Chapter 7: Innate Immunity: Inflammation MULTIPLE CHOICE
1. Which action is a purpose of the inflammatory process? a. To provide specific responses toward antigens b. To lyse cell membranes of microorganisms c. To prevent infection of the injured tissue d. To create immunity against subsequent tissue injury AN! "
#f the epithelial barrier is damaged$ then a highly efficient local and systemic response %inflammation& is mobili'ed to limit the e(tent of damage$ to protect against infection$ and to initiate the repair of damaged tissue. The other options do not accurately identify a purpose of the inflammatory process. )T! 1
*+,! )age 1-1
p roteins A through 0 provide innate resistance? . /ow do surfactant proteins a. #nitiate the complement cascade. c. ecrete mucus. b. )romote phagocytosis. d. ynthesi'e lysosomes. AN!
The lung produces and secretes a family of glycoproteins$ collectins$ which includes surfactant proteins A through 0 and mannose2binding lectin. "ollectin binding facilitates macrophages to recogni'e the microorganism$ enhancing macrophage attachment$ phagocytosis$ and 3illing. The other options do not accurately identify how surfactant proteins provide innate resistance. )T! 1
*+,! )age 1-4
5. Which secretion is a first line of defense against pathogen invasion that involves antibacterial
and antifungal fatty acids$ as well as lactic acid? a. 6ptic tears c. weat gland perspiration b. 6ral saliva d. ebaceous gland sebum AN! 0
ebaceous glands in the s3in secrete sebum that is made up of antibacterial a ntibacterial and antifungal fatty acids and lactic acid that provide the first2line barrier against pathogen invasion. )T! 1
*+,! )ages 1-21-5
4. Which bacterium grows in the intestines after prolonged antibiotic therapy? a. Lactobacillus c. Clostridium difficile b. Candida albicans d. Helicobacter pylori AN! "
)rolonged antibiotic treatment can alter the normal intestinal flora$ decreasing its protective activity and leading to the overgrowth of other o ther microorganisms$ such as the yeast C . albicans or the bacterium C . difficile. difficile. The other options do not accurately accu rately identify intestinal bacterium whose growth is a result of prolonged antibiotic therapy.
)T! 1
*+,! )age 1-4
7. What causes the edema that occurs occu rs during the inflammatory process? a. 8asodilation c. +ndothelial cell contraction 8asodilation of blood vessels b. #ncreased capillary permeability d. +migration of neutrophils AN!
The increased flow and capillary permeability result in a lea3age of plasma from the vessels$ causing swelling %edema& in the surrounding tissue and is solely responsible for inflammation2 induced edema. )T! 1
*+,! )age 1-7
9. What process causes heat and redness to occur during the inflammatory process? a. 8asodilation c. 0ecreased capillary permeability 8asodilation of blood vessels b. )latelet aggregation d. +ndothelial cell contraction AN! A
The increased blood flow as a result of vasodilation and increasing concentration of red cells at the site of inflammation cause locally increased warmth and redness. The other options do not accurately identify the process that results in inflammatory redness and heat. )T! 1
*+,! )age 1-7
:. Activation of the classical pathway begins with! a. 8iruses c. ;ast cells b. Antigen2antibody comple(es d. ;acrophages AN!
Activation of the classical pathway begins pathway begins only with the activation of protein "1 and is preceded by the formation of a comple( between an antigen and an antibody to form an antigen2antibody comple( %immune comple(& %see "hapter <&. )T! 1
*+,! )age 1-:
<. What plasma protein system forms a fibrinous meshwor3 at an inflamed site? a. "omplement c. =inin b. "oagulation d. ,ibrinolysis AN!
The coagulation %clotting& system is a group of plasma proteins that form a fibrinous meshwor3 at an injured or inflamed site. This protein system %1& prevents the spread of infection to adjacent tissues$ %& traps microorganisms and foreign bodies at the site of inflammation for removal by infiltrating cells %e.g.$ neutrophils and macrophages&$ %5& forms a clot that stops the bleeding$ and %4& provides a framewor3 for future repair and healing. The other options do not accurately identify such a protein system. )T! 1
*+,! )age 1-- > )age 1
-. Which component of the plasma protein system tags pathogenic microorganisms for
destruction by neutrophils and macrophages?
a. "omplement cascade b. "oagulation system
c. =inin system d. #mmune system
"5b %a component of the complement cascade& adheres to the surface of a pathogenic microorganism and serves as an efficient opsonin. 6psonins are molecules that tag microorganisms for destruction by cells of the inflammatory system$ primarily neutrophils and macrophages. The other options do not accurately identify a component capable of tagging pathogenic microorganisms. )T! 1
*+,! )ages 1-:21--
1. What is the vascular effect of histamine released from mast cells? a. )latelet adhesion c. 8asodilation b. #nitiation of the clotting cascade d. #ncreased endothelial adhesiveness AN! "
"b affects smooth muscle$ causing vasodilation and increased vascular permeability. "5a$ "7a$ and$ to a limited e(tent$ "4a are anaphylato(ins@ that is$ they indu ce rapid mast cell degranulation %i.e.$ release of granular contents& and the release of histamine$ causing vasodilation and increased capillary permeability capillary permeability.. The other options do not accurately describe the vascular effect of histamine released from mast cells? )T! 1
*+,! )ages 1-<21--
11. What is an outcome of the complement cascade? a. Activation of the clotting cascade b. )revention of the spread of infection to adjacent tissues c. #nactivation of chemical mediators such as histamine d. ysis ysis of bacterial cell membranes AN! 0
The complement cascade can be activated by at least three different means$ and its products have four functions! %1& anaphylato(ic activity$ resulting in mast cell degranulation$ %& leu3ocyte chemota(is$ %5& opsoni'ation$ and %4& cell lysis. The other options do not accurately describe an outcome of the complement cascade. )T! 1
*+,! )age 1--
1. The function of opsoni'ation related to the complement cascade is to! a. Tag Tag of pathogenic microorganisms for destruction by neutrophils and macrophages. b. )rocess pathogenic microorganisms so that activated lymphocytes can be created
for acquired immunity. c. 0estroy glycoprotein cell membranes of pathogenic microorganisms. d. )romote anaphylato(ic activity$ resulting in mast cell degranulation. AN! A
"5b adheres to the surface of a pathogenic microorganism and serves as an efficient opsonin. 6psonins are molecules that tag microorganisms for destruction by cells of the inflammatory system$ primarily neutrophils and macrophages. The other options do not accurately describe the function of opsoni'ation related to the complement cascade.
)T! 1
*+,! )age 1--
15. #n the coagulation %clotting& cascade$ the intrinsic and the e(trinsic pathways converge at
which factor? a. B## b. 8##
c. B d. 8
AN! "
The coagulation cascade consists of the e(trinsic and intrinsic pathways that converge only at factor B. factor B. )T! 1
*+,! )age 1
14. Which chemical interacts among all plasma protein systems by degrading blood clots$
activating complement$ and activating the /ageman factor? a. =alli3rein c. rady3inin b. /istamine d. )lasmin AN! 0
6nly plasmin regulates clot formation by degrading fibrin and fibrinogen$ and it can activate the complement cascade through components "1$ "5$ and "7. )lasmin can activate the plasma 3inin cascade by activating the /ageman factor %factor B##& and producing and producing pre3alli3rein activator. )T! 1
*+,! )age 1
17. The chemotactic factor affects the inflammatory process by! a. "ausing vasodilation around the inflamed area b. timulating smooth muscle contraction in the inflamed area c. 0irecting leu3ocytes to the inflamed area d. )roducing edema around the inflamed area AN! "
Two Two chemotactic factors$ neutrophil chemotactic factor %N",& and eosinophil chemotactic factor of of anaphyla(is %+",2A&$ are released during mast cell degranulation. N", attracts neutrophils %a type of leu3ocytes&$ and +",2A attracts eosinophils to the site of inflammation. The other options do not accurately ac curately describe the affect chemotactic factors have on the inflammatory process. )T! 1
*+,! )age :
19. What affect does the process of histamine binding to the histamine2 %/& receptor have on
inflammation? a. #nhibition b. Activation
c. Acceleration d. Termination
inding of histamine to the /1 receptor is essentially proinflammatory@ that is$ it promotes inflammation. 6n the other hand$ binding histamine to the / receptor is generally antiinflammatory because it results in the suppression of leu3ocyte function. The other options do not accurately describe the affect histamine binding to the / receptor has on inflammation.
)T! 1
*+,! )age 9
1:. ,requently when /1 and / receptors are located on the same cells$ they act in what fashion? a. ynergistically c. Antagonistically b. Additively d. Agonistically AN! "
oth types of receptors are distributed among man y different cells and are often present on the same cells and may act in an antagonistic fashion. ,or instance$ neutrophils e(press both types of receptors$ with stimulation of /1 receptors resulting in the augmentation of neutrophil chemota(is and / stimulation resulting in its inhibition. The other options do not accurately describe the relationship between /1 and / receptors. )T! 1
*+,! )age :
1<. ome older adults have impaired inflammation and wound healing because of which
problem? a. "irculatory system cannot adequately perfuse tissues. b. "omplement and chemota(is are deficient. c. Cnderlying chronic illness%es& e(ists. d. Number of mast cells is insufficient. insufficient. AN! "
#n some cases$ impaired healing is not directly associated with ag ing$ in general$ but can instead be lin3ed to a chronic c hronic illness such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes mellitus. The other problems are not related to the aging process. )T! 1
*+,! )age
1-. Which chemical mediator derived from mast cells retracts endothelial cells to increase
vascular permeability and to cause leu3ocyte adhesion to endothelial cells? a. eu3otrienes c. )latelet2activating factor b. )rostaglandin + d. rady3inin AN! "
The biologic activity of platelet2activating factor is virtually identical to that of leu3otrienes@ namely$ it causes endothelial cell retraction to increase vascular permeability$ leu3ocyte adhesion to endothelial cells$ and platelet ac tivation. The other options do not accurately identify the chemical mediator derived from the process described in the question. )T! 1
*+,! )age :
. What is the inflammatory effect of nitric o(ide %N6&? a. #ncreases capillary permeability$ and causes pain. b. #ncreases neutrophil chemota(is and platelet aggregation. c. "auses smooth muscle contraction and fever. d. 0ecreases mast cell function$ and decreases platelet aggrega tion. AN! 0
+ffects of N6 on inflammation include vasodilation by inducing rela(ation of vascular smooth muscle$ a response that is local and short lived$ and by suppressing mast cell function$ as well as platelet adhesion and aggregation. The other options do not accurately identify the effect of N6 on the process of inflammation. )T! 1
*+,! )age -
1. What is the correct sequence in phagocytosis? p hagocytosis? a. +ngulfment$ recognition$ fusion$ destruction b. ,usion$ engulfment$ recognition$ destruction c. *ecognition$ engulfment$ fusion$ destruction d. +ngulfment$ fusion$ recognition$ destruction AN! "
6nce the phagocytic cell enters the inflammatory site$ the only correct sequence of phagocytosis involves the following steps! %1& opsonization$ opsonization$ or recognition, of the target and adherence of the phagocyte to it@ %& engulfment, or ingestion or endocytosis$ and the formation of phagosome of phagosome@@ %5& fusion %5& fusion with lysosomal granules within the phagocyte %phagolysosome&@ and %4& destruction of the target. )T! 1
*+,! )ages 1211
. When considering white blood cell differentials$ acute inflammatory reactions are related to
elevations of which leu3ocyte? a. ;onocytes b. +osinophils
c. Neutrophils d. asophils
AN! "
6nly neutrophils are the predominant phagocytes in the early inflammatory site$ arriving within 9 to 1 hours after the initial injury$ they ingest %phagoc ytose& bacteria$ ytose& bacteria$ dead cells$ and cellular debris at the inflammatory site. )T! 1
*+,! )ages <2-
5. #n the later stages of an inflammatory response$ which phagocytic cell is predominant? a. Neutrophils c. "hemo3ines b. ;onocytes d. +osinophils AN!
6nly monocytes and macrophages perform many of the same functions as neutrophils but for a longer time and in a later stage of the inflammatory response. )T! 1
*+,! )age - > )age 1
4. #n regulating vascular mediators released from mast cells$ the role of eosinophils is to release! a. Arylsulfatase $ which stimulates the formation of lymphocytes b. /istaminase$ which limits the effects of histamine d uring acute inflammation c. ysosomal en'ymes$ which activate mast cell degranulation during acute
inflammation d. #mmunoglobulin +$ which defends the bod y against parasites AN!
+osinophil lysosomes contain several en'ymes that degrade v asoactive molecules$ thereby controlling the vascular effects of inflammation. These en'ymes include histaminase$ which mediates the degradation of histamine$ and arylsulfatase ar ylsulfatase $ which mediates the degradation of some of the lipid2derived mediators produced by mast cells. The other options do not accurately describe the role of eosinophils. )T! 1
*+,! )age -
7. What is the role of a natural 3iller %N=& cells? a. #nitiation of the complement cascade b. +limination of malignant cells c. inding tightly to antigens d. )roliferation after immuni'ation with antigen AN!
The main function of N= cells is to recogni'e and eliminate cells infected with viruses$ although they are also somewhat effective at eliminating other abnormal h ost cells$ specifically cancer cells. The other options do not accurately identify the role of a N= cell. )T! 1
*+,! )age 15
9. Which cyto3ine is produced and released from virally infected host cells? a. #21 c. TN,2α b. #21
d. #,N2α
AN! 0
6nly interferons %#,Ns& are produced and released b y virally infected cells in response to viral double2stranded ribonucleic acid %*NA&. #,N2α and #,N2β induce the production of antiviral proteins$ thereby conferring protection on uninfected cells. #,N2α or #,N2β is released from virally infected cells and attaches to a receptor on a neighboring cell. #,Ns also a lso enhance the efficiency of developing an acquired immune response. )T! 1
*+,! )ages 427
:. #,N2α is secreted from which cells? a. 8irally 8irally infected cells b. acterial infected cells
c. ;acrophages d. ;ast cells
AN! "
0ifferent 3inds of interferons %#,Ns& are produced by different types of cellsDmacrophages are the primary producers of both #,N2α and #,N2β. The other options do not accurately identify cells secreted by #,N2α. )T! 1
*+,! )ages 427
<. Which manifestation of inflammation is systemic? s ystemic? a. ,ormation of e(udates c. *edness and heat b. ,ever and leu3ocytosis d. )ain and edema AN!
The only three primary systemic primary systemic changes associated with the acute inflammatory response are fever$ leu3ocytosis %a transient increase in circulating leu3ocytes&$ and increased levels in circulating plasma proteins. )T! 1
*+,! )age 15
-. The acute inflammatory response is characteri'ed by fever that is produced by the
hypothalamus being affected by! a. +ndogenous pyrogens b. acterial endoto(in
c. Antigen2antibody comple(es d. +(ogenous pyrogens
,ever2causing cyto3ines are 3nown as endogenous pyrogens. pyrogens. These pyrogens act directly on the hypothalamus$ which is the portion of the brain that controls the bodyEs thermostat. The other options do not accurately describe the cause of fever related to the effects on the hypothalamus. )T! 1
*+,! )age 15
5. What occurs during the process of repair after after tissue damage? a. Nonfunctioning scar tissue replaces destroyed tissue. b. *egeneration occurs@ the original tissue is replaced. c. *esolution occurs@ tissue is regenerated. d. +pitheliali'ation replaces destroyed tissue. AN! A
*epair is the replacement of destroyed tissue with scar tissue. car tissue is primarily made up of collagen$ which fills in the lesion and restores tensile strength but cannot carry out the physiologic functions of the destroyed tissue. The other options do not accurately describe the the process of repair after tissue damage. )T! 1
*+,! )ages 17219
51. The role of fibroblasts during the reconstructive phase of wound healing is to! a. Fenerate new capillaries from vascular endothelial cells around the wound. b. +stablish connections between neighboring cells and co ntract their fibers. c. ynthesi'e and secrete collagen and the connective tissue proteins. d. )rovide en'ymes that dGbride the wound bed of dead cells. AN! "
,ibroblasts are the most important cells during the reconstructive phase of wound healing because they synthesi'e and secrete collagen and other connective tissue proteins. ;acrophage2derived transforming growth factorHbeta %TF,2I& stimulates fibroblasts. The other options do not accurately describe the role of fibroblasts in the reconstructive phase of wound healing. )T! 1
*+,! )ages 1921<
5. A 3eloid is the result of which dysfunctional wound healing response? a. +pitheliali'ation c. "ollagen matri( assembly b. "ontraction d. ;aturation
AN! "
An imbalance between collagen synthesis and collagen degradation$ during which synthesis is increased relative to degradation$ causes both 3eloids and hypertrophic scars. The other options are not involved in 3eloids 3e loids production. )T! 1
*+,! )age 1-
55. Which solution is best to use when cleaning a wound that is healing by b y epitheliali'ation? a. Normal saline c. /ydrogen pero(ide b. )ovidone2iodine d. 0a3in solution AN! A
Normal saline is the most innocuous solution that can be used to cleanse or irrigate irrigate a wound that is primarily healing by epitheliali'ation and is the only correct answer for this question. )T! 1
*+,! )age
54. ;any neonates have a transient depressed inflammatory response as a result of which
condition? a. The circulatory system is too immature to perfuse tissues adequately. b. "omplement and chemota(is are deficient. c. ;ast cells are lac3ing. d. The respiratory system is too immature to deliver o(ygen to tissues. AN!
Neonates commonly have transiently depressed inflammatory and immune function partially as a result of a deficiency in components of the alternative pathway. ,or e(ample$ neutrophils and perhaps monocytes may not be capable of efficient chemota(is. The other options do not accurately e(plain the common cause cau se of a transient depressed inflammatory response in neonates. )T! 1
*+,! )age
57. 0uring phagocytosis, 0uring phagocytosis, what is occurring during the step referred referred to as opsonization opsonization?? a. )hagocytes recogni'e and adhere to the bacteria. b. ;icroorganisms are ingested. c. ;icroorganisms are 3illed and digested. d. An intracellular phagocytic vacuole is formed. AN! A
0uring phagocytosis$ opsoni'ation involves only the recognition and adherence of phagocytes to bacteria. )T! 1
*+,! )age 1
59. ,usion is the step in phagocytosis phagoc ytosis during which! a. ;icroorganisms are 3illed and digested. b. An intracellular phagocytic vacuole is formed. c. ysosomal ysosomal granules enter the phagocyte. d. ;icroorganisms are ingested. AN! "
,usion occurs with lysosomal granules entering the phagoc yte %phagolysosome&. The remaining options do not accurately describe fusion as a step in phagocytosis. )T! 1
*+,! )age 1
5:. 0uring the process of endocytosis$ the phagosome step results in! a. ;icroorganisms are ingested. b. ;icroorganisms are 3illed and digested. c. )hagocytes recogni'e and adhere to bacteria. d. An intracellular phagocytic vacuole is formed. AN! 0
mall pseudopods that e(tend from the plasma membrane and surround the adherent microorganism$ forming an intracellular phagocytic vacuole or phagosome$ carry out engulfment %endocytosis&. The membrane that surrounds the phagosome consists of inverted plasma membrane. After After the formation of the phagosome$ lysosomes converge$ fuse with with the phagosome$ and discharge their contents$ creating a phagolysosome. )T! 1
*+,! )ages 1211
5<. When cellular damage occurs and regeneration is minor with no significant complications$ the
process of returning the cells to preinjury function is referred referred to as! a. *estoration c. *egrowth b. *esolution d. *eplacement AN!
#f damage is minor with no complications and destroyed tissues are capable of regeneration$ then returning the injured tissues to an appro(imation of their original structure and physiologic function is possible. This restoration is called resolution. resolution . The other terms are not used to describe this process. )T! 1
*+,! )age 17
5-. Newborns often have deficiencies in collectin2li3e proteins$ ma3ing them more susceptible to
what type of infection? a. "ardiac b. Crinary
c. *espiratory d. Fastrointestinal
AN! "
Neonates may also be deficient in some of the collectins and collectin2li3e proteins. This This deficiency is especially true of preterm neonates. ome preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome are deficient in at least one collectin$ which n egatively affects its innate defense against respiratory infections. The other options are not necessarily related to collectin deficiencies. )T! 1
*+,! )age
4. Which cell is the bodyEs primary defense against parasite invasion? a. +osinophil c. T lymphocytes b. Neutrophils d. lymphocytes AN! A
+osinophils serve as the bodyEs primary defense against parasites. T lymphocytes and lymphocytes are involved in acquired immunity. Neutrophils are the predominant phagocytes in the early inflammatory site. )T! 1
*+,! )age -
41. Which chemical mediators induce pain during an inflammatory response? (Select all that
apply.) a. )rostaglandins b. eu3otrienes c. Tryptase d. )hospholipase e. rady3inin AN! A$ +
The only chemical mediators that induce pain during an inflammatory response are the prostaglandins and brady3inin. )T! 1
*+,! )age 1
4. ebaceous glands protect the body bod y from infection by secreting! (Select all that apply.) a. Antibacterial fatty acids b. Antifungal fatty acids c. Ascorbic acid d. actic acid e. /ydrochloric acid AN! A$ $ $ 0
ebaceous glands secrete only antibacterial and antifungal fatty acids and lactic acid. )T! 1
*+,! )ages 1-21-5
45. Which body fluid has the ability to attac3 the cell walls of gram2positive bacteria? (Select all
that apply.) a. )erspiration b. emen c. Tears d. aliva e. Crine AN! A$ "$ "$ 0
6nly perspiration$ tears$ and saliva contain an en' yme %lyso'yme& that attac3s the cell walls of gram2positive bacteria. )T! 1
*+,! )age 1-5
44. The main function of N= cells includes! (Select all that apply.) a. *ecogni'ing virus2infected cells b. +liminating virus2infected cells
c. *ecogni'ing bacteria2infected cells d. +liminating bacteria2infected cells e. +liminating previously identified cancer cells AN! A$ $ $ +
The main functions of N= cells are recogni'ing and eliminating cells infected with v iruses$ not bacteria. They are also somewhat effective at eliminating other abnormal host c ells$ specifically cancer cells. )T! 1
*+,! )age 15
47. Normal bacterial flora found in the intestines produce vitamin = to assist assist in the absorption of
which of the following? (Select all that apply.) a. "alcium b. ,atty acids c. arge polysaccharides d. #ron e. ;agnesium AN! A$ 0$ 0$ +
The floraEs production of vitamin = is needed to absorb various ions$ such as c alcium$ iron$ and magnesium. Normal intestinal flora is responsible for digesting fatty acids$ large polysaccharides$ and other dietary substance$ but such digestion is not reliant on vitamin =. )T! 1
*+,! )age 1-4
49. An individualEs acquired immunity is dependent on the function of which cells? (Select all
that apply.) a. T lymphocytes b. lymphocytes c. ;acrophages d. 6psonins e. Neutrophils AN! A$ $ $ "
T lymphocytes$ lymphocytes$ macrophages$ and den dritic cells are involved in acquired immunity. 6psonins are molecules that tag microorganisms microorganisms for destruction by cells of the inflammatory system@ these cells are primarily neutrophils. neu trophils. )T! 1
*+,! )age 1- > Table :21
4:. An e(ample of a pathogen capable of surviving and even multiplying inside a macrophage is
3nown as! (Select all that apply.) a. Mycobacterium tuberculosis %tuberculosis& b. Mycobacterium leprae %leprosy& c. Salmonella typhi %typhoid fever& d. Clostridium difficile e. rucella abortus %brucellosis& AN! AN! A$ $ $ "$ "$ +
everal bacteria are resistant to 3illing by granulocytes and can even survive inside macrophages. ;icroorganisms such as M. as M. tuberculosis %tuberculosis&$ M. %tuberculosis&$ M. leprae %leprosy&$ S. %leprosy&$ S. typhi %typhoid fever&$ and . and . abortus %brucellosis& can remain dormant or even multiply inside the phagolysosomes of macrophages. C. difficile is said to be resistant to antibiotics, ma!ing it difficult to control. )T! 1
*+,! )ages 1215
4<. An older adult is particularly susceptible to infections of which bod y parts? (Select all that
apply.) a. ungs b. 3in c. iver d. +yes e. ladder AN! A$ $ $ +
6lder adults have increased susceptibility to bacterial infections of the lungs$ urinary tract$ and s3in. 6ther infections may occur but bu t on an individuali'ed basis. )T! 1
*+,! )age
Match each step of phagocytosis with its function. JJJJJJ A. 6psoni'ation JJJJJJ . +ngulfment JJJJJJ ". )hagosome JJJJJJ 0. ,usion JJJJJJ +. 0estruction 4-. 7. 71. 7. 75.
;icroorganisms are ingested. ;icroorganisms are 3illed and digested. )hagocytes gain enhanced recognition and adherence of bacteria. ysosomal ysosomal granules enter the phagocyte. #ntracellular phagocytic vacuole is formed.
4-. AN! )T! 1 *+,! )ages 1211 ;"! +ngulfmen +ngulfmentt is the ingestion ingestion of phagosom phagosomes. es. 7. AN! + )T! 1 *+,! )ages 1211 ;"! 0estruction is is the step during during which microorganisms microorganisms are 3illed and digested. 71. AN! A )T! 1 *+,! )ages 1211 ;"! 6psoni'ation is the recognition and adherence of phagocytes phagocytes to bacteria. bacteria. 7. AN! 0 )T! 1 *+,! )ages 1211 ;"! ,usion occurs occurs with lysosomal granules granules within within the phagocyte phagocyte %phagolysosome&. %phagolysosome&. 75. AN! " )T! 1 *+,! )ages 1211 ;"! mall pseudopods pseudopods that e(tend e(tend from the plasma plasma membrane and surround surround the adherent adherent microorganism$ microorganism$ forming an intracellular phagocytic vacuole or phagosome$ carry out engulfment %endocytosis&.