Avi at ati on on Study m at ater ia ial : Sam pl pl e Questi on ons for RTR ( A) A) Par t 1 exam
Aviation Study material
12th July 2009
Sample Questions for RTR (A) Part 1 exam [http:/ /3.bp.blogsp /3.bp.blogspot.com/ot.com/-MM-
Time allowed: 15 minutes from handing over question paper. Maximum marks: 100 Aircraf Air craftt id entification : IC 51 7, Type of Aircraft Aircraft : Airbus, Level FL 28 0, Dep Aerodrome: VECC, Destination Aerodrome: VOMM Route: Over flying VEBS & VEVZ Selcal combination: ALCH Exchange messages as per situations given in question below
Q 1. Before Departure from Kolkata obtain the following i) Startup Clearance ii) Taxi Instruction iii) Take Off clearence Q 2. Over Kolkata Chennai FIR boundry you have received a SELCAL indication. Take action. Departure Dep arture Time 1400 Q 3.a) 3.a) When crossing DOCKET, you observed fire on left engine and dec ided to make force landing. land ing. b) The T he fire was minor and you are able to extinguish the fire and decided to proceed as per flight plan. pla n. Take acti action on.. Q 4. When you are 30 30 NM NM DME distance of Chennai request for Visual Vis ual approach. Q 5. Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. (a) WAIT, I SHALL CALL YOU. (b) ESTABLISH RADIO CONTACT (c) MY TRANSMISSION IS ENDED AND I EXPECT RESPONSE FROM YOU (d) EXAMINE A SYSTEM OR PROCEDURE (e) CONTINUE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONDITION SPECIFIED QUESTION 2
Time allowed: 15 minutes from handing over question paper. Maximum marks: 100 Aircraft identification : IC 402, Type of Aircraft : bOEING, Level FL 320, Dep Aerodrome : VIDP, Destination Aerodrome: VOMM Route : Over flying VOBP & VIHY Selcal combination : CMJL Exchange messages as per situations given in question below
Q 1. Obtain ATC and Takeoff Clearence. Departuree Time 023 5 Departur Q 2. On reaching “BUKLO” you get Selcal Indication in the cockpit. Take action. Q 3. On reaching “BUSBO” report position. http://dgca- m ater i al .bl ogspot.i n/2009/07/sam pl e- questi ons- for - r tr - par t- 1- exam .htm l
Avi ati on Study m ater ial : Sam pl e Questi ons for RTR ( A) Par t 1 exam
Q 4. While passing “BODEL” a passenger on board is seriously fallen sick. Take action. Q 5. Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. i. THAT IS NOT CORRECT. ii. PERMISSION FOR PROPOSED ACTION GRANTED iii. I UNDERSTAND YOUR MESSAGE AND WILL COMPLY FOR IT. iv. REDUCE YOUR RATE OF SPEECH. v. LET ME KNOW THAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED AND UNDERSTOOD THIS MESSAGE.
Time allowed: 15 minutes from handing over question paper. Maximum marks: 100 Aircraft identification : IC 181, Type of Aircraft : Boeing 737, Level FL 370, Dep Aerodrome : VIDP, Destination Aerodrome: VABB Route : Over flying VIUD & VAAH Selcal combination : CDJK Exchange messages as per situations given in question below
Q 1.a) Carry out preflight check and Selcal check. b) Obta in dep arture o n taxi h old ing point received instructio n from appropriate services that there will be a delay of 30 minutes. Ask for alternative Taxi way. Departure Time 140 0 Q 2. At 20 NM DME distance from Jaipur, unable to establish communication. Take action. Q 3.a) Assume that now the communication system starts working normal and at 70 NM DME distance from Ahmadabad observed fire alarm activated. Take action. b) Fire alarm found false an d deci ded to con tinue the fligh t t o d estin atio n. Take action. Q 4. Over BOFIN, report your position. Q 5. Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. i. A change has been made to your last clearence and supersedes your previous clearance. ii. Reduce your rate of speech iii. No iv. I can not comply with your request vi. Yes
Time allowed: 15 minutes from handing over question paper. Maximum marks: 100 Aircraft identification : 9W 465 (JET 465), Type of Aircraft : B737, Level FL 300, Dep Aerodrome : VOMM, Destination Aerodrome: VIDP Route : o/f VOHY, VABP Selcal combination : RMLD Exchange messages as per situations given in question below
Q 1.a) As you approach Runway holding position you get ready for an immediate take off in order to avoid delay. Take action b) On gett ing airborne y ou see b irds ahead , take appropriate action. Departure Time 094 0 Q 2. You are maintaining your cruising level, and reach BODEL. Take action. Q 3.a) At 30 DME distance inbound Bhopal you are informed that a passenger has fallen sick and needs immediate medical attention. Take action. b) After sometime t he passen ger g ets well and is n ormal, y ou deci de to contin ue the flight t o Delhi as per flight plan. Take action. Q 4. While on final approach Runway 28, you reach decision height and do not see the runway. Take action. Q 5. Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. i. Wind direction & speed 250 degrees 15 knots, 070 degresse 10 knots gusting to 20 kn ots. ii. Headings. 330 degrees, 080 degrees http://dgca-material.blogspot.in/2009/07/sample-questions-for-rtr-part-1-exam.html
Avi ati on Study m ater ial : Sam pl e Questi ons for RTR ( A) Par t 1 exam
iii. Flight level 200 , 310 iv. Visiblity 1000, 2000 v. Runway Visual Range 500 , 1200 QUESTION 5
Time allowed: 15 minutes from handing over question paper. Maximum marks: 100 Aircraft id entification : DN 786, Type o f Aircraft : Airbus, Level FL 320, Dep Aerodrome : VIDP, Destination Aerodrome: VOMM Route : Over flying VEBS & VEVZ Selcal combination : ALCH Exchange messages as per situations given in question below
Q 1. You are parked in Bay No 7. Obtain the following i. Startup Clearence ii. Line up instruction iii. Take Off clearence Departure Time 140 0 Q 2.i. Over Bhopal you notice right engine is on fire. You plan to carry out force landing on an open field. ii The fire was minor and you are able to extinguish the fire and decided to proceed as per flight plan. Take action. Q 3 Over BODAL your Co Pilot is hurt due to Bird Hit. Take action. Q 4. On finals you are not able to get three greens. Ask for visual check. Q 5. Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. i. IC 439 ii. VT ATT iii. VISIBLITY 2000 iv. RUNWAY VISUAL RANGE 800, RUNWAY VISUAL RANGE 550 v. FL 250, FL 050
Time allowed: 15 minutes from handing over question paper. Maximum marks: 100 Aircraft identification : 9W 786, Type of Aircraft : Airbus, Level FL 320, Dep Aerodrome : VIDP, Destination Aerodrome: VOMM Route : Over flying VEBS & VEVZ Selcal combination : ALCH Exchange messages as per situations given in question below
Q 1. Carry out pre flight Selcal Check. Departure Time 142 0 Q 2. Over BUKLO you experience HF receiver failure. Q 3. 25 NM short of Bhopal there is a storm in front of you. You plan to change course by 45 degrees to the left. Take appropriate action. Q 4 Crossing BUSBO you experience electrical failure. You would like to orbit at FL 320 for 5 minutes for resolving the problem. Take action. Q 5 Electrical problem has been resolved you would like to proceed as per flight plan. Q 6. 50 NM DME Chennai, ask for landing instruction. Q 7. Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. i. Winds direction and speed 200 degrees 18 kno ts gusting to 25 knots ii. Winds direction and speed 350 degrees 14 knots iii. Runway visual Range 2000, 550 iv. Frequency 121.000, 124.500 v. Altitude 2000, 5000 vi. Frequency 88 00, 5550
Avi ati on Study m ater ial : Sam pl e Questi ons for RTR ( A) Par t 1 exam
Time allowed: 15 minutes from handing over question paper. Maximum marks: 100 Aircraft identification : 9W 786, Type of Aircraft : Airbus, Level FL 320, Dep Aerodrome : VIDP, Destination Aerodrome: VABB Route : Over flying VIJP & BODAL Selcal combination : ALCH Exchange messages as per situations given in question below
Q 1. Carry out pre flight Selcal Check. Q 2. Ask for taxi instruction. Departure Time 140 0 Q 3. Over Jaipur ask for change of flight level from FL 150 to FL 190 due to clouding. Q 4. Over IDOLA report your position. Q 5. 50 NM abeam VAAH you are experienci ng lo ss of cabin pressure, you inten d to descent. Ask for lower level. Q 6. Cabin pressure is restored. Take actions. Q 7. Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. a. Let me know that you have received and understood this message. b. Examine a system o r procedure. c. An error has been made in this transmission (or message indicated). d. I have received all your last transmission. e. Listen out ATIS on 122.7. QUESTION 8
Time allowed: 15 minutes from handing over question paper. Maximum marks: 100 Aircraft identification : IC 396, Type of Aircraft : Airbus, Level FL 280, Dep Aerodrome : VABB, Destination Aerodrome: VECC Route : Over flying Bhopal & ARIVO Selcal combination : ALCH Exchange messages as per situations given in question below
Q 1. Before Departure from Mumbai obtain the following i. Push Back ii. Taxi Instruction Departure Time 140 0 Q 2. On take off leg you experience wind shear. Take appropriate action. Q 3 Before Sonagarh you get unsafe under carriage. Plan to return to Mumbai. Q 4. Under carriage problem has been resolved. Plan to continue to Kolkata. Take appropriate action. Q 5 Selcal appears at ARIVO. Q 6 Ask for descent from 190 to 150. Q 7. Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. i. Altimeter setting 1008 H Pa, 998 H Pa ii. Visiblity 1600 M, 850 iii. EXAMINE A SYSTEM OR PROCEDURE iv. I request verification of: (clearance, instruction, action,information). v. I repeat for clarity or emphasis. QUESTION 9
Time allowed: 15 minutes from handing over question paper. Maximum marks: 100 Aircraft identification : IC 396, Type of Aircraft : Airbus, Level FL 280, Dep Aerodrome : VIJU, Destination Aerodrome: VIDP Route : Over flying ASRI & ELRUX Selcal combination : ALCH Exchange messages as per situations given in question below
Q 1. Before Departure from VIJU obtain the following i. Push Back http://dgca-material.blogspot.in/2009/07/sample-questions-for-rtr-part-1-exam.html
Avi ati on Study m ater ial : Sam pl e Questi ons for RTR ( A) Par t 1 exam
ii. Time check Departure Time 1100 Q 2. At ASRI you experience receiver failure. Take appropriate action. Q 3 Over ELRUX report p osition . Q 4 After ELRUX ask for descent to FL 150 due to bad weather. Q 5. Ask for landing instruction from Delhi. Q 6. Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. i. Altimeter setting 1008 H Pa, 998 H Pa ii. Visiblity 1600 M, 850 iii. EXAMINE A SYSTEM OR PROCEDURE iv. I request verification of: (clearance, instruction, action,information). v. I repeat for clarity or emphasis.
Time allowed: 15 minutes from handing over question paper. Maximum marks: 100 Aircraft identification : IC 396, Type of Aircraft : Airbus, Level FL 280, Dep Aerodrome : VISR, Destination Aerodrome: VIDP Route : Over flying ASRI & ELRUX Selcal combination : ALCH Exchange messages as per situations given in question below
Q 1. Before Departure from VISR obtain the following i. Push Back ii. Time check Q 2. During take off you experience wind shear. Take action. Q 3 20 NM outbound Srinagar ask for level change from FL 220 to FL 250 Q 4 30 NM south of Jammu ask for true bearing. Q 5 Over ELRUX report p osition . Q 6 After ELRUX ask for descent to FL 150 and diversion to Chandigarh due to bad weather. Q 7. Ask for landing instruction from Chandigarh. Q 8. Transmit the following phrases as per Radiotelephony procedure. i. Altimeter setting 1008 H Pa, 998 H Pa ii. Visiblity 1600 M, 850 iii. EXAMINE A SYSTEM OR PROCEDURE iv. I request verification of: (clearance, instruction, action,information). v. I repeat for clarity or emphasis.
Posted 12th July 2009 by Girl in the Mirror Labels: dgca, exam, phraseology, radio, radio telphony, RT, rtr, WPC 0
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Avi ati on Study m ater ial : Sam pl e Questi ons for RTR ( A) Par t 1 exam