A case digest in Constitutional Law 2 involving defenses for Unreasonable searches and seizures.Full description
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Topic: Upholding the Constuon C onstuon and the Law Yuhico v Guerrez AC No 83!" Nov #3 #$!$ Case %igest &' Celine Arat(Ca&ading )acts This is a disciplinar' acon against respondent Guerrez *led &' Yuhico +or violaon o+ ,ule !-$! o+ the Code o+ .ro+essional ,esponsi&ilit'- Yuhico alleged that he /et Guerrez at the 01ce o+ the Cit' .rosecutor during the hearingsGuerrez as2ed Yuhico Yuhico +or a cash loan o+ .3$"$$$-$$ and later .$"$$$ 4totalling to .$"$$$-$$5 to pa' +or the /edical e6penses o+ his /other who was seriousl' ill and later o+ his wi+e who was also hospit hospitali alize zedd- Guerr Guerrez ez pro/i pro/ised sed to pa' pa' the loan loan ver' ver' soon" soon" since since he was was e6pecn e6pecng g to collec collectt his a7orne's +ees +ro/ +ro/ a 9apanese client- hen Yuhico Yuhico as2ed Guerrez to pa' his loans" Guerrez +ailed +ailed to pa' sa'ing his a7orne's +ees release is dela'ed due to ta6 and the law on /one' laundering- Again" Guerrez a7e/pted to &orrow .;$"$$$-$$ +ro/ hi/ again +or his daughter ?ed @oard @oard licens licensure ure e6a/i e6a/ina naon on in the U->U->- This This /e" /e" Yuhico uhico re+use re+used d to lend lend Guerre Guerrezz- Yuhico uhico repeatedl' re=uested the pa'/ent o+ loans +or nu/erous /es" &ut Guerrez alwa's +ailed to do soThus" Yuhico *led the instant co/plaint against Guerrez &e+ore the ntegrated @ar o+ the .hilippines( Co//ission on @ar %iscipline 4@.(C@%5@' then" @. alread' dis&arred Guerrez +ro/ the pracce o+ law +or gross /isconduct" in view o+ his +ailure to pa' his de&ts and his issuance o+ worthless chec 2sssue: 0N Guerrez gross /isconduct is a ground +or dis&ar/ent and 0N a law'er can &e dis&arred /ore than onceBeld: %eli&erate +ailure to pa' ust de&ts constute gross /isconduct" +or which a law'er /a' &e sanconed with suspension +ro/ the pracce o+ law- Law'ers are instru/ents +or the ad/inistraon o+ usce and vanguards o+ our legal s'ste/- The' are e6pected to /aintain not onl' legal pro*cienc'" &ut also a high standard o+ /oralit'" honest'" integrit' and +air dealing so that the people> ?>C0N%UCT" ?> C0N%UCT" is A)),?D% and is 0,%D,D% to .AY .AY the a/ount o+ Ninet' Thousand .esos 4.$"$$$-$$5 to the co/plainant i//ediatel' +ro/ receipt o+ this decision with interest-