Automatic Cell Planning Module Atoll 3.2.1
Training Programme
Para Pa ram met eter erss Use Used d by by AC ACP
Netw Ne twor ork k Rec Recon onfi figu gurat ratio ion n Pr Proc oces esss
Sit ite e Sele Select ctio ion n Proc Proce ess
Other Topics
Training Programme
Para Pa ram met eter erss Use Used d by by AC ACP
Netw Ne twor ork k Rec Recon onfi figu gurat ratio ion n Pr Proc oces esss
Sit ite e Sele Select ctio ion n Proc Proce ess
Other Topics
1. Introduction
Automatic optimisation optimisation tool for GSM, UMTS, CDMA, LTE and WIMAX networks To improve existing networks by tuning parameters that can be easily changed remotely •
Antenna electrical tilt
Power (BCCH for GSM, CPICH for UMTS, Reference Signal for LTE, and Preamble for WiMAX)
To optimise a network still in the planning phase by: •
Selecting the most appropriate antenna antenna
Changing the antenna azimuth
Changing the antenna mechanical downtilt
Changing the antenna height
Selecting the best sites among a list of candidate sites
Combined GSM/UMTS/LTE GSM/UMTS/LTE optimisation can be performed The ACP can also be used in co-planning mode with Wi-Fi
1. Introduction
Principle Optimisation of quality indicators
• BCCH coverage • Dominance of best server
• CPICH RSCP coverage • CPICH Ec/Io
LTE • Reference Signal coverage • RSRQ, RSSI
WIMAX • Preamble coverage • Preamble CINR
By automatic adjustments of network parameters •
Power (BCCH for GSM, CPICH for UMTS/CDMA, Reference Signal for LTE, and Preamble for WiMAX)
Antenna parameters: •
Antenna pattern
Mechanical downtilt
Electrical downtilt
1. Introduction
Principle Optimisation process based on a cost function
The cost function depends on quality figures •
In GSM: the cost decreases when the BCCH coverage and the best s erver’s dominance increase
In UMTS/CDMA: the cost decreases when the CPICH coverage and CPICH quality increase
In LTE: the cost decreases when the RSRP and RSRQ increase
In WIMAX: the cost decreases when t he Preamble coverage and Preamble CINR increase
Iterative algorithm is used
Each iteration corresponds to one network parameter change
Then, changes are ranked from the change with the most benefit to the change with the least benefit
Training Programme
Parameters Used by ACP
Network Reconfiguration Process
Site Selection Process
Other Topics
2. Parameters used by ACP
Focus zone
Requirements Existing and valid path loss matrices
= area where the optimisation will be performed (by default)
Recommendations Creating a computation zone •
Used to define the default area where the ACP calculates statistics on performance indicators
Creating a focus zone •
Used to define the default area in which are the cells to be optimised
Computation zone = zone used to compute statistics on performance indicators (by default)
Training Programme
Parameters Used by ACP
Network Reconfiguration Process
Site Selection Process
Other Topics
3. Network Reconfiguration Process
Creating an Optimisation Setup Defining Optimisation Parameters and Objectives Running an Optimisation Process Viewing Optimisation Results Analysing Optimisation Results
Creating an Optimisation Setup
To run the optimisation immediately
To save the defined optimisation parameters and run the optimisation later
Defining Optimisation Parameters (1/10)
Selection of the layers to be optimised
Layer(s) configuration Several in case of Multi-RAT networks (GSM+UMTS+LTE)
Defining Optimisation Parameters (2/10)
Selection of the zones to be optimised
Zones definition
Possibility to define zones to be specifically optimized, using: Clutter classes,
Hot spots zones,
.shp files
Defining Optimisation Parameters (3/10)
Evaluation Zone Target evaluation zone where the objectives will be computed •
Computation Zone, by default
Reconfiguration Area Set of cells defining the area where the optimisation will actually be performed
If « Optimise inside zone » is selected: •
The optimisation will only be performed on the cells within the considered zone (Focus or Computation Zone)
If « Smart improve » is selected: •
In this mode, the ACP will automatically select the cells which can be optimised to improve the optimisation zone without degrading the area outside the target evaluation zone This means that all the sectors which may have a significant effect outside the evaluation zone will be locked More precisely, a cell inside the evaluation zone is optimised if it is not a secondary server within a Best Server Threshold from the best server, when looking at pixels outside the evaluation zone
Defining Optimisation Parameters (4/10)
The ACP can take into consideration a financial cost during the optimisation
No cost control: Optimisation based on quality only useful when planning a new network
The financial cost is considered: You can specify a maximum financial cost allowed or find a compromise between the financial cost and the quality useful when improving a live network
Definition of the financial cost for: Each parameter change, Site visit, Etc... • •
Defining Optimisation Parameters (5/10)
Selection of the transmitters/cells to be optimised Definition of the parameters that can be modified by ACP
To define the cells optimisation parameters (subcell power in GSM, CPICH power in UMTS, Reference Signal power in LTE)
Defining Optimisation Parameters (6/10)
By default, GSM-UMTS-LTE transmitters sharing the same antenna parameters are linked An auto-link function based on site coordinates, antenna height, azimuth and mechanical tilt is provided
Defining Optimisation Parameters (7/10)
Definition of antenna groups To give some directives when reconfiguring the antenna type or the electrical tilt
Multi band “Physical Antenna” Dual 900 1800 – 36deg20dBi
Multi band “Physical Antenna” Dual 900 1800 – 65deg17dBi
Antenna Element 65deg17dBi@900
Antenna Element 65deg17dBi@1800
Defining Optimisation Parameters (8/10)
Step 1 : create “antenna elements” (using radiating patterns) Done automatically if the “Physical antenna” field is correctly set up in the “Antennas” table
Antenna element: Consists of a set antenna patterns sharing the same gain, beamwidth and frequency band but having a different electrical tilt
Antenna patterns table
Defining Optimisation Parameters (9/10)
Step 2 : create “physical antennas” (using antenna elements) To define multi-band antennas Done automatically if the “Physical antenna” field is correctly set up in the “Antennas” table
Dual-band “physical antenna” (900/1800MHz)
Antenna elements
Defining Optimisation Parameters (10/10)
Step 3 : create “antenna groups” (using physical antennas) Required only if the “Antenna Type” check box is selected in the “Reconfiguration” tab •
Once assigned to the sectors to be optimised, the ACP will be able to select the most appropriate physical antennas from those antenna groups
Antenna groups to be assigned to TXs in the “Reconfiguration” tab Created physical antennas
Defining Objectives (1/11)
ACP allows you to define quality and coverage objectives for each technology Objectives are assessed over a “target zone” (Computation Zone, by default)
Objectives defined by the user
Indicators to be optimized
Defining Objectives (2/11)
Objective and zone weighting Objectives and zones can be weighted according to their relative importance
Give a priority to each objective Give priorities to specific zones* (* Priorities only apply if the “zone weighting” option is checked)
Defining Objectives (3/11)
Default option: NONE the traffic is assumed to be uniform
Traffic weighting (per objective) ACP is able to focus more specifically on areas with a high traffic
The quality indicator measured on
each pixel has the same weight
Selection of traffic maps (non-uniform traffic) to weight map pixels The quality indicators measured on each pixel can be weighted
by using the traffic density on that pixel
Defining Objectives (4/11)
Example: Defining UMTS objectives Coverage objectives: UMTS RSCP Coverage
Coverage to be respected while meeting the RSCP coverage conditions
Define the minimum pilot signal level to get on each pixel of the “target zone”
Defining Objectives (5/11)
Example: Defining UMTS objectives Quality objectives: UMTS EcIo
Coverage to be respected while meeting the pilot quality conditions
Define the minimum pilot quality to get on each pixel of the “target zone”
Defining Objectives (6/11)
Example: Defining UMTS objectives UMTS objectives parameters
For each indicator to optimize, ACP settings (display configuration, shadowing margin…) can be: •
Either, taken from an existing prediction
Or, defined manually
Defining Objectives (7/11)
Summary of the main indicators that can be optimized for each technology
• BCCH coverage
• CPICH RSCP coverage
• RSRP coverage
• Preamble coverage
• Dominance of best server
• Preamble CINR
• Pilot pollution
• Overlap
(= number of potential servers must be < x)
(= number of cells in the Active Set > 3, by default)
(= number of potential servers must be < x)
• Overlap
Defining Objectives (8/11)
Load balancing (optional) ACP enables you to create and manage capacity planning objectives •
To prevent load imbalance between sectors and thus avoid the degradation of some KPIs
Example: Optimisation of a UMTS network by ACP without load balancing
Cell A: up-tilt (2°) Cell B: down-tilt (1 °)
Cell B
(Statistics on cell A)
Traffic served
Cell load
Cell B
- DL total power Cell A
Cell A
- UL noise rise Interference
Cell load A = 75% ; Cell load B = 60%
Cell load A = 98% ; Cell load B = 45%
Risk of congestion
Solution: load balancing ! The load balancing feature relies on 2 performance indicators: •
The “average load” improvement (%), measures how the average load improves from t he initial value
The “load balance” (%), measures the dispersion of cells l oads
Defining Objectives (9/11)
Load balancing (optional) Can be activated in the “objectives” tab under “load balancing”
Recommendation: Keep the default configuration Allows you to select the layers for which load balancing is performed
Defining Objectives (10/11)
Load balancing (optional) Traffic related to capacity planning can be defined in the “capacity” tab Traffic can be considered as uniform (evenly spread on each service area) or, generated from traffic maps
Defining Objectives (11/11)
Load balancing (optional) ACP is designed to perform load balancing across multiple layers and technologies
For each service used, traffic is balanced across all the available layers and technologies For each service and each technology, define the minimum quality required by a cell to provide the service To increase traffic density specifically on some zones. Traffic is scaled according to the weights defined in the “zone weighting” tab.
Running an Optimisation Process (1/4)
Graphical display of the optimisation progress “Graphs” tab: Variation of performance objectives in real time with iterations
The optimisation process can be paused or stopped early
Running an Optimisation Process (2/4)
Graphical display of the optimisation progress “Changes” tab: type and number of changes
Running an Optimisation Process (3/4)
Graphical display of the optimisation progress “Quality” tab: coverage and quality improvements (variations)
Running an Optimisation Process (4/4)
Graphical display of the optimisation progress “Objectives” tab: to see at a glance if the objective is achieved or not
Select the objective to be analysed (coverage and quality indicators)
Viewing Optimisation Results (1/5)
Optimisation results are stored in the optimisation folder Results available in 7 tabs
Global report available in “Excel” format
“Statistics” tab: synthesised view of optimisation results for each objective Statistics provided for the “target zone” •
To get statistics on the other zones select “show detailed zone results”
Statistics for each objective
Viewing Optimisation Results (2/5)
“Graph” and “quality” tabs
Histogram displaying statistics within the computation zone or the focus zone Coverage and quality maps before and after the optimisation
Viewing Optimisation Results (3/5)
“Capacity” tab Provides capacity load statistics for the initial and the optimised network
The graph shows the ratio of cells with a capacity load that is smaller than a given capacity load value (%). Usually, the best result that you can get is a final curve (blue curve) on top of the initial curve (red curve).
Statistics based on the values displayed in the table (on the right)
Viewing Optimisation Results (4/5)
“Change details” tab Analysis of improvements according to the number of changes Changes are ordered by “profitability” •
The most “profitable” changes will be applied first
Slider to select a subset of all changes and view the corresponding performance improvement on the graph (global improvement and improvement of each objective)
List of changes ranked from the change with the most effect to the change with the least effect Selected changes are displayed in green
Viewing Optimisation Results (5/5)
“Commit” tab To commit changes that you allowed in the “Change details” tab
Transmitters/cells with parameter changes are displayed in green Initial and final cell parameters displayed
Revert the network to its state before the optimisation was run Apply the set of selected changes
Analysing Optimisation Results (1/5)
Process Quick validation of optimisation results using the ACP maps •
First analysis available without having to commit ACP results
Based on the entire set of proposed changes
Deeper analysis with coverage predictions available in the predictions folder •
After committing ACP results
ACP maps available Quality analysis maps •
Display of coverage and quality maps
Coverage analysis •
Status of the coverage according to the defined objectives used in the optimisation
Change analysis •
Analysis of changes: antenna, tilt, azimuth
Best server analysis •
Absolute values of changed parameters
Analysing Optimisation Results (2/5)
Analysis with ACP maps
ACP maps are automatically calculated and inserted into the folder containing the optimisation results
Analysing Optimisation Results (3/5)
Analysis with ACP maps Tiptext available for any ACP map •
The exact calculated value is displayed on each pixel
Display properties of ACP maps •
Automatic update of the ACP map aft er changing colours or range of values
Analysing Optimisation Results (4/5)
Analysis with ACP maps Histogram available on ACP maps
Comparison tool •
Available to compare ACP maps from the same optimisation or from a different optimisation
Analysing Optimisation Results (5/5)
Analysis with coverage predictions from the predictions folder Requirement: commit results of the optimisation
Calculating prediction studies before and after the optimisation
Generating reports on the predictions studies before and after the optimisation in order to check if network quality figures have been improved
Possibility to “roll back to initial state”
Training Programme
Parameters Used by ACP
Network Reconfiguration Process
Site Selection Process
Other Topics
4. Site Selection Process
Overview Defining Candidate Sites Viewing Optimisation Results
Overview (1/2)
Examples of site selection process Scenario 1: using ACP to select the best site among several candidates on a given geographical area •
3 candidate sites available
Candidate sites are assigned to a group where the minimum and the maximum site occurrence is set to “1” Among the 3 candidates, the ACP is forced to select only one site
Scenario 2: using ACP to deploy the LTE technology on a given area using existing UMTS sites •
About 40 UMTS sites (i.e. 40 candidate sites) available on the target area Candidate sites are assigned to a group where the minimum site occurrence is set to “10” and the maximum to “20” Among the 40 candidates, the ACP is forced to select between 10 and 20
sites to reach objectives
Overview (2/2)
General process similar to the site reconfiguration process: Creating an optimisation setup
Defining “candidate” sites
Defining objectives and parameters to be optimised •
Note: The “reconfiguration” mode is available (not mandatory) during the site selection process.
Running an optimisation process
Viewing optimisation results
Analysing optimisation results
Defining Candidate Sites (1/3)
By using pre-defined sites Prerequisite: stations to be processed by ACP must be defined in the Atoll document with a given status Two status for sites: • “Existing”:
The site is an active site in the current network. ACP can remove the whole site or one or more sectors of the site to improve the network quality • “Candidate”:
The site is not on-air in the initial network (i.e. all TXs are deactivated). ACP can add the site or only one or more sectors of the site to improve the network quality Check “current site selection” to allow changes (site / sector removal) among “existing” sites Check “current site selection” to display deactivated sites. Then, define groups of sites with a min. and a max. number of sites to be added during the optimisation ( “group” column)
Defining Candidate Sites (2/3)
By using pre-defined sites
“Reconfiguration” column:
Select “disable” to prevent ACP from making any changes to the transmitters or to t he cells, as defined in the Transmitters and the [technology] cells tabs In case of network reconfiguration, you can preserve the current angular separation between antennas, and the relative height difference between them
“Advanced” tab:
Allows you to apply the same locking options to a set of sites, and to manage groups
Defining Candidate Sites (3/3)
By importing a list of candidate sites
Option 1: import a text file (*.txt) containing at least candidates’ name and coordinates Option 2: import a list of candidate sites from the Atoll project
To allocate a station template to each candidate site
Viewing Site Selection Results (1/3)
Statistics report
Statistics and status of the optimisation (achieved or failed ) for each objective
Select “show change statistics” to get statistics on the sites/sectors added or removed, and all the changes made during the optimisation process
Viewing Site Selection Results (2/3)
Implementation plan analysis
Sites/TXs/cells added or removed List of changes (antennas, tilts, etc.) if “reconfiguration” mode selected
Viewing Site Selection Results (3/3)
Transmitters/cells modifications analysis
List of candidate TXs/cells to be added List of TXs/cells to be removed List of changes (antennas, tilts, etc.), if “reconfiguration” mode selected
Training Programme
Parameters Used by ACP
Network Reconfiguration Process
Site Selection Process
Other Topics
6. Other Topics
Combined GSM/UMTS/LTE Optimisation (in case of several .atl documents) Data Loading and Validity Control Saving Settings to Configuration Files Configuring Default Settings
Combined GSM/UMTS/LTE Optimisation (1/2)
Requirements (in case of several .atl documents) Several Atoll projects (GSM, UMTS and/or LTE .atl files) that must be opened in the same Atoll session
General process similar to a classic optimisation Creating the optimisation setup
Defining optimisation parameters
Running the optimisation process
Viewing optimisation results
Analysing optimisation results
Combined GSM/UMTS/LTE Optimisation (2/2)
Procedure (in case of several .atl documents) Step 1: create the optimisation setup in one single technology document (a LTE document for ex.)
Step 2: import other(s) network(s)’ configuration by importing associated project(s)
(LTE project)
Data Loading and Validity Control (1/2)
Data used when running an optimisation process
Loaded when creating an optimisation setup Radio data (antennas, sites, transmitters) Traffic parameters (services, terminals, etc.)
Direct access when running the optimisation process
Geographic maps (DTM, clutter class and clutter height maps) Traffic maps Path loss matrices
Data Loading and Validity Control (2/2)
Data validity control when running an optimisation process Atoll checks the consistency between the optimisation setup, the actual state of the network and path loss matrices If inconsistencies => existing optimisation setups are locked and new optimisation process cannot be run
Incoherence with existing setup when: Data changes are performed after creating the setup (e.g. new transmitter, transmitter deactivated, different transmitter settings, etc.) Optimisation results have been committed Path loss matrices are missing or not valid
Saving Settings to Configuration Files
Save or load a given setup configuration
Import the configuration file containing optimisation settings Used to apply the same settings when you create a new optimisation setup
Optimisation settings saved in a .PRJ file (objectives per clutter class, lists of cells to be reconfigured, reconfiguration settings, etc.)
Configuring User Preferences
Trade-off between speed and quality
Enables you to activate the “multi-storey” and the “EMF exposure” extensions
Setup Template Configuration
Define default values of the optimisation setup
Configuring Path Loss Matrices Storage
Define the folder to be used by ACP to store path loss matrices (used in case of antenna height optimisation)