.Basic Arithmetic MCQS for the Preparation of NTS, PPSC, FPSC, BPSC, SPSC and other exams. 1. 6+(5x42+3)=_________? (A) 89 (B) 98 (C) 99 (D) 100 2. (-10)x(-100)=_______?. (A) -100 (B) -1000 (C) -10000 (D) 1000 3. (-5)x(-4)X(-3)? 3. (-5)x(-4)X(-3)? (A) 60 (B) 180 (C) -60 (D) 120 4. Find the missing number in the Series 2,3,5,7,11,_,17. (A) 9 (B) 13 (C) 15 (D) None of these 5. Complete the series with Missing Number 6,11, 21, 36, 56,__. 5. Complete (A) 76 (B) 81 (C) 101 (D) 121 6. Find the Missing Number in the series 1, 6, 13, 22, 33 ? 6. Find (A) 36 (B) 40 (C) 46 (D) 52 7. What is 10 Percent of 100 ? 7. What (A) 2 (B) 5 (C)10 (D)15 8. Write the fraction of 5%. (A) 1/10 (B) 1/20 (C) 1/25 (D) 1/30 9. Express 1.09 in term of Percentage. (A) 1.09% (B) 10.9% (C) 109% (D) None of these
10. Calculate the Average of 1,2,3,4,5. 10. Calculate (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
Answers to MCQs Basic Arithmetic Set-1 . 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. C 10.C
1. Which is Latest Version of Microsoft Office? Office? (A) Office 2010 (B) Office 2013 (C) Office 2016 (D) Office 2017
2. Which is the latest version of Microsoft Windows. (A) Windows XP (B) Windows 7 (C) Windows 8 (D) Windows 10 3. Data is the collection of . (A) Information (B) raw facts (C) data (D) Both A & B 4. ATM stands for__________. (A) Automatic Transaction Machine (B) Automated Teller Machine (C) Automatic Teller Machine (D) None of these 5. CPU is the combination of two 5. CPU two important units and and these units are _________ and __________ . (A) Hardisk & RAM (B) Control Unit and Arithmetic Logic Unit (C) ALU & Memory (D) Memory & Cache
6. RAM stands stands for ___________. (A) Random Access Memory (B) Real Access Memory (C) ROM Access Memory (D) None of These 7. ROM Stands for _________. (A) Reading Only Memory (B) Read Only Memory (C) RAM Only Memory (D) None of These 8. Android is owned by which company. (A) Samsung (B) Yahoo (C) Google (D) None of These 9. Latest Version of Android Operating System System is _____________. (A) Marshmallow (B) Lollipop (C) Nougat (D) Oreo 10. Who are the founders of Google ? 10. Who (A) Larry Page (B) Sergey Brin (C) Both of the Above (D) Only A Answers to MCQs Test Test of Computer Science Set-1 for Preparation Preparation of Public Service Commission Exams. 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. D 10.C
1. In MS Word 2016 Ctrl+B key is used to _____. (A) to make the selected text bold (B) to make the selected text italic (C) Both A & B (D) None of the above. 2. In MS Word CTRL+I Keys are used to _______ . (A) to make the selected text italic (B) to delete the selected text
(C) to save the document (D) Windows 10 3. The name of the first spreadsheet which developed was______. (A) 12.0 (B) 13.0 (C) 14.0 (D) 16.0. 4. In MS Word 2016 Ctrl+U is used to__________. (A) to make the selected text italic (B) to make the selected text bold (C) to underline the selected text (D) None of these 5. Shift+Enter is used to in MS Word 2016. (A) Insert a line break (B) Insert a page break (C) Insert a footer (D) None of the above. 6. Which shortcut keys are used in MS Word 2016 to insert a copyright symbol ? (A) alt+ctrl+ctrl (B) alt+shift+ctrl (C) alt+ctrl+c (D) None of These 7. Which keys are used to insert a page break in MS word? (A) Ctrl+Enter (B) Shift+Enter (C) Alt+Enter (D) None of These 8. Which shortcut keys are used to open a new document in MS Word 2016? (A) ctrl+p (B) ctrl+n (C) ctrl+o (D) None of These 9. Which shortcut Keys are used to create a new document in MS Word 2016? (A) ctrl+n (B) ctrl+o (C) Both A & B (D) None of the above. 10. Which shortcut Keys are used to jump at the top of document in MS Word 2016 ? (A) Shift+Home (B) Alt+Home (C) Ctrl+Home (D) All of the above 11. In Microsoft Word 2016 Which key is used to Jump the cursor at the start of line. (A) Home (B) End (C) Both A & B (D) None of the above.
12. Which Shorcut Keys are used to copy the Selected text or object? (A) ctrl+c (B) alt+c (C) shift+c (D) None of the above. 13. Which shortcut Keys are used to cut the selected text tex t or object in MS Word 2016 ? (A) alt + X (B) ctrl+x (C) shift+x (D) Both of the above.. 14. In MS Word Word 2016 ctrl+V is used to ______ . (A) to cut the selected text (B) to paste the copied text (C) to cut the selected text (D) None of these 15. Which shortcut keys are used to undo the last operation/action operation/action? ? (A) ctrl+z (B) ctrl+y (C) ctrl+x (D) None of the above. 16. Which shortcut keys are used to redo the last operation/action operation/action? ? (A) ctrl+y (B) ctrl+x (C) ctrl+z (D) None of These 17. Which shortcut Key is used to print the document in MS Word 2016? (A) shift+p (B) ctrl+p (C) alt+p (D) None of These 18. Which shortcut key is used to jump to the bottom of the document? (A) ctrl+end (B) shift+end (C) alt+end (D) all of the above. 19. Which shortcut keys are used to jump to next word in MS Word? 19. (A) alt+right arrow (B) shift + right arrow (C) ctrl+ right arrow (D) None of the above. 20. Which shortcut keys are used to jump to the previous word in MS Excel ? (A) ctrl+left arrow (B) shift+ left arrow (C) alt+left arrow (D) None of the above. 21. In MS Word 2016 which shortcut key is used to Jump to the next Paragraph. (A) shift+down arrow (B) alt+ down arrow
(C) ctrl+ down arrow (D) None of the above. 22. Ctrl+ Up arrow in MS Word is used to _______ . (A) to jump to the previous paragraph (B) to jump to the next paragraph (C) Both A & B (D) None of the above. 23. Which Shortcut key is used to close the MS word document in Office 2016. (A) ctrl +v (B) ctrl+w (C) ctrl+x (D) None of the above. 24. In MS Word 2016 function function Key F12 F12 is used to__________. (A) save as (B) save (C) Both A & B (D) None of these 25. in 25. i n Ms Word 2016 ctrl+s shortcut keys are used to _______file. (A) save as (B) save (C) Both A & B (D) None of the above. 26. in MS word ctrl+n is used to _______ ? (A) open new document (B) close document (C) close window (D) None of These 27. ctrl+delete shortcut keys in MS Word 2016 are used to _____? (A) delete one word to the right (B) delete one word to the left (C) Both A & B (D) None of These 28. ctrl+Backspace shortcut Keys in MS word 2016 are used to ______. (A) delete one word to the right (B) delete one word to the left (C) Both A & B (D) None of These 29. Which shortcut Keys are used to increase the font size of the selected text by one value? 29. (A) ctrl+shift+> (B) ctrl+shift+< (C) ctrl+sift+=< (D) None of the above. 30. Which shortcut Keys are used to decrease the font size of the selected text by one value ? (A) ctrl+shift+> (B) ctrl+shift+< (C) Ctrl+shift+ali (D) All of the above
Answers to MCQs Test of Computer Science Science Set-2 . 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. A 10.C 11. A 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. A 16. A 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. A 21. C 22. A 23. B 24. A 25. B 26. A 27. A 28. B 29. A 30. B
1. Latest version of Microsoft Excel is_____. (A) 2007 (B) 2010 (C) 2015 (D) 2016. 2. Lotus 1-2-3 was used as _______ ..(A) Word application (B) Spreadsheet (C) Powerpoint (D) None of the above. 3. First spreadsheet which was developed ______. (A) Microsoft Excel (B) Visicalc (C) Lotus-12-3 (D) None of the above. 4. Mircosoft Excel is which type of software ? (A) Freeware
(B) opensource (C) trialware (D) None of these 5. Which is the current version of Microsoft Excel 2016 . (A) 12.0 (B) 13.0 (C) 14.0 (D) 16.0 6. Microsoft Excel was first released in which year ? (A) 1986 (B) 1987 (C) 1988 (D) 1999 7. Which of the following version of Microsoft Excel was not released by Microsoft due to superstitions surrounding? (A) 8.0 (B) 9.0 (C) 11.0 (D) 13.0 8. When you will save the file of Excel it will be saved with which extension? (A) .xls (B) .xlsx (C) .xlsb (D) All of the above. 9. Excel 2008 (Version 12.0) can handle maximum number of rows ? (A) 1,040,578 (B) 1,048,576 (C) 1,048,578 (D) None of the above. 10. Excel 2008 (Version 12.0) can handle maximum number of columns ? (A) 16,348 (B) 17,348 (C) 18,348 (D) All of the above 11. Which shortcut keys are used to move between two or more opened Excel files. (A) CTRL+TAB (B) Shift+TAB (C) Both A & B (D) None of the above. 12. Which function Key is used to go to the specific cell? (A) F4 (B) F5
(C) F6 (D) F7. 13. Which function Key is used to check the spellings in Excel Sheet ? (A) F7 (B) F8 (C) F9 (D) F10 14. Which shortcut Key is used to insert the current date in the cell . (A) Ctrl+: (B) CTRL+ ; (C) CTRL+Shift+; (D) None of these 15. Which shortcut Key is used to create chart from the selected data? (A) F9 (B) F10 (C) F11 (D) None of the above. 16. Which shortcut Keys are used to select all contents of Excel Sheet? (A) CTRL+A (B) CTRL+B (C) CTRL+C (D) CTRL+V 17. Which shortcut Key is used to save the opened Work Sheet? (A) CTRL+D (B) CTRL+S (C) SHIFT+S (D) None of These 18. Which shortcut keys are used to undo the last action? (A) CTRL+Z (B) CTRL+Y (C) Both A & B (D) all of the above. 19. Which shortcut keys are used to Bold the highlighted Selection? (A) CTRL+A (B) CTRL+B (C) CTRL+C (D) None of the above. 20. Which shortcut keys are used to underline the highlighted selection? (A) CTRL+U (B) CTRL+B (C) CTRL+S (D) None of the above.
21. In Excel 2016 which shortcut Keys are used to change the format of selected cells? (A) CTRL+100 (B) CTRL+10 (C) CTRL+1 (D) None of the above. 22. Which shortcut keys are used to insert a hyperlink in Microsoft Excel . (A) Ctrl+T (B) Ctrl+M (C) Ctrl+K (D) None of the above. 23. Which Shortcut keys are used to strikethrough highlighted selection in Excel? (A) Ctrl+4 (B) Ctrl+5 (C) Ctrl+6 (D) None of the above. 24. Which shortcut keys are used to create a formula for addition of the contents of above cells. (A) Alt+= (B) Ctrl+= (C) Shift+= (D) None of these 25. In Ms Excel 2016 Ctrl+Space shortcut keys are used to _______. (A) Select Entire Row (B) Select Entire Column (C) Selection Entire Rows and Columns (D) None of the above. 26. In MS Excel 2016 Shift+Space shortcut Keys are used to _______ ? (A) Select Entire Row (B) Select Entire Column (C) Both A & B (D) None of These 27. ctrl+- shortcut keys in MS Excel are used to _____? (A) delete selected column (B) delete selected row (C) Both A & B (D) None of These 28. Ctrl+Shift+1 shortcut Keys in excel are used to ______. (A) format number in comma format (B) format number in currency format (C) format number in date format (D) format number in time format
29. Ctrl+Shift+2 Shortcut Keys in excel are used to ________? (A) format number in percentage format (B) format number in currency format (C) format number in time format (D) None of the above. 30. Which shortcut keys are used to move the cursor to cell A1 in Excel? (A) Ctrl+Windows Key (B) Ctrl+ end Key (C) Ctrl+Home Key (D) All of the above Answers to MCQs Test of Computer Science Set-5 .
1. D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. D 8. D 9. B 10.A 11. A 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. C 16. A 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. A 21. C 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. B 26. A 27. C 28. A 29. C 30. C