A 1. Which rule is considered the most important RULE OF THE ROAD in South Africa A. Al!a"s Al!a"s #e courteous and and considerate considerate to!ards to!ards fello! fello! road users. users. $. Do not not e%ceed e%ceed the the speed speed lim limit. it. &. 'eep to the the left left side of the road road far as is safe. safe. (. Si)n L* !arns "ou a#out+ ahead. A. A fir first st,ai ,aid d post post $. A rai rail! l!a" a" cros crossi sin) n) &. Road Road !hic !hich h cro cross ss -. Under !hat circumstances if an" are "ou allo!ed to dri/e "our motor motor /ehicle on the ri)ht,hand side of a pu#lic road !ith traffic mo/in) in #oth directions A. When "ou "ou s!itch the the emer)enc" emer)enc" li)hts li)hts of "our "our /ehicle /ehicle on. $. When a traffic traffic offi officer cer order order "ou "ou to do so. &. Under Under no circum circumsta stance. nce. 0. Si)n &&* is found at a+ A. Traffi Trafficc circle circle !here ri)ht ri)ht of !a" is is applica#le. applica#le. $. Dan)erous Dan)erous place place !here road!or road!or is #ein) done. &. Sharp Sharp cur/ cur/ee to the ri)ht. ri)ht. 2. 3ou 3ou ma" not o#tain a learner4s license if+ 5i6 5i6 5ii6 5ii6 5iii6 5iii6
3ou alre alread" ad" ha/e ha/e a lice licens nsee that that aut autho hori ri7e 7ess the the dri/ dri/in in) ) of the the sam samee /ehic /ehicle le class. 3ou are are decla declared red unfi unfitt to o#tain o#tain a dri/i dri/in) n) lice license nse for a certa certain in peri period od and and that that period still pre/ails. 3our licens licensee !as susp suspend ended ed tempor temporari aril" l" and and the suspe suspensi nsion on has not not e%pir e%pired. ed.
SELE&T THE &ORRE&T &O8$9:AT9O: A. 5i6 5i6 Onl" Onl" is is corr correc ectt $. 5ii6 5ii6 And And 5iii6 5iii6 onl" onl" are correc correctt &. 596 596 5ii6 5ii6 and 5iii 5iii66 are corre correct ct
A ;. What does !arnin) si)n L1< sho! "ou A. Roads cross ahead and other /ehicle from the side must stop or "ield at the intersection. $. A rail!a" line intersects !ith road that "ou are tra/elin) on. &. A 0,!a",stop !ill #e found ahead !here the roads cross. =. A /ehicle of !hich the #raes are not )ood must #e to!ed+ A. With a rope. $. With a to!,#ar. &. On a trailer. >. Si)n $; sho!s "ou that "ou+ A. 8ust onl" dri/e strai)ht on. $. Will )et a free!a" ahead. &. Will )et a one,!a" road ahead. *. A safe follo!in) distance is !hen the /ehicle in front of "ou suddenl" stops "ou could+ A. Stop !ithout s!er/in). $. S!er/e and stop ne%t to it. &. S!er/e and pass. 1<. Si)n E1 A. Sho!s "ou that there is a hospital ahead !here "ou must not mae noise. $. Sho!s "ou that "ou ma" not pic up people. &. ?rohi#its "ou from usin) "our hooter. 11. Unless other!ise sho!n #" a si)n the )eneral speed limit in a to!n or cit" is+ m@h. A. ;< $. >< &. 1<< 1(. Si)n ?( sho!s "ou that+ A. 9t is a special lane for c"clists. $. :o c"clists are allo!ed there. &. 3ou must #e on the looout for c"clists.
A 1-. The furthest that "our /ehicle4s dim li)hts ma" shine in front of "ou is+m. A. 02 $. 1<< &. 12< 10. What does si)n E0 sho! "ou 5i6 3ou ma" not turn left ahead. 5ii6 3ou ma" not turn left there. 5iii6 There is a one,!a" to the ri)ht ahead. SELE&T THE &ORRE&T &O8$9:AT9O: A. 5i6 Onl" is correct $. 5ii6 and 5iii6 onl" are correct &. 5i6 and 5iii6 onl" are correct 12. 3ou ma" not+ A. Ha/e passen)ers in the /ehicle if "ou ha/e a learner4s license. $. Lea/e "our /ehicle unattended !hile the en)ine is runnin). &. Dri/e in re/erse for more than 1<. Si)n R1 sho!s "ou that the road+ A. Winds $. 9s untarred &. 9s slipper".
A 1*. 9f "ou !ant to chan)e lanes "ou must+ A. S!itch on "our indicator and chan)e lanes. $. Bi/e the necessar" si)nal and after looin) for other traffic chan)e lanes. &. Appl" the #raes li)htl" and then chan)e lanes. (<. What does si)n A- sho! "ou A. 9t is the same as a "ield si)n and "ou can proceed !ithout stoppin). $. 8ae sure that it is safe !ait until all traffic has departed and then dri/e on. &. Stop and dri/e on !hen it is safe to do so in the seCuence that the /ehicle stopped at the stop line. (1. 3ou ma" pass another /ehicle on its left,hand side if it+ 5i6 5ii6 5iii6
9ndicates that it is )oin) to turn ri)ht. Dri/es on the ri)ht,hand side of a road !ith a shoulder !here "ou can pass. Dri/es in a to!n in the ri)ht,hand lane !ith t!o lanes in the same direction.
SELE&T THE &ORRE&T &O8$9:AT9O: A. 5i6 and 5iii6 onl" are correct $. All of the a#o/e are correct &. 5i6 Onl" is correct ((. Si)n U0 sho!s "ou that the road+ A. Winds for 1( m. $. Winds 1( m form there. &. 9s slipper" for 1( m. (-. 3ou are not allo!ed to stop+ A. Opposite a /ehicle !here the road!a" is 1< m !ide. $. Where "ou are also not allo!ed to par. &. 2 m from #rid)e. (0. Si)n E- sho!s that+ A. There is a road !ith t!o lanes ahead. $. 3ou are not allo!ed to dri/e there !ithout permission. &. A free!a" starts.
A (2. 3ou ma" on pu#lic road+ A. ?ass another /ehicle turnin) ri)ht on the left,hand side !ithout dri/in) on the shoulder of the road. $. ?ass another /ehicle at an" place on the left,hand side if it is turnin) ri)ht. &. :ot pass an" /ehicle on the left,hand side. (;. What does si)n S1 !hen it flashes sho! "ou A. The police ha/e #loca)e ahead. $. There is dan)er in the road ahead. &. There is a ro#ot ahead. (=. At an intersection+ A. ?edestrians !ho are alread" crossin) the road !hen the red man si)nal starts sho!in) ha/e the ri)ht of !a". $. 3ou can pass another /ehicle !aitin) to turn ri)ht on its left side #" )oin) off the road. &. 3ou can stop in it to off load passen)ers. (>. What does si)n $1 sho! "ou A. That si)n is applica#le for 2< m. $. 3ou ma" not dri/e faster than 2< m@h. &. 3ou ma" not dri/e slo!er than 2< m@h. (*. The fastest speed at !hich "ou ma" to! a /ehicle !ith rope is+ m@h. A. ;< $. 02 &. -< -<. Si)n > sho!s "ou the+ A. 8a%imum speed allo!ed at ni)ht. $. Recommended speed !hen "our li)hts are on. &. Distance to the ne%t to!n. -1. 3ou ma" cross or enter a pu#lic road+ A. 9f the road is clear of traffic for a short distance. $. 9f the road is clear of traffic for alon) distance and can #e done !ithout o#structin) traffic. &. 9n an" manner as lon) "ou use "our indicator in time. ,2,
A -(. Si)n E* sho!s "ou that+ A. Onl" motorcars ma" not pass each other. $. :o motor /ehicle ma" pass each other. &. There is a #rid)e ahead !here onl" one /ehicle at a time can cross. --. 3our /ehicle4s headli)hts must #e s!itched on+ 5i6 5ii6 5iii6
At an" time of the da" !hen "ou cannot see persons and /ehicles 12< m in front of "ou. From sunset to sunrise. When it rains and "ou cannot see /ehicles 1<< m in front of "ou.
SELE&T THE &ORRE&T &O8$9:AT9O: A. 5ii6 Onl" is correct $. 5i6 and 5ii6 onl" are correct &. All of the a#o/e are correct -0. Road marin) B81 in the setch #oolet. Setch *+ A. Sho!s the lanes for road users. $. Di/ides the road in t!o sections. &. 9s onl" found in a parin) area. -2. Road marin) RT81 in the setch #oolet. Setch 0 sho!s "ou that "ou+ A. 9f "ou are dri/in) in car A must stop #efore this line. $. 9f "ou are dri/in) in car A must reduce speed and dri/e on if is safe. &. 9f "ou are dri/in) in car $ can pass car A if there are no other /ehicles in the intersection. -;. What is the difference #et!een road marin) AA; and road marin) 3- A. There is no difference #et!een the t!o and #oth sho!s "ou that "ou ma" not pass other /ehicles. $. $oth sho! "ou that "ou ma" not pass other /ehicles #ut "ou !ill find AA; on all roads and 3- on free!a"s onl". &. AA; sho!s "ou that "ou ma" not pass other /ehicles !hile 3- as !ell sho!s "ou that "ou ma" not dri/e o/er it to turn into a "ard or an"thin) else.
A -=. When are "ou allo!ed to dri/e in the section left of the "ello! line R80.1 in the setch #oolet. Setch > or 1<. 5i6 5ii6 5iii6 5i/6
An" time !hen "ou !ant to allo! another /ehicle to pass "ou. 9n da"time !hen "ou !ant to allo! another /ehicle to pass "ou. When on a free!a" !ith ( lanes in #oth directions "ou !ant to dri/e slo!er than 1(< m@h. When "ou ha/e a flat t"re and "ou !ant to par there to chan)e it.
SELE&T THE &ORRE&T &O8$9:AT9O: A. 5i6 5iii6 and 5i/6 onl" are correct $. 5ii6 and 5i/6 onl" are correct &. All of the a#o/e are correct ->. All road si)ns !ith a "ello! #ac)round e.). R1< are+ si)ns. A. Warnin) $. Temporar" &. Tourism -*. When ma" "ou :OT pass another /ehicle When "ou+ 5i6 5ii6 5iii6
Are nearin) the top of a hill. Are nearin) a cur/e. &an onl" see 1<< m in front of "ou #ecause of smoe o/er the road.
SELE&T THE &ORRE&T &O8$9:AT9O: A. 5i6 Onl" is correct $. All of the a#o/e are correct &. 5i6 and 5ii6 onl" are correct 0<. 8arin) $$- sho!s that onl" + ma" par there. A. $uses $. $usiness /ehicles &. 8ini#uses
A 01. 3ou ma" :ot dri/e into an intersection !hen+ A. The ro#ot 5traffic si)nal6 is "ello! and "ou are alread" in the intersection. $. The /ehicle in front of "ou !ants to turn ri)ht and the road is !ide enou)h to pass on the left,hand side. &. There is not enou)h space in the intersection to turn ri)ht !ithout #locin) other traffic. 0(. When the ro#ot is red and the )reen arro! flashes to the ri)ht as indicated in 2 it sho!s "ou that+ A. Onl" pedestrians ma" !al. $. 9f "ou !ant to turn ri)ht "ou ma" )o. &. All traffic must turn ri)ht there. 0-. When "ou !ere in/ol/ed in an accident "ou+ 5i6 5ii6 5iii6
8ust immediatel" stop "our /ehicle. 8ust see if some#od" is inured. 8a" use a little #it of alcohol for the shoc.
SELE&T THE &ORRE&T &O8$9:AT9O: A. 5i6 and 5ii6 onl" are correct $. 5ii6 Onl" is correct &. All of the a#o/e are correct 00. 9f "ou come to a ro#ot and the red li)ht flashes "ou must+ A. Stop and !ait for the li)ht to turn )reen #efore "ou )o. $. Stop and )o onl" if it is safe to do so. &. Loo out for a road#loc as the li)ht sho!s "ou a police stop. 02. The le)al speed !hich "ou ma" dri/e+ A. 9s al!a"s 1(< m@h outside to!ns@cities. $. &an #e determined #" "ourself if "ou loo at the num#er of lanes the road has. &. 9s sho!n to "ou #" si)ns ne%t to the road. 0;. Si)n A> sho!s "ou that+ A. The road ends. $. 3ou are not allo!ed to enter there. &. The entr" is for am#ulances onl".
A 0=. When do "ou ha/e the ri)ht of !a" 5i6 5ii6 5iii6
When "ou are !ithin a traffic circle. When "ou ha/e stopped first at a four,!a" stop. When "ou !ant to turn ri)ht at an intersection in t!o,!a" road.
SELE&T THE &ORRE&T &O8$9:AT9O: A. 5i6 and 5ii6 onl" are correct $. All of the a#o/e are correct &. 5i6 onl" is correct 0>. When si)n > is illuminated it sho!s "ou that+ A. There is no throu)h!a" there $. There is an un)uarded rail!a" crossin) ahead. &. 9t is a lane onl" for traffic comin) from the front. 0*. 9f "ou come across an emer)enc" /ehicle on the soundin) a siren "ou must A. Flash "our headli)hts to !arn other traffic $. Bi/e ri)ht of !a" to he eminenc" /ehicle. &. The lane splits into more lanes in the direction of the arro!. 2<. Road marin) AA0 sho! "ou that+ A. 3ou are not allo!ed to pass another /ehicle there. $. A line is )oin) to #e)in !hich prohi#its "ou from passin). &. The lane splits into more lanes in the direction of the arro!. 21. 9f "ou !ant to turn left !ith "our /ehicle "ou must + A. Slo! do!n completel" stop and then turn. $. First mo/e to the ri)ht to ena#le him to turn left easil". &. Bi/e the necessar" si)nal in )ood time. 2(. Si)n L0 prohi#its "ou from+ A. Usin) that section of the road durin) certain hours. $. ?arin) there #et!een <*G<< and 1;G<<. &. Stoppin) there at certain hours.
A READ THE FOLLOW9:B &AREFULL3 A:D &O:T9:UE W9TH THE TEST. FRO8 HERE THE FOLLOW9:B UEST9O: W9LL A??L3 TO 3OUG uestion 2- to ;G &ontrols of motor c"cles 5&ODE 16 uestion ;* to =;G Rules and si)ns for motor /ehicles 5&ODE (6 uestion == to >0G &ontrols of motor /ehicles 5&ODE (6 uestion >2 to *(G Rules and si)ns for motor /ehicles 5&ODE -6 uestion *- to 1< ARE :OW &ODE (. -. &ODES 1< 11 1- A:D 10 ARE :OW &ODE -.6 9F 3OU A??L3 FOR A LEAR:ER4S L9&E:SE FOR A:3 T3?E OF 8OTOR &3&LE 5&ODE 16 3OU 8UST :OW A:SWER UEST9O: 2- TO ;>. 9F 3OU A??L3 FOR A &ODE ( LEAR:ER4S L9&E:SE ?ABE TO UEST9O: ;*. 9F 3OU A??L3 FOR A &ODE - LEAR:ER4S L9&E:SE ?ABE TO UEST9O: >2. 2-. What is le)al !ith re)ard to the to!in) of another /ehicle A. 3ou ma" to! it !ith a =2< cc motor c"cle. $. 3ou ma" to! it !ith a tric"cle. &. 3ou ma" not to! it !ith an" motor c"cle. 20. Si)n L1 prohi#its+ A. All motor c"cle riders to ride there. $. 8otor c"cle !ith an en)ine capacit" of 1(2 cc and less to #e there. &. 8otor c"cle !ith an en)ine capacit" of more than 1(2 cc to #e there. 22. 3ou /iolate the traffic la! if "ou ride "our motor c"cle or motor tric"cle+ A. &on/e"in) ( adult person on the sidecar. $. With a code 1 learner4s license !ithout super/ision on a motor c"cle !ith a sidecar !hile seatin) is a/aila#le in the sidecar. &. :e%t to another motor c"cle in a one,!a" street !hile #oth of "ou are tra/elin) in a separate lane.
, 1< ,
A 2;. Si)n L- sho!s "ou to motor c"cle rides that+ A. The" must ride to the left of this si)n. $. The" can ride to the left of this si)n if the" !ish. &. The free!a" ends ahead to the left. 2=. 3our motor c"cle must ha/e+ A. 1 num#er plate in the front onl" $. 1 num#er plate in the front and 1 at the rear. &. 1 num#er plate at the rear onl". 2>. Si)n B> sho!s to motor c"cle riders that+ A. The" must use that part of the road. $. The" can use that part of the road if the" !ish. &. There is parin) for motor c"cle there. 2*. When is it an offence !hen "ou are the holder of a learner4s license for a motor c"cle 5i6 5ii6 5iii6
3ou ride on "our o!n motor c"cle ne%t to "our instructor. 3ou eep onl" one hand on the handle,#ars. 3ou ride at >< m@h outside #uild,up areas.
SELE&T THE &ORRE&T &O8$9:AT9O: A. All of the a#o/e are correct $. 5ii6 Onl" is correct &. 5i6 and 5ii6 onl" are correct ;<. Si)n 1< sho!s "ou that+ A. 3ou are ridin) in a cit" area. $. 9t is recommended that "ou do not ride faster than ;< m@h. &. The speed limit for "ou is ;< m@h. S'ET&H 1 9: THE S'ET&H $OO'LET 9S A RE?RESE:TAT9O: OF THE &O:TROLS OF A 8OTOR &3&LE. STUD3 9T A:D THE: A:SWER UEST9O:S ;1 TO ;>.
, 11 ,
A ;1. To ride faster "ou must use num#er+ A. =. $. 2. &. 0. ;(. To turn "ou must use num#er+ A. >. $. 1. &. =. ;-. To stop "ou must use num#er+ A. 0 and =. $. ( and =. &. 1 and (. ;0. The chan)e )ears "ou must use num#ers+ A. 1 and 2. $. ( and =. &. 1 and (. ;2. The distance it taes "ou to stop "our motor c"cle is+ 5i6 5ii6 5iii6
Lon)er on a !et road than on a dr" road. Lon)er if "ou ride a hi)her speed. Lon)er if it is loaded.
SELE&T THE &ORRE&T &O8$9:AT9O: A. :one of the a#o/e are correct $. All of the a#o/e are correct &. 5i6 Onl" is correct ;;. To indicate that "ou are )oin) to turn "ou must use n um#er+ A. ;. $. 0. &. >.
, 1( ,
A ;=. What controls must "ou use !hen "ou are )oin) to mae a sharp turn A. 1 - 2 ; and > onl" $. 1 ( 0 and > onl" &. 1 ( - 0 ; and > onl" ;>. What control must "ou ne/er use in com#ination A. ( and 0 $. 0 and > &. 0 and =
E:D OF TEST FOR 8OTOR &3&LES 5&ODE 16 9F 3OU A??L3 FOR A &ODE I( LEAR:ER4S L9&E:SE 3OU 8UST :OW A:SWER UEST9O: ;* TO >0. 9F 3OU A??L3 FOR A &ODE - LEAR:ER4S L9&E:SE ?ABE TO UEST9O: >2. ;*. Which is ALLOWED !hen to!in) another /ehicle 5i6 5ii6 5iii6
A motor car to!s another motorcar !ith a rope and dri/e 0< m@h. 3ou to! another /ehicle !ith to!,#ar. A tractor to!s a trailer !ith 1< passen)ers on it and dri/e -< m@h
SELE&T THE &ORRE&T &O8$9:AT9O: A. All of the a#o/e are correct $. 5ii6 and 5iii6 onl" are correct &. 5i6 Onl" is correct =<. Si)n F2 sho!s "ou that+ A. :o ta%is ma" dri/e there. $. :o motorcars ma" dri/e there. &. 3ou ma" not par "our motorcar there.
, 1- ,
A =1. What is true !ith re)ard to seat #elts 5i6 5ii6 5iii6 5i/6
9f "our /ehicle has seat #elts in the rear it must #e !orn. 3ou heed not !ear a seat #elt !hen re/ersin). &hildren "oun)er than 10 "ears need not !ear seat #elts. 9f the front seat has a seat #elt "our onl" passen)er ma" not sit at the #ac !here there is no seat #elt.
SELE&T THE &ORRE&T &O8$9:AT9O: A. All of the a#o/e are correct $. 5i6 5ii6 and 5i/6 onl" are correct &. 5i6 Onl" is correct =(. Si)n '- sho!s "ou that "ou+ A. 8a" not dri/e there #et!een <;G<< and <*G<<. $. 8a" not par there for more than - hour. &. Are onl" allo!ed to dri/e there #et!een <;G<< and <*G<<. =-. 9f "ou onl" ha/e a learner4s license for li)ht motor /ehicle+ 5i6 5ii6 5iii6
There must #e someone !ith "ou in the /ehicle !ith the same dri/in) license. 3ou are not allo!ed to dri/e on free!a". :o passen)ers are allo!ed !ith "ou in the /ehicle.
SELE&T THE &ORRE&T &O8$9:AT9O: A. All of the a#o/e are correct $. Onl" 5i6 and 5iii6 are correct &. Onl" 5i6 is correct =0. Si)n &- sho!s "ou that+ A. The area is for motorcar ta%is onl". $. 3ou can dri/e there if "ou !ish. &. 3ou must dri/e there. =2. The threat pattern of "our /ehicle4s t"res ma" not #e less than+ mm. A. <.=2 $. 1 &. 1.2 , 10 ,
A =;. Si)n B* sho!s "ou that+ A. 3ou must use that part of the road. $. 3ou can use that part of the road if "ou !ish. &. There is parin) for motorcars there. S'ET&H ( 9: THE S'ET&H $OO'LET 9S A RE?RESE:TAT9O: OF THE &O:TROLS OF A &ODE ( IEH9&LES. 5LEIER :U8$ER 2 9S 8OU:TED O: THE R9BHT OF THE STEER9:B &OLU8: 9: SO8E IEH9&LES.6 STUD3 9T A:D THE: A:SWER UEST9O: == TO >0. ==. To select a )ear "ou must use num#ers+ A. = J *. $. 2 J >. &. ; J >. =>. To stop "our /ehicle "ou must use num#er+ A. *. $. >. &. =. =*. :um#er+ is not found in an automatic /ehicle. A. ( $. ; &. > ><. To turn num#er+ is used. A. 0 $. 2 &. 1< >1. To ensure that "our pared /ehicle does not mo/e use num#er+ A. =. $. >. &. *.
, 12 ,
A >(. To accelerate "our /ehicle "ou must use num#er+ A. ;. $. >. &. 1<. >-. What controls must "ou use !hen "ou are )oin) to turn sharp A. 1 - 2 ; and > onl" $. - 0 2 * and 1< onl" &. 1 - 0 2 ; > * and 1< onl" >0. The distance it taes the dri/er of motor /ehicle to stop it is+ 5i6 5ii6 5iii6
Lon)er on !et road than on dr" road. Lon)er if the /ehicle is tra/elin) at hi)h speed. Lon)er if the /ehicle is loaded.
SELE&T THE &ORRE&T &O8$9:AT9O: A. :one of the a#o/e are correct $. All of the a#o/e are correct &. 5i6 onl" is correct
E:D OF TEST 5&ODE (6 9F 3OU A??L3 FOR A &ODE - LEAR:ER4S L9&E:SE 3OU 8UST A:SWER UEST9O: >2 TO 1<<. >2. 3ou ma" transport )oods on "our /ehicle that the"+ A. ?rotrude (.< m at the rear. $. ?rotrude 02< mm in front. &. Are !ith the /ehicle (0 m !ide. >;. Si)n $( sho!s "ou that if "our /ehicle has a BI8 of+ A. >t "ou must dri/e there at all times. $. 1(t "ou must dri/e there at all times. &. 1
, 1; ,
A >=. 3ou ma" carr" passen)ers in a /ehicle that is #ein) to!ed+ 5i6 5ii6 5iii6
if "ou onl" tra/el at -2 m@h. if the /ehicle that is #ein) to!ed is a semi,trailer. Onl" if the /ehicle that to!s somethin) is a tractor.
SELE&T THE &ORRE&T &O8$9:AT9O: A. 5i6 and 5ii6 onl" are correct $. All of the a#o/e are correct &. 5ii6 onl" is correct >>. Si)n '( sho!s that+ A. All hea/" /ehicles ma" dri/e here durin) the times sho!ed on the si)n. $. Taners must use road durin) the times sho!ed on the si)n. &. Iehicles carr"in) ha7ardous products ma" onl" use the road durin) the times sho!ed on the si)n. >*. 3ou ma" not re/erse "our /ehicle for further than+ A. 2<< m. $. 1<< m. &. As it is safe to do so. *<. Si)n D1< sho!s "ou that+ A. Iehicles lon)er than 12 m ma" not dri/e past this si)n. $. The road is onl" 12 m !ide past this si)n. &. :o /ehicles !ith trailers ma" dri/e past this si)n. *1. 9f "ou onl" ha/e learner4s license for a hea/" motor /ehicle + 5i6 5ii6 5iii6
There must #e someone !ith "ou in the /ehicle !ith the same dri/in) license. 3ou are not allo!ed to dri/e on a free!a". :o passen)ers are allo!ed !ith "ou in the /ehicle.
SELE&T THE &ORRE&T &O8$9:AT9O: A. All the a#o/e are correct $. Onl" 5i6 is correct &. Onl" 5i6 and 5iii6 are correct
, 1= ,
A *(. Si)n W; sho!s "ou that+ A. The road fors ahead on a steep decline and "ou should slo! do!n. $. 3our #raes !ill #e checed at a stop ahead !here "ou must stop. &. There is an arrestor #ed ahead to #e used !hen "our #raes fail. S'ET&H - 9: THE S'ET&H $OO'LET 9S A RE?RESE:TAT9O: OF THE &O:TROLS OF A &ODE - IEH9&LES. STUD3 9T A:D THE: A:SWER UEST9O: *- TO 1<<. *-. The distance it taes "ou to stop "our /ehicle is+ 5i6 5ii6 5iii6
Lon)er on a !et road than on a dr" road. Lon)er if "ou ride a hi)her speed. Lon)er if it is loaded.
A. :one of the a#o/e are correct $. All of the a#o/e are correct &. 5i6 Onl" is correct *0. To select a )ear "ou must use num#er+ A. = J *. $. 2 J >. &. ; J >. *2. To stop "our /ehicle "ou must use num#er+ A. *. $. >. &. =. *;. To turn "our /ehicle num#er+ is used. A. 2. $. 0. &. ;. *=. To ensure that "our pared /ehicle does not mo/e use num#er+ A. =. $. >. , 1> ,
A &. *. *>. To accelerate "our /ehicle "ou must use num#er+ A. ;. $. >. &. 1<. **. What controls must "ou use !hen "ou are )oin) to turn sharp A. 1 - 2 ; and > onl" $. - 0 2 * and 1< onl" &. 1 - 0 2 ; > * and 1< onl" 1<<. To indicate that "ou are )oin) to turn "ou must use num#er+ A. -. $. 2. &. 11.
, 1* ,