AUTOMOBILE SERVICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM A UML Case study report report submitted in partial fulfillment fulfillment of the requirements requirements for the award a ward of Degree in
Master of Computer Applications MCA!
By "# N# Yas$ant% as$ant% C%an&ra (Regd No: 1223714107)
Under the guidance of Smt '# Yasu&%a Assistant (rofessor
"epartment of Computer Science GITAM GITAM Institute of Science GITAM GITAM Uni)ersit* Uni)ers it* Visa+%apatnam,-./ /0-1 A#(# A#(# 2/3-!
This is to certify that the UML Case stdy e!tit"ed # AUTOMOBILE SERVICE MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM5 SYSTEM5 is a $o!afide %or& do!e $y Mr# "# Na6a Yas$ant% C%an&ra1
to *+ri *+ri"" 201,201,- i! +art +artia" ia" f"f f"fi"" i""'e! 'e!tt
of the the re.ire'e e'e!ts !ts for the a%ard a%ard of degree degree of Master Master of Co'+ter Co'+ter *++"ic *++"icati atio!s o!s (MC*) (MC*)
i! the
Re6#No7322.8303/ Re6#No7322.8303/8 8
fro' ece'$ ece'$er er 201 201
e+art'e!t of Co'+ter /cie!ce- T*M T*M !stitte of /cie!ce- T*M U!iersity U!iersity
Gui&e '# Yasu&%a Assistant (rofessor
9ea& of t%e "epartment (rof# V# Na6ala+s%mi Na6ala +s%mi
This is to certify that the UML Case stdy e!tit"ed # AUTOMOBILE SERVICE MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM5 SYSTEM5 is a $o!afide %or& do!e $y Mr# "# Na6a Yas$ant% C%an&ra1
to *+ri *+ri"" 201,201,- i! +art +artia" ia" f"f f"fi"" i""'e! 'e!tt
of the the re.ire'e e'e!ts !ts for the a%ard a%ard of degree degree of Master Master of Co'+ter Co'+ter *++"ic *++"icati atio!s o!s (MC*) (MC*)
i! the
Re6#No7322.8303/ Re6#No7322.8303/8 8
fro' ece'$ ece'$er er 201 201
e+art'e!t of Co'+ter /cie!ce- T*M T*M !stitte of /cie!ce- T*M U!iersity U!iersity
Gui&e '# Yasu&%a Assistant (rofessor
9ea& of t%e "epartment (rof# V# Na6ala+s%mi Na6ala +s%mi
- "u66irala Na6a Yas$ant% C%an&ra1 322.8303/8 here$y dec"are that the UML Case stdy e!tit"ed e!tit"ed :AUTOMOBILE SERVICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM5 - is a! origi!a" %or& do!e i! the +artia" f"fi""'e!t of the re.ire'e!ts for the a%ard of degree of /cie!ce - T*M T*M U!iersity Mater Of Computer Applications MCA! i! T*M !stitte of /cie!ce assre that this UML Case stdy has !ot $ee! s$'itted to%ards a!y other degree or di+"o'a i! a!y other co""eges or !iersities
"# N# Yas$ant% C%an&ra
This UML Case stdy e!tit"ed
e are great"y i!de$ted to +# YASU"9A *ssista!t 5rofessor)- e+t of Co'+ter /cie!ce- T*M !stitte of /cie!ce- T*M U!iersity %ho has ta&e! s+ecia" i!terest i! or %or& a!d has +roided i!!oatie ideas- %o!derf" gida!ce- co!sta!t e!corage'e!t- +erso!a" adice a!d co!strctie criticis' throghot this %or&
e %o"d "i&e to e6+ress or si!cere tha!&s a!d res+ectf" regard to or $e"oed 5ri!ci+a"
(rof# N# La+s%man "as 1 T*M !stitte of /cie!ce- T*M U!iersity- for his
a"a$"e s++ort- faci"ities that %ere +roided to s at the i!stittio! to carry ot this %or& ith great +"easre %e %ish to +"ace or i!de$ted!ess to ead of e+art'e!t (rof# V# Na6ala+s%mi 1 for her co!sta!t e!corage'e!t- s++ort she re!dered dri!g this %or&
This Case stdy %o"d !ot $e a res+"e!de!t o!e %ithot the ti'e"y he"+ a!d co!ti!os s++ort $y or eer8"oi!g +are!ts- +rofessors a!d frie!ds 9i!a""y- si!cere tha!&s to a"" %ho direct"y or i!direct"y he"+ed 'e to co'+"ete this Case stdy sccessf""y
" #N # Yas$ant% C%an&ra
9or the +ast o!e a!d a ha"f decade the +asse!ger car +o+"atio! has $ee! steadi"y i!creasi!g This is 'ai!"y $ecase the !dia! eco!o'y is !o% co!sidera$"y "i$era"ied for a"" ty+es of i!dstries !dia is hai!g aro!d 30 odd +asse!ger car 'ode"s a!d differe!t 'otorcyc"e 'ode"s o! the roads dee"o+ed i!dige!os"y This gae rise to the i'+orta!ce of their serice a!d 'ai!te!a!ce The ai' of *to'o$i"e /erice Ma!age'e!t /yste' is to +roide efficie!t /erice to the ;ehic"e Co'+a!ies a!d ;ehic"e /erici!g Ce!ters This syste' %i"" dea" %ith a"" f!ctio!a"ities a ato'o$i"e serice ce!tre %i"" e!co!ter This syste' is $est sited for ato'o$i"e dea"s of T%o hee"ers- 9or hee"ers serici!g- +o"ishi!g- hee" *"ig!'e!t a!d ecors This syste' he"+s to trac&- re.ired ;ehic"e 'ai!te!a!ce a!d 'ore t /tores the detai"s of Csto'ers;ehic"e detai"s "i&e +ast serici!g records- 9itted <.i+'e!t- etc
!itia""y e'+"oyee of the orga!iatio! "ogs o! to the syste' a!d e!ters the detai"s of the ;ehic"e o%!er a!d ehic"e a!d there$y creates =o$ card a!d se!ds the ehic"e to serici!g *fter co'+"etio! of serice- csto'er +ay>s tota" a'o!t a!d ehic"e is retr!ed
Ta=le of Contents S#No#
Content "escription
Intro&uction 11 *$ot the Case stdy
Re>uirements Anal*sis "ocument 21 !trodctio! 22 <6isti!g /yste'
23 24 2 2,
5ro+osed /yste' 9easi$i"ity *!a"ysis 9!ctio!a" Re.ire'e!ts No! 9!ctio!a" Re.ire'e!ts
S*stem "esi6n 31 !trodctio! 32 Use8Case iagra' 33 C"ass iagra' 34 !teractio! iagra' 341 *d'i! 342 Csto'er 343 ;ehic"e 344 =o$ Card 3 /tate Chart iagra' 3, *ctiity iagra'
A=out t%e Soft$are
Screens S%ots
(a6e No#
The ato'otie i!dstry i! !dia is o!e of the "arger 'ar&ets i! the %or"d !dia?s +asse!ger car a!d 'otorcyc"e 'a!factri!g i!dstry is the si6th "argest i! the %or"d- %ith a! a!!a" +rodctio! of 'ore tha! 3@ 'i""io! !its *ccordi!g to rece!t re+orts- !dia oertoo& Brai" a!d $eca'e the si6th "argest +asse!ger ehic"e +rodcer i! the %or"d- these ref"ect o! the gro%i!g !eed for .a"ity re+air a!d serice faci"ities A!ce the ehic"e co'es o! the road it is e6+ected to r! for a! i!defi!ite +eriod re.iri!g 'ai!te!a!ce serices throghot its o+eratio!a" "ife Moreoer there is a co!sidera$"e de'a!d for %hee" a"ig!'e!t - %ash- ecor- +o"ish+ai!t serices- %hich is re.ired $y a"'ost eery car- %hether !e% or o"d '+ro+er 'ai!te!a!ce of ehic"es- +rese!t co!ditio!s of roads- irres+o!si$"e drii!gsi!g chea+er s+are +arts- etc are the 'ai! reaso!s to se!d the ehic"es for serice a!d 'ai!te!a!ce /erice statio! is the 'ost esse!tia" !it to ehic"e sers This !it ca! $e esta$"ished i! r$a!- se'i8r$a! a!d i""age areas to 'eet the "oca" re.ire'e!t There is good de'a!d for ato'o$i"e serice syste' de to i!crease i! the !'$er of ehic"es day to day The *to'o$i"e /erice Ma!age'e!t /yste' is a +rogressie ste+ i! the fie"d of serice ce!ters This syste' dea"s of T%o hee"ers- 9or hee"ers serici!g- +o"ishi!g- hee" *"ig!'e!t a!d ecors This syste' he"+s to trac&- re.ired ;ehic"e 'ai!te!a!ce a!d 'ore t /tores the detai"s of Csto'ers- ;ehic"e detai"s "i&e +ast serici!g records- 9itted <.i+'e!t- etc
2#3 INTRO"UCTION !creased +rodctio!s of ato'o$i"es $oth i! do'estic 'ar&et a!d %or"d%ide hae $oosted the co!fide!ce of ato a!ci""ary !its a!d ato'o$i"e serici!g sector *s the serici!g of e6isti!g ehic"es +o+"atio! is a! esse!tia" actiity- there is "arge sco+e i! this area gie! the i!creasi!g !'$er of ehic"es o! the road year after year *! ato'o$i"e serices statio!- has to hae faci"ities to serice the ehic"es- sch as !ecessary e.i+'e!ts faci"itati!g- reg"ar %ashi!g- %hee" a"ig!'e!t- +ai!t+o"ish etc *to'o$i"e /erice Ma!age'e!t /yste' +roides !ecessary serices to the serice statio! for efficie!t 'a!age'e!t
2#2 (RO(OSE" SYSTEM ;ehic"e serice $si!ess is a"" a$ot the ti'e a!d .a"ity The *to'o$i"e /erice Ma!age'e!t /yste' +roides athe!ticatio!- serice do%!ti'e $y coordi!ati!g $et%ee! serices a!d +"a! serice recorses i!c"di!g 'echa!ics a!d e.i+'e!t *to'o$i"e serice 'a!age'e!t syste' e!sres co""ectie ehic"e serice ce!ter $si!ess f!ctio!s a!d a""o%s to 'a!age the e!tire orga!iatio! si!g this o!e syste'
2#. EISTING SYSTEM ! <6isti!g syste'- there is a "ac& of *the!ticatio! a!d it does!?t +roide coordi!atio! a'o!g differe!t serices e to "ac& of coordi!atio! a'o!g serices- it "eads to i!efficie!t ti'e 'a!age'e!t
2#0 4EASIBILTY ANALYSIS 5re"i'i!ary i!estigatio! e6a'i!es Case stdy feasi$i"ity- the "i&e"ihood the syste' %i"" $e sef" to the orga!iatio! The 'ai! o$ectie of the feasi$i"ity stdy is to test the Tech!ica"A+eratio!a" a!d
Tech!ica" 9easi$i"ity
A+eratio! 9easi$i"ity
2#0#3 TEC9NICAL 4EASIBILITY The syste' 'st $e ea"ated fro' the tech!ica" +oi!t of ie% first The assess'e!t of this feasi$i"ity 'st $e $ased o! a! ot"i!e desig! of the syste' re.ire'e!t i! the ter's of i!+t- ot+t- +rogra's a!d +rocedres ai!g ide!tified a! ot"i!e syste'- the i!estigatio! 'st go o! to sggest the ty+e of e.i+'e!t- re.ired 'ethod dee"o+i!g the syste'- of r!!i!g the syste' o!ce it has $ee! desig!ed
Tech!ica" isses raised dri!g the i!estigatio! are: oes the e6isti!g tech!o"ogy sfficie!t for the sggested o!eE Ca! the syste' e6+a!d if dee"o+edE
The Case stdy sho"d $e dee"o+ed sch that the !ecessary f!ctio!s a!d +erfor'a!ce ca! $e achieed %ithi! the co!strai!ts The Case stdy is dee"o+ed %ithi! "atest tech!o"ogy Thogh the tech!o"ogy 'ay $eco'e o$so"ete after so'e +eriod of ti'e- de to the fact that !eer ersio! of sa'e soft%are s++orts o"der ersio!s- the syste' 'ay sti"" $e sed /o there are 'i!i'a" co!strai!ts i!o"ed %ith this Case stdy The syste' has $ee! dee"o+ed si!g =aa The Case stdy is tech!ica""y feasi$"e for dee"o+'e!t
2#0#2 O(ERATIONAL 4EASIBILITY User,frien&l* Csto'er %i"" se the for's for their arios tra!sactio!s ie for addi!g !e% rotes- ie%i!g the rotes detai"s *"so the Csto'er %a!ts the re+orts to ie% the arios tra!sactio!s $ased o! the co!strai!ts These for's a!d re+orts are ge!erated as ser8frie!d"y to the C"ie!t RELIABILITY
The +ac&age %i""s +ic&8+ crre!t tra!sactio!s o! "i!e Regardi!g the o"d tra!sactio!s- User %i"" e!ter the' i! to the syste'
Securit* The %e$ serer a!d data$ase serer sho"d $e +rotected fro' hac&i!g- irs etc
(orta=ilit* The a++"icatio! %i"" $e dee"o+ed si!g sta!dard o+e! sorce soft%are (<6ce+t Arac"e) "i&e =aa- to'cat %e$ serer- !ter!et <6+"orer Bro%ser etc these soft%are %i"" %or& $oth o! i!do%s a!d Li!6 os e!ce +orta$i"ity +ro$"e's %i"" !ot arise
A)aila=ilit* This soft%are %i"" $e aai"a$"e a"%ays.
Maintaina=ilit* The syste' ca""ed the %hee"s ses the 28tier architectre The 1st tier is the U- %hich is said to $e fro!t8e!d a!d the 2!d tier is the data$ase- %hich ses My8/."- %hich is the $ac&8e!d The fro!t8e!d ca! $e r! o! differe!t syste's (c"ie!ts) The data$ase %i"" $e r!!i!g at the serer Users access these for's $y si!g the ser8ids a!d the +ass%ords
The Co'+teried syste' ta&es care of the +rese!t e6isti!g syste's? data f"o% a!d +rocedres co'+"ete"y a!d sho"d ge!erate a"" the re+orts of the 'a!a" syste' $esides a host of other 'a!age'e!t re+orts t sho"d $e $i"t as a %e$ $ased a++"icatio! %ith se+arate %e$ serer a!d data$ase serer This is re.ired as the actiities are s+read throghot the orga!iatio! csto'er %a!ts a ce!tra"ied data$ase 9rther so'e of the "i!&ed tra!sactio!s ta&e +"ace i! differe!t "ocatio!s
2#- 4UNCTIONAL RE@UIREMENTS * 9!ctio!a" re.ire'e!t defi!es a f!ctio! of a soft%are syste' or its co'+o!e!ts * f!ctio! is descri$ed as asset of i!+ts- the $ehaior- a!d ot+ts 9!ctio!a" re.ire'e!ts 'ay $e ca"c"atio!s- tech!ica" detai"s- data 'a!i+"atio! a!d +rocessi!g a!d other s+ecific f!ctio!a"ity that defi!es %hat a syste' is s++osed to acco'+"ish Behaiora" re.ire'e!ts descri$i!g a"" the cases %here the syste' ses the f!ctio!a" re.ire'e!ts are ca+tred i! se cases 9!ctio!a" re.ire'e!ts are s++orted $y !o!8f!ctio!a" re.ire'e!ts (a"so &!o%! as .a"ity re.ire'e!ts)- %hich i'+ose co!strai!ts o! the desig! or i'+"e'e!tatio! (sch as +erfor'a!ce re.ire'e!ts- secrity- or re"ia$i"ity) The /yste' 'st +roide fo""o%i!g f!ctio!a"ities:8
*d'i! Csto'er ;ehic"e =o$ Card
<ery athoried e'+"oyee i! the serice ce!tre %i"" hae a !i.e ser!a'e a!d +ass%ord- $y %hich they "ogs o! to the syste'
Customer ! this csto'er has to gie i!for'atio! "i&e !a'e- address- +ho!e !'$er- <'ai"8iddrii!g "ice!se !'$er for registratio! a!d a Csto'er d is ge!erated
Ve%icle The Csto'ero%!er gies the detai"s of ehic"e "i&e 'a&e- year of 'a!factre- c$oo& !'$er- 'ode"- aria!t- c"ass of ehic"e The!- each ehic"e is "i!&ed to the res+ectie csto'er d
o= Car& <'+"oyee of the Arga!iatio! records creates the o$ card as +er csto'er re.ire'e!ts "i&e $ody %ash- %hee" a"ig!'e!t- 5ai!t 5o"ish- ecors a!d e!ter Ti'e i!- esti'ated Ti'e otesti'ated Bi"" This o$ card is "i!&ed to the Csto'er ?d- the! the ehic"e is se!t to %or& ! each a!d eery re.ire'e!t- +rice is ca"c"ated a!d +dated to the tota" $i"" The! Csto'er +ay>s the $i"" a!d ehic"e is retr!ed
* !o!8f!ctio!a" re.ire'e!t is a re.ire'e!t that s+ecifies criteria that ca! $e sed to dge the o+eratio! of a syste'- rather tha! s+ecific $ehaiors This sho"d $e co!trasted %ith
f!ctio!a" re.ire'e!t that defi!es s+ecific $ehaior or f!ctio!s The +"a! for i'+"e'e!ti!g f!ctio!a" re.ire'e!ts is detai"ed i! the syste' desig! The +"a! for i'+"e'e!ti!g !o!8 f!ctio!a" re.ire'e!ts is detai"ed i! the syste' architectre Broad"y- f!ctio!a" re.ire'e!t defi!e %hat a syste' is s++osed to do %hereas !o!8f!ctio!a" re.ire'e!ts defi!e ho% a syste' is s++osed to $e No!8 f!ctio!a" re.ire'e!ts are ofte! ca""ed .a"ities of a syste' Ather ter's for !o!8f!ctio!a" re.ire'e!ts are #co!strai!tsF- #.a"ity attri$teF- F.a"ity goa"sF #.a"ity of serice re.ire'e!tsF a!d #!o!8$ehaiora" re.ire'e!tsF !for'a""y these are so'eti'es ca""ed the #ti"itiesF- fro' attri$tes "i&e sta$i"ity a!d +orta$i"ity Ga"ities- that are !o!8f!ctio!a" re.ire'e!ts- ca! $e diided i!to t%o 'ai! categories: 1 <6ectio! .a"ities- sch as secrity a!d sa$i"ity- %hich are o$sera$"e at r! ti'e 2.
<o"tio! .a"ities- sch as testa$i"ity 'ai!tai!a$i"ity- e6te!si$i"ity a!d sca"a$i"ity- %hich are e'$odied i! the static strctre of the soft%are s yste'
The *to'o$i"e /erice Ma!age'e!t /yste' has the fo""o%i!g !o!8f!ctio!a" re.ire'e!ts: 24 H 7 aai"a$i"ity Better co'+o!e!t desig! to get $etter +erfor'a!ce 9"e6i$"e serice $ased architectre %i"" $e high"y desira$"e for ftre e6te!sio!
/yste' desig! is the +rocess of defi!i!g the e"e'e!ts of a syste' sch as the architectre- 'od"es a!d co'+o!e!ts- the differe!t i!terfaces of those co'+o!e!ts a!d the data
that goes throgh that syste' t is 'ea!t to satisfy s+ecific !eeds a!d re.ire'e!ts of a $si!ess or orga!iatio! throgh the e!gi!eeri!g of a cohere!t a!d %e""8r!!i!g syste' /yste's desig! i'+"ies a syste'atic a++roach to the desig! of a syste' t 'ay ta&e a $otto'8+ or to+8do%! a++roach- $t either %ay the +rocess is syste'atic %herei! it ta&es i!to acco!t a"" re"ated aria$"es of the syste' that !eeds to $e createdIfro' the architectre- to the re.ired hard%are a!d soft%are- right do%! to the data a!d ho% it trae"s a!d tra!sfor's throghot its trae" throgh the syste' /yste's desig! the! oer"a+s %ith syste's a!a"ysis- syste's e!gi!eeri!g a!d syste's architectre The syste's desig! a++roach first a++eared right $efore or"d ar - %he! e!gi!eers %ere tryi!g to so"e co'+"e6 co!tro" a!d co''!icatio!s +ro$"e's They !eeded to $e a$"e to sta!dardie their %or& i!to a for'a" disci+"i!e %ith +ro+er 'ethods- es+ecia""y for !e% fie"ds "i&e i!for'atio! theory- o+eratio!s research a!d co'+ter scie!ce i! ge!era" ri!g syste' desig!- dee"o+ers defi!e the desig! goa"s of the Case stdy a!d deco'+ose the syste' i!to s'a""er s$syste's that ca! $e rea"ied $y i!diida" tea's ee"o+ers a"so se"ect strategies for $i"di!g the syste'- sch as the hard%aresoft%are +"atfor' o! %hich the syste' %i"" r!- the +ersiste!t data 'a!age'e!t strategy- the g"o$a" co!tro" f"o%- the access co!tro" +o"icy- a!d the ha!d"i!g of $o!dary co!ditio!s The res"t of syste' desig! is a c"ear descri+tio! of each of these strategies- a s$syste' deco'+ositio!- a!d a de+"oy'e!t diagra' re+rese!ti!g the hard%aresoft%are 'a++i!g of the syste' hereas $oth a!a"ysis a!d syste' desig! +rodce 'ode"s of the syste' !der co!strctio!- o!"y a!a"ysis dea"s %ith e!tities that the c"ie!t ca! !dersta!d /yste' desig! dea"s %ith a 'ch 'ore refi!ed 'ode" that i!c"des 'a!y e!tities that are $eyo!d the co'+rehe!sio! (a!d i!terest) of the c"ie!t
.#2 Use Case "ia6ram Use cases are sed dri!g re.ire'e!ts e"icitatio! a!d a!a"ysis to re+rese!t the f!ctio!a"ity of the syste' Use cases focs o! the $ehaior of the syste' fro' a! e6ter!a" +oi!t of ie% * se case descri$es a f!ctio! +roided $y the syste' that yie"ds a isi$"e res"t for a!
actor *! actor descri$es a!y e!tity that i!teracts %ith the syste' (eg- a ser- a!other syste'the syste'>s +hysica" e!iro!'e!t) The ide!tificatio! of actors a!d se cases res"ts i! the defi!itio! of the $o!dary of the syste'- that is- i! differe!tiati!g the tas&s acco'+"ished $y the syste' a!d the tas&s acco'+"ished $y its e!iro!'e!t The actors are otside the $o!dary of the syste'- %hereas the se cases are i!side the $o!dary of the syste'
.#. Class "ia6ram C"ass diagra's are sed to descri$e the strctre of the syste' C"asses are a$stractio!s that s+ecify the co''o! strctre a!d $ehaior of a set of o$ects A$ects are i!sta!ces of
c"asses that are created- 'odified- a!d destroyed dri!g the e6ectio! of the syste' *! o$ect has state that i!c"des the a"es of its attri$tes a!d its "i!&s %ith other o$ects C"ass diagra's descri$e the syste' i! ter's of o$ects- c"asses- attri$tes- o+eratio!s- a!d their associatio!s
.#0 Interaction "ia6ram
!teractio! diagra' is sed to for'a"ie the dy!a'ic $ehaior of the syste' a!d to isa"ie the co''!icatio! a'o!g o$ects They are sef" for ide!tifyi!g additio!a" o$ects that +artici+ate i! the se cases e ca"" o$ects i!o"ed i! a se case +artici+ati!g o$ects *! i!teractio! diagra' re+rese!ts the i!teractio!s that ta&e +"ace a'o!g these o$ects
.#0#3 A&min Interaction "ia6ram
32 Csto'er !teractio! iagra'
.#0#. Ve%icle Interaction "ia6ram
m a r 6 a i " n o i t c a r e t n I & r a C = o B 0 # 0 # .
.#- State Mac%ine "ia6ram
/tate 'achi!e diagra' descri$e the dy!a'ic $ehaior of a! i!diida" o$ect as a !'$er of states a!d
$et%ee! these states * state re+rese!ts a +artic"ar
a"es for a! o$ect ie!
tra!sitio! re+rese!ts a
o$ect ca! 'oe to a!d associated %ith the cha!ge of state
.#? Acti)it* "ia6rams
*! actiity diagra' descri$es the $ehaior of a syste' i! ter's of actiities *ctiities are 'ode"i!g e"e'e!ts that re+rese!t the e6ectio! of a set of o+eratio!s The e6ectio! of a! actiity ca! $e triggered $y the co'+"etio! of other actiities- $y the aai"a$i"ity of o$ects- or $y e6ter!a" ee!ts *ctiity diagra's are si'i"ar to f"o%chart diagra's i! that they ca! $e sed to
re+rese!t co!tro" f"o% (ie- the order i! %hich o+eratio!s occr) a!d data f"o% (ie- the o$ects that are e6cha!ged a'o!g o+eratio!s)
ABOUT T9E SO4T;ARE0# AVA =aa is a ge!era" +r+ose- high8"ee" +rogra''i!g "a!gage dee"o+ed $y /! Microsyste's * s'a"" tea' of e!gi!eers- &!o%! as the Green Team- i!itiated the "a!gage i! 1@@1 =aa %as origi!a""y ca""ed OA! a!d %as desig!ed for ha!dhe"d deices a!d set8to+ $o6es Aa& %as !sccessf"- so i! 1@@ /! cha!ged the !a'e to =aa a!d 'odified the "a!gage to ta&e ada!tage of the $rgeo!i!g or"d =aa is a! o$ect8orie!ted "a!gage si'i"ar to CJJ- $t si'+"ified to e"i'i!ate "a!gage featres that case
co''o! +rogra''i!g
=aa sorce code fi"es (fi"es %ith
a "#a$a e6te!sio!) are co'+i"ed i!to a for'at ca""ed byte code (fi"es %ith a "class e6te!sio!)%hich ca! the! $e e6ected $y a =aa i!ter+reter Co'+i"ed =aa code ca! r! o! 'ost co'+ters $ecase =aa i!ter+reters a!d r!ti'e e!iro!'e!ts- &!o%! as %a$a &irtual Machines '&Ms(! e6ist for 'ost o+erati!g syste's- i!c"di!g UNH- the Maci!tosh A/- a!d i!do%s Byte code ca! a"so $e co!erted direct"y i!to 'achi!e "a!gage i!strctio!s $y a st8i!8ti'e co'+i"er (=T) ! 2007- 'ost =aa tech!o"ogies %ere re"eased !der the NU e!era" 5$"ic Lice!se 4eatures of AVA Simple
=aa is easy to "ear! a!d its sy!ta6 is .ite si'+"e- c"ea! a!d easy to !dersta!d The co!fsi!g a!d a'$igos co!ce+ts of CJJ are either "eft ot i! =aa or they hae $ee! re8 i'+"e'e!ted i! a c"ea!er %ay
O=ect Oriente&
! aa eerythi!g is A$ect %hich has so'e data a!d $ehaior =aa ca! $e easi"y e6te!ded as it is $ased o! A$ect Mode"
The 'ai! areas %hich =aa i'+roed %ere Me'ory Ma!age'e!t a!d 'isha!d"ed <6ce+tio!s $y i!trodci!g ato'atic Gar=a6e Collector a!d EDception 9an&lin6
(latform In&epen&ent
U!"i&e other +rogra''i!g "a!gages sch as C- CJJ etc %hich are co'+i"ed i!to +"atfor' s+ecific 'achi!es =aa is gara!teed to $e %rite8o!ce- r!8a!y%here "a!gage A! co'+i"atio! =aa +rogra' is co'+i"ed i!to $yte code This $yte code is +"atfor' i!de+e!de!t a!d ca! $e r! o! a!y 'achi!e- +"s this $yte code for'at a"so +roide secrity *!y 'achi!e %ith =aa R!ti'e
he! it co'es to secrity- =aa is a"%ays the first choice ith aa secre featres it e!a$"e s to dee"o+ irs free- te'+er free syste' =aa +rogra' a"%ays r!s i! =aa r!ti'e e!iro!'e!t %ith a"'ost !"" i!teractio! %ith syste' A/- he!ce it is 'ore secre
Multi, T%rea&in6
=aa '"tithreadi!g featre 'a&es it +ossi$"e to %rite +rogra' that ca! do 'a!y tas&s si'"ta!eos"y Be!efit of '"tithreadi!g is that it ti"ies sa'e 'e'ory a!d other resorces to e6ecte '"ti+"e threads at the sa'e ti'e- "i&e hi"e ty+i!g- gra''atica" errors are chec&ed a"o!g
Arc%itectural Neutral
Co'+i"er ge!erates $yte codes- %hich hae !othi!g to do %ith a +artic"ar co'+ter architectre- he!ce a =aa +rogra' is easy to i!ter+ret o! a!y 'achi!e
=aa Byte code ca! $e carried to a!y +"atfor' No i'+"e'e!tatio! de+e!de!t featres <erythi!g re"ated to storage is +redefi!ed- e6a'+"e: sie of +ri'itie data ty+es
9i6% (erformance
=aa is a! i!ter+reted "a!gage- so it %i"" !eer $e as fast as a co'+i"ed "a!gage "i&e C or CJJ Bt- =aa e!a$"es high +erfor'a!ce %ith the se of st8i!8ti'e co'+i"er
/oft%are Testi!g is ea"atio! of the soft%are agai!st re.ire'e!ts gathered fro' sers a!d syste' s+ecificatio!s Testi!g is co!dcted at the +hase "ee" i! soft%are dee"o+'e!t "ife cyc"e or at 'od"e "ee" i! +rogra' code /oft%are testi!g co'+rises of ;a"idatio! a!d ;erificatio!Testi!g is a fa"t detectio! tech!i.e that tries to create fai"res or erro!eos states i! a +"a!!ed %ay This a""o%s the dee"o+er to detect fai"res i! the syste' $efore it is re"eased to the csto'er Note that this defi!itio! of testi!g i'+"ies that a sccessf" test is a test that ide!tifies fa"ts e %i"" se this defi!itio! throghot the dee"o+'e!t +hases The characteristic of a good test 'ode" is that it co!tai!s test cases that ide!tify fa"ts Tests sho"d i!c"de a $road ra!ge of i!+t a"es- i!c"di!g i!a"id i!+ts a!d $o!dary cases- other%isefa"ts 'ay !ot $e detected Testin6 Concepts
D * test co'+o!e!t is a +art of the syste' that ca! $e iso"ated for testi!g * co'+o!e!t ca! $e a! o$ect- a gro+ of o$ects- or o!e or 'ore s$syste's D * fa"t- a"so ca""ed $g or defect- is a desig! or codi!g 'ista&e that 'ay case a$!or'a" co'+o!e!t $ehaior D *! erro!eos state is a 'a!ifestatio! of a fa"t dri!g the e6ectio! of the syste' *! erro!eos state is cased $y o!e or 'ore fa"ts a!d ca! "ead to a fai"re D * fai"re is a deiatio! $et%ee! the s+ecificatio! a!d the acta" $ehaior * fai"re is triggered $y o!e or 'ore erro!eos states Not a"" erro!eos states trigger a fai"re2 D * test case is a set of i!+ts a!d e6+ected res"ts that e6ercises a test co'+o!e!t %ith the +r+ose of casi!g fai"res a!d detecti!g fa"ts
D * test st$ is a +artia" i'+"e'e!tatio! of co'+o!e!ts o! %hich the tested co'+o!e!t de+e!ds D * correctio! is a cha!ge to a co'+o!e!t The +r+ose of a correctio! is to re+air a fa"t Note that a correctio! ca! i!trodce !e% fa"ts