Campaign Mission 6
This has been asked for and asked for and asked for, so here you all go. Once again, this is simply how I won this mission. There are many different ways to achieve victory and I am sure they are faster or more simple. Regardless, my way does work and ke eps it as simple as it can be. I would not suggest building in different orders or changing certain houses to fancy food or what not as it may not go well with my walkthrough. In this mission I beat Drac in 35 minutes without ever taking another territory. How did I accomplish this? Well let us take a look. This is the first map with Victory Points. There are a total of 6 that can be won, but only 3 are needed for victory. To see the points you can click on the gold star at the bottom middle of the screen at any time. When you hover over each victory point it will give you a brief description of the point and show where each player stands to achieve it. They are as follows : Banker : Have more coins than your opponent (You must have at least 25) Enchanted Forest : Give the werewolves meat Special Sector : Attack and control the special sector Sun King : Have more prestige than your enemy (Must have at least 3) Field Marshall : Have more troops than your enemy (You must have at least 20) Emperor : Control more sectors than your enemy (Must have at least 3) We only need 3 of those and since I am lazy we shall do the easiest 3. Here is why. wh y. Victory points we will achieve : Banker : This is a fairly simple one to achieve ach ieve and once achieve Drac will not try to steal it back. Enchanted Forest : You can achieve this very early in the match and once you win it, it locks making it yours forever. Sun King : Easily obtained through tech and stone. Drac may fight you on this, but not too much. Victory points we will avoid : Special Sector : The sector is very close to Drac himself. By the time you work your way all the way up there you should be strong enough to simply kill Drac. But since we won’t be leaving our home zone, to heck with it. Plus in the time we will be beating Drac, he will not have enough time to plow through all the forces in his way. Emperor : Drac will be achieving this early and the sheer amount of stuff you have to go through to achieve this is insane. It really is not worth it. Each zone has 9 men guarding it. Let Drac waste his time killing his men. Those neutrals will serve as a glorious barrier for you.
Field Marshall : While this is not too hard to achieve, it would require a complete re-work of the strategy and taking another zone. I am lazy so we will avoid it. The others we have chosen are easier. STEP 1 : THE START UP
Basically, ignore Drac. Don’t pay attention to him. He will simply be a distraction. You start with an army of 10 horsemen. Ignore them. Don’t use them. We won’t need them. Your zone has green grasslands, forests, a large quarry. This is perfect. The only zone touching you has iron, coal, and gold. g old. Yes, it is very mouth watering…..but ignore it. We won’t be leaving our zone. Seriously. We need to get your town going. Build yourself a mountain shelter (with 3 quarries), 2 lodges (2 sawmills and two woodcutter), a storehouse near each of them. This will get the essentials coming into your town. Here is my pathetic set up. (I know that I am missing a lodge, I just had not built it yet)
Click for full size (opens in new window) This will bring in stone and wood which we will need a lot of. STEP 2 : YOUR FIRST VICTORY POINT
If you scroll on up to the enchanted forest and click on it you will see that if you deliver the werewolves 10 sausages you will earn a victory point. This is important for three reasons : 1) The amount of sausage you have to deliver is based on how many CURRENT victory points you have. At this point you have hav e no victory points so you only need ten meat. SWEET!
Field Marshall : While this is not too hard to achieve, it would require a complete re-work of the strategy and taking another zone. I am lazy so we will avoid it. The others we have chosen are easier. STEP 1 : THE START UP
Basically, ignore Drac. Don’t pay attention to him. He will simply be a distraction. You start with an army of 10 horsemen. Ignore them. Don’t use them. We won’t need them. Your zone has green grasslands, forests, a large quarry. This is perfect. The only zone touching you has iron, coal, and gold. g old. Yes, it is very mouth watering…..but ignore it. We won’t be leaving our zone. Seriously. We need to get your town going. Build yourself a mountain shelter (with 3 quarries), 2 lodges (2 sawmills and two woodcutter), a storehouse near each of them. This will get the essentials coming into your town. Here is my pathetic set up. (I know that I am missing a lodge, I just had not built it yet)
Click for full size (opens in new window) This will bring in stone and wood which we will need a lot of. STEP 2 : YOUR FIRST VICTORY POINT
If you scroll on up to the enchanted forest and click on it you will see that if you deliver the werewolves 10 sausages you will earn a victory point. This is important for three reasons : 1) The amount of sausage you have to deliver is based on how many CURRENT victory points you have. At this point you have hav e no victory points so you only need ten meat. SWEET!
2) This victory point locks. This means that once a player has earned this point, no one can take it away. It is theirs forever. 3) You have enough food in your storehouses to win this one right away. To do this you will need to build a Noble Residence and build a butcher. While it is being built, pick a place p lace very close to your castle and build bu ild two large prestige objects. This should gain you a prestige point. Use this point to get the ability to build a Export Office/Stronghold/Church. Build an Export Office near your castle where there is a lot of open room. You will be adding a ton of parks later. Seriously. Leave a lot of room around it. Here is mine (after I already added a few parks. You wont have to add parks until later)
Click for full size Build 2 Hawkers. Build 4 regular houses. Around this point your butcher should have made 10 sausages by now. now . (if he has not, wait until he has) Once you have your meat and your hawker, deliver the meat to the wolves and earn your first locked victory point. During this time I am sure Drac earned the Emperor point. It should be tied 1 to 1 now. STEP 3 : YOUR SECOND VICTORY POINT
We will be nabbing the banker point next. All we need is 25+ gold. Easily done.
Demolish your butcher (not the noble house though). His job is done. Build a mint in his place. Find the port off to the east (green dot on the mini map) and sell of your rings (4 of them) and your left over shirts (3 of them). That will gain you 1 8 gold. Between that, what you started with, and your mint you will earn the Victory point once it all shows up in your storehouse. The good thing is, I have never seen Drac take back this victory point. During this small amount of time Drac may have grabbed the Sun King victory point. That is no problem as you are about to steal it back for your final point. STEP 4 : THE SUN KING POINT AND VICTORY
This one takes a small bit of time to get to, believe it or not. But just follow me. Away from your export office build yourself two farms (4 grains fields, 2 windmills), 2 houses (2 bakers, 2 beer makers) and a well all in a general area. Like this!
Click for full size Go to a different area and build a church for your people. During all of this Drac might be looking antsy and start attacking neutral zones. Ignore h im. Once your church is built queue up 9 novices. These Novices will be used in the tech tree to grab the three technologies that grant prestige (Ornamentation, Forced March, and Exercise). Once your chain gets going you will have more than enough beer and food to pull this off.
While waiting for the novices to be built go down to your export office and start adding prestige parks onto it. They only cost one stone each and add one green dot to your counter. Go crazy. Seriously. You only have 2 prestige and Drac probably has 7-8 by now. When each set of three novices finishes being created send them out for those tech. After you gain all three techs you will be 4 prestige richer. After those techs and enough parks you will earn sun king back from him. Here is the trick…..don’t stop with the parks. You need to break his spirit. If you go one prestige above him and then just sit there, he will out do you with 10 seconds to spare. That puts you back to another 3 minute timer. In the end your town will look something like this :
Click for full size PARKS! OH GLORIOUS PARKS!
Click for full size
As you can see, with 20 seconds to go I have a prestige level of 16, Drac is sitting at 8, and if you look at the mini map I never left my first zone. This is the easiest way I have found to do this. I really hope it help you folks out.
Storm OverThe Meadows Print This Page Campaign Mission 7
You will be greeted with a neat little cinematic introduction of Princesss Zoe and Dracorian flirting like crazy. You know they want each other. You can feel, I can feel it, the guard that bops Dracorian can feel it. Annnnnnyway. Drac’s little sister Rovyn shows up with a bad attitude and a monstrous looking ferret and decides the best way to handle you is to stare at you. Yes. With the way this walkthrough goes I can almost guarantee you that she will stare at you while you win the game. **MY SPECIAL NOTES You need to understand that this game is FLUID. It changes from game to game. I used this method two times to beat the level. The first time Rovyn had 32 soldiers outside my ho me city. The second time she had only 9. That is a very large difference! Starting from this mission and on there is no true guide that will be the “I WIN” button. These will merely be stepping stone. You will have to learn to adapt and to adopt new courses of action. If something doesn’t turn out correctly or the AI does something different you need to be able to dump this strategy guide or, better yet, simply work around the current difference. THIS IS ALSO PLAYED ON EASY. THIS WALKTHROUGH IS NOT MEANT FOR A HARDER DIFFICULTY. IT IS ONLY MEANT TO HELP THOSE WANTING TO ADVANCE THE STORY AND NOT THEIR SKILLS AS A PLAYER. VICTORY POINTS There are 6 total points. You (or her) will need 4 to win. This is very interesting if you look at the mini map.
She is the yellow dot and you are the red dot. The map layout itself is the greatest asset you have. Rov has access to 5 zones total before she is at your town. You have access to 10 zones including a victory point sector and the Royal Observatory. That is correct, you BLOCK HER from ever reaching those two Victory Points. That leaves her with only 4 she is capable of getting. Remember how you need 4 to win? Well, she can only get 4! That means if you can prevent her from getting just one of those points she CANNOT WIN THE GAME without actually killing you off. She can fight you on the Sun King, Field Marshall, and Metropolis but you have access to more zones than she does. This is her Achilles heel. To win though you will need 4. We will go with Special Sector, Sun King, Metropolis, and Emperor. Once again, this will be fluid. Throughout this game you may lose one or two and gain one or two. Simply ignore this. We are going for a long term solid victory and not bickering back and forth with Rov. STARTING UP AND THE MOST IMPORTANT CLICK YOU WILL MAKE. The very first thing you should do NO MATTER WHAT is to click your castle and UPGRADE YOUR DEFENSES IN YOUR HOME TOWN. This is VITAL! Your town in this game is the single most important zone. It will not be long before Rov is sitting at your doorstep. She will have taken every zone she can and you will be the only thing in her way. If you give her the opportunity she will take it and you will be starting all over.
Now, about how we will achieve the path to victory. We will mostly be ignoring miliart and completely ignore trade. Coal and iron are scarce and we will use them for tools. Coins will be scarce as well and there is no need to build an Export office as you start with zero wool/cloth/shirts. It isn’t worth starting an entire production chain for that. You will need the room used better. This leaves us with our friend the Novice. Get used to him. You are going to make a ton of them.
You will be building the following in your starting town. – 3 residences – Mountain shelter with 3 quaries – 2 lodges each with 1 woodcutter, 1 sawmill, and one forester –2 farms each with 3 grain farms –a storehouse at each place. Here is my set up
Click for full size –Purchase two pikemen Send your army to the southwest (AWAY FROM ROV) You will take this zone mostly for the prestige level gain. While the fighting is occurring build yourself 2 more residences, a farm with 2 mills, a well, a brewery, 2 bakers, and a toolmaker. Yes I know the toolmaker will run out of iron, ut that is fine. You will supply him soon enough. Once the new zone is yours immediately move your army back to your home sector. They will be stationed here for the rest of the game to deter Rov from attacking you. –Spend your prestige point on the Church/Export/Stronghold option. –In your new zone build a 2 storehouses and a church. Ignore the Goldmine for the time being. Mine looked like this.
Click for full size Our next step will be to increase our economic might and prestige level with TECHNOLOGY! There are 6 techs available to obtain. We only want 5. Ignore the sheep tech as we won’t ever build any sheep farms.
Click for full size Queue up 15 novices. At this point you may wish to build a second brewery. I did but it is not mandatory. It will simply make this go by a ton faster. As your novices are built research the techs. Purchase Ornamentation first, then Forced March, exercise. The other two can be gotten in either order. Once you research ornamentation use your two prestige points to earn “Roads” and “Storehouse Upgrade”
Use the Prestige point from Forced March to earn Ge ologist. Time for the crazy fun part. Upgrade your storehouse closest to your church all the way. Click on it and set it to gather all bread and beer. For a while this will be the only place you will be needed the two. –Go ahead and build a mountain shelter and 3 gold mines now. Here is the goofy part. Set them all to geologists. We want the stone more than the gold honestly. Your original stone quarries should be running low on stone if not out. When they ruin out completely delete them one by one (getting the tools back) and build an iron smelter in one of their places. Your final prestige point earned from technology should be spent on the constructor. –Use your church and added cemeteries to it until you gain TWO more prestige points. Use these two points to earn the House Upgrade option and the Stone Fortification option. –Click on your castle and upgrade your fortifications to stone. After all the techs are researched (minus the silly sheep) and you have stone walls guarding your town it is time to expand. –In your main town build two noble houses –Queue up 14 novices in your church –Upgrade the storehouse near your iron smelter all the way and instruct it to collect iron ore and coal ore. –Send 8 of your new novices to the zone directly west of your church zone. This zone ahs an iron mine. Once obtained build a mountain shelter with 3 iron mines (only set one to geologist), 3 storehouses, and 1 constructor. Upgrade the constructor to level 2. –Once the next six novices are done being made send them to convert the town directly south of your new iron town. This town will have coal in it. -Build 2 store houses and a mountain shelter with 3 coal mines (set one to geologist) in the newest zone.
Click for full size At this point you will want to upgrade a few of your houses in you main town to increase your population limit. Upgrade about 3-4. If you need anymore room later simply upgrade them again. –Queue up 17 novices. (Yes, 17) Once the first 11 are done send them to the zone in the southwest to convert it. It is the zone that has a large silver star over its castle. This is the Victory Point zone. The next 6 Novices should be sent to the zone directly north of your Iron Town. Once converted you will earn the Victory Point for Emperor as you will have one more zone than Rov. ——At this point I had the countdown timer start. I immediately told my storehouse by my church to stop stockpiling beer and food. I then queued up 7 pikemen to be built in case Crazy old Rov decided to strike out of fear of losing. If you have not won this means your are missing a VP somewhere. I won with - Special Sector - Emperor - Metropolis - Sun King You should at least have those first two. If you are lacking either of the o ther two simply do this :
Sun King – Built into your church with cemeteries. If you run out of room build a church/export/stronghold in the special sector zone. That zone has more than enough room to add the prestige add on’s to the building. Metropolis – You need working population. If Rov is beating you simply build up more work places. Add more housing to accommodate. Now that you have won the game, take her ferret from her and enjoy the upcoming 8th mission! I know I did!
Storm OverThe Meadows Print This Page Campaign Mission 7
You will be greeted with a neat little cinematic introduction of Princesss Zoe and Dracorian flirting like crazy. You know they want each other. You can feel, I can feel it, the guard that bops Dracorian can feel it. Annnnnnyway. Drac’s little sister Rovyn shows up with a bad attitude and a monstrous looking ferret and decides the best way to handle you is to stare at you. Yes. With the way this walkthrough goes I can almost guarantee you that she will stare at you while you win the game. **MY SPECIAL NOTES You need to understand that this game is FLUID. It changes from game to game. I used this method two times to beat the level. The first time Rovyn had 32 soldiers outside my ho me city. The second time she had only 9. That is a very large difference! Starting from this mission and on there is no true guide that will be the “I WIN” button. These will merely be stepping stone. You will have to learn to adapt and to adopt new courses of action. If something doesn’t turn out correctly or the AI does something different you need to be able to dump this strategy guide or, better yet, simply work around the current difference. THIS IS ALSO PLAYED ON EASY. THIS WALKTHROUGH IS NOT MEANT FOR A HARDER DIFFICULTY. IT IS ONLY MEANT TO HELP THOSE WANTING TO ADVANCE THE STORY AND NOT THEIR SKILLS AS A PLAYER. VICTORY POINTS
There are 6 total points. You (or her) will need 4 to win. This is very interesting if you look at the mini map.
She is the yellow dot and you are the red dot. The map layout itself is the greatest asset you have. Rov has access to 5 zones total before she is at your town. You have access to 10 zones including a victory point sector and the Royal Observatory. That is correct, you BLOCK HER from ever reaching those two Victory Points. That leaves her with only 4 she is capable of getting. Remember how you need 4 to win? Well, she can only get 4! That means if you can prevent her from getting just one of those points she CANNOT WIN THE GAME without actually killing you off. She can fight you on the Sun King, Field Marshall, and Metropolis but you have access to more zones than she does. This is her Achilles heel. To win though you will need 4. We will go with Special Sector, Sun King, Metropolis, and Emperor. Once again, this will be fluid. Throughout this game you may lose one or two and gain one or two. Simply ignore this. We are going for a long term solid victory and not bickering back and forth with Rov. STARTING UP AND THE MOST IMPORTANT CLICK YOU WILL MAKE. The very first thing you should do NO MATTER WHAT is to click your castle and UPGRADE YOUR DEFENSES IN YOUR HOME TOWN. This is VITAL! Your town in this game is the single most important zone. It will not be long before Rov is sitting at your doorstep. She will have taken every zone she can and you will be the only thing in her way. If you give her the opportunity she will take it and you will be starting all over.
Now, about how we will achieve the path to victory. We will mostly be ignoring miliart and completely ignore trade. Coal and iron are scarce and we will use them for tools. Coins will be scarce as well and there is no need to build an Export office as you start with zero
wool/cloth/shirts. It isn’t worth starting an entire production chain for that. You will need the room used better. This leaves us with our friend the Novice. Get used to him. You are going to make a ton of them. You will be building the following in your starting town. – 3 residences – Mountain shelter with 3 quaries – 2 lodges each with 1 woodcutter, 1 sawmill, and one forester –2 farms each with 3 grain farms –a storehouse at each place. Here is my set up
Click for full size –Purchase two pikemen Send your army to the southwest (AWAY FROM ROV) You will take this zone mostly for the prestige level gain. While the fighting is occurring build yourself 2 more residences, a farm with 2 mills, a well, a brewery, 2 bakers, and a toolmaker. Yes I know the toolmaker will run out of iron, ut that is fine. You will supply him soon enough. Once the new zone is yours immediately move your army back to your home sector. They will be stationed here for the rest of the game to deter Rov from attacking you. –Spend your prestige point on the Church/Export/Stronghold option. –In your new zone build a 2 storehouses and a church. Ignore the Goldmine for the time being. Mine looked like this.
Click for full size Our next step will be to increase our economic might and prestige level with TECHNOLOGY! There are 6 techs available to obtain. We only want 5. Ignore the sheep tech as we won’t ever build any sheep farms.
Click for full size Queue up 15 novices. At this point you may wish to build a second brewery. I did but it is not mandatory. It will simply make this go by a ton faster. As your novices are built research the techs. Purchase Ornamentation first, then Forced March, exercise. The other two can be gotten in either order. Once you research ornamentation use your two prestige points to earn “Roads” and “Storehouse Upgrade”
Use the Prestige point from Forced March to earn Ge ologist. Time for the crazy fun part. Upgrade your storehouse closest to your church all the way. Click on it and set it to gather all bread and beer. For a while this will be the only place you will be needed the two. –Go ahead and build a mountain shelter and 3 gold mines now. Here is the goofy part. Set them all to geologists. We want the stone more than the gold honestly. Your original stone quarries should be running low on stone if not out. When they ruin out completely delete them one by one (getting the tools back) and build an iron smelter in one of their places. Your final prestige point earned from technology should be spent on the constructor. –Use your church and added cemeteries to it until you gain TWO more prestige points. Use these two points to earn the House Upgrade option and the Stone Fortification option. –Click on your castle and upgrade your fortifications to stone. After all the techs are researched (minus the silly sheep) and you have stone walls guarding your town it is time to expand. –In your main town build two noble houses –Queue up 14 novices in your church –Upgrade the storehouse near your iron smelter all the way and instruct it to collect iron ore and coal ore. –Send 8 of your new novices to the zone directly west of your church zone. This zone ahs an iron mine. Once obtained build a mountain shelter with 3 iron mines (only set one to geologist), 3 storehouses, and 1 constructor. Upgrade the constructor to level 2. –Once the next six novices are done being made send them to convert the town directly south of your new iron town. This town will have coal in it. -Build 2 store houses and a mountain shelter with 3 coal mines (set one to geologist) in the newest zone.
Click for full size At this point you will want to upgrade a few of your houses in you main town to increase your population limit. Upgrade about 3-4. If you need anymore room later simply upgrade them again. –Queue up 17 novices. (Yes, 17) Once the first 11 are done send them to the zone in the southwest to convert it. It is the zone that has a large silver star over its castle. This is the Victory Point zone. The next 6 Novices should be sent to the zone directly north of your Iron Town. Once converted you will earn the Victory Point for Emperor as you will have one more zone than Rov. ——At this point I had the countdown timer start. I immediately told my storehouse by my church to stop stockpiling beer and food. I then queued up 7 pikemen to be built in case Crazy old Rov decided to strike out of fear of losing. If you have not won this means your are missing a VP somewhere. I won with - Special Sector - Emperor - Metropolis - Sun King You should at least have those first two. If you are lacking either of the o ther two simply do this :
Sun King – Built into your church with cemeteries. If you run out of room build a church/export/stronghold in the special sector zone. That zone has more than enough room to add the prestige add on’s to the building. Metropolis – You need working population. If Rov is beating you simply build up more work places. Add more housing to accommodate. Now that you have won the game, take her ferret from her and enjoy the upcoming 8th mission! I know I did!
100 Years of Peace Print This Page Campaign Mission 9
“They say if you can picture yourself triumphant, you have wo n half the battle” ….and if you have played this mission before you know that the other half of the battle will have Lord Wolvering monkey stomping you into the ground. This mission, in my humble opinion, is the hardest of the entire game. You have two opponents who will not mess around. They both take different routes to victory. They do not seem to want to mess with each other. You are limited on space. You start with a town already built, but designed by a madman. You have no access to your tavern. If you mess up the first 5 minutes of the game you may as well restart but unless you know that you will simply waste an entire hour or more of your time. This mission is BRUTAL. It is one big pain sandwich and we all have to take a bite. You will be fighting Wolvering and the Bishop this round. You need 5 Victory Points out of a possible 10. Points we will be going for -
Sun King Metropolis Field Marshal Abbey Banker Now quite a few people just dropped their jaws. “You are not going to go for genius?” The short answer : No. The long answer : Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo No we are not. While genius is a good point to get, it just seems easier to allocate your resources in a different direction. You can get better payback, it will save you some “racing” stress, and it will free up your mind and multitasking ability. Remember, I am lazy and all about making these easy. This walkthrough will be broken down into 3 parts. PART ONE : OPERATION “WHERE AM I“ This will describe your awful town. This will also describe exactly how the first few minutes of the game HAVE TO GO. There is no room for error. Either these first few minutes work out exactly like this or you will have to click the “Restart Map” button. Once you reach the end of the first it would be a good idea to save the game should you have to come back later. PART TWO : OPERATION “I LOVE STONE TOWERS“ This will go into detail how to set up your perimeter “shield” and get you standing o n solid ground. PART THREE : OPERATION “MISSION 10, HERE I COME!” This takes you into the strengthening your econo my and working towards the desired victory points.
Before we begin : This was played on EASY and is intended to be played on EASY. This game is fluid and the AI is capable of doing different things. You, as the player, need to learn to adapt to new situations and to deviate from this guide when called for. I am aware there are quite a few ways to win this scenario. Some may be easier, some quicker, and some more logical. If you know a better way then pat yourself on the back. This was MY way and you know what…… works. In the times I have played this mission for some reason I kept getting different prestige points at different times. Regardless of how/when these are achieved this is the order you should spend them :
1) Constructor 2) Forest Clearing 3) Upgraded Housing 4) Stone Fortifications 5) Roads 6) Geologists 7) Expo/Stronghold/Church 8) Upgraded Church 9) Abbey When I say to purchase these object throughout the walkthrough, if you do not have the point simply build cemeteries onto the church to obtain the point(s) needed. Also on each “reward” received I always chose the option that provided tools. This let me keep my toolmaker on idle and not ever need him. PART ONE : OPERATION “WHERE AM I“
Here is our Map and where everyone will be starting.
There are many points of interest on this map. Let me label for you and desribe it a bit.
This is much better. You see those new pink dots? Those are the zone you will be taking and holding as a “shield”. The beginning of this game is about timing and speed. Are you ready? When the game begins In your home town :
IMMEDIATELY QUEUE UP 15 NOVICES TURN YOUR TOOL MAKER TO IDLE TURN ONE MINT TO IDLE, DEMOLISH THE OTHER MINT DEMOLISH YOUR WEAVING MILL In your northern town build a mill onto one of your farms. The very second that you get your first 6 novices send them north to convert the zone just north of your starting town (east of your secondary town). Once converted move your army into that zone. Build a storehouse. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE ENTIRE MISSION As your novices are finished immediately research Ornamentation, Forced March, and Exercise. During this time the Bishop will decide to march his army towards you. He will attack the zone connected to the port/market. LET HIM He will win the battle and begin to convert the zone. While the dial is going up for him, attack him with your army driving him from the zone. Spend your prestige on Constructor, Forest Clearing, House Upgrade, Stone Fortifications. In your new zone “North Shield”, the one guarding the market/port, you will now build a constructor, storehouse, and upgrade the fortifications. In your northern starting territory build mountain shelter (with 3 quarries). FINAL CHECK! HAVE YOU MET THESE CREDINTIALS? 1) RESEARCHED THE THREE TECHNOLOGIES THAT GIVE PRESTIGE? 2) TAKEN THE ZONE THAT CONNECTS TO THE NORTH PORT/MARKET? 3) BUILT UP WOODEN FORTIFICATIONS IN THAT ZONE? If you have met these go ahead and save the game. This way if you have a problem later you will not have to go through this again. If you had a foul up somewhere along the line and cannot accomplish these, go ahead and restart the mission. PART TWO : OPERATION “I LOVE STONE TOWERS“ The step by step :
- Clear the trees from in front of your tavern by using the demolish function and then connect your tavern with a road. - Queue up 1 pikeman - In “Northern Shield” upgrade the fortifications to stone. Build a lodge (1 sawmill, 1 forester, 1 woodcutter),
- Queue up 7 novices - When your stone fortifications are complete use your army and attack the zone directly south of “Northern Shield”. Once taken over this zone will be referred to as “Eastern Shield”. - In “Eastern Shield” build a storehouse, lodge (2 fishers), constructor, and upgrade the fortifications to wood. - Convert the town directly SW of your starting city (the zone w ith a gold mine) with your novices. In this zone build a constructor, a storehouse, and wood fortifications. This zone shall now be named as “Southern Shield”. - When the wooden fortifications are done being built in “Eastern Shield” and “South Shield” upgrade them to stone fortifications. Once all 3 of your “Shields” have stone fortifications your shield is complete. PART THREE : OPERATION “MISSION 10, HERE I COME!”
- Build 3 novices. When they are made send one each to your shields (by clicking on each zones mini castle and clicking the “send button”) - Queue up 6 more novices - Use prestige points to get “Roads” and “Geologists” - In “Southern Shield” build a mountain shelter (3 gold mines). Set two to geologist, - Send your novices to the town directly NW of “Southern Shield” to convert it. - Use your church to buy enough prestige to purchase “Stronghold/Church/Export Center”, “Church Upgrade”, and “Abbey”. - Upgrade your church. - After your church upgrades, Upgrade it again. - Turn your mint to “On Demand” -Queue up 4 pikemen - In your new zone (north of “Southern Shield”) build 3 mountain shelters (3 iron, 3 coal, 2 smelter), 3 storehouses, 1 constructor. - In the zone that touches both “Eastern Shield” and “Northern Shield” build a lodge (1 sawmill, 1 forester, 1 woodcutter) and a mountain shelter (3 quarries).
- Your old Quarries and fishers should be out of resources. You may delete them now. - Upgrade your church to an Abbey. Once upgraded Lord Wolvering will begin to push northwards and will eventually come to rest on one of your borders. He will then begin to boost his army like crazy. Try not to panic. Be sure to keep an eye on him and move your army accordingly.
Click for full size It may look like this! - Select your tavern and sell beer at it. - Queue up 4 pikemen - Build an Export Office -Build a Weaponsmith and Goldsmith on the same noble house. Set the house to Fancy Food. - Queue up 3 hawkers at your Export office. - Build a Stronghold - Scroll up the port/market and queue up 20 bundles of rings to be sold (40 rings total) - Queue up 20 pikemen at your Stronghold. This should get you victory. Using Banker, Abbey, Metropolis, Field Marshall, and Sun King. HELP! I DON’T HAVE ALL THE VICTORY POINTS!”
Hmm. If you lack one of these here is how to achieve them : Banker – Continue to produce rings and sell them at the market. Take your noble house off of fancy food once you run out. Metropolis – Build up more buildings in your realm and raise your population. You have more room to work with. Field Marshall – Continue to produce troops. Take your noble house off of fancy food once you run out. Sun King – Keep buying prestige awards onto your church/export center/stronghold. Abbey – If you lack this, you cannot get it back, You will have to replace it with something else. Your best bet would be to hire another general and send him south with a large army to try to earn back emperor. You could also set up houses to make paper and books and then attempt to research the technology victory point. There are also two events you can do for a Victory Points, but they are rather obn oxious and should be considered for last. Congrats to you and I hope you enjoyed this mission. Now, on to mission 10!
A Father’s Revenge Print This Page Campaign Mission 10
I do not want to give away too much of this storyline so instead I shall simply use two pictures. Out of all the years of video games you have played how did you not see that one coming? Regardless let us get to the mission. JUST THE FACTS
Drac will talk. To great extent. Whether you want him to or not. My best advice is to listen to him and then forget everything he said. We will be doing our own thing. In this mission we are allied with Drac. He will share victory points with us but to be honest he will serve as nothing more than a doorstop except with less personality. Our enemy is Field
Marshall Ludowig. This fellow loves his armies and will do a little bit of research but he will not trade. We get ourselves a rather funky set up here to begin with. That is alright though as we will solve this easily. We will win this game without ever having to pick a fight with anyone. Heck, we won’t even have to build a fort!
Here s our Mini Map. I have added quite a lot to this one. The pink zones are the ones will be taking. The orange/gold zones are the zones Drac will take. The lime/seafoam green zones are the zones Ludowig will take. That white line? That is the line Ludo probably will never cross if this is done correctly. Once again this is played on EASY and should not be expected to work on a higher difficulty. Every time you receive a reward choose the option the gives you tools. This will save you from having to build a toolmaker. I did absolutely no research this game. It may be easier for you to try to research a few low techs but it is not necessary. Research them at your own risk.
In your starting town do the following : - Build two lodges (2 sawmills, 2 woodcutters, 2 foresters) - Build two farms (4 grain farms, 2 windmills) - Build three Residences - Build a well, bakery, brewery - Build two large prestige objects (out of the way of course) - Use your prestige point to purchase Stronghold/Export/Church - Queue 18 novices - Build three more Residences As your novices complete convert the following zones : -Zone to your south that has the tavern (and coal). Will be named Coal Zone. -Zone west of Coal Zone that has Iron. Will be named Iron Zone. -Zone southeast of Coal Zone that has gold. Will be named Gold Zone. Build onto your church with cemeteries until you can purchase Geologists with prestige.
Now it is time to get crazy. Build TWO mountain shelters in each of your three new zones. Add the appropriate miners to each ones. Be sure to add enough storehouses as well. In the end your zones will have : Coal Zone – 6 Coal Miners Iron Zone – 6 Iron Miners Gold Zone – 6 Gold Miners Set at least 3 of each to Geologists. And numerous storehouses. Move your small army over to your Iron zone. He will sit here the rest of the game. Should Ludowig get excited and start coming north you can assist Drac from here. - Queue up 6 more novices and convert the zone south of your starting town (the one with a Stone Quarry in it). This will be known as Stone Zone. -Build Storehouses and a Quarry in Stone Zone. Time to go on back to your starting zone and build some, eh? - Build a Noble house with 2 goldsmiths and a mint. Try to get this close to your original Storehouse and set that storehouse to collect all Gold Ore and Iron bars. - Build a Mountain Shelter with 3 iron smelters. -Queue up 2 pikemen in your tavern - Use cemeteries on your church to earn enough prestige points to buy both the church upgrade and abbey upgrade prestige options. - Upgrade your church 3 times in a row until you get the Abbey and the Victory Point. - Build 3 more Residences -Build a Mint. Okay, let us take a break and see everything from a distance here We have ourselves a nice little setup here to gain the 6 points we need. From here it is mostly a waiting game with some fine tweaking. You can achieve these one by one if you wish or collectively at the same time. I chose to do them all at the same time.
1) Abbey – Already achieved 2) White Palace The woman in the castle to the south wants rings and lots of them. Remember those two Goldsmiths we made? Slap that building o n fancy food (and then plain after you run dry) and you should have the rings in no time. The number of rings needed is directly proportional to the amount of Victory points you currently have. This means you may need 42, 48, 64, or even 72 rings. - Build Export Center in Stone Zone- Queue up 5 Hawkers – Click “Start Quest” at the Whote Castle. Carriers will bring rings to the export center and o nce you have them all a Hawker will walk them to the lady. 3) Field Marshall - Build a stronghold and two more mints. Queue up 16 soldiers. Build 3 more residences to accommodate this population increase. If you have already finished the White Palace quest and there is still a market open you can trade off some rings for a boost in cash. 4) Sun King Simply build onto your Church and Export Center. 5) Banker Your mints should take care of this. You can also sell rings if a market is open. Place your tavern on “Sell Beer” as well. 6) Metropolis It is likely you already have this one. If not simply build more structures throughout your empire and raise your working pop ulation. If you are still having trouble remember that Drac w ill be using trade a bit and may get the Trading Victory Point. You can also build novices and start converting towns up north for the Emperor Victory Point. Regardless, Welcome to Mission 11! Campaign Mission 11
This Mission has you and Dracorian allied together. Yo u will be fighting King Konradin who is allied with King Balderus. If you have not been paying attention to the storyline up until this point you probab ly have this look on your face.
Zoe was quoted saying, "duhhhhh!" For a change of pace I am not going to show you the map as the game starts. I will instead show you how the map looks at the end of the game. I will continue to reference this map so feel free to print off multiple copies to glue on your hands, mirrors, ceiling, pets, and neighbor’s wives.
Keep in mind, this is at the END of the game. You are red. Your Ally (Dracorian) is yellow. Your enemies are green and blue. This is a rather simple mission believe it or not. We will set up two choke points but we will not need them most likely. Green and Blue will piddle around and not do much. Dracorian will wander south and then forget who he is and hit up the bar. Basically until the very end of the game you do not have to worry about what anyone else is doing but yourself. Once again this is played on EASY and should not be expected to work on a higher difficulty. Every time you receive a reward choose the option the gives you tools. This will save you from having to build a toolmaker.
Throughout the entire match victory points will be g ained and lost on both sides. We will not worry about the points until the end. Your first order of business is to jumpstart your economy and get your special buildings up. Speed is of the essence. - Build 2 large prestige objects (out of the way) - Build 1 Export Center (Once done queue up 3 hawkers) - Build 4 residences - Build 2 lodges in the south (2 sawmills, 2 woodcutters, 2 foresters) - Build 1 mountain shelter to the east with 3 quaries - Build 1 Church - Build 1 Stronghold The moment your first 2 hawkers are finished send them EAST on the trade map to gain the trade route that lets you buy 4 bread for 2 gold. - Queue up 6 novices - Queue up 5 pikemen in your stronghold Send your novices directly west to convert the town that has the coal mine (it is on the island west of the mini castle) - Send you troops South from your new coal Zone to the zone that has the Gold Mine and conquer it. - In your coal zone build 2 storehouses and a mountain shelter with 3 coal miners - In the new southern zone with the gold mine (Now named “West Chokepoint“) Build Wooden Fortifications, a lodge with 1 hunter, a coup le of storehouses, and a mountain shelter with 3 gold mines - In your main town build a well and a brewery - Queue up 6 novices - Build a Noble Residence with a weapons smith attached. Set the Weapons smith to “On Demand”. (Set him to Fancy Food) - Go to the tavern and Purchase “Bonecrusher” the General. - Build a Noble Residence with a Goldsmith attached. - Use your Church/Export/Stronghold to buy enough Prestige to let you purchase “Roads” and “Geologists”. Set one Coal miner and one Gold miner to Geologists.
- Scroll down Southwest to the market and sell off 2 sets of rings (4 rings total) - Send your Novices Northeast to the zone with the Iron Mine. - Send your original army (The one still in “West Chokepoint“) to con quer the zone south of your new iron zone. - In the iron zone build a couple of storehouses and a mountain shelter with 3 iron mines. Set 1 to geologist. Also build Fortifications - Your Quarry should be running dry. Delete the Quarries (but no the mountain shelter) and replace them with Iron smelters. - Build a Baker - In the town Southeast of your Iron zone (The one you just conquered with your troops) build a Farm (2 Grain farms, 1 windmill) and a couple of storehouses. - Queue up 8 gold worth of bread to buy and 8 sets (16) of rings to sell at the market - Queue up 3 more hawkers. - Queue 5 Pikemen from your Stronghold and give them to Bonecrusher. Move Bonecrusher to Western Chokepoint. -Set your Brewery to “On Demand” and Queue up 6 more novices. - Use your Church/Export/Stronghold to buy enough Prestige to let you purchase the second church upgrade and the Abbey upgrade. - Upgrade your Church - Send your novices north to the last zone in your bubble not taken. - Build 2 Residences and 1 Noble Residence with a butcher attached - Upgrade your Church again - Set your Goldmsith to Fancy Food - Queue up 5 pikemen for your Eastern Army and 5 pikemen for your Western Army at the stronghold. - Queue up 15 sets of rings (30 rings total) at the market to sell. - Upgrade your church one last time to an Abbey.
—————————– At this points you should have –Field Marshall –Abbey –Banker That leaves us 3 more points to get. Go after Sun King – - Use your Church/Export/Stronghold to buy e nough Prestige. Fountain of Knowledge – Drac is the only one that should research at all. This will leave some techs open. Queue up a few novices and go after the easiest tech’s (The ones that cost 3 novices each). If you are lucky Drac will leave you some that grant prestige making Sun King easier to achieve. Metropolis – You may already have this but if not simply build more structures in your zones. You have more than enough room to enhance your workforce. That is really about it. Following this guide I ran into no problems and beat this scenario 3 times in a row at about 40 minutes each.
he Foggy Fields Print This Page Campaign Mission 8
You will be facing two opponents here. One will favor military and the other will favor technology. They will not touch trade because we will be blocking them off from it. This mission may look daunting but it is not that terrible. All we need to do is build you a shield. We must understand that we will be ignoring technology this round. The bishop is going to be doing research and it is rather obnoxious and will throw a wrench in our plans if we attempt to beat him to the punch. He will gain a victory point from his research that we will not be able to get back but that is okay. You win some, you lose some. Also note that for every single reward I received I chose the option that contained TOOLS. By doing this I never had to build a toolmaker at all saving myself quite a lot of iron. You will have to do the same. This game is to be played on the “Easy” setting.
We need 5 victory points for this operation. We won’t focus on them until then end. Before our icing we must build our cake. Mmmmmm….cake…… Let us take a look at the mini map.
You are red (as always). Your opponents are northeast and northwest of you. The good thing is that they are both at war with each other as well. While they may or may not engage each other in battle, this means that they will not combine victory points. Now if we look closer we can see some very crucial choke points on this map. In between you and green there is the misty swamp which he will never cross. This means that you are completely safe from that direction and can leave it unguarded. DOUBLE SWEET! That leaves two paths to you. One down the middle and one from the south. We will be plugging these both immediately. Take a look.
Click for full size We will be creating two armies for this campaign. The red circles on this map indicate the choke points and where the armies will sit. These are chosen for two reasons. 1) The southern choke point will completely block your enemies from using the market to trade and will guarantee you an ability to trade.
2) The middle chokepoint will guarantee you access to the middle “Special Sector” zone and block your enemies access to it. So in essence we are building a shield around your town using two armies to block paths and the Misty Swamp. SWEET! So let us begin, shall we? STEP ONE : SETTING UP THE SHIELD
* Move your general WEST to the zone containing meat, wood, coal. * While he is on the move queue up 4 pikemen * In your home town build a lodge (sawmill, forester, woodcutter), mountain shelter (3 quarries), noble house, and storehouses where needed. * Once your army has taken the zone move them immediately north to the chokepoint zone (red circle on the map above) * Use your prestige point to get the Church/Export/Stronghold upgrade. *Once the new zone is under your control build a storehouse in it and upgrade its defenses to wooden towers. Leave the army there as it will act as a guard for the rest of the game. *Build a church in your home zone. *Build a farm (2 grains, 1 windmill) in your home zone *Build a brewe and a baker in your home zone *Queue up 12 novices *Send the first 6 Southwest to the zone that has meat and wood. *Send the next 6 to the zone just north of the market *Build a stronghold in your original zone *Build a coal mine in the northwest zone *Build a mountain shelter with 2 iron smelters in your original zone *Build a weapon smith in your orignoial zone *From the tavern hire the Bonecrusher general *Once completed send the gerenal to the second chioke point zone guarding the market. *Queue up 2 pikeen for him from the stronghold. *Build 3 more residences *Put a storehouse in the southwest zone *Build a storehouse in the western chokepoint and upgrade it’s defenses *Queue up 2 more pikemen from the stronghold for Bonecrusher. The shield is done.
Each chokepoint there has an army with 4 pikemen and wooden towers. Now it is time to back build up our economy. STEP TWO – BUILDING UP BEHIND THE SHIELD
* Queue up 12 novices. This may take some time as you only have 1 brewer but do not worry. * Build onto your church or stronghold to get 2 prestige points. *Spend your three prestige points on streets/geologists/constructors *Set two of your coal miners to geologists *Set your blacksmith to “On Demand” By now you should be running out of stone for your quarries to mine up so when they do run out, be sure to delete them one by one to get a tool back from each. *In your western chokepoint build a constructor, noble house with a goldsmith attached, 2 mountain shelters (3 iron and 3 gold) with 1 set to geologist each. It may be tricky to position all this in the zone but it is possible. *In the zone that sits between your starting zone and your west chokepoint build a lodge (sawmill, forester, woodcutter) *When your novices are finished being created send them east and conquer the two zone between you and the Misty Swamp. *In the first zone build a storehouse and a lodge (with 3 fishermen) *In the second zone build a storehouse, constructor, and a mountain shelter with 3 iron mines (2 set to geologists) Massive Note – This is where I messed up. I never did build the farm in the beginning like I wrote down. I did really write it down at the time I just never did it. Because of this my economy ground to a halt with lack of food/flour/grain/beer. I built my farm immediately but it did take some time to recover. Yes, I am dumb. *Build an Export Office in the zone between you starting zone and the western chokepoint zone. Now is the time you should look around your zone. Look for some long supply lines and put storehouses in there to speed things up. I was able to put 4 more storehouses down that were badly needed. STEP 3 : GOING AFTER VICTORY POINTS
Now let us take a look at the victory points. We need 5. More than likely you already 1-2. The easier ones to get are : Special Sector – Build 10 novices and convert the sector in the middle of the map Banker – Queue up 4 merchants ; sell off your remaining shirts and rings at the market. Sun King – Build onto your Church/Stronghold/Export Center Emperor – You should have this by now. If you do not I would not try going after it unless you
feel like building up a large army. I would suggest heading west from the cho kepoint as every single zone is just another link in the chain. Metropolis – Simply build more houses/workshops throughout your zones. This is not too hard as you have ample land to do so. Field Marshall – Put your blacksmith back onto “Always” and continue to produce pikemen from the stronghold until you hit over 20. Written by Admiral Calania and reprinted here with permission.
This is the final mission in the campaign. It is also one of the toughest. You will be fighting against 3 enemies. What makes this so hard? They are allied and share victory points. That is right, you are totally alone. To win you will need 7 victory points. We will be using my now infamous “Be lazy and turtle our way to sure victory” method. Here is how the map looks before we start. Notice how everyone will start a bit spread out.
And this is how it will look after the game.
Or it may look like this.
Which brings me to my next point. All games are fluidic. They change. No matter how many times you play this mission something different will happen. If you follow this tutorial you should have no problem achievement victory with minimal straying from the guide. However you must be able to react to a situation that is not addressed here. For this walkthrough to work properly the mission should be played on EASY and all rewards chosen should have TOOLS in them. Let’s begin. -Build 3 muskets -Send your army north and conquer the zone. It is the zone with coal in it. -In your home town build a mountain shelter (with 3 quarries), 2 lodges (2 sawmills, 2 woodcutters, 2 foresters), and 3 residences. -Send your army east to the zone with the Iron mine (it touches both of your zones) and conquer it. -Use your prestige award to purchase the Stronghold/Church/Export Office award. - Build a Stronghold -Build a coal mine in your new zone in the north. -Build an iron mine in your new zone in the east. Also build wooden fortifications here. -Build 3 pikemen from your stronghold -Send your army to the zone north of your coal zone and conquer it. Build fortifications here. - In your iron mine zone build a farm with 2 grains/1 windmill. - In your home zone build a mountain shelter with 2 iron smelters, a noble residence with a weapon smith, and a baker. -Build a gold mine in your coal zone. -In your home zone build a noble residence with a goldsmith, and an Export center - Through your Stronghold and your Export ce nter, build enough prestige add-ons to purchase “Roads, Geologists, Constructors, House Upgrade, and Stone Fortifications”. I know it is a lot but you will need these. -Set 2 coal, iron, and gold miners to geologists
-In your far north zone and your far east zone (the two zones you built wooden fortifications in) build stone fortifications. -Build 3 residences -Build 4 hawkers -Around now your old quarries should be out of or close to being out of stone. Destroy them or keep an eye on them. When they are done destroy them. - At the market to your north sell off 2 set of shirts and 3 sets of rings. - At the tavern hire “Theobald the Tactician”. Queue up 10 musketeers for him from the Stronghold and place him in your eastern (iron) zone. -Build a church in your home zone. - Upgrade two noble houses, put your baker on fancy food, then queue up 9 novices. - Use the novices to purchase 3 low end tech (preferably Geologists, Forced March, and Exercise). Blue should have already taken Ornamentation.
- Queue up 20 sets of rings to sell at the market. -Use prestige (from tech or adding onto church) to purchase the church upgrade, and then the abbey upgrade. -Build a quarry on your far north zone as well as a lodge with 3 fishermen. -Build a brewery and a well in your home zone. -Upgrade your church 3 times in a row until you have an Abbey (and the Victory Point).
-Upgrade your noble houses again -Queue up 3 Brothers and 8 Novices - Use them to research “Ballistics” and “Reinforcement” - Build 6 pikemen from your stronghold to your northern army. At this points you should have the following Victory Points : Sun King, Fountain of Knowledge, Banker, Abbey, and Field Marshall. That leaves us 2 to get. We will be going after Metropolis and special sector. You may already have Metropolis. If not simply build more work places around to boost up your working population. Touching your northern zone is a Special Sector zone. The easiest way to control it is to bribe it. The cost to bribe it is 94 gold. You should have this amount or be really close to it by now. If you are short simply sell rings until you have the desired amoun t. Once you have the gold go to the market and remove all deals that are pending. Then go up to the special sector and click the “bribe” button. Then go immediately back to the market and re-queue up rings to sell. This way the 94 will go before all the trading of the rings and will be carried out immediately. By bribing this zone it is likely you will lose your banker v ictory point. No worries, simply sell rings to get the cash back as well as selling beer at the tavern. You can also take your baker off of fancy food and put your goldsmith on it. Once the zone is bribed immediately move your northern army in the zone to protect and begin to repair the fortifications there. This should give you the game. Congratulations to you!