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grimoireDescripción completa

In contradistinction to all modern Occultists - be they self-described satanists, self-described followers of some Left Hand Path, self-described sorcerers, or something else - the Order of …Descripción completa

Los Templarios, caballeros de la tradición alquímica, esculpieron las principales etapas del desarrollo de la Gran Obra, en un símbolo que denominaron Baphomet, cuya apariencia externa revis…Descripción completa

Pierre Klossowski - The Baphomet

Pierre Klossowski - The Baphomet

sigil of baphomet.

Short introduction to the symbolism of BaphometDescripción completa

english language versionDescripción completa

Order of Nine Angles - The Grimoire of Baphomet (Dark Goddess). This is the official unexpurgated ONA version as circulated among ONA members.Full description

Short introduction to the symbolism of Baphomet

Order of Nine Angles - The Grimoire of Baphomet (Dark Goddess). This is the official unexpurgated ONA version as circulated among ONA members.Descripción completa

Descripción: Violence has always been approved by society and greatly supported by the Abrahamic Religions and World Faiths, and as such having a commonplace in our civilised communities. The Crusades represent...

The Book of BaphometFull description

The Book of BaphometDescrição completa

Descripción: The truth concerning Islam connections with secret societies, like the Knights Templar, Freemasons and Shriners, as well as Baphomet worship and satanism.

ONA - The Goddess Baphomet According to the Sinister Tradition