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This is a short test/ quiz for Business Studies (Chapter: Motivating Workers). The questions can be used for class discussion or revision at home.
A course book for Business Studies and Economics Students.
Business Planning Unit 1: Influences in establishing an SME 1.1 Definition - The exact definition is not defined, however it can be divided into categories such as personalised personalised service, local ar!ets, independentl" operated, independentl" owned, closel" controlled b" owner#operator, not doinant in the industr", locall" based, bul! of capital provided b" owner, reliant on internal support services, owner responsible for decision a!ing and less than $% eplo"ees for non-anufacturing non-anufacturing and 1%% for anufacturing& anufacturing& 1.2 Role - The nuber of SMEs fluctuates over tie according to the state of the econo"& - In recent "ears, SMEs have created an" 'obs, becoe ore innovative and are increasingl" entering overseas ar!ets& 1.3 Economic Contribution - (n econo" is a s"ste used to deterine what to produce, how to produce and to who production will be distributed - SME)s contribute to the econo" through: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - *+ is the t he total one" value of all goods and services produced in (ustralia over a one "ear period, easures econoic growth& - (S estiates SMEs contribute about .%/ to *+& Emploment - Eplo"ent !eeps the econo" health" and eplo"ees spend their wages which support other businesses& - SMEs eplo" 0/ of private sector eplo"ent and are ore li!el" to aintain existing eplo"ees during econoic downturn& - The" contribute to revenue raised through tax which benefits societ" as a whole& Balance of Paments (B!P) - 2 is an accounting record of all onetar" transactions between (ustralia and the rest of the world over one "ear& - SMEs are often ore successful at exporting than large businesses businesses as the adaptabilit" and flexibilit" of SMEs a!e the ore responsive to the needs of overseas ar!ets& - To aintain a favourable balance of pa"ents, exports ust be greater than iports& "n#ention and "nno#ation - SMEs are the ain source of ost inventions and innovations in (ustralia& - Invention and innovation are the heart of our econo" as the" iprove efficienc" and increase productivit"& - SMEs spend a large aount on 34+& - 34+ is intended to develop new ideas and iproveents in production however it is difficult for SMEs to obtain ade5uate finance as the" are perceived as high ris!& - Innovation aong SME eplo"ees is uch higher t han larger businesses& 1.$ %uccess and &ailure - 6 out of ever" . SMEs fail within first "ear& - Soe factors that t hat deterine business success: - 7ocation& - oo!-!eeping oo!-!eeping standards& - (ccess to finance&
- (daptabilit" 4 flexibilit" to change& - (ccess to inforation and resources& - +eand& - Entrepreneurial abilit"& - ( SME has failed when it is: - unincorporated and declared ban!rupt& - incorporated and either forced into li5uidation or voluntar" cessation& - The ost coon causes of SME failure are anagerial inexperience and incopetence undercapitalisation, and lac! of planning&
Unit $: Influences in establishing an SME 2.1 Personal 'ualities - ersonal 5ualities, otivation, experience and entrepreneurship are the priar" influences on an individual)s decision to establish a business& - usiness 5ualifications and s!ills can be attained through experience, education and#or training& - These factors will affect planning decisions on issues such as the t"pe and si8e of business, the business location, and the individual)s own role& - (n entrepreneur is soeone who starts, operates and assues the ris! of a business venture in the hope of a!ing a profit& - (n entrepreneur ust have a range of s!ills and characteristics to own and operate a business successfull"& - There are other influences at wor!, including cultural bac!ground and gender& 'ualifications - 9o foral acadeic re5uireents to coence operating but there are tertiar" courses available that give "ou !nowledge and understanding of what is re5uired to successfull" own and operate an SME& - nowledge and understanding can coe fro experience and wor!ing for other businesses& %ills - ;an be attained through experience, education and#or training: - Experience - & - (llow the business owner to develop the essential s!ills for establishing a business such as accounting, coputer s!ills, staff anageent, business adin and ar!eting& oti#ation
- +esire to transfor an idea into a successful product b" capturing the attention of potential custoers& - usiness owners otivated b" the rewards the" believe can be gained fro business establishent in both onetar" and non-onetar" reward edius& Entrepreneurs*ip - Entrepreneurs ust be: - prepared to ta!e a ris! and incur the results of the ris!, either success or failure& - confident in decision a!ing and be able to ta!e responsibilit" for decisions& - willing to succeed& - creative and have flair, which allows the to create or sei8e new business opportunities& - able to set goals and have a vision for the future, including ad'usting business to changing environent and setting new goals as others are achieved& - continuall" ad'usting to changing business, econoic and custoer ar!ets& Cultural Bacground - ;ounit")s traditions and beliefs =e&g& high wor! ethic in fail">& - Experience in certain trades or services =e&g& Thai person coo!ing Thai food>& Gender -
- (usIndustr" provides advice on overseas exports and research and developent of new products and grants& !t*er %ources - ;habers of ;oerce offers legal and f inancial help, econoic and tax advice, explanation of legislation and industrial relations inforation& - Sall usiness (ssociation of (ustralia and 9ew @ealand is a lobb" group of SME owners that provide a foru for exchanging news and views relating to SME atters& - Trade (ssociations have specific industr" info and advice& - 7ibraries and 3eference Material allow access to reference aterial and the abilit" to locate specific aterial& - (ustralian ureau of Statistics provides data on social, econoic and deographic trends& 2.3 ,*e Business "dea-Competition - ( business idea describes the core activities of the business, and the specific features and value of the goods or services it provides& - ( business opportunit" is soething an entrepreneur can see as an avenue to success& - 2pportunities a" arise due to either a Agap) in the ar!et, or an interest or hobb"& - Successful identification of a gap in the ar!et is the !e" to establishing an appealing business& If there is no gap in the ar!et, businesses need to do soething exceptional to draw custoers awa" fro existing businesses& - ;opetition is rivalr" aong businesses that see! t o satisf" a ar!et& - SME owners ust decide how to a!e a business copetitive& This can be done b" either reducing the costs of production or providing soething not alread" available& - usiness needs to decide whether to target the product to the ass or a niche ar!et: - To help identif" the level of copetition and ain copetitors& - To help decide how to ar!et and achieve a larger ar!et share& -