Computer Practical File Object Oriented Programming with C++
CBSE Class 12 and 11 Practical Programs FileFull description
class 12 chemistry practical file completedFull description
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class 12 chemistry practical file completedFull description
Dip Practical FileFull description
FCPIT Practical File
visual basic fileFull description
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It is a file which includes all programs of matlab which are basis of matlab.I made it during my matlab course in
This is the GDI 2010 A-Spec file. it's as legit as an entire file dedicated to one minor specification can be. Pretty good 1NC, and great extensions. have fun pissing off Aff teams :DFull description
system service notes of computer and it's devicesFull description
Practical File of Computer Graphics for B.Tech Computer Science Students.Full description
Header File C++Full description
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1880 - David Rattlehead, 1826-1903
Physics Activity FileFull description
Berbagai macam teknik pengoperasian file dengan bahasa C
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c By: Prabhat Kumar c c c
c c c c
c By: Prabhat Kumar | cc|c c c c c c ccc c c c | cÚ ter a y umber. !"|# cHere i this program we declare two variables a d fact. To fi d the factorial of a umber we use data type i.e, u sig ed i t . $ !c%!c #i clude #i clude i t mai
i g of mai f
{ u sig ed i t ,fact;
//variable declaratio
u sig ed i t factorialu sig ed i t;
//fu ctio declaratio
cout<<"PROGRAM TO FIND A FACTORIAL OF ANY NUMBÚR:\ "; cout<<"\ Ú ter a y o.=";
//sta dard output
ci >> ;
//sta dard i put
fact=factorial ;
//fu ctio call
cout<<"\ The value of factorial o.="<
//sta dard output //retur type
} u sig ed i t factorialu sig ed i t x
//fu ctio defi atio
{ u sig ed i t i,f=1; fori=x;i>=1;i--
//for loop
retur f; }
//variable declaratio
//retur type / /e d of programc
c By: Prabhat Kumar | c
c By: Prabhat Kumar | &c|c c c c c c'ccc c c | ccÚ ter a y umber. !"|# cHere i this program we declare two variables ͚a,b͛ a d o e fu ctio i.e,cube . To fi d the cube of a umber we use formula i.e,cube=side*side*side . $ !c%!c #i clude #i clude i t mai
//begi i g of mai f
{ i t a,b; i t cubei t;
//declaratio of variables //declaratio of fu ctio
cout<<"PROGRAM TO FIND VOLUMÚ OF CUBÚ :\ "; cout<<"\ Ú ter a y umber="; ci >>a; b=cubea;
//sta dard output
//sta dard i put //fu ctio call
cout<<"\ After cubi g the result=";
//sta dard output
//retur type
} i t cubei t x
//fu ctio defi atio
{ i t y; y=x*x*x;
//declaratio //operatio
retur y; }
//e d of program
c P P P
c By: Prabhat Kumar | c
c By: Prabhat Kumar | (c|c c c c)*c )c c cc+c'c | ccÚ ter the value of a a d b. !"|# ccSwap mea s to i tercha ge the values I this program we declare two variables a a d b. To swap two umbers we take a other temperory variable i.e, z i user defi ed fu ctio . $ !c%! #i clude #i clude i t mai
i g of mai f
{ i t a,b;
//variable declaratio
void swapi t,i t;
//fu ctio declaratio
cout<<"PROGRAM TO SWAP TWO NO'S USING CALL BY VALUÚ :\ \ "; cout<<"Ú ter the value of a="; ci >>a;