TABLE TABL E OF CONT CONTENTS: ENTS: INTRODUCTION PHASE ONE: ATTRA TTRACT CT A1 Open. 1. Direct 2. Indirect A2. Banter/Ne !part 1 "# 2$ 1. 2. (. *.
Banter Line% F&nn' St"rie% )in" C"ntinencie%
A2. DH+ !part 2 "# 2$ 1. ,"&r Pa%%i"n 2. O-%erati"n% A-"&t Her (. S&per Opti"na 0B&--e &3 R"&tine% A(. 4&ai#' !part 1 "# ($ 1. 2. (. *.
56at7% Be'"nd ,"&r ,"&r L""8%9 Are ,"& Pa%%i"nate9 56at A-iitie% A- iitie% D" ,"& Hae9 56at Intere%t% I ntere%t% D" ,"& ,"& Hae9
A(. Stateent "# Intere%t !part 2 "# ($ A(. I%"ate "r N&-er C"%e !part ( "# ($ 1. I%"ati"n C"%e 2. N&-er C"%e PHASE T5O: COFORT C OFORT Create an E"ti"na C"nnecti"n PHASE THREE: SEDUCTION Settin a R"antic/Sen%&a ""d
1. R"antic 4&e%ti"n% 2. R"%% ;eect% "in #"r t6e )i%% E=tract t" Sed&cti"n L"cati"n END AE: FOREPLA, AND SE? CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION PLEEEEEEEASE d"n7t "er"ad '"&r%e# @it6 r"&tine%. N" n" n". I 6ae -e#"re and it %&c8%. ,"& >&%t et Para'%i%. ,"& , "& need n eed %i= t6in t 6in% % #"r #" r an indire indirect ct appr"ac ap pr"ac6 6 t" " @e. @e . A rea%"n #"r ta8in @it6 6er A rea%"n #"r ta8in @it6 6er Banter @it6in '"&r r%t T5O %entence%. C"&nicate% 0I7 n"t tr'in t" et '"&3 Initiate a t"pic "# c"ner%ati"n t6at ie% a&e t" 6er 4&ai#' 6er. State '"&r intere%t in 6er 6e r. Eit6er i%"ate 6er "r a8e pan% #"r a Da' 2 T6e r%t r%t %i= t6in t 6in% % ta8e ta 8e >&%t a #e@ #e @ in&te% in &te%.. ,"&r ,"&r "a9 4&a 4&aic icati" ati"n. n. et 6er "ne"n"ne a% %""n a% '"& can. Once '"&7re "ne"n"ne ta8e '"&r tie. T6i% i% @6ere t6e ae i% rea' pa'ed. One"n"ne '"& need t6ree t6in%. Create an e"ti"na c"nnecti"n )i%% 6er -&t d"n7t a8e"&t 'et !d&rin C"#"rt$ Inite 6er t" a 0%e= "cati"n3 !C($ D"n7t "e t" %e= t"" %""n. %" "n. Ta8e Ta8e a #e@ 6"&r% t" et t" 8n"@ 6er. 6er. And t6e 8i%% i% c"#"rt-&idin. )eep t6e %e=&a ten%i"n aie -' n"t a8in "&t @it6 6er 'et. T6e #"c&% i% ettin t" 8n"@ 6er n"t %e=. T6ere7% T6ere7 % -a%ica -a %ica' ' "ne t6in t 6in '"& need n eed "nce '"&7re in priat p riate e @it6 @it 6 6er 6e r. F"repa' and ie 6er "ra%%. A"ne in priate NO5 '"& can a8e"&t. B&t %ti tea%e 6er and -&id anticipati"n. Sed&cti"n 6appen% in t6e ind. T6e "re %6e @ant% it PS,CHOLOICALL, -eca&%e %6e can7t 6ae it a 'et t6e @etter %6e -ec"e%. T6e @etter %6e -ec"e% -e#"re '"& %tic8 '"&r dic8 in 6er t6e c"%er t" t6e ede "# "ra% %6e aread' i%. !S1 S( Sed&cti"n$ Attract r%t create an e"ti"na c"nnecti"n %ec"nd and %ed&ce a%t. C"&pe "# t6in% -e#"re I et t" t6e r"&tine% and 6"@ '"& can "&t t6i% %tr&ct&re.
Hae a 0rea%"n #"r ta8in t" 6er3 @6en '"& appr"ac6. I# '"& d"n7t 6ae a ""d rea%"n %6e7% "nna @"nder 0@6' are '"& ta8in t" e9 56at d" '"& @ant #r" e93 I# '"& 6ae a ""d rea%"n !#"r e=ape %6e ""8ed c"" and '"& @anted t" %a' 6i$ %6e7 8n"@ 5H, '"& @ent &p t" 6er t" ta8 and %6e can rea=. A#ter '"& -anter appreciate 6er. S"#ten t6e 0pa' 6tin3 @it6 appreciati"n. T"" &c6 di%intere%t and '"& '" & p&%6 6er a@a' a @a'.. T"" T"" &c6 intere%t and it7% t"" c"%e #"r c"#"rt. Cai-rate '"&r di%intere%t @it6 intere%t a% @e a% '"&r intere%t @it6 di%intere%t. a8e %&re t" &ai#'. &ai#'. I# t6ere7% t6e re7% a i%ta8e -&ddin pic8&p arti%t% a8e it7% n"t t" &ai#'. T6e #&nn' t6in i% &aicati"n i% ORE ip"rtant t6an a t6e attract crap. D"n7t et e @r"n t6e attract crap i% ip"rtant -&t t6e'7re >&%t %teppin %t"ne% t" et t" &aicati"n. And APPRECIATE 6er a#ter '"&7e &aied 6er t"". T6at appreciati"n i% THE -ride t" i%"atin/c"%in 6er. O8a' t6at7% a "t "# %t&< I 8n"@. And I %tarted t6i% @6"e %6e-an %a'in d"n7t "er"ad '"&r%e# @it6 r"&tine%. And it7% tr&e. S" t" %tart "&t @it6 >&%t pic8 %i= rea' &ic8 %ipe 0a-it%3 #"r '"&r attract p6a%e. Aain it7% %i= t6in% -&t ta8en a t"et6er attracti"n 6appen% #a%ta #e@ in&te% at "%t. Pic8: a rea%"n #"r ta8in @it6 6er !i.e. an "pener$ a -anter ine >"ined @it6 appreciati"n !d" t6i% IEDIATEL, a#ter '"&r "pener@it6in T5O %entence%$ a DH+ !%tateent a-"&t@6" '"& are$ a &aier !&e%ti"n a-"&t@6" i% %6e9$ a %tateent "# intere%t a @a' t" i%"ate/c"%e 6er. D"n7t #"ret #" ret t" &ai#' &ai#'.. I# '"& et t" &aicati"n @it6 e di&%t pic8 ONE #r" eac6 "# t6e r%t %i= cate"rie% t" %tart. Once '"&7e
a%tered t6e attract p6a%e t6en '"& can c6""%e ONE #r" eac6 "# t6e a%t cate"rie%. a8e '"&r i#e ea%'. )eep it %ipe. PHASE ONE: ATTRACT A1 OPEN. !Rea%"n #"r ta8in @it6 6er$ F"r '"&r "pener '"& can " eit6er direct "r indirect. T6e indirect "pener% are a itte "ner. ' per%"na #a"rite% are direct. S6"rt %@eet ri6t t" t6e p"int. Tr' "n di&%t @ant t" O. 1. Direct I. ' Per%"na Fa"rite% I’ve got this rule that whenever I see someone attractive I have to say hi. You look kinda cool, so I just wanted to see what you were like. You look fun/friendly/interesting. I’ve only got a sec, but I wanted to come over and see what you were like. II. Lance a%"n7% Opener% ::: O+IE OENT ::: !T6e pa&%e% create a "t "# %e=&a ten%i"n$ I saw you over there and… You are really… Really… …. …. eautiful. I just had to come over and say hi. !ho are you" ::: BAC) POC)ET OPENER ::: #ey, do you have the time $touch her on wrist to sto% her from looking at her watch and %ivot so you’re standing ne&t to her now'… actually I really came over to (irt with you. Is that bad" $anter' 2. Indirect I. St'e7% Opini"n Opener% ::: ;EALOUS IRLFRIEND ::: #ey, let me get your take on something. I’ve only got a sec but I’m trying to give my friend over there advice, but we’re just a bunch of men)so we’re really not *uali+ed to comment on these matters. $he- what’s that"' kay, it’s a two%art *uestion. Imagine you’ve been dating this guy for like three months and he doesn’t want you to talk to a male friend of yours. 0ow you guys are just friends and nothing would
ever ha%%en. !hat’s the a%%ro%riate res%onse" $he- I’d %robably break u% with the guy I’m dating.' kay, makes sense. 0ow what if this guy was someone you used to slee% with" 1oes that make a di2erence" $he- !ell, I’m friends with some of my e&es, but others I can’t be friends with. o, it de%ends.' kay. 3he reason I ask is my friend has been dating this girl for like three months and she doesn’t want him to talk to a female friend of his. 3hey haven’t seen each other for years and they really are just friends. 3he %roblem is if he sto%s talking to his friend, he’ll resent his girlfriend. ut if he continues to talk to his friend, his girlfriend will resent him. $he- omething like that ha%%ened to me once…' !ow, you guys are like from the 4iew. $he- 5aughter' o, how do you all know each other" $he- Res%onse' I wonder which one of you is the black shee%. $he- 5aughter and Res%onse' #ey, before I go I couldn’t hel% notice your ring. 1o you always wear a ring on that +nger" $go into Rings, neg while doing it, then *ualify' ::: CHEATIN ::: 3here was this article in 6s*uire maga7ine that asked di2erent %eo%le what cheating was. !ell, let me ask +rst. #ow would you de+ne cheating" $go around the grou%' It’s 8ascinating that a basic conce%t like cheating, everyone’s de+nition of it is di2erent. 9y answer is it’s not being honest with the other %erson. In other words, you could go and have se& with someone else and as long as she’s okay with it, it’s not cheating. If your girlfriend said okay to have se& with her friend, it’s not cheating because you had a mutual agreement. o, cheating is not being honest, being dece%tive, and breaking an agreement you had with another %erson. o, for someone else, just talking to another girl at a %arty could be cheating, if she didn’t want you to and you had agreed. r, staying touch with an e&. 3hat’d be cheating if she asked you not to and you said okay. II. '%ter'7% Opener% ::: OCEAN7S ELE+EN !e’re celebrating like it’s the end of cean’s 6leven ::: IRL FIHT :: #ey did you see the +ght outside"
3wo girls were +ghting over this guy. :nd the two girls that were +ghting were both taller than him, it was the cra7iest thing. ne of the girls was being held back by a guy, and I’m not sure if the guy who was holding her back worked there or not, but it was like two against one. 3he girl who was being held back, her blouse ri%%ed o%en and her boob %o%%ed. 0ormally I’d be like, ;#ey, how Y: doing,< $=oey from 8riends voice' but in this case $make grossed out face' it was a saggy, baggy boobie, like from 0ational >eogra%hic. It was just wrong. :nyway, that girl ran o2 and the tall girl won the little guy. >ood for her? I talked to him afterwards and I was like, ;!hat the fuck ha%%ened,< and he said ;#orhay.< I asked him to s%ell it and he was like, $in 8rench accent' ;jjjee,eeoharjjjeeee.< $@ause' 3hat’s not ;#orhay< that’s fucking >eorge. You can’t %ull wool over my eyes. 3hat’s a $%ointing' deal breaker name right there. 5ike if your name was lga, I don’t care #! good looking you can make yourself in a day, I couldn’t date you. eatrice. 9aud. >ertrude. #elga" I don’t even want to know your name just in case. I mean everything’s going +ne, just kee% your mouth shut. $mile' III. Brad P7% Banter Opener% ::: HORSE IRL::: I have to ask. 1o you like horses" I thought so. kay, check this out. !hen I was in the third grade there was this girl, and she loved horses. he loved them more than anything. he used to draw horses all over her binder, she’d be making horse noises, she’d be running around the schoolyard gallo%ing. !e used to call her ;3he !eird #orse >irl.< $he- o why are you telling me this' !ell, you look =A3 like her? $he- It’s not me' You know what" I’m BCD sure it’s not you, but if it was me, I wouldn’t admit it either. o, just in case it’s youEand I’m not saying it’s de+nitely youEbut just in case it’s you and you don’t want to admit it, I just want to say I’m sorry $he- orry for what"' orry for all the times I used to make fun of you. ee, back in school I was one of the cool kids and I was a bit of a bully and I used to make fun of the 3he !eird #orse >irl. 0!, I feel so bad. I feel so guilty. I’ve been going to thera%y and my thera%ist says I should +nd this girl and right all the wrongs of my %ast, so I just want to say I’m sorry and see if you’d 646R forgive me. $he- Yes' $#ugging her' h my >od you are so cool? I can’t believe you turned out to be cute and cool. 3his is like the cra7iest thing?
::: LAST NIHT7S LA,::: You look familiar. #ave we had se&" h my >od? Yes, it’s you? It’s so good to see you? #ey, listen, sorry I haven’t called. een kind of busy. 9y, um, %hone, um, sto%%ed, um, working and my tire got a (at, and my dog ate my homework. ut tell your friend I said hi and that she was great too. It wasn’t you" I could have sworn it was you. You look just like this girl I had se& with last weekEactually I can’t *uite remember what she looks like, I was kind of drunk…0o, I’m %retty sure it was you. --- 06 5I06R --You’re the third cutest girl here? #ey watch out for these girls here. 3hey are %rofessional %ick %icketers? 3hey’ll steal your %hone and %urse. YA and I are 3A00I0>? ut 935Y me? I have to com%liment you. You’re very reasonably attractive $nly say this to B’s and FC’s' 3o a hort >irl- You’re the 3iny 1angerous one here? >otta watch out for you. 9y mom told me to come to the club and +nd a nice girl. You’re the %erfect girl to take home to my mom? 3o a >irl A@6R dressed u%- You’re the most stylish girl here? I bet you’re a sho%aholic. to% looking at my ass whenever I walk by. It’s =A3. 03. G5. 5et’s go steal a car. A2 ATTRACT part 1 "# 2. !Banter/Ne @it6 Appreciati"n/Sie$ T6i% i% THE 8e' t" attracti"n. Hand% d"@n. D" t6i% @it6in '"&r FIRST T5O SENTENCES. It %et% t6e t"ne ri6t a@a'. I# '"& @ait t"" "n t" -anter/ne it @i -e 6arder t" d" it d"@n t6e ine -eca&%e it i6t %ee "&t "# c6aracter. T6e -ea&t' "# t6e Brad P "pener% i% '"&7re -anterin ri6t #r" t6e et ". '%ter'7% ir Fi6t and St'e7% ;ea"&% ir#riend 6ae -anter ine% -&it int" t6e t"". I7 iin '"& a %6itt"n "# ine% t" c6""%e #r". T6e' " reat @it6 t6e direct "pener% I ae '"& a-"e @it6 t6e p"%%i-e e=cepti"n "# t6e "ie "ent "pener. B&&&&&&t aain >&%t pic8 ONE -anter ine. Practice it e tie% in t6e irr"r -e#"re "in "&t. T6en practice it at ea%t "n e di
I -r"8e t6e -anter ine% int" e di&%t ONE ine at a tie. O8a' 6ere "e%. 1. Banter Line% #r" Lance a%"n Daid DeAne" Brad P '%ter' and St'e I. 3he =udge $=udge #er' !hat are you doing in a bar for godsakes" Gan’t you +nd a nice normal guy" :re you des%erate" !ait. You’re a re%ublican, aren’t you. You girls are :1 girls. I have to watch out for you. You guys are trouble. I can already tell. I don’t know about you yet. he looks sweet and innocent but something tells me she’s not. @art of me wants to stay here and talk to you guys and %art of me wants to run as fast as I can. 5et me see you (irt. !ow, now that was terrible. It actually made me go gay for a second. 3hat’s it, I’m going to talk to those more interesting girls over there. h my >od you guys are like Gharlie’s :ngels. You can be 1rew arrymore, you can be 5ucy 5iu, and you can be osley $to the target' ) 5ovedro%
1id you know that BHD of all women masturbate in the shower" $their res%onse' 1o you know what the other D do" $they say no' h. o you’re one of the ones…who…$nod knowingly' ) rad @. 1id you know that when you slee% your heart actually sto%s for JK minutes every night" %tion :. he believes you- 0o you dork? You know, you just failed the smart test. I don’t know if I can hang out with you anymore $smile of course to soften' R %tion . he doesn’t believe you- You know what, you just %assed the smart test. I think you might be smart enough to hang out with me. ) rad @. II. Gocky Gasanova F. I :9 >R>6A 1on’t look at me like that. You’ll get hy%noti7ed and start thinking naughty thoughts. to% it? You’re looking at me like a fat kid looks at a cheeseburger. to% looking at me like an ice cream cone. It’s cree%ing me out. I’m not just a slab of hot young beefcake. I’m a feelings man. I have feelings you know. L. 3R:I>#3 A@, I’9 :!696 Gome here. I’ll let you stand ne&t to me for a minute. It’s ok. I’m just a se&y man. I used to be too modest. ut, I worked at it, and now I’m %erfect. I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but I’m sort of a big deal around here. $Imitate !ill 8errell from :nchor 9an' 0o autogra%hs %lease. H. YA’R6 03 9Y 3Y@6 0ote to self- 1o 03 date this girl. I can already tell, you and I are 03 going to get along. !e’re too similar. If I hung out with you I’d be bald with all the hair I’d be %ulling out of my head. I can already tell. You and I would 0646R get along. o don’t even try hitting on me. 3oo bad you’re not my ty%e. You’re not my ty%e. Your boyfriend must be a really cool guy. You are so beautiful, it’s a shame you’re not my ty%e. It’s weird. 5ogically I know you’re a %retty girl. ut I don’t feel for you the way I do with girls I’m into. ut we have such a good conversation. You’d make a good friend. I don’t think I’m your ty%e $she- yes you are' ut I’m really weird $she- I like that' Yeah but sometimes I’m just like a little boy.
9an I would be such a horrible boyfriend. I’d %robably cheat on you, never shower, your heart would be broken. You should go for that guy over there. 5et’s go talk to him right now. !e de+nitely should not get to know each other. You’re too much of a nice girl for me. It’s too bad that you $%ick a random *uality of hers, like she has blonde hair' because I would totally get together with you. >o talk to that guy over there $the most dorky guy there'. #e’s %erfect for you. !ant me to introduce you" ecause I will…$walking towards him' $look her u% and down' You can’t have me. I’ve eaten girls like you for breakfast. You don’t scare me. J. I 5IM6 YA… MI01: 3hat’s it. I’m making you my new girlfriend. !ait. Gan you cook" I’m making you my new girlfriend. ut on 3uesdays only. You’ll be my 3uesday >irlfriend. :nd if you’re good you can work your way u% to my 8riday >irlfriend. 3hat’s where the real fun begins. h my >od you are so GA36? I’m going to take you home in my little %ocket and ask my roommates if I can kee% you. !ait. :re you housebroken" 3hat’s it, we’re getting married. !e’re gonna (y to 4egas tomorrow and get married… by a midget 6lvis. You’ll be Gatwoman, and I’ll be atman. It’ll be awesome. You know what I’d do with you" I’d totally dress you from head to foot in a red… @4G… 1evil out+t. !ith horns, %itch fork, tail, and of course the bitch boots that go u% to your thighs with the +ve inch heels. 0ow your friend here $the target because everyone wants to be the devil', I’d dress her head to toe in a white, @4G angel out+t. !ith a halo, fu77y wings, a har%, and the bitch boots that u% to your thigh with the +ve inch heels. :nd then we’d roll through the club with one on each arm and we’d make all the girls jealous. :nd whenever I’d have to make a decision, I’d let the two of you +ght over which one is more fun. :nd whichever is more fun, we’d do that. $3yler 1urgen' You know what I wanna do with you" I want us to go to the beach together. You’d wear a nun’s out+t and I’d wear a %riest’s out+t and we’d hold hands and make out in front of everybody. :nd everybody would be like, ;what the fuck"< It’d be awesome. $tyle' You know what" I’m gonna take you back to my %lace tonight. I’ve got a…#oney I hrunk the Mids machine. I’d shrink us down to the
si7e of Men and arbie dolls and we’d swim and e&%lore my +sh tank. :nd we’d +nd magical new lands and have ama7ing adventures. $5ove 1ro%' You know what I’d do with you" I’d dress you u% in black leather head to toe because you’re the bad one and I’d dress you in white leather head to toe because you’re the good one. 3hen I’d take you in my s%ace shi%, we’d travel the gala&y, and you’d be my s%ace %rincesses. :nd then when we’d come back to earth we’d make all the girls jealous. $9ehow' 3hat’s it. I’m in love with you. 0ow what" You’re way too se&y. >et out of here. 0o really… go? K. !6’R6 R6:MI0> A@? I’m sorry this had to come our here tonight, but it’s over between us. 3hat’s it. I’m demoting you to my 3uesday girlfriend. ut if you work hard enough you can become my 8riday girlfriend. 3hat’s where the real fun ha%%ens. I’m breaking u% with you. You kee% the cat. I’ll kee% the G1s. N. :R6 YA >R:I0> :3 96" 1id you just go for a feelsky" #ey, hey, hey. #ands o2 the merchandise. 3his shit ain’t for free. 3hat’ll be forty dollars, missie. to%, don’t touch me. I don’t even know you. 5ady I’m not going to make out with you? I have a girlfriend? =ee7. !ill you @56:6 sto% touching me" $he- h, I’m sorry, I didn’t know I was touching you.' !ell you did. :nd if you’re going to kee% doing it, I’d a%%reciate it if you’d touch a little 5ower. $he- 3ouchy touchy' Yes, I don’t like being touched. o kee% a foot or so between us %lease. OmileO o, this is the %art where you grab my ass. . # Y6:#" !:00: 8I>#3" You think you can take me" 5et’s take this outside. III. 4alley >irl Puit looking at my chest. 9y eyes are u% here? I swear all you girls think about is one thing. :t least buy me a drink +rst. to% treating me like a mindless %iece of meat. I’m not just a %iece of meat. I have feelings. I’m a feelings man.
I wore my old briefs tonight to make sure nothing ha%%ened. I need lots of trust and comfort +rst. 6asy there, hardcore. I’m dainty. e gentle. !hy are girls always so logical" !hy can’t they just feel and be in the moment" I’m GA36? 0ot smart. You’re getting me all emotional. I %romised my friends I wouldn’t go home with anyone tonight. You’re my new 88? est 8riends 8orever? Ah, whatever. You would. You would say that. I’m %utting you in my friend’s 7one. I’m leaving you for someone richer and older. 9y innerwoman is too high maintenance for you. tyle Am, I have to go to the bathroom. !hat’s that stu2 they %ut in %eo%le’s drinks" $Roo+es' !hoa? Roo+es" I was going to say vodka. I %ut vodka in my drinks. I don’t know what the fuck is u% with you guys. I cannot trust you girls. 1o not leave me alone with these girls. 3his is a little cree%y. 5ovedro% I4. 3he :uthority 8igure F. I’9 YAR 36:G#6R E 163603I0 You’ve just earned yourself detention. >o to the @rinci%al’s Qce? L. I’9 YAR 69@5Y6R E #IRI0> R 8IRI0> YA You’re +red? You’re hired. I’m making you my new assistant. You’re o2 the island? H. I’9 YAR @5IG6 88IG6R E YA’R6 I0 3RA56 I’m giving you a ticket. J. I’9 YAR 8:3#6R E @:0M? I don’t know who your boyfriend is, but he is 03 s%anking you enough. 1on’t look at me. I’m not doing the s%anking. I’m just saying you need a good one. ad >irl? >o to my room. I think someone needs a timeout. 0o more love for you. 3ough love is all you get from here on out. 4. 3he Innocent 4ictim E he’s e&y or @utting 3he 9oves n Yu
You’re bad. You’re making me think im%ure thoughts. I think I need %ermission to talk with you. Puit corru%ting me. !e’re wholesome %eo%le here. 9y mom de+nitely wouldn’t a%%rove of this. 4I. 0egs F. 0:96 G:55I0> You’re such a brat. You’re such a dork. You’re such a @ower @u2 >irl. You usually hang out at the library, don’t you. You’re like my little sister. 5ovable, but a little annoying. o, how long have you been a crack head" o, what was it like living in the halfway house" k, little drunk girl. 1ear 1iary, Renaissan is such a jerk… $+ll in with her com%laint' $:fter you do something she dislikes and she com%lains about it.' $If she curses' Ahoh, turret syndrome. $Imitate- hit, fuck, mother fucker' You are such a nerd…at least you’re nice You would look so cute… with a mowhawk? You are so bad at being %retty. Gheck this girl out. he’s ama7ing, and so bright and funny. !ould you believe she’s never had a date" You know what I love about you" :bsolutely nothing. L. 6R4:3I0 :5: 9Y36RY 0ice nails, are they real" h. !ell. I guess they still look good. You have the cutest crooked smile. Your nose wiggles when you laugh. #a? 3here it goes again? 0ice hair, did you dye it" :nd you dyed it to that" 0ice shoes. I bet they were beautiful when they were new. 1o you always wear that li%stick" I thought I loved you, then you %ulled your straw out like that. 3hat was the most gross thing. You %robably %ick your toe nails. 6w, you s%it on me. 3here’s something in your teeth. 1elicate shoulders, slim waist, birthing hi%s $and smile'
H. R6:G3I0> 3 #6R :1 6#:4IR 9an, you can dress her u% but you can’t take her anywhere. #ow do you roll with this girl" Is she always like this" You’ve gotta get her out of the library more. 1id you forget to take your medication today" !here’s your fun switch" Is she always like this" #ow do you guys roll with her" 1oes she have an o2 button" !ow, she %oo%s words. I should have brought my raincoat. !hat’re you doing" =ee7. You must’ve drove your %arents cra7y. :lright, you’re losing me. $turn away' ) $say if she says something weird after a 1#4 s%ike' 1id you just wake u%" h I get it. You %robably act like this all the time and %robably get away with it too, but I don’t buy it. You %robably act like a bitch and convince %eo%le you are a bitch because so many dorks hit on you. ut I bet you’re actually a really nice %erson. I bet you’re really loyal, and you really care about your friends and family, going out of your way for them. You’re like a %iece of hard candy that’s rock hard on the outside, but at the center is soft and sweet. $rad @' J. 0046R:5 *uint. @ut a +nger u% in her face while she’s talking so you can hear the other %erson talking. ody Rock :way Roll o2. #ere hold this for me. $3hen turn back and talk to someone else' 9imic her tick your tongue out at her 2. F&nn' St"rie% +ER, +ER, OPTIONAL In pace "# a -anter ine '"& can te a #&nn' %t"r' t" a8e 6er a&6. B&t %t"rie% are @a' "ner and 8inda c&-er%"e. ,"& rea' d"n7t need t6e. Banter ine% d" t6e tric8 #a%ter and t6e'7re "re interactie. Interactie @a' -etter. T6e%e %t"rie% @"r8 "n' i# '"& ACT THE OUT. I 8n"@ I 8eep 6aerin t6i% p"int 6"e. B&t t6e 6&"r c"e% in t6e per%"nait' -eneat6 t6e @"rd%. a8e t6e%e %t"rie% i%&a' #&n e=pre%%ie
e"ti"na. Act "&t c6aracter% @6eneer t6e' %pea8. A%" a8e %&re t" c6ec8 in @it6 '"&r a&dience %" it7% interactie. I. 3he Restaurant >et this. I was at this restaurant having lunch, the waiter walks %ast and I say, ;#ey man, can I get the check"< :nd he’s like, ;It’s been already taken care of.< #as that ever ha%%ened to you guys" !ell, it’s never ha%%ened to me. o I say to him, ;!ho took care of it"< :nd he says, ;I can’t tell you.< o, I’m like…right, one of my friends must be fucking with me. o I look around and I see some cou%les… some business lunches…and 3#60 I see this g uy smiling at me from across the way. :nd I’m like, great. o, I go over to him and I’m like, ;5isten, I a%%reciate it, I’m really (attered, but it’s not going to ha%%en. I’m not >:Y $goofy, dorky voice'.< :nd he looks me straight in the eye $do weirded out look' and say, ;I have no idea what you’re talking about.< I was so embarrassed. ) 5ovedro% II. !rong 0umber 1o you ever answer %hone calls you don’t recogni7e" 1on’t you think sometimes it’s a mistake though" Gu7 I totally made this mistake last weekend. I get this %hone call and it’s this chick. he’s like ;#ey is Renaissan there"< I say ;Yeah, this Renaissan.< he’s like ;h my >od, this is 9elissa you’ll never believe what ha%%ened to me today.< he totally shoots o2 into this whole story about her day. 3he whole time I’m thinking, ;who the fuck is 9elissa"< :nd so +nally I had to sto% her and was like ;wait a minute how do I know you"< :nd she’s like $frustrated' ;:mong other things, I meet you at the bars over the weekend.< I was like, it’s still not ringing a bell. he goes- ;!ell, do you even remember 8AGMI0> me"< o, now I’m like holy shit what ha%%ened here" ;!ait, who did you say you were calling"< 3his is Renaissan. RI>#3"< ;Yeah. Renaissan who"< ;Renaissan 1. RI>#3"< ;0oooohoho. You’ve got the wrong %hone number.< Gu7, you see Renaissan 1 is my really good friend who a%%arently likes to give my number out to girls he never wants to talk to again. ut I’ll tell you though… I know he wasn’t ready for the %hone call he got because I gave her the right number. am.< ) =oey from @icku% FCF III. Revolving 1oor !hat should a guy of for a woman at a revolving door" !ell, get this. I’m at 0eiman 9arcus, right" :nd I’m kinda walking u% to a revolving door and in the re(ection I see this really hot girl walking
u%, and I’m like ;h my >od I wanna o%en the door.< o, I’m %ushing the door and I kind of get stuck in the com%artment behind the girl. :nd I’m %ushing the door so I’m like $demo dry hum%ing her' :nyway, the door o%ens and she kinda stumbles out $act out stumble out' and she like $%ause, weird look' ;Am, am I like su%%osed to ti% you are something"< :nyway, I got LC bucks out of it. 0ot a bad gig. ) 5ance 9ason, @icku% FCF I4. ise&ual 3hug 1id you just grab my ass" 6veryone kee%s grabbing my ass. >et this. I’m out with my friends having a kickass time and I meet this girl that I totally hit it o2 with. ne of my friends walks u% to me and whis%ers in my ear $e&aggerated ;watch out< voice', ;#ey man, I think she has a boyfriend and he’s standing over there.< I turn to look and I see this #A9A0>A LKC %ound guy. ald head…and he does not look ha%%y :3 :55. #is arms were folded and he’s eyeing me, looking me u% and down, like this $demo' while this girl is all giggly and touching my arm $demo'…and I’m 8R6:MI0> out. o I go back to my friends and later that night I walk %ast the two of them and I overhear the girl say to the big guy, ;#ey, there goes that guy.< :nd I hear this #A9A0>A guy say in this R6:55Y e2eminate voice, ;3oo bad. #e was thooooo cute. >o hurry u% and +nd me anotfer one.< ) tyle 4. :ccidental 3hreesome #ave you ever had a threesome" !ell, I had my +rst one last week. >et this. 3his girl took me home and I wake u% at like J am to take a leak. I crawl back into bed to cuddle with her and the ne&t thing I know this guy and girl are screaming at me, ;!hat the fuck are you doing feeling u% my girl"< ;:hhhh? Ra%ist?< I was disoriented, so it took me a few minutes to +gure out what had ha%%ened. I had crawled into bed with my girl’s roommate and her boyfriend. It was my +rst threesome. :nd let me tell you it was fantastic. ) ada%ted from Gosmo maga7ine (. )in". D" @it6in (J SECONDS "# "penin @it6 Banter. Aain >&%t PIC) ONE. 3ouch her arm, ste% back, banter. $6&am%le- ;#ey you guys seem fun.< 3ouch arm. ;!ait.< te% back. ;You’re Re%ublican, aren’t you.< #igh 8ive or Mnock 8ists a girl if she says something cool. 8un #andshakes and #igh 8ives
1!0 5!- la% me +ve. 3o the side. 1own low. $@ull hand away' 3oo slow.
1RA0M >IR58RI601 #:01#:M6- 1o you know the an 1iego handshake" k hold out your hand $sla% each side of the hand then knock +sts' ut a little more loose. 5oosen u%. >o like this $horse like blowing out of air and shake' >ood job k go like this. $1o handshake again' ut not so hard. It hurts. $1o it a third time' 3hat’s cool. 1o you know the 5.:. handshake" kay, go like this. $shake hands, curl +ngers together, thumb lock, knock +sts' 0ice. kay, do you know the 0Y handshake" 9ake a +st. 0ow go like this. $bum% + st from to%, then from bottom, knock +sts' 4ery good. kay, now go like this. $%ut out forearm, s*uiggle each other down each other’s forearms' :gain. $1o it a second time' 0ow one more time" $1o it a third time.' $he- what’s that" I don’t know. ome drunk girl showed me that. $he laugh but ack turn/roll o2 like you don’t care' $5ove 1ro%' :0 8R:0GIG #:01#:M6- #ere’s the 0ew York #andshake. 0ow do you know the an 8rancisco #andshake" 3his is how they actually shake hands in an 8rancisco. $3wo air kisses on either side of her cheek' $in a really gay voice' h my gawd? You look 8:03:A5A? $%in her around maybe"' #ave you lost weight" !e so have to go sho%%ing together. You’d buy me the best cashmere sweater ever? 3hat’s actually how they shake hands in an 8rancisco, I swear to >od. %in 9oves 36:5 #6R 6:3- !ait, so go like this for a sec" $%ut out your hand so she %uts her in yours' 0ow stand u%" $tand her u%' $teal her seat/sit in her s%ot' h? =ust kidding. I can only stay a sec. #ey, stay close. 0ow, get this…$story, trivia, 1#4 game' @I0 946- #ere go like this $take her hand, lift it u%, and s%in her around' 4ery nice…I bet you were a ballet geek R 4ery nice, very graceful. 3hat’s what you get for being good. $she- what do I get for being bad"' #ugs #A> 363
kay we’ve been talking for like K minutes and I have to see if you give good hugs or not. therwise I’m going to have to stick you into the friend 7one. $he hugs you' . $#ug her so both your hearts touch' o many of us hug without our hearts touching. : true hug is when your hearts touch. 0ow that’s a hug. : . kay, that’s enough. >et o2 me. 1aring Mino @:0M #6R : @IGM #6R A@ Mino 3est- 3he kino test is #A>6. It’s like asking a *uestion. If she answers yes, then take a ste% further. 3hen break it o2 +rst. 1on’t wait for her to do it. :lways leave #6R wanting more. 3his is the dance of seduction. MI0 363 SF You’ve made the girls laugh. !hen you’re about to leave $a.k.a. ;false takeaway<' reach out your hand and see if she takes it. If she takes your hand, s*uee7e it. If she s*uee7es back, 3:Y? MI0 363 SL #ere’s another trick. :fter the handshake, slide your +ngers o2 her hand. 3hat way it’s no longer a ;business as usual< handshake, but a sensual one… in a subtle way. >et your ass back in the set, *ualify her dammit? ;:re you a creative %erson"< You can then test her ;creativity< by isolating her within the set and doing something like the Gube on her. If she’s slow to go for the high+ve, she’s %robably not attracted yet. Gontinue with your takeaway and leave. You can come back later. !hen you do, demonstrate value to her friends. If you’ve won over her friends, you’ll %robably win her over, too. MI0 363 SH #ere’s another kino test. 5et’s say you high+ve her instead of shaking her hand. If she com%lies, don’t release her hand yet. Instead, take her hand that’s still in yours and %ut it behind your back, out of the view of the others. *uee7e her hand. If she s*uee7es back, move your +ngers to her +ngers and %lay with them. 3his is 6T3R6965Y sensual. :nd the best
%art is it’s discreet. If she doesn’t move her hand away, she’s de+nitely attracted. 3hrow her hand away and roll o2. :s always, you’re balancing interest with disinterest here. It also shows you have selfcontrol. *. C"ntinencie%. It7% ""d t" 6ae a #e@ c"ntinencie% prepared. ,"&7 6ear t6e %ae "d &e%ti"n% "er and "er. And t6e %ae %6it te%t%. And t6e %ae interr&pt%. And t6e %ae @6ateer e%e. It7% ""d t" -e prepared %" '"&7re n"t t6r"@n "< &ard -' an' "# t6e%e pattern% t6at 5ILL c"e &p. I. !hat do you do" I’m a glori+ed bum. 9y %assion is… $+ll in whatever your %assion is… s%eaking 693I0:55Y rather than factually' II. !here are you from" 8rom the glimmer in my father’s eyes. !ell, my mother is Garibbean and my father is Italian. It’s funny because Garibbeans are know for their incredible carnivals, and Italians are known for food, wine, festivities, the +ne things in life. :nd I turned out to be a bookworm. >o +gure. III. !hat’s your name" =ustin…3imberlake. I4. #ow old are you" I’m NK. 5et me order. I get the senior discount. 4. 1o you have a girlfriend" $Gredit- rad @' 0o $ashamed, sad'. I have U girlfriends $ha%%y like a J year old'? Yeah it’s no big whoo%, it’s not big deal. 3hey all get together and swa% reci%es so they can learn how to cook my favorite food. ut I’ll tell you somethingEand I don’t usually do thisEbut I’ve been searching for a ninth girlfriend. :nd I don’t know you very well yet but I have a really good feeling about you and I want to know if you want to be my ninth girlfriend. Right now. $she wants to be SF' I know, I know. I’ll tell you what. I 0646R do this, so %lease don’t tell anyone, but I can make you SN, right now. I’m making you SN. $she still wants to be SF' You know what" I can make you SH, but that’s my +nal o2er. 8inal o2er. $he acce%ts'
#ey guys, I don’t know if she told you, but we’re boyfriend and girlfriend, so I’m going to s%end a little alone time with my girlfriend. !e’ll be back in a little bit. 4I. You’re short. Yes I am. >reat things come in small %ackages. 4II. !ill you buy me a drink" I’d be ha%%y to. ut let me get to know you better +rst. !hy don’t you buy me a drink" I don’t even know you yet. !hat, do you go around asking all the guys this" 3his is moving too fast. h my >od? :re you trying to get me drunk" 4III. !ill you hold my %urse" You gotta be kidding me you just asked me to hold your %urse. 1o I have to give you the look" IT. :ny other demand efore I do that, give me at least one com%liment. T. I have a boyfriend. 9aybe he can make us breakfast in bed. Gool. :nyway… 3hat’s cool. I have an uncle that has K cats. J blue ones and F red one. #e dyed them blue and red. You should check it out sometime. :nyway… TI. 1o you say this to all the girls" Yes, you’re the KFL th %erson I’ve said this to today. TII. 1oes this make me look fat" Yeah I wasn’t going to say anything. TIII. he says something egotisticalI’ve eaten girls like you for breakfast. TI4. :ny hit 3est. Gute. :nyway. !hatever.
3he ca%ital of 8rance is =u%iter. HVBJ. 1o you always wear that li%stick" :nyway… T4. 6&ternal Interru%ts Introduce me, it’s the %olite thing to do. T4I. Internal Interru%ts #ello I’m talking here. =ee7. Is she always like this" 9ay I +nish my sentence +rst" T4II. he >ets 1istracted #ey :11 @arty’s over here. #ey, @arty’s over here. T4III. 6&treme Rudeness h, that was weird. !ow, that was rude. !ow, you’re really snotty, aren’t you. :nyway… TIT. @layful Puestions I just +gured out where you’re from. 3he Gongo? $or whatever obviously is o%%osite to her nationality' I bet I can guess your major. Anderwater asket !eaving. I bet I can guess what you do. $Gold read her' TT. @layful Gom%liments You are so adorable…it’s sickening? h my >od, you’re a ballet dancer" 3hat’s so cool? …I can’t even talk to you right now. You are the shit…too bad you’re not my ty%e. A2 ATTRACT part 2 "# 2. !Intr"d&ce 56" ,"& Are a.8.a DH+$ Aain pic8 "n' ONE Are '"& %ic8 "# e %a'in t6i% 'et9 Practice it e tie% t" c"it it t" e"r' e tie% in #r"nt "# t6e irr"r t" et t6e deier' ri6t and e tie% "&t in t6e ed. a%ter >&%t "ne. T6en '"& can "e "n and earn an"t6er. I 8n"@ I7 iin '"& a "t "# %t&< 6ere and it can -e "er@6ein. B&t ree-er it d"e%n7t ean '"& "tta earn e a -e#"re '"& " "&t. ,"& "n' need ONE %"id DH+ #""@ed -' "ne %"id &aier. O8a' %" @6ere are @e %" #ar9
S" #ar '"&7e "pened '"&7e -antered and '"&7e %"#tened '"&r -anter @it6 a itte appreciati"n. F"r e=ape t" %"#ten '"&r -anter '"& c"&d %a' %"et6in i8e 0'"& &'% %ee c"". ,"& d"n7t ind a c"pete %traner c"in &p t" '"& and -anterin.3 Or @6ateer '"& c"e &p @it6. A#ter '"&7e d"ne t6at n"@ it7% tie t" ANCHOR t6at attracti"n @it6 %"e %&-%tance. S6e7% pr"-a-' a%8in 6er%e# n"@ 0@6" i% t6i% per%"n93 An%@er it. In "t6er @"rd% intr"d&ce @6" '"& are t" 6er. S"e e=ape%. 1. Te Te Her 56at ,"&r ,"&r Pa%%i"n I%. Be"@ i% ' ' "@n per%"na per% "na pa%%i"n. pa%%i"n . O-i"&%' it in @it6 '"&r "@n. 9y %assion in life is writing.:nd I can’t think of better way to have stu2 to write about than to go u% to com%lete strangers and talk with them. :re you a %assionate %erson" !hat lights you u%" 2. a8e An O-%erati"n A-"&t Her. T6e%e are reat -eca&%e '"&7re %6"@in a&e -&t IN TERS OF HER. Hep 6er and 6er #riend% 6ae a ""d tie. S6"@ '"&r per%"nait' -' ta8in t6e %p"ti6t "< '"&r%e#. --- 3#6 RI0> RA3I06 --I have to ask before I run. 1o you always wear a ring on that +nger" $R if she’s not wearing rings' 1o you usually not wear any rings" 3he reason I’m asking is the +nger a %erson chooses to %ut a ring on says something about their %ersonality. omeone did this on me and I don’t how much truth there is to it, but she nailed me down %retty good. 3he fact you wear a ring on that +nger $R that you wear no rings' says something fascinating about you. #ere, let me see your hand. ack in ancient >reece, each mound re%resented a di2erent god. :nd a %erson back then would %ut a ring on the associated +nger to honor that god. $ave the +nger she has a ring on for last' 8or e&am%le, the thumb re%resented #ades, the god of the underworld. #e was one of the few gods that lived se%arate from 9ount lym%us, just like the thumb is se%arate from the other +ngers. o, someone who wears a ring on this +nger is inde%endent and doesn’t like to follow other %eo%le’s trends. Instead, they like to make their own. 3he inde& +nger was Weus, and he was the king of the gods. :nd just like when a mother mot her is i s scoldin sc olding g their the ir daught d aughter er $act $ act this out' out',, someone who wears a ring on this +nger has an inclination to take charge.
3he middle +nger was 1ionysus, the god of wine and %artying and having a great time. :nd just like this +nger re%resents something that’s not >rated, someone who wears a ring on this +nger has a little bit of a wild side. 3he ring +nger is one of the coolest. 3his was :%hrodite, the goddess of love. :nd you can look this u%, it’s true. 3his +nger is the only one that has a vein that goes straight to your heart without branching o2. $demo line going from +nger to her heart'. o anyone who wears a ring on this +nger is actually making a direct connection with their heart. 3hat’s why to this day we’ll wear our wedding ring on this +nger. 8inally, the %inky +nger was :res, the god of war. :nd you’ll notice a lot of mobsters will wear their ring on this +nger. omeone who wears a ring on this +nger has some inner turmoil or con(ict within. 3hey like to +ght. :nd if you had given someone a %inky ring back then it mean ;fuck you< or ;go to hell.< :nd for f or someon so meone e who wh o doesn’t doe sn’t wear rings rings,, like li ke me that mean meantt you were aligned with #ermes. #e was one of the most mischievous of the gods. :nd he was the one that (ew from 9ount lym%us to earth. o, someone who doesn’t wear rings is o%enminded, loves to travel, likes to be hel%ful, but has a little bit of a mischievous side. :nd that’s t hat’s de+ de+nitel nitely y me. me . o, you are… Is there any truth to that" o, what about you. $Pualify' ) tyle --- 3#6 63 8RI601 363 --kay, I have to ask. #ow long have you known each other" $heanswers' ee I knew that. $he- how"' !ell, for one, you have the same e&act smile. :nd for two, well, let me just give you the test. I’ll give you the est 8riend 3est. $heagrees' 1o you use the same sham%oo" $3hey look at each other +rst' You don’t even have to answer, you already %assed. %ass ed. You You looked at each other before even answering the *uestion. You just did it again. :nd again a gain.. ee, if you weren’t close, you’d kee% eye contact with me. ut when two %eo%le have a connection, they make eye contact +rst, even over something as mundane as sham%oo. You guys are awesome. 3oo bad I’m taken though. $or whatever dis*ualifer/neg' #ow do you guys know each other" ) tyle
--- 6Y6 :GG6I0> GA6 --I just learned this cool thing. !hat’s ama7ing is you can learn whether someone’s lying or telling the truth by reading their eye movements. 8or e&am%le, if you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go" 3he reason I asked you is because I wanted to see how your eyes moved. !e all favor di2erent directions when we think about something. @eo%le who are visual will look u% for a %icture. $demo' @eo%le who are logical, like lawyers and accountants tend to look to the side when they think. $demo' @eo%le who live in their emotions, or who learn by touch, look down when they think. $demo' You are a E %erson because you looked E 3he thing is, we use them all at di2erent times, de%ending on what we’re e&%eriencing. ut you can tell a lot about how a %erson thinks by what direction they favor the most. Return to to%ic of their ideal vacation, connect then *ualify… ) tyle --- G X A 9I56 --mile for me again" :h, you have a A mile. 3he A mile is when you smile and your teeth go straight back into your mout mouth h like lik e a horse horse.. It’s It’ s %erceiv %e rceived ed as a s unfriend unf riendly. ly. 3he G mile is when you smile and all you see is a row of %early whites in the front. It’s %erceived as friendly. rittney %ears has a G mile and Ghristina :guillera has a A mile. :nd if i f you yo u ever eve r look loo k on the cove coverr of like Gosmo or >lamou > lamourr, you’ll yo u’ll see the girl always has a G mile. I heard about this girl in 5.:. who took the theory so seriously that she actually had her teeth surgically removed so she could have a G mile. he wanted to become a @o%tar and thought that would hel% her chancesE5.:. girls are cra7y anyway. ut you have a A mile. ut don’t worry, I still think you’re hot)in that short school bus sort of way. ) tyle --- R:1 @’ @:59 R6:1I0> RA3I06 --$end her wrist, so multi%le lines show' ne line means you’re a virgin, two lines means you have average se& e&%erience, and three lines means you’re a su%er se& e&%ert, se& guru, se& ninja. :nd you have like FL lines. y looking at this, I can tell that you’re great in relationshi%s, you make a great girlfriend. :nd right now you’re kind of dating around,
seeing a few di2erent guys, and the weirdest thing is ha%%ening to you. You tend to go on one or two dates with a guy, and then you think that you like him. :fter two dates, you lose all attraction for him and you don’t know why. 0ow by looking at this, I can tell that you have a very good sense of humor. It’s kind of an o2 beat sense of humor. kay, do you see this line that intersects with it" 3hat means sometimes you don’t get the joke. 5ike has your friends ever asked if you have blonde roots" kay, now this is your life line and you have another line that’s %arallel to this. 0ow by looking at the %arallel line I can tell what you were in a former life. You were a mermaid/unicorn/butter(y/lady bug/horse/or any other female friendly animal. 0ow your life line is really long. You’re going to live to be very, very old. ut there’s a s%lit in it. 0ow what this is, is this is a near death e&%erience. You’re going to go into the tunnel, you’re totally going to see the light, and then you’re going to come back and the world is going to look a lot di2erent to you. It’s going to be a real intense e&%erience. 0ow, a little further down you have another cross and what that is, is that is a life changing e&%erience. kay, hold on, hold on, $close eyes' I’m getting a vision, I’m getting a vision, I’m getting a vision. kay, I can see it. $o%en eyes' You’re going to meet a handsome, caramel(avored man when you’re in you twenties $or however old she is'. It’s going to be a lifechanging e&%erience. I can’t *uite make out his face but he’s wearing $describe what you’re wearing' and standing in a bar. h, it’s gone. I lost it. I’m sorry. ut that’s your future right there. (. +ER, +ER, SUPER OPTIONAL. H"ne%t' I %6"&dn7t een p&t t6e%e in. ,"& d"n7t need an' "# t6e%e %i' r"&tine%. T6e' d"n7t create attracti"n. T6e'7re >&%t entertainin er i8e -&--e & "r %"da "r a aaGine &iG. T6e'7re &%e#& "n' i# '"&7d i8e %"et6in t" &tipe t6read @it6. T6at i% i# '"& %ee "ne "# t6e ir% in '"&r %et "%in attenti"n '"& can -rin 6er -ac8 -' t6r"@in "ne "# t6e%e ""#' t6in% "&t t6ere. B&t %eri"&%' '"& d"n7t need e. I. 3rivia with 0umbers $used to multi%lethread' F. --- B’s --kay here’s a %iece of useless trivia. #ow many B’s are there between F and FCC. It’s actually LC. ecause you have to count BC, BF, BL, BH, and BB you count twice. ) 9ystery L. --- 1:Y I0 : #A9:0 5I86 ---
kay, here’s a sobering fact for you. #ow many days do you think there are in an average human life" 1on’t try to do the math or anything, just tell me the number that you think it is. LU,CCC. Isn’t that sobering" It just goes to show how limited our time on this earth is. 9akes you ask what you’re doing with your life, doesn’t it. 9y %assion is… !hat’s yours" ) :da%ted from 9ystery H. --- G06GA3I46 1:Y --#ere’s a brain teaser for you that I couldn’t even get. Gan you say three consecutive days without using the words 9onday, 3uesday, !ednesday, 3hursday, 8riday, aturday, or unday" :nswerYesterday, 3oday, 3omorrow. J. --- 6@ --o, do you believe in 6@" 0o, yes…" !ell, let’s try a little e&%eriment. I’ll see if I can read your mind. @ick a number between F and J. 1on’t say it outloud, just think it and I’ll try to read you mind. Ready" !as it three" !as it really" kay, let’s u% it u%. 3hink of a number between F and FC and I’ll try to read. 1on’t say it out loud, just think it. !as it seven" It wasn’t" You’re shitting me. G’mon. !ell, that’s why 6@ is bullshit. 5ast try. 3hink of a number between F and F. 1on’t say it out loud, just think it… ) 9ystery K. --- 3#6 5YI0> >:96 --kay, let’s test to see how good of a liar you are. 3his is the 5ying >ame. It makes it a little fun if get a wager involved. #ow about a dollar" kay, these are the rules. I’m going to ask you K *uestions and you have to answer each one of them wrong. If you get one right, then I win. ut if you get all *uestions wrong, then you win. kay" F. !hat’s the color of my shirt" L. !hat city are we in" H. !hat month is it" J. #ow many was that" K. 9an, you’re good at this. #ave you %layed this before" #? I got you? >ets em every time. If you ever want to get a free drink, this is how you do it. h, and by the way, for %laying you get to be %art of the @60FK Glub. #ere $write @60FK inside her forearm' >o ahead and read it. $It’s su%%osed to say ;%enis<' I swear, everything that was funny in seventh grade is funny again as adults. !hy is that" ) tyle II. ;"8e% Unan%@ered 4&e%ti"n% and Triia: !&%ed a% er$ F. ad =okes
U B- !hy is N scared of " ecause ate B. :IR X 6T- !hy is air a lot like se&" It’s no big deal unless you’re not getting any. @@GR0- !hat did the baby corn say to the mom corn" @o%corn. @60I I9@5:03- Yeah, I don’t mean to brag or anything but I got a bit of %lastic surgery done, and it went really well. Yeah, well it cost a lot of money, but it was totally worth it. !ell, it’s a secret. k. I got a %enis im%lant. $@roudly with the feeling that you’re enormous now' I’m J inches now. rad @ L. Ananswered Puestions G0>R6- If con is the o%%osite of %ro, then what’s the o%%osite of %rogress" $congress' 6&actly. 06 #:01 G5:@- !hat’s the sound of one hand cla%%ing" H. Aseless 3rivia 654I- >et this. 1id you know that 6lvis dyed his hair black" >uess what his natural hair color was. londe. $!ell, dirty blonde' 0o one really know why he dyed his hair black. ome say it was because he was a big admirer of Roy rbison, others say it was because his mother dyed her hair black, and still others think it was because he thought it would bring out his blue eyes more. In any case, can you imagine the man who revolutioni7ed rock n roll, the king, as a blonde each oy. =ust doesn’t seem the same. ee this" :ll natural. !hat about you" h, cool. :nd you changed it to that" ) :da%ted from 9ystery GA33I0> 0I0- 1id you know that if you chew gum while cho%%ing onions, it sto%s you from crying" :0I9:5- 6le%hants are the only mammal that can’t jum%. Mangaroos can’t walk backwards. @enguins are the only bird that can swim, but not (y. 3#6 3#R66 93 351 5I6- !hat are the H most told lies" 3he +rst is, the check is in the mail $or we’ll call you' 3he second one is, look this is only going to hurt a little bit. :nd the third one is, ;oh come on. I’m not going to come in your mouth.< 5ovedro% A( 4UALIF, part 1 "# ( In ' 6&-e "pini"n &aicati"n i% "re ip"rtant t6an DH+. It7% t6e t&rnin p"int "# t6e attract p6a%e. et t" t6e t&rnin p"int a% %""n a% '"& can %" '"& can "e t6e %t"r' a"n. And et t" t6e t&rnin p"int @it6in ( K in&te%. S"etie% '"& can een "pen @it6 a &aier i# %6e %6"@% %in% %6e7% intere%ted -e#"re '"&
appr"ac6. 5it6"&t &aicati"n '"& @"n7t et t" t6e ne=t p6a%e '"& @"n7t -e a-e t" c"nnect @it6 6er. 4&aicati"n i% "re ip"rtant in ' "pini"n a%" -eca&%e it a8e% 6er ine%t. DH+ '"&7re d"in t6e @"r8 in &aicati"n %6e @"r8%. Be%ide% '"& et t" earn a-"&t 6er. A"n @it6 DH+ &aicati"n create% &t&a %e#di%c"%&re. Aain it -ein% a c"nnecti"n @it6 6er 'et c6aene% 6er at t6e %ae tie. 4&aicati"n i% -a%ica' -anter/ne in &e%ti"n #"r. It7% n"t >&%t a c"#"rta-e 0ett"8n"@'"&3 &e%ti"n. T6ere7% an ede. It7% i8e an interie@er @antin t" %ee i# a candidate a8e% t6e c&t "r n"t. Sae t6in 6ere. D"e% %6e a8e t6e c&t #"r '"&9 ,"&7re ea&atin 6er. It ipie% '"&7e "t 6i6 %tat&% and it a8e% 6er @"r8 t" c"nince '"& %6e7% 0""d3 en"&6 #"r '"&. T6e c"&nit' a8e% a -i dea "&t "# ne%/DH+. Banter i% t6e 8e' t" attracti"n. B&t %" i% &aicati"n. 56at7% '"&r "a @6en '"& appr"ac69 Banter r%t. T6en et t" &aicati"n. B' t6e @a' '"& can &ai#' @it6in t6e %et "r '"& can d" it in i%"ati"n. A% a@a'% I7 "nna ie '"& a t"n "# &aier% -&t &e%% @6at9 ,"& "n' need t" pic8 "ne. AaGin ri6t9 Credit "e% t" '%ter' #"r "%t "# t6e%e. Pic8 t6e "ne t6at %"&nd% i8e it t% '"&r per%"nait'. Here "e%. 1. 56at7% Be'"nd ,"&r L""8%9 !hat makes you uni*ue" o, what have you got going for you besides your looks" Is there more to you than meets the eye" !hat are your three best *ualities" 3here are lots of beautiful women here. ut more im%ortant than beauty is a %ositive outlook, a curiosity and willingness to grow $or +ll in three *ualities that are im%ortant to you'. utside of your good looks, what would make someone want to get to know you better" !ho are you" !hat ty%e of character are you" :re you adventurous" :re you fun" :re you s%ontaneous" 2. Are ,"& Pa%%i"nate9 :re you a %assionate %erson" !hat are you %assionate about" !hat lights you u%" If a genie came along and you could be @8 anything you want to be… what would you choose" :nd don’t say %rincess.
!hat’s something you could do for hours" !hat’s something you enjoyed doing when you were seven" If you could be famous for anything, what would it be" !hat’s the one thing you can’t say no to" You know, a lot of %eo%le say they’re going to do a lot of certain things, but when it comes down to it, it’s just talk. :re you like this" (. 56at A-iitie% D" ,"& Hae9 !hat talents do you have that would sur%rise me" Gan you cook" Gan you dance" *. 56at Intere%t% D" ,"& Hae9 If you could choose any art to do, what would it be and what would it be about" If you could wake u% anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would it be" !hat would you do if money were no object" Is there something you’ve dreamed of doing for awhile" !hy haven’t you done it" If you came across a genie one day and he could give you any wish, what would it be" :nd don’t say I wish for more wishes. If a genie gave you a million dollars, what would you do with it" !hat do you want to be when you grow u%" :nd don’t say %rincess. A( STATEENT OF INTEREST part 2 "# ( h my >od I 546 this girl? You know what" You’re actually %retty cool. I’m curious about you. :re you single" A( ISOLATE OR NUBER CLOSE part ( "# ( 1. I%"ati"n C"%e $3o her friends' #ey guys, I’ve been kind of mean to your friend. Is it okay if I talk to her for a sec" !e’ll be right over there. $kino- lead her by the hand or %ut her arm on yours and lead her to an isolation s%ot in the venue.' $3o her' #ey, check this out… $turn your back so you’re just facing your target instead of the whole grou% and do something like the cube. 9iniisolation. Gredit- 5ance 9ason' 2. N&-er C"%e !e should totally hang out sometime. 5et’s e&change info and we can grab a cu% of tea. $:fter you e&change numbers, don’t leave. 3alk for a bit. You could even call her right there and then on the %hone and (irt.' #ello, this is the se& god. 9an, I just met this great girl. he’s really cute and smart and I’m really e&cited about meeting her. $!hatever. 9ake her laugh, then hang u% and make a
date' o, when are you free" $et u% the date right 0! to avoid %hone game later. :sk what #6R schedule is like. 1on’t constantly o2er u% days that she can say she’s not free on. 0ow you can jet. 3alk a few minutes after you e&change numbers, and it’ll avoid buyer’s remorse for her.' I’m having such a great time but I gotta get going. !e should totally get together again because I love talking with you. !hat’s the best way to get a hold of each other again" $0ote- the word ;because< increases the chance of her com%lying. 1oesn’t even have to be a good reason. =ust adding the word ;because< in there makes it more likely she’ll agree.' PHASE T5O: COFORT CREATE AN EOTIONAL CONNECTION 1. DH+/E"ti"na C"nnecti"n. T6e%e can -e d"ne ri6t a#ter '"& &ai#' 6er d&rin t6e attract p6a%e. F"r e=ape St'e7% Eicitin +a&e% r"&tine% @"r8% reat a% a #""@&p t" t6e &e%ti"n 0@6at are '"& pa%%i"nate a-"&t93 B&t '"& can &%e t6e%e in i%"ati"n t"". --- 3Y56’ 64 --- $3aken from ;Rules of 3he >ame,< by 0eil trauss' #ey, as long as we’re talking, let’s do something interesting. omeone just did this with me recently. It’s a great, *uick way to get to know someone. In fact, a lot of %eo%le don’t even know this about themselves. $!hat’s that"' It’s just three *uestions. It’s easy, and it’ll tell you what really drives and motivates you in life. $3hat would be cool. !hat’s the +rst *uestion"' 3he +rst one is- If you had to choose one thing you need to have in your life in order to feel like life is worthwhile, what would it be" ZR name something you really enjoy doing.[ $he answers' kay, if you have \worthwhile thing] in your life, what kinds of things does that allow you to do or e&%erience" ZR 1escribe your %erfect e&%erience of \worthwhile thing]. 6ither the best time you had doing it or your ideal scenario of \worthwhile thing][. $he answers' kay, imagine a time in the future or even now hen you have \worthwhile thing] in your life. :nd this enables you to do \use her words to %aint a %icture of worthwhile thing]. #ow would that make you feel inside" $I don’t know' You smiled as you were imagining it. !hat was that feeling you got inside" $names feeling' Yes, that’s it. \8eeling] is your core value. In other words, it’s what really motivates you. ome %eo%le say they want to be an actor, and they think it’s because they want to be famous. ut the truth is,
what they really want is to feel \feeling]. :nd it’s funny, because when we were talking about imagining it earlier, you actually felt it for a second. It was really cool. $he- Yeah, I did' :wesome. !e ful+lled you life goal in +ve minutes. You can die now. $he laughs'. ut seriously)and this is the real lesson)whenever you have to make an im%ortant life decision, whether it’s about a job or a guy or a friend, just ask yourself if it brings you closer to that feeling. If it does, then you should %ursue it. If it doesn’t, then you should move away from it. $he- !ow, that’s really interesting' 3hat’ll be +fty dollars. I don’t do this shit for free you know. --- R =688RI6’ ;I03:03:06A G006G3I0< @:336R0 --- 3he words in ca%s are words to em%hasi7e slightly. 3hey are ;embedded commands< for a woman to feel those feelings. #ave you ever felt an I03:03:06A G006G3I0 with someone" 5ike maybe as you were there, looking at them, and you started to 5I360 I036035Y, it was like there was a GR1 8 5I>#3 going from you to them" :nd as that cord began to >5!, !I3# 3#6 !:R93# of that connection, maybe you were even able to I9:>I06 : 3I96 I0 3#6 8A3AR6, say si& months from now, still 8665I0> 3#:3 606 8 I0GR61I56 G006G3I0, and 5MI0> :GM 0 31:Y as having been the start of it" $he- h yeah' ee, I think it’s so funny how some %eo%le can =A3 1 3#:3 and 563 I3 #:@@60 because for me it takes longer. ut I do +nd that in the course of an evening, as you R6:55Y 5I360 to someone, and you 3:R3 3 R6G>0IW6 those values in them that you hold so dearly for yourself… !I3# 96 that’s when you can 9:M6 3#:3 G006G3I0 and 8665 3#:3 >R!I0> 01. 2. E"ti"na C"nnecti"n. T6i% i% t6e eat and p"tat"e% "# e"ti"na c"nnecti"n. A "t "# c"#"rt i% n"ra -&t intere%tin c"ner%ati"n -&t t" create an e"ti"na c"nnecti"n it can -e er' 6ep#& t" %prin8e "ne "r t@" "# t6e%e r"&tine%. --- 3Y56’ ;6GR63 658< RA3I06 --- $3aken from ;Rules of 3he >ame,< by 0eil trauss' You know, a lot of %eo%le try to re%ress the %arts of themselves they don’t like. ut that never works. !hen you try to re%ress something, you’re basically %ushing it down on a s%ring. 6ventually, it’s going to release full force and take over your %ersonality. It’s interesting, because a friend recently did this %sychological test with me, and it taught me that instead of denying the %arts of yourself you don’t like, there’s a better way to handle them. $!hat’s that"'
I’ll tell you what. I’ll *uickly do it with you. It’s just four *uestions. ut for it to work, you have to be totally honest. $kay' 3he +rst *uestion is the toughest. !hat’s the %art of your %ersonality that you like the least" 3his is the %art of yourself that you don’t like to show other %eo%le)your secret self)which maybe you sometimes even wish you could get rid of. $he says a negative trait' kay, if you could give this %art of you a name, what would it be" 8or e&am%le, a friend of mine said his %roblem was that he was too controlling, and he named this %art of him 1e&ter. $kay, I’ll call it E' >ood. !hat does \name] look like" 1escribe her features and what she’s wearing. 8or e&am%le, my friend said 1e&ter was a red baby, (oating in the air with a %itchfork and a forked tail like a devil. $he gives a descri%tion' kay. 0ow here’s the key *uestion. 3hat %art of ourselves that we don’t like %robably once had a %ur%ose that no longer serves us. o if we give it a new %ur%ose that’s hel%ful to our lives, we don’t have to re%ress it anymore. 8or e&am%le, when my friend did the e&ercise, he had to +nd a useful job for his controlling nature. :nd since he’s an actor, he made 1e&ter his manager. o 1e&ter hel%s him rehearse, gets him to the set on time, criti*ues his %erformance, and drives him to make the right choices about his career. :nother friend of mine had an anger %roblem, but now he uses that energy as his %ersonal trainer in the gym to make him work our harder. o for \name], what job can you give her that would be constructive to your life rather than destructive. $he give her a job' 3hat’s %erfect. o \name] cam be your \job], and hel% you with your life rather than hindering it. It’s a %retty ama7ing e&ercise. I think we need to talk about something shallow now, though, like reality 34. --- 3#6 GA6 --- $:da%ted from 3he @icku% Gommunity' #ave you ever done the cube" It’s a %ersonality test. nce you do the cube, you can never do it again. It’s rumored to be of ancient u+ origin. 3here’s no right or wrong. I’m just going to ask you to imagine a few things, and I’ll tell you what they mean afterwards. Gool" Imagine a landsca%e. :nd in the landsca%e there’s a cube. 1o you see the cube" Is it big or is it small" Is it on the ground or is it
(oating in the air" Is it trans%arent, can you see through it or is it solid" :ny %articular color or design" k, add to this a ladder. ee the ladder" !here is it in relation to the cube" Is it tall or is it short" Is it easy or hard to climb u% it" 0ow, %icture some (owers. 1o you see a few or a lot" !here are they" :re they all one kind or di2erent kinds" kay, describe them. !hat do they look like" !hat color are they" :nd when you see them, what’s your +rst thought" #ow do they make you feel" kay, add a horse. ee the horse" !here is it" !hat’s it doing" !hat does it look like" If you gave me three words to describe the %ersonality of this horse, what would they be" kay last thing. :dd to the %icture a storm. ee the storm" Is it violent or gentle" !here is it" Is it faraway or close u%" Is it fucking shit u% or is it more *uiet" 1o you want to know what all this means" I just made it u%. It’s a joke. :re you mad" $laughs' 0o, I’m kidding. It actually means something. $joke ala tyle' :nswer Mey 1. C&-e : repre%ent% '"&. T6e -ier t6e c&-e t6e -ier '"&r e". I# t6e c&-e i% tran%parent '"& are "pen t" "t6er% '"& d"n7t 6ide an't6in #r" '"&r #riend% "r #ai'. I# '"& cann"t %ee t6r"&6 t6e c&-e it ean% t6at '"& are a priate per%"n and d"n7t ta8 &c6 a-"&t '"&r%e#. I# t6e c&-e i% ade "&t "# %"et6in %"id and %tr"n it ean% t6at '"& are a %tr"n per%"n. I# it i% %"#t it ean% t6at '"& can -e ea%i' inM&enced and '"& are e"ti"na. H"@ '"& t6in8 a-"&t t6e c&-e repre%ent% 6"@ '"& t6in8 a-"&t '"&r%e#. A c&-e @6ic6 i% "n t6e r"&nd indicate% t6at '"& are d"@n t" eart6 @6ie a M"atin c&-e %6"@% t6at '"& are a dreaer. I# '"& %ee t6e Mat %ide "# t6e c&-e '"& 6ae a %6a"@ per%"nait' i# '"& %ee t6e c&-e in (D '"& 6ae a deep per%"nait'. I# t6e c&-e i% in t6e centre it ean% t6at '"& i8e t6e attenti"n and '"& i8e t" -e prai%ed. T6e c""r "# t6e c&-e repre%ent% '"&r per%"nait'. In enera i# t6e c&-e i% i6t '"& are a p"%itie per%"n and t6e dar8er it i% t6e "re neatie '"& are. H"@eer it a' n"t a@a'% -e %" '"& %6"&d a@a'% pa' attenti"n t" 6"@ '"& #ee a-"&t t6e c""r. I# '"& i8e t6e c""r t6en '"& are a i8ea-e per%"nait' it t6e c""r %ee% c"d t" '"& '"& %ee di%tant t" pe"pe. Here i% a enera &ide t" t6e c&-e c""r%: Bac8 can repre%ent t6e dar8 %ide. 56ite %'-"iGe% inn"cence and a n"n>&deenta per%"nait'.
Red i% t6e c""r "# d"inance and p"@er. ,e"@ c""r "# t6e c&-e %6"@% t6at t6e per%"n "e% attenti"n. It a%" repre%ent% pa'#&ne%% and "ptii% i8e t6e %&n. reen repre%ent% c"pa%%i"n. B&e repre%ent% 8n"@ede and cane%%. P&rpe repre%ent% &=&r'. Br"@n %6"@% %ta-iit'. Br"@n i% t6e "%t c""n c&-e c""r a"n en. 2. Ladder : T6e adder repre%ent% '"&r a-iti"n%. I# it7% ea%' t" ci- '"& i6t #ee '"&r a-iti"n% are ea%' t" attain 6ard t" ciand '"& i6t #ee it7% dic&t. Ta adder i% 6i6 a-iti"n% a "@ adder i% "@ a-iti"n%. I# t6e adder i% #ar a@a' '"&r a-iti"n% i6t #ee di%tant c"%e t" t6e c&-e and it7% attaina-e. !T6e adder can a%" repre%ent '"&r #riend%. T6e c"%er t6e adder t" t6e c&-e t6e c"%er '"& are @it6 '"&r #riend%. I# t6e adder i% eanin aain%t t6e c&-e t6i% indicate% t6at %"e #riend% are re'in "n '"& "r e=pectin '"& t" act acc"rdin t" t6eir @i%6e%. I# t6e adder i% #ar a@a' #r" t6e c&-e it a' ean t6at '"& eit6er 6ae n" #riend% "r '"& d"n7t c"n%ider t6eir #riend%6ip ip"rtant t" '"&. ,"& eit6er enta' "r p6'%ica' i8e t" di%tance '"&r%e# #r" '"&r #riend%. T6e "re r&n% t6e adder 6a% t6e "re #riend% '"& 6ae.$ (. F"@er%: F"@er/% : T6e M"@er repre%ent% '"&r c6idren. I# t6e M"@er i% c"%e t" t6e c&-e t6at ean% '"& are c"%e t" '"&r c6idren. an' M"@er% "r n" M"@er% repre%ent @6et6er '"& @ant "t% "# c6idren "r n"ne. 56at '"& #ee a-"&t t6e M"@er% indicate% 6"@ '"& i6t #ee a-"&t 6ain c6idren. *. H"r%e : T6e 6"r%e repre%ent% '"&r idea partner and 6"@ '"& -e6ae in reati"n%6ip%. I# it i% a @id 6"r%e it ean% t6at '"& ie #reed" t" '"&r partner i# t6e 6"r%e i% tied it ean% '"& @ant t" -e in c"ntr" and '"& a@a'% @ant t" 8n"@ @6ere '"&r partner i% and @6at 6e/%6e i% d"in. I# t6e 6"r%e i% tied t" t6e c&-e t6at %6"@% t6at '"& are a er' p"%%e%%ie per%"n. T6e di%tance -et@een t6e c&-e and t6e 6"r%e %6"@% 6"@ c"%e "r di%tant '"& are in reati"n%6ip%. H"@ t6e 6"r%e -e6ae% a%" %6"@% @6at 8ind "# partner '"& @"&d i8e t" 6ae. I# t6e 6"r%e i% r&nnin "r d"e% n"t %tand #"r "n in "ne pace it ean% t6at '"& @ant t" 6ae a partner t6at @"&d i8e t" trae @"&d -e #& "# ener' and @"&d a@a'% -e in"ed in %"et6in. I# t6e 6"r%e d"e% n"t6in -&t %tand% "r eat% it ean% t6at '"& @ant t" 6ae a partner t6at i8e% t" -e at 6"e and rare' trae%.
T6e ""8 "# a 6"r%e can a%" indicate t6e p6'%ica #eat&re% "# '"&r idea partner. T6e -etter t6e appearance "# t6e 6"r%e t6e -etter ""8in partner '"& @"&d i8e t" 6ae. K. St"r : T6e %t"r i% t6e pr"-e% in '"&r i#e and 6"@ '"& dea @it6 dic&tie% in i#e. I# it i% a -i %t"r t6en '"& a@a'% tr' t" a8e a draa "&t "# %"et6in. I# t6e %t"r i% %a and #ar a@a' #r" '"& it ean% t6at '"& are a ca and p"%itie per%"n and '"& d"n7t i8e -ein anr' and tr' t" &ic8' %6i#t '"&r ""d i# '"& n"tice t6at aner et% actiated in '"&. T6e %t"r can a%" repre%ent c&rrent pr"-e% in '"&r i#e. I# @6i%t %eein %t"r in '"&r ind7% e'e '"& t6in8 t6at it @i %ta' t6ere #"r a "n tie '"& t6in8 t6e %ae @a' a-"&t '"&r c&rrent pr"-e%. I# '"& %ee a -i %t"r it ean% t6at '"& c&rrent' e=perience -i pr"-e% in '"&r i#e. T6e pr"=iit' -et@een t6e %t"r and t6e c&-e a%" %6"@% 6"@ inten%e' t6e%e pr"-e% a
J' 3he water is how you feel about se&. In %sychology they connect water to se&, %robably has something to do with the e&change of bodily (uids. ut anyway, that’s how you feel about se&. @retty cool. 3hen I go into a story about how I +rst learned this test. 9y freshman year in college, my roommate’s aunt who was a %rofessor of 6nglish gave us this test. :nd for the last *uestion I said I just want to kee% going further and further. I was so embarrassed. Gan sometimes lead into a discussion about se&, death or their %ersonality… --- 8AR @6R0 --I gotta share this really cool thing with you. :re you into %ersonality tests at all" !ell, there’s this theory by that there’s basically four ty%es of %eo%le in the world. !e can +nd out which %erson you are. It’s three basic *uestions. Puestion SF. 1o you consider yourself to be more introverted or e&troverted" 8or e&am%le, if you felt like you had to recharge your batteries, would being alone recharge your batteries or would you %refer to be out among %eo%le" Puestion SL. 1o you consider yourself to be more emotional or rational" 8or e&am%le, if you had a major decision to make, would you get out a %iece of %a%er and write out %ros and cons, or would you go by what your feelings told you" Puestion SH. 3hink back to one of the best relationshi%s you had. It doesn’t have to be with a boyfriend. It can be with a best friend or a sibling or a %arent or whatever. >ot it" #ow did that %erson make you feel" @owerful" 3he center of attention" mart" 4alued" kay, what I’m going to do now and tell you the four %ersons. :nd tell me which one YA think you are. 0ot what others might say you are. ut what you think you are. I’ll draw a s*uare on a na%kin with a line down the middle vertically and through the middle hori7ontally. :t the to% I write- R:3I0:5. :t the bottom I write- 693I0:5. n the right I write- 6T3R46R361. n the left I write- I03R46R361. 3o% right *uadrant- Red, 3o% leftlue, ottom left- green, ottom right- yellow. 3he +rst %erson is called ;Red.< 3hese %eo%le make the best G6s. 3hey like to take charge and be the boss. 3hey’re not afraid of confrontation. 3hey can be a little arrogant and %ushy and assertive but they tend not to be the best listeners. 3heir key emotion is to feel %owerful. Red is %ower. 3hey’re Rational and 6&troverted. 3he second %erson is called ;lue.< 3hese %eo%le make the best %sychoanalysts and %rofessors. 3hey enjoy studying and reading
and knowing and analy7ing. 3hey’re more calm. ometimes they can be a little indecisive. 3heir key emotion is to feel intelligent. lue is like the sky, abstract or bird’s eye view. 3hey’re Rational and Introverted. 3he third %erson is called ;>reen.< 3hese %eo%le make the best %oets and artists. 3hey’re more the %eacemakers. 3hey don’t like confrontation, but like to get along. 3hey make the best listeners. 3hey’re su%%ortive, and don’t like to be the center of attention. 3hey tend not to be su%er assertive, and can get taken advantage of. 3heir key emotion is to feel valued. >reen is associated with %eace. 3hey’re 6motional and Introverted. 3he fourth %erson is called ;Yellow.< 3hese %eo%le make the best actors. 3hey’re the most fun %eo%le. 3hey like to be the center of attention. 3hey’ like being in the mi& of things and feel e&cited and ins%ired. 3hey can get distracted a little easily, their attention goes wherever the most e&citement is. 3heir key emotion is feel im%ortant or the center of attention. Yellow is like the sunshine. right and ha%%y. 3hey’re 6motional and 6&troverted. Yellow is the com%lete o%%osite of lue. :nd Red is the com%lete o%%osite of >reen. kay, out of all those, which one do you think you’re more like" :gain what YA think, not what others say you are. $@oint out how their answers to the + rst three *uestions match which %erson they %icked.' o, here’s the thing. 3he theory says we’re all born with a tem%erament, and we lead with that one. ut we actually have all four colors in us. !e also have a secondary %ersonality. !hich do you think is your secondary color" o, your third is %robably… =ung thought your secondary can never be your o%%osite. In the rare case that it is, you’re either cra7y or a genius. ut your object in life is to integrate more of the fourth color with your %rimary. o, if your %rimary color is E that means you need to integrate more of the $fourth color'. 8or e&am%le $list some of the characteristics of the fourth %ersonality'. =ung would say once you do that, you become a more whole, integrated human being. Isn’t that cool" 0ow, which one do you think I am" h my >od, we’re totally com%atible? !e should get married right now.
--- 3#6 PA63I0 >:96 --- $3aken from ;9ystery 9ethod,< by 9ystery, and I %ut in my own *uestions as well as *uestions from ;3he ook of Puestions< by >regory tock' #ave you ever %layed the Puestion >ame" !ell, there are RA56… Rule ne, you ask a *uestion, then me, then you, and so on, back and forth. Rule 3wo, you have to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. 5ike truth and dare because I don’t know how weird you really are. $0otice the neg' Rule 3hree, you can’t ask the same *uestion that’s already been asked. Rule 8our, you have to ask *uestions that let skeletons out of the closet. 3ake advantage of our anonymity. h, and Rule 8ive… you go +rst. $he- 3hat’s not fair?' $3he following are some %ossible *uestions. You can create your own of course. You %robably don’t need more than FC *uestions.' #ow many boyfriends have you had" 3ell me a secret. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be" If I were to look in your 141 %layer right now, what would I +nd" If you were down what would you watch as your comfort food movie" If I were to look on your i@hone, what would I see on your %laylist" !hat is your most favorite %lace that you’ve visited" If you had to get away from it all, just to get settled down, where would you go" 6ver had a rough breaku%" 6ver been to the 6R" 6ver %erformed on stage" !hen did you +rst get drunk" Gan you cook" !hat’s your favorite food" !hat’s your favorite store to sho% in" If I could grant you any su%er%ower, what would it be" If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do" If you had a %enis for a day, what would you do" If you could kiss any of your girlfriends, who would it be and why" If you could fuck any guy here, who would it be and why" #ow long should a girl wait before having se&" !hat’s the cra7iest %lace you’ve had se&"
You know, when a guy +rst +ngers a girl he usually only uses one +nger, but the girl almost always asks for two, sometimes three. 1o you think a guy should start o2 with one +nger or two" If you woke u% tomorrow anywhere in the world, where would it be" If you could take a onemonth tri% anywhere in the world and money were not a consideration, where would you go and what would you do" 5et’s say you’re all alone and you have no fear of being laughed at or looked down u%on by others, what sorts of things would you do" If you were as outgoing and uninhibited as you want, what would you like to do" You’ve been given the ability to travel to any %eriod in history, where would you go" !ould you do anything to change the course of history" !ould you come back" You’ve been given the ability to travel to any %eriod in the future, where would you go" !ould you do anything to change the course of history" !ould you come back" 5et’s say a millionaire will donate a million dollars to you or to a charity of your choice I8 you ste%Ecom%letely nakedEfrom a car onto a busy downtown street, walk four blocks, and climb back into the car. 3here is absolutely no risk of bodily danger. !ould you do it" It begs the *uestion how comfortable we are with our bodies" !hat’s the big deal about being nakedEthat’s how we were born. If you were to wake u% on a warm morning by yourself in the nude and were going to la7e around the house, how long would you wait to %ut clothes on" I think it’s great when a woman is comfortable with her bodyEthere’s nothing se&ier or con+dent in the world. If you could choose anyone in the worldEliving or deadEto be your dinner guest tonight, who would you choose" !hat about as your friend and as your lover" !hich begs the *uestion, what do you look for in a friend that you might not want in a lover" :nd what do you seek in a lover that you haven’t found yet, or that you had once but want to +nd again" $…:nd also, what did your last boyfriend not get about you"' If you could scri%t the basic %lot of the dream you’ll have tonight, what would the story be about" r, what would you want your dream to tell you tonight" !ould you like to be famous" In what way" You’ve just found out that you’re going to die ne&t year suddenly. If you knew this, is there anything you would change about the way you’re living now"
If a genie came along and O%oofO could make you be anything in the world you wanted to be $without fear of failureErock star, su%ermodel, whatever' what would it be" :nd don’t say %rincess. If you could choose any art to do, what would it be and what would it be about" !hat would you do if money were no object" Is there something you’ve dreamed of doing for awhile" !hy haven’t you done it" If you came across a genie one day and he could give you any wish, what would it be" :nd don’t say I wish for more wishes. If a genie gave you a million dollars, what would you do with it" !hat do you want to be when you grow u%" :nd don’t say %rincess. !hat’s your favorite 1isney movie" !hat was your favorite children’s book" !ho was your childhood idol" #ave you ever wished you were of the o%%osite se&" !hich do you think has it easier in our culture, men or women" :nd what do you think is the main di2erence between men and women" Is the di2erence inherited or learned" #ave you had satisfying se& in the last three months" If so, what made it good or less than good" r, what’s the best se&ual e&%erience you’ve ever had" !hat makes great se& for a woman" I’ll tell you what makes great se& for a guyEenthusiasm. 0ot just a girl who lies there like a dead +sh. ut a girl who gives it her all, who really gets into it, isn’t afraid to make noises, scream, let loose, be uninhibited, willing to e&%eriment…there was this survey done on guys that asked what they would like to see their woman do more of. ne of the to% H or K things wasn’t anything kinky at all but something as sim%le as a girl letting her guy go down on her. 3hat letting loose, enthusiasm really turns us on. I’ll tell you, there’s nothing se&ier in the world for a guy, than a woman in ecstasy" 1o you believe in any sort of >od" If not, and you found yourself in a lifethreatening situation, would you still %ray" !hat about angels and s%irits" 1o you believe in these at all" If you were going on a long tri%, would you roll your clothes, fold your clothes, or just throw them into your suitcase" In conversations, do you tend to talk or listen more" !hat kinds of things do you usually talk about, or like to talk about" 1oes the fact that you’ve never tried something before increase or decrease its a%%eal to you" $3hese are my %ersonal turno2s' 1o you have tattoos"
1o you smoke, drink, do drugs" 1o you like horror movies" !hat’s the cra7iest %lace you’ve had se&" !ho was your best lover" !hat was your best se&ual e&%erience" !hat was the one thing your last boyfriend didn’t get about you" !hat is the greatest accom%lishment of your life" !hat is the greatest disa%%ointment in your life" If you could change anything about the way that you were raised, what would it be" !hat is your most treasured memory" 8or what in your life do you feel most grateful" !hat do you fantasi7e about when you masturbate" #ave you ever been attracted to a woman" #ow often do you masturbate" !hat’ do you like best about se&" !hat’s your favorite %osition" (. ,"&r r"&ndin St"r'. T6i% i% part "# t6e eat and p"tat"e% t"". --- YAR >RA01I0> 3RY --- Gredit- 9ystery !hen your girl asks ;what do you"< your >rounding tory is the res%onse. Instead of saying something factual like ;writer< or ;doctor< or ;waiter< you can tell her a story that hel%s her relate to you better. It grounds your identity to her reality. !ell, when I was little I wanted to be… $3ell stories and ambitions as a child' !hen I was a teenager $!hat may have changed in adolescence… maybe an obstacle to overcome' 0ow I’m a writer and where I’m going ne&t $what I’m doing now and what I want to do ne&t, what I ultimately want to do'. : trick I learned from 9ehow- at each story %oint in the way, ask about her childhood, her teenage years, where she is now and where she wants to go. 3his makes is interactive, and you get to learn about her. :lso, 5ance 9ason has a great variation on this. Instead of telling the story factually, you can tell your >rounding tory in terms of a meta%hor. 8or e&am%le, com%aring your life to a cater%illar in a cocoon on the verge of breaking free. !hat does your life feel like" !hat image is it like, an image anyone can relate to" *. PreEpt La%t in&te Re%i%tance. T" a"id a%t in&te re%i%tance ater d"@n t6e ine in t6e -edr"" %et t6e ri6t #rae ear' "n
d&rin c"#"rt. A%" i# '"& @ant t" et 6er 8n"@ '"& date &tipe @"en et 6er 8n"@ ear' "n d&rin c"#"rt. ::: THE 5ORD SLUT IS BULLSHIT ::: !Ipr"i%ed -a%ed "n Lance a%"n$ 3he word slut is such bullshit. 3here’s no e*uivalent word for a guy. Gall a guy a slut and it’s like a com%liment. 8or a girl it’s degrading. I think it’s awesome when a girl doesn’t %lay by those outdated standards. : girl who’s s%ontaneous and adventurous. 3here’s nothing se&ier in the world. --- 1:3I0> 9A53I@56 !960 --:036R. anter that you have multi%le girlfriends, or lots of girls chasing you. ee rad @’s ;6ight >irlfriend< Routine for an e&am%le. It’s listed under ;4. 1o You #ave a >irlfriend"< in ;J. Gontingencies< in :L :ttract, @art F of L $anter' I’9 @5Y:9RA. $Gredit- =oshua @elletier from ;#ow to 1ate 9ulti%le !omen<' ,"&: 0H"@ did '"&r a%t reati"n%6ip end9 !A%8 penended &e%ti"n% a-"&t 6er a%t reati"n%6ip$ S6e: 0O6 6e @a% >ea"&%. It ended. 56ateer.3 ,"&: 0I d"n7t 6ae t6at pr"-e an'"re -eca&%e I c6aned %"et6in a-"&t t6e @a' I7 in reati"n%6ip% n"@. B&t 'ea6 I ree-er @6at t6at @a% i8e and it c"pete' %&c8%3 S6e: Ta8in a-"&t >ea"&%' #ear 'in apat6' "r %e%6ne%%. ,"&: 0,"& 8n"@ t6at d"e%n7t 6appen in a p"'a"r"&% reati"n%6ip. Hae '"& eer c"n%idered >&%t -ein p"'a"r"&% @it6 &'% t6at a8e '"& #ee t6at @a'93 OR ,"&: 0T6at &' "er t6ere %ee% t" -e diin '"&. ,"& @ant e t" intr"d&ce '"& t" 6i9 Seri"&%'. ,"& can 6""8&p @it6 an' &' '"& @ant t". I7 p"'a"r"&%. I7 c"pete' c"#"rta-e @it6 t6at.3 S6e: 056at i% p"'a"r'93 ,"&: 05e p"' ean% an' and a"r' ean% "e "r "er% %" p"'a"r' tec6nica' ean% I 6ae an' "e% "r an' "er% an' ir#riend% at t6e %ae tie.3 S"etie% I i6t add 0I 6ae an' ir#riend% "r an' "er% and i# I eet %"e"ne n"t c"#"rta-e @it6 it I d"n7t date t6e. I a c"pete' "pen and t6e' a 8n"@ a-"&t eac6 "t6er a6ead "# tie.3 I# %6e7% n"t c"" @it6 it t6en '"& d"n7t date 6er. POSSIBLE OB;ECTIONS
O->ecti"n 1: 0I c"&d neer d" t6at.3 Re%p"n%e: 0,"& 8n"@ it7% n"t #"r eer'-"d' -&t i# '"& eer eet a &' @6"7% c"ndent en"&6 a% a an c"#"rta-e en"&6 in -ein p"'a"r"&% and @6"7% act&a' rea' ""d at it t6en I 6i6' %&e%t '"& tr' it "&t. I rea' t6in8 '"& %6"&d. It7% "ne "# t6e "%t aaGin e=peri ence%. A "t "# @"en t6at are datin e are d"in it #"r t6e r%t tie. T6e' 6aen7t d"ne it @it6 an' "t6er an t6"&6 %"e "# t6e 6ae "t6er &'% t6at t6e'7re datin and t6at7% a@e%"e. T6ere aren7t a @6"e "t "# &'% t6at 8n"@ 6"@ t" d" it ri6t -&t i# '"& eer r&n int" an"t6er "ne I 6i6' %&e%t '"& tr' it "&t.3 S6e: 0O8a' 'ea6 I7 tr' t6at "&t3 !t6e' @i$ ,"&: c"ntin&e ta8in a% i# n"t6in 6a% c6aned. O->ecti"n 2: 0Are '"& %eepin @it6 a "# t6e93Re%p"n%e: 05e 'ea6 "%t "# t6e. I ean I7 n"t "in t" date t6e and t6en depriin t6e "# %e=. B&t @e a%" aree t" 6ae a c"pete 1JJQ pr"tecti"n r&e. 5e a@a'% &%e pr"tecti"n. B&t 'ea6 I7 %eepin @it6 "%t "# t6e.3 O->ecti"n (: 056at 8ind "# ir @"&d act&a' d" t6at93 Re%p"n%e: 0ir% i8e '"& ir% t6at are c"ndent en"&6 c"#"rta-e @it6 e and tr&%t e. T6e'7re n" di&%t rea' c"#"rta-e @it6 e.3 O->ecti"n *: 0D" t6e' a 8n"@ a-"&t eac6 "t6er93 Re%p"n%e: 0A-%"&te'. It &%&a' c"e% &p in t6e r%t e in&te% "# ta8in t" a ir. And t6e'7re c"pete' c"#"rta-e @it6 it. I can te prett' &ic8' i# a ir i% c"#"rta-e @it6 it "r n"t. It7% er' ip"rtant t6at i# %6e7% n"t c"#"rta-e @it6 it "r %6e7% n"t intere%ted in earnin 6"@ t" -e c"#"rta-e @it6 it t6en I d"n7t date 6er. I d"n7t %eep @it6 6er n"t6in.3 OR: D" t6e' a 8n"@ a-"&t eac6 "t6er9 ,ea6 "# c"&r%e t6e' d" and i# t6e' d"n7t I d"n7t date t6e at a. O->ecti"n K: 0S" '"&7re c6eatin t6en93
Re%p"n%e: 05e n" I7 n"t c6eatin. T6e%e ir% a 8n"@ a-"&t eac6 "t6er and t6e' a 8n"@ t6at I7 %eepin @it6 "t6er%. T6e' are a c"pete' c"" @it6 it.3 OR: 0N" "ne i% c6eatin. T6ere i% n" c6eatin. ,"& cann"t c6eat. I# an'"ne tried t" c6eat t6e' @"&dn7t -e a-e t" -eca&%e t6ere i% n" c"itent %" t6ere i% n" c6eatin.3 O->ecti"n : 0S" '"& neer @ant t" et arried93 Re%p"n%e: 0O# c"&r%e I @ant t" et arried. I denite' d". B&t t6e ir% t6at I7 datin are n"t t6e ir I a "in t" arr'. T6e'7re >&%t n"t t6e "ne #"r e. I7 n"t "in t" %ette #"r an't6in e%% t6an a-%"&te' per#ect #"r e. I d"n7t t6in8 t6e' %6"&d eit6er. Neit6er "# &% t6in8 t6at @e7re ri6t #"r eac6 "t6er "n ter and @e7re -"t6 er' 6"ne%t a-"&t t6at. S"eda' I @i eet a ir t6at i% per#ect #"r e in eer' @a'. I 6"pe I et arried t" 6er.3 OR: 0N" I d"n7t eer @ant t" et arried. T6i% i% per#ect' ne. I7 er' 6app' @it6 t6i% i#e%t'e and t6e ir% t6at I7 @it6 are er' 6app' and %"eda' t6e'7 pr"-a-' et arried and t6e'7 eae and t6at7% "8a'.3 O->ecti"n : 056at 8ind "# ir% are t6e%e ir%93 Re%p"n%e: 05e t6e' are #r" a %"rt% "# @a8% "# i#e. T6ere7% a ir t6at I7 datin t6at7% a pr"#e% %i"na 8ite -"arder. S6e7% rea' at6etic. T6ere7% a ir t6at I7 datin t6at i% in p"etr' %c6"". T6ere7% a ir t6at I7 datin t6at7% a -ari%ta. T6ere7% a ir t6at I7 datin t6at7% a d"ct"r at a 6"%pita. T6ere7% a ir t6at I7 datin t6at i% a %tripper "ne t6at7% a 6ippie and an"t6er t6at7% a p"8er deaer at a ca%in".3 I# '"& d"n7t 6ae an' ir#riend%: 0Are '"& %eepin @it6 a "# t6e93 0N" n"t a "# t6e3 i% per#ect' ne. 056at 8ind "# ir% are t6e'93 0T6e ir% I7e dated in t6e pa%t are #r" a @a8% "# i#e.3 * REINFORCEENT TECHNI4UES 1. A%8 6er "pini"n "# "t6er ir%: 056at d" '"& t6in8 a-"&t t6at ir93 0D" '"& t6in8 %6e i% c&te93 2. Fi%6 #"r >ea"&%': 0T6at ir i% 6"t.3OR: Appr"ac6 an"t6er ir @it6 6er: 0He' @e @ere >&%t ta8in a-"&t 6"@ c&te '"& are.3I# %6e et >ea"&% -ad %in. S6e @"n7t -e "8a' @it6 '"& %eepin @it6 "t6er ir%.
(. D"n7t -e aaia-e: 0He' I @"n7t -e aaia-e t" 6an "&t &nti T6&r%da'.3I# %6e eer a%8% '"& t" cance pan% t6i% i% a pr"-e. Rein#"rce p"'a"r': 0I d"n7t cance pan% #"r '"& -&t I7 ar"&nd T6&r%da' ni6t. Ree-er t6i% i% a p"'a"r"&% reati"n%6ip. I7 %ti 6ere #"r '"& -&t "n ' "@n ter%.3 I# t6at d"e%n7t @"r8 r&n. ,"&7e "t a >ea"&% ir. *. D"n7t -&id rapp"rt t"" #a%t: et t6in% %e=&a #a%t. THEN -&id rapp"rt. T"" &c6 rapp"rt -e#"re %e= can ead t" 6&rt #eein% c"n#&%i"n "r aner. )eep t6e e"ti"na c"nnecti"n e"@ &nti ater. AFTER SE?: It7% "8a' t" c&dde and c"nnect @it6 6er. B&t c"nnect i8e a #riend n"t a -"'#riend. )eep t6in% i6t @it6 %"e #&n -anter "r " int" n"ra c"ner%ati"n "r i6t rapp"rt n"t t6e deep rapp"rt. DON7T a8e an' pan% @it6 6er. S6e can te '"& a-"&t 6er pr"-e% %6e can a%8 '"&r adice %6e can %6are @6at i% "in "n in 6er i#e -&t "nce %6e %tart% tr'in t" ta8 a-"&t 6er #&t&re @it6 '"& c&t it "<. a8e it cear t6at t6i% reati"n%6ip i% n"t %6i#tin int" "n"a'.I# '"& can et 6er %ta'. Hae -rea8#a%t. I# %6e need% a ride ie 6er "ne. Once %6e eae% 8eep %earc6in. K. )in". )in" rad&a' -ec"e% "re intiate in c"#"rt. P&%6 t6e -"&ndarie% %i6t' -&t n"t t"" &c6. "re %pecica' "e #r" t"&c6in 6er "n t6e ar% and 6and% t" 6er e%. T"&c6 6er e @it6 '"&r e T"&c6 6er e @it6 '"&r 6and Lean in t" %e 6er @6ie 6er ar i% in '"&r% #"r e=ape 0an '"& %e %" #&c8in ""d.3 T6en -ac8 "< 0,"& 8n"@ @6at I7 n"t een in t6at 6ead %pace3 OR 0 n" n"ne "# t6at n"@.3 Dance )i%% PHASE THREE: SEDUCTION SETTIN A ROANTIC/SENSUAL OOD In ' e=perience '"& d"n7t need an' "# t6e%e r"&tine% t" 8i%% a @"an e=cept #"r t6e trian&ar aGe. ,"& can act&a' " #"r a 8i%% @it6in 2J in&te% "# eetin 6er I# '"&7e -een d"in 8in" a a"n and %6e7% a&6in and 6ain a reat tie %6e @ant% t" -e 8i%%ed. ;&%t d"n7t a8e "&t 'et. Brea8 "< t6e 8i%% r%t. )eep t6e %e=&a ten%i"n aie. T6e 8i%% i% %ip' c"#"rt -&idin. Sae a8in "&t and #"repa' #"r @6en '"&7re a"ne. S" rea' t6e%e r"&tine% are >&%t trainin @6ee%. Aain i# %6e7% a&6in ta8in @it6 '"& iin '"& 6er attenti"n '"& can ean in and 8i%% 6er. B&t i# '"& d"n7t #ee c"#"rta-e d"in t6at 'et 6ere
are %"e @a'% t" 8eep '"&r "&t6 "in @6ie '"& a8e t6e "e. Aain t6e "%t ip"rtant r"&tine 6ere i% t6e a%t "ne t6e trian&ar aGe. And ree-er -e t6e "ne t" -rea8 "< t6e 8i%% r%t. )eep 6er c6a%in. 1. R"antic 4&e%ti"n%. T6e%e &e%ti"n% can %6i#t t6e c"ner%ati"n #r" ca%&a t" r"antic. 63 Y8RI601- !ho was your best boyfriend and why" 5:3 Y8RI601- !hat was the one thing your last boyfriend didn’t get about you" 94I6 :G3R- !hich actor do you +nd most attractive and why" 546R 4. 8RI601- !hat do you look for in a lover that you don’t look for in a friend" I16:5 1:36- I was reading about this romantic date and it was ama7ing. Imagine this- you’re out with a man you really like and +nd really attractive. You are sitting in this gorgeous outdoor restaurant, overlooking a lake. 3he autumn colors are just %erfect. 3he air is fresh and smells so great, you feel like you don’t even need to eat, just sit there and breathe that sweet air. :nyway, that’s how the book %ut it. :nd you have this incredible date as the sun goes down over the water, the stars come out and then the moon rises, and the two of you feel so connected, so in love, you know what I mean" !hat would you say is your most romantic moment ever" $Gredit#ow to ucceed with !omen, by Ron 5ouis X 1avid Go%eland' :33R:G361- !hat does it feel like when you’re really, really attracted to a man" I0 546- what does it feel like when you’re in love" #ow do you know when you are in love" MII0>- !hat’s your favorite thing about kissing" 2. R"%% ;e
e&citement, like this tingling in your stomach. :nd when you reach the %eak, you surrender to the dro% and scream with e&citement. afety- :t the same time you have to feel safe and secure, so you can trust that being on the ride, you’re not going to get hurt. You have to know that this roller coaster is so secure and strong and safe that you’re not going to get hurt. You feel so totally safe and secure that you can let go. It’s the comfort and safety that allows you to feel e&citement. 8ascination- 5astly, if you want to get back on the ride and do it again, you’ve also got to feel a sense of fascination and un%redictability. 3his ride has to have so many twists and turns that you don’t know what’s going to ha%%en ne&t, but you know it’s going to be good. :s soon as you get o2, you just want to climb back on and take it again and again, multi%le times. --- 5! = --te% one- Gom%ulsion vs. :ntici%ation. I +nd it so interesting that whole subject of how %eo%le connect with their desires and their ho%es and dreams. You know, it reminds me of this article I was reading about com%ulsion. :nd it got me to thinking about the di2erences between com%ulsion and antici%ation. te% two- 1e+ne Gom%ulsion. Gom%ulsion is when you do something without even thinking about it. 5ike, you ever +nd yourself just reaching for the refrigerator" :nd before you know it, your hand is already on that door handle and you’re looking in the refrigerator and you sto% and think, ;h my >od, what am I doing here"< !ell, that’s an e&am%le of com%ulsion. te% three- 1e+ne :ntici%ation with H 6&am%les. ut antici%ation is where your mind antici%ates %leasure before it actually arrives. 6&am%le F- ath/hower. 8or e&am%le, you ever come home from a really rotten day at work" :ll you can think about is dro%%ing every stitch of clothing and climbing into that steaming hot bath or shower. :nd before you can even get in, you can already imagine that heat working its way through every %art of your body. :nd then there comes that actual moment, that moment of sliding in, where you just release com%letely, and let that %leasure take you com%letely. 6&am%le L- Ghocolate. r another e&am%le might be… do you like chocolate" !hat’s your favorite kind of chocolate" !ell, do you ever get a %iece of chocolate^ instead of eating it right away you save a %iece, you %ut it aside and you think about it all day long. You think about what it would be like to %ut this in your mouth, where you
tease yourself, you hold it right in front of your li%s. :0d you begin to imagine the soft, creamy te&ture against your tongue. You imagine that +rst moment where that +rst molecule, sweet, touches your taste cubs. Yu imagine that moment where you just… wra% your tongue around this and there’s this e&%losion of %leasure, like an orgasm, in your mouth. 6&am%le H- 8irst Miss. 3he other e&am%le I can think of is, have you ever been with someone and you both know there’s a real attraction here but you don’t say anything" 3here’s that moment where you sto% talking and you just lock eyes with that %erson… and you know there’ something about to ha%%en. You begin to… imagine that +rst wonderful kiss. You imagine that +rst soft brush of the li%s. o soft you’re not even sure you’re kissing yet" :nd then there comes that moment where you do begin that +rst kiss and there’s that jolt of electricity that just goes shooting through you" te% 8our- Gonclusion. ee, I think what ha%%ens is that the conscious mind can go down into the unconscious and come back with all these… idea and fantasies… and thoughts. ee, being very intellectual, I used to think all my thoughts came from above me, but now I know so much of the im%ortant thoughts come from below me, 1ebbie, because you’re coming from a much dee%er %lace from inside your mind. --- 5:99 --te% ne- 1iscovery Ghannel te% 3wo- Instantaneous Gonnection te% 3hree- ubmodality. ee, everything in the mind has a structure to it, even the e&%erience of connecting with someone. I learned this really cool things about 05@, a form of %sychothera%y that was mi&ed with hy%nosis back in the Cs. kay, check this out. 3hink about someone you really like for a second. >ot that" 0ow %oint to where you see that %erson in your mind. kay now think of someone you don’t like that much, maybe someone who’s made you feel bad about yourself. 0ow watch this. 3ake that %icture of the %erson you don’t like and try as hard as you can to move it over into the %lace in your mind where you see the %erson you do like. ee that" It doesn’t want to move, right" ecause you need a way to sort out who your really like from who you don’t. Isn’t that cool" te% 8our- 4isuali7ation. kay, now here’s something else 05@ develo%ed. It’s called visuali7ation. ee if you can remember a time when you were feeling e&*uisite %leasure in your body. 5ook at yourself as if you were on a movie screen. Gan you see yourself"
kay, now instead of looking at yourself, enter into your body as if you were there. ee the colors you’d see, the scents you’d smell, the sounds, the tastes, the feel of your skin. 0ow, the second felt more real, right" 3his works great in everyday life. ecause focus on negative thoughts, and it %uts you in a bad mood and creates a negative reality. 8ocus on %ositive thoughts, and it lifts your s%irits and creates success. te% 8ive- :nchoring. 0ow, here’s the +nal %iece to 05@. It’s called anchoring. If you want to sna% out of a bad mood, this can hel%. #ave you ever heard a song that had good memories associated with it, and instantly you’re there in that good memory. ame idea. You combine a great feeling with a sound or touch. Re%eat that sound and touch and you’re su%%osed to feel those feelings again. o, here, let’s try it out for shits and giggles. Glose your eyes. 8eel that e&*uisite %leasure in your body again, as if you were there in your body. ee how what you saw, hear what you heard, feel how it felt. =ust feel wonderful. 3ake all the time you’d like. :nd when those feelings of e&*uisite %leasure reach their %eak, lift your thumb for me. $3ouch her on inside of wrist or elbow' @erfect. :nd just hand on for a minute to how good it feels. >reat. kay, o%en your eyes and look at me. Glose your eyes again and %ut your mind back into that %lace. 5et your mind go. urrender to how good it feels. 8eel how wonderful your skin feels, smell the lovely scents, taste the tastes, hear the sounds. :s you feel those feelings build and they reach their %eak, lift your thumb for me. $3ouch her on the same s%ot' >reat. #old onto those feelings as you o%en your eyes and look at me. :ll right, now the third time is the magic time. o, close your eyes again and allow yourself to enjoy that e&%erience so dee%ly. 0otice how every inch of your skin feels. 0otice every sound, whis%er, sigh, whatever sound you hear, every feeling, and all the things you’re seeing, the colors. :nd as it begins to reach its %eak, life u% that thumb and let me know. $3ouch' >reat. 0ow hold onto those feelings and really enjoy them. %en your eyes and look at me. 0ow, as I said the idea behind anchoring is when you combine a feeling with a touch or a sound, and when you re%eat that touch or sound, you’ll feel that feeling again. o, if I were to say to you, you know, I fund that when I s%end time with someone, and I really start to feel that sense of incredible connection, maybe then you can feel just %erfect $3ouch'. :nd that feels great, doesn’t it" Isn’t this interesting" Isn’t the mind really cool" te% i&- In 5ove ubmodality. 0ow notice something else. You ever just fall head over heels in love with someone" :s you’re
remembering that time, %oint to where you see that %icture. $3ouch' o watch… as you think about that s%ace remember his voice… and allow his voice to come from that s%ace. It’s like the warmth of his voice, the dee%, rich warmth of it just starts to %enetrate your consciousness, and s%read all through your body. :s your heart beats faster and your breathing increases, the warmth just heats u% into a +re. : +re s%reading through your chest and down through your belly. : +re %ounding and %ulsating all through you, down to where you really long to have it go. Antil that desire for him just becomes utterly overwhelming and you just surrender to it com%letely. --- 546 4. I0 546 --#ave you ever thought about the di2erence between attraction and being in love" Gould you say they take %lace in di2erent settings" :ttraction is what you e&%erience in the %resence of that %erson. ut falling in love is when you’re not in that %erson’s %resence. 8or e&am%le, remember a time when you just totally fell for someone. Remember what that feels like" o, what may have ha%%ened was you s%ent some time with him, had a great time, and when you went home, you thought about him. You list all the *ualities about him that you like. 3hen you get that feeling, right in the %it of your stomach that starts to s%read out and you feel those feelings of love for him. Gan you feel that as I describe it to you" :nd then here’s the kicker. You start saying his name out loud, bringing it u% in conversations with friends, dance around the house, singing his name… hehe It’s almost like falling in love is a %rocess. :nd when you do that %rocess with someone, and let it ha%%en, that’s when the magic takes over, the magic we’re all really looking for. 3he real magic is when it ha%%ens instantly and you know it right away. 3hat’s an incredible feelings, right" --- R65:3I0#I@ 4:5A6 --@hase ne- 6liciting #er Relationshi% 4alues. !hat’s most im%ortant to you in a relationshi%" $he- 9utual admiration'. 3hat is an im%ortant one. #ow do you know when you have mutual admiration" $he- e&am%les, e&%eriences, stories, feelings' I agree… that’s a %owerful one. !ell, what else is im%ortant to you in a relationshi%" $he- sense of humor… 036- this is a *uality, not a
value. teer her to values' !ell, I know that’s an im%ortant *uality +r a %erson to have, but what does a %erson’s sense of humor allow you to e&%erience that you wouldn’t otherwise e&%erience" $hefun and enjoyment' f course… why be with someone if they’re no fun" :nd what has to ha%%en for you to know you’ve got fun and enjoyment with someone. 1o you have e&am%les" $he- e&am%les, e&%erience, stories, feelings' !ow.. that would be great to be with someone like that. !ell, what else is im%ortant to you in a relationshi%" $he- trust' !ow… that is an im%ortant one. #ow do you know when you have trust with someone. $he- e&am%les, e&%eriences, stories, feelings' @hase 3wo- Ranking values from 93 to 56:3 im%ortant. f those three values, mutual admiration, fun, and trust, which is most im%ortant" If you could only %ick one, which one would it be" $hefun and enjoyment' !ell, I could see that. f mutual admiration and trust, which is more im%ortant" $#er- mutual admiration' @hase 3hree- 5ater on $#ours or weeks later'. I think we’ve got the start of something here, and I think it’s based on fun and enjoyment, trust, and mutual admiration. Isn’t it a wonderful thing to e&%erience" :nd 6 that need she wants ful+lled. (. Se=&a S&->ect%. T6e%e @i et a @"an t6in8in a-"&t t6e pea%&re% "# %e= @it6in n"ra c"ner%ati"n. Be%t t" @ait t" -rin t6e%e &p a#ter '"&7e created an e"ti"na c"nnecti"n @it6 a @"an. --- 3Y56’ ;0:0GY 8RI1:Y< RA3I06 --- $8rom Rules of the >ame, by 0eil trauss' !omen are so much more fascinating than men. 8or e&am%le, there was this %rofessor in the si&ties who wrote a book and said that women were inca%able of se&ual fantasies. $he- 3hat’s notE' I know, e&actly. bviously it’s not true. o this woman named 0ancy 8riday wrote a book in res%onse called ;9y ecret >arden.< :nd to dis%rove his theory, she interviewed hundreds of women about their se&ual fantasies. !here men’s fantasies are handed to them on a silver %latter and encouraged, making most of them %retty much the same, women live this much more e&citing and varied fantasy life. I think this is because women’s se&uality is often re%ressed when they’re found. 3hey’re told ;3hat’s bad.< o their se&uality is held back, and eventually starts to (ower in dynamic, wonderful ways. $he- 3hat’s interesting'
Yea, so 0ancy 8riday interviewed these women who were basically in relationshi%s where they have even had oral se& and had se& only in the missionary %osition, and they had these wild fantasy lives. o she says that a woman’s mind is like a house. :nd each room contains a di2erent fantasy. 3here’s the anonymous se& room. 3here’s being with other women, being watch by an audience, being dominated, being a %rostitute, or even transforming during se& into something or someone else. bviously not every woman has all these rooms in her mind. 5ike, for e&am%le, when you’re alone and thinking about something that gets you e&cited)and it doesn’t have to be anything you’ve ever done or would ever do in real life)do you think about something that’s in one of those rooms, or something com%letely di2erent" $he- I guess)' It’s funny. : lot of %eo%le think things that get them e&cited but actually want them to remain just fantasies. 5ike, I dated someone whose fantasy was to be on stage stra%%ed in stirru%s in this mechanical device, while these robots had se& with her and an auditorium full of doctors in white lab coats watched. $@ause' :nd, no, we never did end u% doing that. $he- 1escribes her fantasy' 3hat’s interesting. It’s ama7ing. !omen can have all these di2erent kinds of orgasms)vaginal, clitoral, blended, fullbody)and usually they can have many of them, back to back. !hile a lot of guys only get this one little release that isn’t nearly as %leasurable. o you’d think it would be women who chase men for se& and not the o%%osite. Ghange to a nonse&ual to%ic to allow her to think those thoughts… --- 0Y 3I96 :R3IG56 0 869:56 16IR6 --- $ased on =anuary LK, LCCB article I read in 3he 0ew York 3imes 9aga7ine by 1aniel ergner' I just read the most fascinating article in 3he 0ew York 3imes about female desire. H females scientists tried to +gure out how it works. cientists. 869:56 scientists. #ere’s the %roblem they were tying to solve. 3here was this e&%eriment done where straight guys and girls and gay guys and girls watched the same videos of- straight cou%le having se&, L guys, L girls, naked girl doing aerobics, naked guy walking down beach, bonobos having se&. 3heir desire was measured objectively and subjectively. bjectively the guys had an a%%aratus over their %enis to gauge swelling. >irls had a %lastic %robe in their vagina to measure blood (ow and moisture through
their walls. ubjectively, the guys and girls had to rate how aroused they were after watching a scene. >uys were straightforward. ubjective and objective measurements matched. e&ual orientation matched. 0o arousal at the bonobos. !omen were a whole di2erent ball game. 3heir genitalia reacted more to the bonobos than to the naked guy walking. 3hey reacted more to L girls than L guys. 0ot only that, the lesbians said their desire was low for the straight cou%le, but their genitalia said otherwise. 3he straight girls said their desire was low for the lesbian cou%le, but their genitalia said otherwise. !hy did their vaginas di2er from their words" :nd why they get turned on by bonobos" ne scientist thought it was because women’s desire is actually in their minds, not in their bodies. 3heir bodies were more like an evolutionary mechanism to detect se&. 3he naked man who was not erect didn’t give o2 se& signals, but the bonobos did. 3he second scientist argued women’s desire ha%%ens through emotional connection or intimacy, not se&ual %reference. 3hat e&%lains why women didn’t res%ond according to their listed orientation. !omen’s orientation transcends labels. 3he third scientist said women’s desire is narcissistic. #er desire comes from being desired. 3his e&%lains why the naked woman turned her on more than the naked man. he imagined she was that desirable woman, and the thought of being desired aroused her. 3his also e&%lains why the SF se&ual fantasy women have is to be ra%ed or dominated. ecause the man desires her so much, he loses all control for her, and this turns her on. :s well as she gets to be dominated. 3he conclusion" 0o one knows what women want, not even women who are scientists. ut that’s e&actly what I love about women. 3hey’re a mystery to be solved. 3hey are desire itself. :nd they want a man who knows how to allow her let go and just unleash her desire. OIN FOR THE )ISS. ,"& can 8i%% 6er @it6in 2J in&te%. T6e 8i%% i% >&%t c"#"rt -&idin. I7 repeatin '%e# -&t t6e%e r"&tine% are >&%t trainin @6ee%. ,"& d"n7t need t6e e=cept #"r pr"-a-' t6e trian&ar aGe. --- 3Y56’ ;645A3I0:RY @#:6 #I83< RA3I06 --h my >od you smell good, what are you wearing" $he tells you' h my >od that smells good. $mell her near her shoulders u% toward her ears' It’s funny because animals when they mate, they
get all the information they need about someone just from the scent. cent tells us so much. :nd I don’t think we guys value it enough. : woman’s sense of smell is JC times better than a guy’s. :nd the animal %art of us is actually wired to res%ond when someone smells us. :nd the thing I miss most about having hair R the thing something I really love is when someone reaches u% and grabs your hair and just %ulls it from behind. $:s you say this, go u% the back of her neck, get a good chunk, %ull it back fairly hard' It’s great because you’ll notice that lions, when they’re mating will actually bite the back of each other’s manes and they’re wired to res%ond to this. r cats will %ick each other by the scru2 of the neck. !hat’s fascinating is that the %arts of your body that bend the most have the most nerve endings and the %arts that you see the least are the most sensitive, like behind the elbow $touch behind her elbow', the knee $touch behind her knee'. I don’t know if anyone’s done this to you or not but if you bite the crease in there it’s the best feeling in the world. :nd ne&t time you’re with a guy you should have him try that. $he- !hy aren’t you trying that"' kay, what the hell. $ite her inner elbow. 3ake a big chunk of skin and bring it slowly and +rmly together. he gets the chills' You know what the best thing in the world is" Is biting on the neck, right here on the side of the neck. 3his has to do with the fact that it is where the jugular vein is most e&%osed and since most se&ual fantasies have to do with submission and vulnerability, it sends all the fantasy signals (ying. ite my neck. $KCD of the time she won’t. If she doesn’t…' kay. $3urn away for K seconds' ite my neck. $he’ll bite your neck' h my >od on a scale of F FC, that’s a N. #ere’s how you bite. $ite her neck' kay try again. 3riangular ga7e, and kiss. 036- You don’t need all this %reamble. It’s just to kee% your mouth running in case you’re nervous. You can cut right to the triangular ga7e and the kiss. --- I’9 3RYI0> #:R1 03 3 MI YA --- $Gredit- tyle and 9ystery' >od, I’m trying so hard 03 to kiss you right now. to% looking at me like that. $If she holds eye contact or looks down shyly, go for the kiss.' --- 3RI:0>A5:R >:W6 --@ush hair out of her eyes or touch necklace
8or one second each, look at her left eye, then her right eye, and +nally her li%s, and back to eyes. link slowly, look dee%ly, and shut u%. 8or the kiss, go BCD of the way, and let her come other FCD. 1on’t kiss too long. Mee% it short, sweet, and light. 5eave her wanting more. E?TRACT TO SEDUCTION LOCATION. T6e -e%t @a' t" e=tract 6er i% -' r%t 0-"&ncin3 6er t" an"t6er en&e. Inite t" " t" t6e -ar acr"%% t6e %treet. Or et piGGa "r %"et6in. 56en '"& enter a ne@ pace t"et6er '"& et t6at 0c"&pe3 #ee. Once %6e "e% t" "ne ne@ "cati"n @it6 '"& it7% "re nat&ra t" inite 6er -ac8 t" '"&r pace. B"&nce 6er r%t. T6at7% t6e -e%t @a' t" inite 6er &p. I wanna show you my _insert thing to check out, like guitar/a*uarium/movie`. =ust for a sec. 3hen I’m kicking you out. END AE: FOREPLA, SE? mell her hair and neck for like ten minutes without kissing or touching her. Greates massive se&ual tension. $Gredit- 1avid 1e:ngelo' tyle’s ;6volutionary @hase hift< Routine could work here too. 1avid 1e:ngelo’s ;3wo te%s 8orward, ne te% ack.< 3ake two ste%s forward, and sto%. Gontinue where you left o2, %ush the boundaries a little further, and sto%. Gontinue where you left o2, %ush the boundaries a little further, and sto%. Antil you get to se&. +in DiCar"7% 0E%caati"n Ladder.3
1. A#ter a8in "&t @it6 6er 8i%% 6er nec8 and ear%. T6e%e area% are
ien%e' %en%&a #"r a @"an. Here7% a c"" "e @6ie '"&7re 8i%%in 6er. Reac6 &p 6er nec8 ra- a %t#& "# 6er 6air and p& it #r" -e6ind. a%%ie t&rn "n #"r 6er. Pr"-a-' 6a% %"et6in t" d" @it6 '"&r d"inance and 6er %&-i%%iene%%. 2. Ne=t i#t t6e -ac8 "# 6er %6irt &p and t"&c6 t6e %8in "# 6er -ac8.
(. Li#t t6e #r"nt "# 6er %6irt &p and t6e #r"nt "# '"&r% %" t6e %8in "#
'"&r %t"ac6% t"&c6. T6i% i% %&c6 a "re"&% "ent. T6e r%t tie '"&r %8in% t"&c6 it7% i8e a666666666. And it t&rn% @"en "n A LOT.*. N"@ '"& can %tart 8i%%in 6er %t"ac6 and 6er %ide% and %"@' "e &p 6er -"d'.
Or i6t' r&n '"&r ner% d"@n 6er -"d'. Eit6er @a' ta8e '"&r tie and %a"r 6er -"d'. Here7% %"e t6in% '"& can d". Ta8e tie t" %e and en>"' 6"@ @"nder#& %6e %e%. I%n7t t6e @a' @"en %e aaGin9 Daid DeAne" "nce rec"ended >&%t %ein a @"an #"r 1J in&te% %trai6t @it6"&t t"&c6in 6er. Create% FANTASTIC %e=&a ten%i"n. Care%% t6e part% "# 6er %8in @6ere 6er c"t6e% t"&c6 i8e t6e %8in ne=t t" 6er -ra %trap "r @6ere 6er %8in t"&c6e% t6e t"p "# 6er pantie%. Ien%e' %en%itie. A% St'e %a'% t6e part% "# t6e -"d' t6at -end t6e "%t 6ae t6e "%t nere endin% and t6e part% '"& %ee t6e ea%t are t6e "%t %en%itie. S" t"&c6 6er care%% 6er ic8 6er een -ite 6er -e6ind t6e e-"@ -e6ind t6e 8nee '"& et t6e idea. ,"& can a%" ta8e 6er %6irt "< and #ee 6er tit% 6ere. B&t @arnin
%ae 8i%%in and #eein &p 6er tit% #"r LAST. And %ae %&c8in 6er nippe% #"r ABSOLUTEL, a%t. )i%% "r ic8 ar"&nd 6er nippe% -e#"re 8i%%in "r ic8in 6er nippe%. "%t &'% die in #"r t6e nippe% r%t. Di%tin&i%6 '"&r%e# -' %ain t6e #"r a%t. K. A#ter 6er %6irt c"e% "< #ee &p 6er a%%.
Her p&%%' i% n"@ a %tep a@a'. . Sti&ate 6er p&%%' #r" -e6ind rat6er t6an #r" 6er #r"nt.
T6i% i% +in7% eni&% idea. He p"int% "&t eer' &' @6" "e% #"r %e= "e% in #r" t6e #r"nt -&t it7% ea%' #"r 6er t" re%i%t. "in in #r" 6er a%% i% &ne=pected. And dan e
B&t d"n7t die %trai6t #"r 6er p&%%'. Start -' t"&c6in t6e area ar"&nd it r%t. T6en '"& can %tart nerin 6er #r" -e6ind. Once %6e %tart% pantin and "anin . ner 6er #r" t6e #r"nt. Ta8e "< 6er pantie%. et 6er t&rned "n %" &c6 t6at %6e7% -ein #"r '"& t" p&t it in.
T6e "n' t6in I @"&d add t" DiCar"7% pan i% DeAne"7% 0t@" %tep% #"r@ard and "ne %tep -ac8.3 E%caati"n t" %e= d"e%n7t 6ae t" -e t6i% inear. St"p and %e t6e r"%e% a"n t6e @a'. In #act denite' d" t6i%. It #eed% %e=&a ten%i"n and 6er de%ire. . Een t6"&6 %6e7% -ein #"r '"& t" p&t it in '"& d"n7t 6ae t". In #act it7 t&rn 6er "n i# '"& d"n7t 'et. Penetrate 6er @6en '"&7re read'. And penetrate 6er inc6 -' %@eet t"rt&"&% inc6 a8in 6er ac6e #"r '"&r c"c8 #"r 6"@eer "n '"& can c"ntr" '"&r%e#.
S6e7 -e %" c"%e t" t6e ede "# "ra% -e#"re '"&7e entered 6er #&' t6at -' t6e tie '"& %ide '"&r entire ent6 "# '"& c"c8 in%ide 6er it pr"-a-' @"n7t -e t"" 6ard #"r 6er t" %&rrender t" t6e dr"p. V. P&t a pi"@ &nder 6er pei% "r i#t 6er pei% %"e6"@.
%"&rce: c"%"p"itan.c" It a8e% it ea%ier t" 6it 6er %p"t @it6 '"&r c"c8. O6 and 6ae pent' "# c"nd"%. 1J. 56ie '"&7re in 6er ta8e t6e ead. P& 6er 6air. S&c8 6er tit%. +ar' t6e %tr"8e% and %peed#a%t 6ard and %6a"@ %"@ %"#t and deep. St"p and c"ntin&e ater. Ta8 t" 6er. And "%t ip"rtant "# a -e PASSIONATE a% a 6e.
11. a8e %&re %6e 6a% an "ra% -e#"re '"& d".
12. A#ter '"&7e -"t6 c& 6"d 6er a#ter@ard%. Eit6er %6are t6e %ience "r te 6er 6"@ -ea&ti#& %6e i%.
0A#ter"@3 -' A"nG" Ada% O-i"&%' iin 6er reat %e= i% a @6"e "t6er t"pic. 56ere '"&r "pener @a% d"inated -' @"rd% %piced @it6 8in" %e= i% d"inated -' 8in" %piced @it6 @"rd%. B&t >&%t a% 8in" and @"rd% aren7t %eparate in t6e r%t %tep t6e'7re n"t %eparate in %tep %een. Daid S6ade "nce %aid '"&r "%t ip"rtant t"" i%n7t '"&r t"" it7% '"&r "ice. S" ta8. a8e %"&nd%. Sti&atin 6er ind a% @e a% 6er -"d' i% "ne 8e' t" reat %e=. CONCLUSION I 8n"@ I7 -eatin a dead 6"r%e 6ere -&t >&%t pic8 %i= rea' &ic8 %ipe 0a-it%3 #"r '"&r attract p6a%e t" %tart. Pic8: a rea%"n #"r ta8in @it6 6er !i.e. an "pener$