appsTier
o you (ant to add a node )yes/no* +no .arget .arget ystem ile ile #dition type +run +run - patch ocation o& un ile ile ystem conte2t fle /u03/cloneapps/&s1/inst/apps/C!"#_apps/appl/admin/C /u03/cloneapps/&s1/inst/apps/C !"#_apps/appl/admin/C!"#_apps$2m !"#_apps$2mll .arget .arget ystem 4ort 4ort 4ool +0566 - 3 1$ /usr/tmp 3$ /usr/tmp 7$ /u01/clonedb/11$3$0/app /u01/clonedb/11$3$0/appsutil/outbound/C!" sutil/outbound/C!"#_apps #_apps 8$ /usr/tmp Choose a value (hich (ill be set as 9444.:4 value on the target node +1 $/adstrtall apps/apps1 "/cloneapps/fs!/7=(:ome/user(proHects/ "/cloneapps/fs!/7 =(:ome/user(proHects/domains/E<6(dom domains/E<6(domain(#*+,E/config ain(#*+,E/config//