Amazing and Concise notes! I have been through past papers dating back to 2001 in making these notes and have added relevant scientific detail. If you...
Amazing and Concise notes! I have been through past papers dating back to 2001 in making these notes and have added relevant scientific detail. If you can't download them, email me: muadhcha…Full description
Amazing and Concise notes! I have been through past papers dating back to 2001 in making these notes and have added relevant scientific detail. If you can't download them, email me: muadhcha…Full description
Amazing and Concise notes! I have been through past papers dating back to 2001 in making these notes and have added relevant scientific detail. If you can't download them, email me: muadhcha…Full description
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Unit 3 (International) Chemistry Notes for IAL AS Level Students.
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Chemistry Definition Form 5 *Please do not cancel or change the name and watermark. Credits: Yvonne Choo
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∆H: Change in chemical energy energy under under conditions of constant pressure pressure.. ̵ 0̵ : Standard conditions conditions of of pressure of 1x10 Pa and stated temperature. Also the standard states states of of reactants reactants and and products products.. Standard !nthalpy of "ormation: #he enthalpy change $hen 1 mole mole of of a su%stance is formed from its elements elements $ith $ith all reactants and reactants and products products in in their standard states states.. Standard State: #he most sta%le sta%le form form of a su%stance under standard conditions.. conditions Standard !nthalpy of com%ustion: #he enthalpy change $hen 1 mole mole of of a su%stance %urns completely completely in in oxygen $ith all reactants and reactants and products products in in their standard states states.. Hess&s 'a$: #he enthalpy change change for for a chemical reaction reaction is independent independent of of the route follo$ed follo$ed.. Speci(c Heat Capacity: #his is the amount in )oules in )oules of energy re*uired to raise the temperature of 1ml 1ml of of $ater 1oc. ∆H: +,-.1/ass/∆#1000234'!S +,-.1/ass/∆#1000234'!S 5ond !nthalpy: #he mean enthalpy change change $hen $hen 1 mole mole of of co6alent %onds %onds is is %ro7en homolytically homolytically in in the gaseous phase phase.. 8ucleophile: !lectron pair donor donor.. !lectrophile: !lectrophile: !lectron !lectron pair acceptor acceptor.. 9eagent: Chemical3chemicals that react react $ith $ith an organic molecule molecule.. Su%strate: #he organic molecule molecule that that undergoes the reaction. Addition 9eacton: An unsaturated unsaturated molecule molecule ,al7ene2 %ecomes saturated saturated.. !limination 9eaction: Saturated Saturated ,al7ane2 ,al7ane2 %ecomes unsaturated unsaturated.. Su%stitution 9eaction: Saturated Saturated ,al7ane2 ,al7ane2 remains saturated saturated condition: a*ueous reagent. a*ueous reagent. 5ase: Curly arro$ %egins %egins here here %ut goes to Hydrogen Hydrogen condition: alcoholic reagent. ynamic !*uili%rium: "or$ards "or$ards and and %ac7$ards %ac7$ards reactions reactions proceeding at e*ual rates $ith rates $ith the concentration of reactants and products as constant. 'e Chatelier&s Principle: ;f $e change the external condition condition of of a reaction at e*uili%rium the position of e*uili%rium e*uili%rium $ill $ill mo6e mo6e so so as to oppose the oppose the external change. o Compromise: -<0 c temperature and =00atms =00atms pressure. pressure. Acti6ation !nergy ,! a2: #he minimum energy energy the the colliding particles particles must must ha6e for a chemical reaction to occur. ost Pro%a%le !nergy ,!mp2: #his is the hump that ta7es ta7es place on the ax$ell istri%ution >raph >raph.. Catalyst: ?hat ?hat:: A su%stance $hich speeds speeds up up a chemical reaction %ut remains chemically unchanged unchanged %y %y the reaction. Ho$:: A catalyst pro6ides an alternati6e Ho$ alternati6e reaction reaction path$ay path$ay of of lo$er acti6ation energy. 9eaction 9ate: Change in concentration concentration of of a su%stance in a unit of time time.. 9eagent of 4xidating Alcohols: Aci(ed Potassium ichromate ,orange2 Product Product of 4xidating Alcohols: Cr@ ,green2+it is an oxidising oxidising agent agent therefore it is reduced reduced.. 5io+"uels: "uel produced from %iological %iological or or rene$a%le sources sources.. Car%on 8eutral: 8o 8o net net increase increase to to the C4= le6el in the atmosphere. a)or Product: #he most sta%le sta%le intermediate intermediate forms more often often gi6ing gi6ing the ma)or product. Polymerisation: 9eaction $hich turns many small molecules into long chain molecules. Ho$ isomers found in ;nfa+red Spectrum: "inger print region uni*ue uni*ue to to all compounds comparison comparison to to authentic sample. Primary Alcohols: 4xidised 4xidised to to Aldehydes Aldehydes then to Car%oxylic Acid Acid.. Seconday Alcohols: 4xidised 4xidised to to Betones Betones.. 9educing Agents: >ains 4xygen 'oses !lectrons 'oses Hydrogen. 4xidising Agents: 'oses of 4xygen >ains of !lectrons >ains Hydrogen. !lectronegati6ity: A%ility to attract a pair pair of of shared electrons in a co6alent %ond.. %ond 4res: 8aturally 8aturally occurring occurring materials from $hich $e can extract extract a a metal commercially.. commercially Alloys: ixture ixture of of metals.
Stereoisomerism: Compounds Compounds $ith $ith the same structural formula formula $ith $ith %onds arranged dierently in space space.. Structural ;somers: Ha6e the same molecular formula %ut formula %ut dierent structural formulae.. formulae Hydrolysis: Splitting C+D %onds %onds using using $ater olecular ;on: #he molecule molecule $ith $ith an electron electron 7noc7ed 7noc7ed o 9adical: An unpaired electron electron.. Su%stitution: 9eplacement of the Halogen Halogen..