In partial fulfillment for the requirements of Practical Research I of Senior High School (Humanities and Social Sciences) in Anselmo A. Sandoval Memorial National High School
Bonquin, Mary Rose Castillo, Rose Dianne De Guzman, Jaclyn Delos Reyes, Diane Maristella De Torres, Billy Flores, Krystel Pilapil, Kashi Mae Plamo, Lorenz
ABSTRACT College or tertiary level of education is the student’s chapter of life wherein they will pursue their desired goals in the future that’s why they must be prepared enough before entering it. Upon preparation, they must first consider five factors such as: family income, field of interest, chosen course for college and grades or performance. All of these can be prepared in the pre- college level which is the Senior High School. This program plays a significant role and function upon preparing the students for college, these are: assessments that shapes their skills and talents, trainings that prepares them for international workplace and programs that can equip them the standard quality of education. In addition to the roles and functions, the program provides a lot of benefits. Students under the Academic strands are the ones that will mostly benefit from the college- adopted programs being offered by Senior High School these are students from Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). The following benefits they will receive from SHS are: On the Job Trainings (OJT), assessments, applied and specialized subjects that have direct link to college, and other programs that prepares them for tertiary level of education. Among all the SHS Tracks, the Academic Strand students are expected to enter college in order to continue the subjects they already took while they are in Senior High School, because every subject being produces in this level are connected and extracted from college level courses based on their strand. With the positive roles, functions, impact and benefit of the Senior High School, many students considered the positive effects of the program not just to them, but also on the teachers and family relatives that are also the beneficiaries of the new educational system.
First of all, the researchers are very grateful to God Almighty that had helped us to become successful in our research paper. The researchers also want to acknowledge the people who also provided their time, help, contributions, support and cooperation for the success of this study. For Mrs. Anna Liza G. Alolod, our Practical Research I teacher, who wholeheartedly helped the researchers for writing this research paper and shared her time to pay attention to research activities. We are also thankful to the respondents we interviewed here in Anselmo A. Sandoval Memorial National High School, particularly the Senior High School students under Academic Strands from Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). They became a major part upon the fulfillment of this research paper. We would also like to thank Mrs. Marilou Escalona for giving time upon printing the hard copy of our research paper.
The Researchers
Title Page Acknowledgement
Approval Sheet
Table of Contents
Chapter 1- The Problem
Related Studies
Conceptual Framework
Statement of the Problem
Significance of the Study
Scope, Limitation and Delimitation
Definition of Terms
Chapter 2- Methodologies
Research Design
Data Gathering Instrument
Statistical Treatment of Data
Chapter 3- Result and Discussion
Chapter 4- Conclusion and Recommendation
Appendix A- Letter to Respondents
Appendix B- Survey Questionnaire
Title Distribution of Respondents According to SHS Strand
Page 14
Distribution of Respondents According to Gender
Distribution of Respondents According to Age
Chosen Course for College of Senior High School
students under Academic Strand 4
Monthly Income of the Family
Field of Interest of Senior High School Students
Importance of College/ Tertiary Level of Education
to SHS Students under Academic Strand 7
Student Performance inside the class
Roles and Function of Senior High School for Students
Benefits of Students from Senior High School
Advantages of Students under Academic Strand
Effects of Senior High School to the Lives of the Student
INTRODUCTION Senior high school serves as the preparatory level for students before stepping into college. It is consisted of various subjects according to their chosen strand that is under different tracks. This programs develop students through the method of using higher level of teaching, broader lessons and actual application of learning in real life. Some of the subjects were extracted from college-level courses and this serves as an introductory phase for them in order to be prepared. Students under Academic Strand such as STEM, ABM, and HUMSS are the ones who mainly receive this subjects that were subdivided into core, applied, contextualized and specialized. The given subjects mainly focus on broad reading, writing, memorizing, reporting and then actually applied. Every strand has its own uniqueness, they differ on the major subjects they provide, this were classified as “specialized”, this subjects are the ones that will guide and lead students to their chosen course in college.
RATIONALE Senior high school is recognized as the last two years of secondary level of education under the K to 12 programs. This includes grades 11 and 12 that holds a total of 4 semesters. Senior high school students undergo through various programs and subjects under their chosen strand. According to the official website of Department of Education, the two additional years will equip learners with skills that will better prepare them for the future, whether it is in aspects of employment, entrepreneurship skills development (Technical Vocational Track) and higher education (Academic Track). Senior high school is consisted with subjects and programs similar to college in order to introduce it to students, and be familiar with its contents. In order to make Senior High School effective, they ensure that the programs being offered are inclined with the curriculum of the Commission of Higher Education (CHED) which is the government sector that manages the system college and university education in the Philippines. DEPED ensures that students will graduate under SHS program will have the standard knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies that are mostly needed in college. In terms of tracks, it will be distributed according to the resources available in the area, the student needs and interest, together with the opportunities and demands of community. Among all of the changes being made by the K to 12 programs, Senior high school is the most recognized and noticeable due to its additional years and precollege learning system. It is being adapted from other countries as a response to globalization in order to provide and achieve higher quality of education. This will make the Filipino youth to be stand out and globally competitive in aspects of work, career, and profession. Also, SHS is being used as a tool to lessen the population of out of school youth 8
and give them opportunity to be trained for various jobs that could change their life. It is also permanently seen as a solution to address the issues regarding on poverty and lack of jobs, with the goal to lessen it. With Senior High School, it ensures that the future of Filipino youth are secured. Among all the Senior High School tracks, the students that belong to the academic track will mostly enter higher education, that’s why they are the ones that will benefit from the courses and programs being extracted from college. This strands that belong to academic track are Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and General Academic Strand (GAS). The following strands lead students to the different branches of courses in college as a continuation of the subjects they already took. ABM is inclined in courses relating to Business Administration, HUMSS is in Criminal Justice, Education, Arts and Sciences, and STEM is in Allied Medicine, Science and Engineering while GAS is inclined in wide areas of professions. Senior High School serves as the transition stage for student’s decision making for their lifetime profession. Upon deciding, there are factors should be considered like the family income, student’s interest or ability, chosen course and grades. College, also known as higher education serves as the student’s training ground for their chosen life course or profession. Other countries define college as a degree rewarding tertiary educational institution wherein it consists of undergraduate and post graduate programs. College level education mostly focuses on providing academic programs. According to, college is an institution of higher learning, especially one providing a general or liberal and education rather than technical or professional training. College is consisted of several years mainly 2-8 depending on the chosen degree of course. It mostly consists of different programs, assessments and job trainings at higher level. With the help of K to 12 Senior High School, students were already exposed in broad subjects that made them be prepared for the college environment or atmosphere.
RELATED STUDIES According to Chait, R. and Venezia, A. (2009), with their journal entitled ‘’Improving Academic Preparation for College.’’ Our society is moving toward a model of preparing all students for some kind of education and training after high school. That is what parents want for their children, what students say they want for themselves, and what analysts and policymakers at all levels believe is needed for success in a global economy. The benefits to the individual are clear—college graduates earn more money, have better career opportunities, engage in greater civic participation, and have a higher overall quality of life. High rates of remediation, stagnant rates of college completion, and more time to degree completion suggest that many students are not fully ready to succeed academically in 9
college. Otherwise, weak academic preparation is a growing concern in the research and policy communities. According to Jay Greene (2009) of the Manhattan Institute defines college readiness as graduating with a regular diploma, having completed a minimum set of course requirements (four years of English, three years of math, and two years each of natural science, social science, and a foreign language), and being able to read at the basic level or above on the National Assessment of Education Progress reading assessment. While, federal policy could play an important role in communicating the need for all students to prepare for college and providing the public information about what that means. The federal government should invest in research and development to support programs that align secondary and postsecondary education and improve students’ preparation for college; provide funding to improve academic preparation in struggling high schools; and improve data collection and analysis and require public reporting. States should develop better student support policies and align them with policies to increase academic rigor, support the development and evaluation of high school models that prepare all students for college, improve data systems to better assess where students are and where they need to be, and monitor and evaluate the implementation of all of these state policies to identify inconsistencies, implementation concerns, and needs for technical assistance. There are factors to consider upon College preparation, first is course rigor and grades- Clifford Adelman (2009) of the Institute for Higher Education Policy analyzed high school students’ transcripts using longitudinal data collected by the U.S. Department of Education and documented that the intensity and quality of the high school curriculum completed is the biggest predictor of postsecondary success. Adelman found high school grade point average and achievement test scores were also important. Moreover, the impact of a high school curriculum of high academic intensity and quality on degree completion is far more pronounced and positive than any other pre-college indicator of academic resources. A number of other studies have investigated the relationship between curriculum and student outcomes and have found that college preparatory curriculum are associated with higher achievement and greater equity in course access. Second factor is the student’s skills, knowledge, and habits of mind- David Conley, director of the Center for Educational Policy Research at the University of Oregon College of Education, has developed a set of standards gauged toward university-level expectations regarding the knowledge and skills students need to be successful in first-year coursework. Conley and his staff conducted focus groups with faculty and administrators from universities around the country, gathered syllabi, graded student work and other course materials, and analyzed those data to develop standards for college success. He identifies four central elements to college success: The 10
cognitive strategies emphasized in entry-level college courses, such as analysis reasoning and argumentation, and interpretation. The content knowledge necessary to understand the structure of each academic discipline, such as the specific knowledge and skills developed by studying English, math, or science. Academic behaviors that enable students to cope with the academic demands of college, such as self-monitoring and study skills. The “college knowledge” necessary to understand how the postsecondary system operates, including an understanding of the process of college admissions, financial aid, and successful functioning in college. The third factor is High school instruction, the link between teacher quality and college preparedness has not been well explored in other research, but it is logical to assume that teachers have a great effect on students’ college preparedness. Not only do teachers provide students with the skills they need to be successful in college-level courses, they also guide them in selecting their courses and often act as guidance counselors, giving advice about postsecondary options. Researchers are beginning to gain an understanding of what postsecondary education requires, but there are major differences to overcome regarding what high schools are teaching and what postsecondary institutions want first-year students to know. Teacher preparation needs to better address the skills and knowledge needs to prepare all students for postsecondary education. Schools also need to ensure that they build a college-going culture in which all teachers view all students as college-bound and provide them with the opportunity to prepare for some form of postsecondary education. Fourth factor is the K12 and postsecondary education, one of the challenges in improving students’ preparation for college is that activities and reforms that aim to bridge the gap between high school and college are fighting against decades of difference and separation on many levels, including issues surrounding prestige at the postsecondary level, postsecondary incentives to connect with K-12, content and performance standards, local governance, curriculum and instruction, support services, finance and budgeting, professional development and training, networks and unions, data collection, and incentive structures, to name a few. Furthermore, there are different steps of preparation being done, one of this is the adaptation of college readiness standards and assessments- until recently, K-12 standards and assessments were developed, by and large, without consulting with higher education institutions. Several states have increased the rigor of high school exit exams, or aligned high school assessments with postsecondary entrance requirements in order to assess whether students have mastered a more challenging curriculum and are ready for college and work. The study conducted in California State University system is taking a different tactic to improve readiness. It worked with K-12 schools to augment the 11th grade assessments to include items that test for students’ readiness for college. CSU established 11
the Early Assessment Program to provide high school students with information to measure their readiness for college-level mathematics and English in their junior year and to help them improve their skills during their senior year. Second preparation is adopting rigorous graduation requirements. Along with adopting more rigorous standards and assessments, many states are adopting more rigorous graduation requirements to ensure that all students are taking the courses they need to be prepared for college. These policies are based on research, cited earlier, that has found that students who take more rigorous curriculum are more successful in college. Graduation requirements are either default curriculum that students may only opt out of with parental permission or mandatory college preparatory curricula that students must complete to graduate with no opt-out provision. Third preparation is providing academic supports to meet rigorous standards- more rigorous standards, curricula, and assessments can result in students mastering a more rigorous curriculum and acquiring the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in college. This success will probably depend on a range of strategies that need to accompany the policies. Fourth is ensuring course quality- some states and national organizations are beginning to realize that the proxies most commonly used to measure course quality—course titles and seat time—are not enough. High schools need more specific information about the content of the coursework as well as the specific skills and habits of mind that students needs to succeed in postsecondary education. Currently, the K– 12 standards movement and efforts to improve higher education are operating on different tracks. High schools are focusing on how many courses students take, and whether or not those courses are labeled as college preparatory. The fifth preparation is dual enrollmentdual enrollment programs can play an important role in providing a wide range of curricular options for students and exposing students to postsecondary campuses and standards. These partnerships may also offer accelerated learning options for traditionally underserved students, alternatives for students who do not find their high school curricula engaging, and a faster transition to college for students who cannot afford to pay tuition for all the years it takes to complete a four-year degree. Until recently, dual enrollment was viewed as a vehicle for traditionally college-bound students to earn college credit. Many researchers and educators now believe that dual enrollment has the potential to provide traditionally underserved students with access to college courses. It also allows them to become part of a college culture, gain confidence about their academic abilities, and save time and money toward their college degrees or certificates. The sixth preparation is early college high schools- early college high schools utilize dual enrollment as a key component of their course offerings. ECHSs are small schools that blend secondary and postsecondary education so that students can earn, tuition-free, both high school and associate’s degrees 12
or up to two years of credit toward a bachelor’s degree after five years of study. These schools focus on serving students who are traditionally undeserved in postsecondary education. ECHSs are one model of a high school that includes some promising evidence of success in preparing students for college. ECHSs are likely to boost students’ college readiness since they include college course work. They are a grand experiment in scale, though the completed network will be small compared to the number of high schools that need assistance. There is early evidence from a whole schools perspective that early college high schools provide the kind of academic rigor, academic and non-academic supports, engaged adults, and other necessary factors to help traditionally underserved students prepare for college. Seventh is aligning career and technical education with postsecondary preparation- there is a growing body of work on developing career and technical education programming that has a strong academic core, similar to the discussions focused on the integration of vocational and academic curricula that took place in the 1990s, but this new incarnation focuses on postsecondary preparation. Lastly is the effect of state policy- states have, all in all, been engaged in a great deal of activity to better prepare students for college. Yet this increased attention has not yet resulted in dividends for students. One hypothesis as to why is just that all of this activity will take time—it will take time for the increasing rigor of standards, assessment, and curricula to translate into improved instruction on the ground. It will take time for districts, schools, and teachers to understand new expectations and use them to inform higher quality instruction that better prepares students for college. According to Sarmiento, D. and Orale, R. (2016), with their academic research journal entitled: ‘’Senior High School Curriculum in the Philippines, USA, and Japan.’’ The K to 12 education program in the Philippines addresses the defects of the country basic education curriculum. As claimed by the proponent of the K12 program, the curriculum is seamless, ensuring the smooth transition between grade levels and continuum of competencies. It is also relevant and responsive, enriched and learner-centered curriculum (SEAMEO INNOTECH, 2012). Senior High School curriculum in various parts of the world is offered to prepare students for work or a university life. The World Education News and Reviews (2016) presented various basic education curriculums in the world. The senior SHS curriculum is an entry point to college/university life or business and industry, the later seen as the lesser of the two regarding prestige (Bidwell, 2014, Peano, 2008). In the Philippines for example, more students would prefer going into the academic track than any other track. In a study conducted, about half chooses academic tracks while tech-voc courses are selected only by about 3% of their prospective students (Lagajino, 2015). Based on enrolment data from DepEd, 60.6% of Philippine senior high school enrolees went to academic track while around 39% went to the tech-voc track. In Japan, about 73% choose 13
academic track compared to 24% going to tech-voc. track. The desire for many to go into college/university has resulted in huge unemployment and underemployment. According to Mark Edwards, an executive director of Opportunity Nation, "We've done a disservice in this country (USA) by suggesting that there's only one path to success, which is to get a bachelor's degree." He further adds that "there are many good paying jobs available today that, quite candidly, a four-year Bachelor of Arts degree does not prepare them for.” In the Philippines, the K-12 program was implemented partly because of this reality. There is a huge unemployment rate due to jobs-mismatch. The K12 program is even designed to let the student feel what techvoc. is an exploratory track in the junior high school level through the Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) courses. The most preferred track in all of the three countries is the academic track. Unlike US and Japan academic courses, the Philippines are more organized. These strands lead to specific courses in college except for the General Academic Strand (GAS) which is for the undecided student. Courses in the Philippine model are divided into four strands where the student can choose from. The said programs, however, may not necessarily be available in the municipality or barangay (village) they are in and therefore needs to take it in other towns or village. Furthermore, according to Sarmiento, D. and Orale, R. (2016), The K-12 program is a more potent educational model compared to the old curriculum of basic education in the Philippines. Students can prepare themselves for a more rigorous training in the higher education or go immediately to employment or be an entrepreneur. Being new in the Philippines, it is marred with issues such as lacking qualified teachers and the much-needed facilities for use in the highly specialized courses, specifically at the SHS level. There were, however, interventions made and are expected to be in placed very soon.
Input- Figure no.1 (Input) presents the different indications or basis to be considered in order to determine the preparedness of Senior High School students under Academic strand of Anselmo A. Sandoval Memorial National High School before entering college or tertiary level of education such as a. income b. interest c. chosen course and d. grades/ performance. Also, the different information that are
indicated in the input are the
advantages of being part of academic track together with the roles, function ,benefits, and impact of the senior high school program to the students, teachers, and parents that are recognized as the beneficiaries of the new curriculum of education.
Process- On the next figure which is the process, it introduces the different methods for gathering data and information. Through conducting interviews we can receive opinions and insights about what Senior High School student’s needs in terms for entering college. It can be a great opportunity to know other people’s suggestions for the reliability of our research. While, distributing survey questionnaires can provide us answer to the problem of our research. It is being used because our research uses qualitative type of gathering data. At the end, analyzing these answers can be the way to formulate the appropriate solutions for the research problem.
Output- The last figure which is the output of conceptual framework, presents the results and final output about the level of preparation of Senior High School students under academic track for college. It aims to provide conclusions and recommendations for the preparation of these students.
Indications or basis for the students to be prepared in college in aspects of: a. Income b. Interest c. Chosen course d. Grades/perform ance Roles and function of Senior High School Benefits or Senior High School program to academic students in aspects of college preparation. Advantages of being part of Academic Track. Impact of Senior High School to students, teachers and parents.
Conducting interviews Distributing survey questionnaires Analyzing answers
Preparedness of Senior High School students under Academic Strand for college.
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This research study aims to assess the preparedness of Senior High School students under Academic Strand for college, in accordance to their income, interest, chosen course and grades or performance. Also, the study focuses on the role, function, benefits, advantage and impact of Senior High School under K to 12 program. 1. What are the indications or basis for the students to be prepared for college in aspects of: a. Family Income b. Field of Interest c. Chosen Course for College d. Grades or Performance 2. What is the role and function of Senior High School program? 3. What are the benefits of Senior High School program to students in aspects for college preparation? 4. What are the advantages of being part of Academic track before entering in college? 5. What are the effect of Senior High School program to students?
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The results of the research paper entitled “Assessment for the Preparedness of Senior High School students under Academic Strands for College “ can benefit the following: Senior High School Students The research study can help students gain awareness and consciousness to determine the different factors to consider in order for them to be prepared before entering tertiary level of education such as: their income, interest, chosen course, grades and performance inside the class. Also the results of the research study can help students determine the role, function, and affectivity of Senior High School program to their level of preparedness. Senior High School Teachers This research study can help teachers gain awareness and consciousness with their essential roles or function as an important foundation for student’s preparedness before entering college. It can help them formulate methods to ensure student’s learning, together with the development of skills and talent that can be used for their later years. Also, the results of the research study can notify teachers to address student’s needs in aspects of education.
Parent, Guardians or Relatives This research study can help parent’s guardians, and relatives to provide support or guidance on the career path of the student. Also, it can give them awareness to their duties upon fulfilling the needs of students before entering college mostly in financial aspects. Also, the results of the study can provide them a clearer view of the impact and benefits of Senior High School to the future of the students and their lives.
SCOPE, LIMITATION AND DELIMITATION This research is conducted in order to assess the preparedness of Senior High School students under Academic Strands for college, this will be done through the use of interviews, surveys, questionnaires and by gathering qualitative information from sources such as articles, websites, academic journals and books, that are recognized as reliable, accurate and valuable. Another purpose of the study is to determine the different factors and indications to be considered for the student’s preparation upon entering college.
This study is composed of information mostly about the roles and function of Senior High School with its Academic Strands, together with the benefits, advantage or impact of the new educational program (K to 12) to the lives of students, parents and teachers. This research only covers the students under Academic Strand of Anselmo A. Sandoval Memorial National High School. This study will not cover SHS students under Technical- Vocational Strands in order to gain accurate results.
DEFINITION OF TERMS A term may have multiple or complicated meaning, in order to have a clear definition to understand the specific word better, we should require the definition of terms. With that, the researchers have presented below a list of terms that can give the readers an accurate information. Assessment- According to Bill Huitt, John Hummel, and Dan Kaeck Assessment refers to the collection of data to describe or better understand an issue. College- a place of higher education usually for people who have finished twelve years of schooling and where they can obtain more advanced knowledge and get a degree to recognize this. Competencies- The combination of observable and measurable knowledge, skills, abilities and personal attributes. 17
Course- a program of instruction, as in a college or university. Curriculum- a set of courses constituting an area of specialization. Profession- any type of work, especially one that needs a high level of education or a particular skill. Semester- In colleges and universities in some countries, a semester is one of the two main periods into which the year is divided. Senior High School- covers the last two years of the K to 12 program and includes Grades 11 and 12. In SHS, students will go through a core curriculum and subjects under a track of their choice. Strand- A strand is a consistent thread running through a course offer respective of its subject content.
The research study is made through the use of descriptive research, wherein it will assess the preparedness of Senior High School students under Academic Strand before entering Tertiary Level of Education or College. The researchers attempted to describe and discover the different indications or basis for the students in order to be prepared in college. The research also determines the role, function, benefits and impact of Senior High School to the students, teachers and parents, together with the advantages of students that belong to the Academic Track. According to John Dudovsky (2017), descriptive research maybe categorized as simply the attempt to determine, describe or identify what is. It is used to describe various aspects of the phenomenon and describe and/ or behavior of some population. Three main purposes of descriptive studies can be explained as describing, explaining and validating research findings. According To a website named AECT, several authors define descriptive type of research in respect to their own perceptions. Glass and Hopkins (1984), defines descriptive research as the gathering of data that describes events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts and describes the data collection. It often uses visual aids such as graphs and charts to aid the reader in understanding the data distribution. Because the human mind cannot extract the full import of a large mass of raw data, descriptive statistics are very important in reducing the data to manageable form. Krathwohl (1993), description emerges following creative exploration, and serves to organize the findings in order to fit them with explorations and then validate those explanations. Bong and Gall (1989), the descriptive function of research is heavily dependent on instrumentation for measurement and observation. RESPONDENTS
In this research study, the chosen subject or respondents are the Senior High School students under Academic Strands of Anselmo A. Sandoval Memorial National High School. The total number of respondents are thirty (30) and are distributed/ divided into three (3): 10 for Accountancy Business and Management (ABM), 10 for Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) and 10 for Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Random sampling is being applied upon choosing the respondents from the different strands.
Senior High School Strand
Number of Respondents
Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)
Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
DATA GATHERING INSTRUMENT The different data and information in this research study came from reliable sources like the information from the internet websites, research papers, dissertations, scholarly articles, academic journals and online books. These information are being carefully compiled and gathered by the researchers respectively with the copy of its source, link authors name and date of publication. The research survey questionnaire are being distributed to thirty (30) Senior High High School students under Academic Strand of Anselmo A. Sandoval Memorial National High School. After the distribution, interviews are being conducted to gain views and perceptions of students in relation to their preparation for college. STATISTICAL TREATMENT OF DATA The research study being conducted doesn’t use high level of statistics. The researchers only aims to determine the frequency, percent and rank in order to get the results from the gathered data. Frequency- is used in order to determine the total number of responses being made by the respondents in each questions. Percent- is used in order to determine the differences of every frequency and to identify it’s relation to the whole. Ranking- is used in order to determine the position of a frequency and its level of significance to the whole.
CHAPTER III- RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS In this chapter, it will present the results of the research study, its conclusions together with the recommendations that are being developed by the researchers. 1. Indications or Basis for the students in order to be prepared for College/ Tertiary Level of Education. College is the level of education, wherein students will fulfill their desired goals in life. This is the stage that will prepare and develop them to the wide world of their chosen course that will serve as your role and function in the future. According to Enilegna M. (2013), college is the institution that will enable students to determine their role and function in the society. But, before entering college, there are different indications or basis that must be considered by the students, because this is the level that needs adequate preparedness. First of it is the family income, it is one of the most important indications because this will serve as the source of funds allocated for education. College level holds heavy amount of expenses in terms of tuition fee, miscellaneous fees, books, uniform, personal needs, rent transportation and many more, that’s why college funds for education must be prepared in order to sustain and answer the different needs of the student to ensure their learning and development. Second is the field of interest, it must be considered because it will serve as the basis and foundation for the student’s decision upon his/ her chosen course in college. This fields of interest are being extracted on the different subjects being offered by the Academic Strands of Senior High School. It is an important factor that needs to be developed and improved by the Senior High School program in order for students to be well- equipped with their skills and talent before entering college. Third is the chosen course for college, among the different indications, this is the most important to be considered because it is the main reason why a student will pursue college education. Choosing the college course is one of the important decision to be made in order to be prepared for college, it must be careful and requires a lot of time. The fields of interest, skills and talent can be used as a basis upon deciding what course to take. Upon all the indications, this is the one that must be first settled because it is an essential basis for a student to be considered as prepared in college. Fourth is the grades or performance of student inside the class. It doesn’t always refer to numbers or the ranking of a student based on the subjects. Instead, it refers to the behavior, attitude, character and performance of student inside the class together with his/ her relationship to the teacher or instructor. It is an important basis because the performance and grades of the student in college are strictly monitored and observed. This factors and indications are the ones that needs to be considered by a student before entering college or tertiary level of education.
2. Role and Function of Senior High School program Senior High School program is being recognized as the pre- college level wherein it serves as the preparatory stage for students before entering tertiary level of education. Amon the educational reformations being made, this is the most recognizable due to the two additional years. It develops students through the use of higher level of teaching, broader and diverse lessons together with actual application of learnings in real life. Senior High School program will equip learners with skills that will better prepare them for the future, it maybe in aspects of employment, entrepreneurship skills development and college or higher education. The SHS program offers core, applied and specialized subjects that will shape and equip them on their fields of interest that re based on the strand they are belong to. This subjects were extracted and are similar from college- level courses and serves as an introductory phase for them in order to have insights and be familiar with it. In order to make Senior High School effective, DepEd ensures that the programs being offered are linked to the curriculum of Commission of Higher Education (CHED), at the end it is expected for students to have the standard knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies that are mostly needed not just in college but also on the global workplace based on their work, career and profession for the future. 3. Benefits of the students from Senior High School program Senior High School program offers a wide variety of benefits for the students before entering college. First, is it provides global quality of education, in response to globalization, Senior High School equips students to a new standard or system of learning that can be applied in other countries. This can help them to adopt the international workplace if they choose to work abroad based on their profession and for the ones searching for better opportunities or higher salary. DepEd expects that Filipinos will be globally competitive in terms of providing service. Second, Senior High School provides On the Job Trainings (OJT) and activities wherein they will apply what they’ve learned in real life. This can assess their preparedness, skills and abilities according to their desired course. Third, are the broad and diverse subjects or programs, wherein it consists of applied and specialized subjects, assessments and workshops to shape their talents and knowledge that can be used in the college level. Last is College preparation which is the main purpose of the implementation of the program. 4. Advantages of students that belong to the Academic Strand Among all the Senior High School tracks, the students that belong to the Academic strand are the ones that will mostly benefit from the courses and programs being extracted and adopted from college. One of the advantages of Academic Senior High School students are the broad and diverse subjects. Every Academic Strand have their own uniqueness, they differ from the major subjects they offer, this were classified as applied and specialized subjects that will guide and lead students based on their chosen course for college. These subjects are being adopted and extracted from college level courses that can provide them insights in order to be prepared enough. Other benefits are having the capacity to understand wide aspects of life, the ability to acquire wide variety of lessons and having the high level of guidance and monitoring from teachers. 22
5. Effects of Senior High School to the Lives of students Senior High School program have two effects, it maybe positive or negative, based on the perception of students. But, as we look beneath its roles, functions, benefits and impact, it is indeed a positive reformation in the sector of educational system in our country. SHS Program serves as a training level for students to be prepared before entering college/ tertiary level of education. It equips them with broad and diverse subjects that have direct link for college, trainings, workshops, assessments and programs, on the job trainings and many more. It is also seen as the tool to shape and mold students to be competitive in their chosen workplace within the borders of our country or even abroad. Due to the positive effects of Senior High School program, it is the most effective among the educational reformations throughout the Philippine history .
Pie Graph No. 1- Distribution of Respondents According to Senior High School Strand
Distribution of Respondents According to Senior High School Strand
Accountancy, Business and Management Humanities and Social Sciences Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
The pie graph above presents the distribution of respondents according to the three (3) Senior High School Academic Strands namely: Accountancy Business and Management (ABM), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Random sampling is being applied upon distribution and it is equally divided into three (3) and every strand holds a total of ten (10) respondents.
Table No. 1 - Distribution of Respondents According to Gender Senior High School Strand
Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)
Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
Total (30)
The pie graph/ table above presents that the distribution of thirty (30) survey questionnaires based on the respondent’s gender are unequal. According to the final results, there are more female respondents than men, because the percentage of female respondents are larger for having 66. 67% than males that only have 33. 33% based on the total number of respondents every strand. Overall, the total number of thirty (30) respondents are consists of ten (10) male respondents, two (2) from ABM and eight (8) from STEM. While female respondents consists of eight (8) from ABM, ten (10) from HUMSS and two (2) from STEM.
Table No. 2 - Distribution of Respondents According to Age Senior High School Strand
18- 19
20- 21
Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)
Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
Total (30)
The pie graph/ table above presents that the distribution of thirty (30) survey questionnaires based on the respondent’s age are unequal. According to the final results, large percentage of respondents have an age of seventeen (17) for having 73. 33%, while the smallest percentage is the respondent that have an age range of 20- 21 for having only 3. 33%. Overall, the total number of thirty (30) respondents are consists of twenty- two (22) respondents having an age of 17, seven (7) having an age range of 18- 19 and only one (1) having an age range of 20- 21.
Table No. 3 Chosen Course for College of Senior High School Students under Academic Strand
College Course
17. 95%
Business Management
7. 69%
7. 69%
20. 51%
17. 95%
7. 69%
2. 56%
Political Science
5. 13%
5. 13%
7. 69%
100 %
The table above presents the chosen courses of Senior High School Students under Academic Strands for College. According to the final results, large percentage of Academic SHS students chose Education for having 20.51% while Medicine is the least for having only 2.56%. the courses being indicated are extracted from the programs offered by each academic strand. ABM is consists of Accounting, and Business Management. HUMSS consists Communication, Education, Law, Political Science and Psychology while STEM consists of Engineering, and Medicine. Even though there are only thirty (30) respondents, still the data on the table above shows that there are thirty nine (39) total responses. This is due to multiple choices of respondents in their college course. This result simply shows that some Senior High School students are still confused or undecided for what specific course they will enter in college that can be related to unpreparedness. With the total number of thirty (30) respondents, seven (7) of them choose Accounting, three (3) for Business Management, three (3) for Communication, eight (8) for Education, seven (7) for Engineering, three (3) for law, one (1) for Medicine, two (2) for Political Science, two (2) for Psychology while three (3) respondents choose courses that doesn’t belong to the choices. Overall, it has thirty nine 39 responses over 30 respondents. Asking the respondents for their chosen course in college is an effective way to determine their preparedness before entering college because it is one of the important basis or indications that must be considered by a pre-college student. 26
Table No. 4 – Monthly Income of the Family Monthly Income
10, 000- lower
11, 000- 15, 000
16, 000- 20, 000
16. 67%
21, 000- 25, 000
16. 67%
26, 000- 30, 000
6. 67%
31, 000- higher
The table above presents the monthly family income of thirty (30) respondents. According to the results, large percentage of Senior High School Students have monthly family income range of 10,000- lower for having 30% while the income range of 26-30,000 is the least. The monthly family income of respondents is an important indication/ basis that needs to be considered because the educational funds must be prepared in order to answer all of the requirements that students will face when they enter college. With the total number of thirty (30) respondents. Nine (9) of the Senior High School Students have an income range of 10,000 lower, three (3) have 11,000-15,000, fire (5) have 21,000, 25,000, 2 (two) have 26.000-30,000 and (6) have 31,000 higher. The data of the table above shows that large percentage of Senior High School Students have the enough amount of funds or are financially stable to handle the different college requirements or needs.
Table No. 5 Field of Interest of Senior High School students Field of Interest
Arts and Design
11. 11%
5. 56%
19. 44%
41. 67%
Reading and Writing
5. 56%
11. 11%
5. 56%
The table above presents the different fields of interest of Senior High School Students based on their different subject or programs. According to the results, large percentage of Academic Senior High School Students are interested in fields of Mathematics, while fields of History, Reading & Writing have the least. Mathematics gain 41.67 for being the largest while History, Reading & Writing gain only 5.56%. Identifying the fields of interest of student is one of the important basis or indication upon choosing a course for college. And from the results of the data, it can be concluded that due to the interest of students to fields of Mathematics most of the courses they will take are inclined with Accounting, Business Management and Engineering whom are ABM and STEM students. With the total of 30 respondents, the data on the table presents a total of 36 responses. This shows that a some respondents have multiple fields of interest. It shows that four (4) respondents choose Arts and Design, two (2) for History, seven (7) for Language, fifteen (15) for Mathematics, two (2) for Reading & Writing, for (4) in Science while 2 (two) of them have another option that is not indicated on the choices.
Table No. 6 Importance of College/ Tertiary Level of Education to SHS Students under Academic Strand Importance of College/ Tertiary Level of Education
46. 67%
53. 33%
The table above presents the perception of Senior High School Students to the level of importance of College/ Tertiary Level of Education. According to the results of the table above, large percentage of students view college education as important for having 53.30% while others view it as essential for having 46.67%. With the total number of thirty (30) respondents, all of them recognize college as essential and important to their future. And this result can be seen as a positive feedback from the Senior High School students. It means that they are determine to enter college to pursue their goals.
Table No. 7 Student Performance Inside the Class Student Performance Inside the Class
Listens attentively to teacher/ instructor.
15. 87%
Submits activities and requirements on every subject Participates actively on class discussions
22. 22%
2. 5
14. 29%
Attends time.
25. 40%
Aware and conscious to duties or resposibilities as a student. Total
22. 22%
2. 5
The table above presents the different performance of a student inside the class. According to the results of the table above, large percentage of Senior High School students has a complete attendance inside the class for having 25.40% while active participation on class discussion is the least. With the total number of thirty (30) respondents. The table above presents a total of 63 responses, it means that some Senior High School students have multiple habits and performance inside the class. It shows that ten (10) of the SHS students listens attentively to the teachers/instructor. Fourteen (14) submits activities and requirements, nine (9) participate actively on class discussion, sixteen (16) attends classes on time and fourteen (14) is aware and conscious to their duties and responsibilities. Determining the respondent’s behavior and habits inside the class is an effective way to measure their preparedness for college environment. Also, this attitudes can be used as a reflection to their grades and performance, that are strictly monitored in the tertiary level.
Table No. 8 Roles and Function of Senior High School for Students Roles and Function of SHS for Students
Provides guidance and direction to my college course.
Develops my skills and talent based on my interest
28. 57%
14. 29%
14. 29%
17. 86%
Prepares me for international workplace. Equips me with the appropriate programs and actual trainings in order to be globally competitive. Helps me adopt/ acquire global quality and standard of education. Total
The table above presents the different roles and function of Senior High School to students. Based on the results, large percentage of the respondents said that the SHS program had developed their skills and talent based on their interest, it gained 28.57% while on the other side, least of the students stated that SHS prepares them for international workplace and equip them for actual trainings for having only 14.29%. With the total number of thirty (30) respondents, the result shows that it gained a total of fifty-six (56) responses. It can be concluded that there are multiple roles and function of SHS to every respondent. Overall, fourteen (14) students stated that SHS provides them guidance and direction to college, sixteen (16) achieved development of skills and talent, eight (8) prepared them for international workplace, eight (8) equipped them with appropriate programs and actual trainings and ten (10) helped them adopt/acquire global education. Discovering the student’s perception about the roles and function of Senior High School can help us determine on how the program shaped them to be prepared before entering college
Table No. 9 Benefits of Students from Senior High School Benefits of Students from SHS
Global quality of Education
17. 95%
On the Job/ Actual Trainings (OJT)
20. 51%
17. 95%
43. 59%
7 Broad and diverse subjects or programs. 17 College Preparation
The table above presents the different benefits of students from Senior High School Program. According to the results, large percentage of students believed that SHS made them prepared for college by having 43.59% while least of students believed that SHS provided global qualify of education together with giving broad and diverse subject or programs. With the total number of thirty (30) respondents, the result shows that it gained thirtynine (39) responses. This concluded that some respondent received multiple benefits from the SHS program. Overall, seven (7) respondents believed that SHS program provided them global of education, eight (8) for on the job/actual trainings, seven (7) for broad and diverse subjects or programs while seventeen (17) received college preparation. Discovering student’s perception about the benefits of SHS program can help us determine its effectivity and impact to students.
Table No. 10 Advantages of Students under Academic Strand Advantages of Students in Academic Strand
62. 16%
16. 22%
2. 5
Having the ability to adopt wide variety of lessons.
16. 22%
2. 5
Having the high level of guidance and monitoring of teachers.
5. 41%
Having applied and specialized subjects that have direct link to college courses. Having the capacity to understand wide aspects of life.
The table above presents the different advantages of students under Academic Strand of Senior High School program. Based on the results, larger percentage of students said that being in the Academic Strand provided them Applied and Specialized subjects that have direct link to college courses for having 62.16% while having the high level of guidance and monitoring of teachers became the least for only having 5. 41%. With the total number of thirty (30) respondents, the table above had shown 37 responses. This concludes that some respondents received multiple benefits of being a part of Academic Strand. Overall, twenty-three (23) students said that they received applied and specialized subjects, six (6) have the capacity to understand the wide aspects of life, six (6) have the ability to adopt wide variety of lessons and two (2) for having the high level of guidance and monitoring of teachers.
Table No. 11 Effects of Senior High School to the Lives of Students Effects of Senior High School to Students Positively, because it helps me explore global quality of education in order to be prepared for international workplace, it develops my skills and talent, also it guides and directs me to my chosen course in college. Negatively, because it just contributes to my family expenses also, the government is still unprepared due to limited number of teaching personnels, modules, books, classrooms, chairs and other school materials that widely affects the student’s learning and development. Total
96. 67%
3. 33%
The table above presents the effects of Senior High School program to students. According to the table, large percentage of SHS students have positive perception and views on its effects and impacts for having 96.67% while there are still small percentage of respondents that view it negatively 3.33%. With the total number of thirty (30) respondents twenty nine of them view of SHS program positively while only one (1) view it negatively.
CHAPTER IV- CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of the research study, the researchers had conclude the following: 1. According to the results of the study, the different indications or basis for the students in order to be prepared in college are: a. Monthly income of the family. b. Fields of interest of the students. c. Chosen course for college of the student. d. Attitude, behavior, grades and performance of the student inside the class. 2. The role and function of Senior High School program are:
Provides guidance and direction to the student’s chosen course for college in order for them to be decided. Develops that student’s inner skills, talents and abilities based on his/ her fields of interest that can be used in college/ tertiary level of education. Prepares Senior High School students to international workplace and shape them into a professional or worker that is skilled, equipped and competitive. Equips students with the appropriate programs and actual trainings in order for them to be prepared for their workplace environment, it maybe within the borders of our country or abroad. Helps students adopt and acquire the global standard or quality of education.
3. The different benefits that students receive from the Senior High School program in aspects for College preparation are the following:
Students receive global quality of education that includes the method and approach of learning adopted from other countries can be applied in the global workplace. It also includes the upgraded and higher level of topics and lessons that can enrich the knowledge of students. Students receive On the Job/ Actual trainings that can help them apply what they learned. This can also enable them to develop or improve their skills and talent that are one of the important requirements when the apply for a job. Students receive broad and diverse subjects or programs that are extracted from college- level courses. This can provide them insights and serves as an introductory phase so that they will be prepared for college. Students receive the essential tools for college preparation such as subjects, assessments, trainings, workshops and programs.
4. The different advantages of students that belong to the academic strand are:
Having applied and specialized subjects that helps students to be familiar in college- level topics and lessons. Provides programs that enables students to have the capacity to understand the wide aspects of life. The Academic track enables students to adopt or acquire wide variety of lessons and topics that can enhance students. Receives the high level of guidance and monitoring of teachers.
5. The effects of Senior High School program to students can either be positive or negative. But, according to the results of the research study, almost all of the Senior High School students consider the positive effects of the program due to its benefits, impact, roles and function that can fulfill their goals and dreams in life.
RECOMMENDATIONS According to the results of the research study being conducted, the researchers had developed the following recommendations. 1. The Senior High School program is considered as the pre- college level and a stage that prepares students before entering Tertiary Level of Education. These are the additional years in Secondary Education that equips, shapes and develops the inner skills, talent or abilities of the students can be used not just on college but also on their future workplace either in local or abroad. That’s why the program must be strengthened, enriched, and enhanced by the government because it will serves as an important foundation for the students preparation for the future. Government officials and implementers of the program must answer the needs of the students such as enough number of school buildings and facilities, learning tools and equipment, instructional materials and enough number of teaching personnel and instructors that are mostly needed. The government must focus and strictly monitor Senior High School program because it serves as the bridge to a better future of many Filipino youth.
2. To the individuals/ sectors that are part of the Senior High School program Senior High School Teachers Teachers are the most important individuals for the implementation of this program. They must be equipped and well- trained to ensure the effectivity of student’s learning. They serve as one of the significant foundation or the student’s learning and development. They are the ones that will enrich student’s knowledge, skills and abilities that students will use in the future. SHS teachers must provide strict observation or guidance, college level approach and higher quality of teaching.
Senior High School Students Senior High School students serves as the main subject of this program and in order to make it effective, they must conduct measures for the preparation of students before entering college. They must adopt and acquire all the subjects, programs, trainings and assessments being offered by the Senior High School program, and the apply it to the college level together with their future profession. Parents, Guardians and Family Relatives As one of the most important foundation of student’s future. Parents, guardians and family relatives must provide adequate guidance and support for the students upon fulfilling their dreams in life They must sustain and give solution to the different needs of the student in educational and financial aspects to ensure that they will have no problem in regards to learning. College Institutions College institutions or tertiary education providers must provide an environment for students that are safe and comfortable for them. They must ensure the student’s learning and development based on their chosen course through providing high quality of education, world- based trainings and assessments together with programs that can enrich student’s skills and talent. College institutions must be the center of education that is well- equipped, sustained and stable to handle the future of the students.
3. To the future researchers, this study can serve as an inspiration and motivation for them to develop a wider/ broader version of this research as a continuation that can benefit not just students, but also teachers, family relatives and individuals that are under the Senior High School program.
Sir/ Ma’am, Good Day! We are Grade 12 Senior High School students from Anselmo A. Sandoval Memorial National High School, we are currently conducting a research paper entitled, ‘’Assessment for the Preparedness of Senior High School Students under Academic Strand for College.’’ This research paper serves as a requirement on one of our subject which is the Practical Research I. In accordance to this, we are asking for your permission upon having an interview with you. Your cooperation will be recognized and appreciated, and we assure you that all of the information you share will be safe in our hands. Thank you very much! The Researchers
APENDIX B Survey Questionnaire Profile Name: __________________________________________________ Grade and Section: ________________________________ ABM HUMSS STEM Age:___________ Gender: Male Female ________________________________________________________ Directions: Put a check mark on the box of your choice and carefully answer the questions on the space provided below. 1. What is your chosen course for college? Accounting Architecture Business Management Communication Criminology
Education Engineering Entrepreneurship Finance Fine Arts
International Relations Law Medicine Political Science Psychology v
Others, please specify ______________________________________________ 2. How much is the monthly income of your family? 10,000- lower 21,000- 25,000 11,000- 15,000 26,000- 30,000 16,000- 20,000 31,000- higher 3. What is/ are your field(s) of interest? Arts and Design Mathematics History and Politics Reading and Writing Language and Communication Science Others, please specify _____________________________________ 4. How important is college or tertiary level of education to you? Essential Insignificant Important Unimportant 5. What is your performance inside the class? Listens attentively to teacher/ instructor. Submits activities and requirements on every subject Participates activvely on class discussions Attends classes on time. Aware and conscious to duties or resposibilities as a student. Others, please specify _______________________________________________________________________ 6. As a Grade 12 student, what is/ are the roles and function of Senior High School Program to you? Provides guidance and direction to my college course. Develops my skills and talent based on my interest Prepares me for international workplace. Equips me with the appropriate programs and actual trainings in order to be globally competitive. Helps me adopt/ acquire global quality and standard of education. Others, please specify _______________________________________________________________________
7. What benefits did you receive from Senior High School program? Global quality of education On the Job/ Actual Trainings (OJT) Broad and diverse subjects or programs College preparation Others, please specify, _______________________________________________________________________ 8. What is/ are the advantages of being a part of Academic Strand? Having applied and specialized subjects that have direct link to college courses. Having the capacity to understand wide aspects of life. Having the ability to adopt wide variety of lessons. Having the high level of guidance and monitoring of teachers. Others, please specify, _______________________________________________________________________ 9. How do Senior High School affects your life? Positively, because it helps me explore global quality of education in order to be prepared for international workplace, it develops my skills and talent, also it guides and directs me to my chosen course in college. Negatively, because it just contributes to my family expenses also, the government is still unprepared due to limited number of teaching personnels, modules, books, classrooms, chairs and other school materials that widely affects the student’s learning and development. 10. As a Grade 12 Senior High School student under Academic Strand , what are your insights about college preparation? ____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________
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