Practice Objectives • • • • •
o identiy and nae colors red, yello, yello, blue o identiy big and sall in relation to ailies ailies o understand reositions reositions next next to o ractice ractice otor sills sills o ractice visual discriination discriination
sall aily. Say This is a small family. old family. old your hands close together to indicate indicate small small . Be sure your tone o voice is the sae in both cases. Sing “Let’s Start Working” ave children listen to the song to indicate that it is tie to start oring in their boos. A14
Vocabulary blue, red, yellow, yellow, baby, big, small, paste, say, dance, whisper
Language This is a small family. This is a big family. Do you have a (big) family? (Big.) This is a baby. This is a crib. The (blue) crib is next to the (red) crib. (Anna) is next to (Jimmy). Who is next to (Anna)?
Materials Class udio CD, Pressouts, Busy nt uet, red, blue, and yello aer stris, family Picture Picture Cards, ictures o a large and a sall aily, scissors, glue, tae, aily ictures children bring aily hotos, circles, suares, and triangles cut out o colored aer
Sing the “Hello Song” ave children sing and ave hello.
Sing “Families” ttach ictures o a sall and a large aily to the board and sing ailies. ave children listen and do the actions. Invite a volunteer to coe u. Say Point to the (small) family . Reeat ith other volunteers. A43
Big and Small Families ttach the icture o a big aily to the board. board. Say This is a big family. old family. old your hands ide aart to indicate big indicate big.. ext, attach a icture o a
4 Paste press-outs and say. old u the Unit Pressouts.. el ec children ren ress the out. old u the baby the e baby in the t blu blue baby suit Pressout. Pressout. s Wha Whatt is this? this? It’s It’ a It’ baby. Point baby. Point to the suitt and as as W What hat color c is it? t the t e rest rest o o tthe e babies. hen It’s blue. Reeat blue. Reeat ith dislay age .. Point o nt nt to to a crib cr and a say This is a crib. The blue cri crib ib b is next nex e t to to the th red crib. The red crib is next to the yellow el crib. crib. ext, cri ext, hel children ut a sall allll aount al aa ou ount nt o o glue gl on the Pressouts and aste aste tthe e in n the t e corresonding boxes. hen, en, invite nv te tthree ree children c to the ront. ave the e stand sta tan n next ne extt to ex t each other. Point to the to hel ec children ren u understand the reosition next reosition next to. to. Say ay y (Ann) iis next to (Jimmy). (Jimmy) is next to (Mike). hen, (Mike). Mike).. hen, oint to a child and as Who is next to o ((Ann)? An (Jimmy!) Reeat ith other grous o (Jimmy!) Reeat children. Mae grous larger every tie. Target Song “My Family” Play the audio. Use Busy nt to odel the uestions and ansers. ave children listen. hen, attach the family Picture Picture Cards to the board. Play the audio again and sto it hen a aily eber is entioned. Invite a volunteer to oint to the corresonding Picture Card. Continue ith other children until all aily A35
AFTER PAGE 28 Dance! Cut out blue, red, and yello aer stris. ive a stri to each child. Play one o the color songs udios , , and . Encourage children to listen attentively. hen, i the song atches their color, they dance. A16, A31, A45
Whisper, Whisper Invite children to sit in a circle, and lace the family Picture Picture Cards in the center. hiser a aily eber to a child. Encourage the child to hiser it to the child next to hiher, and so on. Invite the last child to say the ord aloud and ic u the corresonding Picture Card. I the card is correct, heshe ees it. I not, heshe uts it bac. Continue or several rounds. My Family Invite children to the ront to sho their aily icture. ave the say This is my family. hen family. hen as Do you have a big or small family? ave family? ave the child anser (Big) (Big).. Reeat until all children have shon their aily ictures. inally, have the class say hich child has the largest aily aily.. A6
Sing the “Good-bye Song” ave children sing and ave goodbye. See orboo age .
EXTRA ACTIVITY Touch the Shape! ae aer circles, suares, and triangles around the classroo. Call out a shae Circle! Encourage Circle! Encourage children to loo or it and touch it.