The Lake Calls
Stories of old Native American legends tell of a star falling from the sky. Ill omens followed soon after, the area hit by this fallen 'star' was shunned by all, man and beast alike. The exact location location where where this meteor struck struck is lost lost to legend and time... Now, it's the !"#$s. The investigators all live in the town of Arkham. %ecently &eo&le have gone missing around the lake area northwest of Arkham itself. An unex&lainable aurora have been ashing across the sky re&eatedly the last few nights, coinciding closely with when the disa&&earings began.
Plothooks and Other Stuf (nly &eo&le from the Northeastern &arts of Arkham have been going missing. Anyone living and working away from that &lace have not been touched. Some &eo&le from )ssex have also gone missing. So far it's a &retty even s&lit between *issings from Arkham and from )ssex. A cult is worshi&&ing the Aurora and holds tenants with witchcraft. witchcraft. It's not native to Arkham itself, having roots instead both in Salem south of Arkham, as well as other &laces like the northern &arts of +anada, reenland and a few &eo&le living at the North&ole. This +ult from from Salem -a +ollection +ollection of &eo&le/ &eo&le/ have recently recently moved to Arkham and is &art of the reason as to why &eo&le go missing0 They 1idna& them, &re&are them as Sacri2cal (3erings, and then let them go to their doom once ready. ready. The *eteor struck struck south of what what is now known known as )ssex )ssex 4alls 4alls near )ssex. )ssex. A total of !$ &eo&le have gone missing by now, with a steady number of ! or # &eo&le every 5 days or so. The *eteor contained contained a +olour (ut (f S&ace )mbryo )mbryo inside itl, and due to it striking into the )ssex 4alls 6ake Area, the )mbryo's maturity cycle was greatly slowed. 7hy this is, only it would know. *aybe it's &art of the com&ound in which the lake and the surroundings are made u& of. *aybe an
old 8rotection %ite, erroded by time and the elements have not fully sto&&ed this )mbryo, but instead 9ust slowed itself growth and &owers. The +olour (ut of S&ace )mbryo is locked into &lace by very -:)%;/ old )lder Sign, originally &laced at the area to seal away something... else. orealis. There's an (ld >ook called 'The 6uminous +ollection'. It's not so much a book as a collection of observations, scribbled insanities, as well as a light clue into the +thulhu *ythos itself, along with hints at how to deal with a +olour (ut (f S&ace. It can be found at the *iskatonic ?niversity's 6ibary in what's mostly known as the 'forbidden' section -which is only rumoured to exist/. The 4orbidden Section actually do exist, and it's tended by a rather... odd elder man called +harles 7ellington. The 4orbidden Section itself is found behind a secret &anel in the main 6ibrary and is known about both by the ook -or rather it's a =iary/, it author is unknown but is sus&ected of being a man of african or middle eastern descent. 7ithin it is hinted clues about la'aki resting in the )ssex %iver Northeast of
Arkham, as well as the odd annotation about what do in order to deal with him -aka. Stay away, don't get s&iked, etc. etc./ 6astly, The +ultists have a book at their hideout known as only 'The =iary'. It's said to be mostly the thoughts, daily notations, etc. written by a 8aranormal Investigator -albeit not what anyone would cal themselves back then/ a !$$ or so years back. This &erson, whose name remains lost to time, is most likely the original
People O Note 8atrick Throne 6one 4ather with a missing daugther >roken, lost and in shambles, 8atrick wishes for nothing else but the return of his daughter. She's been missing for a little over a day now. 8arick himself is a Average man of average height and weight.
at nothing to ensure the maturity of the 6arval +olour -although they know only a little bit about the %eal Truth/. To reason with any of them is extremely tough to try and in any case, it's hard enough to not instantly get into a 2ght with them if they are discovered. (ther Investigation 8arty another grou& of Investigators trying to 2nd )llie Throne A fellow grou& of investigators who wants the glory of 2nding )llie and is in no way willing to aid or otherwise hel& the 8+ rou&. All in all, they are Newbies thinking they know a lot, and acts more rashly than would be advised. They are not Allies, but will show a mask of friendliness if it could hel& them reach )llie 2rst. -they are &eo&le0 =aniel -##/, %ich -B$/, *aria -#5/ C Thadeus -!/./ +harles 7ellington Slightly *ad, (ccult Ade&t +harles is a &ractitioner of *agic, albeit a rare user of it due to the sanity wracking damages such &ractices tends to cause.
Time Line
Day 0 - Sunday 8th o Octoer !"#0 Patrick Thorne$ 8atrick Asks the two grou&s of investigators to meet him the day after, making his o3er of &ayment to hel& 2nd his =augther. -!$ dollars are given for each day s&end looking for )llie./ -4inding )llie in time will grant the rou& that 2nds her !$$ dollars each./ -Not 2nding her in time will cause 8atrick to commit suicide right infront of the bad news givers, gun into the mouth, trigger &ulled. This causes !D!d5 stress if right u& close to him. +auses $D!dB if only it's observed a litle further away, due to avoiding blood s&atters and such./ %llie Thorne$ )llie is a +a&tive of the +ultists, caught in the =reaming +all from the 6ake. She'll remain here until night of day when she's send as the 2nal victim to the, bythen, ;oung +loud. -She needs restraining until the 5th =ay when the +loud leaves the lake and the )ldersign's full strength returns to kee& la'aki dee&ly aslee& and su&ress it's &owers in full. If not, she'll continually try to leave and head to the lake./ Cultists$ The +ultists are busy &reå )llie with di3erent s&ells and markings on her skin, so she can be sent o3 to the 6arval +loud for sacri2ce. -?nless found before th night, they'll have sent )llie out to the lake followed along to seek a boon for their work./ Day ! - &onday "th o Octoer !"#0 Patrick Thorne$
Ni(ht ! Cultists$ A &air of cultists have entered the town in the night and accidentally disturbs the Investigators enough to leave a &ossible trail to follow. Other )n*esti(ation Party$ The (I8 have been almost crossexamining the
&olice about details and their current leads &ertaining to the missing &eo&le. Not much is gained by their attem&t. They'll begin showing u& when the 8+s 2nd something curious or noteworthy to hel& them 2nd )llie.