JA U A A l
Baudelaire composed the series of prose poems know as Pris Spleen between and his death in 67 He attached great importance to his work in this then unusual form, asking, "Which one of us, in his moments of ambton, has not dreamed of the miracle of a poetic prose, muscal, without rhythm and without rhyme, supple enough and rugged enough to adapt tself to the lyrical impulses of the soul, the undulations of reverie, the jibes of conscience? In his biography of Baudelaire, Lewis Piaget Shanks calls Pris Sleen the nal expression of the poet's vision of the world, of his melacholia his ideaism, his desperate desire to ee from the prison of his subectivity, his furious longing to nd some escape from the uginess of mode life. They are the center of his work: absoutely devoid of pose, they expain all the rest of it Where Baudeaire treated the same theme both in Pi Spleen and in Flowers o il Enid Starkie nds the prose poems more mature in conception, cotaining more har mony in the contrast between the esh and the Several o these corresponding poems are given in an appendix to tis edition
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Baudelaire composed the series of prose poems know as Pris Spleen between and his death in 67 He attached great importance to his work in this then unusual form, asking, "Which one of us, in his moments of ambton, has not dreamed of the miracle of a poetic prose, muscal, without rhythm and without rhyme, supple enough and rugged enough to adapt tself to the lyrical impulses of the soul, the undulations of reverie, the jibes of conscience? In his biography of Baudelaire, Lewis Piaget Shanks calls Pris Sleen the nal expression of the poet's vision of the world, of his melacholia his ideaism, his desperate desire to ee from the prison of his subectivity, his furious longing to nd some escape from the uginess of mode life. They are the center of his work: absoutely devoid of pose, they expain all the rest of it Where Baudeaire treated the same theme both in Pi Spleen and in Flowers o il Enid Starkie nds the prose poems more mature in conception, cotaining more har mony in the contrast between the esh and the Several o these corresponding poems are given in an appendix to tis edition
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Copyright © 947 9 Publisig Corporatio.
96 97 by New Direcions
Library of Cogress Catalog Card Number: BN: 878
Al rgts reserved Except for brief passages quoted in a espaper, magazie, radio or televisio review no part o this book may be reproduced i ay form or by ay meas electronic or mechaical icludg photocopyig ad recordig or by any iformatio storage and retrieval system without permisson ritng from the Publser Egis traslatio mad from the Frech text of evre Belre La Pleiade, 9
ACKNWLEDGMENT For permissio o reprit he copyrighted traslatios i te "correspodece section of this volume te Publisher is ndebed to te folloig traslators ad publishers Thomas Cole edio ad publiser of m for the traslation Ivitatio To The Voyage by Ricard Wilbur and the Harvill Press Ltd ad Pateo Boos Ic, for taslations by Roy Campbell from oem of Belre Copyright 9 by Patheo Books Inc ad to Frederick Morga ad David Paul whose traslations s appeared e loer of vl New Directions 96 anace in he Unie Sates o meica New Decons boos ae nte on acd-ee ae First publshed as New Directios Paperbook
94 i 97
Pubisd suans n anada b Pngn Bo anada Ld e rectos Boos ae ubls r as agl y Ne Directos Publishig Cororato, 8 Eigt Aveue Ne Yor
. . . X X X X X. X X. X. X. X XX. XX XX XX XX. XX XX .
To Ase Housye . . . .
Te tge . . . . . . . . . . Te Ol Woms Despi . . . ..... Atists Coteo . . . . . A Wg . . . . . . . . . . Te Doule Room. . To Evey M His Cime . .. ... eus A Te Motley ool . . " Te Dog A Te et-Bottle . .. . .... Te B lzie . . .. ......... .. .... Oe OClok Te Moig . ......... . Te Wil Wom A Te siole Coquette . . . . . . . Cows Wiows Te O Clow . . . . . . . Cke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Te Clok . . . . . . . . A Hemispee You Hi /nvitaion Au Voyae . . . . . . . Te oo Cil's Toy. . Te iies' its . . . . . . Te Tempttios o Eos lutus A me. Eveig Twiligt . . . . . . . . oltue . . . . . . . ojets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Te Beutiul Doote
8 0
2 5 7
2 22 25
28 30 3 3 3 3 0
XXVI Te e o Te Poo . . , XXVII A eo De . . . Couee . . XXIX Te Geeous Gmle . . . XXX. Te Rope . . . . . . . . . XXXI. Voco . . . . . . XXXII Te Tsu . . . . . . XXXIII Ge Duk . . . . . . . XXXIV. Ale . . . . . . . . . XXXV Wows . . . . . . . . XXXVI Te Dese To t . XXXVII Te Moos Fvo . . . . XXXVIII c I Te Rel Oe? . XXXIX A Toouge . . X. Te Mio . . . XLI e·Pos . . . . XLII Po o Msesses XIII. Te Gll Mksm XLIV. Te oup A Te Clou . XLV Te oo Glle Te Cemee XLVI Loss O A lo . XLVII Mss Bsou XLVIII A Wee Ou O Te Wol. . . IX Be Up Te oo. . . L Te Ful Do . . . E P I O G U E . . . . .
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60 68 7 7 7 77 78 79 8 82 83
9 92 9 9
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DR RID se u lile w wic e c s, wiu ig i iusice, i s eie e il, sice, e c, eveig i i is e il, leel ecicll eg u csie w mil cveie is cmii is ll us, u, me, e ee We c cu weeve we lese, m emig, u u musci, e ee is eig; ee e ees esive mi gig i susese e es iemile sueuus l e w e vee e w es is uus s cme gee gi wiu i i i umeus ieces u will see ec e c ge lg le e e ee is eug lie i sme ese segmes lese muse u e e lie eicig e wle see u ve lie cessi me ws wile uig ug e weie ime les e ges e mus Gaar e la Nt Alsius e s w u, me, ew u ies e ig e clle mus) e ie cme me emig smeig i e sme vei, lig e escii u me sc me lie e sme me e use i eicig e l s, s sgel icuesque Wic e us, i is mmes mii, s eme e micle eic se, musicl, wiu m wiu me, sule eug ugge eug ix
aap self he lyal mpulse f he sul he nulan f evee he be f nene wa abve all u f my explan f huge tes u f te meley f he nnumeable nteelatns that ths hanng eal wa bn u yuelf ea fen have y n te t tanslate n a sng the Giers stent y an t expes n ly pse all he smal uggestns th y en up thugh the fg f the steet the hghet gaets ell the uth hweve am afa ha my envy has n been pptu Fm the vey begnnng peeve that wa nt nly fa fm my mysteus an bllant mel but was nee ng smetng (f t an be alle soethi) sngu laly eent an aen whh any ne else wul gly n n ub but hh an nly eeply humlate a mn nvne ha he geatest hn f a pe is t suee n ng exatly what he et u t u ms aenately
emc m wm u ve es u
u me, u sse u e ve ee e me sse e Yu es Nw u use w wse me ve eve w Yu cu w w ue es eu cu ee ve e Gess mm G e s u e G Te w u ve ex se ve e cus e cus ss u ee u ee e weu cus!
A WZD lttle ld wan felt gladdened and gay at the sgh f he prety baby that every ne was ang suh a fuss ver and tha every ne wanted t please suh a pretty ltle reaure as fral as he ld wan herself and tthless and harless lke her She wen up t h all nds and sles But he nfant erred struggled ge away fr her aresses llng he huse wth hs hwls hen the ld wan wen ba nt her eternal sltude and wep alne, .sayng: Ah fr us serable ld feales the age f pleasn ure us and we are sarerws lle hldren wh we lng lve
ow POIGA e le es uum! A! g
e vege ee e ce elcus sess wc e less ese eg vgue; ee s se W lss e e se! Slue slece cmle csy e lue! y sl sveg e mg y s lleess leless my emele esece mus mely e wves ll ese gs ug me ug em ( e geu evee e eg s qucly ls ! ) ; sy ey think u muslly uesquely wu qulgs u syllgsms wu eucs ese ugs wee ey cme m me sg m gs s ll eves gw ese Eegy vluu usess cees uesess cul eves e c lge gve u yg u sll vs A w e u e e sy smys me; s uy es me he sesy he se e mmu e wle seccle evl me A mus e eey sue else eelly ee euy Nue less sceess eve vcus vl le me e S emg my eses my e! e suy euy s uel wc e s vecme ses w e e
of New eas Ee aos of snow an mu une up by a thousan aages gtteng wt toys an bonbons swamng wt upty an espa oa fenzy of a bg ty esgne to toube te mn of te most mpev ous sotay. n te mst of ts eafenng ubbub a oney was tottng bsy aong beaboe by a ow feow ame wt a wp. Just as te oney was about to tun a one a espenent genteman a goome gove uey avate an mpsone ban new otes mae a eemonous bow to te umbe bast sayng as e too o s at "A vey appy an pos peous New ea to you en e tune wth a fatuous a towa some vague ompanons as toug to beg tem to mae satsfaton ompete by te appause. he oney pa no attenton to ts eegant wag an on tnue to tot zeaousy aong wee uty ale As fo me was sueny seze by an nompeensbe age aganst ts bezene mbee fo t seeme to me that n hm was onentate a te wt of Fane. DO
A OOM ha s le a ream a rul om where he sagnan amosphere s nebulousl pn an Here he soul aes a bah of no wh all he aroma perumes o esre an regre. here s abou some hng repusular blush sho wh rose a volupuous ream n an elpse - 7. N Every pee of furnure s of an elongae form langu an prosrae an seems o be reamng enowe one woul sa wh a somnambular exsene le mnerals an vegeables. he hangngs spea a slen language le owers ses an seng sus No arts abomnaons on he walls ene posve ar s blasphem ompare o ream an he unanalze mpresso Here all s bahe n harmons own aequae an elous obsury An nnesmal sen of he mos exquse hoosng mngle wh he meres breah of hum oas hrough hs
mp w - nn dl dw p.
Musln n aphanous masses rans over he wnow an over he be spreas n snow aaras An on hs be les he ol he soveregn queen of m reams u why s she here Who has brough her Wha mag power has nsalle her on hs hrone o rever an o pleasure No maer She s here reogze her es hose are her eyes whose ame pere he gloamng hose suble an errble ees ha reognze b her rea moer he ara hey subjugae he evour he mpru 5
dent gaze ten have studed them blak stars ursty and wnder am ndebted r ths enmpassng what atmsphere mystery slene, perume and peae blss Wat we are wnt t all le, even n ts appest mments epansn has nthng n mmn wt ts supreme le wh am nw eperenng, and whh rels mnute by mnute, send by send N there are n mre mnutes tere are n mre sends me has dsappeared; t s Eternty that regs, an eternty blss Bu a knk alls n the dr, an awul, a resundng knk and eel as n my dreams hell a pthrk beng stuk nt my tmah en a Spetre enters. t s a bal me t tture me n te name the law; t s an namus nubne me wth er mplants t add the trvaltes er le t te srrws mne; t s a messenger by rm a newspaper edtr lamrng r he last nstallment a manusrpt. he paradsa rm and the dl, te sveregn dreams, the Sylh as he great Ren used t say the wle enhant ment as vanshed at the Spetres brutal knk Hrrrs remember es, remember ths lty hle ths abde eternal bredm s truly mne k at the stupd, dusty, dlapdated urnture; the hear wthut re, wthut embers, dsgustng wth spttle; the sad wndws were ran has traed urrws thrugh the dust; manusrpts vered wth erasures r unnshed, he alendar were a penl has marked ds ds!
And that perume ut anther wrld wh n my state equste nsblty was s ntatng Alas, anther dr as taken t lae, stale tba med wth nauseatng mustnes he rand smell deslatn n hs narrw wrld, but wth plenty rm r dsgust, thre s ne be alne hat delgh me the val pum:
an old and dreadful love ; and like all mistresses, alas ! prolic in caresse d betrayals. Oh! yes! Time has reaeared; Time is sovereig ruler ow ad with that hdeous old man the etire retinue of Memo· ries, Regrets Spsms Fears Agonies Nightmares, Nerves, and Rages have retured. 1 ca assure you that the secods are ow strogly accented, ad ruh out of the clock crying: am Life, ubearable ad implacable Life ! " There is ol oe Secod in human life whose missio it is to brig good ews the good news that causes every one such iexlicable terror. Yes Time reigs ; he has resumed his brutal tyrany And he okes me with his double goad as if I were an ox Then hoi dokey! Sweat slave! Man, be amed ad live!"
CHERA DR a vast gray sky n a vast and dsty lan wt as
wtt grass wtt a nettle r a tsle ame n several men bent dble as tey walked Ea ne arred n s bak an enrms mera as eav as a sak f r as a sak f al as te atemen f a Rman ftslde t te mnstrs beast was n nanmate wegt n te ntray t gged and be dwn eavly n te man wt ts elast and werfl msles t lted at te breast f ts mnt wt enrms laws and ts fabls ead veng e mans freead lke tse rrble elmets wt w anent warrrs tred t strke terr nt te enemes qestned ne f ese men and asked m were tey were gng lke tat He reled tat e dd nt knw and tat nne f tem knew bt tat bvsly tey mst be gng smewere sne tey wee melled by an rresstble rge t g n A rs tng t nte nt ne f tese travelers seemed gled fers beast angng t s bak aparently tey nsdered t a art f temselves All tse w and sers faes swed nt te least sgn desar nder te depressng dme f te sky wt ter feet dee n te dst f te eart as deslate as te sky tey went alng wt te resgned lk f men w are ndemned t And te ressn assed by me and dsapeared n te aze f te rzn st were te rnded srfae f te planet revents mans gaze frm fllwng 8
nd fo few oens pessed n ng ndesnd hs se; bu soon essbe ndeence descended upon me nd ws oe cue oppessed b s wegh hn hose men hd been b he cushng hes
HA wodefu dy! The vs k es swoog ude he
sus ug eye ke youh ude oves domo o soud gves voe o he uves esy of hgs; eve he wes seem o e see Que uke hum hodys hs s ogy of see s s hough eve moe umous gh ke mkg eh oje ge wh eve moe dzzg sedo; s hough he fezed owes wee yg o v he zue of he sky y he esy of he oos s hough he he mk g he efumes vse wee dwg hem u o he su ke smoke Ye he mds of hs uves oy ugh sgh of gefske sou A he fee of ooss Veus of he gs he edes oe of hose soed foos hose vouy uoos who, wh d es d ked ou duous d gudy osume e ed uo o mke kgs ugh whe hey e ese y oedom o Remose ses hs eed eyes owd he mmo Goddess Ad hs eyes sy m he es d he oees of me, deved of ove d fedsh whee m feo eve o he owes ms e oo m mde o udesd d o fee mmo euy! Ah! Goddess! ke y o my feve d my ! u he me Goddess wh he me eyes oues o gze o he dse kow o wh
0 ]
u dogge nd smell hs ecellen pefume whch comes fom he bes pefume of Ps And he dog wggng hs l whch beleve s h poo ceue's wy of lughng nd smlng cme up nd pu hs cuous nose on he uncoed bole Then suddenly he bced wy n eo bng me epochfully Ah mseble dog f hd oeed you pcge of ece men you would hve sned wh delgh nd pehps gobbled up n hs you esemble he publc whch should neve be oeed delce pefumes h nfue hem bu only cefully seled gbge O HR, my
TERE a can nas, y conmpa and oay n o acon whch nhss od by so mysos and nacconab mps, ac a ms wh a apdy o wc hy wod n ha damd hmss aab Lk h man who dadng som an nws nsad o gong o hs a as sa any ows aond hs con· cg's doo who dang o go n o h on who ks a o wo wks who onng o h man who ony maks hs nd a h nd o sx onhs o do somhng n, gny ndd dong o a ya hn a mss d no aco by an ssb oc k an aow o o a bow moa 1s an h doco, who nd o know yhng a nab o xan how s oos ndon sos sddny acq sch a mad ngy, o how s ha, ahogh ncaab o dong sms and mos ncssay hngs hy y dsco n hmss a a gn mon a ash coag o omng h os abs and h mos dangos acs n o my nds, h mos nons dam a d onc s o a os o s h xand w ay as asy o sa a as po sad n ms n sccs son xpmn ad; b nh m sccdd ony oo w oh w gh a cga sndng bsd a kg o gn owd s hk o oQm s s no_ ay h gamb o as h pa o o no ason a a, ogh ac, hogh dnss 2 ]
i he kind o ener h rin rom boredom nd d dremin; nd hoe who dil i o nexeedl re enerl hve id he mo indolen nd dremi o morl Ad noher mn ow who i o h h e lower hi ee even when e oo him o h h i e ll he oor ourge he n mer o eer or he here o roh he ike nrlleur who eem o him inveed wih ll he mje o ino h nd Rdmnh will ddenl hrow hi rm round n old mn in he ree nd ki hi ieoul beore he onihed ee o he erb. h? Bee bee ddenl h rilr hiog nom eemed irreiibl elin? Perh b i wold robbl be nerer he rh o oe h he himel h no ide wh oo hve more hn one been he viim o hee o br hih i o onldin h ome mli ino orinreo rr o Oe mornin go eelin ou o or d nd worn o wih idlee nd wih wh eemed o me omellin rge o do omehin exrordinr o erorm ome brillin deed Ad oened he window l ( hold like o oin o h wih erin eron ling ril oke i no he reul o lnnn or hemin b oruo nron n on ee o he omeng ore o he imle o h hmor lled heril b door i b hoe wih more nih hn door h drive owrd muliude o dnero or imroer io The r eron noied in he ree w a whoe ierin nd diordn r oed u o me hrough he hev lh Pri ir would be imoible or me o wh w ddenl eied b or hi oor mn e e! houed moonng him o ome he hogh h m room w ix ih o ir d h
he mn m be hvin errible ime ein hem wih hi rile wre dded no lile o m hiri Finll he ered Aer lookin crio over hi ne o l one b one exclimed "h ! Yo hve no colored l no ink no red no be! No mic e o e of Prdie? Scondrel wh do o men b oi ino oor neihborhood wiho ine o mke lie beil! And hed him, mbli nd rmbi owrd he ir Goin o on m blcon icked lie ower o nd when he ier ered he enrce beow e m eie o wr l down erendiclrl on he ede o hi ck The hock knocked him over nd llin on hi bck he cceeded i brekin he re o hi oor mblor ock wih heri oie o lihni rikin cr ce. And drnk wih m mdne hoed down hi riol: ke lie beil! ke life beil! Sch erric rnk re no wiho dner d oe oen h o derl or hem B wh i n eeri of d ion omred o n ii o lere in ie ecod?
; h,;J:c , ) ' ( il
A m lone Nohng cn be hed bu he umblng of few beled nd wey cbs Fo few hous les slence wll be ous f no slee. A ls he yny of he humn fce hs dseed nd now hee wll be no one bu myself o mke me sue A ls m llowed o l n bh of dkness Fs double un of he key n he lock hs un of he key wll seems o me ncese my solude nd senghen he b cdes h, fo he momen see me fom he wold Hoble lfe Hoble cy e us gnce bck ove he evens of he dy sw sevel wes one of hem skng me f you could go o Russ by nd he hough Russ ws n snd suose) ; dsgeed bely wh he edo of evew who o ll my obecons ke syng: "Hee we e on he sde of esecbly mlyng h he ohe eodcls wee un by scs; bowed o weny o moe esons of whom feen wee unknown o me; dsbued hnd shkes n bou he sme ooon whou hvng s ken he ecuon o uyng gloves; o kll me dung showe doed n on dnce who sked me o desgn he cosume fo Venutre; wen o y cou o hecl deco who n dsmssn me sd: "Pehs you would do well o see Z ; he s he dulles sud nd mo celebed of ou uhos; wh hm yo mgh ge somewhee Consul hm nd hen we' see bosed why of sevel ugly hngs neve dd nd cveny dened some ohe msdeeds h hd ccomlshed wh h gees delgh; oense of fnfonnde cme gns humn dgny; efused sgh vo o fend nd gve wen
reommendon o ere roe ord le hoe h ll ed wh everyhin diied wih myel lon o redeem myel nd o reore my ride in he ilene nd olide o he nh ol o hoe whom hve loved ol o hoe whom hve n renhen me, in me, kee me rom he vnie o he world nd i onminin me nd Yo der God rn me re o rode ew beil vere o rove o myel th m no he lowe o men h m no inerior o hoe whom deie.
l 16]
y dear you weary me beyod edurace ad have o ity or you to hear you sihi oe would hik you were as serable as those aed woe who toil i the elds or the old bear woe who ick u crusts at tave doors 1£ at least your sihs idicated remorse they would be soe credit to you but hey mea othi ore tha he satiety o raticatio ad the desodecy o too uch leisure Ad you ever cease your useless babble You ust love me eed so to be loved! Coort e here caress e there But I have a idea which ay cure you For two u ad without oi very ar there ay be a way riht i he idst o the air Now just observe i you lease this solid iro cae ad see that hairy moster howli like oe o th daed shaki the bars like a orauta maddeed by exile iiati o erectio both the circular sri o the tier ad the stuid "AY
g a wh ba ad kidy c ha ha a
very vauely resebli yours This moster is oe o those aials eerally called my aeltat is a woa. The other moster the oe yelli h head o ad bradishi a stick is a husbad e has chaied his leitate souse as thouh she were a aimal ad dislays her at all the street airs with o coure he er missio o the uthorties Now watch careully See with what voraciy ad ot shaed either erhas) she tears aart those liv rabbits 17
nd qllin hiken ht her keeer h thrown to her. Come, ome he , one mt lw kee omthin or rin d nd with hee word o widom he rell nthe w her re, the entri till inin to the teeth o the eroio betwomn, I men. "Tht it A ood blow o or tik to m her For he i drtin the mot terri nd reed ne t the iered ood Good God tht tik i no te ro Did o her how tht whk reonded, in ite o her rtiil ot o hir? Moreo er her ee re trtin rom her hed, nd he e more natura n The rk irl rom her rom iron "Sh re he onjl tom o hee deendnt o Adm nd Eve, thee work o h hnd, m God Thi womn h ertin the riht to oml, hoh fter l, the tititi deiht o me re erh not nknow to her There re other irremedible miorne withot h omention Bt in the whih he h been thrown, it h ever to her tht women deerve better te ow wht o , m Seein he hell with whih the world bond, wht do o exet me to hink o or ret ittle hell, o who ie on t o or \ kin, who et onl ooked met rell t o o b killed ervnt? "And wht n the mter to me, l hoe litle ih well in or ermed bret, m hi nd hert oqete? And l thoe ettion o hve lerned rom book, or tht indetible menhol whih inire nthin bt it n ettor. I trth, ometime I m eied with deire to teh o wht rel miorte i. "Seein o like thi, m dint be, or eet in the mire nd or ee trned woonin towrd the k thh witin or kin, I nnot hel thinkin o ro invokin the Idel. I o deie Kin o tht wht I m now o ver well know), bewre o the re who wll crunc ou up nd gole ou up nd ll ou at s pleaure 8
Alug my be pe m su dupe s yu wud ke beeve d f yu wey me fe w yu precou wgs m gg e yu ke e wld woman ese w yu u f e wdw ke empy be
[ 9
CROWDS S O gven o evey man o ake a bah o mulude enjoy
) ng a cowd s an a and only he can elsh a debauch o valy a he exense o he human seces on whom n hs cadle a ay has besowed he love o masks and masqead ng he hae o home, and he asson o oamng. dencal ems and nechangeable by he acve and ele oe. he man who s nable o solde s nable a he oe enjoys he ncompaable pvlege o beng abe o be hsel o some one else as he chooses. ke hose wan deng sols ho go lookn o a bod he enes as he lkes no each mans hm alone s vac and cean laces see ced o hm, s only because n hs eyes hey ae no woh vng. he solay and hoghl sole nds a sngula no caon n hs nvesal commnon he man who loves o lose hmsel n a cowd enjoys evesh delghs ha he eos locked p n hmsel as n a box and he slohul man lke a mollusk n hs shell wll be eenally deved o He adops as hs on all he occuaons all he joys and all he soows ha chance oes Wa men call love s a vey small esced eeble hn compaed h hs neable oy hs dvne posuon o he soul gvng sel ene all s oey and all s chay o he unepeced as comes alon o he sane as he pases I s a good hng somemes o each he ounae o hs old only o humble o an nsan he oolsh pde ha hee ae hghe os han hes ne and moe nccm
[ 20
rbed The onder o oln hed o eole m onr ret exled to the end o the erth dobtlel know omethn o th mtero drnkenne nd n the mdt o the vt my crete b er n: te mt oten lgh who t them bee o ther trobled ortne nd chte lve
VUNRGUE a that ertain avenue in the publi park are haunted almot exluive b diappointed ambition, fru traed inventor, abortive lorie, and broken heart, b all thoe tumultuou and eret oul till aitated b the lat rum blin of the torm who wihdraw a far a poible from the inolent ee of the a and the idle Thee had retreat are the meein plae of all thoe whom life ha maimed And toward thee plae poet and love to dret their avid peulation are ure nd rih pature For, a I have aid before the ornfull avoid, above all other plae, he one whee the roou on reate; that trepidation in a void ha nothin to attrat them O e £l mele drawn toward that i and An experiened ee i never mitaken It an at one deipher in thoe et or dejeted fae, in thoe ee, dull and hollow or till hinin with the lat park of trule, in thoe deep and numerou wrinkle, in that low or diloated ait the innumerable torie of love deeived, of devotion unreonized of eort nreompened, of huner and old ilentl endured Have ou ever notied widow, poverttriken widow, ittin on lonel benhe hether the are wearin mournin or not the are not diult to reonize Moreover, in the mourn in of he oor there i invariabl netiantin, an abene of onien that make it o heartbreakinhe poor ae with their orrow Th ri nt ti in al ioummate perfetion der and more addenin, the widow holdin 22
by he h lle chl wh who she cno she he hough, o he one who s compleely loe I o no now once followe fo ny hous oe of hose soly wows; she hel heself s sgh n he lle hebe shwl soc pe ppe n he whole beg he ws seemngly coeme by he bolue solue o le he lfe of ol bchelo, hs scule chce of he hbs e yseous pucy o he usey kow o wh seble eng-plce she h luche, no how I followe he no egoom wche he fo long me s she looke hough he newsppes wh ege eyes eyes once scle by be es sechg fo some hng of pssoe pesol nees Flly, he feoo, une lovely uun sy oe of hose skes ou of whch such ulue of eoes n eges own, she s o bench soe sce fo he cow, o lse o oe of hose coces oee he Psn publc by mly bns Ths s pobbly he lle ebuch of he nnocen ol ly o pue ol ly he wellene cosolo fo oe of hose ul ys whou fen, whou conveson whou oy whou soul o cone , whch Go, pehps fo my yes ow, hs llowe o escen upon he hee hue n syve mes ye An nohe I can neve help casting glanc whch if no niesally symphec s les cuous he mob of phs h cow ou he eclosue of ouoo coce he oches pous s fesve l o volupuous s o he ngh; gleng gos l o he goun; glnces coss; he le e of hvg nohg o o, unze peen o be oely elshg he musc Hee nohg h s no ch hppy; ohg h oes no behe foh nspe nolece n he plesue of heelessly lvg; nohngecep h bble ove hee leng o he ouse eclosue cchg
[ 23
a ath o m grat at the wid eare ad gaig at he arig edor wthi. he reetio o the joy o the rih i the eye o the oor i away a crio ight. Bt o thi artiar day i that rowd o wor boe ad aio dree my atteto wa aght by a gre o h obity that it too ot hoig otrat to the evrog vgarty Th wa a ta majeti woma whoe whoe bearig ereed a obiity h a aot reember ever havg ee beore ot eve he oetio o the aritorati beatie o the at The odor o rod vrte emaate ro her etire ero Her a emaiated ae wa i harmoy with the heavy morig he wa wearg. She oo e the ebea arod her o whom he too o otie gaed at that other gtterg word with a thoght eye gety odig her head a he teed to the mi Strage ght "Srey ad to mye "that i a overy overty it be whh i iaabe o ord eoomy; her obe oteae i roo o that hy the oe he hooe to tay a mie where he oer o oio a otrat Bt drawig earer to her ot o rioity eeed to dertad the reao The ta wdow wa hodg a tte boy y the ha who ie here wa dreed i morig: the rie o admio o matter how modet wod erha be et to ay or oe o te hid' ee or reeraby or ome erity a toy Ad ow he will retr home o oot meditatg ad dreamig aoe away aoe; or a h i trbet ad eh wthot getee or atee a aot eve e tha a me aima a og or a at erve a the odat o oey orrow
IDAY cowds swmed, spwed, d focked
ws oe of hose g dys h he cows, jugges m es, d mbu huckses cou o og dvce o mke up fo he e sesos of he ye. such dy peope seem o foge eveyhg, he become ke Fo yougses mes feedom , he hoo of shoo doued fo wey-fou hous. Fo he gow-ups s msce cocuded wh he mg foces of he wod, espe fom uves sugge d sfe m uppe csses, o oe egged eec u pusus, c wh dcuy escpe he uece of s popu ubee They bsob ucoscousy he she of hs cefee mosphee Fo my p, s ue Ps, eve f o vs he boohs h u hemseves o hese peodc occsos. d how hey ved wh oe othe fsc compe o They bwed d hey sceeched d hey beowed. Thee ws mue of ces cshg bss, d epodg ewoks. ucheos poos ue y he su tougheed goesue fces d, wh he sef codece of sesoed cos su of he ec sho ou he ups d ess d ses of d d hev humo k o Moes og-me, poud of he mosous musces whou foehed o cum ke ogus, sued mes cy he ghs h hd bee wshed fo he occso he dy befoe d dces, s ovey s fes o pcesses eped d poueed wh he e gh spkg he ks
here w othi but iht dut, hout jo tumut ome ent moe other took it in nd bo were equ h itte tot tued t their mother kirt bein or cd tick, or cimbed on their ther houder to hve beter view o cojuror di od And domitin the other odor, the me o ri t ed the ir ike the icee o the ir At the ed, t the exreme ed o the row o booth, thouh he hd eie d hime in he rom thee endor, I w od cown, bet, decreit, th rui o m, ci cb more ei oe he mierbe th tht o he owet ve d i which two cde ed, utterin nd moki, ihted o too we it eur. Everywhere o moemkin debucher everwhere the urce o tomorrow dibred everywhere renetic outburt o vitit Here boute mir nd mier mde the more horribe b bei tricked out in comic r, whoe motey contrt due more to eceit hn rt. He w ot uhi, the oretc e w nt weei he w ot dnci, he w ot eticuti, he w not houti; he o o, d or he w oicitin othi He w mute d motione. He hd ive u, he hd bdicted. Hi te w eed. ut with wht rooud d uorebe exreio hi eye wdered over the crowd d the iht, the movi ood tht toed jut hort o hi reuive mier et the terribe hnd o hyteri ri my throt I et rebeiou ter ht . woud ot , ui my t w I to do? hy k the uh mn wht curioit, wht woder he hd to how i thoe ou hdow behid hi tttered curti? I truth, I did ot dre d, thouh ou m uh t my reo, I dmit it w becue I ered to humiite him I hd y decided to eve ome moe on the torm I ed, hoi tht he woud ue m
ntntn hn a dd r th rd ad by n nt hat dtrban t m aay rm hm Obd y th ht d a tryn t anayz my ddn drn ad ad t my hav jt n th rtty th d rtr h ha bn th brant ntr tanr th nratn h ha vd th d t tht rnd tht amy tht hdrn dradd y vrty and th nrattd th and t h bth th rd n nr ar t m!"
7 ]
I WS tavng Th county aound m was of an nss gandu and sumty And I thnk a tt of t must hav assd nto my sou at that momnt My thoughts ad wth th ghtnss of th a tsf; th vuga assons such as hat and ofan ov smd to m now as fa away as th couds that oatd n th gogs at my ft; my sou smd as mmns and u as th nvong dom of th sky and athy thngs chod n my mmoy as fanty as th s of th nvs hds owsng fa fa away on th sos of anoth mountan v th motonss tt ak t ack fom th mmnsty of ts dth th shadow of a coud assd occa sonay k th cton of an ay gants coak yng acoss th sky And I mm fng wth a oy mngd wth aw that a and somn snsaton on has at sng som gat to th movmnt vovng wthout a sound In shot comng auty aound m I was at ac wth mysf Jnd w �uv my pfct attud and y ota ogtfun f athy v I was to thnk th ngC6cuous aft a n to mak u v s ts makg th ft I gan to of fatgu and satsfyng th hun causd y my on cm took out of my ckt a c of ad a athn cu and a sma ott of a ctan whch chmsts at that tm sod to tousts to md on occason wth snow I was acfuy cuttng my ad whn a sght sound mad m ook u Th n font of m stood a aggd tt uchn dak and dshvd wth hoow ys hat dvoud cy and as t smd to m adngy and I
28 ]
heard him gasp in a low hoarse voice : "
help lghing t the ppeltion with which he thoght t to honor my nerwhite bred nd ct generos sice nd oered it to him Slowly he cme towd me never tking his ees o the coveted object then sntching it ot o my hnd he quickly bck wy s i he ered tht my oer hd not been sincere or tt I hd lred repented i Bt t tht moment he ws knocked down b nother little svge who hd sprung rom heven knows where nd so like the rst tht took them to be twins The two o them rolled on the ground struggling or possession o e precious booty neither willing to shre it with the other Furious the rst cutched the second by the hir; nd the second seied ers between his teeth then locl with kiti owner o the cke tried to litte clws inhe usrpers ees the ltter in tu did his best to hs 1ry with one hnd while tring to slip the prie o wr into hs pocket with the other But strengthened b despr th loser struggled to his eet nd butting his hed into the others stomch sent the victor sprwling on the grond Bt why describe the hideous ght which lsted longer hn their chldih strength hd seemed to wrrnt The cke trvel to hnd nd chnged pockets t ever instnt chnging ls! in sie s well nd when nlly exhusted covered with blood they stopped rom the sheer impossibility o going on no use or eud remined the piece o bred hd disppered nd the crumbs scttered ll were indistinguishble rom gins o snd with which the were min e his perormnce hd drkened the lndscpe nd the clm n o ppernce o the two little wretches hd completel vnished Sddened st there or long time syng over nd over to mysel "So there is superb country where bred is clle deliccy tht it is enough to strt [ 2
can t th t n th ys of a cat. On day a ssonay wakng n th sububs of Nankg notcd that h had fogottn hs watch and askd a tt boy th t h uchn of th Csta Ep hstatd at st thn on scond thought pd: "I t you and dsappad An nstant at h tund wth an noous cat n hs as. H ookd t n th y as pop say and wthout a onts hstaton dcad: "It s not qut noon hch was tu As fo whn I an fowad to ga at ovy Fn so appopaty nad who s at onc th hono of h sx th pd of y at and th pfu of y nd whth t b by nght o by day n dang ght o n dp st shad ways at th back of h adoab ys I can dstncty s th t aways th sa vast son wd as spac wthout nuts and wthout sconds a otonss hou not akd on any cock and yt as ay as a bath as quck as a ganc And f so tso ntud shoud co to dstub wh y ys st on ts dcous da f so unanny and ntoant Gn so Don out of t shoud co askng : "hat a you ookng at so attntvy at a you oong fo n tat catus ys an you t t t of day n th d and podga ota I shoud py wthout hstatng: "Ys I can t th t; t s Etnty! And s ths not a ay oous adga ada and just as aboyant as yousf Indd bodng ths bt of gash gaanty has gvn so uch pasu that I sha ask fo nohng n tun
long le me ehe he fgnce of o hi e e lunge m ce ino i like his mn ino he we of sing n le e wve i like scened hndkechief o si memoies in he i f o onl knew ll h see ll h feel ll h he in ou h sol voges on is efe s ohe mens souls on music You hi hols whole de of mss nd sils; i holds ses whose onsoons wf e owd lovel clie whee sce is lue nd oe ofond whee fis nd leves nd hmn skin efume he i n he ocen of o hi see ho eeing wh eln cholic songs wih lus en of eve nion nd shis of eve she whose elegn nd inice sces snd o gins he enomous sk home of eenl he n he cesses of ou hi know gin he lngos of long hous ling on couch in fi shis cbn cdled b he hos imeceile swell eween os of oes nd coong we s n he unng he of o hi bee in he f gnce of obcco inge wih oim n sug in he nigh of o hi see he sheen of he oics ble inni on e shoes of ou hi ge dnk wih he se of sk nd nd he oi of cocons ong long le me ie ou blck nd hev esses en gw o elsic nd eellios i see o be eng eoies
[ 31
T s woderul our or o Coge he s h drem o vsg wh old love A srge our los he mss o he Norh d h mgh be lled he Es o he es he Ch o Europe so reel hs wrm d prous bee llowed o ru ro here llusrg pel d perssl wh rul d dele vegeo. A rel our o Coge where eveyhg s beuul rh hoes d lm; where order s luxurys mrror; where le s uuous d swee o brehe; where dsorder umul d he re sh ou where eve he okg s poe rh d e lg s well where resembles ou You kow h eversh skess omes over us our old desprs h oslg or oures we hve ever know h gush o uros? There s our h resembles o where everhg s beul rh hoes d lm where hs bul d deored Odel Ch where le s swee o brehe where hppess s wedded o slee s here we mus lve s here we mus de Yes s here we mus go o brehe o drem d o prolog he hours o sesos A mus hs wre nvtaton vase; who wll wre nvtaton au voage h m be oered o he beloved o he hose sser? Yes suh osphere would be good o lve where here re more houghs slower hours where loks srke hppess wh deeper more sg solem O shg pels or o dkl rh d glded lehers dsree pgs repose s deep lm d devou s he souls [ 3
o e ner wo deed em une row er own oor on e w o dnnroom nd drwnroom tn oty rou ovey nn or ntre wndow w muoned pne A e urnture mmene n rne rmed wt ok nd eret ke ved ou rror, me brc oery nd work o e odm r y mue myterou ymony or te eye nd every orner, every rck every drwer nd curt od bree or urou perume perume o umtr wper come ac wc e ou o te bode. A rue ountry o Coce I ure you, were everytn rc h nd ce ke ood concece or wecoured ke pot, ke ceed od or vreted em A e reure o e word boud here n te oue o borou mn wo ut te woe word n deb A nur ounry d uperor to oer r uperor o Nture wo ere rnormed by drem orrced remodeed nd dorned Let tem eek nd eek n et em endey pu bck he mt o ter ppe, thoe orcuur Aem! Le em oer re o xty hundred ound orn or the outo o ter mbtou probem! A or me , I ve ound my lac tulp I ve ound my lue dala Icomprbe ower, redcovered up eor d t ere, ot, n h beuu ounry, o cm, o u o drem, t you u ve t you mut boom? oud y t t b md wtn wn ny wd y
no ee youre reected ere n your own corresondence e myc y Drem! Awy drem! And e more mbou nd dee e ou e more obe e drem. Every mn poee h own doe o nur oum eeey ereed nd renewed nd rom br de ow mny our n we rekon o potve eure, o uceu nd deded con we ever ve , be r o ure my mnton ned nd reembe you f' 33
Thee treure thee urnhn th uxur th order, thee erume nd thee mruou ower the re ou And ou re the ret rver too nd the lm n And thoe ret h tht the ber on den wth rche nd rom whh re the or rhthm hnt, the re m thouht tht ee or tht re on the we o our bret. You ed them ent towrd the e whch the Innte, ou mrror the k deth n the rtne urt o our ou nd when wer wth ron wter nd ureted wth the o o the Oent the return to ther ort o t the re m thouht comn bck enrhed rom the nnte to
o oer a suggeson or n ocen dverso There are so ew ausees ha are no culpable! hen you go ou n he ornng wh he sled dea o rablg over he hghways ll your pockes wh lttle peny devces such as hose a puppes anpulaed by a sgle srng a blacksh haerng on an anvl a kngh on a horse whose al s a whsle ad ousde he averns and under he rees oer he as s o all he ukown poor chldre you ay ee You wll see ther e es en unbelevbly w e A rs hey wo dare o ake he won n orune hen her hands wll cluch he presen eagerly and hey wll run away lke cas who go ar o o ea ny orsel you gve he havg learned o be wary o en. Behd he ron gae o an ense garde a he back o whch could be seen a charng haeau gleag whely n he sun sood a beauul bloong lttle boy sarly dressed n coury ogs ha are always so echanng Luury careree days ad he habual specacle o abud ace ae such che so ovey ha he see o be ae o a ere cay ro he chldren o he oeraely an he Besde h on he grass lay a agncen oy as bloong as s aser glded and shng dresed n purple ad covered wh plues ad glerng beads Bu he chld was payng no aenon o hs avore oy ad hs s wha he was lookg : On he oher sde o he gae on he hghway, sandng n he ds o eles ad hsles ws anoher chld blk and gy oe o hose urcparahs whose beauy SHOUD IK
[ 35
an maa ee wod disove s he ee o a onnoisse dees an aheni mase nde he oahmaes vanish i eeed o he dsgsing aina o ov e smboi bas wo was showing he ih hid his oo own o whih he ae was siniing beahess as hogh had been some ae and nhead o obje e his o ha he gim ie ba was and nig in a box oveed wh wie was a aens o o eonom sose had aken he nae se And he wo hden wee aghing ogehe ike bohes wih
[ 36
of the Fares gathered together to eect the dstrbuton of gfts aong the newborn nfants who had coe nto the world n the last twentyfour hours All these ancent and caprcous Ssters of Destny these strange others of joy and sorrow were very derent fro one another soe were sad and surly others had a ad schevous gaety; soe were young and had always been young others were old and had always been old. All the fathers who bel«ed n es d coe to the assebly wth ther nfants n ther ars. Talents Facultes good Fotunes nvncble Conunctures were pled up besde the trbunal for all the world lke co enceentday pres But the derence was that these Gfs were no the recopense for any eort but on the contrary a favor accorded to a person who has not yet lved a favor capable of dcdng hs estny and of becong ether he cae of hs sfortune or the source of all hs happness The poor ares were n a pother; for there was a very RD SSBY
ge owd of eones nd e inemedy wold sed
between an and God s subect ust as ours s to the law of Te and all hs nnte progeny the Days the Hours the nutes the Seconds n truth they were as urred as one of the nsters of state on hs audence day or the eployees of a pawnshop when a natonal holday authores the redepton of pledes grats even thnk they lanced at the clock patence as huan udes who have been stng on the bench a nd annot help lonn for her dnners er we
: '"r
jice nd heir beloved bedroom lier in here i ome reciinc nd conio we ogh no o rried o hmn jice well. Oherwie we orelve wod be n And o i hened on h d nder re co mied which migh be looked on od dnce rher hn were he diincive nd eern chrceriic o he o welh w wrded o he hei r o n imene rich i nd he h d no been endowed wih ene o chri or he le coveone or good w re o nd himel er o hi embrred hi miion lo he ove o Be nd oeic Power were one qrrier on no w eiher he vie he need o hve orgoen o h he diribion o h olemn occion i wiho ea n be ee rin Thinking heir k ccoi l he or no ingle gi w e no bon remined o hrow o hi hmn horde when worh mn oor lie ho keeer nc rng orwrd nd cching hod o he micoored vor gown o he nere Fir cried B dm ! Yo hve orgoen h bo m bb? he o hink ve mde he ri or nohing The Fir migh wel hve been diconennced or here w og e Hi he reembered in ime weknown hogh rrel lied lw o he ernrl world he world inhbied b imlble deiiewho beng rend o mn m oen d hemelve o hi hmn ion ch e irie Gnome Slnder Shid Slh Nixie n ine e nd eme) reer o he lw i c ce he reen when i rn hor give Fir he ower o ccord one more gi rovided he h imginion enogh o cree one on he o [ 38
So the good Fary rped wth a seposssson worthy o her rank: ow � on your son . . bstow upon hm e Gt o asn asng? But peasng how? Peasng why? askd the obstnat tt shopkper who was doubtessy e thos reasonrs ony too common, who s ncapabe o rsn to the ogc of the Absur. Bcause! Just bcause! rpd the ncensed Fary, turn ng hr back on hm. jonng th cohort o Fars, she sad: hat do you thnk of that van tt Frnchman? He nssts upon understandng vrythng and ven ater he has obtand the best gft of th ot for hs son st dares to queston, and to dspute the ndsputab.
AS IGH wo speb Saas a a o ess eaa
Saaess cm e aces sas p ss o e weakess ofp commcaes w m sece Goosy ey soo befoe me ke acos o a sae A spos speo emaae fom e ee pesoaes s sag o eef agas e ese back go of e Tey ooke so po w so mpeos a a a o eos Te coeace of e s Saa was of a bos � a e es of s boy oo ee was e sam ess a e aces wee wo o gve o Baccs Hs bea f ag es sowy a vae coo esembe voes a ae s eavy w e eas of som we s af ope ps wee ke wam ceses eag e ageeabe oo of efmees a weeve e sge msky secs g abo wee mae e ey gow of s bea Ao s ppe c ke a ge we a esce sepe a fe s ea a e owa m w a goos ve-eme eyes sspee om s v }e aeag w vas of sse coas kes a sa es e e aoe va wose coe was of a mos e a wc boe ese cos wos po boo a pefec coa; s ef a s abe Dk vo wce o ob o s s peases a s
pis spre he cgi f his mess wiches sh ighs A few liks f rke gle hi rgge his eli ce kles when hey hmpere him frce hm lk w vi s he ws he ever file mire his rilli e ils s highly plishe s precis gems He lke me wih his icslly s eyes, lle wih isiius iici s i melius vice f yu wsh if yu wsh wll mke yu he mser f livi mer s he culpr is f cly u cmprly greer mser yu shll kw he pleure cly reewe f escpig frm yurself frge yurelf i her eig f rcig yurself her suls le hemselve yurs A swere him "hk yu w e f yu hum wres h re prly eer h my w pr self. A lhugh ememerig mkes me mre r le shme sill hve esire frge hig; eve f i recg7e yu yu l mser yur myerius cu lery yur uius vils he cis hcklig yur fee re symls h emre clerly eugh he isvges f frieship wih yu Yu my keep yur gifs he sec h hig f h rgic he sme ime smilig ir r hse iiug mers r h euisie perfume euy He ws m f vs prpris wih eyeless cuece Hs hevy puch hug w ver
hs highs and his ski was gidd ausatd as thugh
e ll ver wih mses f lile hurryi gure repre seig umerus frms f uiverl misery here were le lile me wh h hug hemselves frm ils here were efrme skiy lile gmes whse supplicg eyes ege mre eluely fr lms h heir remlig h here were l mhers wih premure ifs cligig heir wse ress, here were pley f hers he gigic ppe his immese elly wih his s h here cme frm i prlge mellic
ended in ve ronin, o mn hmn voices And he lhed indecenl dislin hi deced eeh, gre imbe cilic lh lie h o cerin men in ever conr er he hve dined oo well And hi one id o me: cn ive o he hin ha will rocre o everhing ele; h i worh everyhng else; ha e he lce o everhin else nd he aed his monros bell whose onoro echo w commenar on hi vlgar oer rned w in diss a relied: " do no need oher eole miser or m enjomen, nd wan none o or welh hsl wih ll he misornes h or sin, lie wll aer, dila. A or he Sne, hold be lin i iled o admi h rs glance he eemed o me o hve singlar chrm And can nd no beer wa o denin hi chrm han b b comarin i o h o who will never row old nd whoe be eems o hold ome o old rins. She had an merios nd e nbridled ir nd her ees lhoh mred b he ers, sill held ll heir ower o acinion. h src me riclrl w he o her voice rndn me o ll he lovelies trat hd ever heard and lso o - q vtae old o lie roo o m ower? said he lse oddess in her rdoxicall edcive voice. "isen. And she onded n enormo rme having long rem er lie one o hoe rc ie h bore he name ll he newsaer o he word nd on hi she cried m nme, wic wen roing ra� he noise o a nd hnderbols. Ad i echo cme bac o me, rever· beraed rom he rhelne. h e id, hal won over "Now h i some hing " Bt div y < remember hvin n her beore somewhere drin· in wih ome o m cqainnce nd he hor sond o [
the brass brought bak to y ars a vagu reoetion o another rostitut trut ha har. So with a y sorn ri "Away wth you! a not one o arry th strss o a ertain rson o not ar to na O suh ouragous s·nia sury ha th right to b rou. But unhaiy whn awok a y orttu orsook . "n truth sai to ys, ust hav bn soun asee in to hav isay suh srus. Ah! ony the b o again a h sas An on th aou, bgging th to orgve , rosing to egra ys as oten as shou b nessary to wn thr avor. But ust sury hav ortay on th or thy hav ner rturne
E V E N N G AYGH fes
A gre pece esces pr ms
he ys wrk s were; hugs ke e eer swy s f wlg Ye, hrug he rspre clus f eveg gre clmr frm he p f e mu reces me my bl cy \ cfus f scr cres rsfrme by sce esle rmy lke f e rsg e r mpe g srm Wh re hese hpless es wm eveg brgs slce wm lke he wls, e pprc f g s e sgl fr wces-sbb Ts sse uu cmes me frm he blck muse perche e mu; s smke my eveg ppe cemplg e pece f e mmese vlley bslg w uses wse wws sy "Here s pece; ere s hppy fmly! c we e w blws frm up here cre my werg fcy s m f e hrmes f ell Twlgh eces mme remember w f my fres w lwys becme ll usk e f hem wul lse ll sese f he blgs f fresp f rry curesy wul y e rs cmer lke svge ve see m rw eee e ewer ecuse e mge e sw sme erglyphc sul Fr m eveg erl f ll vlupuus plesures sple ll gs eve he ms succule Te er prey sppe mb s ylg we beg gw ber glmy urrelsme ll ulge scble by y he ws pless g
[ 4
would ve furously o oly o ohers u o hself s well ll hs crepusculr splee The former ded se, ule o recogze hs wfe d chld; he ler s sll orured y perpeul dsueude d eve f ll he hoors h repulcs d prces c cofer were ow heped upo hs hed elee h wlgh would sll ucke hm feversh crvg for mgry dsc os Ngh whch led her ds wh s ow drkess rgs o me d lhough s o rre o oserve he se cuse rgg ou ever fls o o lrm me gh refreshg drkess o me you re he sgl for er fes my delverer fro gus he solude l of he l he so l rh of srs rgh urss of re he reery of y wlgh how swee you re how eder The rosy glow lgerg o he horzo lke he ls goy of dy couered y vcorous gh; he mes of he cdel g dull red splshes gs he suse's dyg glory; he hevy drperes h some usee hd drws ou of he deph of he s ll seems o me hose comple sees h lfes os solem momes wr wh ech oher s her y remd oe of hose curous cosumes dcers wer h revel uder drk rspre guze he ued speors o zzg sr us s he ecous he soer prese; d he gold d slver srs sprkled over represe he res of fcy h she rghly oly he deep ourg of he gh
A PHHROPC jrnalis says ha slide is bad r man kind and he spprs hs prpsiin like all nbelievers wih ciains rm he hrch Fahers knw ha he wilderness is a avrie han he Devil and ha he Spiri lbriciy is kindled in lnely places B i s pssible ha his slide is dangers nly r hse idle and vagran sls wh peple i wih heir wn passins and chimeras erainly a garrls man whse chie pleasre in lie is declaim rm plpi r rsrm wld rn he risk becm ing a raving maniac n Rbinsn rse's island. d n insis n my jrnalis having all he vires and he crage rse. B d bjec his dircing his impain agains he lvers slide and mysery. haering hmaniy is ll individals wh wld ace he deah penaly wih less hrrr i rm he p he scald hey were permied make a mighy harange wih n ear an nimely nerrpin rm he drms Sanerre d n piy hem since eel ha heir rarical esins prcre hem pleasres qie eqal hse whch hers derive rm slence and selcmmnin b despise hem A ask my crsed rnalis is be allwed amse mysel in my wn way. "And s he says wih his ms evan gelical and nasal inecin "y never eel he need sharing yr pleasres Ah he sble envy! He knws ha scrn his pleasres and he ries insinae himsel in mine he dis klljy Ta grea misrne n being able be alne
says a Bruyr sowhr as hough o sha hos who hav o go o crowds o org hsvs doubss arg ha hy coud o dur hsvs ao. "Aos a our s co ro o sayig i our ow roo says aohr ws a biv i was Pasca rcag ro hs c o scouio a hos ad who sk happss i acvy ad i wha gh ca, o us h wo dru aguag o h day h brothrhood o prosuo.
SAD o himsel as he waled hrough a grea loely par o beauiul she would be oe o se gorgeous ad elaborae cour cosumes as i he so eveig air she desceded he marble sairs o a palace acg broad laws ad laes! For by aure she has he ir o as Laer, passig hrough a he sopped i fro of a pri shop ad looig hrough a porfolio ad dig a piure of a scee he hough: "No! i is o i a palace ha I should lie o cherish her dear lfe. e should eve eel at hom i oe. Besides here would be o place o hose gold ecrused walls o hag her porrai ad hose ormal halls here s ever a imae corer Decidedly !� I have foud he place which o lve ad culivae he dream o my life. while his eyes coued o exame every deail o rhe Ad pri he we o musig A lovely woode cabi by he sea ad all aroud hose curous glossy rees whose ames I have orgoe . i he ar a ideable a ioxicaig ragrace . . he cab he heavy sce of mus ad roses . . ad arher behd our lile domai he ops of mass rocig o he waves . all aroud us beyod our bedroom wih s shuers sofeg he glare o a rosy glow ad decoraed wh cool mas ad heady owers ad Poruguese rococo chairs o heavy somber wood where she will si so calmly ad well aed smoig her slghly opiumed obacco ad beyod he verada he werg o birds dru wh he su ad he chaerg o lile egro girls . . . whle a gh as a acompame o my dreams he plaive sog o he musc [ 8
rees, he melancholy os ! Yes, ruly his is he sein 1 have been lookng for ha do 1 wan of a alace? And a litte farther on, as he was walkin alon a wide ave nue, he noticed a CQZ lle and n he window, ay wth curtans of srped calico, two lauhng faces And nstanty Really, he cried, wha a vagabond my mind must be to o oki so far aeld for leasure that is so near a han Pleasure and happiness are to be foun in he rst inn you come to, any chance nn eemn with delhts A rea wood re, audy crockery, a assable uper a vgorous wne, and a very we bed wih sheets, a lttle coarse but cool what could be ber? And oin ome a hat hour of the ay when sdoms counsels are not slenced by the roa of th outsde world, he sad to himself: have ossessed hree hoes today and as equally happy n all of the hy should 1 drive my body from plce o lace, when my soul ravels so lighy? An out ones since he s suent n tself?
[ 49
H S ovrwhs
h c wh s prpndcuar and fu nang ras; h sand s bndng and h sa grs. Th supd word wa succubs and as s ssa a ssa ha s a sor of dcous dah n whch h spr bwn spng and wang ass a h voupuous dgh of annhaon Manwh Doroha srong and proud as h sun was aong h dsrd sr h on vng hng a hs hour undr h bu a shnng bac spo n h sungh Sh was swang gn ro such a sndr was s on such gnrous hps! Hr pa pn drss of cngng s mas a ov conras wh h darnss of hr sn and mods accura hr ong bus h curv of hr bac and hr pond brass A rd paraso shadng hr from h sun rougs hr dus fac wh s boodrd gow h wgh of h norous p of har ha s aos bu pus bac hr dca had and gvs hr an ndon ru phan ar And h hav arrngs p charng scrs n hr pr ars From o m h sa br fs a cornr of hr owng sr rvang a uprb and gsnng g; and hr foo h f of h marb goddsss ha Europ ps carfu shu up n musus prns s mag fahful on h n sand For Doroha s such a prodgous coqu ha h pasur of bng admrd prvals wh hr ovr h prd of no ongr bng a sav and ahough frd sh s gos barfoo
T rml k r w pp lv d ml r w ml w d d f r mrrr r r d prd rr A r w v d w p dr w f w vl mv r lz Dr rd fl d l rz? lf r l rrd w m d wr mk prf dr mll ; wr lv d m r r mk d fd r fr f r z r mrrr wl pd r drd f w rv pwrfl d rm mp m r v ddrm d rm dr m r frm k f rrd wr r f rd r d r k r p? Prp rdzv w m r w d r rd mrd lk f fm Dr wld k m f r dr Op B d mpl rr f d rf d d r w v ld Kr w drk d dlr w plr; d f l fl Pr ld r mr fl ? Dr dmrd d pmprd wld prfl pp f l wr ld v p st st fr r ll r w ll f lv r ld d mr rd d fl wll d d kd Dr: mr mrl drd r f us
Y wud lie nw why I hae yu day? I wi erainly be harder fr yu undersand han fr me exlain fr yu are, believe he ms erfe exampe feminine imermeabiliy h exiss We ad sen a ln da eher wih me had seemed shr. We ad duy rmised ea her ha a ur hughs shuld be shared in mmn and ha ur w sus henerh be bu ne a dream whih afer all as nhing riina abu i exe ha ahu dreamed by every man n earh i has been reaized by ne Tha evening a ie ired yu waned si dwn in fn f a new af fmin e rner f a new buevard sill liered i rubbis bu layed rudly is unnished send e af was in Even he gas ghed wih all is burned wih a he mih e blinding whieness f he walls he exanse f mir rrs he d rnies drad an by unds n leas lauhin fans n heir wriss nymhs and dses beari n heir eads pies f fruis pats and Hebes and Ganymedes hding u ile amhras f syrups r arilred ies; and all andeQ uny f us a wrh man f abu in fry wih ired fae and greying beard anding hding a small by by e and and arrying n his arm anher ie hin sill wea wal He was paying nursemaid, aing e hildren fr an evenin sr Tey were in The hree aes were exrardinary serius and hse six eyes sared [ 52
xedy at the new a with adiratin equa in degree ut dierng n ind ardng t their ages The eyes the ather sad Hw eautiu it is! Hw eau tiul it is A the gd the pr wrd ust have und its way nt thse was The eyes the tte y: H eau tiul it is Hw eautu it is But it is a huse where ny pepe wh are nt e us an g. As r the ay he was uh t asnated t epress anything ut jy uttery stupid and prund. Sng writers say that peasure ennles the su and stens the heart The sng was right that evenng as ar as I was nerned. Nt ny was I tuhed y this aiy eyes ut I was even a ittle ashaed ur gasses and deanters t ig r ur thirst. I turned y eyes t int yurs dear ve t read thught in the; and as punged y eyes int yur eyes s eautiu and s uriusly st nt thse green eyes he Capre and gverned y the Mn yu said "Thse pepe are insuerae with their great sauer eyes Can't yu te the prpetr t send the aa S yu se hw dilt it is t understand ne anther y dear ange hw inuniae thught is even etween tw pepe in lve.
[ 53
FU wa a adrabl buoo d almo l o of h Pr' frd Bu for m rofo o b fuy rou h hav a faal arao ad o day alouh may m ra ha da of arom ad lbry hould a do oo of a mummr bra Faoull jod a oray by ra dod formd obl of h ou <r x vywhr worhy m alway rady o d ou hr mor arablar brohr wo lo o dhro r ad whou bohr o oul o rou oy h obl quo wr arrd a wl a Fa oull ad all of hm fad ra dah ould radly blv ha h Pr wa qu u ou o d h favor layr amo h rbl h Pr wa hr br or wor ha ohr m; bu hav a v bly h wa ral far mor rul ha h fllow A aoa lovr of h ar a wll a a xll o our h wa a aloh aabl voluuary dr ouh rard o m ad moral hmlf a ral ar h dradd o my oly Bordom; ad h xravaa or h mad o vaquh o o ouw h yr h world woul mo ral hav wo hm h of nr hora f h Pr domo ay o had b rmd o wr ayh havr whh d o m luvly for laur or for aohm o of laur' mo dla form h mforu of h Pr wa o hav a a va ouh for h u hr ar you Nro d oo arrow boud who am ad 54
good ittios wi forr rmai uow to futur gra· tios A dss Proidc ad gi tis Pric facutis gratr ta is domais Suddy a rumor sprad tat t sorig ad dcidd to pardo a t cospirators; ad t origi of tis rumor was a aoucmt tat a magict patomim was to gi i wic aciou woud pay o f is most famous o of is most sussfu ros ad at wic t co dmd os it was said wr to prst; a idt proof addd suprcia mids of t grous prociitis of t odd Pric O t part of a ma so aturay ad diraty cctric aytig was possi irtu cmcy spciay if i it coud op to d som uxpctd pasurs. But for tos wo i mysf ad prod dpr ito tat curious sic sou it was iity mor proa tat t Pric watd to tst t au of t istrioic tat of a ma codmd o - wat to prot ti ocasio to ma a pysio ogica xpimt o a caital itrst to d out to wat xtt a artists facutis migt cagd or modid i a situatio as xtraordiary as tis; yod tat was tr i is mid praps a mor or ss dit ida of mrcy? is is a poit tat as r carid. At ast t grat day aig arrid tis itt court dis· payd a its pomps; ad it woud dicut to coci uss o ad s it wat icrdi spdor t priigd cass o a ty stat wt mt rsourcs was a to mustr or a ota occasio. is o was douy so y t wodr of t uxury dispayd as w as y t mystious mora itrst attacig to it Su Faciou xcd spciay i sit parts or os wit fw words wic ar ot t pricip ros i tos fairy patomims wos ojct is to rprst symoicay t mystry of if H cam out igty oto t stag wit a prfct as tat cormd t o audic i its otio of cmcy ad pardo [ 55
� ( C I
e L
Wh pop say of a acor: Wha a ood acor h ar usi an prssio which implis ha ba h characr hy can si disiuish h acor, ha is o sa ar, or, oio Bu if a acor shoud succd in bi, in raion o h par h payd, wha h bs saus of aiquiy, if mirau ousy aimad h id, wad ad saw, woud b i raio o h ra, h cofusd ida of bauy, ha woud dd b a siuar cas ad aohr uhard of acioul was ha ih jus such a prfc idaiaio, so ha o coud o hp bii i h imrsoaio as ai, possib ad ra h buoo cam ad w lauhd ad wp, ad lasd io fury, wih aways abou had a irishab auro, iisibl o all, bu isib o m, ha bdd i a sra amaam h bams of Ar ad h or of Maryrdo aul, y wha spcial rac cao say, irodud somhi of dii ad supraura io his mos raaa buoonris My pn mbs ad ars of a moio ha has r lf m, l my ys, whi loo for words o dsrib for ou ha uforab i aciou prod o m i h mos prmpory, h mos irrfuab way, ha h ioicaio Ar of h ra abyss ad ha ius ca pay a par, ra, wih such joy ha i dos no s h ra, os, as i is, in a paradis ha shus ou a houh of dah ad dsrcion h who audic, bas ad friolous houh hy wr, sldr of h aris No houh rmaid of dah, of mouri, or of puishm. Ery o a himsf up wihou a quam o h oupuous ad mui uous pasurs s o a masrpc o ar aords Eposios of dih and admiraio aai ad aain rrbrad o h aus of h dic wih h nois of a coiuous hundr h Pric himsf, i a fry of ioi caio, joind i h appaus of his cour Howr, for a discri , his iicaio was o wihou alo Did h fl himsf chad i his dspoic powr, [ 56
umd s o sg o o s d c o sous fusd hs ops oud s focss Such supposos o og jusd y o ujus, houg my md w I wcd Pc's f s ov hs u po w po spd sow fg upo sow. Hs ps w mo d mo gty compssd d s ys zd w smg of jousy o sp v w ossy ppudd s fo sg uoo wo ow pyd d's uoo so supy. A c mom I sw s Hgss u owd pg sdg d m d wsp s A ogus m sd coss cds cmg fc d f oy o s f o cy ou som ug commsso A fw mus s poogd ss o upo Fcou o of s gs moms dg s d s Ad fom p of wc s u pcd u d com cd dd ou o codo w sd ug Fcou wd fm s dm csd s ys d w mos oc opd m g y smd o v gow ody g, opd s mou s houg suggg sggd fowd sp cwd d £ ddpo sg Hd ss swf s swod y fusd hgm? Hd Pc fos omcd vu of hs us? Thisg;d fo dou. d g s csd s m cou It s sw gm to p so . T gu os hd joyd dgs of fo T sm g y w cd fo f. S sv oms justy cd my cous v com o cou of * u o s v o ppoc mcuous of Fcou o o s o sm avo
W WR eain he bani' I aw friend aref
earain hi ne in he ef e f hi waia he ied a he d iee in he rih he ier in hi ef rer e he a handf f ennie and na in he rih afer he aref rin a wfran iee Wha a e diribin I aid ef Sn we aed bea wh hed hi a wih a rebin hand r e an f feein wh i abe read e e ene he I nw nhin re a aer ea ee and Thre i in he ehin f he rnd and e ein be een in he eared ee f a M friend' erin wa niderab arer han ine and aid h Y are rih ne feein rrie neef here i n reaer eare han iin ene ee a r rie I wa nerfei he reied ranqi a hh if h B ierabe brain whih i freer in a a anen wha an ehain fa nare ha ien e he idea dden rred e ha h nd in friend wa n a if i ae fr f brinin e eieen n he r de erha een ein r herwie ha a nerfei in in he hand f a bear ih enender_ Mih i n in f i n a ead rin baer a aen eeer fr inhae hi arreed a a nerfeier r a dieinar f bad ne B n he her hand he nerfei 58
n f a p tt spulat, mght wl b th gm f sa days wath And s my fany an t ndng wngs t my fnd's magnatn and dawng all pssb ddutns fm al pssbl hypthss But h udly shattd my by patng my wn wds "Ys, yu a ght th s sw plasu than t sup a man by gng hm m than h pts d hm squay n th y and was appad t s that hs ys shn wth unqustnabl and undstd pfty thn that hs bt had b t pfm a hatab dwh mang a gd suatn; t gan ft sos ad Gds ht t th sam m and t wn paads nmay t gs a ld s f t� phnsbl nymnt had ust bn suppsng hm apab f; shud ha fund shg astng n hs ds t m pms paups; but wll n padn hm th npttud f hs aluatn. b man s n usabl but th s sm tu n nwng that n th fgab s t�t
th w b I t ms st b msts Bg whm I h ws g t w thgh h s hm b g hm t mst h t sm s t m h pss h g m whh ws t b w hm s s st t hs hs s t mgt sbt wg s b thg th pp hbtts s bs A t sm t m tht I sh h pss ts ht g ht s t wtht ssptg tht h ws th t h st thgh msph th p m stts gt th ts hs h bth smb btt sm t tht whh th ts ts mst h t wh g th ht s bth th ght t t hg th sthg s ms ss th s g t s th pts g th ws h g t t th th twg ws th s H w stg s m wm wh w m wth th sg but sm t mmb hg s thm b bt t ht p wht ts t ws mpssb t th sp m sm pth th th tht pphs mm s b th sht thg w t ttmpt t g sm th sg pss th s sh s tht h s s tht sh s wth th h bm wth th mmt t thmss B th tm m hst w st w w m SAY
[ 60
reds e ate we drak oderatey o a sorts o extraor dary wes, ad o ess extraordary was the act that ee ater seera hours t seeed to e that I was no ore druk tha he But gag, that superhua peasure, had terrupted, at ders teras, our reuet batos, ad shoud aso say that, wth perect ad heroc heedessess I had bdg pact. he sou s a so es so the so useess ad wthat I et soewhat ess eoto oer oss t a had dropped y / ard out Sowy we soked eera cgars whose coparabe taste ad aroa ade the sou hoesck or coutres ad peasures t had eer kow, ad druk wth a these deghts, a access o aarty that dd ot see to dspease h, I had the teerty to exca as ted y brg gas "o your orta heath, Od Harry e taked o the uerse, o ts creato ad o ts a o cetury progress perectabty, geera atuato ths subject was eer at a loss for gay and irrefutable ironies , and he expressed himself
wth a subte address ad passbe huor such as I hae ot et wth ee the ost aous takers o huaty. He expaed the absurdty o the deret phosophes whch hae up to the preset te had possesso o the hua bra, ad he ee deged to duge certa udaeta prcpes wose possesso a beets o ot t expeet to share wth a sge sou He dd ot copa o the bad reputato he ejoys eery corer o the word, ad assured e that o oe was ore terested the suppresso o sust ton tha hse, a adtted that the oy te he had eer trebe or hs power was the day whe a preacher had excaed ro hs pupt My beoed brothers, eer orget whe you hear peope boast o our progress eghteet that oe o the des best ruses s to persuade you that he oes ot exst 6
he recoecon o hs noed oror ed us nury o he subjec o nsuons o ernng nd y srnge be copnon od e h n ny cses he dd no hn beneh h o nspre he pen he speech nd he conscence o nd h he os nrby ended n per son hough nsbe cdec ssebes Encourged by so uch ndness sed h or news o God nd wheher he hd seen h receny. e reped wh n nderence nged wh sdness "e bw o ech oher when we ee e wo webred od geneen whose nne couresy s neerheess no sucen o wpe ou he eory o od grudges. doub s ghness hs eer beore ccorded such ong nerew o spe or nd ered us be presung. A s s sherng dwn whened he wndow pnes hs ous chrcer sung by so ny poes nd sered by so who wor or hs gory wh ou nowng sd o e "As wn you o e wy n greebe reebrnce o e - Sn he gong o proe o you n spe o he h s sd o e h cn soees be good dev o use one o your popu r epressons. o copense you or he rreedbe oss o yur sou sh ge you he se se you woud he won chnce hd been wh you h s he possby o eng nd oercong or your enre e h srnge dsese o Boredo whch s he source o your s nd your serbe progress. Neer sh you orue wsh h w no hep you o ree; you sh done your ugr eowen; ey sh be yous nd een doron; ser god donds nd ry pces sh coe seeng you ou beggng o be cceped whou your hng o nger o obn he; you sh chnge nony nd counry s oen s your ncy dces; you sh now he noc on o pesure whou sey n oey nds where s wys wr nd where he woen se s swee s he owers 62 J
t cta t cra . h a as h os an smss m wth a ny sm. ha no n aai o maassng hm o ha as assmy, wo wngy ha an on my ns a th t o ths gnos gam, o than hm o hs nhao mncnc Bt at ha t hm tt y t, ot cpt ac nto my ast no ong a to n sch pogos goo otn an whn wnt o ha nght otcy sayng my pays ot o hat an ha asp, mm h Go! Lo my Go! Ma th p hs poms
DOUARD A sad m frend "are as nnumerable erhas as he relans f men eah her and f men and hngs. An when he llusn dsaears when ha s we see ersns r hngs as he reall are deahed frm urselves we hve a srange mlex flng half regre fr he vanshed hanm hal agreeable surrse a he aearane f hs nvel, f hs real hng f here s ne bvs, rdnar, neverhangng henmenn f a nare mae msarehensn mssbe s sre mherlve s as dl agne a mher whu mherlve lgh whu hea s n he er fel legae arbue all a mher's as and wrds n regard her hld mher·lve And e le me ell hs lle sr n whh wll see hw was sngarl deeved b hs ms nara llsn. B m rfessn as a aner a eled srnze aenvel ever fae, ever hsgnm ha mes m wa ad nw wha delgh we aners ae n ha aul whh gves mre zes and sgnane lfe fr s han r her men n he he wa neghbrhd where lve and where grea grass saes sll searae he hses, sed wah a eran lle b whse eager mshevs fae aealed me mre han an f he hers e sed r me several es and wld dsgse hm smemes as a lle gs, smees as an ange smemes as he mhlgal ud aned h wh he agran msans vln wh he rwn hs and he Nals he rss and wh he
tor of ro Fll me to te u delt te u ter' droller tt oe d 1 ed pret o ere ver poor, to let e eep m, prom to dre m ell, to e m lttle oe, d ot to mpoe o m n t ore oerou t le m brue nd runnng errnd After e d bee ell rubbd te bo rell r d te lfe e ed t e eemed to m prde ompred to tt ret reted ole Onl mut te ltte fello ofte toed e b trne t of preoou melol ell b mmoderte rvng oo m fet telf for ur nd rt t d oe to u p tt oe d e d oted tt n pte of r e d bee plfer n treteed to ed m b to pret te ent out d m r ept e for oderbe tme Wt orror nd tupefton e ope m door te rt obet tt met m ee m tte , te mevou ttle ompon of m e, hng ro t rdobe over ere! H eet mo toued te groud r e d evdent ed out o te , ove tured bede m ed onvuve ted to one de e oen nd ee, de open, tred terrg t tt gve te uon o e o e m do ot e t ou mt tn He lred t nd fet n epe revuon to ettng h dro to te oor obed to utn oe et t o m w ree nd u e rope u o ll te lttle ret d ued uh tn rope tt t d u deep nto te e nd to ree ne d to d fo te rope betee te eln t pr o e or neleted to tell ou tt , n the rt pe, lled utl or ep but m nebor d reed to ome to tne tre n t to te pree o vlzed mn o do not o , ll ve o prt te r o te ned Fll dotor rrved o delred tt te ld d bee ded for eerl our lred We ter e d 65
to udss hm o ua, th ody was so gd that, ua to d s ms, w w od to ut hs os to mov thm "h o sgat, to whom atuay had to ot th sud, yd m aowy sayg: Somthg susous oog aout s omtd, o dout oth y soa as ad th ossoa hat o tyg to st to to ot ad guty a "h sum tas was st to aoshd th vy thought o whh ausd m a uaa agsh hs ats had to tod My t smy sd to ta m At ast summod u a my ouag. But to my gat astoshmt th moh mad umovd, ot a ta td om h ys. I attutd to th xtm hoo sh must ad ad th wow sayg: h dst soows a s' As o th ath ha hush ha sv a h oud to say was t's a o t st guss woud hav om to a ad way Mawh th dy was ad ot o m soa ad I was tag a o th a dtas assstd y a svat wh th moth td sudo Sh watd to s th ody o h so sh sad I oud hady vt h vg h soow o us h ths sum ad som osoato h sh asd m to show h th a wh h oy had hagd hms Oh o Mada' I d that w too a u o you.' Ad as voutay my ys tud towad th aa wado, saw wth ug d wth hoo, hat th a had t th a wth a og o o st dagg o t I ushd ov to mov ths ast sgs o h agy ad was aou to g tm out o t o wdow, wh th oo woma sd my am ad a sst vo sad Oh Mosu t m hav thm g mo you! dsa ddd ust hav so ad h that sh had sd wth a asoat ogg o th stut o h so's dath ad dsd to t as a ho ad hshd . Sh too osssso o th o ad th a ]
t s t st t s o s otg mo fo m to o ut to go c to o mo fuous t tg to out t tt cops tt coouto of m os gost ut m t s gt st g s But t foog c p of tts som fom tts m o ug som fom gog ouss; o fom t st oo; ot fom t sco; ot fom t t so fot so o; som lf pfu st som jog tg to t gss t ust; t ots goss z mssp ut t t sm ojct to psu m to t tm pc of t ft tc op. mog t sgtus must s t mo om's t ms; ut ssu ou t ot com fom t o csss ms. pt tos tts. t s t su tt t upo m t mot so ous to gt posssso of t op t sot of t s s cotmptg fo cosolto.
[ 67
I garde here he ama eemed to iger ith are der a y aready oieaby iged ith gree i hih he gode od aied ie riig oiet for beaif hidre, for boy , ird robaby of heir gam ere aig_ e of hem aid Yeterday I a a to the hatre here are grea ad aa ad behid them yo a e he y ad he ea here are me ad ome very rio ad ad oo ad mh more baif ad beatify dreed tha ay yo have ever e ho ea to eah oher i igog voie hey threae eah othr hy io hey ar i dair ad they are aay tig heir had to dagger hr ito their be h! b i i beatif! he ome are mh more beatif ad mh ar ha ay ha ome o or hoe ad athogh hey are rrifyig ith heir grea hoo eye ad heir amig red hee yo a he faig i ov ih e Yore frighed ad yo a t ry, bt omeho yo are hay oo Ad the, ha fier i mae yo a o b dreed ie ha oo, o ay ad do he ame hig ad o ea i he ame id of voie e of he for hidr ho for ome ime had ot bee ieig to i orad dicor ad had bee oog ih extraordiary xiy at oe dita oi i he y ddey exaied Loo oo here! o yo e him? He i iig o tha it od a by itef hat i the oor o re ad move o oy I thi i ooig at oo ho are yo ag abot? aed he oher od he reied i a oe of omee ovitio Ah [
He i far aay aready; n e han be abe t ee him a mre ue he i in vii her unrie See he i abu diaear behind ha r f ree n he hri . and n he i oi dn behind he hurh er A yu a ee him any mre And fr a n hie the hid remained ari in he ame direin a he ine that earat heaven and earh hi eye brih ih an ideribabe exre in f eay and rere H iy he i ih hi d Gd ha bdy ee bu him aid a hird a by he he ie bein a buri ih animatin and an exrardiary viaiy N I a e yu mehin ha haeed me a bi mre ierei ha yur heatre ad yur ud A fe day a my are t me i hem n a ri and a he in here e ed a rded and here ere mre bed hey deided hat hud ee in he ame bed a my nure He dre hi mrade er arund him ad ered hi vie ertainy ive y a funny feei n be eei ae and t be in bed ith yur nure and i he dar ud ee hie he a eein amued myef trin her arm and her ne and her huder Her arm ad ne are muh bier ha a her men and her in i f fuy ft i fee ie riin aer r iue aer enjyed i muh ud have e frever ny a afraid afraid rt f a f ai her ad afraid f d n hat S hen buried my head in her hair a hi a a hre a covrg her a ad u m a a he er i hi arde me n f yu ever e the hane ry d he ame yu ee Wie ain he eye f e yu authr f hi revea i had ideed ih a r f uefai a ha he a i feein and he ih f he ein u ayin i hi unidy red ur eemed be ihtin u a uhuru auree f ain a eay enuh freee ha hi by ud n ae hi ife in fr Gd i he ud and ha he ud frequey nd him mehere ee 69
ia, t urt b sai u kw at it is't awu amusi r m at m I am vr tak t t tatr m uaria is mu t sti G vr pas a attti t m a m brm, a I av't a bautiu urs t ud I av t tut tat wat I' ik mst t wu b t wak strait aa m witut kwi wr I was was i i a wit witut ut a bt bt riri abut abut m, ad awas si w utris I am vr tt awr, a wrvr I am, I awas tik it wud b bttr sm wr s W, at t ast air w wt t i t t via, I saw tr m w iv t wa I' k t iv u ws id't ti tm wr ta, t wr amst bak, a aut, atu rssd i ras, wit a air aski avrs bd ir rmus bak s s trrib w t wr pai tir musi su astisi musi rst it mad u wat t a t it ma u wat t r, r bt at , a it wu riv u ma i u st t it t . O tm, as drw is bw arss t stris is vii smd t b ti sm srrw, t tr, maki is it ammrs ump abut t stris t ti pia u rm a strap arud is k, sm t b maki u is patrs' amtatis, wi t tird, vr w ad t wu bri is mbas ttr wit a vit ras wr i msvs s mu tat t wt pai tir wi musi v ar t rw a disprs ia t pik up tir pis, put tir baa tir baks a wt awa But I wat t ut wr iv s I wd tm at a ista t wr t rst bis, a t I urst t d' iv a wr a w put up t t tm asd. Wat's t us a bautiu it i tis! atr rpi tird w was uti tir aris, said s pp av i r musi ad tir wivs a ik bars Luki w' b i Austria i a mt wr pp ar mr arab [ 7
W' btt t g tw Sp' s f th hs th ss's pt w g I f g th s wtg thg bt whsts' s I' b thg. Aft tht ch f th cp f b wt t sp th fcs t tw th sts At st I wt t bg th t t wh th t tch t p th stts; bt I 't pbb bcs t s ws s h t c thg t s bcs I ws f f bg cght bf I c gt t f Fc. F th t f hs th cps I c tht ths gs ws f th un-undrstood I t h cs th ws hs hs f h tht sthg s pt ft whch b ts spt bt whch f s s ct t sch tt tht f stt I h th stg tht I ght w t h bth. Th s h g w. ght ts st h t ts pc Th bs sp ch sg t cscs s c ccstcs w c t ctt hs t t scz hs ghbs t gtt tw g sh.
[ 7
Franz zt
a hyrsus? n is reigious and oei sense i is he saerdoal embem of riess and riesesses when eebraing he deiy whose inerreers hey are Bu hysially i is us a si a simle si a sa o hod u hos a ro for raining vines, sraih, hard and dry Around his si in ariious onvuions, sems and owers ay and gambol some sinuous and wayward ohers hanging lie bes or lie gobes u· side down And an amazing resendene surges from is om leiy of lines and of deliae or brillian olos Dos i no seem as hough e urvilinear and he siral ines were our ing he sraigh line and were daning around i in mue admiraion Does i no seem as hough all hose deliae oroas, a hose ayes in an eosion of sens and olors were eeuing a myserious fandango around he hierai rod Bu wha imruden mortal would dare o say wheher he owers and he vines have been made for he si, or wheher he si is no a ree for dislaying he beauy of he vines and he wers he hyrsus is an image of your asonishing quaiy grea and veneraed Maser, dear Bahane of mys erious and assionae Beauy. Never did a nymh, driven o frenzy by he invinibe Bahus, shae her thyrsus over he heads of her maddened omanions wih suh energy and wan onness as you your genius over he hears of your brohers he rod is your will seady, sraigh and rm, and he owers he wanderings of your fany around your wi, e feminine eemen eeuing is bewihing irouees around e male S
Staght lin and aabsqu, intntion and sson, in bt of th w, sinuosit of th wod unit of th goa, ait f th mans, allowful and indiisib amagam of gnus, what anast would ha th dtstabl ouag to diid and sara a Liszt, though th mists and bond th is, in dstant ts wh anos sng ou go, and whr nting sss tanslat ou wisdom, whr ou ma b, whth suoundd b th sndos of th tnal it, o in th mists of thos dam ountis Gambinus onsos, imosng songs of jo and of inabl soow, or ondng to a ou abstrus mditatons, sing of Pas and of tnal Anguish, hilosoh, ot, atist, saut o n mmotait!
7 J
SHOULD wys b du ts t gt tg; t oy
qusto. Not to f t ob bud of wigg o you souds d bowig you to t t, you soud b du wtout spit Du wt wt? t w, wit poty, o wt vitu, s you ps But gt du Ad if sotis you soud pp to w o t stis of p, o t g gss of dt t dy soitud of you ow oo, d d tt you duss s bbg o s visd, s t wid d t wv s st, bid, o o, s vytig tt s, vytg tt os, vy tig tt ows, vytig tt sigs, vytg tt sps s t t t d t wid , t wv t st, t bid d t o w py It is to gt du If you ot to b t tyd svs of i b pptuy du! t w, wt poty o wt vtu, s you ps
A HUNDRED TIMES ly th u h ug t ut f th mm vt f th hu tm h lug ck klg uly t th vt th f vg F um f y w h l t ctmlt th th f th mmt t ch th cltl lht f th t A th g guml gwl h ch f l m v t ggvt th tmt "A w v g t jy l wthut g t ut y th wv kt wk y th w tht lu th w A w v g t t mt tht t lty th lmt th u O t utly mmvl m ch t gt t m thugh f th w th ufthful lltm wv All w y th mg f th l tht thy wul lly lv hv t g gly hvu ml At lt w cm ght f th ct w w w cu th t w mgct zzg A lf wt u m t cm fm t mumu th h ch vgtt f vy k hl f ml u lcu fgc f fut w mmtly vyy w hy vyy ct h hum All ul w fgtt ll wg cclly ; pcct ul w fm th mmy c vh lk mk w ccvly k t wh G cul t wthut htkg h tch
ierness ear mysel away rm he sa s mnnsly se· dive, s inily varied in her ad seem· ing ain ad represe y all her hangig mds, he agers, smiles, hmrs agies and esasies all he sls wh have live, wh live, r wh will se day live! sayig arewell his inparale eay, was sad deah; ad ha is why when all my mpanis were sayig " las! ld ly ry Aready Neverheless, here i was, lad wih is nises is passins all is wares and is esiviies; i was a dazzlig, a magien lad ll prmises ad rm whih a myseris perme ms and rses ame driig s ad lie a amrs whisper he myriad msi lie
76 ]
fro osde no an open wndow one never sees as uch as when oe oos hrogh a cosed wndow here s nohng ore proound ore serous ore pregnan ore nsdos ore dang han a wndow ghed b a snge s cande one can see ou n he ess In ha neresng han wha goes on behnd a wndow or square fe suers Across ocean of roofs I can see a ddeaged woan her face aread ned, who s forever bendng over soehng and who never goes ou Ou of her face her dress and her gesurs, ou of praca nohng a a I have de up hs woan's sor, or raher egend, and soees I e o sef and weep f had been an od an I coud have ade up hs jus as we And go o bed proud o have ved and o have suered n soe one besdes sef Perhaps ou wl sa Are o sure ha our sor s he ea one u wa does aer wa rea s ousde sef so ong as has heped e o ve o fee ha I a and wha a? OOKI·
77 ]
hs s m ut hy th tst to y ds! m cosumd y ds o t th wom who d to m so y d who so ucy d utu gtd thg th oyg s hd s h s cd wy to h ght. ow og t s ow sc sh dsd Sh s utu d mo th utu sh s susg. Dss h ouds d tht sh ss s octu d ooud ys two cs wh mysy dmy gsts d ghtg sh h gc umts s th h comd h to c su o c mg c s oug out ght d hss ut sh ms o th th o th moo whch hs suy md h wth ts ottous uc ot th wht moo o dys whch sms gd d ut th ss d toctg moo tht hgs d stomy ght hutd y th d couds ot th dsct d cu moo tht sts u m wh hy s ut th moo to om th sy th coud d dgt moo tht th hss Wtchs cuy com to dc o th ghtd gss! h tt ohd s htd y tcous w d ds o h ow t o hs dsu cou tc wth sst osts ug o th uow d th moss usts wh ss oss wd mouth d d wht d ug tht ms o dm o th mc o su ow oomg o occ so h wom who s you wth th ds to cou thm d to t you su o thm ut hs o s you oy wth th ds to d sowy h h gz [ 8 J NAPPY
T who i caric il, lookd in hrough your wi dow a you lay al in your cradl and aid Thi child la And downily dnding hr airway o cloud h ad hrough h widow a wihou a oud Thn h rhd hrl or you wih a ohr carul ndrn and l hr color on your a Tha i why your y ar grn ad your hk xraordinarily al Ad i wa whn you lookd a h iior ha your y grw o wondrouly larg; and h clad your hroa o drly ha you ha wand o w r i A h a i in h ulln o hr joy h oon r add h whol roo lik a hohori aohr lik a luinou oion; and all ha liig radianc hough and aid: By y ki ak you rally in You hall b bauiul a a bauiul. You hall lo wha lo and wha lo war cloud ilnc and h nigh; h grn unahoabl a; war wihou or and ulior; h lac whr you re o; or you w nr now; onrou owr; dliriou ru; languorou a who li on iano and oan li won wih w ad huky oice And you hall b lod by y lor ourd by y courir You hall b qun o all n wih grn y who hroa ha lad in y nourna car; o ho who lo h a h grn nahoabl uuluo a; war wihou or and ulior h la whr h ar no h woa hy will nr know inir owr lik nr o rang rgion ru ha roubl h wll 79
avae and vlupuu ea ha ae he emem he madne And ha h dea p accued chd am n a u ee eachn u a e he eecn he dead Gdde he aeul dmhe and pnnue mn
mad en
R A O ?
a an Bnda wo d a and a w
da and wos s sad sds o ongng o ganss bau and go o vng a mas a man b n mmoa Bu s mauous g was oo auu o v ong and so was a on a w das a ad om o now s dd and bud w m own ands on da wn Spng was swang s ns o gaads d w m own ands and su no a on o snd and noup wood os o nda And w m s s gazd on spo w m asu a bud a a on saw a au wo ood sngua dasd sampng up and down on s a n a sang sa nz and wo sad as s sd w au Loo a m! am a Bnda! a p uss! And o puns ou o ou bndnss and ou o ou sa o m as am Bu was uus and d "No! no! no! And o mpa s m usa I sampd so von o a a m g san no nw dug gav up o m n and now a wo aug n a ap am d as paps ov gav o da.
IS ery ugy Se s eereess eleable me a oe
ae mare er w er aws, a ruey au er a eer sa, eery ss seal someg of you a fresess Se s realy ugy Se s, f you le, a, sper, seleo ee bu se s also e raug a refreses, mag a magsery! I sor se s equse me ou o spo e sparlg armoy of er wa or aer e esruble eegae of er paopy oe as o ae e sweeess of er l's brea; or as me or ou a ar of er aboug mae from wose wl perfumes all e ma aly of e Fre M s eae Nmes A, Ares, Ao, arboe, ououse amorous armg es blesse by e su Valy ae me a loe su er o er ey ae o e leas mse e lluse bu eeral arm of er boys breas or peraps, bu o weary a always galla, se mae oe of oe of ose orougbres a e eye of a rue oosseur wl alway reogze ee we aresse o a re a or lumberg oa And hn sh i gnl an fr! Sh l n
loes e fall of e year; e omg of wer woul seem as lge a fres re er ear a ere s eer ayg resoe abo e serly of er eeress
A -lkng man ener and lks at hmsel in a mrrr "Why d yu lk at yursel n the glass snce the sght yur reectn can nly e panul t yu? he appallnglkng man replies: r accring the mmrtal prcpes '89, all men are equal ee the law therere I have h rght t lk at mysel n the glass wth pleasure r pan that s an entirely persnal matter In respet cmmn sense, I was certanly rght ut rm the pnt iew the law, he was nt wrng
S-POR s pes pce o sou won ou w e's sugges e wde expnse o sky e mobe couds e eve cngng coos o e se e sng bems o e g-ouses om psm mveousy desgned o gden wou eve ng e eye e sps w e ong sm nes nd com pced ggng so gceuy de e swes seve o keep ve n e sou se o ym nd beuy And bove o e mn wo s os cuosy mbon ee s so o myseous nd socc pesue n wcng s e ecnes n e bevedee o ens on e moe e buse o peope evng o peope eunng peope wo s ve enoug enegy o ve deses wo s dese o voyge wo s dese o ge c
I M'S budir that is in the smkingrm an elegant gamblighuse ur men were smking and drinking hey were nt precisely yug nr yet ld they were neither hand· sme nr ugly; but yug r ld they all bre the umistakable sigs veterans that indescribable smethig that cld sadness plainly "We have lived t the ull r smething we can lve and respect One them tured the cversati t the subject wme wuld have bee mre philsphical nt t talk abut them at all but ater intelligent men are nt abve cmmnlace dicurse And ne listens t what is said as ne listens t dance music "Every man he began "was nce Cherubin's age That is the time when i there are n dryads abut ne embraces the trees It is the rst degre lve In the secnd degree ne begins t chse T be able t discriminate is already a sign decadece t is then that ne decidedly lks r beauty As r me gentleme I am prud t say that I have lng ag arrived at the climacteric perid the third degree when beauty itsel n lnger suces unless it be seasned with per· cee� it that I smetimes lng the urth deree a r unknwn happiness sice it ust I am sure be distingushed by abslute alm But thrughu my lie ecept at the age Cherubin I have always been mre aected than ther men by the eervati abut ing medicrit � ' wmen T 8 5 _
,' » c � O vV J (
siiiy ay e hen hw y as isress ae e . '<
e was he ieiimate her rince Beati ha es with syin therwise why sh 1 he en her she sie th seni iy y ein ineeny mnsrsy itis She ws the sr wmn wh ws awys wani y the mn re nt a n! Ah! i 1 were ny a n! O the w s I m rey he mn! Sh were he insere rerins h me mth rm whih 1 wne ny sngs sr I 1 et my mirtin me she w strightwy sy: Y hin i ery re nt y? Bt re y ny jge reness' An she w egin t re One ne ay she hemistry n ater h 1 awys n a ss ms eween her is n ine An hen wha a re! I n sin I she her y smewht mrs gesre she w rei ie a sensitie n "B hw i i en inerre ne he en I neer new y h s mh tiene G he reie inariy sies remey r eery i One ay I n my Miner wh ha sch a hirs r ie re tttt with y e n in sre whih I et e it inen n e reire isreety s s me hem sh h eenin 1 ismisse he th ter yin hem heir wges in rrears We as r s I nerne wen n he an wh ha inerre I he n ne me yse Hainess enere y hse an 1 ie regnize her N s ny yers a Fe rnte e he ssessin a wman wh ws with he sweetest the ms smissie n he ms ete retre in the wr An wih enthsism! rse wan sine y esre ht ws her inriae answer; n 1 ssre i y were gie his w r h s a stin w raw them mre han he s thres e eer rew rm my isresss res. Ater iin
j I
nfessed that she had never fe tether fr a year she i ve The uequa due ended by disustin he east me ad s this inmparabe ir t hersef married Sme years ater the fay stru me t see her aai After shwin me her si beautifu hidre she said " We dear fried the wife is sti as vrnal as yur mistress was' Nthi abut her had haed. Smetimes have my rerets shud have married her The thers auhed ad the third bea i his tur "Geteme have w a srt f sue whih yu have prbaby eeted refer 0 medy i v ad medy that i way eudes admirati admired my ast mistess beieve mre tha yu ved r hated yurs. Ad every e ie mysef was i admirati befre her Wheever we wet frt their t a restaurat after a few mmets w fd t wath her eat Eve the waiters ad the sidi ver the des auht by this taius estasy ft their duties. shrt ived itimatey fr sme time with a ivi pheme She ate hewed muhed ured uped ad swait et mt r£�air in t e i estasy fr a time She had suh a ete dreamy Eish ad rmati way f sayi am hury Ad day ad niht dispayi the prettiest eeth imaiabe she wud repeat these wrds whih s t�d and ted me at the same time. ud have made a frtue dpayng h a a a a
oou mor d
her we but in spite f that she eft me Fr a whesae rer dubt We smethin f the srt a id f mmissary er wh by sme uers tri wn ith y t himsef is abe t eep the pr hid the ratis f severa sdiers That at east have away suppsed As fr me th furth e said have endured the mst atrius suer thruh the eat ppsite f what is w and reprved as femie seshess d it quite thaess [ 87 ]
f yu, far frunae ras, an f he erfe ns f yu sesses hs was sad n a serusness by a an wth a gene and ad ar and an as era hysgny bu ghed unfrunaey by very ae grey eyes; the srt f eyes tha say I wsh ! r, Yu us r ese I never frgve! Nervus as nw yu be, G _, ardy and frvus as yu K and J bh are . f yu had been yed a ertan an I have nn yu wud ether have run aay r yu wud nw be dead I as yu see survved a sn naabe f tng he eas faut, eer f judgen r dtn f a a dev suated and hu sress geneness thu wea energy whut - { ; ve ar vergnusy ntnus ver a surfae as sh and shed as a rrr reeted a y feengs, a y esures, wh he rn dety f y wn nsene s ha I ud never ae a hughtess gesure never nduge en whu edatey erevng he f y nsearabe setre Lve seeed re I dn't nw hw ny as e H any debts she ade e ay n havng se She derved e f a he benets f y ersna a And as he na hrrr she never ased fr graude, ne he danger was as. Hw any tes I had t ee ysef fr ang her by he thra and ryng Can yu ever be erfe serabe wan s that I an ve yu thu ran and wthut anger r severa years ntnued adre her h hae n y heart In te end t was n I wh ded f Ah sad he thers s she s dead? Yes! ud n g n e hat Lve had bee a rushn nghare e D r de as hey say n ts ha was he aernave fate hed u fr e! One evenng n 88
oos besde the sea e had ta elancholy wal urng hch her eyes reected al the seetess o heave hle my heart as as hdeous as hell "What! "What do you ean "You mea "t was nevtale have too great a sense o aress to beat or to lltreat or to dsmss a rreproachable servor ut had to nd a way o reconclng ths setment th the horror that he woman nspred me that s I had to get rd o the creature wthout however showng her any dsrespect What would you have had me o wth her snce she s eect? he three other men looked at hm wth an uncertan and slghtly stupeed expresson hal egnng to understand hal mplctly admtng that they elt as or themselves ncapable o such an nexorable soluton although t had ndeed been admrably explaned hen to kl me whch has such a hardy le as well as to accelerate ie whch ows so slowly they ordered a ew more botles o wne
A H CG ws gng hugh he wds he hd sp ne shng gey syng h wud be pesn ke sh w k Tme And s n kng h mnse he ms dny nd egme upn us? Gny hen he hed u hs hnd hs de deebe nd exebe we he myseus wmn whm he wed s ny pesues nd s mny ps nd pehps ge p hs genus s we Seve shs wen wde he mk ne even bued se n he eng nd s he hmng eue begn ugh husy wng he husbnd n hs wn dexey he uned wd he busquey nd sd Yu see h d ve hee he gh wh s nse n he nd s hughy men? We nw my de nge am gong to mage t ou And he sed hs eyes nd ed The d ws ey deped The bwng hs de deebe nd exebe e hs nevbe nd pess use nd espeuy kssng he hd he dded Ah de nge hnk yu s muh my dexey
D tte md beved ws sevg my de d ws
kg t the pe dgm wdw ctemptg ths mvg chtect mves tht Gd cstcts t st edces the mppbe d s ked ws syg t myse thse phtsmg e mst s bet s my beveds bet eyes s the gee eyes my md msts tte beved sdde I et tebe bw st my bck d hed hsky d chmg vce hystec vce hse bdy vce the vce my de tte beved syg et y eve gg t et y p y dmed bstd cdmge?
MY VW ngua sgn emaked u
aee "bu we cacuaed make any ne sy eany e s s aen mus appecae Hae and e pepups Epcuus He may een knw e supeme enemen e Egypans wm n eas was cmpee wu a skeen wu sme embem es bey nd e eneed dank a gass bee acng e gaes and swy smked a cga en e k a nn g dwn e cemeey wee e gass was s a and s nng and wee suc a geneus sun ed sway nd ceany ea and sun wee ampan ee ndeed ked as ug e dunken sun was spawed u eng n e cape magncen wes manued by dssun e a was u buzzng e e e e nney sma neuped a egua neas by ss m a neaby sng gaey a bus ke e epsn campagne cks n e mds e mumus a mued sympny en s ban eaed by e sun w e peumes Dea a aund m e ead a ce wspeng wn e gae n wc e was seaed nd e ce sad cuse on your ages and n yu es ubuen e men w ae s e egad e dead and e saced epse cuse n yu ambns a cuse n yu scemes paen mas w cme sudy e a kng ne Deas sancuay! I yu ny knew w easy s wn e pze w easy s e mak and w eeyng s nng ecep Dea yu wud n e yusees s abus men and yu wud 92 ]
no come hee so oen o oube he sumbes o hose who hve h he Mk ong ago he ony mk woh hng e deesabe ie
! Yu ere d man Yu n suc a pace! u e amrs essences! s s reay e drnker a surprse "My rend, yu knw my errr rses and veces We, us nw as I was crssng e buevard n a grea urry, spasng rug e mud n e mds a seeng cas, and w dea gapng a me rm every sde, I gave a sudden sar and my a spped my head and e n e mre e macadam I was ar rgened pck up I decded was ess unpeasan se my nsgna an ge my bnes brken Ten , I eece, evey ud as a sver nng I can nw g abu ncgn, be as w as I pease and nduge n debauc ke rdnary mras S ere I am as yu see, exacy ke yurse u aren yu gng adverse r yur a a eas? Or ny e pce? , I n n I ke ere Yu are e ny persn w as recgnzed me esdes I am bred w dgny, nd was mre, s perecy degtu nk sme bad pe pckng up and brazeny pung n make sme ne appy, a, wa a peasure! Especay sme ne yu can aug a Tn X! Tn n yu see w amusng w be?
A WS neng he end o he s, wkng ong nde he gs mps, e n m eng spped no mne, nd hed voe n my e, syng Aen yo doo? ooked ws , os yong womn wh vey wde open eyes hdy ny mkep, nd ong yng n he beeze wh he sngs o e onne No, m no doo, sd, so, kndy e me go Oh Yes yo e doo n see h Come ome w me Yo no e soy, pomse yo Yes, yes, ' ome, e, ater te doctor wh he dev Ah Ah she sd si nging o my m n sng o ghg Yoe doo who kes o hve hs e oke ve known mny ke Come m pssoney ond o mysey ese wys hope o dsove e soon So e myse e poed y hs hne ompnon, o e y hs nhopedo engm om he despon o he wehed odgngs n be ond n seve o he we-known ss Fenh poes One e, oweve, gne oveooe: wo o ee pes o mos doos wee hngng on he ws How ws pmpeed A g e sped wne, gs nd s se oeed me hese good hngs, nd hese ghed my g, hs ns ee sd Now mke yose omoe, my de, mke yose ome w ng k hose good dys o yo yoh e hosp B whs s? Whee eve dd yo ge hese gy s? Yo ween ke h no so ong go wen yo wee L s nen ememe yo wee wys hs sssn o seos opeons ws mn [ 95 ]
wo ked to ut and ak and ave I te you! It was aways you wo anded m te nstuments te tead and te sponges nd ow poudy e used to say ookng at s wat afte te opeaton Fve mnutes gentemen!' O! go evey wee I etany know dotos. few mnutes ate se went on wt te same tune sayng: You ae a doto aent you my am? s unntege efan made me eap to my feet "No I ed fuousy "Sugeon ten? No! No! uness t woud e to ut o you ead Bessed oyoum-of-a-oymakee "Wat se went on "et me sow you nd fom e wadoe se took out a unde of papes tat ontaned notng moe no ess tan ptues of famous dotos of te day togaps y Maun w fo yeas mgt ave een seen on te Qua otae "Look do you know ts one? "Yes ts X Besdes s name S at te ottom But I appen to know m pesonay Why of ouse you do I knew tat. ook tat s Z. te one wo used to say wen peakng of X at monste wo weas te akness of s sou on s fae nd smpy eause tey weent n ageement on a etan mate How we used to aug aout t n Meda Do you ememe? See tat's K te one wo nfomed aganst te nsugents wo wee s patents n te ospta It was at te tme of te psngs How oud su a andsome man ave su a ad eat? Now tt W., t aos E oto; I ut m wen ame to Pas. He ooks ke a young ady doesnt e? nd as was ngeng anote unde ted wt stng aso yng on te tae Wat se sad tose ae te ntens and ts unde s te extens nd se spead fanke a mass of potogaps of vey mu younge faes
6 ]
"Wen we meet next time yu' gie me yur ptgrap t wn't yu daring "t, 1 said, als pursuing my de xe "wy d y tink am a dctr "t's because yu're s sweet and s gd t wmen "Singar lgic tugt "O! 1 neer make a misake ae knwn s many 1 e tem s, a tese gentlemen tat altug am nt sick 1 g t see tem smetimes fr ntig, st t see tem ere are sme w say t me clly: Y are nt sick at al!' t tere are ters w unersta me becase am nice t tem "And wen tey dn't unerstand yu "Wel! as 1 ae btered tem or notng eae ten francs n te mantlepiece ey are s gd, s gentle, dctrs! ae discered at te Pt a yung intern w is as pretty as an ange, and w is s plite And w as t wrk, p by His cmraes tld me e in't ae a penny because is parents are s pr tey cat im ayig at gae me curage After al, 1 am nt ba lkig altg nt t yg 1 sai t m : me t see me, cme t see me ften Wit me y dn't ae t wrry 1 dn't need mney' t, f crse, mae m drstan in all srts f ways, didn't ust tell im brtally ike tat; 1 was s afraid f umiliating im, te ear by! We, yu knw, 'e gt a fnny ntin, ad dn't are tell im ' ike im t cme t see me wit is instrment case and s aprn, an een w a e bld n it Se said tis wit perfect simplicity , as a man migt say t an actress e was in e wit: " sul like y t be dressed in te cstume yu wear in te fams rle y create And 1 still bstinately persisted "an y remember te time and te ccasin wen y rst fet tis particuar assin 1 a sme diclty in making er understand Finally
udd u d u d d ememb do ye do o . do' emm W odd o d bg e o o o o om d o o oo m oe moe od my God ou o you e e you o ve mde bo d bey you e oveg o em you udge o do you o co move d ue d o, e, v u e o e obe my md ode o ov my u e po o od v py o v y o md m d md ome eo moe ex eye o o o o y y x o o o o ey have been mad d o y oud n hav been ma
[ 98
L s a hspa where every paen s bsessed by he desre hangng beds One wud ke suer ppse he sve anher s sure he wud ge we besde he wndw aways seems me ha shud be happy anywhere bu where am am and hs quesn mvng s ne ha am eernay dsusng wh my su "Te me my su pr hy su hw wud yu ke ve n Lsbn? mus be warm here and yu wud be as bssu as a zard n he sun s a y by he sea; hey say ha s bu marbe and a nhabans have suh a hrrr he vegeabe kngdm ha hey ear u a he rees Yu see a unry aer my wn hear a unry enrey made mnera and gh and wh qud ree y su des n repy "Sne yu are s nd beng mness and wahng he pageanry mvemen wud yu ke ve n he bea and Hand? Perhaps yu ud eny yurse n ha unry whh yu have s ng admred n panngs n museum was Wha d yu say Rerdam yu wh e ress mass and shps ha are mred n he drseps huses? y su remans sen "Perhaps yu wud ke Baava beer? here mrever we shud nd he w urpe wedded he beauy he rs
o wod n y ou be ded "Hve you unk no o deep upo h you e hpy ony n you unhppne h he ce e u y o coune h e he counee o eh I know u he pce o u poo ou We w pck up ou unk o oeo We w go he, o he he end o he Bc e he om e pobe we w ee he Poe hee he un ony obquey gze he eh, nd he ow enon o dygh nd ngh boh vey nd nce e h ohe h o nohngne, monoony hee we cn ke deep bh o dkne, whe omeme o ou enenen he Auo Boe w hoo up oe-ed he ke he eecon o he ewok o he! A y ou epode! "Anywhee! Ju o ou o he wod!
day had hu myel u n my room and ad
urrounded myel wh he mo oular book o he day (a wa xeen or eveneen year ago) am eakng o book ha rea o he ar o and hour ad dgeed or raher walowed rh n o ubl all e luubraon o al he ne o hoe who adve he oor o beome lave and o hoe who enourage hem o beleve ha hey are al dehroned kng wll be readly underood ha wa n a dazed ae o mnd borderng on doy Neverhele eemed o be onou o an obure o an dea bured ar ueror o e wole aa n logue o old wve' remede ad o reenly anned u wa ill only he dea o an dea omehn nnel va ue n le my room w a errble hr The aon or bad leraure engender a rooronae need or re ar and oolng drink wa abou o ener a bar a beggar held ou ha o e nd looked me w one o oe unoreable exreon w r moved maer or a magnezer' eye rened grae would overurn rone he ame me heard a voe werng n my ear a voe reognzed erely wa e voe o my good ngel or good Demon wo aomane me everywere Sne So rae ad good Demon why ould no ave my good ngel wy houd no lke Sorae ave e onor o reevng a erae o madne gned by e uble Lelu and e knowng alarger [
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Th is how his dinc bwn Socas on and in ha his mon apad o hi ony o obid o wa o o n whas in digns o adis ggs psuad Poo Socas had on a cnso in is a ga am in is a on i a o co his is W' v spd o an is h ua o anoh ony i h can po i and o b wohy o iy a an s gh o i" mdiay apd on h bgga ih a bow o y s cosd on o his ys which in an insan gw as big as a ba. bok on o y ng nais baking wo o his h and sinc haing bn bo dica and n haing and o box knw coud no knock ou h od an quicy sizd hi by h coa wih on hand and wih h oh ook him by h hoa and bgan pounding his had agains h wa h< s an h paond and su ha n his dsd• cauion o " w9ud isu o so im Thn aing y a igoous kic n h ack song nough o ak his shoud ads d h sxgnaian pickd p a ag banch ha happnd o ying on h gound and ba hi wih h obsina ngy o a cook ndizing a bsak Suddny 0 ia 0 biss o h phiosoph whn h ss uh o his hoy id! saw ha aniu cacass un o up p wih a oc shod n ha xpcd wih a ook o in a machin so singay o o od men h dcpi aga ha a sd o a hud hims a and pocdd o gi wo ack eyes, o no ou ou o my and wi h sam banch had usd o ba m o a pup Thus i was a my ngc and gin hi nw i. amn had sod his hn y many signs nay ad hi ndsand ha considd h agun sd and ging up said o hi with a h saisacion o on o h Poch sophiss: Si u are m equa g yo o do h hono o shaing [ 02 ]
y ure An reeber, if are r n heory whi I on o wore ha he ha uneroo y heory n h he woul ollow y e.
M. Je Steven y
D r Bun has never made me bush even
bere the yung writers my generatin But it is nt that painter majestic nature I wud ca t m aid tday N day I shud preer t appea t tern t whm wud say: Desend rm the skies r rise rm the Eysian Fieds senti menta jester incmparabe jester and inspire me with a sng wrthy yu n beha the pr dg the aithu dg! Reurn astride that amus ass yurs which aways accm panies yu in the memry psterity and abve a et him nt rget t bring ang daintiy hed between his ips yur immrta macarn! Away academic muse! have nthing t d with that pedatic d prude N I invke the riendy ivey muse cities t hep me sing the sng the aithu dg the mangy dg the pitiu dg the dg everybdy kicks arund because he is dirty and cvered with eas except the pr man whse cmpanin he is and the pet wh ks upn him with a brthery eye But the devi take yur pedigreed p! he vain impertinent uadruped KingChares Dane pup r apdg aways s asd wth hms that h dats aond sos' gs
bunds indiscreety int their aps He is as turbuent as a chid as stupid as a prstitute and ten as sury and insent as a servant! Abve a the devi take thse ur-egged snakes caed greyhunds that d nthing but shake and havent enugh air t pick up their wn master's sent nt enugh sense in thse attened heads t pay dmines [ 104 ]
o their baskets with them! those tiresome parasites! Back to their siken and tuted baskets! or I sing the mangy dog, the pitiu, the homeess dog the roving dog, the circus dog the dog whose instinct ike that o the gypsy and the stroing payer, has been so wonderuy sharpened by neces sity, marveous mother and true patroness o native wi I sing the uckess dog who wanders aone through the winding ravines o huge cities, or the one who binks up at some poo outcast o society with his spiritua eyes as much as to say "ake me with you, and out o our j oint misery we wi make a kind o happiness Where do dogs go? Nesto Roquepan once asked in an immorta artice which he has doubtessy orgotten and which I aone, and perhaps ainteBeuve, sti remember today Where do dogs go you ask unobservant man hey go abou their business Business appointments ove aairs hrough og through snow through mire, under the canicuar sun in peting rain, they go they coe, they trot and skuk in and out o carriage whees, driven by their eas, their passions their needs or their obigations Like the rest o us they rise betimes and go seek ing their daiy bread, or running ater peasure ome o them seep in tumbedown shcks on the outskirts o the city but reguary every day they coe to town at the same hour to beg or ams at the door o some kitchen o the Paais Royae others in bands trot ve mies or more to share the meas that certain od maids prepare or them poor vrgns who oer their unempoyed hearts to dumb beasts since stupid men have no use or them Others who ike run-away negroes mad with ove eave their countryside to coe risking around a ovey city bitch who is Im araid, a itte negigent as to her appearance but proud nevertheess and grateu nd they are very punctua without memoranda notebooks or card-cases o you know azy Begium nd have you admired as I [ 105 ]
hve hoe rdy do hrneed o h bher r he mlkmn or he bker nd who mk ln by heir rmhn brkn how hy nd rod hey re o be he hore And here re wo do h belon o n even more vlzed order Allow me o ke yo o he room o n nern lown who himel ben or he momen A ined wooden bed wiho rn nd wh rmled nd bned blnke wo ne hr n ron ove ew dilded ml inrmen Oh he drery rnre B look i yo lee hoe wo nellien erone dreed n h mo nd h hbby i wh robdor or older on her hed who re whn wh ll orerer vilne nmele onoon immeri on he lhed ove lon hndled oon k no i lke one o hoe ole o new bildn nnonn h he monry work nhed eem only ir don yo hnk h h zelo or hold no r o on he rod wiho r oriyn her omh wh ood old o And n yo orve hem her evden reedne he oor devl who every dy hve o e he nderene o he bl nd he inje o n mrero who lwy ke he lon hre or himel nd who e more o ll lone hn he or lile or oe ow oen hve ood whn hem mlin nd moved by hee orooed hlooher wll lve bmve nd devoed h he rebl donry mh very well dene ubc bfct, he rebl were no oo by mkn men p o we me ivn do her due Ad how mny me hve hoh h here m e omewhere (er l why no) reomene or o mh or iene nd bor eil rde or ood do oor do mny do nd donole do Doen Sweden bor rm h here one or he Trk nd or he Dh The heherd o Vrl nd Theor were won o re v or her vro on ood hee or new e o 106 ]
br mk g wh wn udd Th p wh h ung h ng h p dg vd h rmpn w hu h bh h nd dd mkng yu hnk uumn un h buy wmn p h pm nd ndn umm N n prn h vn h u V Hrm w vr g wh wh grn h pn ppd h w w nd hndd hnd d h p h undd hw gh nd ng w hnr h hu dg n ng Ju n rm m n h mgnn n yrn wud hv d h dvn An gm·uddd dgg r ur mn n urn pru nn uru r pm And vry m h p dn h pnr w h d hnk hu dg phph dg nd ndn umm nd h buy wmn p h pm
Hppy o he I climbe he hill o conemple he own in is enomiy ohel n hospil pison pugoy hell onsosiies oweing like owe u you 0 Sn pon o my pin Know I wen no o weep o hem in vin u like ol ol leche msess go goe Seeking bu pue I sough ou his ull mmense whose c m esusces Whehe in moning shees you lie sleep Hien hevy wih col o un hough nigh in golen spngle vels Inmous Ciy I oe you! Couesns An bnis you oe me such joys h common he cn neve unesn
[ 3 ]
POEMS FROM "FLOWERS OF EVIL he hemes f sme f he pse pems f Paris Spleen e simi hse f vese pems n he Flurs du Mal whh Budeie hd wien ele ive f hese pems n whh he espndene is ms ppen hve been hsen f mpsn
[ 1 09 ]
eece ha wn her nape rlls plume n plume curls scen nnchalance an ease Wha ecsasy ppulae hs rm Wh memres haburs n s glm shake lke a banner n he breeze H Aca an langu Asa play An absen wrl eunc an ar away) Whn ha scene res ark an m As her suls n waves musc swm Mne n s peume sals as n he spay ll juney here where man an saplle ree wn n h lgh r hus e yu my sea rng resses e he breakers an gales ha wa me Yur black ver hls r me A ream mass an rwers ames an sals A pr resunng here my sul elvers Wh lng eep raughs perumes scen an clamur Where shps ha gle hrugh gl an purple rvers ng we er vas ams embace he glamur O skes wheren he hea reve quvers ll plunge my hea n hal-unk wh pleasure n hs black cean ha enguls her rm My sul caesse wh waveles here may measure nne rckngs n embalm lesue Creave leness ha ears n srm llO ]
lue esses like a shadwseching en u shed he blue heavens und and a lng is dwny inges as wen eeled hal-dunken cnuse he scen O il ccnus wih usk and a My hand eve in yu ane s dense ubies and peals and sapphies hee will sw ha yu y desie be neve slw Oass y deas and gud whence eep-daughed wines ey will w
Talatd by Roy Cambll Cf: A Hmihr I Your Hair," ag 3
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QUESTIONING AT MINIG he cock siking he minigh hou ionicay summons us o ca o min how we mae use of his today ha's hee no moe we have oay popheic ay Fiay he hieenh!in espie of a we know has goo and igh of heesy mae gea ispay yes weve baspheme he name of Jesus unquesionabe Go an Lod an ike a sycophan a he boa of some epusive boae Coesus o give he bue his hy spo we aans oya subec have aone eveyhing we ove an aeed wha disguss ou hea an cinging oue weve hu he weak whom we sconed wongfuy u bowe ow o upiiy gea ubowe beas hone an ine fo is ue ae du as cay ha hese ou pious ips have kissed an he pae aiance weve besse s bu he copse-igh of decay
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and last to drown our vertgo n the ull madness o despar we haughty hgh-priest o the Lyre whose ttng glory s to show the raptures o the works o death thrstless have drnk and hungeress eaten Quick quck Blow out the amp ty hdden here in his goom tl our ast breath
Tlated by Fedeck Mogan C One O'Cloc I Te Moning page 5
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INVITATION TO THE VOYAGE y hl my sser ream Hw swee all hngs wul seem Were we n ha kn an le geher n here le slw an ng here le an e amng hse senes ha mage yu ha sumpuus weaher rwne suns ha gmmer here hrugh u-sheee ar e me wh suh a mysery as appears Whn hse her skes O yur reaherus eyes When beh hem shnng hrugh her ears here here s nhng ese bu grae an measure hness queness an pleasure Furnure ha wears he lusre he years y wul gw whn ur gwng hamber Flwers rares blm rerng er perume e wh he ague ragranes amber; l engs wu here be rrrs eep as he sea he walls al n an asern splenr hung Nhng bu shu aress he suls lnelness peakng her swee an sere nae ngue [ 114 ]
hr thr is nthing lse t grce nd mesre ichnss qitnss nd plesre e shltrd frm th swells hr in th still cnls hs drwsy ships tht drm f siling frth; t is t stisy r lst dsi thy ply Hither thrgh ll th wtrs f th erth h sn t cls f dy lths th ls f hy hn th cnls t lst th twn entir n hycinth nd gld: lwly th lnd is rlld lpwrd ndr s f gntl re hr thr is nthing ls t grce nd mesr ichnss qitnss nd plsre
Tranlated by Rhard Wlbur Cf L/nvtaton A u Voyae, pae 32
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COMES THE CHARMING EVENING oms the chamg eveg the cmnal's fen omes cospato-lke o soft wolf tea ke a lage alcove the sky slowly closes n man appoaches hs estal metamophoss o ams that have laoue eveg s k enough asg the sta of sews that have oe the ough hae of the uen t s eveg that elets o those whom an angy osesson aly haunts he soltay stuet now ases a uene hea the ack that ent alog snks to ts e eawhle akess aws lle wth emo famlas Who ouse eluctat as usnessme to the aas he poeous ght attlg the shuttes a lns gast the lamplght whose shveg s the wn's ostuton speas ts lght a lfe n the steets: ke a anthll opeg ts ssues t penetates steously eveywhee y ts ow occult ote ke an eemy mnng the founatos of a fot O a wom an apple eatng what all shoul eat t cculates secuely the cty's clogge heat a a ss kces can e fel hee an thee he atg of heavy as the theates' clamou heap hotels the hauts of uous solaces llg wth tats a cooks the sleek accomples theves who have neve hea o estat o emose etun now to the wok as a matte of couse ocg safes ehn caefully eocke oos o get a few ays lvng an put lothes on he whoe_ [ 116 ]
Collect youre my ou, ths is a erous momet, Pay o urther attetio to the oe ad movemen This i the hour whe the pai o the sick sharpe Night touche them ke a torturer, puhe them to the ope Trapdoor over the gul that i al too common Ther groa overow the hosptal More tha oe Will ot come back to tate the oup' amiiar favour I the eveig, with ome riedy ou b y hs ow re. Ideed, may a oe has ever eve kow The hearth warm charm Pity such a oe.
Translatd by David Paul Cf: Evning Twilight," page 44.
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