S.N Company o.
Vishal Shah 16, Chankyapuri, anipark,
01!1 " 6#2$222 9!1!2106%$ 921!699000
&sta'lishe( &sta'lishe( 'y n. k. shah in 196%. hu)e e*p. more than 1000 pro+ects e*ecute(.
Shaharchitects 06.01.2009
ront -esk 01.02.2009
a'haran 1%.06.2009
anish /ain 01!1 " 2$!4#46 r loor, shoka 9%29064142 partment, haani Sin)h 3oa(, C" Scheme
irm 5oun(e( 'y r manish +ain hae e*perience o5 completin) many Presti)ious pro+ect in /aipur, some o5 them are 7 commercial pro+ect8 nan( ort, puspenclae:, institutional pro+ect 8compucom, ;T :, in(ustrial pro+ect 8< = )rasen &n)). :, housin) pro+ect 8>rishna toer :, ?ospital pro+ect 8anu hospital : resi(ential pro+ect.
r. >unal ar(ia 992% 992%1! 1!1$ 1$2$ 2$ C"!%, ?ari ar), aliya Na)ar, /aipur
resh esh ar archit chitec ectt. ; pr proi( i(e ar architec itectu tura rall consultancy. ; hae orke( on numerous pro+ects in /aipur city an( elsehere. mostly inole( in resi(ential pro+ects. my team inclu(es arious pro5essionals as structural en)ineers, architects, an( contractors. ; hae also un(ertaken e*ecution ork hich inclu(es my timely superision. ;t oul( 'e my pleasure to share my knole()e ......
Sunrays Contractin) 22.06.2009
amoon >hokar 01!1 " !0122#! "$#, Vaishali Na)ar, 9%2%4$%00$ /aipur, 3a+asthan 3a+asthan <. Sunrayscontractin). Com
uil(ers, contractors, ciil, interior (esi)n, mo(ern architecture, more than $# 'un)alos, years o5 e*perience.
&le)ant -esi)n Consultant
Pramo( > upta 01!1 " 2$601%0 16 an)aram Na)ar 9!1!2$#660
&sta'lishe( in 1999, panel architect o5 +(a, (oin) arious presti)ious
opalpura yepass 3oa( Near ahesh Na)ar Police Station
o 2architect
Vikas ar) 1%"', shok Coloney, aliya Na)ar, /a)atpura 3oa(, /aipur
pro+ects in /aipur.
01!1 " 2$2!%20 01!1 " 2$2!%20 9%291%6199 9%%$$2%%%4
Vikas ar) is 5oun(er o5 this rchitectural irm since 200% namely )o2architect.
ue'le arterio 40.0#.2010
Noopur Pareek %10$%24929 19, App. C arket, 3a+a Park, /aipur
nu'ha -esi)n r.nu'ha oyal 01!1 " 2#20#0$ Stu(io B nu'ha "#06 aliya Na)ar 90014$1#11 &nterprises 21.0$.2010
Concept Philosophy rchitectural (esi)ns inoles the manipulation o5 space, olume, te*ture, li)ht, sha(o, an( a'stract elements in or(er to achiee an aesthetic en(. -esi)ns are neer impose(. They eole 5rom a ri)orous inDuiry into the particulars o5 location an( pro)ram. They represent our (etermine( 'elie5 that e can trans5orm pro'lem"solin) into art. rchitecture ......
Sani(hya -esi)n 3ahul )raal 1!1 " 2#204#2 Consultancy Pt "660, >iran Prakash, 1!1 " !0629#2 Et( aliya Na)ar, /aipur 20.0%.2010
Sani(hya -esi)n Consultancy Pt. Et(. has 'een 5orme( on 1st o5 /uly 2006, the +oint enture o5 CA3N&3STAN& architect )roup an( S3/ consortium hich is orkin) since 2004 an( 199! respectiely. The frm has 'een inole( in interior (esi)n,
architecture, lan(scape (esi)n, enironment en)ineerin) an( pro+ect mana)ement Pro+ects. 10
alayam" -esi)n Fnit 0!.10.2010
-e"Iine ssociates 1!.11.2010
Preethi n( ohit 01!1 " 2$!26!9 )raal F"2, Pink Toer, Near Sahara Cham'ers, Eal >othi, Tonk 3oa(
alayam is an architectural frm, esta'lishe( in the year 200!, here e 'eliee in (esi)n clarity an( client satis5action. These are not only our principle pre"reDuisites in ork 'ut also our frmGs cre(o. To proi(e this, e oHer to the client an entire ran)e o5 serices, hich inclu(e architectural (esi)n, interior (esi)n, 5urniture an( accessory (esi)n, site plannin) an( )roup ......
Shilpa Sharma !02, laknan(a, "%$ anesh ar) C" scheme, /aipur
01!1 " !014### 01!1 " !004### 9001$1$1$1 9%29011146
r. mit 3a+ aliya Na)ar 8/aipur: Cola'a 8um'ai:
96194$!41$ 9#09$99%40
; am an &ner)etic, rchitect pass"out 5rom N;T /aipur. ?V;N 6 J&3S A ;&E&KP&3;&NC&.
14 Trian)le r. irish Tha)aria 01!1 " 2$01$12 Trian)le &n)ineers Pt. Et(. oHers &n)ineers 8P: Et( 242, ?immat Na)ar, 9%291#4221 prime an( architectural 5ull serice opalpura o(, consultin) 5or stan(ar( an( uniDue 11.12.2010 /aipur pro+ects. Throu)h the architects, Pro+ect ana)ers the frm has e*perience in pro)ram plannin) an( or)aniIation, site sureyin) an( 'uil(in) ealuation, analysis o5 pro)ram an( schematic (esi)n, (esi)n (eelopment, specifcation an( (rain) pro(uction, an( contract
(ocuments ...... 1!
PS = ssociates r. ahen(ra Pratap 9%292#%09$ Sin)h 0#.0$.2011 1!6">#C"Scheme, Eal an(ir 3oa(, >hatipura, /aipur
; proi(e all kin( o5 architectural serices, ith ast e*perience in fel( o5 acoustic, ton plannin) an( interiors.
-esi)narch 1$.09.2011
Preeti aliya Na)ar
r. San(eep upta "!0 nan( Vihar, 3ailay Colony, /a)atpura.
-esi)n rch is a /aipur 'ase( frm o5 architects an( interior (esi)ners, G that oHers comprehensie rchitectural an( ;nterior -esi)n solutions to a((ress the clients resi(ential, commercial, interior space (esi)n nee(s. The frm came to e*istence in 2009, hile the principal architect r. San(eep upta G
S P ssociates 1!.10.2011
S- Verma n( ssociates 19.10.2011
Prashant > oyal "1$!, F(ai Path, Shyam Na)ar
9%2%01024! 9%2901204!
r. Shi(ayal Verma 09$$2641$!2 !0%, rihant PlaIa, Near 3elience resh, aliya Na)ar, /aipur
The (iersity o5 e*perience in the team an( its multi"(isciplinary character is its stren)th. Team mem'ers hae e*perience in lar)e scale ur'an (eelopment pro+ects, ma+or commercial retail pro+ects hi)h rise, 3esort ...... 19
Shilpkaar -esi)ns 'himanyu Sin)h Chauhan Shilpi 19.11.2011 "10, ;; loor, Vinay partment, Nityanan( Na)ar, Mueens 3oa(
1!1 " 24#2449 9!1!96222$
-is 8 ?ouse A5 Saura'h Chou(hary 09%296%%$%% Creatiity: 2%#, Varuni 094#1#%!%4$ ppartment, (rash 0$.12.2011 Na)ar.
;nch y ;nch K 26.12.2011
;nnoatie -esi)ner 2#.01.2012
Vikrant Pancholi "$24, ?ari ar), aliya Na)ar, /aipur"40201$
; am a 5resh an( youn) rchitect. ra(uate( in 2006, hain) e*perience in resi(ential ciil = interior, institutional pro+ect.
;ti upta Naeen >ayath ansaroar, /aipur
9%%$09926% 9%292222$1
; proi(e all kin( o5 ;nterior -esi)ns an( rchitect Solutions.
Vi(hya rchitects r. ahen(ra /atoliya 92#26904!6 241%6, Pratap Na)ar 01.04.2012 Sector"24, San)aner
rchitects, ;nterior -esi)ner, Ean(scape rchitect.
National ;nstitution A5 -esi)n = Technolo)y
Aur company )roups is orkin) in (esi)n8insi(e = outsi(e: o5 uil(in), apartments, homes, auto"parts, electrical parts, Aur Company hae e*perience o5 completin) many Presti)ious pro+ect in /aipur,.
a'u Eal !!94, 9#, 96, 'oe Canera ank >iran Path ansaroer,
01!1 " 01!1 " 4029100 01!1 " %%$#20!000 01!1 " 9#09!2206#
an( 'u()et in min(. Aur aim is to (esi)n spaces that are 'oth art5ul ...... 2#
Soler)y 2!.06.2012
Parea uil(ers 20.0$.2012
rchima rchitects 0$.0%.2012
Space -esi)ner 12.0%.2012
V ssociates 1!.0%.2012
kshay >. ishnoi 9!1422$4$# $%, ;;n( loor, uro'in(o partments, (chini, Ne -elhi,
+ay >umar 01!1 " !022096 (arsh PlaIa >hasa 992%66110# >othi Cricle . ; 3oa( /aipur
;nterior &*terior in)
r. ohamme( ?ussain S";; Plot No. !6 Shyam Vatika, Nan(puri aliya Na)ar
1!1 " 6#!1212 09%2%2!1212
oh(. nees . N. ;. T. /aipur, alaiya Na)ar /aipur
; am a !th year Stu(ent 5rom N;T /aipur orkin) on arious resi(ential an( commercial pro+ects hain) -;PEA ;N 3C?;T&CTF3&. 3&& Consultancy 5or concept -esi)ns. 4on Fn'eliea'le price.
Veeren(ra 9%292!#!!6 29"ka"1, /yoti Na)ar, Near Vi(han Sa'ha
40 Te*el Consultin) 3ohit &n)ineers &"29#, Eal >othi
;nstitutional Plannin), architectural (esi)n, 3esi(ential Pro+ect, Commercial Pro+ect, ;nterior -esi)nin) proi(in) 'etter liin) space an( mo(ern (esi)n inclu(in) 'uil(in) site plan, eleation an( accor(in) to astu. TeKeE a )roup proi(in) ciil ech en)ineerin) consultancy as ell as
Scheme, ehin( 9!41992449 Vi(han Sa'ha, /aipur, 3a+asthan"40201#
honin) your so5t computin) skills in core fel(. Aur serices ran)es 5rom pre"pro+ect actiities, architectural plannin), structural (esi)nin) to pro+ect e*ecution an( ealuation.
Ean(mark uil(estates 8P: Et( 06.09.2012
-Iine Solution 1%.09.2012
'himanyu >asana 6, -ur)a Vihar, Pra(han ar), aliya Na)ar
01!1 " 2#21621 99292294$2
ahin(er >umar 09$%49#9!02 Sharma 22, ri+atika, ahal 3oa( Near Fnion ank, /a)atpura, /aipur
Ane rchitects - 3 alya 8p:Et(. 4$, Shree >alyan Na)ar, >artarpura, 24.09.2012 /aipur
01!1 " 2#01#64 992922#4#4 9!1!446!41
-esi)n Jour -reams
n+aney San+ay /a)atpura, /aipur
40.01.2014 4#
yhomeconsulta San+ay >ukreti nt %%, >rishna Vihar opal Pura, ypass, 0!.0!.2014 /aipur, 3a+asthan
Aur Team has oer 12 years e*perience in arketin), en)ineerin) an( construction materials mana)ement serices. Aur Team has
'een inole( in irtually all aspects construction material mana)ement. Aur Team is a )roup o5 arketin) in(s, reat rchitects, per5ect ciil en)ineers. 46
run ssociates 22.0!.2014
-Iine*us rchitects 41.0%.2014
aya -esi)n telier 16.01.201!
run >asum'ial S"10 urukrapa Cham'er App ?otel /aipur Palace, Near Ea*mi an(ir Cinema, Tonk atak,
01!1 " !0102%% 01!1 " #10#066 9%2901!10$ 9$%#111190
run ssociates oun(e( 'y r. run >asum'ial in 19%9 as -esi)n Consultancy frm 5or rchitectural, ;nterior -esi)n, VSTF, Pro+ect ana)ement = 3eleant fel(s. To(ay the frm responsi'le 5or completin) 2#00 pro+ects o5 (iHerent 'uil(in)s in (iHerent parts o5 ;n(ia hain) seeral aar(s in -esi)n iel( the frm still continuin) the rich rchitectural ?erita)e tra(ition ......
-Iine*us Stu(io -"122, >ar(hani Scheme, >alar 3oa(, /aipur, 3a+asthan
9#099#62!6 902!$%!$16
-IiNe*us Stu(io is a 5ull serice rchitectural = ;nterior -esi)nin) Team specialiIin) in all aspects o5 -esi)n 5rom construction to completion.
r. ayank 9#%$4$600! Sriastaa 9%910941!2 S2 " Secon( loor, Shoppin) Comple*, App. ES Colle)e, Tilak Na)ar, 3a+a Park /aipur " 40200!
local las. 49
Paan -holia rchitects
r. Paan -holia 01!1 " 2$9206% 10# 22 Sector 10, 969!0090%% >um'ha ar), Pratap Na)ar, San)aner, /aipur, 3a+asthan " 402044
s a pro5ession, Paan -holia is an rchitect. -holia receie( his achelor o5 rchitecture (e)ree in rchitecture = Plannin) 5rom National ;nstitute o5 Technolo)y, /aipur. -holia mana)es all aspects o5 (esi)n, plannin), pro)rammin), an( pro+ect (eelopment. ?is ork is a culmination o5 stu(y, o'seration, an( 5rankly, e*haustie trial an( error. The ultimate )oal is to fn( the ......
-ilip Sharma 462 Surya Na)ar opalpura yepass
1!1 " 2#0!#49 9%2%1!6$10
more than 9 year e*perience( architect proi(in) rchitectural = ;nterior -esi)n Consultancy.
S.N Company o.
3a+i ursahaney C"$$ Shyam pt Saro+ni ar) C" scheme /aipur
01!1 " !016#9# 01!1 " !006#9# 9%290#6#9# 9%290#090!
Construction = consultancy, interior (esi)nin) or)aniIation in /aipur, 3a+asthan.
Stream Stu(io 20.01.201#
Shruti Creations 29.01.201#
San+ee Sin)h n( ssociates 0!.04.201#
!4 Tulsi Prasa( = ssociates
San+ee Sin)h %! Viek Vihar /EN ar), Apposite -ainik haskar
01!1 " 2$0!#$0 San+ee Sin)h an( ssociates is a 9%29616$12 /aipur an( >ota 'ase( )roup o5 96$2609609 architects, (esi)ners ithin the fel(s o5 architecture, sustaina'ility, interior (esi)n, research an( (eelopment. The oce is currently inole( in a lar)e num'er o5 pro+ects in 3a+asthan.
Tulsi Prasa( !#" Punchsheel &nclae -ur)apura,
0%!!$!94##2 0$619%%%40%
Aer 06 years o5 e*perience7 Proi(in) 5acilities o5 rchitecture, Plannin)"-esi)nin), Fr'an Plannin)"
-esi)n Eine rchitects
nish Saini 9, >e(ar Na)ar, 3amna)ariya 3oa(, /a)atpura, /aipur
9!1!%#6#16 %$69!1#640
-esi)n line is /aipur 'ase( frm since 2010 that (eals in resi(ential, commercial an( apartment pro+ects, ;nteriors an( turn key 'asis pro+ects.
r. Surya Prakash >umaat "109, irst loor, City PlaIa all, Space Cinema, anipark, /aipur
rchitecture B ;nterior -esi)n Stu(io.
0#.0#.201# !#
Surya Prakash -esi)n Stu(io 0%.0$.201#
stu(io SO2$.11.201#
Fr'an -esi)nin), ;nterior -esi)nin), Ean(scapin), Pro+ect"ana)ement, an( &stimation since 2009.
rain(er 01!1 " !02%66$ 1!2, "1, 3am)ali no. 4 ra+apark
Stu(ios rtSlope 'hishek a+pai pt. lt(. 20, kailashpuri, maliya na)ar 02.01.2016 e*tension, near +a)atpura railay station
Stu(io Shapes O -esi)n esta'lishe( in the year 2014, 'ase( in /aipur, 3a+asthan. team o5 youn) architects 5ocusin) mostly on the contemporary architecture o5 mo(ern era ith proi(in) comprehensie en)ineerin) serices. Joun), creatie = enthusiastic min(s ith orkin) e*periences 'rin) success to pro+ects ran)in) 'oth in scale = in fel(.