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ABC Application Application and its Effects on on Operational Perfomance Perfomance Towards Towards Success Adoption of Computer Computer Aided Techniques Techniques by Auditors of Philippine Auditing Firms Analysis of Students Perception Perception on Audit or Ta! Ta! Career Speciali"ation Speciali"ation Among Among Schools in #ipa City Boo$$eeping E!periences of S%Es &eterminants of 'nternship Effecti(eness for the BS Accountancy Students of &e #a Salle #ipa &eterminants of Ta! Compliance Beha(iour of Corporate 'ncome Ta!payers in #ipa City) Batangas Effect of *on+Audit ,uality on Client Satisfaction towards Client #oyalty En(ironmental Factors on the Performance in the CPA Board E!amination- 'ts Effect and .elationship Factors Affecting Auditors Ethical Sensiti(ity Factors 'nfluencing the Satisfaction of Ta!payers Ta!payers in #ipa using the B'.s E+Filing System %ediating Effect of Financial Accountability Organi"ational Financial #iteracy- 'ts Effect on the Financial Outcomes of *on+profit Organi"ations in #ipa City Percei(ed Effect of 'n(entory /aluation and Profitability of Selected Electronics %anufacturing Companies Companies in FP'P Percei(ed 'nfluence of Education and 0or$ E!perience on the Performance of Accounting Professors in Batangas Percei(ed /alue) &esirability and Attitude towards CP& of CPA in #ipa Perception 1ap on &ecision) Benefit and 'mpact of Finance and Accounting Outsourcing Perception on BSA Program and Core Competencies of &e #a Salle #ipa .elationahip Between Clinet Appraisal Based on the 2Cs of Credit and the Percei(ed ,uality of #oan Performance of .ural Ban$s in #ipa City .elationship Between %ission+Based %anagement %anagement Practices and .e(enue in *on+profit Orgnai"ation in #ipa City .elationship of Ethics Education to %oral &e(elopment of 1raduating Accountancy Accountancy Students .elationsihp fo Ethical Orientation) Ethics Education and 0or$ E!perience to the E thical &ecision+ma$ing of Accountancy 1raduates .ole of 'nternship #earning Outcome /ariables in the E!periential #earning Cycle Thin$ing Styles of Accountancy Students and Their Effects to Academic Performance SYNTHES TOPICS 2016-2017
Accountants Perceptions Perceptions on the Effecti(eness Effecti(eness of Fraud &etection &etection and Pre(ention %ethods Assessment of 'n(entory 'n(entory %anagement %anagement Practices and Business Performance of S%Es S%Es in #ipa City &eterminants of Effecti(e Financial %anagement System of %S%Es in #ipa .elationship between CS. and Financial Performance of #eading Companies in the Philippines Effect of &emographic and Personality Traits on Electronic Filing and Payment System Continuance 3sage 'ntention Effects of Ta! Fairness &imensions on Ta! Compliance Factors Affecting the Engagement of 'ndustrial Companies to En(ironmental %anagement %anagement Accounting in Batangas Effect of Ob4ecti(ity) Competence Competence and 0or$ Performance on the reliance &ecision of E!ternal Auditors 'mpact of Ta! .e(enues on Philippine Economic 1rowth- Analysis per Ta! Types Perception on the 'ntegration of Forensic Accounting Course in the BSA Curriculum Perceptions of S%Es in #ipa City Towards Towards the Adoption of Cloud Accounting
.elationship of Owners Financial #iteracy and Entrepreneurial Success The Feasibility Study on Establishing an Accounting .e(iew Center in Batangas The .elationship Between .ecord$eeping and Business Performance 3sefulness of 'nformation on Annual .eports in 'n(estment &ecision %a$ing
6nd Best Thesis
P'CPA Awardee
7rd Best Thesis
Best Thesis *ominee
Best Thesis *ominee Best Thesis *ominee
Best Thesis *ominee Best Thesis *ominee
Adoption of Computer Aided Audit Techniques by Auditors of Philippine Auditing Firms Assessment of the Credit %anagement of Selected Financial 'nstitutions Assessment of the 'nternal Control System Practices in the .e(nue and Collection Cycle of Selected *etwor$ %ar$eting Companies in #ipa City Boo$$eeping S$ills and Attitude on 1rowth Performance of %SEs in Batangas City Business En(ironment and Organi"ational Performance of Selected Companies in #ipa City- The .ole of %AP Comparati(e Analysis of 'nternal Control i n Production &epartment and its .elationship of #'%CO%A Continuing Professional &e(elopment and its Effect on the Careers and Practices of CPAs Effect of Credit .is$ %anagement on #oan Porfolio Among *SS#A in #ipa City Effect of ,uality of Accounting 'nformation to the Performance of Selected S%Es in #ipa City Effects of Absorpti(e Capacity to Enterprise .esource Planning Benefits in #aFarge .epublic) 'nc8 in Taysan Batangas Effects of Changes in Organi"ational Structure) Organi"ation Strategy and %anagmenet Accounting Practices on the Changes of Organi"ations Performance Effects of Computeri"ed Accounting System on the Performance of Selected .ural Ban$s in #ipa City Effects of Critical Success Factor on Accounting 'nformation System &ata ,uality Outcome Effects of Sophistication of Computeri"ed Accounting 'nformation System to the Success of S%Es in #ipa City E(aluating the Effects of #ogistics Costs in Accountign to 'mpro(e .eliability and Efficiency E!aminiation of Accounting 'nformation System Technology Adoption on Accounting Profession 'mpact of Budgeting Process on the Perfmance of S%Es in #ipa City 'mpact of Formal Budgeting Process on Performance of Feed %ill 'ndustries in selected municipalities in Batangas Pro(ince 'nfluence of Outsourcing Accounting Functions and Outsourcing intensity on the Satisfaction in Firm Performance among S%Es in #ipa City 'nternal Control System of .estaurants in #ipa City 'n(entory %anagmenet Practices and Operational Performance of Feeds %anufacturing Companies in #ipa City #ong+term Audit+Client .elationship and 'ts Effects on the Audit ,uality of S%Es in #ipa City %easuring the Successful 'mplementation of Aciti(ity+Based Costing in Selected Compnaies in .egion '/+A *on+profit Organi"ations Accounting .eporting Efficiency in %eeting Funders .eporting .equirements Percei(ped Effecti(eness of 'nternal Control Systme on the Orgnai"itonal Performance of Selected .ural Ban$s in #ipa City Perception of Accounting Faculty and Accountants in Public Practice on the .ele(ance and 'mportance of Accounting Education in S# ,uality of .ecord 9eeping and Performance of S%Es in #ipa City .ele(ance of Accounting 'nformation in 'n(estment &ecision of 'nstitutional 'n(estors in the Philippine Stoc$ %ar$et 3nderstanding of the &ifferences between 'nternal and E!ternal Auditors in Obtaining and Assessing 'nformation about 'nternal Control 0ea$nesses ACCTHES TOPICS 2016-2017
Factors Affecting Compliance with Standard Accounting Practices among Parishes in Archdiocese of #ipa 'nfluence of %athematical Ability on Sub4ect Performance in Accounting The %ediating Effect of Client+Specific 9nowledge and Client : Firm Power in the .elationship Between Auditor Tenure and Audit Effort The Effect of Structural Capital on Business Performance of Pharmaceutical Firms The Effect of .eceipts from Economic Enterprises on the Finances of the #ocal 1o(ernment 3nits in Batangas Pro(ince
'mpact of Sophistication of Budgeting Practices on the Percei(ed Organi"ational Performance of %anufacturing Companies in the Pro(ince of Batangas Perceptions of Small and %edium Enterprise Owners and Accounting Ser(ice Pro(iders on Financial and Accounting Outsourcing
7rd Best Thesis
6nd Best Thesis BEST T5ES'S
Best Thesis *ominee Best Thesis *ominee Best Thesis *ominee Best Thesis *ominee BEST T5ES'S