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Mark Zuckerberg is co-founder and CEO of the social-networking website Facebook, as well as one of the world's youngest billionaires. Born on May !, "#!, in $hite %lains, &ew ork, Mark Zuckerberg co-founded the social-networking website Facebook out of his college dor( roo(. )e left )ar*ard after his so+ho(ore year to concentrate on the site, the user base of which has grown to (ore than (illion +eo+le, (aking Zuckerberg a billionaire. /he birth of Facebook was recently +ortrayed in the fil( /he 0ocial &etwork. Mark Elliot Zuckerberg was born on May !, "#!, in $hite %lains, &ew ork, into a co(fortable, well-educated fa(ily, and raised in the nearby *illage of 1obbs Ferry. )is father, Edward Zuckerberg, ran a dental +ractice attached to the fa(ily's ho(e. )is (other, 2aren, worked as a +sychiatrist before the birth of the cou+le's four children3 Mark, 4andi, 1onna and 5rielle. Zuckerberg de*elo+ed an interest in co(+uters at an early age6 when he was about , he used 5tari B507C to create a (essaging +rogra( he na(ed 8Zucknet.8 )is father used the +rogra( in his dental office, so that the rece+tionist could infor( hi( of a new +atient without yelling across the roo(. /he fa(ily also used Zucknet to co((unicate within the house. /ogether with his friends, he also created co(+uter ga(es 9ust for fun. 87 had a bunch of friends who were artists,8 he said. 8/hey'd co(e o*er, draw stuff, and 7'd build a ga(e out of it.8 /o kee+ u+ with Mark's burgeoning interest in co(+uters, his +arents hired +ri*ate co(+uter tutor 1a*id &ew(an to co(e to the house once a week and work with Mark. &ew(an later told re+orters that it was hard to stay ahead of the +rodigy, who began taking graduate courses at nearby Mercy College around this sa(e ti(e. Zuckerberg later studied at %hilli+s E:eter 5cade(y, an e:clusi*e +re+aratory school in &ew )a(+shire. /here he showed talent in fencing, beco(ing the ca+tain of the school's tea(. )e also e:celled in literature, earning a di+lo(a in classics. et Zuckerberg re(ained fascinated by co(+uters, and continued to work on de*elo+ing new +rogra(s. $hile still in high school, he created an early *ersion of the (usic software 2
%andora, which he called 0yna+se. 0e*eral co(+anies3including 5O; and Microsoft3 e:+ressed an interest in buying the software, and hiring the teenager before graduation. )e declined the offers. 5fter graduating fro( E:eter in , Zuckerberg enrolled at )ar*ard une !. 5fter his so+ho(ore year, Zuckerberg dro++ed out of college to de*ote hi(self to Facebook full ti(e, (o*ing the co(+any to %alo 5lto, California. By the end of !, Facebook had (illion users
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Zuckerberg?s ulti(ate goal is to create, and do(inate, a different kind of 7nternet. @oogle and other search engines (ay inde: the $eb, but, he says, A(ost of the infor(ation that we care about is things that are in our heads, right 5nd that?s not out there to be inde:ed, right Zuckerberg was in (iddle school when @oogle launched, and he see(s to ha*e a dee+ desire to build so(ething that (o*es beyond it. A7t?s like hardwired into us in a dee+er wayD you really want to know what?s going on with the +eo+le around you, he said. 7n , Zuckerberg announced that Facebook would beco(e a A+latfor(, (eaning that outside de*elo+ers could start creating a++lications that would run inside the site. 7t worked. /he social-ga(e co(+any Zynga3the (aker of Far(ille and Mafia $ars3is e:+ected to earn (ore than fi*e hundred (illion dollars this year, (ost of it generated fro( +eo+le +laying on Facebook. 7n #, Zuckerberg un*eiled Facebook Connect, allowing users to sign onto other $eb sites, ga(ing syste(s, and (obile de*ices with their Facebook account, which ser*es as a digital +ass+ort of sorts. /his +ast s+ring, Facebook introduced what Zuckerberg called the O+en @ra+h.
+ublic by default. /he following (onth, Zuckerberg declared that +ri*acy was an e*ol*ing Asocial nor(. /he backlash ca(e swiftly. /he 5(erican Ci*il ;iberties
Zuck said, AO*er the ne:t three years, our (ain goals are around continuing to grow and ser*e our e:isting co((unities and businesses and hel+ the( reach their full +otential. Zuckerberg?s discussion of Facebook?s three-year +lan centered around what?s currently ha++ening and +ro*ing their a++roach is working. $hat are you currently in*ested in regarding your career, relationshi+s, and finances 1o you want to ha*e anything to do with where you currently are in three years 7f you don?t see yourself in the sa(e industry, with the sa(e guy, or s+ending (oney in a si(ilar way in three years, now?s the ti(e to (ake those changes. $hat?s working well in your life 7n*est (ore there. For Zuckerberg it?s Facebook @rou+s and 7nstagra(. For you, +erha+s it?s the co(+any you work for or your newfound lo*e of biking. /ake note of the as+ects of your life that you want to culti*ate long-ter( and focus your efforts there.
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For Zuckerberg?s fi*e-year +lan he said, AO*er the ne:t fi*e years, our goals are around taking our ne:t generation of ser*icesH7nstagra(, Messenger, $hats5++, and 0earchHand hel+ing the( connect billions of +eo+le and beco(e i(+ortant businesses in their own right. Zuckerberg continually uses the language Aour goals are around. /hat begs the Iuestion3do you know what ideas your goals are around $hat do you *alue (ost /his (ay not be your +ri(ary focus right now, but it will be in fi*e years. Ma ybe in fi*e years your goals are around balancing a thri*ing career and starting a fa(ily. $hat can you do now to (ake solid in*est(ents toward that future Maybe in fi*e years you?d like to (arry a nice guy or get your first book +ublished. ou know what won?t hel+ you get there now 1ating a guy you don?t see yourself with long-ter( and not writing e*ery day. Zuckerberg also (entioned +lans to continue building on what the co(+any is currently doing. )e (entioned that 9ust last (onth they finally co(+leted the acIuisition of $hatsa++. Facebook?s fi*e-year +lan has a lot to do with what?s ha++ening at Facebook right now. /he sa(e is true for your life. 10!Y& G)&,
7t?s +retty i(+ressi*e that Facebook e*en has a ten-year +lan. /en years ago when Zuckerberg was a -year-old, could he ha*e +ossibly A+lanned where Facebook would be now &o (atter how (uch the technology landsca+e can and will change, he can?t si(+ly throw u+ his hands and say Awell, there?s no way to +lan for or +redict the future that far down the roadJ /hat?s business suicide. /he sa(e goes for you. ou need to start drea(ing and en*isioning who you want to be in ten years today. 7t?s O2 to be so(ewhat general and to center your *ision on certain ideas you *alue. /hat?s kind of what Facebook is doing. /his is what Zuckerberg saidD AFor the ne:t years our focus is on dri*ing the funda(ental changes in the world that we need to achie*e our (ission, connecting the whole world, understanding a world with big lea+s in 57s, and de*elo+ing the ne:t generation of +latfor(s, es+ecially in co(+uting. 6
Facebook?s ten-year +lan is focused on *alues-based decisions and Afunda(ental changes. Zuckerberg en*isions +utting a lot of focus on one of his +ro9ects that will ha*e a lasting legacyD 5ccording to Zuckerberg, the a++ A+ro*ides free data access to a set of basic internet ser*ices for health, education, e(+loy(ent, an d co((unication.
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7n , Zuckerberg's enter+rise recei*ed a huge boost fro( the *enture ca+ital fir( 5ccel %artners. 5ccel in*ested K. (illion into the network, which at the ti(e was o+en only to i*y league students. Zuckerberg's co(+any then granted access to other colleges, high school and international schools, +ushing the site's (e(bershi+ to (ore than . (illion users by 1ece(ber . /he site then began attracting the interest of other co(+anies, who wanted to ad*erti=e with the +o+ular social hub. &ot wanting to sell out, Zuckerberg turned down offers fro( co(+anies such as ahooJ and M/ &etworks. 7nstead, he focused on e:+anding the site, o+ening u+ his +ro9ect to outside de*elo+ers and adding (ore features. Zuckerberg see(ed to be going nowhere but u+, howe*er in G, the business (ogul faced his first big hurdle. /he creators of )ar*ard Connection clai(ed that Zuckerberg stole their idea, and insisted the software de*elo+er nee ded to +ay for their business losses. Zuckerberg (aintained that the ideas were based on two *ery different ty+es of social networks but, after lawyers searched Zuckerberg's records, incri(inating 7nstant Messages re*ealed that Zuckerberg (ay ha*e intentionally stolen the intellectual +ro+erty of )ar*ard Connection and offered Facebook users' +ri*ate infor(ation to his friends. Zuckerberg later a+ologi=ed for the incri(inating (essages, saying he regretted the(. 87f you're going to go on to build a ser*ice that is influential and that a lot of +eo+le rely on, then you need to be (ature, right8 he said in an inter*iew with /he &ew orker. 87 think 7'*e grown and learned a lot.8 5lthough an initial settle(ent of KG (illion was reached between the two +arties, the legal dis+ute o*er the (atter continued well into , after &arendra and the $inkle*osses clai(ed they were (isled in regards to the *alue of their stock.
Zuckerberg faced yet another +ersonal challenge when the " book /he 5ccidental Billionaires, by writer Ben Me=rich, hit stores. Me=rich was hea*ily critici=ed for his re-telling of Zuckerberg's story, which used in*ented scenes, re-i(agined dialogue and fictional characters. 4egardless of how true-to-life the story was, Me=rich (anaged 8
to sell the rights of the tale to screenwriter 5aron 0orkin, and the critically acclai(ed fil( /he 0ocial &etwork recei*ed eight 5cade(y 5ward no(inations. Zuckerberg ob9ected strongly to the fil('s narrati*e, and later told a re+orter at /he &ew orker that (any of the details in the fil( were inaccurate. For e:a(+le, Zuckerberg has been dating longti(e girlfriend %riscilla Chan, a Chinese-5(erican (edical student he (et at )ar*ard, since L. )e also said he ne*er had interest in 9oining any of the final clubs. 87t's interesting what stuff they focused on getting right6 like, e*ery single shirt and fleece that 7 had in that (o*ie is actually a shirt or fleece that 7 own,8 Zuckerberg told a re+orter at a start-u+ conference in . 80o there's all this stuff that they got wrong and a bunch of rando( details that they got right.8 et Zuckerberg and Facebook continued to succeed, in s+ite of the criticis(. /i(e (aga=ine na(ed hi( %erson of the ear in , and anity Fair +laced hi( at the to+ of their &ew Establish(ent list. Forbes also ranked Zuckerberg at &o. L3beating out 5++le CEO 0te*e >obs3on its 8!8 list, esti(ating his net worth to be KG." billion