good work on John Frawleys method of horary article
Strategic management.
Algoritmic Trading part 1
bonus esuDescrição completa
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Algoritmic Trading part 1
Buy Sell Target
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Algoritmic Trading part 1Full description
Buy-bust operation
Drug Case
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Possible questions for Cross of a Police Officer testifying as Poseur-Buyer or Immediate Back-up in a Buy-bust Operation
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BONUS BUY There are 4 basic types of Bonus Buy 1. Absolute Price- Bonus Buy condition type – BB01 Example- Buy Article A and get Article B at a flat sales price of 80 (the Actual Sales Price of the article B is 100) Transaction code VBK1
Select the first option for Bonus Buy at site level
Choose ‘Single Article’ Option. Enter sales org, dist channel, site Then Enter Article B (i.e. the article which will be sold at a flat price of 80) Here enter Article code 317. The enter the absolute price of the article 80 Then we have to maintain data in the Prerequisite section of the screen. ** In Bonus Buy maintenance screen, it is mandatory to enter the Prerequisite section. This is the section from which POS will understand what is the criteria to get the bonus or discount. In this example the criteria is buy Article A (Article 329) and it has to be maintained in the Prerequisite section.
Choose any one of the option ‘Multi deal’ OR ‘Combo deal’ Combo means both the Prerequisites of Article and Article Grouping has to be satisfied (i.e. customer has to buy both) in order to get the discount or bonus on some other article Multi Deal means at least one of the Prerequisites of Article and Article Grouping has to be satisfied (i.e. customer has to buy either article A OR an y one of a article group) in order to get the discount or bonus on some other article In this particular case we can use an y of ‘Combo deal’ or ‘Multi Deal’ because here I have the criteria of only one prerequisite i.e. article B. (329)
Now the Bonus buy and a bonus buy no will be generated. The manual POS O/B program WPMA will refer to this bonus buy no and send it to the POS. 2. Absolute Discount- Bonus Buy condition type – BB02 Example- Buy Article A and get Article B at a discount of 10 USD
Choose option 1 for site specific bonus buy maintenance
Enter these Details
Article 317 will be sold at a flat discount of 10 USD (from the regular sales price/MRP of 100 USD)
In the Prerequisite section we will maintain the Article 329 which has to be bought in order to get the article 317 at a flat discount of 10 USD.
Now the Bonus buy and a bonus buy no will be generated. The manual POS O/B program WPMA will refer to this bonus buy no and send it to the POS. 3. Percentage Discount- Bonus Buy condition type – BB03 Example- Buy Article A and get Article B at a flat discount of 10 percent
Select Option 1 for site level Bonus Buy maintenance
Enter the discount percentage here In the Prerequisite section enter Article ‘A’ (329)
Now the Bonus buy and a bonus buy no will be generated. The manual POS O/B program WPMA will refer to this bonus buy no and send it to the POS 4. Free Goods- Bonus Buy condition type – BB03 Example- Buy Article A and Get Article B Free
Select Option 1 for Site level Bonus Buy maintenance
Buy Article 329 , 1 EA and get Article 317, 1 EA.
In the Prerequisite section, again we have to add article 329
Now the Bonus buy and a bonus buy no will be generated. The manual POS O/B program WPMA will refer to this bonus buy no and send it to the POS OTHER SCENARIOS IN BONYS BUY BASED ON ABOVE 4 BASIC SCENARIOS 5. Percentage Discount with Article Grouping- Bonus Buy condition type – BB03 Example- Buy any one article from article g roup ARTGRP-1 and get that article at 10% discount. Create article group ARTGRP-1 in transaction code VBG1
and the article group will be created Now go to bonus buy transaction VBK1 and select bonus buy condition type BB03
Choose option 1 for Site level Bonus Buy maintenance
Select option ‘Material Grouping’
Then enter the previously created Article Group in VBG1 and the discount percentage In the Prerequisite section maintain the same Article Group in either ‘Combo deal’ OR ‘Multi deal’ under the tab ‘Article Grouping’.
Now the Bonus buy and a bonus buy no will be generated. The manual POS O/B program WPMA will refer to this bonus buy no and send it to the POS
6. Percentage Discount with Total Bill Value- Bonus Buy condition type – BB03 Example- If the bill value is > 1000 USD, then there is a discount of 5 percent on the bill value In this case we have to create a dummy article and maintain it in the Prerequisite section as it is mandatory to use a dummy article in S AP Retail Bonus Buy. When a bill value reaches 10 00 USD, a pop up comes to the cashier in the POS and he will scan t he dummy article and apply the discount.
Select Option 1 for site level bonus buy maintenance
Select ‘Total Sale’
Enter the % discount value to be applied on the total bill value and the minimum bill value for applying the discount. In the Prerequisite section add the ‘Dummy’ ar ticle
Now the Bonus buy and a bonus buy no will be generated. The manual POS O/B program WPMA will refer to this bonus buy no and send it to the POS