Chemical Engineering Board Problems Physical and Chemical Principles
General Chemistry 1. Board Problem, January 1974 A. Write Write the type of formula _______1. Paraffin hydrocarbon _______2. lefin series _______#. Acetylene $eries _______&. rganic alcohols _______(. Ethers B. Write Write the structural formula and its deri*ati*es _______1. +onochloroben,ene _______2. Phenol _______#. Aniline _______&. oluene oluene _______(. /0ylene
_______6. Aldehydes _______!. "etones _______%. rganic acids _______'. Amine ______1). Amide
_______6. -aphthalene _______!. Anthracene _______%. Phenanthrene _______'. /cresol _______1). -itroben,ene
C. Atom of an element ith atomic mass2)! and atomic number%2. 3etermine4 _______1. 5roup number _______&. -ormal *alence _______2. Period number _______(. +etallic or -on/metallic _______#. -umber of neutrons _______6. Acidic or basic 2. Board 2. Board Problem, Problem, October 1977 A. Complete and balance the folloing euations 1. CaC# 7 82$& Ca$& 7 2 . 9n 7 8 Cl 9nCl2 7 #. : e 7 Cu$& :e$& 7 &. "Cl# " Cl 7 (. Cu2 7 2 Cu 6. -a2C# 7 -a8 -aCl 7
C2 82 Cu 2
B. 5i*e the balance euation and material reuired to produce 2)) g of 2. 1. "Cl# " Cl 7 2 2. "-# "-2 7 2 #. 8g 8g 7 2 3. Board Problem, April 197 A. What is is the sil*er content of a 2 g sil*er sil*er coin hich produces 1.66 g Ag$C- precipitate; precipitate; B.
What is the p8 p8 of ).1+ monoprotic acid solution hich is 1.)< ioni,ed; ioni,ed;
C. 8o many many ml of a 12 - 8Cl 8Cl solution solution is is needed needed to neutrali neutrali,e ,e 1)) ml of a 1.2+ 1.2+ Ba =8> =8>2 solution; 4. Board Problem, October 1979 Calculate the empirical of a compound ith the folloing composition4 22.%<-a? 21.!
Chemical Engineering Board Problems Physical and Chemical Principles #. Board Problem, October 19$ Photosynthesis is the reaction of C2 and 82 in sunlight to form glucose and 2. :or a 26& g C2 and 1)%g 82? calculate the eight of the products. %. Board Problems October 1977 rue or :alse ______1. 2 is the most abundant of the elements. ______2. Eual *olumes of all gases under the same temperature and pressure contain the same number of molecules. ______#. alences of the same element could either be positi*e or negati*e. ______&. ,one is the allotrope of 2. ______(. +etal and non/metal o0ides react ith ater to form hydro0ides. ______6. At "? the *olume of gas *aries in*ersely ith pressure. pressure. ______!. he three states of matter are solid? liuid and gas. ______%. n the triclinic crystal system? three a0es of eual length intersect each other at obliue angles. ______'. Chemical euilibrium is a state here reactions are opposite in effect and ha*e the same *elocity. _____1). i? "? and -a are called alDali metals. _____11. he periodic la states that properties of the chemical elements are periodic functions of their atomic eights. _____12. he atoms of the radioacti*e elements are comple0 and these integrate emitting alpha and beta particles. _____1#. he atomic number of 2 is %? 2 in the first shell and 6 in the second. _____1&. ransmutations ransmutations cannot be caused by fast mo*ing protons and deuterons. _____1(. Eual uantities of a p8 2 acid and p8 12 base alays gi*e a p8 ! solution. _____16. Arrhenius postulated that ioni,ation of many solutes is practically complete in dilute solutions. _____1!. he smelting of an ore is the production of the metal in the molten state by means of a furnace process. _____1%. +etals are e0tracted from gangue in a blast furnace. _____1'. imestone is a suitable flu0 for ores containing silica. _____2). +etals cannot be separated from lo grade ores by simple leaching process. 7. Board Problem, April 197 +atching type _______1. 8ydro0ides _______2. Esters _______#. Ethers _______&. +onohydric alcohol _______(. $ynthetic detergents _______6. 3ialysis _______!. rganic Acids _______%. Aldehydes _______'. sotopes ______1). Allotropes @e*ieer for ChE Board E0amination Compiled by Ale!andra by Ale!andra ". "usi
a. @C@ b. solutions of metallic o0ides c. @@ d. methanol e. alDyl/aryl sulfonate f. substances that Deep p8 constant g. same atomic mass different atomic atomic number h. molecular modifications i. chemically different but the same atomic mass . E0traction of solids from solution solution by diffusion 2
Chemical Engineering Board Problems Physical and Chemical Principles through membrane D. @C8 l. @C8 . Board Problem, April 1979 rue or :alse ________1. n an e0othermic reaction? heat is produced. ________2. n an endothermic reaction? heat is absorbed. ________#. Elements combine or displace each other according to its eui*alent eight. ________&. he a of conser*ation is true for both mass and energy. ________(. Elements in a gi*en group become less metallic ith decrease in atomic number. ________6. he temperature of a rapidly e0panding gas goes up. ________!. Physical change does not alter composition. ________%. A base gi*es an alDaline solution. ________'. 3iamond is an e0ample of a co*alent solid. _______1). Cathode is negati*e. _______11. An ionic solid conducts electricity in the molten state. _______12. n the liuefaction of air? -2 liuefies first. _______1#. Acti*ation energy is the minimum energy reuired for reaction. _______1&. 8ydrocarbon contains only carbon and hydrogen. _______1(. +embers of a homologue differ by C82. _______16. somers ha*e the same composition and molecular eight. _______1!. he formula of a tertiary alcohol is @ #C8. _______1%. he formula for Detone is @ 2. _______1'. B3 means biochemical o0ygen demand. _______2). Anaerobic means ithout o0ygen. 9. Board Problem January 1974 +atching ype ________1. somer ________2. Polymer ________#. ucite ________&. soprene ________(. Co/polymer ________6. Cellulose ________!. Photosynthesis ________%. :ructose ________'. Cellophane _______1). -ylon
a. Products of 2 different polymeri,ing units. b. $ynthetic rubber c. Cotton d. $ynthetic silD e. iscous process f. $ugar g. Ple0i glass h. +etaF rthoF Para i. Poly*inyl chloride . ight to chemical energy
1$. Board Problem &ay 19' Write the chemical formula of the reactants? the products formed. Complete and balance the euation. ndicate the type of reaction or process in*ol*ed. 1. +uriatic acid 7 +ilD of lime 2. Brine 7 Electricity @e*ieer for ChE Board E0amination Compiled by Ale!andra ". "usi
Chemical Engineering Board Problems Physical and Chemical Principles #. 8ydrated gypsum &. Ethyl alcohol (. Ethylene
7 7 7
3ry heat =&))oC> Acetic acid 8ydrogen =1')oC>
11. Board Problem October 1979 :ill in the blanDs ________1. +arsh gas. ________2. Product of alcohol and Aldehyde. ________#. @eaction beteen nitric acid and organic compounds. ________&. @eaction beteen sulfuric acid and organic compounds ________(. ndustrial process of ammonia manufacturing. ________6. Wood alcohol. ________!. Common name of carbon tetrachloride. ________%. Alcohol from sugar fermentation. ________'. 5roup common to aldehydes and Detones _______1). Compounds that tist the polari,ed light to the right. _______11. @eaction beteen strong base and an ester. _______12. Analysis in*ol*es procedures permitting the identification of ions in solutions. _______1#. Analysis in*ol*es the determination of the amounts of specific substances. _______1&. $olution of eaD acid containing high concentration of one of its salt. _______1(. ndication of acidity or alDalinity. _______16. +ass of pure caustic soda #6g of pure 8Cl _______1!. olume of 1 - sulfuric acid solution that ill neutrali,e 1) ml 1- -a8. _______1%. +ass of Ag present in 1))g AgCl. _______1'. +ass of copper eui*alent to %)ml of ).1- sodium thiosulfate. _______2). +ass of Ba$& precipitated by 1) ml ).1- -a2$& from BaCl2. 1'. Board Problem October 1979 +atching ype ________1. Acetylene ________2. Ethyl alcohol ________#. Cane sugar ________&. Wood alcohol ________(. Catalyst ________6. smosis ________!. somers ________%. 3ry ice ________'. @eduction _______1). Acidic _______11. Basic _______12. Buffer _______1#. Phenolphthalein _______1&. alance _______1(. sotopes _______16. oni,ation _______1!. -eutrali,ation @e*ieer for ChE Board E0amination Compiled by Ale!andra ". "usi
a. $ubstances altering reaction rate b. $ubstance ith same formula but different chemical properties c. Elements of the same properties but different atomic eights d. Electron gain e. p8 G ! f. p8 H ! g. C#8( =8> # h. C2 i. C28(8 . C282 D. CaC# l. C1282211 m. C8#8 n. 3iffusion through membrane o. ndicator &
Chemical Engineering Board Problems Physical and Chemical Principles _______1%. Polymeri,ation _______1'. imestone _______2). 5lycerine
13. Board Problem, October 19$ +atching type _c______1. :ourdrinier __h_____2. 3istillation column __e_____#. E0pellers ___m____&. 3igester ___i____(. $pray drier _b______6. $aponification Dettle _a______!. aD barrels _d_____%. Pigments _g______'. Crusher ______1). Electrolytic cells
14. Board Problems, (o)ember 19' Write the chemical formula of the compound ________1. :ormaldehyde ________2. Jrea ________#. Ethanol ________&. 5lucose ________(. +ethane
p. Combining poer of an element . Acid 7 AlDali r. Process of building up to larger molecules from small one s. :ormation of charged particles. t. Common ion effect
a. ine b. soap c. paper maDing d. paint e. coconut oil f. baDing g. mining I metallurgy h. alcohol i. Poder detergent . causticI chloride D. glass maDing l. flour milling m. pulp maDing n. fertili,er
________6. Chloroform ________!. Acetyl/$alicylic acid ________%. $tearic acid ________'. /phthalic acid _______1). rinitrotoluene
1#. Board Problem, &ay 193 A. Write the chemical formula of the compound 1. $oda ash __________ 2. Caustic soda __________ #. Ethanol __________ &. 5ypsum __________ (. +uriatic acid __________ B. Complete and balance the folloing reactions4 1. Cu 7 8-# =dilute> 2. "+n& 7 8Br
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Chemical Engineering Board Problems Physical and Chemical Principles 1%. Board Problem, (o)ember 193 :ind the empirical formula of a compound hose percentage composition by eight is as follos4 &(.'< "? 16.(< -? and #!.6<
Mass Relationships 17. Board Problem, January 1974 :rom the folloing data compute the amount of ra materials reuired to produce 1)) tons of caustic soda by caustication process 3ata4 a. limestone '6< calcium carbonate b. lime con*ersion efficiency ')< c. soda ash '%< 1. Board Problem, April 197 Calculate the theoretical uantities of all ra materials needed to produce 1)) + of soda ash daily by the $ol*ay process. 19. Board Problem, October 197 What *olume of o0ygen gas collected o*er ater at 2)oC and !()mm8g can be obtained by the decomposition of 1!)g of potassium chlorate; '$. Board Problem, October 197 What *olume of air measured at 2(oC and !&)mm8g is reuired to burn # of gasoline; 5asoline is a mi0ture ith a*erage composition C!81& =K ).! gIml>. '1. Board Problem, October 197 n the lime soda process for caustic soda manufacture? lime is made to react ith ater and then ith soda ash. he composition of ra materials4 ime4 (&< calcium o0ide? 1.(< magnesium o0ide and inerts $oda ash4 ()< sodium o0ide and inerts a. 8o many metric tons of lime and soda ash ill be needed to produce 1)) + of 2(< liuid sodium hydro0ide; b. 8o many metric tons of calcium carbonate by/product ill be produced; ''. Board Problem, October 197 #))) + of a 6/1)/16 fertili,er as prepared by mi0ing ammonium sulfate ='(< purity>? phosphoric acid ='(< purity>? muriate of potash ='(< purity>? and gypsum =')< purity>. Calculate ho much of each as used. '3. Board Problem, &ay 199$ A ).(g sample of limestone ith inert materials as treated ith 8Cl and 211ml of C 2 as liberated. he gas as measured dry at 2(oC and !6# mm8g. Calculate the < calcium o0ide in the sample. '4. Board Problem, (o)ember 19' f 1)Dg of sodium ere made to react ith ater? calculate the folloing 4 @e*ieer for ChE Board E0amination Compiled by Ale!andra ". "usi
Chemical Engineering Board Problems Physical and Chemical Principles a. Weight of ater in*ol*ed in the reaction b. +oles of sodium hydro0ide produced c. $tandard ft# of hydrogen liberated during the reaction d. Amount of ater to be added to produce ).1- solution. '#. Board Problem, (o)ember 193 f &)g of phosphoric acid react ith 6)g magnesium carbonate? calculate4 a. +ass of magnesium sulfate produced b. +ass of carbon dio0ide produced c. olume of gas at $P '%. Board Problem, (o)ember 193 Copper smelter is using copper sulfide concentrate containing #)< copper and &)< sulfur. he plant employs AutoDumpu process ith pure o0ygen to produce at its rate capacity of 1#)?))) + per year of ''.'< copper. he folloing euation may be assumed during the smelting4 Copper sulfide 7 o0ygen copper 7 sulfur dio0ide Compute a. :eed rate per hour of the concentrate for ##) daysIyear operation. b. 0ygen reuirements in tons per hour. '7. Board Problem, &ay 19# Ethyl alcohol and carbon dio0ide are obtained from hydrolysis of sucrose. At %)o: and 1atm? ho many Dilos of alcohol and liters of gas can be obtained from a 1 metric ton of sucrose; '. Board Problem, October 197 t is desired to produce phenol by reacting chloroben,ene and sodium hydro0ide. 1)))Dg of phenol are produced from reacting 1?#2)Dg of chloroben,ene and 1?2))Dg of sodium hydro0ide? hat is the4 a. < e0cess b. < yield
Solutions/ Colligative Properties '9. Board Problem, April 1979* &ay 193 :or a 2(g sucrose dissol*ed in 1Dg of ater at !)oC? calculate4 a. apor pressure of the solution c. :ree,ing point b. Boiling point d. smotic pressure 3$. Board Problem, &ay 19$ :or a 1< sugar solution ith a density of 1.)# gIml? calculate4 a. apor pressure of the solution c. :ree,ing point b. Boiling point d. smotic pressure
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Chemical Engineering Board Problems Physical and Chemical Principles 31. Board Problem, October 19$ A solution containing &.(g of an unDnon compound in 1))g of ben,ene ga*e a free,ing o o o point of &.)2oC =D f (.12 C? f (.( C>. 5i*e the molecular eight of the unDnon substance. 3'. Board Problem, &ay 19' At 6)oC? the *apor pressure of Ethyl alcohol is #(2.! mm8g and that of methyl alcohol is 62( mm8g. f the to alcohols are mi0ed ()I() by eight at that temperature? assuming ideal solution? hat ill be the composition of the * apor abo*e the solution; 33. Board Problem, (o)ember 19' :ind the molecular eight of the liuid from the folloing data obtained from measuring the *apor pressure of the liuid by the gas saturation method. olume of o0ygen at !&)mm8g and #)oC (.6 ml Barometric pressure !&) mm8g emperature #)oC oss in eight of the solid 1.1'(g o apor pressure of the liuid at #) C !%.2 mm8g 34. Board Problem, (o)ember 19' By dissol*ing 22.(g sodium carbonate decahydrate in ater and adding ater until the total *olume is 2)) cc? a solution is made ha*ing a density of 1.)& gIml. Calculate4 a. +olarity b. -ormality c. +ole fraction of the solute 3#. Board Problem, &ay 19# ).(g of - ith +W of 16)gImol is dissol*ed in 1)g of sol*ent $. he boiling point of the solution is 12&.%oC. f ).&g of + is dissol*ed in 12g of the same sol*ent $? the boiling point of the solution is 12(.2oC. Boiling point of the sol*ent is 122oC. Calculate the +W of +.
Chemical Equilibrium 3%. Board Problem, October 19$ ne tenth of a mole of phosphorus pentachloride is heated to 2()oC in a 2li *essel. At this temperature? the dissociation proceeds according to the reaction ith "c ).)&1&. Calculate the concentration of Cl2 in molesIli. PCl( =g> PCl# =g> 7 Cl2 =g> 37. Board Problem, &ay 191 Calculate the total pressure hich must be applied to a mi0ture of # parts hydrogen and 1 part nitrogen to gi*e a mi0ture containing 1)< ammonia at &))oC? "p 1.6& 0 1)/&. 3. Board Problem, (o)ember 19' Calculate the mole percentage of ammonia present at euilibrium at &()oC hen the total pressure is 1)) atm? and the molar ratio of hydrogen to nitrogen is # to 1. @efer to PhyChem by &aron and +ando -able 1$1, p. 3%4/? for the a*erage *alue of ".
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Chemical Engineering Board Problems Physical and Chemical Principles 39. Board Problem, &ay 193 PCl( =g> dissociates into PCl # =g> and Cl2 =g> hen heated at 2()oC at 1atm. f the density of the gas mi0ture at euilibrium is &.&gIli at 2()oC and 1 atm? calculate4 a. +ole fraction of the reactant b. Composition of the gas mi0ture at euilibrium 4$. Board Problem, (o)ember 19# he total pressure for the system is #2 mm8g at !() oC. he partial pressure of ater at that temperature is 2#.! mm8g. :ind the *alue of "p at the same temperature for the reaction. L$n2 =s> 7 82 =g> L$n =s> 7 82 =g> he reaction belo has a *alue of "p ).!!1 at the same temperature4 82 =g> 7 C2 =g> C =g> 7 82 =g> 41. Board Problem, &ay 191 a. Calculate the =87> in a ).1+ 8C- solution. b. 3egree of ioni,ation? "a 2 0 1)/& c. p8 of the solution 4'. Board Problem, (o)ember 19' At #)))oC and 1atm? carbon dio0ide is &)< dissociated. f () li of carbon dio0ide at 2)oC and 1 atm are heated to #)))oC at constant pressure? hat *olume of gas ill result assuming it beha*es ideally. he reaction is C2 =g> C =g> 7 L2 =g>
Analytical Chemistry 43. Board Problem, January 1974 n the process of neutrali,ation of -a 2C# ith 8Cl? the amount of ).1- 8Cl used is #(ml per 1))ml of -a2C# solution. Calculate4 a. Amount of 8Cl needed to reach end point b. Concentration in gIml of the -a2C# solution 44. Board Problem, October 1979 hree gmole 8Cl and %)g of -a8 ere placed in a liter of ater a. $ho the balanced euation in*ol*ed b. s the resulting solution acidic or basic; c. 8o much of the dominant substance is in e0cess; 4#. Board Problem, &ay 19$ A ).(g sample of iron o0ide =:e2# ith inert materials> as dissol*ed in 8 2$& and completely reduced and titrated ith 1#.# ml of "+n& =1 ml of "+n & is eui*alent to ).)126g 82C2&M282>. What is the < :e2# in the sample; 4%. Board Problem, &ay 191 A soda ash plant utili,ing $ol*ay process calcines sodium bicarbonate to soda ash according to the reaction4 -a8C# -a2C# 7 82 7 C2 @e*ieer for ChE Board E0amination Compiled by Ale!andra ". "usi
Chemical Engineering Board Problems Physical and Chemical Principles a. :or the purpose of a rapid laboratory calculation? e*ol*e a simple formula to sho efficiency of calcination in terms of the folloing laboratory data4 1 *olume of titrating agent used on sample from start to phenolphthalein end point 2 *olume of titrating agent used on sample from the phenolphthalein end point to the methyl orange end point. Assuming the titrating agent is ).1- acid. b. < Purity of the product for a '&.!< calcination efficiency. 47. Board Problem, &ay 191 a. Calculate the molarity? molality? and normality of 1)g of -a8 in ())ml of 82. b. Calculate the number of grams of 82$& in 1))ml of ater that ill completely neutrali,e the solution in A. 4. Board Problem, &ay 19' A 2)< aueous solution of sodium carbonate and a 2(< aueous solution of calcium hydro0ide ere reacted to produce caustic soda solution. he precipitate formed as analy,ed to contain (< ater? 1< -a8 and '&< CaC#. Calculate4 a. Concentration of the -a8 solution produced b. < reco*ery of -a8 49. Board Problem, &ay 193 n the analysis of a feldspar sample eighing ).&2g mi0ture of "Cl and -aCl is obtained hich as found to eigh ).)!2g. he same feldspar as found to contain ).16g " 2PtCl6. Calculate the -a2 in the feldspar. #$. Board Problem, &ay 193 A sample eighing ).62#&g that might contain a mi0ture of -a8 7 -a2C# or -a2C# 7 -a8C# is titrated ith ).1)62+ 8Cl by the to indicator method. With phenolphthalein end point? &).#%ml of acid as used. he titration is continued after adding methyl orange? and an additional 12.#%ml of acid as used. a. dentify the mi0ture of bases in the sample b. Calculate the < of each base in the sample #1. Board Problem, &ay 194 A sample of impure magnetite =:e #&> eighing ).(g as con*erted by chemical reaction to :e2#. he iron o0ide? :e2#? as found to eigh ).&1g. 3etermine the < :e#& n the magnetite. #'. Board Problem, &ay 194 A sample containing only ferric o0ide =:e2#> and aluminum o0ide =Al2#> eighs 1)g. his sample is heated ith sufficient amount of hydrogen gas to reduce all the iron o0ide to elemental iron. he aluminum o0ide remained unaffected in the process and the dry sample as found to eigh %.(%g. Calculate the < Al in the original sample.
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Chemical Engineering Board Problems Physical and Chemical Principles #3. Board Problem, (o)ember 194 2(.#ml of ).1)6(- 8Cl are added to '2.2ml of ).6)#- 82$&. o the mi0ture? 6)ml of 1"8 are added. a. s the final mi0ture acidic or basic; b. What *olume of ).1- acid or alDali must be added to neutrali,e the solution;
Electrochemistry #4. Board Problem, October 1977 At 2(oC? the free energy of formation of 82 =l> is /(6?!)) calImol? hile that of its ioni,ation to 87 and 8/ ions is 1'?)() calImol. a. What ill be the re*ersible E+: at 2(oC of the cell; 82 =g? 1 atm>F 87 NN 8/F 2 =g? 1 atm> b. What ill be the single electronic potentials of the o0ygen electrode; ##. Board Problem, April 197 A uniform current deposits ).6##2g of Ag in ') minutes. a. What *olume of hydrogen gas at 2(oC and !&) mm8g measured o*er ater =P* 2#.!mm8g> ould it liberate in 6) min; b. 8o long ould it taDe this current to deposit a gram of copper; #%. Board Problem, &ay 193 a. Write the cell hich ill ha*e the folloing cell reaction. 8g 7 $n77 8g77 7 o O o b. Calculate the E of the cell and the : of the reaction. c. Will 8g =s> displace $n77 from its salt;
#7. Board Problem, (o)ember 193 !&.((g "Cl is electroly,ed beteen AgCl electrodes at 2(oC. 2.&%g of Ag ere deposited on each of 2 coulometer in series at the transference cell o*er a period of 2).(hr at a current of ).)#Amp. After electrolysis? the anode compartment contained 121.&g of solution ith 6.(1< by eight of "Cl hile the cathode compartment had 12(.!g of solution ith !.1(< "Cl? hich did not change significantly during the electrolysis. Calculate the transference number of the cation and anion. (%. Board Problem, &ay 194 A saturated solution of AgCl placed in a conductance cell hose constant is ).1%)2Icm had @ 6!?'() ohms. At 2(oC? @ ater 212?1%) ohms in the same cell. Calculate "sp of AgCl in ater. oAg 61.' and oCl !6.#. 7
Gas Law #9. Board Problem, October 1977 1).(li of nitrogen at 2(oC and !6)mm8g are bubbled through an aueous solution of a non/ *olatile solute? hereby the solution loses ).2&((g in eight. f the total pressure of the solution
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Chemical Engineering Board Problems Physical and Chemical Principles abo*e is !6)mm8g? hat is the *apor pressure of the solution and the mole fraction of solute in solution; %$. Board Problem, April 1979 he time of outflo of a diatomic gas through a small opening is 2&.& minutes and the corresponding time for hydrogen is (.(min. a. What is the +W of the diatomic gas; b. At 1))oC? hat is the root mean suare *elocity; c. 8o many grams of this gas ill be needed to fill a sphere ( ft 3 at /1) oC and ( atm; %1. Board Problem, &ay 19$ A mi0ture of hydrocarbon *apor contains %)Dg of ben,ene? %)Dg of toluene and 6)Dg ylene. Calculate4 a. olume in m# of *apor mi0ture at #))o: and &&& mm8g. b. 3ensity of mi0ture in gIml %'. Board Problem, &ay 191 Calculate the orD done hen a mole of sulfur dio0ide at 2!oC e0pands re*ersible and isothermally from 1 to 1) li? assuming the gas follos an der Waals euation. an der Waals constant a 6.!1&? b ).)(6#6 %3. Board Problem, (o)ember 19' A mi0ture of ).2g nitrogen and ).1g hydrogen is to be stored at !6) mm8g and 2(oC. What must be the *olume of the container if it is assumed that here is no interaction beteen the to gases; %4. Board Problem, &ay 193 he folloing data ere gathered in the determination of a hydrogen gasF '2.#< by t at o /' C at *arious pressures. 3etermine the e0act +W of the hyd rocarbon and identify the gas. Pressure =atm> 1 2 # 3ensity =gIli> 1.&( #.& (.%( %#. Board Problem, (o)ember 194 When e*acuated or empty? a gas density bulb eighs 2'.#21(g. :irst? carbon dio0ide as used to fill the gas density bulb at &)oC and 1 atm and eighed #).))!'g. hen the bulb as e*acuated and filled ith a mi0ture of C and C2 under the same temperature and pressure. With this mi0ture the bulb eighs 2'.'##2g. What as the < C in the gas mi0ture; %%. Board Problem, (o)ember 194 he organic compound shoed the folloing ana lysis using the ictor +eyer apparatus By t Carbon #!.(< 8ydrogen 12.(< 0ygen ().)< he organic compound of ).2(g *apori,ed displacing 1))ml of air measured o*er ater at 2(oC and !&% mm8g. What is the +W of the compound; @e*ieer for ChE Board E0amination Compiled by Ale!andra ". "usi
Chemical Engineering Board Problems Physical and Chemical Principles %7. Board Problem, October 1979 A ())ml sample of a gas collected at %)oC and !#) mm8g pressure eighed 1.(g. What is the +W of the gas; %. Board Problem, October 19$ 1.2g of a gaseous hydrocarbon containing %)< C and 2)< 8 by eight occupies '()ml at o 2) C and !!) mm8g. a. 3etermine the simplest formula of the hydrocarbon. b. :ine the +W of the 8C c. Write the +olecular formula of the 8C. d. dentify its family.
or!/ "eat/ #hermo$ynamics %9. Board Problem, April 1979 A ()) lb piece of iron falls from a height of 1)))ft. f the atomic eight of iron is ((.( and neglecting air resistance? calculate the heat it liberate a fter hitting the hard ground in4 a. ergs c. calories b. oules d. liter/atm e. What is the ma0imum rise in temperature of the piece of iron as it hits the hard ground; 7$. Board Problem, April 1979 ne mole of a perfect diameter gas =C* (> initially at &)oC and 1)atm e0pands uicDly =adiabatically> against a constant e0ternal pressure of 2atm until its on pressure has fallen to 2 atm. Calculate O$ for the operation. 71. Board Problem, October 1979 A lead bullet is fired at a stationary target. What ould be the mu,,le *elocity =in fps> so that it hits the target? its temperature ould reach the melting point of lead =#2%oC>. Assume that the temperature of the bullet before it hits the target is 2% oC and that the specific heat of lead is ).)(( BJIlb/o:F !!% ft/lbIBJ. 7'. Board Problem, &ay 19$ he free energies of formation at the standard state at 2(oC of liuid acetic acid? C2? and C8& are /'&?())? / '&?1))? and /12?1))calImol? respecti*ely. Calculate the free energy change accompanying the decomposition of a mole of acetic acid into C2 and C8&. 73. Board Problem, &ay 19$ A fuel furnishes !?)))cal of heat per gram. Calculate the ma0imum orD hich can be obtained from in this engine hich operates ith the ater beteen its boiling point and &)oC. 74. Board Problem, October 19$ Calculate the difference beteen the heat of combustion of methane at constant pressure and at constant *olume at 2!oC hen liuid ater forms.
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Chemical Engineering Board Problems Physical and Chemical Principles 7#. Board Problem, &ay 19$ a. Calculate the energy generated by an electric current of 1)A across a *oltage of 1) for 1)hr? in calories. b. f this energy is used to heat ater? ho many grams of ater can be heated from 2)oC and 1))oC. 7%, Board Problem, &ay 19' Calculate the change in entropy in entropy units hen 1))g of ice at )oC is con*erted to steam at 1))oC and 1atm. 77. Board Problem, (o)ember 19' he integral heat of solution of +gCl2 =s> at 1%oC is #(?')) cal and that of +gCl2M682 is /2?'() cal. he heat of *apori,ation of ater is (%! calIg. :ind O8 at 1%oC for the reaction. 7. Board Problem, &ay 194 he *apor pressure of acetic acid at ')oC is 2'#mm8g and &1!mm8g at 1))oC. Assuming the latent heat of *apori,ation of acetic acid is gi*en ithin the gi*en temperature range? calculate4 a. +olar latent heat of *apori,ation b. -ormal boiling point of acetic acid 79. Board Problem, &ay 194 Calculate the degree of dissociation of $# at 6))o" and ).( atm. At 6))o"4 O5 1'?!('cal and O8 &6?'%)cal. $# =g> $2 =g> 7 2 =g> $. Board Problem, (o)ember 19# A nely designed refrigerator has a capacity of #?1&) atts and input rating of !#( atts. What is the coefficient of performance of the refrigerator and the heat transfer rate in the condenser;
Chemical Engineering Calculations % 1. Board Problem, April 197 A mi0ture of ammonia and air at a pressure of !&(mm8g and a temperature of &)oC contains &.'< ammonia by *olume. he gas is passed at a rate of 1)) ft# per min through an absorption toer in hich only ammonia is remo*ed. he gas lea*es the toer at a pressure of !&)mm8g at 2)oC and contains ).1#< ammonia by *olume. Jsing the ideal gas la? calculate4 a. @ate of flo of gases lea*ing the toer =ft#Imin>. b. Weight of ammonia absorbed in the toer per min. '. Board Problem, &ay 191 ne cu. cm. of a certain acti*ated charcoal has a surface area of 1?))) m 2. Assuming complete surface co*erage? ho much ammonia at standard conditions? could be absorbed on the surface of &(cc of acti*ated carbon; Assume that the ammonia molecules ust touch each other on a plane.
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Chemical Engineering Board Problems Physical and Chemical Principles 3. Board Problem, (o)ember 193 A sol*ent ater mi0ture is to be distilled at '( oC. he *apor pressure of the sol*ent at this temperature is 1#) mm8g and that of the ater is 6&) mm8g. he sol*ent is immiscible in ater and has a +W 1(). Calculate the eight of the sol*ent in Dilos that ill be carried o*er into the distillate ith 2))Dg ater. 4. Board Problem, (o)ember 194 At a fertili,er plant drier? the special formula 1&/1&/1) reuires the remo*al of 2)) lb of ater per hour to assure good granulation. Air at !)o: and ()< @8 enters the drier and lea*es at 1&)o: and %)< @8. What is the eight of the bone/dry air used per hr; Assume the barometer reading at !6) mm8g. #. Board Problem, (o)ember 19# t is desired to produce copper cyanide by first con*erting it to copper sulfate. he copper scraps =bron,e? bullet shells> are to be charged? together ith sulfuric acid to a reactor. Assuming the products are copper sulfate? ater? and sulfur dio0ideF neglecting impuritiesF calculate4 ho much is reuired for a. Copper b. $ulfuric acid =')< by t> if the *essel is closed and &)lb of sulfuric dio0ide as collected. %. Board Problem, April 1979 A cement company uses #?)))+ of gypsum a month. f &)+ of this gypsum are needed for e*ery 1?)))+ of clinDer to produce Portland cement4 a. 8o many + of clinDer is produced monthly; b. 8o many + of limestone =(#< Ca> per month does this represent; c. 5i*e the analysis of the cement if the clinDer analysis is as follos4 Ca 61.'2 :e2# 6.2& $i2 2).6& Al2# !.2< 7. Board Problem, April 1979 A fertili,er plant produces 12)?))) + of 1)/6/1) fertili,er annually from ammonium sulfate =2)<->? diammonium phosphate =1%<-? &6< P2(>? potassium chloride =6)< " 2> and gypsum as filler. 8o much of the materials abo*e are used by the plant annually; -ote4 A 1)/ 6/ 1) contains4 1)<-? 6
of air per gallon of asteater. Air is fed into the ater at a depth of 1)ft from the surface? at a pressure eual to the hydrostatic pressure of the ater at the point of entry. he air bubbles enter the ater at an a*erage diameter of 1mm. f ater temperature is constant at !))o:and barometric pressure is 2'.! in8g? calculate4 a. Air feed rate at $P b. A*erage diameter of the air bubbles as they reach the ater surface.
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Chemical Engineering Board Problems Physical and Chemical Principles 9. Board Problem, (o)ember 193 he dilute sulfur dio0ide by/product of the eyte copper smelter is con*erted first into sulfuric acid to a*oid pollution and get some added *alues from the sulfur. he Philippine phosphate plant nearby ill use the sulfuric acid to maDe ammonium sulfate and ammonium phosphate fertili,ers. Calculate the sulfuric acid production per day hen the smelter is operating at 6)< of its rated capacity =1#)?))) tons of copper per year and the Phile0 concentrate has &)< total sulfur from copper and iron sulfides.>. 9$. Board Problem, &ay 19# A cold process soap is made by mi0ing #&)ml of #(o Baume =2(o> -a8 solution ith 66)ml coconut oil poured into molds and alloed to stand and harden. Calculate4 a. < -a8 in #(o Baume -a8 solution. b. < e0cess or shortage of -a8 used? if coconut oil has a saponification number of 26). +W 2)(? $ ).'.
Chemical Engineering Calculations %% 91. Board Problem, January 1974 A natural gas is Dnon to be composed only of methane? ethane and nitrogen. he *olume < of nitrogen is 2)< hen burned. he rsat analysis of the flue gas shos !.%< C2? !.&< 2? and %&.%<-2. 3etermine4 a. olume of methane and ethane. b. < e0cess air. 9'. Board Problem, April 1974 A furnace fires a fuel oil containing %2< carbon? 1!< hydrogen and 1< $ulfur using 1)< e0cess air. Assuming that the combustion of C to C2 is only ')< complete and that all the sulfur is burned to $2? calculate the complete analysis of the et flue gas. 93. Board Problem, October 197 A rotary drier burns a fuel ith dry air at &) o: and #).1 in8g. he oil contains only carbon and hydrogen. Analysis of the flue gas shos 12.'< C2? #.%< 2 and %#.#<-2. Calculate4 a. < e0cess air d. ft# flue gas =&)o: and #).1 in8g> per lb oil b. Weight < of carbon in oil e. Partial pressure of ater *apor in the stacD gas # c. ft airIlb oil 94. Board Problem, October 1979 A furnace coal uses coal hich analy,es !).& ith a heating *alue of 1&?))) BJIlb. Pro0imate Analysis Pro0imate Analysis of @efuse &.!< moisture 2%< :C @e*ieer for ChE Board E0amination Compiled by Ale!andra ". "usi
Chemical Engineering Board Problems Physical and Chemical Principles 2&.#< C+ '.6< Ash 61.&< :C
!< C+ 6(< Ash
9%. Board Problem, &ay 191 A lo grade coal ith heating *alue of 11?))) BJIlb is used to fire a boiler at the rate of 6)) lbIhr. With the folloing analysis presented. a. Calculate < heating *alue lost in the refuse b. 8a*ing a heat transfer efficiency of 6) calculate the 1?1() BJIlb steam producedI hr. Pro0imate Analysis Pro0imate Analysis of refuse 1)< Ash 1'< :C #)< C+ 1)< C+ (!< :C ()< ash 97. Board Problem, &ay 19' he ultimate analysis of a Bituminous coal? as recei*ed? is !!.(? ho many Dilos of refuseIhr must be handled; 9. Board Problem, &ay 19' :ormaldehyde is made by the catalytic air o0idation of methanol. When the process is operating properly? there is a #)< con*ersion of methanol to formaldehyde. $uddenly? the super*ising Chemical Engineer noted a drop in formaldehyde production. An analysis of a sample taDen at this time shoed 6#.1<-2? 1#.&<2? (.'<82? &.1 is as follos4 1<2? #. 1$$. Board Problem, (o)ember 19' 1 0 1)6 + of an ore? containing #.)< copper sulfide? is concentrated by floatation? ith a ')< reco*ery of the sulfide. Calculate4 a. ons of cuprous sulfide reco*ered. b. ons of sulfur dio0ide liberated by roasting the sulfide c. ons of pure copper metal obtained by electrolytic refining of Blister copper? if reco*ery is 1))<.
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Chemical Engineering Board Problems Physical and Chemical Principles 1$1. Board Problem, &ay 193 $emirara coal =negligible - and $> has the folloing analysis4 !(.6 per Dg coal at &)oC and 1atm. 1$'. Board Problem, &ay 193 Absolute alcohol =ethyl alcohol> is burned using 2)< e0cess air. 5i*e the complete analysis of the combustion products assuming complete combustion. 1$3. Board Problem, &ay 199# he actual process by hich a close system changes from an initial state? ? to a final state? f? as shon in the P diagram belo4 #)) 2)) P =Pa> 1)) ) 1 2 # & =m#> he total heat added to the system is ())Q? the change in enthalpy of the system is a. /1))Q b. #))Q c. ())Q d. 11))Q
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Chemical Engineering Board Problems Physical and Chemical Principles Anser4 #. a. (& b. #? c. 2)ml &. -a2B&! 16. "-2 1!. imestone 1&&.6% tons? soda ash 1#(.2 tons 1%. -aCl 11).#% tonsIday? CaC# '&.# tonsIday 1'. (1.'# li 2). 2!?62# li 21. imestone #1.2( +? soda ash #%.!( +? lime #2.&1 + 22. Ammonium sulfate %'#.#+? Phosphoric acid (.'+? +uriate of potash %)).'+? gypsum%6'.'+. 2#. '!.)< 2&. a. !.%26Dg? b. &.!% mole? c. 1!1.' ft#? d. &?#&!.% li 2(. a. (#.&(Dg? b. 26.'#Dg? c. 1#.!1 li 26. a. (&.66? b. &.1# 2!. Alcohol (#% Dg? gas 2.%% 0 1)( li 2%. a. 1((.!( b. ').6'< 2'. a. 2#.!! mm8g? b. 1)).)#%oC? c. /).1#6oC? d. 1.!' atm #). a. 2#.!( mm8g? b. 1)).)1(oC? c. /).)((oC? d. ).!#6 atm #1. 1((.6% gImol #2. 2%< ethyl alcohol ##. &6?116 gImol #&. a. ).#'#+? b. ).!%6-? c. !.)& 0 1)/# #(. '#.## gImol #6. ).)2'#+ #!. 2'.6' atm #%. 1(.6< #'. a. ).1)#? b. %1.#2 '.#& '.#&< &). #.! &1. a. ).))&!%+? b. &.!% c. 2.#2 &2. 6!) li . a. 1!.( ml? b. ).))1%(( &&. b. acidic? c. #6.(g 8Cl &(. &2.&'< &6. a. 21I =172>? b. '1.%(< &!. a. +-).(? b. 12.2(g &%. a. 1).'!< t? b. '%.'%< &'. 2.')< (). a. -a8 and -a2C#? b. 1%.!!<-a8 and 2#.16< -a 2C# (1. !'.26< (2. 2!.')< (#. a. basic? b. 1!.1 ml (&. a. Eo cell ).&)#? b. E o 2 ).&)# ((. a. ).)()%li? b. %.)&hr (6. b.O:o %(?2'1 cal? c. no (!. t" 7 ).&%!F tCl/ ).(1# (%. 1.! 0 1)/1) ('. 2#.## mm8g? ).)1% 6). a. #'.#6gImol? b. &%?61! cmIs? c. 16?%''g 61. a. 1&6m#? b. 1.(1 0 1) #gIml 62. 1?2(!.&& cal 6#. 1.#'! li 6&. 2(.'' gImolF ethyne 6(. 2'.'&< 66. 6&.1& gImol 6!. ').&6 gImol 6%. a. C8#? b. 2'.'!? c. C286? d. etheneF paraffin
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Chemical Engineering Board Problems Physical and Chemical Principles 6'. !). !1. !2. !#. !&. !(. !6. !!. !%. !'. %). %1. %2. %#. %&. %(. %6. %!. %%. %'. '). '1. '2. '#. '&. '(. '6. '!. '%. 1)). 1)1. 1)2.
a. 6.!% 0 1)12? b. 6!!?61&? c. 161?'(&? d. 6?6%%? and e. 11.#!o: &!%.1#o" 1?216 fps /11?%)) cal 1?126calIg /1?1'2 cal a. #6)?&))cal? b. 11?&!2g 2)(.2% eu 2&?(&6 cal a. '?&'&.!2calImol? b. 11%.#&oC 6.## 0 1)/# CP &.2!F R #.## 0 1)6 calIhr a. %'.!(? b. ).1'#% lbImin 1&.1Ig ammonia ##%.(&Dg 1?!%2.(# 8andbooDI 1?%(#.6 $team table a. #'.6' lb? b. 1#6.11 a. !(?)))? b. %!?62#? c. 6#.!6
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