Birth Time Rectification & Verification Techniques There are various birth various birth time rectification rectification and verification verification techniques techniques available available in Vedic astrology texts. In this post, I ant to tal! about a simple technique suggested by "alidas in #ttar "alamrit. In fact, there are three techniques suggested in #ttar "alamrit as follos $ %. a!shatra 'huddhi, for finding out the a!shatr a!shatra a (constellation) *. +an $ oman -anma 'huddhi, for finding out the sex . /agna 'huddhi, for finding out the /agna (ascendant (ascendant)) I am planning to have one post for each technique. 0ere is the first technique $ 1. Nakshatra Shuddhi +ultiply the 1hati!as and Vighati!as Vighati!as of the Ishta "ala by 2 and divide the product by 3. The reminder should be counted beginning ith 4shini, +agha or +oola in hatsoever 5aryaya 5aryaya it falls. The The *6 a!shatras a!shatras are distributed distributed in 5aryayas consisting consisting of %st to 3th, %7th to %8th and %3th to *6th. This ill give the -anma a!shatra. 9xample: 'uppose the native as born on ;..%387 at Ishta 1hati!a <;.%*,. Therefore, <2.%* = 2 >3 ? **2.28 > 3 ? *2 = 3 @ 8.28. 4s the reminder reminder is 8.28, a!shatra a!shatra may be 4shlesha 4shlesha (3th a!shatra a!shatra), ), -yeshtha (%8th a!shatra) or Revati (*6th a!shatra). Aou might be ondering ondering hat is the the Ishta!al and and ho to calculate calculate it. Ista!aal Ista!aal is the difference beteen sunrise and time of birth. 5lease note that the time of birth should be converted to local mean time before finding out the difference. If you use I'T> standard time, the result ill be incorrect. Thoough you need not to orry about /+T conversion and Ishta!al calulation etc. There are various softare that can do it for you. The simplest is to use 4stro'age.c use 4stro' om.. nce you ill cast your chart using 4stro'age.c using 4stro' om,, you ill find Ishta!aal on Birth
Cetails page. 4stro' ill also give you the name of the a!shatra for the supplied date and time. The a!shatra table can be found here.
Birth Time Rectifcation & Verifcation - Part III This is the third part of a series which talks about Kalidas method of birth time rectification and verification techniques discussed in Uttar Kalamrit. The third technique is for verifying Lagna (ascendant). Lagna Shuddhi ind out the !asi occupied by the "oon and "andi# and their $avamsas. The native will have this birth either in the !asi occupied by "aandi or the "oon whichever be the stronger# or in the Lagna !asi which will be the %th& 'th or the th from either of them. f instead of these two !asis& the $avamsa !asi owned by "andi or the "oon be stronger& then the *anma Lagna will be in the stronger $avamsa !asi or the %th& 'th or the th from it.
n other words this method suggests that the lagna of person must always be +& '& %& from either "oon or "andi. This should be checked both from Lagna chart as well as $avamsa chart. This is a method which suggests that there is a connection between moon position and ascendant position at the time of birth. n K, system there is a popular birth time rectification method which says that the -scendant sub lord should be the same or connected with star lord of the "oon. beleive that this K, rectification method also has root in the Kalidas method. Though K, method ignores "andi and ust relies on -scendant/"oon connection. This is my third and the last post on birth time rectification methods in Uttar Kalamrit. Though Uttar Kalamrit is not the only te0ts that talks about birth time rectificaiton. have another post which talks about other methods available in 1edic astrology.
Birth Time Rectification & Verification $ 5art II This post is in continuation to my last post Birth Time Rectification & Verification Techniques. 5lease go through that post first before reading this one. The previous post as about !noing hether oneDs a!shatra is correct or not. Man -Woman Janma Shuddhi Eonvert the Ishta 1hati!a into 5alas (by multiplying 1hati!as ith ;7). Civide the same by **<. If the reminder is: 7 to %< $ male %; to 2< $ female 2; to 37 $ male 3% to %<7 $ female %<% to **< $ male These five groups represent , in their order male, female, male, female and male respectively. Example: Ishta 1hati!as are <;.%*. If e convert it into palas it ill be <; = ;7 @ %* ? 6*. 6* > **< ? %2 = **< @ ***. In other ords if e divide the ishta!al in palas by **<, the reminder ill be *** hich falls into
Rectification of Birth Time Rectification of birth time is difficult but essential part of astrology learning. In India and most part of the orld it is difficult to get exact time of childbirth. 'o the time e get, as an astrologer, is most of the time incorrect. There are various birth time rectification methods in Vaidic 4strology suggested by our sages. 0ere is a list of some popular ones $ H 5arsharaDs method of rectification H VarahamihiraDs method of rectification (ashta -ata!am given in Brihat -ata!) H "alidasa method of birth time rectification H "erala -yotish Rectification H 9vent based rectification H "5 'ystem method of rectification H adi and BhriguDs method of rectification H 5re$natal 9poch Aes, you are right, it is not a complete list of all available methods. 9xpert astrologers use various techniques to find correct birth time. In all these techniques, I found my on technique, hich is quite reliable. irst and most important, you have to determine the lagna (ascendant) rising at the birth time. or that I found the feedbac! method of /al "itab is the best method. or every planet is particular house, there are particular indications. Aou can find those indications (feedbac! questions) from /al "itab. I once read a boo! J1rahon Cara /agna 9vam 4!riti "i 5ahchan (in 0indi)J published by JBihari 5usta! 4!adamiJ. rom this boo! too you can get some idea of impact of various planet and rising sign on the body of the native. This boo! is a great asset for an astrology student. This method can also be used for finding the correct lagna. nce you get the lagna fixed, you can use "5Ds ruling planets method of rectification to fix the minutes and second of birth.
I donDt say that it is the best method. But I can say, atleast, that it or!ed very ell for me.
Epoch Charts Epoch Chart is based on "Trutine of Hermes". In addition to the calculation process outlined by Hermes Trismegistus, you can defne your on rules !or Epoch Charts. Epoch Chart is a deri"ed chart, so in order to calculate it you ill need to cast the base chart frst. To generate a ne Epoch Chart, please !ollo these steps# $. %pen a chart or create a ne chart. . '(pand the Traditions menu and select the Epoch Chart...) menu option. The Epoch Chart !orm ill appear. *. The Epoch Chart !orm "alues de!ault to the rules as outlined by Hermes Trismegistus# $. Planet is the +oon. . Prenatal 'poch search assumes months /0 days1 period prior to birth. 2o by de!ault the search ill start !rom /0 days be!ore the birth date and ill go bac3ards until the 'poch moment is !ound. *. 425 is the de!ault point. 4lternati"ely, 6'25 can be used. 7. 8ou can customi9e any o! those rules by selecting di:erent planets, di:erent pre-natal search periods and speci!ying di:erent house cusps to hich planetary returns are calculated. ;. 5lic3 OK .