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Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
Submitted by: Anand Kumar Singh Roll No. !"#"$
International Institute of Management & Technology Technology,, Meerut
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
I would would like to thank thank Miss Padma Misra (Faculty IIMT), and all other faculty members of MBA who has helped me to understand the concepts of branding and advertising better and gave me this opportunity to do this proect, which has clarified many doubts, which baffled me earlier!
International Institute of Management & Technology Technology,, Meerut
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
I would would like to thank thank Miss Padma Misra (Faculty IIMT), and all other faculty members of MBA who has helped me to understand the concepts of branding and advertising better and gave me this opportunity to do this proect, which has clarified many doubts, which baffled me earlier!
International Institute of Management & Technology Technology,, Meerut
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
#ontents Topic
Page No.
Introduction$$%hat is a Brand
Branding Metamorphosis
( $)
*ecent Trends
+ $ 1"
Brands $the Mega Assets
1 $ 1'
The -lip side
.aluing a Brand
1/ $ 1)
0eed for Branding for Indian Ind ian #orporate
2egmentation and positioning strategies
"1 $ 1
Brand Association
" $ (
Brand %ars 3 An introduction The Brand %ar between #olgate And 4epsodent The %ar continues
/ ) $ ( (1
Another brand war with 0irma for 566
( " $ (
Brand wars ""$
*esearch Methodology
International Institute of Management & Technology Technology,, Meerut
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
INTRODUCTION: WHAT IS A BRAND? Brands are a part of the fabric of life said 7avid 8gilvy! A brand must be something different from a product! Arguably all brands start as undifferentiated products9 their success or failure in the marketplace depends on their functional :uality! A brand, then, has an e;istence separate from an actual product or service3 it has a life of its own! Thomas #ook means something to us9 it carries with it associations and memories that are generally to do with travel s che:ues! Brands can e;ist in any field! Most of the well$ known brands, are from the fast$ moving consumer goods <-M#?= area, but we can also think of #oca #ola, 2ingapore Airlines, #lub Med, 7isney, #aterpillar, and many more! The analogy with brands is that it is at the margin that disagreement is possible! @veryone agrees that #oca$#ola, Mars, 4epsi, and so on are brands! The problem arises with less established or newer entities! The test must surely lie not in the views of individual commentators, but in the collective opinion of the target customers and consumers! If they can perceive that a product has a uni:ue identity that differentiates it from other similar products, and they can describe it and the uni:ue set of benefits it offers, then it is a brand!
International Institute of Management & Technology, Meerut
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
Branding is a fundamental strategic process that involves all parts of the firm in its delivery! It is about marketing, but is not confined to the marketing department! The brand must always deliver value, and the value must be defined in the customers terms! It has a continuing relationship with its buyers and users9 this may change over time, but the firm must always work to maintain it! 2ince competition is getting fiercer all the time, and because structural changes undermine the status :uo, branding must be continuously adapted so that it is both efficient and effective!
International Institute of Management & Technology, Meerut
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
It was the year of the great marketing warfare! 2can the list of top spenders on television! This medium consists mainly of survivors! They are companies that spent huge sums in the battle for market share! @specially Anglo$7utch foods and toiletries maor 5industan 6ever 6td! <566=, which aggressively charged into each of its product categories Co"#i$e( !&e +a!!e,(o"!3 HLL -# Coga!e Pa%oi'e HLL '# Ne#!e HLL '# P(oc!e( / Ga%+e 0P/G1 a"$ Coca2Coa -# Pep#i. 6ittle wonder then that 566
tops the list of big spenders for the seventh consecutive year, and is leagues ahead of contenders! And a cursory glance at the charts shows that while multinationals dominated television, Indian companies ruled press advertising #learly, the share of Indian companies is gradually decreasing in the *2 ',' crore <*s 1 crore *s 1 billion= advertising sweepstakes! 2even years ago, nearly half the number of the top 1 ad spenders were homegrown organiCations like the TATA# Go$(e3 Soap# Pa(e E4po(!# a"$ Ba3a3 Au!o ! Today, Da+u( is the only Indian company to figure in the list for television, which accounts for almost ( per cent of total ad billings According to retail audit outfit, 8*?$Marg, which has collated the television and print spends Indian consumer durable and automobile maors have dominated the print line$up! 8nly fast moving consumer goods <-M#?= specialists appear to have patroniCed television in a big way, especially HLLA company conspicuous International Institute of Management & Technology, Meerut
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
by its absence at number two or three is ITC. That is because 8*? did not consider any below the line spends and alternate media like outdoors, radio and cinema! The #alcutta$based tobacco multinational spends nearly two$thirds of its budget on event marketing and below$the$line activity! This is more by compulsion than choice cigarette advertising on television is banned by the government 0estle, which was at number four last year, has moved up to second spot after 566! The spend came at a time when Best -oods with its K"o(( range of soups was giving Ne#!e5# Maggi soups a tough time! At the same time, Maggi sauces were under threat from HLL5# Ki##a" ketchup! %hat is more, it had had an aggressive #adbury to contend with in chocolates The debutantes of recent years include American soft drink maors Co*e and Pep#i! The slugfest largely anchored in sporting events e;ploited television to the
hilt! They also used a fair amount of below$the$line activity! At any given time, either of the company had a promotion running! #hange is what has made Da+u( appear in the list in the last two years! %ith a new generation at the helm, its foray into vibrant categories like cosmetics has given it a complete facelift! Today, 7abur has shed its ayurvedic garb for a contemporary image with its diversification into high$profile areas like cosmetics, foods and toiletries In fact, these categories dominated the limelight last year! In 1++), 566, which had B(oo*e Bo"$ and Po"$# in its stable, introduced " new products and relaunched 1)! -rom Pep#o$e"! Po)e( to Ee 67 fragrances to Re$ La+e "$in$1, the debutantes were no new brands! They were either line or brand e;tensions! 8n television alone, 566 appears to have almost doubled adspend to a colossal *s (' International Institute of Management & Technology, Meerut
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
crore last year! <5ere, 8*? goes by the rate card supplied by ad agencies and not the discounts given to companies for bulk bookings= Almost per cent of this budget is believed to have been spent on foods promoting the Ki##a" and A""apu("a brands while K)ai!8 Wa5# has been a bit low key! 6ast year alone, 566 is said to have spent *s 1) crore on Annapurna! Dnable to match this share of voice, Annapurnas then competitor, 7#% 5ome 4roducts Cap!ai" Coo* atta and salt were ultimately relegated to the back shelves 6ike 566, most of the multinationals spending run on conservative lines! 8n an average, they reserved three$:uarters of their ad outlay for television! That is understandable considering the growth and reach of television! Three years ago, / Indian and foreign channels were beaming /+ hours worth of news and entertainment! Today, there are '' odd channels beaming roughly 1, hours of programming! This has no doubt segmented the target consumer! And with -M#? companies stretching their brands every which way, television has become a dominant concern in their media plan 0ow consider p(e##. @;cept for Dnit Trust of India
International Institute of Management & Technology, Meerut
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
THE RECENT TRENDS This scenario is no doubt reflected in the category and brand spends! %hile television is dominated by -M#? brands, print is a mi; of service players, cars, two$wheelers, consumer durables and electronics %hile DTI leads in print advertising, television has a surprise winner in U3aa li:uid whitener from Fyothy 6aboratories! #ompared to three last year, it is the only Indian brand to figure in the list! Based in Mumbai, violet colored Dala, with a spend of *s ( crore, has redefined the whitener market characteriCed by li:uid blues 8nce again, Co*e and Pep#i have made the grade! %ith both using film stars and cricketers to endorse their products, the war is not yet over! It is not surprising that with consumers either downscaling their purchases or buying less, both 566 and 4&? have been pushing their brands with gusto %hile 4&?s Pa"!e"e shampoo has leapfrogged from fifteenth place to fourth, si; of the top 1 brands belong to chairman Eeki 7adiseths company! %ith both these companies, along with Ni(%a, driving ad spends, consumer softs are the widely advertised categories on television! They are a concoction of toilet soaps, detergents, shampoos and toothpastes! %ith cricket fever in full swing last year, soft drinks, dominated by #oke and 4epsi, moved up from thirteenth place to fifth The cutthroat competition from more than half$a$doCen li:uor manufacturers has generated enough fiCC! %ith almost all of them introducing Indian made foreign li:uor, all the segments in the bar are high on clutter! %hile the state$owned Doo($a(#&a" does not carry li:uor ads, the satellite channels are choc$a$bloc with
International Institute of Management & Technology, Meerut
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
8r take co(po(a!e a$'e(!i#i"g! -rom banks to pharmaceutical companies, image ads were on many corporate agendas! In a year that saw the most number of mergers
conglomerate No'a(!i# ads were the most high$profile in print and television 0ow look at toilet soaps, which has been tops for the seventh consecutive year! The ma;imum relaunches have taken place here! 8ne reason is the stagnant state of the category! The premium segment accounts for 1' per cent of the market! %hile growth rates were a mere $ per cent last fiscal, they are e;pected to be flat this year! The popular segment, which accounts for ' per cent of the market, is also flat! As a result, weve had to push more money into advertising to ust hold on to market shares! however, while players had to get users to pick up their products in the top segments, Ahmedabad$based Earsanbhai 4atels 0irma has been giving them the itters! 8perating largely in the sub$popular segment <*s ($ (!' for a /' gm cake=, this segment has been growing at " per cent #hanging consumer habits is what is believed to have pushed te;tiles from second place in 1++/ to si;th in print advertising! %ith many brands in the market, the trend is to move away from fabric to ready$to$wear garments! And with more and more companies looking at value$addition, te;tiles are losing share All these statistics make one thing clear! The top 1 spenders list for the millennium could see a maor reshuffle! Ma(*e!i"g: Successful brands are money-spinner and an important tradable asset. So what make a brand tick !specially the Indian brand
THE u(e i# i((e#i#!i+e! #ustomers cannot but caress the e;:uisitely crafted shirt which weighs a mere " gm! Its logo is sewn by hand to be positioned over the heart of the wearer and weighs e;actly !) gm! The mother of the pearl buttons International Institute of Management & Technology, Meerut 1
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
are sourced only from the 4acific 8cean! The yarn is spun so fine that it takes " km of the material to produce a single shirt! Before it reaches the store, the fabric is tested for fastness of color to temperature, light and sweat! 0ow only one brand is so fastidious about :uality! That>s right, Laco#!e! Any surprise then that people are willing to burn their pocket to pick up oneG In addition, you say what>s in a name! Think again! AB#6 paid Amitabh Bachchan *2 1 crore for being allowed to use those two valuable words! BPL Teeco% will shell out *2 1 crore to its parent for carrying the company name on its products! The TATA# have imposed a >levy> on + group companies for the same reason, a move that is e;pected to fetch it *s ' crore in the first year! Megabrands all and they fetch megamoney! A%i!a+& BPL TATA# Laco#!e are all great brands! Indeed! -or many of us, the very word Ta!a invokes an image of a robust, responsive and indigenous product! In practical terms, the brand is a seal of consistency, reliability and character! Brands are like people actually! @ach one has a name and a physical, psychological and emotional character! 4sychologically, a Laco#!e shirt owner is Ha great spender, knows to be casual at the right time, and is an e;pert in his fieldH! @motionally, it is a brand for the arrived! The stronger the brand, the stronger its recall among the public! *emember the health soapG ou must have surely thought of Li,e+uo8! %hich cigarette has the filter and tobacco perfectly matchedG 7id you say %illsG %hich is the moisturiCing soapG Do'e, of course! The product is different from its brand name! A product is made in the factory, a brand is what a consumer buys! A product can be copied, a +(a"$ i# u"i9ue. B(a"$ pe(#o"ai!8 is the discriminator in the marketplace! 0o one can make
another Lu4 not the soap we use physically but the soap we buy! It goes for the health drink Boo#!. Most of the other brands are similar3 warm, caring, motherly! International Institute of Management & Technology, Meerut 11
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
But how do you convince the customers that your nourishes is a better >energy> drink than Boost Branded products have a great advantage over the unbranded ones3 they fetch a higher price! 7oesn>t Cap!ai" Coo* a!!a cost more than the wheat flour from your neighborhood grocerG Ta"i#&9 ewelry from Titan costs " per cent more than a comparable piece at your family eweler! Branding also means better bargaining power for the company with the dealers! T&a!;# +ecau#e !&e(e i# a(ea$8 a ;pu; ,o( !&e p(o$uc! !&e(e %a8 "o! +e !&e "ee$ ,o( a g(ea! ;pu#&; +8 !&e (e!aie(#
An established brand also facilitates growth through >e;tensions>! Ha3%oa candies for a kid, for instance, was launched with an established brand name! De!!o antiseptic e;tended to soap, handwash li:uid, medicated strips and shaving cream A powerful brand adds to the company>s wealth for generations! *emember Da$a? 6aunched in 1+'+ when 6ever Brothers
build a truly Indian brand, 7alda did so well that the brand became a generic name for vanaspati! The clock was recently turned back with the launch of 7alda -eel 6ight in Andhra 4radesh and Tamil 0adu! 7alda as a brand is a sleeping giant! The company wanted to wake it up! #reating another brand with that e:uity would have taken years
International Institute of Management & Technology, Meerut 1"
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
BRANDS THE MEGA ASSET In 1++, Coca2Coa paid close to *s 1/' crore to buy the T&u%# Up Li%ca Ci!(a and Go$ Spo! brands! It was a coup of sorts! -ive years later *amesh
#hauhan of 4arle declined to part with the Bi#e(i brand! 5e decided against renewing the five$year contract with #oke, which would have given the soft drinks giant the right to use the Bisleri name! -or #hauhan, the brand could have turned out to be his biggest asset, his new launch pad! 5e planned to take Bisleri sales from *s crore at present to *s " crore in a few years! Brands also provide the competitive advantage! It is the power of the brand that makes NIIT Ap!ec& Ba!a DHL BPL -i$eoco" and Be"e!!o" among the fastest growing and more profitable companies! The entire franchise operation is actually built around the brand power! #ustomers can e;pect the same :uality of the 0IIT course whether they are at 0agercoil or in 0ew 7elhi Most significantly, the brand is increasingly becoming an important tradable asset! In 1++, ?odre 2oaps paid *s 1" crore to pocket the *s (/$crore Transelektra
In 1++/, 5industan 6ever paid *s 11 crore for La*%e;# basket of brands s two plantsJ=! 4rocter and ?amble is reportedly paid *s / crore for its Me$ica(e anti$lice shampoo! In April, the ?ramophone #ompany of India ac:uired 2angeetha, a leading audio producer of classical and devotional songs in the south! International Institute of Management & Technology, Meerut 1
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
Ac:uiring a brand is a superior option over purchasing the entire operations of the company! =i(#! the buyer buys only the brand name
bought Mo; because its own brand in the same family, Amo;ycillin, was not doing too well! T&i($8, buying a brand saves a lot of brand$building time and cost! 7rugs companies are known to recoup the cost of buying a brand in less than four years Building a strong brand is about occupying a prominent place in the perceptive space of the targeted customers, edging out the competitive brand images! The distinctiveness could be derived from ust about anything! #oca$#ola, for e;ample, has a distinctive shape of the bottle, color and script of the can, besides the youthful messages
International Institute of Management & Technology, Meerut 1
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
The +(a"$2+ui$i"g e4e(ci#e +egi"# )i!& u"$e(#!a"$i"g a"$ a"!icipa!i"g !&e "ee$# o, co"#u%e(# a"$ !&e *e8 a!!(i+u!e# o, !&e p(o$uc! ! The physical
properties must match the brand>s image! ITC;# super$refined groundnuts oil #rystal had to be Hso clear, so pureH that it had to be practically invisible! 8n the other hand, Sa'o";# maor problem was that it would not turn water cloudy, as De!!o did
And then the product is to be packaged with a cea( +(a"$ i%age. Both A%u and B(i!a""ia have launched sliced cheese but they proected it differently! The
smartest thing Britannia has done is to position its cheese as a milk product!H @ach slice is worth a glass of milk, says its advertisement I, !&e +(a"$ i%age ge!# $iu!e$ #ae# #u,,e( ! The conflicting brand image is
reported to be the cause of O"i$a;# fall from its 1++( #T. marketshare of " per cent to about 1 per cent in 1++/! 8nida was at the top end of the brand image bracket but when it entered the volume game in 1++/ it lost its premium image and sales The value of an established brand is in part due to the realiCation that it is more difficult to build brands today than a decade ago! The cost of advertising and distribution has been much higher in recent times! The bestseller Co%pe!i"g ,o( !&e =u!u(e says HI! !a*e# i" !&e o($e( o, >6 +iio" o, a$'e(!i#i"g !o +ui$ a #ig"i,ica"! #&a(e o, %i"$ )i!& co"#u%e(# ac(o## No(!& A%e(ica A#ia a"$ Eu(ope.
As the consumer and markets change, so too the brand images! The 7ove beauty bar was introduced with the accent on a softer skin because it contained Hone :uarter cleansing creamH! %hen sales of cleansing cream products declined, 7ove was promoted as Hone :uarter moisturiCing creamH! The brand Coomed past its competitor International Institute of Management & Technology, Meerut 1'
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
THE =LIP SIDE De#pi!e !&e o+'iou# 'aue o, a +(a"$ !&e +(a"$2+ui$i"g p(oce## i# e(o$i"g o8a!8 e'e# a(e ,ai"g a"$ p(ice i# +eco%i"g !&e %o(e #aie"! ,ea!u(e o, a p(o$uc!. @;pect people to buy branded products but do not e;pect them to be loyal to
a particular brand for long! It is not the consumer>s fault! %ith the proliferation of brands, the difference is becoming marginal for products in similar categories! 5owever, this is in some ways a sign of a maturing market! #ompanies will have to find ways to be innovative at both physical and brand personality levels! %atch the ongoing color T. price war3 companies like .ideocon, 8nida and B46 dominated for long, but Akai has swept the market almost overnight because there was not much difference at the physical level and the price it offered was very attractive for the customers!
E,,ec!i'e +(a"$i"g !&u# i# !&e pu(#ui! o, i"e9uai!8! It is about creating a different
perception about a product! 8f course, there has to be :uality too! Initially a product is bought on the esteem level of its brand! 5owever, in the long run, the product must perform up to the e;pectations!
International Institute of Management & Technology, Meerut
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
-ALUING A BRAND #ompanies like B46, Infosys and Aptech have their brands valued! The Aptech brand, for instance, was valued at *s "/1 crore! In other words, that>s the money you will have to shell out to own the si;$letter word, Aptech! The essence of brand valuation is calculating the price premium earned by a brand over the years into the future
P(ice p(e%iu% ge"e(a!e$ +8 !&e +(a"$ "a%e
%hat are the price levels of comparable automobilesG The value of the car brand K in a given year would be the price differential between cars K, or L live>!
Oppo(!u"i!8 co#! o, "o! o)"i"g !&e +(a"$
Another method of valuing a brand is the additional cost of establishing the product without the advantage of the loyalty of the established brand name!
Ma(*e! pe(cep!io"
The market price of the share reflects the brand strength! 5igher the difference between the book value and the market value higher the value of the brand!
International Institute of Management & Technology, Meerut
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
P(e#e"! 'aue %e!&o$
This is similar to the first method e;cept that the future premiums are calculated at today>s value -or e;ample, the present value of *s 1 to be earned two years down the line is *s )!"'
According to a survey by A&M magaCine the top ten Indian brands is3 -ic*# Coga!e De!!o Ri" Co#e Up Po"$# Ba!a Io$e4 Doo($a(#&a" a"$ Ho(ic*# !
@;cept for 7oordarshan, all are brands owned by M0#s! The top ten brands owned by wholly Indian companies are 7oordarshan, 0irma, .I4 luggage, 7alda
International Institute of Management & Technology, Meerut
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
NEED =OR BRANDING =OR THE INDIAN CORPORATES Indian companies need to focus on brand building to survive in a liberaliCed economy! There is a huge potential for Indian products to become global brands! Dnfortunately, there has been no concerted effort made by an Indian company to make a brand tick abroad! / per cent of the brandable commodities in our country is e;ported in an unbranded form! %hile branded e;ports earn per cent profit, non$branded e;ports earn ust two to three per cent! There is a need to develop a national identity and entrepreneurs should have a long$ term vision! These issues have to be addressed before India can be sold as a brand! The first task is the utiliCation of funds parked with the India Brand @:uity -und! The idea is to promote India as a country, the products will then take care of themselves! In order to highlight the fact that a brand should be relevant to popular culture we can think of Annu Eapur who, through Antakshari, was closer to the audience than 7erek 8 Brien of #adbury>s Bournvita :uiC! 8ther principles that could be highlighted are the maintenance of sanctity of the brand>s core values even while e;tending it $ like 4rannoy *oy has done with his election analysis in The %orld this %eek and now 2tar 0ews channel! Brands are evolving organically rather than on their own, like Asha Bhosle has evolved! Aamir Ehan came up for discussion as a brand whose image is such that he is seen as being different and discerning in account of his selectivity while signing movies! This was for a brand which has reached a stage where it stops talking about International Institute of Management & Technology, Meerut
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
what it does and talks about what it stands for Brand repositioning was undertaken by companies to increase market share as Ha well established position is not necessarily the ideal position! The position in itself may be restricting or may not be achieving the desired rate of success! #adbury>s 7airy Milk had successfully e;tended chocolates from a Hkiddy categoryH to a product consumed also by adults! The real taste of life campaign worked! It broke the adult guilt barrier to chocolate consumption! The chocolate market, which was growing marginally, saw a ump! The overall market grew by per cent in >+' and 1)!/ per cent in >+( while the brand growth was '" per cent and "/!+ per cent during the same period! @stablishing the twin elements that go into gaining and retaining customers viC!, psychographic understanding of the consumer and product promotion at the relevant places!
International Institute of Management & Technology, Meerut
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
SEGMENTATION AND POSITIONING 2 A PERPETUAL PROCESS 2@?M@0TI0?, targeting and positioning <2T4= is the core aspect of any marketing strategy! 4rimarily, the strategic value addition associated with the approach of any company is associated with 2T4 planning! As competitive activity is getting vigorous in terms of total offering
e;isting brands which have generally been in the market for several years P(o$uc!2(ea!e$ a#pec!# which re:uire specific introduction of products at the
appropriate time to enable a brand to sustain its competitive position! These are associated with the changed set of needs regarding the usage of products! The image of the brand is associated with the perception of consumers! 5ow does an image undergo a changeG The image may be affected if a brand does not actively or intensely attempt to spread the usage of a concept when it is introduced! Brylcreem, a International Institute of Management & Technology, Meerut
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
brand of hair cream, which has been in the market for several years, has not grown in a significant manner > look on the convenience plank! It is essential to increase the fre:uency of usage in the target segment and find ways to e;pand the target segment through appropriate positioning strategies over a period of time > relationship, with the mother endorsing the core proposition of the brand! Ne#ca,e for a long time was using the come alive!!!!>> commercial in the cinema
halls! This commercial was associated with the strength of a brand attribute > in the minds of consumers! 0ew brands which might have come up later may make use of these unusual niches>> and gain a stronghold in the market! Iode;, Amrutanan and .icks were leading players in the balms market! Iode;, until recently, was positioning itself as a sprain reliever> and Amrutanan, until recently, International Institute of Management & Technology, Meerut
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
was perceived as a general remedy balm! Moov, a brand which entered the market in the mid$eighties positioned itself as a backache reliever>! It has made rapid strides in the recent times and Iode; itself is attempting to position itself as a pain$reliever!>> A brand, which has managed to capture the market during the initial stages of development of the product concept positioning! These brands over a period, could have also positioned themselves as value for money> detergents to target a wider target segment! Ra8%o"$ is an interesting case for analyCing the image management over a period of
time! After positioning itself strongly as the guide for a well$dressed male>> for years, the brand provides a sophisticated backdrop > who is very down$ to$earth! This emotional differentiator is good enough to ensure that the consumer perceives the brand in a distinguished manner! The brand has also been positioning its retail outlets on the e;clusivity platform to maintain a symbolic aura around the brand! The initial readymade$wear of the company 7ouble Bull and 6egwear did not make any significant impact during the early eighties! But, 4ark Avenue with its American
International Institute of Management & Technology, Meerut
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
connotation, dovetailed well with the foreign readymade association> at a time when the readymade market is picking up!
International Institute of Management & Technology, Meerut
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"
P(o$uc!2(ea!e$ a#pec!#
?oing back to the Io$e4 e;ample, there is a clear need for a non$ staining and non$ greasy balm in the market! This is perhaps the reason why Iode; started promoting the spray variant! But due to packaging costs, the spray variant cannot substitute the original version! There is a need to develop a new product version, which would be in tune with the emerging needs of consumers! The competitive brand Moov is making an attempt to reposition its competitor by making a reference to the staining characteristic of Iode; in its recent positioning spots of pain balm=! This kind of positioning is likely to have a powerful impact on the consumers campaign through the eighties which
established the brand on the value for money> platform
have been one of the obectives of 2urf Dltra which came out with the anti$stain> International Institute of Management & Technology, Meerut
Understanding brands with focus on Brand War Between "Colgate And Pepsodent"