PES INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY (An Autonomous Institute under VTU, Bel!um"
ASHAY AS HAY GOPAL, Assist!nt Pro)essor
The experiments conducted in CCN lab are listed below: Cisco ac!et Tracer: " Experiments #$ %oca %ocall area area net networ wor! ! &%'N &%'N$$ ($ %o %oca call )ir )irel eless ess Net Netwo wor! r! *$ Stat Static ic and and D+n D+nam amic ic ,out ,outinin.$ Networ! Networ! 'ddre 'ddress ss Trans Translati lation on &N'T &N'T$ "$ Camp Campus us 'rea 'rea Net Networ wor! ! &C'N$ &C'N$ )ireshar! rotocol 'nal+ser Tool: . Experiments /$ 0amili 0amiliaris arisati ation on with with wires wireshar! har! tool 1$ 2+pert 2+pertext ext Tran Trans3er s3er rotoco rotocoll &2TT &2TT$$ 4$ Transp Transport ort Control Control rotoco rotocoll &TC$ &TC$ 5$ Doma Domain in Name Name S+s S+ste tem m &DNS &DNS$$ C6ro-rams: . ro-rams #7$ Bit Stu33inStu33in##$ Character Character Stu33inStu33in#($ C,C C,C #*$ Di8!stra9s Di8!stra9s 'l-orithm 'l-orithm
The experiments conducted in CCN lab are listed below: Cisco ac!et Tracer: " Experiments #$ %oca %ocall area area net networ wor! ! &%'N &%'N$$ ($ %o %oca call )ir )irel eless ess Net Netwo wor! r! *$ Stat Static ic and and D+n D+nam amic ic ,out ,outinin.$ Networ! Networ! 'ddre 'ddress ss Trans Translati lation on &N'T &N'T$ "$ Camp Campus us 'rea 'rea Net Networ wor! ! &C'N$ &C'N$ )ireshar! rotocol 'nal+ser Tool: . Experiments /$ 0amili 0amiliaris arisati ation on with with wires wireshar! har! tool 1$ 2+pert 2+pertext ext Tran Trans3er s3er rotoco rotocoll &2TT &2TT$$ 4$ Transp Transport ort Control Control rotoco rotocoll &TC$ &TC$ 5$ Doma Domain in Name Name S+s S+ste tem m &DNS &DNS$$ C6ro-rams: . ro-rams #7$ Bit Stu33inStu33in##$ Character Character Stu33inStu33in#($ C,C C,C #*$ Di8!stra9s Di8!stra9s 'l-orithm 'l-orithm
Cisco Cisco ac!et ac!et Tracer Tracer is a power3ul power3ul networ! networ! simulat simulation ion pro-ram pro-ram that allows allows students students to experiment with networ! behaiour and as! ;what i3< =uestions> 's an inte-ral part o3 the Networ!in- 'cadem+ comprehensie learnin- experience? ex perience? ac!et Tracer proides simulation? isuali@ation? authorin-? assessment? and collaboration capabilities and 3acilitates the teachinand learnin- o3 complex technolo-+ concepts> ac!et Tracer supplements ph+sical e=uipment in the classroom b+ allowin- students to creat createe a netw networ! or! with with an almo almost st unlim unlimite ited d num number ber o3 deic deices? es? encour encoura-i a-inn- pract practic ice? e? discoer+? and troubleshootin-> The simulation6based learnin- enironment helps students deelop deelop (#st centur+ s!ills s!ills such as decisio decision n ma!in-? ma!in-? creatie creatie and critica criticall thin!in thin!in-? -? and problem solin-> ac!et Tracer complements the Networ!in- 'cadem+ curricula? allowininstruct instructors ors to easil+ easil+ teach teach and demonst demonstrate rate complex complex technica technicall concepts concepts and networ! networ!inins+stems desi-n> The ac!et Tracer so3tware is aailable 3ree o3 char-e to Networ!in- 'cadem+ instructors? students? alumni? and administrators>
Lo3!l Are! Net4or5
E67eriment8 +*8 &e9uirements8 • •
0our )or!-roups with 3our des!tops in each wor!-roup> Complete %'N should belon- to same I se-ment and each computer should hae a static I address>
Sl: No
Lo3! Lo3!ti tion on Tot!l t!l Num; Num;er er o)
06"7# 06"7( 06"7* 06"7.
. Des!top Computers . Des!top Computers . Des!top Computers . Des!top Computers
)or!-roup )or!-roup )or!-roup )or!-roup )or!-roup )or!-roup )or!-roup )or!-roup
A# A( A* A.
#77 Mbps shared amon- all the wor!-roups
I 'ddresses
Complete %'N should belon- to same I se-ment &subnet$ Each Computer should hae a static I address
Aim o) t=e e67eriment8 •
To -et 3amiliar with the cisco pac!et tracer simulation tool>
To understand the basic buildin- bloc! o3 local area networ!>
To understand the limitations o3 2ubs and Switches>
Cisco ac!et tracer •
End S+stems C
2ubs 2UB6T
Switches (5/7 (.TT
)ireless ,outer: %in!s+s ),T *77N
2ubs and Switches are two important connectin- deices in computer networ!s>
' hub is a multiport multiport repeater> It is normall+ used to create connections connections between stations in a ph+sical star topolo-+> to polo-+> It is used widel+ in Ethernet implementations> The+ can also be used to create multiple leels o3 hierarch+> It 3orwards eer+ 3rame and has no 3ilterin- capabilit+>
' two la+ered switch is a brid-e with man+ ports that can allocate a uni=ue port to each station> This means no competin- tra33ic> It ma!es a 3ilterin- decision based on the M'C address o3 the 3rame it receied> More sophisticated switches hae bu33er to hold the 3rames o3 processin->
Pro3edure8 • • • •
Select end s+stem as des!top and dra- and drop the re=uired number o3 s+stems> Connect 3our des!tops to a hub> Connect all the 3our hubs to a switch to complete the networ!> 'ssi-n I address to each C b+: o Double Clic! on C Con3i-urations Inter3ace 3ast Ethernet I Con3i I
address (>#/4>7># to #5(>#/4>7>#/$ Chec! data transmission and reception and in- the Cs in the command prompt>
Sn!7s=ot o) E67eriment *
&esult8 Data pac!ets were sent and receied success3ull+>
Networ! should be wireless and all computers should belon- to same wor!-roup sa+ A# should hae d+namic I address>
Cisco ac!et tracer •
End S+stems C
)ireless ,outer: %in!s+s ),T *77N
Pro3edure8 Dra- and drop re=uired number o3 C9s on screen> • 'ssi-n d+namic I address to a wor! -roup: • o Double Clic! on C h+sical Switch o33 CU ,emoe Existin- ort Dra-
and drop port aailable 3or wireless Switch on CU> o 'lso C Con3i-uration 0ast Ethernet D2C Chec! data transmission and reception and in- the Cs in the command prompt>
Sn!7s=ot o) E67eriment 0 &esult8 Data pac!ets were sent and receied success3ull+>
&e9uirements8 • •
' )or!-roup with 3our des!tops and 3our wireless C9s> er3orm Static and D+namic ,outin-
Cisco ac!et tracer •
End S+stems C
)ireless ,outer: %in!s+s ),T *77N
In TCP@IP? routin- can be one o3 two t+pes: static or dynamic> )ith static routin-? +ou maintain the routin- table manuall+ usin- the route command> Static routin- is practical 3or a sin-le networ! communicatin- with one or two other networ!s> 2oweer? as +our networ! be-ins to communicate with more networ!s? the number o3 -atewa+s increases? and so does the amount o3 time and e33ort re=uired to maintain the routin- table manuall+> )ith d+namic routin-? daemons update the routin- table automaticall+> ,outin- daemons continuousl+ receie in3ormation broadcast b+ other routin- daemons? and so continuousl+ update the routin- table> TCP@IP proides two daemons 3or use in d+namic routin-? the routed and -ated daemons> The -ated daemon supports &outin In)orm!tion Proto3ol (&IP" ? &outin In)orm!tion Proto3ol Ne6t Gener!tion (&IPn" ? E6terior G!te4!> Proto3ol (EGP" ? Border G!te4!> Proto3ol (BGP" and BGP1? 'e)ense Communi3!tions Net4or5 Lo3!lNet4or5 Proto3ol (HELLO"? O7en S=ortest P!t= First (OSPF" ? Intermedi!te S>stem to Intermedi!te S>stem (ISIS" ? and Internet Control $ess!e Proto3ol (IC$P !nd IC$P."@&outer 'is3oer> routin- protocols simultaneousl+> In addition? the !ted daemon supports the Sim7le Net4or5 $!n!ement Proto3ol (SN$P" > The routed daemon onl+ supports &outin In)orm!tion Proto3ol >
,outin- daemons can operate in one o3 two modes? passive or active? dependin- upon the options +ou use when startin- the daemons> In actie mode? routin- daemons both broadcast routin- in3ormation periodicall+ about their local networ! to -atewa+s and hosts? and receie routin- in3ormation 3rom hosts and -atewa+s> In passie mode? routin- daemons receie routin- in3ormation 3rom hosts and -atewa+s? but do not attempt to !eep remote -atewa+s updated &the+ do not adertise their own routin- in3ormation$>
These two t+pes o3 routin- can be used not onl+ 3or -atewa+s? but 3or other hosts on a networ! as well> Static routin- wor!s the same 3or -atewa+s as 3or other hosts> D+namic routin- daemons? howeer? must be run in the passie &=uiet$ mode when run on a host that is not a -atewa+> Pro3edure8 • • •
Dra- and drop re=uired number o3 C9s on screen> 'ssi-n static I to . C9s 'ssi-n d+namic I address to . C9s: o Double Clic! on C h+sical Switch o33 CU ,emoe Existin- ort Dra-
and drop port aailable 3or wireless Switch on CU> o 'lso C Con3i-uration 0ast Ethernet D2C Chec! data transmission and reception and in- the Cs in the command prompt>
Sn!7s=ot o) E67eriment ?
&esult8 Data pac!ets were sent and receied success3ull+>
Use ac!et Tracer to practice the 3ollowin- s!ills: •
Completin- router con3i-uration> Con3i-ure a router to use networ! address translation &N'T$ to conert internal I addresses into outside public I addresses>
'n IS has allocated a compan+ the public classless interdomain routin- &CID,$ I address #55>55>5>*(*7> This is e=uialent to ( public I addresses> Since the compan+ has an internal re=uirement 3or more than ( addresses? the IT mana-er has decided to implement N'T with oerload> ,outin- will be done between the IS and the -atewa+ router used b+ the compan+> ' static route will be used between the IS and -atewa+ routers and a de3ault route will be used between the -atewa+ router and the IS> The IS connection to the Internet will be represented b+ a loopbac! address on the IS router>
Pro3edure8 Ste7 *
Usin- the C%I? con3i-ure the routers with the 3ollowin- I addresses: &Set the cloc! rate to "/777 on the appropriate inter3aces>$ IS Serial 77 (77>(>(>#1 *7 IS&con3i-$Ainter3ace Serial 77 IS&con3i-6i3$Aip address (77>(>(>#1 ("">("">("">("( IS&con3i-6i3$Acloc! rate "/777 IS&con3i-6i3$Ano shutdown atewa+ Serial 77 (77>(>(>#4 *7
atewa+&con3i-$Ainter3ace Serial 77 atewa+&con3i-6i3$Aip address (77>(>(>#4 ("">("">("">("( atewa+&con3i-6i3$Ano shutdown atewa+ 0astEthernet 77 #7>#7>#7># (. atewa+&con3i-$Ainter3ace 0astEthernet 77 atewa+&con3i-6i3$Aip address #7>#7>#7># ("">("">("">7 atewa+&con3i-6i3$Ano shutdown Con3i-ure the hosts as 3ollows: C7 #7>#7>#7>( (. I address #7>#7>#7>(? Subnet Mas! ("">("">("">7? De3ault atewa+ #7>#7>#7># C# #7>#7>#7>* (. I address #7>#7>#7>*? Subnet Mas! ("">("">("">7? De3ault atewa+ #7>#7>#7># Ste7 0
Create a static route 3rom the IS to the atewa+ router> 'ddresses in the #55>55>5>*(*7 space hae been allocated 3or Internet access> Use the i7 route command to create the static route> IS&con3i-$Aip route #55>55>5>*( ("">("">("">("( (77>(>(>#4 Ste7 ?
Create a de3ault route 3rom the atewa+ router to the IS router> This will 3orward an+ un!nown destination address tra33ic to the IS b+ settin- a atewa+ o3 %ast ,esort on the atewa+ router> atewa+&con3i-$Aip route 7>7>7>7 7>7>7>7 (77>(>(>#1 Tr+ to reach all addresses usin- pin- 3rom one o3 the hosts> The host will not be able to success3ull+ pin- the IS Serial inter3ace> )h+ does this pin- 3ail The echo6 re=uest 3rom the C will reach the IS> The source address 3or the echo6re=uest will be #7>#7>#7>x because the N'T con3i-uration has not occurred> 2oweer? the IS has no routin- table entr+ 3or the #7>7>7>7 networ!F there3ore the IS will not send an echo6repl+>
Ste7 1
Gn the atewa+ router de3ine the pool o3 public addresses? use the i7 n!t 7ool command? name it Hpublic6accessH and assi-n the useable addresses 3or the pool #55>55>5>*( *7> atewa+&con3i-$Aip nat pool public6access #55>55>5>** #55>55>5>*. netmas! ("">("">("">("(
Ste7 -
De3ine a standard access list &use H#H as the 'C% number$ that will de3ine the hosts needin- address translation> atewa+&con3i-$Aaccess6list # permit #7>#7>#7>7 7>7>7>("" Ste7 .
De3ine the N'T translation 3rom inside list to outside pool &oerload the inter3ace$> atewa+&con3i-$Aip nat inside source list # pool public6access oerload Ste7 D
Speci3+ the N'T inter3aces on the atewa+ router> atewa+&con3i-$Ainter3ace serial77 atewa+&con3i-6i3$Aip nat outside atewa+&con3i-6i3$Ainter3ace 3astethernet 77 atewa+&con3i-6i3$Aip nat inside
Ste7 /
Test the con3i-uration> The hosts should now be able to success3ull+ pin- all the inter3aces on each router>
&e9uirements8 •
Simulate a campus area networ! 3or wor!-roups belon-in- to di33erent subnet>
Cisco ac!et tracer •
End S+stems C
2ubs 2UB6T
,outer #4.#(/(7M
' campus area networ! &C'N$ is a networ! o3 multiple interconnected local area networ!s &%'N$ in a limited -eo-raphical area> ' C'N is smaller than a wide area networ! &)'N$ or metropolitan area networ! &M'N$> ' C'N is also !nown as a corporate area networ! &C'N$> In most cases? C'Ns own shared networ! deices and data exchan-e media> C'N bene3its are as 3ollows:
Cost6e33ectie )ireless? ersus cable
Multidepartmental networ! access
Sin-le shared data trans3er rate &DT,$
Pro3edure8 • • • • • • •
Dra- and drop re=uired number o3 C9s on screen 'ssi-n static I to C9s and con3i-ure -atewa+s Con3i-ure 3ast Ethernet port in ,outers Con3i-ure serial I ports in ,outers Set the cloc! rate to "/777 Con3i-ure ,I protocol addresses properl+ Chec! data transmission and reception and in- the Cs in the command prompt>
'esin S3en!rio8
Sn!7s=ot o) CAN Simul!tion
It lets +ou see whats happeninon +our networ! at a microscopic leel> It is the de 3acto &and o3ten de 8ure$ standard across man+ industries and educational institutions> )ireshar! deelopment thries than!s to the contributions o3 networ!in- experts across the -lobe> It is the continuation o3 a pro8ect that started in #554>
)ireshar! has a rich 3eature set which includes the 3ollowin-: •
Deep inspection o3 hundreds o3 protocols? with more bein- added all the time
%ie capture and o33line anal+sis
Standard three6pane pac!et browser
Multi6plat3orm: ,uns on )indows? %inux? GS J? Solaris? 0reeBSD? NetBSD? and man+ others
Captured networ! data can be browsed ia a UI? or ia the TTY6mode TShar! utilit+
The most power3ul displa+ 3ilters in the industr+
,ich KoI anal+sis
,eadwrite man+ di33erent capture 3ile 3ormats: tcpdump &libpcap$? cap N? Catapult DCT(777? Cisco Secure IDS iplo-? Microso3t Networ! Monitor? Networ! eneral Sni33erL &compressed and uncompressed$? Sni33erL ro? and NetJra+L? Networ! Instruments Gbserer? NetScreen snoop? Noell %'Nal+@er? ,'DCGM )'N%'N 'nal+@er? Shomiti0inisar Sure+or? Te!tronix #(xx? Kisual Networ!s Kisual UpTime? )ildac!ets Etheree!To!enee!'iroee!? and man+ others Capture 3iles compressed with -@ip can be decompressed on the 3l+ %ie data can be read 3rom Ethernet? IEEE 47(>##? 2D%C? 'TM? Bluetooth? USB? To!en ,in-? 0rame ,ela+? 0DDI? and others &dependin- on +our plat3orm$ Decr+ption support 3or man+ protocols? includin- Isec? IS'M? erberos? SNM*? SS%T%S? )E? and )')'(
Colorin- rules can be applied to the pac!et list 3or =uic!? intuitie anal+sis
Gutput can be exported to JM%? ostScriptL? CSK? or plain text
“Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand.” Chinese proerb
Gne9s understandin- o3 networ! protocols can o3ten be -reatl+ deepened b+ ;seein- protocols in action< and b+ ;pla+in- around with protocols< obserin- the se=uence o3 messa-es exchan-ed between two protocol entities? delin- down into the details o3 protocol operation? and causin- protocols to per3orm certain actions and then obserin- these actions and their conse=uences> This can be done in simulated scenarios or in a ;real< networ! enironment such as the Internet> In the )ireshar! labs +ou9ll be doin- in this course? +ou9ll be runninarious networ! applications in di33erent scenarios usin- +our own computer &or +ou can borrow a 3riendsF let me !now i3 +ou don9t hae access to a computer where +ou can installrun )ireshar!$> You9ll obsere the networ! protocols in +our computer ;in action?< interactin- and exchan-in- messa-es with protocol entities executin- elsewhere in the Internet> Thus? +ou and +our computer will be an inte-ral part o3 these ;lie< labs> You9ll obsere? and +ou9ll learn? b+ doin->
In this 3irst )ireshar! lab? +ou9ll -et ac=uainted with )ireshar!? and ma!e some simple pac!et captures and obserations>
The basic tool 3or obserin- the messa-es exchan-ed between executin- protocol entities is called a 7!35et sni))er > 's the name su--ests? a pac!et sni33er captures &;sni33s<$ messa-es bein- sentreceied 3romb+ +our computerF it will also t+picall+ store andor displa+ the contents o3 the arious protocol 3ields in these captured messa-es> ' pac!et sni33er itsel3 is passie> It obseres messa-es bein- sent and receied b+ applications and protocols runninon +our computer? but neer sends pac!ets itsel3> Similarl+? receied pac!ets are neer explicitl+ addressed to the pac!et sni33er> Instead? a pac!et sni33er receies a copy o3 pac!ets that are sentreceied 3romb+ application and protocols executin- on +our machine>
0i-ure # shows the structure o3 a pac!et sni33er> 't the ri-ht o3 0i-ure # are the protocols &in this case? Internet protocols$ and applications &such as a web browser or 3tp client$ that normall+ run on +our computer> The pac!et sni33er? shown within the dashed rectan-le in 0i-ure # is an addition to the usual so3tware in +our computer? and consists o3 two parts> The 7!35et 3!7ture li;r!r> receies a cop+ o3 eer+ lin!6la+er 3rame that is sent 3rom or receied b+ +our computer> ,ecall 3rom the discussion 3rom section #>" in the text &0i-ure
#>(.#$ that messa-es exchan-ed b+ hi-her la+er protocols such as 2TT? 0T? TC? UD? DNS? or I all are eentuall+ encapsulated in lin!6la+er 3rames that are transmitted oer ph+sical media such as an Ethernet cable> In 0i-ure #? the assumed ph+sical media is an Ethernet? and so all upper6la+er protocols are eentuall+ encapsulated within an Ethernet 3rame> Capturin- all lin!6la+er 3rames thus -ies +ou all messa-es sentreceied 3romb+ all protocols and applications executin- in +our computer>
The second component o3 a pac!et sni33er is the 7!35et !n!l>er ? which displa+s the contents o3 all 3ields within a protocol messa-e> In order to do so? the pac!et anal+@er must ;understand< the structure o3 all messa-es exchan-ed b+ protocols> 0or example? suppose we are interested in displa+in- the arious 3ields in messa-es exchan-ed b+ the 2TT protocol in 0i-ure #> The pac!et anal+@er understands the 3ormat o3 Ethernet 3rames? and so can identi3+ the I data-ram within an Ethernet 3rame> It also understands the I data-ram 3ormat? so that it can extract the TC se-ment within the I data-ram> 0inall+? it understands the TC se-ment structure? so it can extract the 2TT messa-e contained in the TC se-ment> 0inall+? it understands the 2TT protocol and so? 3or example? !nows that the 3irst b+tes o3 an 2TT messa-e will contain the strin- ;ET?< ;GST?< or ;2E'D?< as shown in 0i-ure (>4 in the text> )e will be usin- the )ireshar! pac!et sni33er http:www>wireshar!>or-O 3or these labs? allowin- us to displa+ the contents o3 messa-es bein- sentreceied 3romb+ protocols at di33erent leels o3 the protocol stac!> &Technicall+ spea!in-? )ireshar! is a pac!et anal+@er that uses a pac!et capture librar+ in +our computer$> )ireshar! is a 3ree networ! protocol anal+@er that runs on )indows? %inuxUnix? and Mac computers> It9s an ideal pac!et anal+@er 3or our labs it is stable? has a lar-e user base and well6documented support that includes a user6-uide &http:www>wireshar!>or-docswsu-PhtmlPchun!ed$? man pa-es #
,e3erences to 3i-ures and sections are 3or the / th edition o3 our text? Computer Networks ! Top"down !pproach # th ed. $.%. &urose and &.'. (oss !ddison" 'esley)*earson +,-+.
&http:www>wireshar!>or-docsman6pa-es$? and a detailed 0'Q &http:www>wireshar!>or-3a=>html$? rich 3unctionalit+ that includes the capabilit+ to anal+@e hundreds o3 protocols? and a well6desi-ned user inter3ace> It operates in computers usinEthernet? serial & and S%I$? 47(>## wireless %'Ns? and man+ other lin!6la+er technolo-ies &i3 the GS on which its runnin- allows )ireshar! to do so$>
ettin- )ireshar!
In order to run )ireshar!? +ou will need to hae access to a computer that supports both )ireshar! and the libpcap or 'in*Cap pac!et capture librar+> The libpcap so3tware will be installed 3or +ou? i3 it is not installed within +our operatin- s+stem? when +ou install )ireshar!> See http:www>wireshar!>or-download>html 3or a list o3 supported operatins+stems and download sites
Download and install the )ireshar! so3tware: •
o to http:www>wireshar!>or-download>html and download and install the )ireshar! binar+ 3or +our computer>
The )ireshar! 0'Q has a number o3 help3ul hints and interestin- tidbits o3 in3ormation? particularl+ i3 +ou hae trouble installin- or runnin- )ireshar!>
,unnin- )ireshar!
)hen +ou run the )ireshar! pro-ram? +ou9ll -et a startup screen? as shown below:
Fiure 08 Initial )ireshar! Screen
Ta!e a loo! at the upper le3t hand side o3 the screen +ou9ll see an ;Inter3ace list<> This is the list o3 networ! inter3aces on +our computer> Gnce +ou choose an inter3ace? )ireshar! will capture all pac!ets on that inter3ace> In the example aboe? there is an Ethernet inter3ace &i-abit networ! Connection$ and a wireless inter3ace &;Microso3t<$>
I3 +ou clic! on one o3 these inter3aces to start pac!et capture &i>e>? 3or )ireshar! to be-in capturin- all pac!ets bein- sent to3rom that inter3ace$? a screen li!e the one below will be displa+ed? showin- in3ormation about the pac!ets bein- captured> Gnce +ou start pac!et capture? +ou can stop it b+ usin- the Capture pull down menu and selectin- Stop>
The )ireshar! inter3ace has 3ie ma8or components: •
The 3omm!nd menus are standard pulldown menus located at the top o3 the window> G3 interest to us now are the 0ile and Capture menus> The 0ile menu allows +ou to sae captured pac!et data or open a 3ile containin- preiousl+ captured pac!et data? and exit the )ireshar! application> The Capture menu allows +ou to be-in pac!et capture>
The 7!35etlistin 4indo4 displa+s a one6line summar+ 3or each pac!et captured? includin- the pac!et number &assi-ned b+ )ireshar!F this is not a pac!et number contained in an+ protocol9s header$? the time at which the pac!et was captured? the pac!et9s source and destination addresses? the protocol t+pe? and protocol6speci3ic in3ormation contained in the pac!et> The pac!et listin- can be sorted accordin- to an+ o3 these cate-ories b+ clic!in- on a column name> The protocol t+pe 3ield lists the hi-hest6leel protocol that sent or receied this pac!et? i>e>? the protocol that is the source or ultimate sin! 3or this pac!et> The 7!35et=e!der det!ils 4indo4 proides details about the pac!et selected &hi-hli-hted$ in the pac!et6listin- window> &To select a pac!et in the pac!et6listinwindow? place the cursor oer the pac!et9s one6line summar+ in the pac!et6listinwindow and clic! with the le3t mouse button>$> These details include in3ormation about the Ethernet 3rame &assumin- the pac!et was sentreceied oer an Ethernet inter3ace$ and I data-ram that contains this pac!et> The amount o3 Ethernet and I6 la+er detail displa+ed can be expanded or minimi@ed b+ clic!in- on the plus minus boxes to the le3t o3 the Ethernet 3rame or I data-ram line in the pac!et details window> I3 the pac!et has been carried oer TC or UD? TC or UD details will also be displa+ed? which can similarl+ be expanded or minimi@ed> 0inall+? details about the hi-hest6leel protocol that sent or receied this pac!et are also proided> The 7!35et3ontents 4indo4 displa+s the entire contents o3 the captured 3rame? in both 'SCII and hexadecimal 3ormat> Towards the top o3 the )ireshar! -raphical user inter3ace? is the 7!35et dis7l!> )ilter )ield, into which a protocol name or other in3ormation can be entered in order to 3ilter the in3ormation displa+ed in the pac!et6listin- window &and hence the pac!et6header and pac!et6contents windows$> In the example below? we9ll use the pac!et6displa+ 3ilter 3ield to hae )ireshar! hide ¬ displa+$ pac!ets except those that correspond to 2TT messa-es>
Ta!in- )ireshar! 3or a Test ,un
The best wa+ to learn about an+ new piece o3 so3tware is to tr+ it outR )e9ll assume that +our computer is connected to the Internet ia a wired Ethernet inter3ace> Indeed? I recommend that +ou do this 3irst lab on a computer that has a wired Ethernet connection? rather than 8ust a wireless connection> Do the 3ollowin-
#> Start up +our 3aorite web browser? which will displa+ +our selected homepa-e>
(> Start up the )ireshar! so3tware> You will initiall+ see a window similar to that shown in 0i-ure (> )ireshar! has not +et be-un capturin- pac!ets>
*> To be-in pac!et capture? select the Capture pull down menu and select Interfaces. This will cause the ;)ireshar!: Capture Inter3aces< window to be displa+ed? as shown in 0i-ure .>
Fiure 18 )ireshar! Capture Inter3ace )indow
.> You9ll see a list o3 the inter3aces on +our computer as well as a count o3 the pac!ets that hae been obsered on that inter3ace so 3ar> Clic! on Start 3or the inter3ace on which +ou want to be-in pac!et capture &in the case? the i-abit networ! Connection$> ac!et capture will now be-in 6 )ireshar! is now capturin- all pac!ets bein- sentreceied 3romb+ +our computerR
"> Gnce +ou be-in pac!et capture? a window similar to that shown in 0i-ure * will appear> This window shows the pac!ets bein- captured> B+ selectin- Capture pulldown menu and selectin- Stop? +ou can stop pac!et capture> But don9t stop pac!et capture +et> %et9s capture some interestin- pac!ets 3irst> To do so? we9ll need to -enerate some networ! tra33ic> %et9s do so usin- a web browser? which will use the 2TT protocol that we will stud+ in detail in class to download content 3rom a website>
/> )hile )ireshar! is runnin-? enter the U,%: http:-aia>cs>umass>eduwireshar!6labsINT,G6wireshar!63ile#>html and hae that pa-e displa+ed in +our browser> In order to displa+ this pa-e? +our browser will contact the 2TT serer at -aia>cs>umass>edu and exchan-e 2TT messa-es with the serer in order to download this pa-e? as discussed in section (>( o3
the text> The Ethernet 3rames containin- these 2TT messa-es &as well as all other 3rames passin- throu-h +our Ethernet adapter$ will be captured b+ )ireshar!>
1> '3ter +our browser has displa+ed the INT,G6wireshar!63ile#>html pa-e &it is a simple one line o3 con-ratulations$? stop )ireshar! pac!et capture b+ selectin- stop in the )ireshar! capture window> The main )ireshar! window should now loo! similar to 0i-ure *> You now hae lie pac!et data that contains all protocol messa-es exchan-ed between +our computer and other networ! entitiesR The 2TT messa-e exchan-es with the -aia>cs>umass>edu web serer should appear somewhere in the listin- o3 pac!ets captured> But there will be man+ other t+pes o3 pac!ets displa+ed as well &see? e>->? the man+ di33erent protocol t+pes shown in the *rotocol column in 0i-ure *$> Een thou-h the onl+ action +ou too! was to download a web pa-e? there were eidentl+ man+ other protocols runnin- on +our computer that are unseen b+ the user> )e9ll learn much more about these protocols as we pro-ress throu-h the textR 0or now? +ou should 8ust be aware that there is o3ten much more -oin- on than ;meet9s the e+e
4> T+pe in ;http< &without the =uotes? and in lower case all protocol names are in lower case in )ireshar!$ into the displa+ 3ilter speci3ication window at the top o3 the main )ireshar! window> Then select !pply &to the ri-ht o3 where +ou entered ;http<$> This will cause onl+ 2TT messa-e to be displa+ed in the pac!et6listin- window>
5> 0ind the 2TT ET messa-e that was sent 3rom +our computer to the -aia>cs>umass>edu 2TT serer> &%oo! 3or an 2TT ET messa-e in the ;listin- o3 captured pac!ets< portion o3 the )ireshar! window &see 0i-ure *$ that shows ;ET< 3ollowed b+ the -aia>cs>umass>edu U,% that +ou entered> )hen +ou select the 2TT ET messa-e? the Ethernet 3rame? I data-ram? TC se-ment? and 2TT messa-e header in3ormation will be displa+ed in the pac!et6header window(> B+ clic!in- on 9 and 6 ri-ht6pointin- and down6pointin- arrowheads to the le3t side o3 the pac!et details window? minimie the amount o3 0rame? Ethernet? Internet rotocol? and Transmission Control rotocol in3ormation displa+ed> /a0imie the amount in3ormation displa+ed about the 2TT protocol> Your )ireshar! displa+ should now loo! rou-hl+ as shown in 0i-ure "> &Note? in particular? the minimi@ed amount o3 protocol in3ormation 3or all protocols except 2TT? and the maximi@ed amount o3 protocol in3ormation 3or 2TT in the pac!et6header window$>
,ecall that the 2TT ET messa-e that is sent to the -aia>cs>umass>edu web serer is contained within a TC se-ment? which is contained &encapsulated$ in an I data-ram? which is encapsulated in an Ethernet 3rame> I3 this process o3 encapsulation isn9t =uite clear +et? reiew section #>" in the text
#7> Exit )ireshar!
Con-ratulationsR You9e now completed the 3irst lab>
Fiure -8 )ireshar! window a3ter step 5
The -oal o3 this 3irst lab was primaril+ to introduce +ou to )ireshar!> The 3ollowin=uestions will demonstrate that +ou9e been able to -et )ireshar! up and runnin-? and hae explored some o3 its capabilities> 'nswer the 3ollowin- =uestions? based on +our )ireshar! experimentation:
#> %ist * di33erent protocols that appear in the protocol column in the un3iltered pac!et6 listin- window in step 1 aboe> (> 2ow lon- did it ta!e 3rom when the 2TT ET messa-e was sent until the 2TT G repl+ was receied &B+ de3ault? the alue o3 the Time column in the pac!et6listinwindow is the amount o3 time? in seconds? since )ireshar! tracin- be-an> To displa+
the Time 3ield in time6o36da+ 3ormat? select the )ireshar! 1iew pull down menu? then select Time 2isplay %ormat ? then select Time"of"day >$ *> )hat is the Internet address o3 the -aia>cs>umass>edu &also !nown as www6 net>cs>umass>edu$ )hat is the Internet address o3 +our computer .> rint the two 2TT messa-es &ET and G$ re3erred to in =uestion ( aboe> To do so? select *rint 3rom the )ireshar! %ile command menu? and select the ;Selected *acket 3nly” and “*rint as displayed” radial buttons? and then clic! G>
*: T=e B!si3 HTTP GET@res7onse inter!3tion
%et9s be-in our exploration o3 2TT b+ downloadin- a er+ simple 2TM% 3ile 6 one that is er+ short? and contains no embedded ob8ects> Do the 3ollowin-: #> Start up +our web browser> (> Start up the )ireshar! pac!et sni33er? as described in the Introductor+ lab &but don9t +et be-in pac!et capture$> Enter ;http< &8ust the letters? not the =uotation mar!s$ in the displa+63ilter6speci3ication window? so that onl+ captured 2TT messa-es will be displa+ed later in the pac!et6listin- window> &)e9re onl+ interested in the 2TT protocol here? and don9t want to see the clutter o3 all captured pac!ets$> *> )ait a bit more than one minute &we9ll see wh+ shortl+$? and then be-in )ireshar! pac!et capture> .> Enter the 3ollowinto +our http:-aia>cs>umass>eduwireshar!6labs2TT6wireshar!63ile#>html Your browser should displa+ the er+ simple? one6line 2TM% 3ile>
"> Stop )ireshar! pac!et capture>
Your )ireshar! window should loo! similar to the window shown in 0i-ure #> I3 +ou are unable to run )ireshar! on a lie networ! connection? +ou can download a pac!et trace that was created when the steps aboe were 3ollowed>*
Download the @ip 3ile http:-aia>cs>umass>eduwireshar!6labswireshar!6traces>@ip and extract the 3ile http6 ethereal6trace6#> The traces in this @ip 3ile were collected b+ )ireshar! runnin- on one o3 the author9s computers? while per3ormin- the steps indicated in the )ireshar! lab> Gnce +ou hae downloaded the trace? +ou can load it into )ireshar! and iew the trace usin- the %ile pull down menu? choosin- 3pen? and then selectinthe http6ethereal6trace6# trace 3ile> The resultin- displa+ should loo! similar to 0i-ure #> &The )ireshar! user inter3ace displa+s 8ust a bit di33erentl+ on di33erent operatin- s+stems? and in di33erent ersions o3 )ireshar!$>
0i-ure #: )ireshar! Displa+ a3ter http:-aia>cs>umass>eduwireshar!6labs 2TT6wireshar!6 3ile#>html has been retrieed b+ +our browser
The example in 0i-ure # shows in the pac!et6listin- window that two 2TT messa-es were captured: the ET messa-e &3rom +our browser to the -aia>cs>umass>edu web serer$ and the response messa-e 3rom the serer to +our browser> The pac!et6contents window shows details o3 the selected messa-e &in this case the 2TT G messa-e? which is hi-hli-hted in the pac!et6listin- window$> ,ecall that since the 2TT messa-e was carried inside a TC se-ment? which was carried inside an I data-ram? which was carried within an Ethernet 3rame? )ireshar! displa+s the 0rame? Ethernet? I? and TC pac!et in3ormation as well> )e want to minimi@e the amount o3 non62TT data displa+ed &we9re interested in 2TT here? and will be inesti-atin- these other protocols is later labs$? so ma!e sure the boxes at the 3ar le3t o3 the 0rame? Ethernet? I and TC in3ormation hae a plus si-n or a ri-ht6pointintrian-le &which means there is hidden? undispla+ed in3ormation$? and the 2TT line has a minus si-n or a down6pointin- trian-le &which means that all in3ormation about the 2TT messa-e is displa+ed$>
& Note4 You should i-nore an+ 2TT ET and response 3or 3aicon>ico> I3 +ou see a re3erence to this 3ile? it is +our browser automaticall+ as!in- the serer i3 it &the serer$ has a small icon 3ile that should be displa+ed next to the displa+ed U,% in +our browser> )e9ll i-nore re3erences to this pes!+ 3ile in this lab>$>
B+ loo!in- at the in3ormation in the 2TT ET and response messa-es? answer the 3ollowin- =uestions> )hen answerin- the 3ollowin- =uestions? +ou should print out the ET and response messa-es &see the introductor+ )ireshar! lab 3or an explanation o3 how to do this$ and indicate where in the messa-e +ou9e 3ound the in3ormation that answers the 3ollowin- =uestions> )hen +ou hand in +our assi-nment? annotate the output so that it9s clear where in the output +ou9re -ettin- the in3ormation 3or +our answer &e>->? 3or our classes? we as! that students mar!up paper copies with a pen? or annotate electronic copies with text in a colored 3ont$> #> Is +our browser runnin- 2TT ersion #>7 or #># )hat ersion o3 2TT is the serer runnin- (> )hat lan-ua-es &i3 an+$ does +our browser indicate that it can accept to the serer *> )hat is the I address o3 +our computer G3 the -aia>cs>umass>edu serer .> )hat is the status code returned 3rom the serer to +our browser "> )hen was the 2TM% 3ile that +ou are retriein- last modi3ied at the serer /> 2ow man+ b+tes o3 content are bein- returned to +our browser 1> B+ inspectin- the raw data in the pac!et content window? do +ou see an+ headers within the data that are not displa+ed in the pac!et6listin- window I3 so? name one>
In +our answer to =uestion " aboe? +ou mi-ht hae been surprised to 3ind that the document +ou 8ust retrieed was last modi3ied within a minute be3ore +ou downloaded the document> That9s because &3or this particular 3ile$? the -aia>cs>umass>edu serer is settin- the 3ile9s last6 modi3ied time to be the current time? and is doin- so once per minute> Thus? i3 +ou wait a minute between accesses? the 3ile will appear to hae been recentl+ modi3ied? and hence +our browser will download a ;new< cop+ o3 the document>
0: T=e HTTP CON'ITIONAL GET@res7onse inter!3tion
,ecall 3rom Section (>(>/ o3 the text? that most web browsers per3orm ob8ect cachin- and thus per3orm a conditional ET when retriein- an 2TT ob8ect> Be3ore per3ormin- the steps below? ma!e sure +our browser9s cache is empt+> &To do this under 0ire3ox? select Tools" 5Clear (ecent 6istory and chec! the Cache box? or 3or Internet Explorer? select Tools" 5Internet 3ptions"52elete %ile7 these actions will remoe cached 3iles 3rom +our browser9s cache>$ Now do the 3ollowin-: •
Start up +our web browser? and ma!e sure +our browser9s cache is cleared? as discussed aboe>
Start up the )ireshar! pac!et sni33er Enter the 3ollowinU,% into +our http:-aia>cs>umass>eduwireshar!6labs2TT6wireshar!63ile(>html Your browser should displa+ a er+ simple 3ie6line 2TM% 3ile>
Quic!l+ enter the same U,% into +our browser a-ain &or simpl+ select the re3resh button on +our browser$ Stop )ireshar! pac!et capture? and enter ;http< in the displa+63ilter6speci3ication window? so that onl+ captured 2TT messa-es will be displa+ed later in the pac!et6 listin- window> & Note4 I3 +ou are unable to run )ireshar! on a lie networ! connection? +ou can use the http6ethereal6trace6( pac!et trace to answer the =uestions belowF see 3ootnote #> This trace 3ile was -athered while per3ormin- the steps aboe on one o3 the author9s computers>$
'nswer the 3ollowin- =uestions: 4> Inspect the contents o3 the 3irst 2TT ET re=uest 3rom +our browser to the serer> Do +ou see an ;I06MGDI0IED6SINCE< line in the 2TT ET 5> Inspect the contents o3 the serer response> Did the serer explicitl+ return the contents o3 the 3ile 2ow can +ou tell #7> Now inspect the contents o3 the second 2TT ET re=uest 3rom +our browser to the serer> Do +ou see an ;I06MGDI0IED6SINCE:< line in the 2TT ET I3 so? what in3ormation 3ollows the ;I06MGDI0IED6SINCE:< header ##> )hat is the 2TT status code and phrase returned 3rom the serer in response to this second 2TT ET Did the serer explicitl+ return the contents o3 the 3ile Explain>
?: &etriein Lon 'o3uments
In our examples thus 3ar? the documents retrieed hae been simple and short 2TM% 3iles> %et9s next see what happens when we download a lon- 2TM% 3ile> Do the 3ollowin-: •
Start up +our web browser? and ma!e sure +our browser9s cache is cleared? as discussed aboe>
Start up the )ireshar! pac!et sni33er Enter the 3ollowinU,% into +our http:-aia>cs>umass>eduwireshar!6labs2TT6wireshar!63ile*>html Your browser should displa+ the rather len-th+ US Bill o3 ,i-hts>
Stop )ireshar! pac!et capture? and enter ;http< in the displa+63ilter6speci3ication window? so that onl+ captured 2TT messa-es will be displa+ed> & Note4 I3 +ou are unable to run )ireshar! on a lie networ! connection? +ou can use the http6ethereal6trace6* pac!et trace to answer the =uestions belowF see 3ootnote #> This trace 3ile was -athered while per3ormin- the steps aboe on one o3 the author9s computers>$
In the pac!et6listin- window? +ou should see +our 2TT ET messa-e? 3ollowed b+ a multiple6pac!et TC response to +our 2TT ET re=uest> This multiple6pac!et response deseres a bit o3 explanation> ,ecall 3rom Section (>( &see 0i-ure (>5 in the text$ that the 2TT response messa-e consists o3 a status line? 3ollowed b+ header lines? 3ollowed b+ a blan! line? 3ollowed b+ the entit+ bod+> In the case o3 our 2TT ET? the entit+ bod+ in the response is the entire re=uested 2TM% 3ile> In our case here? the 2TM% 3ile is rather lon-? and at ."77 b+tes is too lar-e to 3it in one TC pac!et> The sin-le 2TT response messa-e is thus bro!en into seeral pieces b+ TC? with each piece bein- contained within a separate TC se-ment &see 0i-ure #>(. in the text$> In recent ersions o3 )ireshar!? )ireshar! indicates each TC se-ment as a separate pac!et? and the 3act that the sin-le 2TT response was 3ra-mented across multiple TC pac!ets is indicated b+ the ;TC se-ment o3 a reassembled DU< in the In3o column o3 the )ireshar! displa+> Earlier ersions o3 )ireshar! used the ;Continuation< phrase to indicated that the entire content o3 an 2TT messa-e was bro!en across multiple TC se-ments>> )e stress here that there is no ;Continuation< messa-e in 2TTR
'nswer the 3ollowin- =uestions: #(> 2ow man+ 2TT ET re=uest messa-es did +our browser send )hich pac!et number in the trace contains the ET messa-e 3or the Bill or ,i-hts #*> )hich pac!et number in the trace contains the status code and phrase associated with the response to the 2TT ET re=uest #.> )hat is the status code and phrase in the response #"> 2ow man+ data6containin- TC se-ments were needed to carr+ the sin-le 2TT response and the text o3 the Bill o3 ,i-hts
1: HT$L 'o3uments 4it= Em;edded O;e3ts
Now that we9e seen how )ireshar! displa+s the captured pac!et tra33ic 3or lar-e 2TM% 3iles? we can loo! at what happens when +our browser downloads a 3ile with embedded ob8ects? i>e>? a 3ile that includes other ob8ects &in the example below? ima-e 3iles$ that are stored on another serer&s$> Do the 3ollowin-: •
Start up +our web browser? and ma!e sure +our browser9s cache is cleared? as discussed aboe>
Start up the )ireshar! pac!et sni33er
http:-aia>cs>umass>eduwireshar!6labs2TT6wireshar!63ile.>html Your browser should displa+ a short 2TM% 3ile with two ima-es> These two ima-es are re3erenced in the base 2TM% 3ile> That is? the ima-es themseles are not contained in the 2TM%F instead the U,%s 3or the ima-es are contained in the downloaded 2TM% 3ile> 's discussed in the textboo!? +our browser will hae to retriee these lo-os 3rom the indicated web sites> Gur publisher9s lo-o is retrieed 3rom the www>aw6bc>com web site> The ima-e o3 the coer 3or our "th edition &one o3 our 3aorite coers$ is stored at the manic>cs>umass>edu serer> •
Stop )ireshar! pac!et capture? and enter ;http< in the displa+63ilter6speci3ication window? so that onl+ captured 2TT messa-es will be displa+ed>
& Note4 I3 +ou are unable to run )ireshar! on a lie networ! connection? +ou can use the http6ethereal6trace6. pac!et trace to answer the =uestions belowF see 3ootnote #> This trace 3ile was -athered while per3ormin- the steps aboe on one o3 the author9s computers>$
'nswer the 3ollowin- =uestions: #/> 2ow man+ 2TT ET re=uest messa-es did +our browser send To which Internet addresses were these ET re=uests sent #1> Can +ou tell whether +our browser downloaded the two ima-es seriall+? or whether the+ were downloaded 3rom the two web sites in parallel Explain>
- HTTP Aut=enti3!tion
0inall+? let9s tr+ isitin- a web site that is password6protected and examine the se=uence o3 2TT messa-e exchan-ed 3or such a site> The U,% http:-aia>cs>umass>eduwireshar!6labsprotectedPpa-es2TT6wireshar!63ile">html is password protected> The username is ;wireshar!6students< &without the =uotes$? and the password is ;networ!< &a-ain? without the =uotes$> So let9s access this ;secure< password6 protected site> Do the 3ollowin-: •
Ma!e sure +our browser9s cache is cleared? as discussed aboe? and close down +our browser> Then? start up +our browser Start up the )ireshar! pac!et sni33er Enter the 3ollowinU,% into +our browser http:-aia>cs>umass>eduwireshar!6labsprotectedPpa-es2TT6wireshar!63ile">html T+pe the re=uested user name and password into the pop up box> Stop )ireshar! pac!et capture? and enter ;http< in the displa+63ilter6speci3ication window? so that onl+ captured 2TT messa-es will be displa+ed later in the pac!et6 listin- window> & Note4 I3 +ou are unable to run )ireshar! on a lie networ! connection? +ou can use the http6ethereal6trace6" pac!et trace to answer the =uestions belowF see 3ootnote (> This trace 3ile was -athered while per3ormin- the steps aboe on one o3 the author9s computers>$
Now let9s examine the )ireshar! output> You mi-ht want to 3irst read up on 2TT authentication b+ reiewin- the eas+6to6read material on ;2TT 'ccess 'uthentication 0ramewor!< at http:3rontier>userland>comstoriesstor+,eader(#"5 'nswer the 3ollowin- =uestions: #4> )hat is the serer9s response &status code and phrase$ in response to the initial 2TT ET messa-e 3rom +our browser #5> )hen +our browser9s sends the 2TT ET messa-e 3or the second time? what new 3ield is included in the 2TT ET messa-e
The username &wireshar!6students$ and password &networ!$ that +ou entered are encoded in the strin- o3 characters &d(l+VJNoYJWr%JN7d),lbn,@Gm"ld2dcmsX$ 3ollowin- the ;'uthori@ation: Basic< header in the client9s 2TT ET messa-e> )hile it ma+ appear that +our username and password are encr+pted? the+ are simpl+ encoded in a 3ormat !nown as
Base/. 3ormat> The username and password are not encr+ptedR To see this? -o to http:www>motobit>comutilbase/.6decoder6encoder>asp and enter the base/.6encoded strin- d(l+VJNoYJWr%JN7d),lbn,@ and decode> 1oila8 You hae translated 3rom Base/. encodin- to 'SCII encodin-? and thus should see +our usernameR To iew the password? enter the remainder o3 the strin- Gm"ld2dcmsX and press decode> Since an+one can download a tool li!e )ireshar! and sni33 pac!ets ¬ 8ust their own$ passin- b+ their networ! adaptor? and an+one can translate 3rom Base/. to 'SCII &+ou 8ust did itR$? it should be clear to +ou that simple passwords on ))) sites are not secure unless additional measures are ta!en>
TCP *: C!7turin ! ;ul5 TCP tr!ns)er )rom >our 3om7uter to ! remote serer
Be3ore be-innin- our exploration o3 TC? we9ll need to use )ireshar! to obtain a pac!et trace o3 the TC trans3er o3 a 3ile 3rom +our computer to a remote serer> You9ll do so b+ accessina )eb pa-e that will allow +ou to enter the name o3 a 3ile stored on +our computer &which contains the 'SCII text o3 !lice in 'onderland $? and then trans3er the 3ile to a )eb serer usin- the 2TT GST method &see section (>(>* in the text$> )e9re usin- the GST method rather than the ET method as we9d li!e to trans3er a lar-e amount o3 data from +our computer to another computer> G3 course? we9ll be runnin- )ireshar! durin- this time to obtain the trace o3 the TC se-ments sent and receied 3rom +our computer>
Do the 3ollowin-: •
Start up +our web browser> o the http:-aia>cs>umass>eduwireshar!6labsalice>txt and retriee an 'SCII cop+ o3 !lice in 'onderland. Store this 3ile somewhere on +our computer> Next -o to http:-aia>cs>umass>eduwireshar!6labsTC6wireshar!63ile#>html> You should see a screen that loo!s li!e:
Use the 9rowse button in this 3orm to enter the name o3 the 3ile &3ull path name$ on +our computer containin- !lice in 'onderland &or do so manuall+$> Don9t +et press the ;:pload alice.t0t file < button> Now start up )ireshar! and be-in pac!et capture ;Capture"5Start< and then press 3& on the )ireshar! ac!et Capture Gptions screen &we9ll not need to select an+ options here$> ,eturnin- to +our browser? press the ;:pload alice.t0t file< button to upload the 3ile to the -aia>cs>umass>edu serer> Gnce the 3ile has been uploaded? a short con-ratulations messa-e will be displa+ed in +our browser window> Stop )ireshar! pac!et capture> Your )ireshar! window should loo! similar to the window shown below>
I3 +ou are unable to run )ireshar! on a lie networ! connection? +ou can download a pac!et trace 3ile that was captured while 3ollowin- the steps aboe on one o3 the author9s
computers.> You ma+ well 3ind it aluable to download this trace een i3 +ou9e captured +our own trace and use it? as well as +our own trace? when +ou explore the =uestions below>
0: A )irst loo5 !t t=e 3!7tured tr!3e
Be3ore anal+@in- the behaior o3 the TC connection in detail? let9s ta!e a hi-h leel iew o3 the trace> •
0irst? 3ilter the pac!ets displa+ed in the )ireshar! window b+ enterin- ;tcp< &lowercase? no =uotes? and don9t 3or-et to press return a3ter enterin-R$ into the displa+ 3ilter speci3ication window towards the top o3 the )ireshar! window>
)hat +ou should see is series o3 TC and 2TT messa-es between +our computer and -aia>cs>umass>edu> You should see the initial three6wa+ handsha!e containin- a SYN messa-e> You should see an 2TT GST messa-e> Dependin- on the ersion o3 )ireshar! +ou are usin-? +ou mi-ht see a series o3 ;2TT Continuation< messa-es bein- sent 3rom +our computer to -aia>cs>umass>edu> ,ecall 3rom our discussion in the earlier 2TT )ireshar! lab? that is no such thin- as an 2TT Continuation messa-e this is )ireshar!9s wa+ o3 indicatin- that there are multiple TC se-ments bein- used to carr+ a sin-le 2TT messa-e> In more recent ersions o3 )ireshar!? +ou9ll see ;TC se-ment o3 a reassembled DUO< in the In3o column o3 the )ireshar! displa+ to indicate that this TC se-ment contained data that belon-ed to an upper la+er protocol messa-e &in our case here? 2TT$> You should also see TC 'C se-ments bein- returned 3rom -aia>cs>umass>edu to +our computer>
'nswer the 3ollowin- =uestions? b+ openin- the )ireshar! captured pac!et 3ile tcp"ethereal" trace"- in http:-aia>cs>umass>eduwireshar!6labswireshar!6traces>@ip &that is download the trace and open that trace in )ireshar!F see 3ootnote ($> )heneer possible? when answerin- a =uestion +ou should hand in a printout o3 the pac!et&s$ within the trace that +ou used to answer the =uestion as!ed> 'nnotate the printout" to explain +our answer> To print a pac!et? use %ile"5*rint ? choose Selected packet only? choose *acket summary line and select the minimum amount o3 pac!et detail that +ou need to answer the =uestion> #>
)hat is the I address and TC port number used b+ the client computer &source$ that is trans3errin- the 3ile to -aia>cs>umass>edu To answer this =uestion? it9s probabl+ easiest to select an 2TT messa-e and explore the details o3 the TC pac!et used to
Download the @ip 3ile http:-aia>cs>umass>eduwireshar!6labswireshar!6traces>@ip and extract the 3ile tcp6 ethereal6trace6#> The traces in this @ip 3ile were collected b+ )ireshar! runnin- on one o3 the author9s computers? while per3ormin- the steps indicated in the )ireshar! lab> Gnce +ou hae downloaded the trace? +ou can load it into )ireshar! and iew the trace usin- the %ile pull down menu? choosin- 3pen? and then selectinthe tcp6ethereal6trace6# trace 3ile> " )hat do we mean b+ ;annotate< I3 +ou hand in a paper cop+? please hi-hli-ht where in the printout +ou9e 3ound the answer and add some text &pre3erabl+ with a colored pen$ notin- what +ou 3ound in what +ou e hi-hli-ht> I3 +ou hand in an electronic cop+? it would be -reat i3 +ou could also hi-hli-ht and annotate>
carr+ this 2TT messa-e? usin- the ;details o3 the selected pac!et header window< &re3er to 0i-ure ( in the ;ettin- Started with )ireshar!< %ab i3 +ou9re uncertain about the )ireshar! windows> (>
)hat is the I address o3 -aia>cs>umass>edu Gn what port number is it sendin- and receiin- TC se-ments 3or this connection
I3 +ou hae been able to create +our own trace? answer the 3ollowin- =uestion: *>
)hat is the I address and TC port number used b+ +our client computer &source$ to trans3er the 3ile to -aia>cs>umass>edu
Since this lab is about TC rather than 2TT? let9s chan-e )ireshar!9s ;listin- o3 captured pac!ets< window so that it shows in3ormation about the TC se-ments containin- the 2TT messa-es? rather than about the 2TT messa-es> To hae )ireshar! do this? select !nalye" 5=nabled *rotocols. Then unchec! the 2TT box and select 3& > You should now see a )ireshar! window that loo!s li!e:
This is what we9re loo!in- 3or 6 a series o3 TC se-ments sent between +our computer and -aia>cs>umass>edu> )e will use the pac!et trace that +ou hae captured &andor the pac!et trace tcp"ethereal"trace"- in http:-aia>cs>umass>eduwireshar!6labswireshar!6traces>@ipF see earlier 3ootnote$ to stud+ TC behaior in the rest o3 this lab>
?: TCP B!si3s
'nswer the 3ollowin- =uestions 3or the TC se-ments: .>
)hat is the se=uence number o3 the TC SYN se-ment that is used to initiate the TC connection between the client computer and -aia>cs>umass>edu )hat is it in the se-ment that identi3ies the se-ment as a SYN se-ment
)hat is the se=uence number o3 the SYN'C se-ment sent b+ -aia>cs>umass>edu to the client computer in repl+ to the SYN )hat is the alue o3 the 'c!nowled-ement 3ield in the SYN'C se-ment 2ow did -aia>cs>umass>edu determine that alue )hat is it in the se-ment that identi3ies the se-ment as a SYN'C se-ment
)hat is the se=uence number o3 the TC se-ment containin- the 2TT GST command Note that in order to 3ind the GST command? +ou9ll need to di- into the pac!et content 3ield at the bottom o3 the )ireshar! window? loo!in- 3or a se-ment with a ;GST< within its D'T' 3ield>
Consider the TC se-ment containin- the 2TT GST as the 3irst se-ment in the TC connection> )hat are the se=uence numbers o3 the 3irst six se-ments in the TC connection &includin- the se-ment containin- the 2TT GST$ 't what time was each se-ment sent )hen was the 'C 3or each se-ment receied ien the di33erence between when each TC se-ment was sent? and when its ac!nowled-ement was receied? what is the ,TT alue 3or each o3 the six se-ments )hat is the Estimated,TT alue &see Section *>">*? pa-e (*5 in text$ a3ter the receipt o3 each 'C 'ssume that the alue o3 the Estimated,TT is e=ual to the measured ,TT 3or the 3irst se-ment? and then is computed usin- the Estimated,TT e=uation on pa-e (*5 3or all subse=uent se-ments>
Note4 )ireshar! has a nice 3eature that allows +ou to plot the ,TT 3or each o3 the TC se-ments sent> Select a TC se-ment in the ;listin- o3 captured pac!ets< window that is bein- sent 3rom the client to the -aia>cs>umass>edu serer> Then select: Statistics"5TC* Stream >raph"5(ound Trip Time >raph. 4> /
)hat is the len-th o3 each o3 the 3irst six TC se-ments/
The TC se-ments in the tcp6ethereal6trace6# trace 3ile are all less that #./7 b+tes> This is because the computer on which the trace was -athered has an Ethernet card that limits the len-th o3 the maximum I pac!et to #"77 b+tes &.7 b+tes o3 TCI header data and #./7 b+tes o3 TC pa+load$> This #"77 b+te alue is the standard maximum len-th allowed b+ Ethernet> I3 +our trace indicates a TC len-th -reater than #"77 b+tes? and +our computer is usin- an Ethernet connection? then )ireshar! is reportin- the wron- TC se-ment len-thF it will li!el+ also show onl+ one lar-e TC se-ment rather than multiple smaller se-ments> Your computer is indeed probabl+ sendin- multiple smaller se-ments? as indicated b+ the 'Cs it receies> This inconsistenc+ in
)hat is the minimum amount o3 aailable bu33er space adertised at the receied 3or the entire trace Does the lac! o3 receier bu33er space eer throttle the sender
're there an+ retransmitted se-ments in the trace 3ile )hat did +ou chec! 3or &in the trace$ in order to answer this =uestion
2ow much data does the receier t+picall+ ac!nowled-e in an 'C Can +ou identi3+ cases where the receier is 'Cin- eer+ other receied se-ment &see Table *>( on pa-e (.1 in the text$>
)hat is the throu-hput &b+tes trans3erred per unit time$ 3or the TC connection Explain how +ou calculated this alue>
1: TCP 3onestion 3ontrol in !3tion
%et9s now examine the amount o3 data sent per unit time 3rom the client to the serer> ,ather than &tediousl+R$ calculatin- this 3rom the raw data in the )ireshar! window? we9ll use one o3 )ireshar!9s TC -raphin- utilities 6 Time"Se?uence">raph;Stevens$ 6 to plot out data> •
Select a TC se-ment in the )ireshar!9s ;listin- o3 captured6pac!ets< window> Then select the menu : Statistics"5TC* Stream >raph"5 Time"Se?uence">raph;Stevens $> You should see a plot that loo!s similar to the 3ollowin- plot? which was created 3rom the captured pac!ets in the pac!et trace tcp"ethereal"trace"in http:-aia>cs>umass>eduwireshar!6labswireshar!6traces>@ip &see earlier 3ootnote $:
reported se-ment len-ths is due to the interaction between the Ethernet drier and the )ireshar! so3tware> )e recommend that i3 +ou hae this inconsistenc+? that +ou per3orm this lab usin- the proided trace 3ile>
2ere? each dot represents a TC se-ment sent? plottin- the se=uence number o3 the se-ment ersus the time at which it was sent> Note that a set o3 dots stac!ed aboe each other represents a series o3 pac!ets that were sent bac!6to6bac! b+ the sender> 'nswer the 3ollowin- =uestions 3or the TC se-ments the pac!et trace tcp"ethereal"trace"- in http:-aia>cs>umass>eduwireshar!6labswireshar!6traces>@ip #*>
Use the Time"Se?uence">raph;Stevens$ plottin- tool to iew the se=uence number ersus time plot o3 se-ments bein- sent 3rom the client to the -aia>cs>umass>edu serer> Can +ou identi3+ where TC9s slowstart phase be-ins and ends? and where con-estion aoidance ta!es oer Comment on wa+s in which the measured data di33ers 3rom the ideali@ed behaior o3 TC that we9e studied in the text>
'nswer each o3 two =uestions aboe 3or the trace that +ou hae -athered when +ou trans3erred a 3ile 3rom +our computer to -aia>cs>umass>edu
'NS *: nsloo5u7
In this lab? we9ll ma!e extensie use o3 the nslookup tool? which is aailable in most %inuxUnix and Microso3t plat3orms toda+> To run nslookup in %inuxUnix? +ou 8ust t+pe the nslookup command on the command line> To run it in )indows? open the Command rompt and run nslookup on the command line> In it is most basic operation? nslookup tool allows the host runnin- the tool to =uer+ an+ speci3ied DNS serer 3or a DNS record> The =ueried DNS serer can be a root DNS serer? a top6leel6domain DNS serer? an authoritatie DNS serer? or an intermediate DNS serer &see the textboo! 3or de3initions o3 these terms$> To accomplish this tas!? nslookup sends a DNS =uer+ to the speci3ied DNS serer? receies a DNS repl+ 3rom that same DNS serer? and displa+s the result>
The aboe screenshot shows the results o3 three independent nslookup commands &displa+ed in the )indows Command rompt$> In this example? the client host is located on the campus o3 ES Uniersit+? where the de3ault local DNS serer is #(1>7>7>#> )hen runnin- nslookup? i3 no DNS serer is speci3ied? then nslookup sends the =uer+ to the de3ault DNS serer? which in this case is dns6prime>pol+>edu> Consider the 3irst command: nsloo!up www>pes>edu In words? this command is sa+in- ;please send me the I address 3or the host www>mit>edu<> 's shown in the screenshot? the response 3rom this command proides two pieces o3 in3ormation: $ the name and I address o3 the DNS serer that proides the answerF and &($ the answer itsel3? which is the host name and I address o3 www>pes>edu>
Now consider the second command: nsloo!up t+peXNS www>pes>edu In this example? we hae proided the option ;6t+peXNS< and the domain ;www>pes>edu<> This causes nslookup to send a =uer+ 3or a t+pe6NS record to the de3ault local DNS serer> In words? the =uer+ is sa+in-? ;please send me the host names o3 the authoritatie DNS 3or www>pes>edu<> &)hen the t+pe option is not used? nslookup uses the de3ault? which is to =uer+ 3or t+pe ' records>$ The answer? displa+ed in the aboe screenshot? 3irst indicates the DNS serer that is proidin- the answer &which is the de3ault local DNS serer$ alon- with two ES nameserers> Each o3 these serers is indeed an authoritatie DNS serer 3or the hosts on the ES campus> 2oweer? nslookup also indicates that the answer is ;non6 authoritatie?< meanin- that this answer came 3rom the cache o3 some serer rather than 3rom an authoritatie ES DNS serer> 0inall+? the answer also includes the I addresses o3 the authoritatie DNS serers at ES> &Een thou-h the t+pe6NS =uer+ -enerated b+ nslookup did not explicitl+ as! 3or the I addresses? the local DNS serer returned these ;3or 3ree< and nslookup displa+s the result>$ Now 3inall+ consider the third command: nsloo!up pesit@one>pes>edu www>pes>edu In this example? we indicate that we want to the =uer+ sent to the DNS serer bits+>mit>edu rather than to the de3ault DNS serer (1>7>7>#$> Thus? the =uer+ and repl+ transaction ta!es place directl+ between our =uer+in- host and www>pes>edu> In this example? the DNS serer www>pes>edu proides the I address o3 the host pesit@one>pes>edu? which is a web serer at the ES Uniersit+> Now that we hae -one throu-h a 3ew illustratie examples? +ou are perhaps wonderinabout the -eneral s+ntax o3 nslookup commands> The s+ntax is: nsloo!up option# option( host6to63ind dns6serer In -eneral? nslookup can be run with @ero? one? two or more options> 'nd as we hae seen in the aboe examples? the dns6serer is optional as wellF i3 it is not supplied? the =uer+ is sent to the de3ault local DNS serer> Now that we hae proided an oeriew o3 nslookup? it is time 3or +ou to test drie it +oursel3> Do the 3ollowin- &and write down the results$:
#> ,un nslookup to obtain the I address o3 a )eb serer in 'sia> )hat is the I address o3 that serer (> ,un nslookup to determine the authoritatie DNS serers 3or a uniersit+ in Europe>
*> ,un nslookup so that one o3 the DNS serers obtained in Question ( is =ueried 3or the mail serers 3or YahooR mail> )hat is its I address
0: i73on)i
ipconfig &3or )indows$ and ifconfig &3or %inuxUnix$ are amon- the most use3ul little utilities in +our host? especiall+ 3or debu--in- networ! issues> 2ere we9ll onl+ describe ipconfig ? althou-h the %inuxUnix ifconfig is er+ similar> ipconfig can be used to show +our current TCI in3ormation? includin- +our address? DNS serer addresses? adapter t+pe and so on> 0or example? i3 +ou all this in3ormation about +our host simpl+ b+ enterin-
ipcon3i- all into the Command rompt? as shown in the 3ollowin- screenshot>
ipconfig is also er+ use3ul 3or mana-in- the DNS in3ormation stored in +our host> In Section (>" we learned that a host can cache DNS records it recentl+ obtained> To see these cached records? a3ter the prompt C:Z proide the 3ollowin- command:
ipcon3i- displa+dns Each entr+ shows the remainin- Time to %ie &TT%$ in seconds> To clear the cache? enter ipcon3i- 3lushdns 0lushin- the DNS cache clears all entries and reloads the entries 3rom the hosts 3ile>
?: Tr!3in 'NS 4it=
Now that we are 3amiliar with nslookup and ipconfig ? we9re read+ to -et down to some serious business> %et9s 3irst capture the DNS pac!ets that are -enerated b+ ordinar+ )eb6 sur3in- actiit+>
Use ipconfig to empt+ the DNS cache in +our host> Gpen +our browser and empt+ +our browser cache> &)ith Internet Explorer? -o to Tools menu and select Internet GptionsF then in the eneral tab select Delete 0iles>$ Gpen )ireshar! and enter ;ip>addr XX +ourPIPaddress< into the 3ilter? where +ou obtain +ourPIPaddress with ipcon3i-> This 3ilter remoes all pac!ets that neither ori-inate nor are destined to +our host>
Start pac!et capture in )ireshar!>
)ith +our browser? isit the )eb pa-e: http:www>iet3>or-
Stop pac!et capture>
I3 +ou are unable to run )ireshar! on a lie networ! connection? +ou can download a pac!et trace 3ile that was captured while 3ollowin- the steps aboe on one o3 the author9s computers1> 'nswer the 3ollowin- =uestions> )heneer possible? when answerin- a =uestion below? +ou should hand in a printout o3 the pac!et&s$ within the trace that +ou used to answer the =uestion as!ed> 'nnotate the printout4 to explain +our answer> To print a pac!et? use %ile"
Download the @ip 3ile http:-aia>cs>umass>eduwireshar!6labswireshar!6traces>@ipand extract the 3ile dns6 ethereal6trace6#> The traces in this @ip 3ile were collected b+ )ireshar! runnin- on one o3 the author9s computers? while per3ormin- the steps indicated in the )ireshar! lab> Gnce +ou hae downloaded the trace? +ou can load it into )ireshar! and iew the trace usin- the %ile pull down menu? choosin- 3pen? and then selectinthe dns6ethereal6trace6# trace 3ile> 4 )hat do we mean b+ ;annotate< I3 +ou hand in a paper cop+? please hi-hli-ht where in the printout +ou9e 3ound the answer and add some text &pre3erabl+ with a colored pen$ notin- what +ou 3ound in what +ou e hi-hli-ht> I3 +ou hand in an electronic cop+? it would be -reat i3 +ou could also hi-hli-ht and annotate>
5*rint ? choose Selected packet only? choose *acket summary line and select the minimum amount o3 pac!et detail that +ou need to answer the =uestion>
.> %ocate the DNS =uer+ and response messa-es> 're then sent oer UD or TC "> )hat is the destination port 3or the DNS =uer+ messa-e )hat is the source port o3 DNS response messa-e /> To what I address is the DNS =uer+ messa-e sent Use ipcon3i- to determine the I address o3 +our local DNS serer> 're these two I addresses the same 1> Examine the DNS =uer+ messa-e> )hat ;T+pe< o3 DNS =uer+ is it Does the =uer+ messa-e contain an+ ;answers< 4> Examine the DNS response messa-e> 2ow man+ ;answers< are proided )hat do each o3 these answers contain 5> Consider the subse=uent TC SYN pac!et sent b+ +our host> Does the destination I address o3 the SYN pac!et correspond to an+ o3 the I addresses proided in the DNS response messa-e #7> This web pa-e contains ima-es> Be3ore retriein- each ima-e? does +our host issue new DNS =ueries
Now let9s pla+ with nslookup5>
Start pac!et capture>
Do an nslookup on www>mit>edu
Stop pac!et capture>
I3 +ou are unable to run )ireshar! and capture a trace 3ile? use the trace 3ile dns6ethereal6trace6( in the @ip 3ile http:-aia>cs>umass>eduwireshar!6labswireshar!6traces>@ip
)e see 3rom the aboe screenshot that nslookup actuall+ sent three DNS =ueries and receied three DNS responses> 0or the purpose o3 this assi-nment? in answerin- the 3ollowin=uestions? i-nore the 3irst two sets o3 =ueriesresponses? as the+ are speci3ic to nslookup and are not normall+ -enerated b+ standard Internet applications> You should instead 3ocus on the last =uer+ and response messa-es> #> )hat is the destination port 3or the DNS =uer+ messa-e )hat is the source port o3 DNS response messa-e (> To what I address is the DNS =uer+ messa-e sent Is this the I address o3 +our de3ault local DNS serer *> Examine the DNS =uer+ messa-e> )hat ;T+pe< o3 DNS =uer+ is it Does the =uer+ messa-e contain an+ ;answers< .> Examine the DNS response messa-e> 2ow man+ ;answers< are proided )hat do each o3 these answers contain "> roide a screenshot>
Now repeat the preious experiment? but instead issue the command: nsloo!up t+peXNS mit>edu
'nswer the 3ollowin- =uestions#7 :
/> To what I address is the DNS =uer+ messa-e sent Is this the I address o3 +our de3ault local DNS serer 1> Examine the DNS =uer+ messa-e> )hat ;T+pe< o3 DNS =uer+ is it Does the =uer+ messa-e contain an+ ;answers< 4> Examine the DNS response messa-e> )hat MIT nameserers does the response messa-e proide Does this response messa-e also proide the I addresses o3 the MIT namesers 5> roide a screenshot>
Now repeat the preious experiment? but instead issue the command:
nsloo!up www>aiit>or>!r bits+>mit>edu
'nswer the 3ollowin- =uestions##:
#7> To what I address is the DNS =uer+ messa-e sent Is this the I address o3 +our de3ault local DNS serer I3 not? what does the I address correspond to ##> Examine the DNS =uer+ messa-e> )hat ;T+pe< o3 DNS =uer+ is it Does the =uer+ messa-e contain an+ ;answers< #(> Examine the DNS response messa-e> 2ow man+ ;answers< are proided )hat does each o3 these answers contain #*> roide a screenshot>
C Pror!ms #7
I3 +ou are unable to run )ireshar! and capture a trace 3ile? use the trace 3ile dns6ethereal6trace6* in the @ip 3ile http:-aia>cs>umass>eduwireshar!6labswireshar!6traces>@ip ## I3 +ou are unable to run )ireshar! and capture a trace 3ile? use the trace 3ile dns6ethereal6trace6. in the @ip 3ile http:-aia>cs>umass>eduwireshar!6labswireshar!6traces>@ip
Bit Stu))in
#> To the -ien bits add the strin- 7######7 to both the startin- and the end o3 the strin(> To add 7 to each set o3 " one9s i>e> a3ter eer+ 3ie consecutie #[s appear a @ero #include #include void stuff(char str[40]); main() { char str[40]; int i; printf(!n enter the string"); scanf(s$ %str); printf(!n the given string is"); printf(!n s$ str); stuff(str); & void stuff(char str[40]) { int i$ '$ 0$ l$ n$ *; printf(!n no+ +e are stuffing the data""!n); n strlen(str); for (i 0; i < n; i,,) { if (str[i] --) { ; for (l i , ; l < i , /; l,,) { if (str[l] --) ,,; else rea;
& if ( 1) { i i , 1; * n , ; for (' *; ' > i; '22) { str['] str[' 2 ]; & str['] -0-; & & & printf(!n3he resultant string after stuffing is..!n); printf(s!n$ str); &
C=!r!3ter Stu))in
INPUT8 enter strin-: asdle3-h enter position: 4 inalid position?enter a-ain: * enter the character: ! OUTPUT8 3rame a3ter stu33in-: dlestx as dle ! dle dle dle3-h dleetx #include #include #include #include
void main() { int i0$'0$n$pos; char a[0]$[/0]$ch; clrscr();
printf(enter string!n); scanf(s$%a); nstrlen(a);
printf(enter position!n); scanf(d$%pos);
if(pos>n) { printf(invalid position$ 5nter again "); scanf(d$%pos); &
printf(enter the character!n); chgetche(); [0]-d-; []-l-; []-e-; [6]-s-; [4]-t-; [/]-7-;
'1; +hile(i
if(a[i]-d- %% a[i,]-l- %% a[i,]-e-) { [']-d-; [',]-l-; [',]-e-;
'',6; &
[']a[i]; i,,; ',,; &
[']-d-; [',]-l-; [',]-e-; [',6]-e-; [',4]-t-; [',/]-7-; [',1]-!0-; printf(!nframe after stuffing"!n); printf(s$); getch(); &
#include #include int dividend [40]$ g[40]$ rem[40]$ n$ ; void main() { int i0$d[0]$c[0]$flag0; void divide(); printf(5nter the length of the 9enerator :olnomial!n); scanf(d$%); printf(5nter the 9enerator :olnomial!n); for(i0;i<;i,,) { scanf(d$%g[i]); & printf(5nter the length of the datastring!n); scanf(d$%n); printf(5nter the datastring"!n); for(i0;i
c[i] rem[i2n,]; & & printf(!n= code+ord is"!n); for(i0;i
void divide() { int temp[0]$i$'; for(i0;i
& else { for('0;'<2;',,) { temp[']rem[',]; & temp[']dividend[i,2]; & if(temp[0]) { for('0;'<;',,) { rem[']temp[']Ag[']; & & else { for('0;'<;',,) { rem[']temp[']; & & & &
#include stdio.h #define infinit BBB void di'(int n$int v$int cost[0][0]$int dist[]) { int i$u$count$+$flag[0]$min; for(i;i<n;i,,) flag[i]0$dist[i]cost[v][i]; count; +hile(count<n) { minBB; for(+;+<n;+,,) if(dist[+]d$costd!n$v$i$dist[i]); &