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Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones 101 An Introductory Guide To The Wonderful World of Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones
Table of Contents Overview of this Book .................................................................................................4 Taking a Look at Brain Waves ..................................................................................6 Brain Wave States Throughout History ..............................................................10 Brain Wave Synchronization ..................................................................................11 Brain Wave Entrainment .........................................................................................13 Meditation Machines ..................................................................................................................13 Binaural Beats ...............................................................................................................................14 Monaural Beats .............................................................................................................................15 Isochronic Tones ..........................................................................................................................15 Combining the Technology ......................................................................................................15 The Experience ............................................................................................................16 Uses for Brain Wave Entrainment ........................................................................19 Research into Brain Wave Entrainment .............................................................20 How to Use Binaural Beats ......................................................................................22 Conclusion .....................................................................................................................24
Overview of this Book Everyone knows that the brain is the computer that runs the rest of the body. Aside from understanding that different sections of the brain serve different functions, most of us Aind the organ to be pretty mysterious. We hear things about being “right brained” or about how humans only use a small fraction of their brains on a daily basis, but most of us don’t really understand what this means. When you want to speak, you don’t have to know what part of the brain is responsible for speech. When you want to lift your arm, there’s no concern over how to get the message from your brain to your Aingers. It just happens. There are people who know a lot about the brain, however, and they’ve been working for decades to map the various sections, to understand the connections made, and to improve the quality of our brains’ function. Binaural beats are one of the outcomes of this learning process. If you’re interested in lowering your stress level, raising your energy, and simply feeling all-‐ around better, then binaural beats and other forms of brain wave entrainment may be right for you. Throughout the course of this book, you will be introduced to brain wave entrainment so that you can decide if this amazing discovery is something that you think can make a positive difference in your life. The process brings together technology and nature in order to create some really wonderful changes in our physical and mental performance. Brain wave entrainment has been studied again and again with some pretty amazing results. Multiple international studies have shown that using methods such as binaural beats and other brain wave entrainment can have a positive effect on all of the following: •
Attention span
Cognitive deAicits
Hormone production
Intelligence (IQ)
Physical pain
Problem solving skills
Self esteem
A technology that helps you be more organized, reduces pain, gets you into better sleep patterns, and can even increase your IQ? Yes! Binaural beats and other brain wave entrainment can do all of these things. In fact, it can do more indirectly. For example, improvements in sleep can boost the immune system, and better memory can improve job performance. Those who use binaural beats on a regular basis swear that they experience life in a new and better way than ever before. They describe everything from higher self esteem to the vibrancy of colors and sounds around them. They tend to Aind a decrease in their stress and anxiety levels, as well. Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?
If you’re interested in having these same types of changes happen in your life, you’ll be happy to know that they are possible. Not only that, but it’s fairly easy to try binaural beats out with little or no money. Simply download a sample track to your computer, plug in your headphones, and devote 15-‐30 minutes to relaxing. Also visit: This book will take you through the basics of brain wave entrainment so that you can make an informed decision. So many times, people hear about things like this and chalk it up to hype or good intentions without actually believing it can make a difference for them. Rather than just skipping over the idea because it sounds “too good to be true,” you can actually get all of the relevant information in one place. Once you have a better idea of how and why binaural beats work, you may choose to give them a try yourself. Or not. Either way, you’ve educated yourself on the possibility of changing your life through this approach.
Taking a Look at Brain Waves The human brain functions at different levels depending upon what we are doing. For example, you need a lot more focus and attention if you are operating a complicated piece of machinery for the Airst time than you need for sitting in front of the television watching a movie. The brain waves can actually be measured using and electroencephalography (EEG). Sensors, called electrodes, are placed on the scalp in order to measure the electrical activity associated with the Airing of neurons in the brain. The EEG creates a printout of wave patterns this electrical activity.
There are Aive types of brain waves: •
Gamma – These waves are associated with higher mental activity, such as problem solving, perception, and consciousness. This typically occurs at frequencies of 40 Hz and above.
Beta – This is the frequency during which a person is cognitively active. He or she might be having a conversation or actively working on a problem. The frequency starts at about 13 Hz and can go to about 39 Hz. This is also related to times when we feel anxiety, tension, and fear. This is sometimes associated with left-‐brain activities.
Alpha – At around seven to thirteen Hz, a person is considered to be in the alpha state. At this point, a person is aware of what is happening but is physically and mentally relaxed. It can also signify that the person is daydreaming, getting ready to sleep/wake, that he or she is meditating, or that introspection is happening. REM sleep can fall into this category, too. Alpha is sometimes associated with right-‐brain activities.
Theta – Those in a theta state are possibly in non-‐REM sleep, are engaged in enhanced creativity, are caught up in memory, or are in deep meditation. The theta state is usually seen between four and seven Hz.
Delta – Below 4 Hz, delta includes dreamless sleep, autonomic body responses, loss of body awareness, and unconsciousness.
Each brain wave state has its optimal uses, and we move from one to another and back again several times throughout the day. When engaging in a strategic meeting at work, we may be in a beta state and then cycle down into an alpha state while surAing the ‘net during lunch. The brainwave pattern you are experiencing can signiAicantly affect how you feel, as well as the types of “work” you are best able to perform at a given time. Throughout the course of the day, you might: •
Go from delta to theta to alpha while waking up.
Alternate between alpha and beta while getting yourself and your family ready for the day.
Dip back down into theta while driving on the freeway to work.
Spend time in beta while interacting with coworkers and job duties.
Relax into alpha while reading a book after work.
Work back down to delta when going to sleep for the night.
Basically, you can look at beta as a time when you are focused outside of yourself. As the Hz lower, however, you become more inwardly focused. The alpha state is turned a bit more inward as is evidenced by the fact that introspection takes place in this state. Next come theta and delta, taking you further and further inward toward a subjective and subconscious experience. The opportunity to increase creativity and promote inner calm comes from inducing a state of lowered brainwave activity. It is during theta activity that a lot of creativity happens. When we are otherwise engaged in activities that are kind of “mindless,” such as driving a familiar route, brushing our teeth, or even cooling down from exercise, we can slip into this theta state. The result is often some of our very best ideas or solutions to problems that have been plaguing us. That’s one of the reasons that an answer often comes to you when you’re not thinking about it. It is very, very difEicult for humans to simply access the theta state simply by force of will. Using methods such as binaural beats, however, lowered brain wave states can actually be reached for positive uses. The brain also stimulates the production of different hormones at the various levels. For example, when we are stressed out in the beta or gamma states, the body creates cortisol. This hormone serves a function in keeping us focused on the problem, but it is also highly damaging to the body. Melatonin, on the other hand, is a hormone that helps regulate sleep cycles. By using brain wave entrainment, cortisol can be decreased while melatonin is increased. The result is a calmer, healthier, and more centered daily life.
Brain Wave States Throughout History Obviously, sound has a profound effect on human beings. Even music can have a major effect on our mood and outlook. Some classical music may make you feel introspective, while jazz can cause energy or even agitation. Music can cause goose bumps and even move the listener to tears. Despite the fact that the ability to change brain wave states has not been understood for long (in fact, it’s not completely understood now), it has played a role in the lives of people for thousands of years. This is especially evident in religion and spirituality. For example, from the Buddha on, Eastern philosophers and spiritualists have relied upon meditation as a means to relax, become peaceful, and even reach enlightenment. Some people believe that the ability to reach a delta state while still conscious is related to the idea of enlightenment. Those who reach this point often talk of an understanding of how everything in the universe is connected to everything else. It’s interesting to note that as we go further and further within ourselves, the outcome is often an understanding that we are not alone. Shamans from various traditions use sound to induce a variety of states in themselves and their followers. Something as simple as a rhythmically beating drum or chant can have an effect on those who listen. Although binaural beats weren’t discovered until the late 1800s, other types of beats and tones have been used in group settings for thousands of years before that. They are an integral part of the rituals and ceremonies that are important to the identity of many tribes, groups, and cultures. Western religions such as Christianity also have a history that involves using sound to affect mood and understanding. Gregorian chants, for example, are known to bring about certain feelings within the listener. Consider how hymns affect a congregation, taking them from reverence to ecstasy and everywhere in between. Brain wave entrainment uses these ideas, but takes them to an even deeper and more technological level. Rather than only using the human voice or instruments to evoke a response, some of the beats used in brain wave entrainment are actually created in the brain itself (with the help of created beats heard through headphones). While the voice can be viewed as a naturally-‐occurring sound, binaural beats do not exist in nature. They are able to create a natural response in the brain, however, which results in a release of brain chemicals that promote relaxation, learning, memory, and feelings of well being.
Brain Wave Synchronization Brain wave entrainment includes the various processes used to achieve brain wave synchronization. The goal of brain wave synchronization is to encourage the brain waves to occur at a particular frequency. By using various forms of brain wave entrainment, the mind is led to a particular state, depending on the purpose of the individual. You may have heard the terms “right brain” and “left brain” in reference to someone’s personality. These labels are based on the way a person processes information and therefore views and interacts with the world. Most people have a side of the brain that is dominant in their thinking. Because each side of the brain is responsible for different things, a “left brained” person might have different strengths and weaknesses than a “right brained” person. Right Brain A,ributes Relies on feelings Interested in the “big picture” Relies on imagina8on Symbolism/imagery Philosophy/religion Recognizes meaning Apprecia8ve Fantasy based Faithful Impetuous Takes risks
Le2 Brain A,ributes Relies on logic Interested in details Relies on facts Words/language Math/science Recognizes pa@erns Prefers order Reality based Strategic Prac8cal Concerned with safety
For most of us, the two hemispheres of the brain work somewhat autonomously. They communicate across boundaries when necessary, but they each have their own independent functions. Some of the most creative and productive people in the world are those who, either naturally or through other means, are able to foster communication between both sides of the brain. As you can imagine, using both sides of the brain at one time can be pretty powerful. This is referred to as “whole brain thinking.” By Ainding ways to stimulate both hemispheres of the brain into working together, we can integrate our intuition with our analytical skills, our
artistic talents with our pattern recognition abilities, etc. It is believed that some of the greatest thinkers of all time, including Leonardo DaVinci were whole brain thinkers. Brain wave synchronization works to help get both hemispheres of the brain not just communicating, but also into the best state for the activity required. The tones created are played at a frequency that mirrors the desired brain wave state. The brain begins to “follow” the frequency, thereby entraining it to be in that particular state. Look at the pictures below, and you can see how they replicate those that occur naturally as in the earlier image depicting brain wave patterns.
Tones/Beats Producing Beta Waves
Tones/Beats Producing Alpha Waves
Tones/Beats Producing Theta Waves
Tones/Beats Producing Delta Waves
So, the overall process works something like this: 1. The brain works through electrical activity. 2. This electrical activity goes through various states during the day, and what we accomplish can rely on the state we are in. 3. Binaural tones introduced repetitive sounds to the brain, and the sounds are introduced at a frequency that mirrors the state the person wants to reach. 4. The brain “follows” the sounds, synchronizing its brain wave pattern with the tones and beats it is hearing. 5. The individual enters the state that is related to the wave pattern of the brain.
Brain Wave Entrainment Finally, after all that explanation, we’re getting to the heart of the matter. Brain wave entrainment is what you want to do to take advantage of all those things already explained in this book. It’s the method you use to get the advantages talked about, such as stress reduction, relief from insomnia, and better IQ scores. It’s how you take advantage of the differing states of brain wave activity. It’s how you promote brain wave synchronization and whole brain thinking. These methods of brain wave entrainment we are considering are all aural. That means that they have to do with being heard. There are sounds that can be used in order to encourage our brains to reach the different states and to therefore reap the beneAits associated with each. Some of these sounds are described as tones while others are referred to as beats.
Meditation Machines Meditation machines are pretty much considered to be outdated at this point in time, but because they were an integral part in getting to where we are currently, it seems worthwhile to review them. These machines come pre-‐loaded with any number of audio tracks that can be used to encourage brain wave synchronization. Meditation machines can also include a pair of what look like sunglasses. On the inside of these glasses, however, are several LED lights. These lights Alash and pulse in various patterns in order to help the brain reach the intended brain wave pattern. These work in conjunction with the audio portion of the process so that the individual is getting a variety of stimulation. These light glasses are deEinitely not recommended for individuals with epilepsy.
These machines can create wonderful feelings and do their job very well. Some people recommend skipping them because it’s so easy to purchase MP3s online, and the glasses are not considered necessary to reach the appropriate brain wave state. That said, if one meditation machine contains 30 preset programs, the $200 price tag is actually lower than the cost of buying 30 MP3s if they’re costing an average of $10 each. The difference, other than the glasses, of course, is that you can pick and choose the programs you want when you buy MP3s. You can also pick the approach that most appeals to you. As you’ll soon see, there are multiple methods for brain wave entrainment.
Binaural Beats Binaural beats have a lot going for them. For one thing, you can almost instantaneously download and start listening to this type of program. The cost is also fairly easy to swallow if you buy them one at a time. In fact, many of the sites out there offer you free trial programs to show you how powerful their products can be. Binaural beats need to be listened to through headphones. That’s because they are actually made up of two separate wave frequencies, each sent to a different ear. Your brain actually hears both frequencies and then works to compensate for the difference between the two. So, if the right ear is hearing a tone at 200 Hz and the left ear is hearing one at 210 Hz, the difference would be 10 Hz. This is the frequency to which the brain wave is being “entrained.” You may recall that 10 Hz falls into the alpha state. Interestingly, the brain interprets this as a pulsing sound, or beat. As long as the frequencies are less than about 30 Hz in difference, this phenomenon will take place, causing the listener to hear a beat, rather than two individual tones. It is believed that when the beat corresponds to one of the brain wave frequencies, the brain waves move toward that frequency and therefore induce that state. The result of this process is that the brain is guided into the alpha state, and those things that are best done in that state can take place. For example, relaxation and meditation could easily take place at that time. Likely, lowered blood pressure and other healthy physiological changes will also take place. Binaural beats were discovered by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove in 1839 and have been helping people relax, meditate, manage pain, reduce anxiety, and be more creative ever since then. Of course, the advent of Internet technology has made both their existence and their use much more accessible and widespread.
Monaural Beats Monaural beats have a lot in common with binaural beats. After all, they are used for most of the same purposes. The creation of the sound is different, though. While the two tones are played one in each ear for the binaural beats, they are played together to create the monaural beats. Some people feel that monaural beats are easier to listen to. The brain doesn’t necessarily have to work as hard to balance the two tones, and it’s possible for the effects and beneAits to follow more quickly upon starting the tones. Also, it isn’t necessary to listen to the tones through headphones as it is with binaural beats, even though it is often still recommended. Like binaural beats, monaural beats can also be purchased in MP3 format online. They are generally a bit more expensive (say 30-‐40% more) than the binaural beats. Many people feel that they are simply more powerful, however, and this more than justiAies the difference in cost.
Isochronic Tones Isochronic tones are one of the newer advances in the Field of brain wave entrainment, and they are thought to be more powerful than either binaural or monaural beats. Like the monaural beats, the tones happen outside of the brain, so headphones are not necessary (although often still recommended). They actually increase the speed of the pulses, which is said to get your brain waves to the desired state more quickly. The user chooses the frequency desired. For example, if he or she wants to focus attention to concentrate, the isochronic tones could be set to the alpha wave range (7-‐13 Hz). Someone wanting to reach deep meditation would set them down into the theta wave range (4-‐7 Hz).
Combining the Technology Probably the best approach to using the various brain wave entrainment options is to vary them. After becoming familiar with binaural beats, consider alternating them with monaural beats. Eventually, you would also add isochronic tones. Of course, there’s always the opportunity to try out old-‐school meditation machines, too. You may Aind that just one of these approaches is giving you all the results you need. If that’s the case, then great. You may also Aind that you just don’t enjoy certain programs or even entire approaches. Fortunately, using these different tones is your own personal choice, and you can take the path that works the best for you. If you Aind binaural beats to be too harsh for your ears, don’t use them. If isochronic tones are too intense, use a different approach to brain wave entrainment.
The Experience The experience of using these brain entrainment products is generally a very pleasant one. Users have a variety of responses to them, which makes sense when you consider that you’re altering your state purposely. Of course, using this technology is different from the methods used to alter states in the 1960s and 1970s. Drugs like LSD were used by those who wanted to experiment with changing their perceptions and their view of reality. Of course, there were some pretty harmful effects that came along with chemically altering the body and brain. Fortunately, brain wave entrainment allows for a much safer alternative that also has much more predictable results. From simply relaxing to bringing about a sort of psychedelic experience, or going on a “trip,” the binaural beats and other brain wave entrainment methods can helps create different experiences. To get started, it is helpful to put yourself into a quite place. This may not always be possible or even necessary, but in the beginning, it’s a good idea. You might want to lie on a bed or couch or rest comfortably in a recliner. Place your headphones on your ears and adjust the volume to a comfortable level. It’s typically thought that the tones and pulses don’t actually need to be very loud in order to be effective, so don’t feel you need to turn it up to get the effect. If you are using a meditation machine, you will also place the glasses on your eye, but will still close your eyes. The light will penetrate just Aine with closed lids. Now, lean back and close your eyes. It might help to focus on your breathing for the Airst couple of minutes, breathing in to the count of eight and out to the count of sixteen. This will help get your body and mind relaxed and receptive. Just rest on the surface with your arms comfortably at your sides. The sound you hear will depend on the type of brain wave entrainment program you’re doing. Binaural beats, for example, will provide a constant thudding sound in your ears. Of course, you already know that you’re really hearing two different tones, one in each ear. The sound you’re hearing is your brain interpreting them. For monaural beats and isochronic tones, you hear exactly what is being played over your headphones. In any case, you may be hearing simply the tones and pulses, or you may have a program that includes music, nature sounds, or some form of white noise. Some even have a voice that guides you. Your reaction to the program will also vary a bit, depending upon a couple of factors. First of all, what state are you trying to reach? If you are aiming for an alpha state so that you can increase your concentration, you will have a somewhat different experience than if you are trying to reach a delta state for deep meditation.
Some experts suggest that it’s a good idea to start with a beat that is somewhere in the beta range and then allow it to slow to take you into the lower ranges. These people believe that the brain is better able to synchronize with the beat that is closer to where the mind is starting out. You may not have a lot of control over this, as the programs you listen to will have been pre-‐made for you. A good idea is to notice which programs seem to be the most effective and use them more often in the future. To get the most effect, add visualization as you listen to the audio track. For example, if you are listening to binaural beats or isochronic tones that are focusing on self-‐esteem, imagine what you would FEEL like with greater self-‐esteem, picture yourself, really take on the role. Combining brain wave sounds along with visualization of your ultimate goals can have a huge impact in your life. Many people listen to the audio tracks and expect great things to automatically happen to them. But the real secret is combining visualization. As you become more relaxed, you may begin to lose track of time. This isn’t something to be too concerned about, as the program will come to an end and the session will be over. Your breathing should be deep and comfortable by now, and your muscles will continue to relax as you let go of the stress of the day. Your mind will likely start to drift. This is Aine and is usually a part of the process. Think about how your mind drifts just before you fall asleep at night when you are truly relaxed and in the alpha brain wave state. You are having that same experience, just without it being bed time. You may have some different experiences depending upon the type of program you’re doing. Many of them are set up for speciAic purposes, such as health, prosperity, concentration, meditation, lucid dreaming, endorphins, memory, anxiety, and many, many more. It likely doesn’t take any “work” on your part to enjoy these programs. Your job is to sit back and relax. Adding visualization though can make a huge impact. Sometimes, however, you may feel yourself getting excited, motivated, or having other reactions. This is generally a pleasant feeling and will help you be able to put yourself into action later. During this phase of the experience, you will likely not just feel relaxed, but will also feel good, even empowered. Your brain is releasing chemicals such a serotonin that naturally make us feel good, as well as to decrease pain. Those who suffer from headaches or other forms of pain will often feel relief from those symptoms both during and after the brain wave entrainment session. Other changes can take place during the program. You may Eind yourself going on interesting internal “journeys,” for instance. You may also Eind the answers and solutions to problems from deep down inside when you weren’t even focusing on them. This may be a good time to do some visualization of the things that you want to manifest in your life.
The length of the program will vary. It’s a good idea to choose one that corresponds with the amount of time you have available. If you only have 20 minutes, and you’ve chosen a 45 minute program, you may Aind yourself becoming distracted or, if you’ve become engrossed in the program, you may end up late for your next appointment. At the end of the session, you will be both relaxed and aware. This sounds like a contradiction but is actually a very healthy way to approach the world. You may Aind that your mental faculties feel especially in tune and that you’re smiling a contented smile for no particular reason. A feeling of well-‐being will often stick around for some time after the session has ended, which can help keep your day going in a positive direction. Keep in mind that there are some brain wave entrainment programs that you can do with your eyes open, too. After you’ve gotten used to the entrainment process, you may want to use some programs that don’t require you to be in a completely relaxed state. For example, you may want to play music with isochronic tones in it while you’re cleaning the house to keep yourself motivated and productive. There are also certain programs that you can listen to while studying or reading in order to improve your focus, comprehension, and retention. Generally speaking, individuals feel a sense of calm and self conAidence upon the completion of a session. If a theta program was used, you may feel the need to hurry and write down the great ideas you developed while in that state. You may also feel refreshed, as if you’ve just had a nice nap.
Uses for Brain Wave Entrainment There are so many uses for brain wave entrainment that it’s hard to make a succinct list. Research studies alone have shown that there are a number of physical and mental beneAits that can be found through the use of binaural beats and other brain wave entrainment methods. Many of those topics were listed at the beginning of this book. In perusing the online resources for purchasing MP3s, one Ainds an incredible array of topics to choose from. But at, we have created some of THE most powerful binaural beats and isochronic tones on the market! Not only are the tracks beautiful to listen to, they are highly effective and are easy to use. Here are a few of the different types of binaural beats/isochronic tones that we have available...
• Meditation Bliss and Serenity • Manifestation and Lifestyle Creation • Fearless Self-Confidence • Unlocking ESP and Intuition • Untapped IQ and Brain Power • Igniting The Chakras • Ultimate Immune System Booster • Boundless Energy and Happiness • Growing Prosperity and Wealth • Deep Sleep and Relaxation VISIT: for more information.
Research into Brain Wave Entrainment By now, you realize that binaural beats are one of the many methods used in the process of brain wave entrainment. With such amazing claims being made about the power of entrainment, it’s easy to be skeptical. This hesitancy is even compounded by some of the binaural and other web sites that offer the products that make brain wave entrainment possible. Many of them are far too “sales-‐y” and make the whole process sound more like a gimmick than an actual method for improving the quality of your life. Instead of relying on sales copy, however, many of us prefer to look at actual studies and the data they’ve collected. Binaural tones have been around since the late 19th century, so there has been some time to look into their effectiveness. Other methods of brain wave entrainment are also garnering attention and getting studies of their own. For a nice compilation of research done on brain wave entrainment, a good place to spend some time is the Monroe Institute at A few others conducting studies and reviews include: •
Dr. Vincent Giampapa, MD of the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine
Harvard & Acoustical Society of America in “On the Frequency Limits of Binaural Beats”
Dr. Arthur Hasting, PhD in “Tests of the Sleep Induction Technique”
Tina L. Huang, PhD and Christine Charyton, PhD in “A Comprehensive Review of the Psychological Effects of Brainwave Entrainment”
Dr. Lester Fehmi of Princeton Behavioral Medicine and Feedback Clinic
Dr. Ochs in “EEG Disentrainment Feedback”
Dr. Gerald Oster in ScientiFic American
Dr. Margaret Patterson & Dr. Ifor Capel of the Marie Curie Cancer Foundation Research Department
Helane Wahbeh, Carol Calabrese, and Heather Zwickey in Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine
Each of the doctors, researchers, and writers listed above has found positive results in the use of brainwave entrainment for a variety of purposes, including: •
Better focus
Decrease in anxiety
Decrease in depression
Higher “quality of life”
Higher self esteem
Improved concentration
Increased IQ (In those with an IQ lower than 100 at the outset)
Increasing alpha brainwaves
Inducing sleep
Lowered cortisol
Melatonin production
Memory enhancement
Pain reduction
Release of serotonin
Stress reduction
Synchronizing brain waves
Brain wave entrainment isn’t just used by individuals who want to make changes in their own lives. In fact, psychologists, medical doctors, and hypnotherapists have all found ways to integrate binaural tones and other brain wave entrainment processes into their patients’ treatment.
How to Use Binaural Beats As you’ve seen, there are all types of reasons to use binaural beats and other methods of brain wave entrainment. You may be wondering how and why you can integrate them into your routine. Obviously, the types of programs you choose will depend upon what you want to accomplish. The frequency with which you listen to them will be determined by your schedule. Let’s create an example of someone who wants to use binaural beats to improve his or her energy and productivity. •
Upon waking in the morning, listen to a binaural beats program that encourages theta wave state. This allows for the chance to visualize your productive day in advance in order to help plan and create the day you want.
While working (either at a job or around the house), play a isochronic or monaural beats program with music over the speakers of your stereo. (Headphones are great, too, if you can use them instead.) Choose one that focuses on motivation.
If you have the opportunity in the evening, choose another program that focuses on problem solving. This will offer insights on how to get things done that you’ve been wanting to do.
Finally, choose a good sleep induction program to listen to as you lay down for bed at night. If you’re still awake when it Einishes, simply take off your headphones and let yourself drift off to sleep.
You may notice that it isn’t suggested to just listen to brain wave entrainment programs all day. It is possible for a person to spend too much time in one state or another. After all, we generally go through the different states several times all day long. While we can enhance our opportunities through the use of binaural beats and such, we can also overdo it. When using brain wave entrainment, especially early on, it’s a good idea to track how you are feeling. While binaural beats can be used to relieve depression, for example, they can also aggravate it in some people. This is because some of those suffering from depression are already spending extended periods in the alpha state. Adding more alpha time may not be helpful for these particular folks. On the other hand, choosing a program that takes one out of the alpha state may be helpful in combating the symptoms of depression.
There are some times when brain wave entrainment is inappropriate. For example: •
Never use binaural beats or other brain wave entrainment when you are driving!
Children under 18 should be evaluated for seizure disorders.
Women may want to avoid brain wave entrainment during pregnancy.
Those with pacemakers or prone to seizures are not good candidates.
Do not use these products while under the ineluence of alcohol or mood- altering drugs. (Illicit or not.)
Really, devoting as little as about 30 minutes a day should provide you with results. As with any method of change, it may take a little time to see the Ainal results you’re looking for. That said, many people discover feelings of inner calm, strength, and self conAidence in as little as one session with a recording. There is not necessarily a one-size-Fits-all approach to brain wave entrainment. While there are programs that are designed for certain purposes, you want to evaluate your own responses to each. You will probably Aind that you end up with favorite programs for different purposes, whether it’s for relaxation, energy, studying, or even just for having fun while your mind takes you along on little journeys. Finally, it is interesting to note that studies have shown that binaural beats work with absolutely no effort on the part of the user. You don’t have to concentrate on the beats or consciously focus on the change you want to make. Instead, they are a fairly passive process which frees you up to relax or get things done as they play along in the background.
Conclusion It’s exciting to know how many ways there are to change our lives for the better. Brain wave entrainment is only one of those options, but it is a powerful one. Both anecdotal and scientiAic evidence are piling up in favor of using these tones and beats to make positive changes in a person’s life. In fact, doctors and psychologists are even Ainding ways to integrate binaural beats, isochronic tones, and other forms of brain wave entrainment into patients’ treatment plans. In reality, it all boils down to what each individual feels is worthwhile for him or her. Determining how brain wave entrainment can best work is up to you, as no one else knows your needs quite like you do. Pay attention to your responses to the various programs you download and make a point to utilize those that are proving themselves to be the most useful for your purposes. While using binaural beats is certainly quicker than spending years learning how to reach deep meditative states, they are not a quick Aix for all that ails you. It may take time and multiple uses in order to see the results you want. Realistically, you may also need to explore complementary methods for reaching your goals. For example, brain wave entrainment can help in overcoming anxiety or addiction, but they may be enhanced through professional counseling. With the instant access that the Internet provides, it is easier than ever to give brain wave entrainment a try. Within a few minutes, you can download programs geared directly toward your issue, although you might want to start with some of the more general programs to ease into things.
Are You Ready To Experience Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones for Yourself?
- Click Here To Get Started - Here are the various types of Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones you will discover at
Meditation Bliss and Serenity Manifestation and Lifestyle Creation Fearless Self-Confidence Unlocking ESP and Intuition Untapped IQ and Brain Power Igniting The Chakras Ultimate Immune System Booster Boundless Energy and Happiness Growing Prosperity and Wealth Deep Sleep and Relaxation
- Check Out More Here -
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