What is the best glide speed (Vglide) for a Cessna 172P? a) 65 kts b) 42 kts c) 47 kts d) 73 kts e) 160 kts f) 128 kts
What is the stall speed for a Cessna 172P in the takeoff configuration (Vs)? a) 51 kts b) 73 kts c) 97 kts d) 85 kts e) 47 kts f) 42 kts
What is the stall speed for a Cessna 172P in the landing configuration (Vso)? a) 59 kts b) 73 kts c) 97 kts d) 85 kts e) 46 kts f) 42 kts
What is the best-angle of climb speed (V) for a Cessna 172P? a) 60 kts b) 73 kts c) 97 kts d) 85 kts e) 47 kts f) 42 kts
What is the best-rate of climb speed (V!) for a Cessna 172P? a) 59 kts b) 76 kts c) 97 kts d) 85 kts e) 47 kts f) 42 kts
What is the maimum flaps etended speed (Vfe) for a Cessna 172P? a) 59 kts b) 73 kts c) 97 kts d) 85 kts e) 47 kts f) 42 kts
What is the maimum structural cruise speed (Vno) for a Cessna 172P? a) 65 kts b) 42 kts c) 47 kts d) 73 kts e) 160 kts f ) 127 kts
What is the best glide speed (Vglide) for a Cessna 172P? a) 65 kts b) 42 kts c) 47 kts d) 73 kts e) 160 kts f) 128 kts
What is the ne"er eceed speed (Vne) for a Cessna 172P? a) 65 kts b) 42 kts c) 47 kts d) 73 kts e) 158 kts f) 128 kts
What is the correct emergenc! procedure for an en gine failure in a Cessna 172P? a) Pitch for best glide (65 kts), look for a place to lad ad a!igate to"ards that locatio (if altit#de per$its, circle o!er the ladig area, atte$pt a egie restart, co$$#icate a %&'&' o 1215 %h* ad s+#a"k 7700), eted flaps "he ladig is ass#red, ad lad b) Pitch for best glide (75 kts), look for a place to lad ad a!igate to"ards that locatio (if altit#de per$its, circle o!er the ladig area, atte$pt a egie restart, co$$#icate a %&'&' o 1220 %h* ad s+#a"k 7600), eted flaps "he ladig is ass#red, ad lad c) Pitch for best glide (60 kts), look for a place to lad ad a!igate to"ards that locatio (if altit#de per$its, circle o!er the ladig area, atte$pt a egie restart, co$$#icate a %&'&' o 1210 %h* ad s+#a"k 7500), eted flaps "he ladig is ass#red, ad lad
Wh! is establishing and maintaining best-glide after an engine failure or intentional shutdo#n so critical? a) & egie fail#re co#ld ca#se the airplae to stall if the airspeed is-t at least 65 kts b) .stablishig best/glide "ill $ake it easier for the egie to restart c) est/glide pro!ides the $ai$#$ lift to drag ratio d) t-s ot i$portat to $aitai best/glide speed oce it is itiall established
What should !ou do if an engine fire occurs on the ground during startup in a Cessna 172P? a) $$ediatel sh#tdo" the egie, eit the airplae, ad etig#ish the fla$es b) e$ai i the airplae i case a eplosio occ#rs otact e$ergec ser!ices "ith the radios ad "ait #til the fla$es are etig#ished before eitig c) .it i$$ediatel ad lea!e e!erthig i the plae as is d) oti#e crakig the egie i a atte$pt to s#ck the fla$es thro#gh the carb#retor &fter fire has bee etig#ished b e$ergec ser!ices or thro#gh crakig, sh#tdo" ad ispect the egie da$age
What should !ou do if an engine fire occurs #hile fl!ing in a Cessna 172P? a) $$ediatel c#t/off all so#rces of f#el to the egie, p itch for 100 kts to p#t o#t the fire, establish best/glide after fire is p#t o#t, ad eec#te a forced ladig at a s#itable field b) $$ediatel c#t/off all so#rces of f#el to the egie, p itch for 100 kts to p#t o#t the fire, establish best/glide after fire is p#t o#t, restart the egie ad lad at the earest airport c) $$ediatel add f#ll po"er ad pitch do" for 100 kts i a atte$pt to p#t o#t the fire ce the fire is p#t o#t, ret#r to or$al cr#ise ad lad at the earest airport
What is the maimum gross #eight of a Cessna 172P in the normal categor!? a) 2300 lbs b) 2400 lbs c) 2100 lbs d) 2000 lbs e) 1900 lbs f) 1800 lbs
What are the positi"e limit load factors for a Cessna 172P in the normal categor! #ith the flaps up? a) 38 ad 44 respecti!el b) 30 ad 30 respecti!el c) /152 ad /176 respecti!el d) 100 e) 150 f) 200
What are the positi"e limit load factors for a Cessna 172P in the normal #ith the flaps do#n? a) 38 ad 44 respecti!el b) 30 ad 30 respecti!el c) /152 ad /176 respecti!el d) 100 e) 150 f ) 200
What are the negati"e limit load factors for a Cessna 172P in the normal #ith the flaps up? a) 38 ad 44 respecti!el b) 30 ad 30 respecti!el c) /152 ad /176 respecti!el d) 100 e) 150 f) 200
$o# much in ecess are the design limit load factors than the published limit load factors for a Cessna 172P? a) 38 ad 44 respecti!el b) 30 ad 30 respecti!el c) /152 ad /176 respecti!el d) 100 e) 150 f) 200
What "alue is the redline on the tachometer in a Cessna 172P? a) 2450 P% b) 2500 P% c) 2550 P% d) 2600 P% e) 2650 P% f) 2700 P%
What is the maimum oil capacit! in a Cessna 172%P? a) 6 +#arts b) 7 +#arts c) 8 +#arts d) 9 +#arts e) 10 +#arts f) 11 +#arts
&n a Cessna 172P' #hat #ould happen to the fuel uantit! indicators if the electrical s!stem failed or #as shutdo#n? a) he "o#ld coti#e to "ork properl b) he "o#ld ot coti#e to "ork properl
&n a Cessna 172P' #hat is the maimum P* drop during magneto checks? a) 75 P% b) 85 P% c) 95 P% d) 105 P% e) 115 P% f) 125 P%
What t!pe of engine is installed in the Cessna 172P and ho# much horsepo#er can it eert? a) co$ig /360 rated "ith 180 :P at 2700 P% b) co$ig /320 rated "ith 160 :P at 2700 P% c) co$ig /330 rated "ith 172 :P at 2700 P% d) co$ig /540 rated "ith 230 :P at 2750 P%
What is the fuel capacit! for a standard Cessna 172P' and ho# much is usable? a) 55 ;allos, 5 ##sable b) 50 ;allos, 3 ##sable c) 45 ;allos, 4 ##sable d) 43 ;allos, 3 ##sable
What is reuired in order for an airplane to be air#orth!? a) %aiteace ad spectios re+#ired b &< Parts 43 ad 91 b) .+#ip$et, ertificates, ad oc#$ets e+#ired b &< Part 91 c) &ll of the &bo!e i additio to e+#ip$et re+#ired b the &irplae-s e+#ip$et list i sectio 6 of the &=% d) oth & ad are correct
$o# much do !ou #ant to fl! the C172? a) >ot eall b)