Designation: C 473 ± 03
Standard Test Methods for
Physical Testing of Gypsum Panel Products
This standard is issued under the ®xed designation C 473; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. 3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.09.
1.1 These test methods cover the physical testing of gypsum panel products. 1.2 The test methods appear in the following order: Flexural Strength (Method A) Core, End and Edge Hardness (Method A) Nail Pull Resistance (Method A) Flexural Strength (Method B) Core, End and Edge Hardness (Method B) Nail Pull Resistance (Method B) Humidi®ed De¯ection End Squareness Nominal Thickness Recessed- or Tapered Edge Depth Width Length Water Resistance of Core-Treated Water-Repellent Gypsum Panel Products Surface Water Resistance of Gypsum Panel Products with Water-Repellent Surfaces
1.3 The text of these test methods references notes and footnotes that provide explanatory material. These notes and footnotes, excluding those in tables and ®gures, shall not be considered as requirements of these test methods. 1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applica bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. 2.
Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: C 11 Terminology Relating to Gypsum and Related Building Materials and Systems2 D 3285 Test Method for Water Absorptiveness of Nonbibulous Paper and Paperboard (Cobb Test)3
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C11 on Gypsum and Related Building Materials and Systems and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C11.01 on Speci®cations and Test Methods for Gypsum Products. Current edition approved June 10, 2003. Published August 2003. Originally approved in 1961. Last previous edition approved in 2000 as C 473 ± 00. 2 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.01.
relative humidity of 50 6
E 4 Practices for Force Veri®cation of Testing Machines4 3.
3.1 De®nitions used in these test methods are in accordance with Terminology C 11. 3.2 De®nitions of Terms Speci®c to This Standard: 3.2.1 edge, nÐthe paperbound edge, or long edge, as manufactured. 3.2.2 ends, nÐthe end perpendicular to the paperbound edge or long edge. 4.
4.1 For use in these test methods, a sample shall consist of not less than 0.25 % of the number of gypsum panel products in a shipment, but not less than three gypsum panel products. Test specimens shall be taken from the sample lot as indicated in each method. 5.
% (Note 1). Test specimens individually after constant weight is reached and within 10 min upon removal from the conditioning chamber. NOTE 1ÐLaboratory test results indicated that conditioning temperatures may range from 70 to 100°F (21 to 38°C) without signi®cantly affecting the results. However, relative humidity is critical. This is the reason for testing specimens within 10 min upon removal from the conditioning chamber.
Method AÐConstant Rate of Loading INTRODUCTION The following procedures are applicable to socalled ªshot machinesº that utilize lead or steel shot that applies a load to the specimen at a constant stress rate or any other device that applies the load at a constant stress rate.
5.1 Condition specimens to constant weight at a temperature of 85 6 15°F (29.5 6 8.5°C) and
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.01.
*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
C 473 ± 03 Method ÐFlexu ral properti es of gyp sum panel 6.1 Testing product Machin s are eÐAppl evaluat y the ed by test support load at ing the a specim uniform en near rate of the 1 lbf/s ends (4.45 and N/s) applyin 610 %. g a Apply transver the load se load with a midway device betwee indepen n the dent of support manual s. control of the 7.2 Signi® cance rate of and loading UseÐT during his test an method individ covers ual a pro sample cedure test (see Fig. 1). for The evaluati deform ng the ation of ability the of specim gypsum en panel controls product the s to cross withsta head nd speed. ˉexural stresses 7. Flex during ural handlin Stre g or use ngth of the (Met materia l. This hod test A) method 7.1 Summa is used ry of to Test 6.
App arat usÐ Met hod A
determi ne complia nce with gypsum panel product speci® cations. The degree of correlat ion betwee n this test and service perform ance has not been fully determi ned. 7.3 A p p a r a t u s Ð S e e S e c t i o n 6 . 1 . 7.3.1 Specim en Suppor tsÐAll specim en bearing support s and load surface s shall
be true, shall engage the full width of the test specim en, shall be of such strength they will not deform under the test load, and shall be rounde d to a radius of 0.125 in. (3.2 mm). The specim en support s shall be spaced 14 6 0.016 in. (356 6 0.41 mm) on centers measur ed at the points of surface contact with the specim en. The support s shall be attache d to a plate that shall be rigidly attache d to the test apparat
us. The support s shall be parallel to each other and perpend icular to the long dimensi on of the test specim en. The bearing surface of the end support s shall be on the same plane to ensure contact along the entire bearing surface s. Support s shall be not less than 12 in. (305 mm) in length. When a load is being applied, the loading bar shall be in contact with the full width of the specim en. The load bearing surface shall be
parallel to the bearing surface of the specim en support s. The specim en and support s shall be located so that the vertical axis through the center of the load bearing surface passes through the specim en at one half of the specim en width and one half of the distanc e betwee n the support s. 7.4 S a m p l i n g Ð S a m p li n g s h
in. a dimensi l l on b parallel e to the i edge n a c c o r d a n c e FIG. 1 Apparatus Schematic for w Core, i End, t and h Edge S Hardn e ess c Test tion 4. 7.5 T e s t S p e c i m e n s : 7.5.1 Cut four specime ns, each 12 in. (305 mm) by approxi mately 16 in. (406 mm) from each gypsum panel product in the sample, two having the 16
and two7.6.1 having Use the apparat the 16 us in in. 7.3, dimensi support on ing perpend each icular specim to the en edge. centrall Cut the y on specime the ns not ®xed less parallel than 4 bearing in. (102 s, 14 mm) in. (356 away mm) on from centers, the and ends apply and the load edges on a of the similar gypsum bearing panel midwa product y except betwee where n the the support product s. is 24in. Positio or less n in perforat width, ed where it gypsum is lath so impossi the load ble to is not do so. applied 7.5. over 2 perforat Co ions. ndit ion 7.6.2 For spe specim cim ens ens with in the acc long ord dimensi anc on e parallel wit to the h edge, Sec test one tion specim 5. en from each 7.6 gypsum Pr panel oce product dur face up e:
and the other face down. For specim ens with the long dimensi on perpen dicular to the edge, test one specim en from each gypsum panel product face up and the other face down. 7.6.3 For gypsum panel product s with surfacin g material , the load is determi ned at the time of transver se failure of the surfacin g material and core through the thickne ss of the specime n. The specime ns shall not show a break in 7.7
the bond betwee n the surfacin g and the core before transver se failure of the gypsum panel product . If a single specime n fails, test two addition al specime ns from the same sample, and, if either one of the two specime n fail, the sample has failed. For gypsum panel product s without surfacin g material , the load is deter mined at the time of transver se failure through the thickne ss of the specime n. Report
ÐCalcu late and report the average 8.1 breakin g load in pound force or newton s for each test conditi on, rounde d to the nearest 1 lbf (N). The test conditi ons are: (1) parallel , face up; (2) parallel , face down; (3) perpen 8.2 dicular, face up; and, (4) perpen dicular, face down. 7.8 Precisi on and BiasÐT he precisio n and bias for this test method has not been determi ned. 8.
Cor e, End, and Edg e Har dnes s
(Met hod A) Summa ry of Test Method ÐThe core, end, and edge hardnes s of gypsum panel product s is evaluate d by determi ning the force required to push a steel punch into the area of test.
Signi® cance and UseÐT his test method covers a pro cedure for evaluati ng the ability of the gypsum panel product core, ends, and edges to resist crushin g during handlin g or use of the materia l. This test method
is used to determi ne compli ance with gypsum panel product speci® cations. The degree of correlat ion betwee n these test method s and service perfor mance has not been determi ned. 8.3 Appara tusÐSee 6.1. Clamp or secure the specime n to the base of the test apparat us shown in Fig. 1 with the face of the specime n perpend icular to the base of the test apparat us and parallel to the movem ent of the steel punch. Secure
the steel punch to the moving head of the test apparat us, position ed so that its center axis is parallel eith the line of travel and so that the punch is inserted into the core equidist ant from the surfaces of the specime n. Use a steel punch 0.099 6 0.003 in. (2.515 6 0.076 mm) in diamete r and more than 1¤2 in. (12.7 mm) long with the bearing surface machin ed to a 90° angle in referenc e to the punch center line (see Fig. 1 for test setup schemat ic).
C 473 ± 03 8.4 S a m p l i n g Ð S a m p li n g s h a ll b e i n a c c o r d a n c e w it h S e c tion 4. 8.5 T e s t S p e c i m e n s : 8.5.1 Specimens for
Core Hardne ssÐUsi ng a table or band saw, cut one specim en from the center of each of the three gypsum panel product samples approxi mately 12 by not less than 3 in. (305 by 76 mm), with the 12in. dimensi on perpend icular to the edges of the product s, for a total of not less than three specim ens. The smaller, not less than 3 in., dimen sion will vary dependi ng on the speci®c punch
length 8.5.1 from and one opening millcut in the end of testing the machin gypsum es. panel Place product the , with sample the 12 in the in. tester, (305 with the mm) loading dimensi arm in on a perpend horizon icular tal to the position edges, and for a with the total of punch not less resting than on the three specim specim en. Saw ens, cuts and run along tests the 12 only on in. the dimensi millcut on shall end of be the smooth specim and ens. square 8.5.3 with the Specimens smaller for (not Edge less Hardne than 3 ssÐCut specim in.) ens the dimensi same on, as size and well as method with the as specim describ en. ed in 8.5.2 8.5.1 Specimens from for End the Hardne opposit ssÐCut e edges specim of each ens the gypsum panel same product size and , with method the 12 as in. (305 describ mm) ed in dimensi
on of the specim ens parallel with the edges, for a total of not less than six specim ens. For gypsum panel product s with surfacin g materia l, cut a 1 ¤4 to 1 ¤2in. (6 to 13mm) strip of surfacin g materia l from the edge of the test specim ens expos ing the core for test. Remov e as little of the core as possibl e when removi ng the surfacin g materia l. Prepare the ®rst test area 2 6 1 ¤2 in. (51 6 13 mm) from one edge of the specim en, with
the next two test areas approxi mately 4 in. (102 mm) apart. 8.5.4 Conditi on spe cim ens in acc ord anc e wit h Sec tion 5. 8.6 Proced ureÐUs ing the apparat us in 8.3, clamp or secure the specim en in a ®xed vertical position on its 12 in. (305 mm) dimensi on edge (see Fig. 1 for test setup schema tic. If necessa ry, modify the ˉexural strength test equipm ent to conduct the
core, push end, the and steel edge punch a hardnes distanc s test). e of 1¤2 Place in. (13 this test mm) surface into the not less core of than 1 the in. (25 specim mm) en. above 8.6.1 the grip Procedure of the for specim Core en Hardne holder. ssÐTest Conduc either t three of the tests 12in. spaced (305 approxi mm) mately saw cut 4 in. edges, (102 for a mm) total of apart on not less each than specim nine en, with tests the ®rst (three test per area 2 6 1 specim ¤2 in. en). (51 6 8.6.2 13 mm) from Proced one ure edge of for the En specim d en. Ha Positio rdn n the ess steel ÐT punch est over the the test 12 area in. and (30 apply 5 the am) millcut load. end, for Report a total as the of not core, less end, or than edge nine hardnes tests s the (three load per require specim d to en).
8.6.3 8.7 Procedure for Edge Hardne ssÐTest areas along the 12 in. (305 mm) edge, for a total of not less than eightee n tests ( three per specim en). For product s with surfacin g materia l, test where the surfacin g materia l has been remove d.
Report ÐRepor t the core, end, and edge hardnes s indi vidually as the average load in pounds force or newton s rounded to the nearest 1 lbf (N). Discard any single test value that varies from the average by more than 15 % and repeat the test on the same sample to obtain a new value. 8.8 Precisi on and BiasÐT he precisio n and bias of this test method has not been determi ned. 9.
Nail Pull Resi stan
ce (Met hod A) 9.1 Summa ry of Test Method ÐThe ability of gypsum panel product s to resist nail pull through is evaluat ed by determi ning the load require d to push a standar d nail head through the product . 9.2 Signi®c ance 9.3 and UseÐTh is test method covers a pro cedure for evaluati ng the ability of gypsum panel products to resist nail pull through by determi ning the load required to force
a standard nail head through the product. This test method is used to determi ne complia nce with gypsum panel product speci®c ations. The degree of correlati on between these test methods and service perform ance has not been determi ned.
Appara tusÐSe e 6.1. This apparat us shall be used with either of the specime n support plates in 9.3.1 or 9.3.2. 9.3.1 Fig. 2 shows a schemat ic of a nail pull resistan ce apparatu s
adaptabl e to a typical ˉexural strength apparatu s commo nly used in the gypsum industry . The specime n support plate shall have a 3in. (76 mm) diamete r hole in the center. The support plate shall be not less than 6 by 6 in. (152 by 152 mm). It shall be attached to the apparatu s as necessar y to maintai n the surface of the plate perpend icular to the travel of the test nail. The support plate must also be located so that the
vertical axis through the center of the nail shank passes through the center of the hole in the support plate. The test nail shank shall be 0.099 6 0.003 in. (2.515 6 0.076 mm) in diamete r and the nail head shall be 0.2506 0.005 in. (6.350 6 0.127 mm) in diamete r. The nail shall be attached at the head to the movable cross head of the test apparatu s. This attachm ent shall not exceed the diamete r of the nail head and
shall be placed directly over the head. It shall also be attached so that the vertical axis through the nail shank is parallel with the travel.
9.3.2 Fig. 3 shows a schemat ic of an alternat e nail pull resistan ce apparat us adaptab le to a typical ˉexural strength apparat us commo nly used in the gypsum industry . This appa ratus mirrors all of the require ments of 9.3.1, except that the
nail is not attache d at the head to the movabl e cross head of the test apparat us. The alternat e apparat us utilizes a machin ed plunger with the nail head and shank incorpo rated as an
FIG. 2 App arat us Sch em atic for Nail Pull Res ista nce Test
C 473 ± 03
FIG. 3 Nail Pull Specimen Support Plate
integral part of the plunger. The plunger ®ts into a bushing that keeps the nail aligned
perpendicular to the test specimen. 9.4 SamplingÐSam pling shall be in accordance with Section 4.
9.5 Test Specimens: 9.5.1 Cut ®ve specimens 6 by 6 in. (152 by 152 mm) from a strip cut across 4
the width of each 48in. (1220mm) gypsum panel product starting not less than 4 in. (102 mm) in from the
C 473 ± 03 edge. Cut a total of ®ve specime ns from more than one full width 9.6 strip from gypsum panel product s less than 38 in. (965 mm) wide. Do not cut the specime n closer than 3 in. (76 mm) from the product edges. 9.5.2 Drill a 7¤64 in. (2.778 mm) diamete r pilot hole through the thickne ss of the gypsum panel product in the center of each test specime n and perpend icular to the surface. 9.5.3 Conditi on spe cim ens
in acc ord anc e wit h Sec tion 5. Proced ureÐUsi ng the apparatu s in 9.3, center the specime n face up on the base plate and manuall y lower the test nail, insertin g the nail shank in the pilot hole, until the nail head is ˉush with the surface of the specime n. Apply the load until the maximu m load is achieve d. Normall y, this will occur as the nail head breaks through the
gypsum panel product surface.
9.7 Report ÐCalcu late the average maximu m load in pounds force or newton s, rounded to the nearest 1 lbf (N). Discard any single test that varies from the average by more than 15 %. If more than 15 % of the test values are discard ed, repeat the test. 9.8 Precisi on and BiasÐT he precisio n and bias of this test method has not been determi ned. M et ho d B Ð C
on st an t R at e of Cr os s H ea d Sp ee d
correlat ion betwee n this test and service perform ance has not been fully determi ned. 11.3 Appa ratus ÐSee Secti on 10. 11.3. 1 Specim en Support sÐAll bearing support s and load surfaces shall be true, shall engage the full width of the test specime n, shall be of such strength they will not deform under the test load, and shall be rounded to a radius of 0.125 in. (3.2 mm). The specime n
support s shall be spaced 14 6 0.016 in. (356 6 0.41 mm) on centers measur ed at the points of surface contact with the specime n. The support s shall be attache d to a plate that shall be rigidly attache d to the test apparat us. Test specime n support s shall be parallel to each other and perpen dicular to the long dimensi on of the test specime n. The bearing surface of the end support s shall be on the same plane to ensure
contact n along support the s. The entire specime bearing n and surfaces specime . n Support support s shall s shall be not be less located than 12 so that in. (305 the mm) in vertical length. axis When a through load is the being center applied, of the the load loading bearing bar surface shall be passes in through contact the with the specime full n at one width half of of the the specime specime n. The n width load and one bearing half of surface the shall be distance parallel betwee to the n the bearing support surface s (see of the Fig. 4). specime and data INTRODUC acquisiti TION The followin g procedu res are applicab le to so called univer sal test machine s. These instrum ents often use electron ic load cells
on equipm ent to gather informa tion about the specime n being tested. The instrum ents generall y in use move the cross
m of the test equipm ent shall be of sufficie nt size to accept the specim en holder and load applyin g apparat us. The testing machin e shall be power operate d and shall apply 10. Ap the load par continu atu ously and s without 10.1Testing shock. Machin 10.2The test e, of apparat any us shall type be that is veri®e of d sufficie accordi nt ng to capacit Practice y and s E 4, that is the capable three of sections providi titled ng a ªBasis rate of of loading Veri®c at a ation,º strain ªCorrec rate of tions,º 1.0 and in./min ªTime 6 5 s Interval (25 Betwee mm/mi n n 6 5 Veri®c s). The ations.º load 10.3Load platfor Indicati head at a constant speed, as opposed to having the deforma tion on the specime n control cross head speed, which would be a true constant rate of strain instrum ent.
transver ng Equipm se load ent, midway capable betwee of n the reading support to 1lbf s. (4.45 11.2Signi® N) cance increme and nts, UseÐT shall be his test provide method d for covers the test a apparat procedu us. A re for means evaluati shall be ng the provide ability d to of indicate gypsum the panel maxim product um load s to attained withsta during nd the test. ˉexural stresses 11. Fle during xur handlin al g or use of the Str materia eng l. This th test (M method eth is used od to B) determi
11.1Summa ry of Test Method ÐFlexu ral properti es of gyp sum panel product s are evaluat ed by support ing the specim en near the ends and applyin g a
ne complia nce with gypsum panel product speci® cations. The degree of
m 11.4S e a n m : p l i11.5.1 nCut four g specime Ð ns, each S 12 in. a (305 m mm) by p approxi l mately i 16 in. n (406 g mm) from each s h gypsum a panel product l in the l sample, b two e having the 16 in. i n dimensi on a parallel c to the c edge o and two having r d the 16 a in. n dimensi c on e perpend icular w to the edge. i Cut the t h specime ns not S less e than 4 c in. (102 mm) away from tion 4. the 11.5T ends e and s edges t of the gypsum S panel p product e except c where i the
product is not applied is 24in. over or less perforat in ions. width, where it11.6.2 is For impossi specime ble to ns with do so. the long dimensi 11.5.2 on Conditio parallel n to the speci edge, men test one s in specime n from acco each rdan gypsum ce panel with product Secti face up on 5. and the other 11.6 face Proc down. edur For e: specime 11.6.1 ns with Use the the long apparat dimensi us in on 11.3, perpend supporti icular ng each to the specime edge, n test one centrall specime y on the n from ®xed each parallel gypsum support panel s, 14in. product (356 face up mm) on and the centers, other and face apply down. the load11.6.3 on aFor gypsum similar panel bearing product midway s with betwee surfacin n the g support material s. , the Position load is perforat determi ed ned at gypsum the time lath so of the load
transver se failure of the surfacin g material and core through the thickne ss of the specime n. The specime ns shall not show a break in the bond betwee n the surfacin g and the core before transver se failure of the gypsum panel product . If a single specime n fails, test two addition 5
al specime ns from the same sample, and, if either one of the two specime ns fail, the sample has failed. For gypsum panel product s without surfacin g material , the load is deter mined at the time of transver se failure through the thickne ss of the specime n.
C 473 ± 03
FIG. 4 Testing Machine
r e c i s i o n a n d B i a s :
11.7ReportÐ Calculat e and report the average breakin g load in pounds force or newtons for each test conditio n, rounded to the 11.8.1 nearest PrecisionÐT 1 lbf he 95 % (N). The repeatab test ility conditio limit of ns are: the Par (1) allel, parallel, Face Up face up; (Method (2) B) test parallel, is the face test down; result (3) 64.796 perpend lbf icular, [21.33 face up; N]. The and, (4) 95 % perpend reprodu icular, cibility face limit of down. the Parallel, 11.8P
Face Up 95 % (Method reprodu B) test cibility is the limit of test the result Across, Face Up 68.992 (Method lbf B) test [40.00 is the N]. test 11.8.2 result PrecisionÐT 613.368 he 95 % lbf repeatab [59.46 ility N]. limit of the Par 11.8.4 allel, PrecisionÐT Face he 95 % Down repeatab (Method ility B) test limit of is the the test Across, result Face Down 65.087 (Method lbf B) test [22.63 is the N]. The test 95 % result reprodu cibility 611.704 limit of lbf the [52.06 Parallel, N]. The Face 95 % Down reprodu (Method cibility B) test limit of is the the test Across, result Face Down 67.370 (Method lbf B) test [32.78 is the N]. test 11.8.3 result PrecisionÐT 619.429 he 95 % lbf repeatab [86.42 ility N]. limit of the 11.8.5 Across, BiasÐNo Face Up informat (Method ion can B) test be is the presente test d on the result bias of 610.290 the lbf procedu [45.77 re in N]. The these
test methods for measuri ng the Flexural Strength (Method B) because there is no material having an accepte d referenc e value. 12. Cor e, En d, and Edg e Har dne ss (Me tho d B) 12.1 Summar y of Test Method ÐThe core, end, and edge hardness of gypsum panel products is evaluate d by determin ing the force required to push a steel punch into the area of test.
12.2Signi®c ance
and UseÐTh is test method covers a procedu re for evaluati ng the ability of the gypsum panel product core, ends, and edges to resist crushing during han dling or use of the material . This test method is used to determi ne complia nce with gypsum panel product speci®c ations. The degree of correlati on between this test method and service perform ance has not been fully determi ned.
12.3 Appa ratus ÐSee Sectio n 10. 12.3.1 A means of securing the specime n to the base of the test apparatu s shall be provide d. The face of the specime n shall be perpend icular to the base of the test apparatu s and parallel to the moveme nt of the steel punch. The steel punch shall be secured to the moving head of the test apparatu s. It shall be position ed so that its center axis is parallel with the line of travel. It also shall be
position ed so that the punch is inserted into the core equidist ant from the surfaces of the specime n. The steel punch shall be 0.099 6 0.003 in. (2.515 6 0.076 mm) in diameter and more than 1¤2 in. (12.7 mm) long with the bearing surface machine d to a 90° angle in referenc e to the punch center line (see Fig. 5 and Fig. 6). 12.4S a m p l i n g Ð S a m p l i n
g s h a l l b e i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h S e c
n not less than 12 by 3 in. (305 by 76 mm) from the center of each gypsum panel product, for a total of not less than three specime ns. The 12in. (305 mm) dimensi on shall be perpend icular to the edges of the gypsum panel product. tion 4. Cuts 12.5T along e the 12 s in. (305 t mm) dimensi S on shall p be e smooth c and i m perpend icular to e the face n of the s specime : n. 12.5.1 12.5.2 Specimens Specimens for for End Core Hardne Hardne ssÐCut ssÐUsi ng a a specime table or band n not less saw, cut a than 12 by 3 in. specime
(305 by 76 mm) from one millcut end of each gypsum panel product, for a total of not less than three specime ns. Cut the 12 in. (305 mm) dimensi on perpend icular to the edges of the gypsum panel product. 12.5.3 Specimens for Edge Hardne ssÐCut a specime n not less than 12 by 3 in. (305 by 76 mm) from each edge of each gypsum panel product, for a total of not less than six 6
speci mens. Cut the 12in. (305 mm) dimensi on parallel to the edge of the gypsum panel product. For gypsum panel products with surfacin g material , cut a 1 ¤4 to 1 ¤2in. (6 to 13 mm) strip of surfacin g material from the edge of the test specime ns expos ing the core for test. Remove as little of the core as possible when removin g the surfacin g material . Prepare the ®rst test
C 473 ± 03
FIG. 5 Test SetupÐPunch for Hardness and Nail Pull Resistance
FIG. 6 Test SetupÐSample Holder for Hardness Test
area 2 6 1¤2 in. (51 6 13 mm) from one edge of the specimen, with the next two test areas spaced approximately 4 in. (102 am) apart. 12.5.4 Condition specimens in accordance with Section 5. 12.6
ProcedureÐUsing the apparatus in 12.3, clamp or secure the specimen in a ®xed vertical position on its 12 in. (305 mm) dimension edge. If necessary, modify the ˉexural
strength test equipment to conduct the core, end, and edge hardness test. Place this test surface not less than 1 in. (25 mm) above the grip of the specimen holder. After the specimen is in place, zero the 7
load indicator. Conduct three tests spaced approximately 4 in. (102 mm) apart on each specimen, with the ®rst test area 2 6 1¤2 in. (51 6 13 mm) from one edge of the specimen. Position the steel punch over the test area and apply
C 473 ± 03 the load. Report as the core, end, or edge hardness the load required to push the steel punch a distance of 1¤2 in. (13 mm) into the core of the specimen. 12.6.1 Procedure for Core HardnessÐTest either of the 12in. (305mm) saw cut edges, for a total of not less than nine tests (three per specimen). 12.6.2 Procedure for End HardnessÐTest the 12in. (305 mm) millcut end, for a total of not less than nine tests (three per specimen). 12.6.3 Procedure for Edge HardnessÐTest areas along the 12in. (305mm) edge, for a total of not less than eighteen tests (three per specimen). For products with surfacing material, test where the surfacing material has been removed. 12.7 ReportÐReport the core, end, and edge hardness individually as the average load in poundsforce or newtons rounded to the nearest 1 lbf (N). Discard any single test value that varies from the average by more than 15 % and repeat the test on the same sample to obtain a new value. 12.8 Precision and Bias: 12.8.1 PrecisionÐThe 95 % repeatability limit of the End Hardness (Method B) test is the test result 68.103 lbf [36.04 N]. The 95 % reproducibility limit of the End Hardness (Method B) test is the test result 69.725 lbf [43.56 N]. 12.8.2 PrecisionÐThe 95 % repeatability limit of the Core Hardness (Method B) test is the test result 64.231 lbf [18.82 N]. The 95 % reproducibility limit of the Core Hardness (Method B) test is the test result 69.668 lbf [43.01 N]. 12.8.3 PrecisionÐThe 95 % repeatability limit of the Edge Hardness (Method B) test is the test result 67.730 lbf [34.38 N]. The 95 % reproducibility limit of the Edge Hardness (Method B) test is the test result 623.031 lbf [102.45 N]. 12.8.4 BiasÐNo information can be presented on the bias of the procedure in these test methods for measuring the End, Core, and Edge Hardness because there is no material having an accepted reference value. 13. Nail Pull Resistance (Method B) 13.1 Summary of Test MethodÐThe ability of gypsum panel products to resist nail pullthrough is evaluated by determining the load required to push a standard nail head through the product. 13.2 Signi®cance and UseÐThis test method covers a procedure for evaluating the ability of gypsum panel products to resist nail pullthrough by determining the load required to force a standard nail head through the product. This test method is used to determine compliance with gypsum panel product speci®cations. The degree of correlation between these test methods and service performance has not been determined. 13.3 ApparatusÐSee Section 10. The apparatus shall be used with either of the specimen support plates in 13.3.1 or 13.3.2. 13.3.1 Specimen Support Plate, shall be true and have a 3in. (76mm) diameter hole in the center. The support plate shall be not less than 6 by 6 in. (152 by 152 mm). It shall be attached to the apparatus as necessary to maintain the surface of the plate perpendicular to the travel of the test nail. The support plate must also be located so that the vertical axis through the center of the nail shank passes through the center of the hole in the support plate. The test nail shank shall be 8
0.099 6 0.003 in. (2.515 6 0.076 mm) in diameter and the nail head shall be 0.250 6 0.005 in. (6.350 6 0.127 mm) in diameter. The nail shall be attached at the head to the movable cross head of the test apparatus. This attachment shall not exceed the diameter of the nail head and shall be placed directly over the head. It shall also be attached so that the vertical axis through the nail shank is parallel with the travel. See Figs. 5 and 7 for examples of the test setup con®guration. 13.3.2 Fig. 3 shows a schematic of an alternate nail pull resistance apparatus adaptable to a typical ˉexural strength apparatus commonly used in the gypsum industry. This appa ratus mirrors all of the requirements of 13.3.1, except that the nail is not attached at the head to the movable cross head of the test apparatus. The alternate apparatus utilizes a machined plunger with the nail head and shank incorporated as an integral part of the plunger. The plunger ®ts into a bushing that keeps the nail aligned perpendicular to the test specimen. 13.4 SamplingÐSampling shall be in accordance with Sec tion 4. 13.5 Test Specimens: 13.5.1 Cut ®ve specimens 6 by 6 in. (152 by 152 mm) from a strip cut across the width of each 48in. (1220mm) gypsum panel product starting not less than 4 in. (102 mm) in from the edge. Cut a total of ®ve specimens from more than one full width strip from gypsum panel products less than 38 in. (965 mm) wide. Do not cut the specimen closer than 3 in. (76 mm) from the product edges. 13.5.2 Drill a 7¤64in. (2.778mm) diameter pilot hole through the thickness of the gypsum panel product in the center of each test specimen and perpendicular to the surface. 13.5.3 Condition specimens in accordance with Section 5. 13.6 ProcedureÐUsing the apparatus in 13.3, place the specimen on the specimen support plate so that the drilled hole is aligned with the nail shank tip. After the specimen is in place, zero the load indicator. Insert the nail shank into the specimen hole and apply the load until the maximum load is achieved. Normally, this will occur as the nail head breaks through the gypsum panel product surface and is followed by a very signi®cant decrease in load.
FIG. 7 Test SetupÐSample Holder for Nail Pull Resistance
C 473 ± 03 the 13.7Report Nail ÐCalc Pull ulate (Meth the od B) averag test is e the test maxim result um 65.610 load in lbf pound [24.95 sforce N]. or newto The ns, 95 % rounde reprod d to ucibili the ty nearest limit 1 lbf of the (N). Nail Discar Pull d any (Meth single od B) test test is that the varies test from result the 68.96 averag 1 lbf e by [39.86 more N]. than 13.8.2 15 %. BiasÐNo If inform more ation than can be 15 % presen of the ted on test the values bias of are the discar proced ded, ure in repeat these the test test. metho 13.8Pre ds for cisi measu on ring an Nail d Pull Bia becaus s: e there is no 13.8.1 materi PrecisionÐ al The 95 having % an repeata accept bility ed limit of
referen ce value.
14.5.2 Condit ion speci 14. H mens u in mi accord di ance ® with ed Sectio De n 5. ˉe 14.6Procedu cti reÐSusp end each on specime n face down on parallel and level bearing edges, having 1 ¤8in. (3.2 mm) radii, 12 in. (305 mm) long, and 23 in. (584 mm) apart in the humidity cabinet in an atmosph ere of 90 6 3°F (32 6 1.7°C) and 90 6 3 % relative humidity for 48 h. Measure the humidi® ed deˉectio n of each specime n, while suspende d on the bearing edges, as the distance between a
straighte mm). dge 14.7ReportÐ Report placed the on the humidi® top end ed edges of deˉectio the n as the gypsum average panel of the specime product ns to the and the nearest upper 1 ¤8 in. (3 surface mm). of the product 14.8Precisio n and at its BiasÐTh e center. precision Take and bias measure of this ments to test the method has not nearest been 1 ¤16 in. determin (1.6 ed. high 14.1Summa humidit ry of y for 48 Test h. Method ÐThe 14.2Signi® cance humidi and ®ed UseÐT deˉectio his test n of method gypsum covers a panel procedu product re for s is evaluati evaluat ng the ed by deˉectio supporti n of ng a speci gypsum men panel that has product been s when cut with horizon the long tally dimensi suspend on ed and perpend subjecte icular d to to the high machin humidit e y. This directio test n, method support is used ed to horizon determi tally, ne and complia subjecte nce d to with
gypsum panel product speci®c ations. Since job factors other than high humidit y inˉuenc e the deˉectio n of gypsum panel product s, the degree of correlat ion betwee n this test method and service perform ance has not been determi ned. 14.3Appara tusÐA humidit y cabinet of sufficie nt size to accom modate test specime ns 12 by 24 in. (305 by 610 mm) capable of maintai ning an atmosp here of 90 6 3°F (32
6 1.7°C) and 90 6 3 % relative humidit y for 48 h. 14.4S a m p l i n g Ð S a m p l i n g s h a l l b e i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h S e c tion 4. 14.5T e s
t S p e c i m e n s : 14.5. 1 Cut two specime ns 12 by 24 in. (305 by 610 mm) from each gypsum panel product in the sample so the 12in. dimensi on is parallel to the edges. Cut specime ns not less than 12in. away from the ends and edges of gypsum panel product s 48 in. (1220 mm) or more in width. Cut specime ns from the center of
gypsum panel product s that are narrowe r than 48 in. (1220 mm) as noted in Fig. 8.
is used to determi ne complia nce with 15.1 Summar gypsum y of panel Test product Method speci®c ations. ÐThe The end degree squaren of ess of correlat gypsum ion panel betwee products n this is test evaluate method d by and drawing service a line perform perpen ance dicular has not to the been edge of determi a full ned. width 15.3Appara specime tusÐA n to its T opposite shaped edge or L and shaped measuri square ng the for length draw of the ing or side of testing right the angles. triangle The formed. long 15.2Signi® edge of cance the and square UseÐT shall be his test not less method than 48 covers in. a 15.4S procedu a re for m determi p ning the l end i squaren n ess of g gypsum Ð panel S product a s. This test m method p 15. En d Sq uar ene ss
l ˉush against i n the g edge of the gypsum s panel h product a with the l apex of l the square b at one e corner of the product i . n Determi ne the a distance c b, to the c nearest o 1¤16 in. r (1.6 d mm) at a the n speci®e c d e distance a. Distanc w e is i measur t ed from h the apex of S the e square c (see Fig. 9). 15.7Report ÐRepor tion 4. t the 15.5Test average Specim of ensÐUs distance e full b to the size nearest gypsum 1 panel ¤8 in. product (3.2 s with mm). undama 15.8Precisi ged on and ends for BiasÐT he test precisio specime n and ns. bias of 15.6Proced this test method ureÐPl has not ace one been edge of determi the ned. square
FIG. 8 Sample Selection Detail for Humidi®ed De¯ection Test 9
C 473 ± 03 product s, and is used to determi ne complia nce FIG. 9with End gypsum Squarpanel enessproduct Deterspeci®c minatations. ion The degree of 16. Thi correlat ck ion nes betwee s n this 16.1Summa test ry of method Test and Method service ÐThe perform nomina ance l has not thickne been ss of deter gypsum mined. panel 16.3 Apparat product usÐA s is microm evaluat eter ed by gage for measuri determi ng the ning the thickne thicknes ss of s the measure specim ment to en with 0.001 a in. microm (0.025 eter. mm). 16.2Signi® The cance microm and eter UseÐT shall be his test a 1in. method (25.4 covers mm) a hand procedu microm re for eter determi with 1 ning the ¤4in. thickne (6.35 ss of mm) gypsum diamete panel r anvils
graduat ed to 0.01 in. (0.25 mm).
p e c i m e n s :
16.4S a m p l i 16.5.1 n Use g ful Ð l S siz a e m gy p ps l u i m n pa g ne l s pr h od a uc l ts l fo r b tes e t sp i ec n i mens. a16.5.2 cMark the c product o to be tested, r d score a on both n sides, c and e break at 12 in. w (305 mm) i from t h each end, S discardi e ng the two c ends prior to testing. tion 4. Retain 16.5T the e remaini s ng part t of each gypsum S
panel product as a test specim en. 16.6 Proced ureÐMa rk measure ment points at approxi mately equal points across the width at each end of the gypsum panel product excludi ng the tapered, beveled, or recessed edges if applicab le. Engage the microm eter ®rmly, but do not indent the surfacin g material of the gypsum panel product. Measur e the thicknes s of the gypsum panel product with the microm eter not less than 1¤2 in. (13
mm) from cut ends. Take a minimu m of not less than seven readings at each end of the 54 in. (1370 mm) wide gypsum panel product, six readings at each end of the 48 in. (1220 mm) wide gypsum panel product, ®ve readings at each end of the 32 in. (813 mm) wide gypsum panel product, four readings at each end of the 24 in. (610 mm) wide gypsum panel product, or three readings at each end of the 16 in. (406
mm) wide gypsum panel product.
16.7 Report ÐCalcu late the nomina l thickne ss of each specim en as the average of the individ ual microm eter reading taken on each gypsum panel product . Calcula te and report the sample thickne ss as the average measur ed thickne ss of all the specim ens in the sample to the nearest 1 ¤64 in. (0.4 mm) and local variatio ns in any one specim en to the nearest 1 ¤32 in. (0.8 mm). 16.8 Precisi
on and BiasÐT he precisio n and bias of this test method has not been determi ned. 17. Re ces sed or Ta per ed Ed ge De pth 17.1 Summa ry of Test Method ÐThe recesse d or tapered edge depth of gypsum panel product s is evaluat ed by compar
mance ing the has not thickne been ss near determi the ned. edge of 17.3A the p specim p en to a the r thickne ss in a the t ®eld of u the s specim Ð en. U 17.2Signi® s cance e and UseÐT t his test h method e provide s a m proced i ure for c determi r ning o the m depth e of the t recess e or taper r on the edge of g gypsum a panel g product e s board and is d used to e determi s ne c compli r ance i with b gypsum e panel d product speci® ca i tions. n The degree 16.3. E of ngage correlat the ion microm betwee eter n this ®rmly test but do method not and indent service the perfor surfaci
ng c materia l. Take all tion 4. reading 17.5Spe s to the cim nearest ens 0.001 : in. 17.5.1 (0.025 Use the mm) of same specim specim en ens thickne prepare ss. d in 17.4S 16.5, or a prepare m another p set of specim l ens as i n indicate g d in Ð 16.5. 17.6 S Proc a edure m : p 17.6.1 l At one i co n rn g er, de s ter h mi a ne l th l e thi b ck e ne ss i 6 n in. (1 a 52 c am) fr c o o m r th d e a cu n t c en e d an w d i 3 ¤ t 8 h in. (9. S 5 e
m edge depths, m as in ) 17.5. fr o 17.6.5 m Determine the th variatio e n of ed any ge individ . ual 17.6.2 recesse Subtract the d or specim en as tapered determi edge ned in depth 17.6.1 from from the the average average specim as en determi thickne ss as ned in determi 17.6.4 ned in using Section the 16. subtract 17.6.3 ion Repeat the method proced . ure in 17.6.1 17.6.6 Reject or and discard 17.6.2 any on the individ remaini ual ng recesse three d or corners tapered of this edge specim depth en and calculat on the ion, as remaini in ng two 17.6.2, specim if the ens of variatio the n from sample. average 17.6.4 , as in Determine 17.6.5, the exceeds average 0.050 recesse in. d or (1.27 tapered mm). edge To depth constitu from te a all the valid individ test do ual not recesse discard d or more tapered
than ed by three measuri individ ng the ual edge calculat toedge ions. dimen sion of 17.7 a full Report size ÐRepor specim t the en. average recesse 18.2 Signi®c d or ance tapered and edge UseÐTh depth is test as in method 17.6.4 provides after a any procedu adjustm re for ents for determi exclusi ning the ons of width of data as gypsum in panel 17.6.5 products or and is 17.6.6 used to to the determi nearest ne 0.001 complia in. nce with (0.025 gypsum mm). panel 17.8 products Precisi speci®c on and ations. BiasÐT he The precisio degree n and of bias of correlati this test on method between has not this test been method determi and ned. 18. Wi dth
service perform ance has not been determi ned.
18.1Summa ry of Test Method 18.3Appara tusÐAn ÐThe y width accurat of e gypsum measuri panel product ng s is device evaluat capable
of r d measuri a n ng the c e width of the w i gypsum t h panel product S e to the c nearest 1 ¤32 in. tion 4. (1 18.5Test mm). Specim 18.4S ensÐUs a e full m p size l gypsum i n panel g Ð product S s for a m test p specim l i n ens. g 18.6P r s h o a l c l e b d e u i r n e a : c c o 10
C 473 ± 03 round, 18.6.1 determi Measure the ne the width overall of an distanc individ e. One ual excepti gypsum on is panel tongue product and by groove placing edge the specim measuri ens, the ng width device of perpend which icular is the to the distanc edges e of the betwee gypsum n the panel rip of product the when tongue measur and the ements bottom are of the taken. groove. The 18.6.2 width of theThe width of an specim individ en is ual the gypsum distanc panel e product betwee is the n maxim extremi um of ties of two the reading edges, s taken so in not less cases than 48 where in. the (1220 edge oram) apart edges and are about 6 beveled in. (152 (slope mm) in or away out) from with the both face or ends of back of the specim the en. Cut specim off 6 in. en, or (152 are
mm) measuri from ng the both endto ends end before dimensi taking on of a measur full size ements specim at ends en. of 19.2 Signi®c tongue ance and and groove UseÐTh edge is test specim method ens. provide 18.7 s a Report procedu ÐRepor re for t the determi width ning the as the length average gypsum width panel of not product less s and is than used to three determi specim ne ens to complia the nce with nearest gypsum 1 panel ¤32 in. product (1 mm). s 18.8 Precisi speci®c on and ations. BiasÐT The he degree precisio n and of bias of correlati this test on method has not between been this test determi method ned. 19. Le ngt h
and service perform ance has not been determi ned.
19.1Summa ry of Test Method 19.3Appara tusÐAn ÐThe y length accurat of e gypsum measuri panel ng product device s is capable evaluat of ed by
measuri r e ng the : width of the gypsum 19.6.1 panel Measure the length product of an to the individ nearest 1 ual ¤16 in. gypsum (2 mm). panel 19.4S a product m by p l placing i n the g measuri Ð S ng a m device p parallel l with the i n edges g when s h measur ements a l are l taken. b The e length i n of the specim a en is c c o the r distanc d e a n betwee c n e w extremi ties of i t h the ends, so S in cases e c where the tion 4. ends are 19.5Test beveled Specim ensÐUs , e full determi size ne the gypsum overall panel distanc product e. s for19.6.2 test The length specim of a ens. specim 19.6P en is r the o maxim c um of e two d reading u s taken
about 3 in. (76 mm) away from both edges of the specim en. 19.7Report ÐRepor t the length as the average length of not less than three specim ens to the nearest 1 ¤8 in. (3 mm). 19.8Precisi on and BiasÐT he precisio n and bias of this test method has not been determi ned.
r e T r e a t e d W a t e r R e p e l l e n t G y p s u m P a n e l P r o d u c t s
20. W a t e r R e s i s t a n 20.1Summa ry of c Test e Method ÐThe o water f resistan ce of C core o treated
water 20.2Signi® repellen cance t and gypsum UseÐT panel his test product method s is provide evalu s a ated by procedu immers re for ing the evaluati specim ng the en in ability water of core for the treated speci®e gypsum d panel period product of time. s to
resist water penetrat ion. This test method is used to determi ne complia nce with gypsum panel product speci®c ations. The degree of correlat ion betwee n this test method and service perform ance has not been determi ned. 20.3A p p a r a t u
by 12 in. (305 by 305 mm) 20.3.1 test Water Bath, speci not less men cut than 16 from by 16 the by 3 in. center (406 by of the 406 by gypsum 75 mm) panel capable product of being maintai tested ning the by water at scoring a and constan breakin t g. Cut tempera specime ture of ns 70 6 approxi 1°F (21 mately 6 centere 0.5°C). d 20.3.2 betwee Glass Rods, n both 0.25 in. edges (6 mm) and not in less diamete than 6 r, or in. (152 other mm) support from s either capable end. Do of not keeping treat the the edges specime of the ns off specime the n nor bottom damage of the any water surfacin bath. g 20.4 material Sampli . ngÐSa mpling 20.5.2 shall beCondition the in specime accorda ns in nce accorda with nce Sec with tion 4. Section 20.5 5, Test except Speci at a mens: tempera 20.5.1 ture of Prepare a 12 s :
70 6 5°F (21 6 2°C), and then weigh to within 0.5 g. 20.6 Proc edure : 20.6.1 Position the specime n so that it rests ˉatwise on glass rods or other supports in the water bath with a head of 1 in. (25
am) of water over the top of the specime n. If the specime n ˉoats, place sufficie nt weight on the specime n to keep it in contact with the support s under the 1 in. (25 mm) head of water. 20.6.2 After 2 h have elapsed, remove the specime
n from the bath, wipe excess water from the surfaces and edges of the specime n and weigh immedi ately to within 0.5 g. 20.7 Report ÐCalcu late the gain in weight for each speci men as a percent age of the original weight as determi ned in 20.5.2 to the nearest 1 % and report the average percent age as the water absorpti on of the gypsum panel product . 20.8 Precisi on and BiasÐT he precisio n and bias of this test
method has not been determi ned.
surfaces is evaluat ed by dammin g a 21. Su speci®e d area rf on the ac treated e surface, W ®lling at that er area Re with sis water, ta and nc allowin g it to e remain of undistur G bed for yp the su speci®e m d time Pa period. ne 21.2Signi® l cance Pr and od UseÐT his test uc method ts provide wi s a th procedu W re for at evaluati er ng the ability Re of pe water lle repellen nt t Su surfac ing of rf gypsum ac panel es product 21.1Summa s to ry of resist Test water Method penetrat ÐThe ion. surface This water test resis method tance of is used gypsum to panel determi product ne s with complia water nce repellen with t
gypsum ance panel has not product been speci®c deter ations. mined. The 21.3Appara degree tusÐA of Cobb correlat Tester ion conditio betwee ned to a n this tempera ture of test 70 6 method 5°F (21 and 6 service 0.5°C). perform 11
C 473 ± 03 NOTE 2ÐFor a descripti on of the test apparatus see Test Method D 3285. The studs that anchor the metal crossbar may need to be lengthen ed to accomm odate gypsum panel products.
e w i t h S e c
tion 4. 21.5T e s t S p e 21.4S c a i m m p e l n i s n : g Ð 21.5.1 S aCut three specime m ns 5 in. p (127 l mm) i square n from g the ®eld of s each h sample a piece of l gypsum l panel product. b21.5.2 eCondition the specime i n ns in accorda a nce c with c Section o 5, except r d at a a tempera n ture of 6 c 70
5°F (21 21.6. 6 2°C), 2 After to 2 h constan have t weight elapsed within , pour 0.1 % the and water then out of weigh the to Cobb within ring 0.05 g. and 21.6 remove Proc the edure specim : en from 21.6.1 the Place the Cobb conditio Tester. ned test Immedi specime ately ns in remove the excess Cobb water Tester from with the the side to specim be en by exposed blotting to water and facing weigh up. Fill to the the nearest Cobb 0.05 g. ring with tap21.7Report water ÐCalcu adjuste late d to a average tempera differen ture of ce 70 6 betwee 1°F (21 n the 6 dry and 0.5°C), wet resultin weights g i n a 1 of the in. test (25.4 specime mm) ns to head of the water nearest above 0.1 g the test and area of report the this as specime the n. surface water absorpti on of the
gypsum panel product . 21.8Precisi on and BiasÐT he precisio n and bias of this test method has not been determi ned. 22. Ke yw ord s 22.1absorpt ion testing; core hardnes
s testing; dimensi on measur ements; edge hardnes s testing; end hardnes s testing; ˉexural strengt h; gypsum panel product s; humidi ®ed sag; nail pull testing
APPENDIXE S (Nonmandatory Information) X1. INTRODUCTION
X1.1 ASTM speci®c ations for gypsum panel products do not contain a speci®c ation for weight. The procedu re, however ,
is referenc ed in other industry standar ds, and is therefor e retained as an appendi x item.
Test Specim ensÐA sample shall consist of not less than three full size pieces of the gypsum panel product . X2.2 Proced ureÐM easure the length and width of each specime n in accorda nce with Section s 17 and 18. Weight the specime ns on a suitable scale and record the weight to the nearest 1 ¤4 lb (0.1 kg). X2.3 Calcula tionÐC alculate the weight in accorda nce
with the followi ng equatio n and table:
weight as the average calculat Where: Meaning of Symbol ed W = weight of specimen weight, L = length of specimen in B = width of specimen lb/1000 P = weight of specimen ft2(kg/1 K = 00 m2) of the X2.4 three Report gypsum ÐRepor specime t the ns.
C 473 ± 03 SUMMARY OF CHANGES Committee C11 has identi®ed the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (C 473 ± 00) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved June 10, 2003.) (1) Added Precision and Bias information in sections 11.8, 12.8, and 13.8.
(2) Revised section 20.3.1.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every ®ve years and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or
[email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (