Chapter 7 Lab 7-5, Configuring MP-BGP Instructor Ve Version rsion Topology
Objectives •
Configure EIGRP on ITA network !"ing MP-BGP, #onfigure EBGP for IP$% an& IP$' between I(P an& (an)o"e*, u"ing IP$% BGP tran"port for both proto#o+"
Configure MP-BGP IBGP between (an)o"e* an& (an)o"e
erif. erif. BGP neighbor", BGP tab+e" an& routing tab+e" for IP$% an& IP$'
Backgroun (an)o"e* in A( '5/// i" running MP-BGP with the I(P router in A( '5*// The Internationa+ Tra$e+ Tra$e+ Agen#. run" MPBGP on it" (an)o"e* an& (an)o"e router" in A( '5/// The Internationa+ Tra$e+ Tra$e+ Agen#. Agen#. an& the I(P nee& to "hare both IP$% an& IP$' prefi0e" 1our 1our 2ob i" to #onfigure MP-BGP for thi" internetwork 1ou 1ou wi++ nee& to #onfigure interna+ an& e0terna+ BGP "e""ion" an& a&$erti"e IP$' network prefi0e" $ia BGP 1ou wi++ &ep+o. IP$% an& IP$' tran"port 1ou wi++ u"e route-3ap" to "et the ne0t-hop attribute to an IP$' a&&re"" when e0#hanging the IP$' network" o$er a IP$% tran"port "e""ion between I(P an& (an)o"e* Note! Thi" Note! Thi" +ab u"e" Ci"#o *4%* * 4%* router" with Ci"#o I( Re+ea"e *5% with IP Ba"e The "wit#he" are Ci"#o 6(C4'/-%TT-L C4'/-%TT-L with a"t Ethernet interfa#e", therefore the router wi++ u"e routing 3etri#" a""o#iate& with a *// Mb8" 9 /*% Ci"#o an&8or it" affi+iate" A++ right" re"er$e& Thi" &o#u3ent i" Ci"#o Pub+i#
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Lab 7-5, Configuring MP-BGP
interfa#e :epen&ing on the router or "wit#h 3o&e+ an& Ci"#o I( (oftware $er"ion, the #o33an&" a$ai+ab+e an& output pro&u#e& 3ight $ar. fro3 what i" "hown in thi" +ab
Re"uire Resources •
; router"
; "wit#he"
(eria+ an& Ethernet #ab+e"
#tep $! #uggeste starting con%igurations& a App+. App+. the fo++owi fo++owing ng #onfigurati #onfiguration on to ea#h router router a+ong a+ong with the appropr appropriate iate 'ostna(e 'ostna(e The e)ec*ti(eout $ $ #o33an& "hou+& on+. be u"e& in a +ab en $iron3ent Router(config)# no ip domain-lookup Router(config)# line con 0 Router(config-line)# logging synchronous Router(config-line)# exec-timeout 0 0
#tep +! Con%igure inter%ace aresses& a !"ing !"ing the a&&re""ing a&&re""ing "#he3e "#he3e in the &iagra3, &iagra3, #reate the +oopba#k +oopba#k interfa# interfa#e" e" an& app+. IP$% IP$% a&&re""e" a&&re""e" to the"e an& the "eria+ interfa#e" on I(P
Router R. ,'ostna(e #an/ose+SanJose1(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0 SanJose1(config-if)# ip address 1% SanJose1(config-if)# ipv6 address 2001db!cafe21/6" SanJose1(config-if)# ipv6 address fe!02 link-local SanJose1(config-if)# no shutdo#n SanJose1(config-if)# exit SanJose1(config)# interface serial 0/0/0 SanJose1(config-if)# ip address 1$2.16!.1.2 SanJose1(config-if)# ipv6 address 2001db!feed12/6" SanJose1(config-if)# ipv6 address fe!02 link-local SanJose1(config-if)# no shutdo#n SanJose1(config-if)# exit 9 /*% Ci"#o an&8or it" affi+iate" A++ right" re"er$e& Thi" &o#u3ent i" Ci"#o Pub+i#
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Lab 7-5, Configuring MP-BGP
SanJose1(config)# interface serial 0/0/1 SanJose1(config-if)# ip address 1% SanJose1(config-if)# ipv6 address 2001db!cafe11/6" SanJose1(config-if)# ipv6 address fe!02 link-local SanJose1(config-if)# clock rate 6"000 SanJose1(config-if)# no shutdo#n SanJose1(config-if)# exit SanJose1(config)# interface loopback 0 SanJose1(config-if)# ip address 1%2.1%.2.1 SanJose1(config-if)# ipv6 address 2001db!cafe221/6" SanJose1(config-if)# no shutdo#n
Router R0 ,'ostna(e #an/ose.SanJose2(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0 SanJose2(config-if)# ip address 1%2.16.&.1 SanJose2(config-if)# ipv6 address 2001db!cafe&1/6" SanJose2(config-if)# ipv6 address fe!0& link-local SanJose2(config-if)# no shutdo#n SanJose2(config-if)# exit SanJose2(config)# interface serial 0/0/1 SanJose2(config-if)# ip address 1% SanJose2(config-if)# ipv6 address 2001db!cafe12/6" SanJose2(config-if)# ipv6 address fe!0& link-local SanJose2(config-if)# no shutdo#n SanJose2(config)# interface loopback 0 SanJose2(config-if)# ip address 1%2.1%.&.1 SanJose2(config-if)# ipv6 address 2001db!cafe&&1/6"
!"e ping to te"t the #onne#ti$it. between the &ire#t+. #onne#te& router" for both IP$% an& IP$' Both (an)o"e router" "hou+& be ab+e to ping ea#h other an& (an)o"e* "hou+& be ab+e to ping the I(P on the "eria+ +ink IP a&&re""e" The I(P router #annot rea#h the "eg3ent between (an)o"e* an& (an)o"e, or their LA> interfa#e"
#tep .! Con%igure EI1RP& Configure EIGRP between the (an)o"e* an& (an)o"e router" Both router" "hou+& be ab+e to ping the other router?" LA> an& +oopba#k interfa#e" <>ote@ If u"ing an I( prior to *5/, u"e the no auto-"u33ar. router #onfiguration #o33an& to &i"ab+e auto3ati# "u33ariation Thi" #o33an& i" the &efau+t beginning with I( *5= Configure EIGRP for IP$% an& IP$' on (an)o"e* SanJose1(config)# ipv6 unicast-routing SanJose1(config)# router eigrp 1 SanJose1(config-router)# eigrp router-id SanJose1(config-router)# net#ork 1% SanJose1(config-router)# net#ork 1%2.1%.0.0 SanJose1(config)# ipv6 router eigrp 2 SanJose1(config-rtr)# eigrp router-id
9 /*% Ci"#o an&8or it" affi+iate" A++ right" re"er$e& Thi" &o#u3ent i" Ci"#o Pub+i#
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Lab 7-5, Configuring MP-BGP
SanJose1(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0 SanJose1(config-if)# ipv6 eigrp 2 SanJose1(config-if)# exit SanJose1(config)# interface serial 0/0/1 SanJose1(config-if)# ipv6 eigrp 2 SanJose1(config-if)# exit SanJose1(config)# interface loopback 0 SanJose1(config-if)# ipv6 eigrp 2
Configure EIGRP for IP$% an& IP$' on (an)o"e SanJose2(config)# ipv6 unicast-routing SanJose2(config)# router eigrp 1 SanJose2(config-router)# eigrp router-id &.&.&.& SanJose2(config-router)# net#ork 1% SanJose2(config-router)# net#ork 1%2.1%.0.0
SanJose2(config)# ipv6 router eigrp 2 SanJose2(config-rtr)# eigrp router-id &.&.&.& SanJose2(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/0 SanJose2(config-if)# ipv6 eigrp 2 SanJose2(config-if)# exit SanJose2(config)# interface serial 0/0/1 SanJose2(config-if)# ipv6 eigrp 2 SanJose2(config-if)# exit SanJose2(config)# interface loopback 0 SanJose2(config-if)# ipv6 eigrp 2
#tep 0! Con%igure 2P*B1P on I#P 3 EB1P& a
Configure EBGP between the I(P an& (an)o"e* I(P an& (an)o"e* wi++ be u"ing IP$% a" the BGP tran"port for both IP$% an& IP$' "e""ion" After enab+ing IP$' routing on I(P, #onfigure BGP for A( '5*// with a router I: of **** In it" peering with (an)o"e*, the IP$% a&&re"" of (an)o"e* wi++ be u"e& for the IP$% BGP tran"port "e""ion ISP(config)# ipv6 unicast-routing ISP(config)# router bgp 65100 ISP(config-router)# bgp router-id ISP(config-router)# neighbor 1$2.16!.1.2 remote-as 65000
Enter the router #onfiguration 3o&e for the IP$% a&&re"" fa3i+. Enter the #o33an&" to a&$erti"e the */*//8*' network an& a#ti$ate the IP$% neighbor *4*'* within the IP$% A ISP(config-router)# address-family ipv" unicast ISP(config-router-af)# net#ork mask ISP(config-router-af)# neighbor 1$2.16!.1.2 activate ISP(config-router-af)# exit-address-family
Enter the router #onfiguration 3o&e for the IP$' a&&re"" fa3i+. an& enter the #o33an& to a&$erti"e the //*@:B@BEE@*@@8'% prefi0 (in#e .ou are u"ing IP$% a" the BGP tran"port, .ou 3u"t a+"o a#ti$ate the IP
%$9 /*% Ci"#o an&8or it" affi+iate" A++ right" re"er$e& Thi" &o#u3ent i" Ci"#o Pub+i#
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Lab 7-5, Configuring MP-BGP
neighbor *4*'* within the IP$' A Configure the route-3ap >ET-DP-IP' to atta#h to the BGP neighbor in the outboun& &ire#tion utboun& &ire#tion 3ean" that thi" infor3ation in the route-3ap wi++ be app+ie& to IP$' BGP up&ate" a" the. are "ent to (an)o"e* ISP(config-router)# address-family ipv6 unicast ISP(config-router-af)# net#ork 2001'(!())*1/6" ISP(config-router-af)# neighbor 1$2.16!.1.2 activate ISP(config-router-af)# neighbor 1$2.16!.1.2 route-map +),--6 out ISP(config-router-af)# exit-address-family
The route-3ap i" app+ie& in the outboun& &ire#tion 6hat wi++ thi" &o FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFF utboun& &ire#tion 3ean" that thi" infor3ation in the route-3ap wi++ be app+ie& to IP$' BGP up&ate" a" the. are "ent to (an)o"e*
The route-3ap >ET-DP-IP' i" #onfigure& to o$erwrite the ne0t-hop para3eter with the appropriate IP$' ne0thop a&&re"" >oti#e that the ne0t-hop a&&re"" i" the +o#a+ IP$' a&&re"" of thi" router, I(P The neighbor, (an)o"e*, wi++ u"e thi" IP$' a&&re"" a" it?" ne0t-hop a&&re"" in it" IP$' BGP tab+e ISP(config)# route-map +),--6 permit 10 ISP(config-route-map)# set ipv6 next-hop 2001'(!*))'11
#tep 4! Con%igure 2P*B1P on #an/ose+ 3 EB1P an IB1P& a
Enab+e IP$' routing on (an)o"e* an& then #onfigure BGP for A( '5/// with a router I: of The IP$% a&&re"" of I(P wi++ be u"e& for the IP$% BGP tran"port "e""ion with I(P SanJose1(config)# router bgp 65000 SanJose1(config-router)# bgp router-id SanJose1(config-router)# neighbor 1$2.16!.1.1 remote-as 65100
Configure IBGP on (an)o"e* to peer with (an)o"e for both IP$% an& IP$' The upate*source loopback $ #o33an& in"tru#t" the router to u"e the IP a&&re"" of the interfa#e +oopba#k / a" the "our#e IP a&&re"" for a++ BGP 3e""age" "ent to that neighbor The IP a&&re"" of the +oopba#k interfa#e i" u"e& in the neig'bor #o33an& SanJose1(config-router)# SanJose1(config-router)# SanJose1(config-router)# SanJose1(config-router)#
neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor
2001'(!34*)&&1 remote-as 65000 2001'(!34*)&&1 update-source oopback0 1%2.1%.&.1 remote-as 65000 1%2.1%.&.1 update-source oopback0
Enter the router #onfiguration 3o&e for the IP$% a&&re"" fa3i+. for (an)o"e* Enter the #o33an& to a&$erti"e the *7*'/8% network A#ti$ate the IP$% neighbor within the IP$% A for the EBGP peering "e""ion with I(P SanJose1(config-router)# address-family ipv" unicast
9 /*% Ci"#o an&8or it" affi+iate" A++ right" re"er$e& Thi" &o#u3ent i" Ci"#o Pub+i#
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Lab 7-5, Configuring MP-BGP
SanJose1(config-router-af)# net#ork 1% mask SanJose1(config-router-af)# neighbor 1$2.16!.1.1 activate
A#ti$ate the IP$% neighbor within the IP$% A for the IBGP peering "e""ion with (an)o"e Configure the ne)t* 'op*sel% para3eter "o (an)o"e* u"e" it" own IP$% a&&re"" a" the ne0t-hop a&&re"" in it" IBGP up&ate" to (an)o"e B. &efau+t, (an)o"e* wou+& in#+u&e the ne0t-hop a&&re"" the I(P in it IBGP up&ate" to (an)o"e Thi" wou+& be for an. route" +earne& fro3 I(P u"ing EBGP SanJose1(config-router-af)# neighbor 1%2.1%.&.1 activate SanJose1(config-router-af)# neighbor 1%2.1%.&.1 next-hop-self SanJose1(config-router-af)# exit-address-family
Enter the router #onfiguration 3o&e for the IP$' a&&re"" fa3i+. an& enter the #o33an& to a&$erti"e the //*@:B@CAE@@@8'% prefi0 (i3i+ar to I(P, "in#e .ou are u"ing IP$% a" our BGP tran"port, .ou 3u"t a+"o a#ti$ate the IP$% neighbor within the IP$' A Configure the route-3ap >ET-DP-IP' to atta#h to the BGP neighbor in the outboun& & ire#tion utboun& &ire#tion 3ean" that thi" infor3ation in the route-3ap wi++ be app+ie& to IP$' BGP up&ate" a" the. are "ent to I(P SanJose1(config-router)# address-family ipv6 unicast SanJose1(config-router-af)# net#ork 2001'(!34*)2/6" SanJose1(config-router-af)# neighbor 1$2.16!.1.1 activate SanJose1(config-router-af)# neighbor 1$2.16!.1.1 route-map +),--6 out
A#ti$ate the IP$' neighbor within the IP$' A for the IBGP peering "e""ion with (an)o"e (i3i+ar to BGP for IP$%, #onfigure the ne)t*'op*sel% para3eter "o (an)o"e* u"e" it" own IP$' a&&re"" a" the ne0t-hop a&&re"" in it" IBGP up&ate" to (an)o"e SanJose1(config-router-af)# neighbor 2001'(!34*)&&1 activate SanJose1(config-router-af)# neighbor 2001'(!34*)&&1 next-hop-self SanJose1(config-router-af)# exit-address-family
If the ne)t*'op*sel% para3eter i" not u"e&, what nee&" to be &one to en"ure rea#habi+it. to route" a&$erti"e& b. the I(P router FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFF (an)o"e nee&" to ha$e a route to the ne0t-hop a&&re"", I(P?" (/8/8/ interfa#e
Be#au"e (an)o"e* i" u"ing IP$% tran"port in it" peering with I(P, the route-3ap >ET-DP-IP' i" #onfigure& to o$erwrite the ne0t-hop para3eter with the appropriate IP$' ne0t-hop a&&re"" >oti#e that the ne0t-hop a&&re"" i" the IP$' a&&re"" of (an)o"e* !"ing it" +o#a+ IP$' a&&re"" in the route-3ap, neighbor I(P wi++ u"e thi" IP$' a&&re"" a" it?" ne0t-hop a&&re"" in it" IP$' BGP tab+e SanJose1(config)# route-map +),--6 permit 10 SanJose1(config-route-map)# set ipv6 next-hop 2001'(!*))'12
9 /*% Ci"#o an&8or it" affi+iate" A++ right" re"er$e& Thi" &o#u3ent i" Ci"#o Pub+i#
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Lab 7-5, Configuring MP-BGP
#tep 4! Con%igure 2P*B1P on #an/ose. 3 IB1P& a
Enab+e IP$' routing on (an)o"e an& then #onfigure BGP for A( '5/// with a router I: of ;;;; SanJose2(config)# router bgp 65000 SanJose2(config-router)# bgp router-id &.&.&.&
Configure IBGP on (an)o"e to peer with (an)o"e* for both IP$% an& IP$' (an)o"e?" +oopba#k / interfa#e wi++ be u"e& in the peering for both IP$% an& IP$' SanJose2(config-router)# SanJose2(config-router)# SanJose2(config-router)# SanJose2(config-router)#
neighbor neighbor neighbor neighbor
2001'(!34*)221 remote-as 65000 2001'(!34*)221 update-source oopback0 1%2.1%.2.1 remote-as 65000 1%2.1%.2.1 update-source oopback0
Enter the router #onfiguration 3o&e for the IP$% a&&re"" fa3i+. for (an)o"e Enter the #o33an& to a&$erti"e the *7*';/8% network A#ti$ate the IP$% neighbor within the IP$% A for the IBGP peering "e""ion with (an)o"e* SanJose2(config-router)# address-family ipv" unicast SanJose2(config-router-af)# net#ork 1%2.16.&.0 mask SanJose2(config-router-af)# neighbor 1%2.1%.2.1 activate SanJose2(config-router-af)# exit-address-family
Enter the router #onfiguration 3o&e for the IP$' a&&re"" fa3i+. an& enter the #o33an& to a&$erti"e the //*@:B@CAE@;@@8'% prefi0 A#ti$ate the IP$' neighbor within the IP$' A for the IBGP peering "e""ion with (an)o"e* SanJose2(config-router)# address-family ipv6 unicast SanJose2(config-router-af)# net#ork 2001'(!34*)&/6" SanJose2(config-router-af)# neighbor 2001'(!34*)221 activate SanJose2(config-router-af)# exit-address-family
#tep 5! Veri%ying B1P neig'bor peering relations'ips %or IPv4 an IPv6& a
!"e the s'o bgp all neig'bors #o33an& on (an)o"e* to &i"p+a. infor3ation about BGP #onne#tion" to neighbor" for a++ oti#e for the IP$' a&&re"" fa3i+., there i" (an)o"e?" IP$' a&&re"" an& I(P?" IP$% a&&re"" (an)o"e* e3p+o." IP$' a" the IBGP tran"port with (an)o"e, u"ing the IP$' a&&re"" with //*@:B@CAE@;;@@* IP$% i" u"e& a" the EBGP tran"port with I(P, "o the IP$% a&&re"" *4*'** i" "hown for the IP$' a&&re"" fa3i+. SanJose1# sho# bgp all neighbors For address family: IP! "nicast $P neig%&or is 1'21'1* remote +S ,...* internal lin/ $P ersion !* remote router I0 $P state sta&lis%ed* up for .:!':.3
9 /*% Ci"#o an&8or it" affi+iate" A++ right" re"er$e& Thi" &o#u3ent i" Ci"#o Pub+i#
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Lab 7-5, Configuring MP-BGP
4ast read ..:..:* last 5rite ..:..:* %old time is 16.* /eepalie interal is ,. seconds 7output omitted8 $P neig%&or is 1321,611* remote +S ,1..* e9ternal lin/ $P ersion !* remote router I0 1111 $P state sta&lis%ed* up for .:!':1' 4ast read ..:..:13* last 5rite ..:..:* %old time is 16.* /eepalie interal is ,. seconds 7output omitted8
For address family: IP, "nicast $P neig%&or is 2..1:06:+F:::1* remote +S ,...* internal lin/ $P ersion !* remote router I0 $P state sta&lis%ed* up for .:!':2 4ast read ..:..:6* last 5rite ..:..:.!* %old time is 16.* /eepalie interal is ,. seconds 7output omitted8 $P neig%&or is 1321,611* remote +S ,1..* e9ternal lin/ $P ersion !* remote router I0 1111 $P state sta&lis%ed* up for .:!':! 4ast read ..:..:!,* last 5rite ..:..:13* %old time is 16.* /eepalie interal is ,. seconds 7output omitted8 SanJose1#
6hat i" the re+ation"hip between the re3ote A(H an& whether it i" an interna+ or e0terna+ +ink FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFF An interna+ +ink wi++ ha$e the "a3e A( a" the neighbor An e0terna+ +ink wi++ ha$e a &ifferent A( than the neighbor
b Another option to the s'o bgp all neig'bors #o33an&, are the s'o ip bgp neig'bors an& s'o bgp ipv6 unicast neig'bors #o33an&" whi#h #an be u"e& for their re"pe#ti$e a&&re"" fa3i+ie" An e0#erpt fro3 s'o ip bgp neig'bors #o33an& i" &i"p+a.e& be+ow In thi" #o33an&, the IP$' a&&re"" fa3i+. infor3ation not on+. &i"p+a." the IP$% a&&re"" u"e& a" the tran"port, but the na3e of the route 3ap that wa" u"e& on (an)o"e* en& of the #onne#tion SanJose1# sho# ip bgp neighbors 7output omitted8 For address family: IP, "nicast Session: 1321,611 $P ta&le ersion 12* neig%&or ersion 12;. e : . Inde9 11* +dertise &it . 11 update-group mem&er
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Lab 7-5, Configuring MP-BGP
Slo5-peer split-update-group dynamic is disa&led Interface associated: Serial.;.;. 7output omitted8 SanJose1#
!"e the s'o bgp ipv4 unicast su((ary an& s'o bgp ipv6 unicast su((ary #o33an&" on I(P to &i"p+a. a "u33ar. of IP$%8IP$' peering infor3ation with (an)o"e* The s'o bgp ipv4 unicast su((ary i" the eui$a+ent of s'o ip bgp an& either #o33an& #an be u"e& >oti#e that BGP #onne#ti$it. for both IP$% an& IP$' i" o$er an IP$% BGP tran"port "e""ion, u"ing the neighbor a&&re"" of *4*'* ISP# sho# bgp ipv" unicast summary $P router identifier 1111* local +S num&er ,1.. $P ta&le ersion is 21* main routing ta&le ersion 21 net5or/ entries using !2 &ytes of memory pat% entries using 2!. &ytes of memory ; $P pat%;&estpat% attri&ute entries using !6. &ytes of memory 1 $P +S-P+AB entries using 2! &ytes of memory . $P route-map cac%e entries using . &ytes of memory . $P filter-list cac%e entries using . &ytes of memory $P using 11', total &ytes of memory $P actiity 3; prefi9es* 16;12 pat%s* scan interal ,. secs ?eig%&or 1321,612 ISP#
C !
+S DsgRcd DsgSent ,... 6. '6
A&lCer 21
ISP# sho# bgp ipv6 unicast summary $P router identifier 1111* local +S num&er ,1.. $P ta&le ersion is 2* main routing ta&le ersion 2 net5or/ entries using .! &ytes of memory pat% entries using 12 &ytes of memory ; $P pat%;&estpat% attri&ute entries using !6. &ytes of memory 1 $P +S-P+AB entries using 2! &ytes of memory . $P route-map cac%e entries using . &ytes of memory . $P filter-list cac%e entries using . &ytes of memory $P using 12. total &ytes of memory $P actiity 3; prefi9es* 16;12 pat%s* scan interal ,. secs ?eig%&or State;Pf9Rcd 1321,612 ISP#
C !
+S DsgRcd DsgSent ,...
. .1:.3:26
!"e the s'o bgp ipv4 unicast su((ary #o33an& on (an)o"e* to &i"p+a. a "u33ar. of IP$% peering infor3ation with I(P an& (an)o"e >oti#e that (an)o"e* ha" two IP$% peer", one in ea#h A( A+"o noti#e, that the IBGP peering re+ation"hip with (an)o"e u"e" (an)o"e?" +oopba#k a&&re"" *7*7;* Thi" i" wh. thi" network wa" in#+u&e& in the EIGRP #onfiguration on (an)o"e* an& (an)o"e SanJose1# sho# bgp ipv" unicast summary $P router identifier 2222* local +S num&er ,... $P ta&le ersion is ,* main routing ta&le ersion , net5or/ entries using !2 &ytes of memory
9 /*% Ci"#o an&8or it" affi+iate" A++ right" re"er$e& Thi" &o#u3ent i" Ci"#o Pub+i#
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Lab 7-5, Configuring MP-BGP
pat% entries using 2!. &ytes of memory ; $P pat%;&estpat% attri&ute entries using !6. &ytes of memory 1 $P +S-P+AB entries using 2! &ytes of memory . $P route-map cac%e entries using . &ytes of memory . $P filter-list cac%e entries using . &ytes of memory $P using 11', total &ytes of memory $P actiity 2;1' prefi9es* 2;13 pat%s* scan interal ,. secs ?eig%&or State;Pf9Rcd 1'21'1 1321,611 SanJose1#
C ! !
+S DsgRcd DsgSent ,... ,1..
3 36
3 36
A&lCer , ,
. .1:13:. . .1:13:.
1 1
!"e the s'o bgp ipv6 unicast su((ary #o33an& on (an)o"e* to &i"p+a. a "u33ar. of IP$' peering infor3ation with I(P an& (an)o"e (i3i+ar to IP$%, noti#e that (an)o"e* ha" two peer", one in ea#h A( Dowe$er, the IP$' peering "e""ion with I(P in A( '5*// u"e" IP$% a" it" tran"port, "o the IP$% neighbor a&&re"" *4*'** i" &i"p+a.e& SanJose1# sho# bgp ipv6 unicast summary $P router identifier 2222* local +S num&er ,... $P ta&le ersion is 6* main routing ta&le ersion 6 net5or/ entries using .! &ytes of memory pat% entries using 12 &ytes of memory ; $P pat%;&estpat% attri&ute entries using !6. &ytes of memory 1 $P +S-P+AB entries using 2! &ytes of memory . $P route-map cac%e entries using . &ytes of memory . $P filter-list cac%e entries using . &ytes of memory $P using 12. total &ytes of memory $P actiity 2;1' prefi9es* 2;13 pat%s* scan interal ,. secs ?eig%&or C State;Pf9Rcd 2..1:06:+F:::1 ! 1321,611 ! SanJose1#
+S DsgRcd DsgSent
,... ,1..
3 36
3' 36
6 6
. .
. .1:13:3 . .1:13:3
1 1
#tep 6! Veri%ying t'e B1P tables %or IPv4 an IPv6& a
!"e the s'o bgp ipv4 unicast #o33an& on I(P to &i"p+a. it" IP$% BGP tab+e Thi" #o33an& i" eui$a+ent to the s'o ip bgp #o33an& an& either #o33an& #an be u"e& >oti#e that I(P "how" three IP$% network" in it" IP$% BGP tab+e Ea#h network i" $a+i& JH an& ha" one path whi#h i" the be"t path KH A3ong"t other infor3ation, the ne0t hop IP$% a&&re"" an& the A( path are in#+u&e& ISP# sho# bgp ipv" unicast $P ta&le ersion is 22* local router I0 is 1111 Status codes: s suppressed* d damped* % %istory* alid* 8 &est* i - internal* r RI-failure* S Stale* m multipat%* & &ac/up-pat%* f RA-Filter* 9 &est-e9ternal* a additional-pat%* c RI-compressed*
9 /*% Ci"#o an&8or it" affi+iate" A++ right" re"er$e& Thi" &o#u3ent i" Ci"#o Pub+i#
Page */ of
CCNPv7 ROUTE ?et5or/ 8 1.1..;1, 8 1'21,2.;2! 8 1'21,.;2! ISP#
Lab 7-5, Configuring MP-BGP ?e9t Bop .... 1321,612 1321,612
Detric 4ocPrf eig%t Pat% . 2',6 i . . ,... i . ,... i
!"e the s'o bgp ipv6 unicast #o33an& on I(P to &i"p+a. it" IP$' BGP tab+e (i3i+ar to the BGP tab+e for IP$%, noti#e that I(P "how" three IP$' prefi0e" in it" IP$' BGP tab+e Ea#h network i" a $a+i& JH an& ha" one path whi#h i" the be"t path KH The ne0t hop IP$' a&&re"" an& A( path are a+"o in#+u&e& >oti#e that the ne0t-hop a&&re"" for the prefi0e" //*@:B@CAE@@@8'% an& //*@:B@CAE@;@@8'%, a&$erti"e& b. (an)o"e*, i" u"ing the a&&re"" fro3 (an)o"e*?" >ET-DP-IP' route-3ap, //*@:B@EE:@*@@ ISP# sho# bgp ipv6 unicast $P ta&le ersion is 2,* local router I0 is 1111 Status codes: s suppressed* d damped* % %istory* alid* 8 &est* i - internal* r RI-failure* S Stale* m multipat%* & &ac/up-pat%* f RA-Filter* 9 &est-e9ternal* a additional-pat%* c RI-compressed*
8 8 8
?et5or/ ?e9t Bop Detric 4ocPrf eig%t Pat% 2..1:06:F:1::;,! :: . 2',6 i 2..1:06:+F:2::;,! 2..1:06:F0:1::2 . . ,... i 2..1:06:+F:::;,! 2..1:06:F0:1::2 . ,... i
!"ing the s'o bgp ipv4 unicast #o33an& on (an)o"e* &i"p+a." infor3ation for it" IP$% BGP tab+e Both the */*//8% network +earne& $ia EBGP fro3 the I(P, an& it" own a&$erti"e& network of *7*'/8% are in#+u&e& >oti#e that the *7*';/8% an& //*@:B@CAE@;@@8'% prefi0e" &o not in#+u&e the JH in&i#ating be"t path, but rather the rH " a RIB
?e9t Bop 1321,611 .... 1'21'1
Detric 4ocPrf eig%t Pat% . . ,1.. i . 2',6 i . 1.. . i
9 /*% Ci"#o an&8or it" affi+iate" A++ right" re"er$e& Thi" &o#u3ent i" Ci"#o Pub+i#
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Lab 7-5, Configuring MP-BGP
& (i3i+ar+., the s'o bgp ipv6 unicast #o33an& on (an)o"e* &i"p+a." it" IP$' BGP tab+e I(P "how" three IP$' prefi0e" in it" IP$' BGP tab+e Ea#h network i" a $a+i& JH an& ha" one path whi#h i" the be"t path KH A3ong"t other infor3ation, the ne0t hop IP$' a&&re"" an& A( path are in#+u&e& (i3i+ar to it" IP$% BGP tab+e, noti#e that the ne0t-hop a&&re"" for the prefi0 //*@:B@BEE@*@@8'%, a&$erti"e& b. (an)o"e*, i" u"ing the a&&re"" fro3 I(P?" >ET-DP-IP' route-3ap, //*@:B@EE:@*@@* SanJose1# sho# bgp ipv6 unicast $P ta&le ersion is 6* local router I0 is 2222 Status codes: s suppressed* d damped* % %istory* alid* 8 &est* i - internal* r RI-failure* S Stale* m multipat%* & &ac/up-pat%* f RA-Filter* 9 &est-e9ternal* a additional-pat%* c RI-compressed*
(i3i+ar BGP tab+e output i" "hown for (an)o"e >oti#e that the ne0t hop a&&re"" i" the +oopba#k interfa#e of (an)o"e* In (an)o"e*?" peering #onfiguration with (an)o"e, (an)o"e* u"e" the ne)t*'op*sel% option an& it" +oopba#k a&&re"" *7*7* Re3e3ber, without thi" option IBGP #arrie" EBGP route" into the &o3ain with the ne0t hop a&&re"" un#hange& the ne0t hop a&&re"" of the I(P in thi" #a"e
SanJose2# sho# bgp ipv" unicast $P ta&le ersion is 22* local router I0 is Status codes: s suppressed* d damped* % %istory* alid* 8 &est* i - internal* r RI-failure* S Stale* m multipat%* & &ac/up-pat%* f RA-Filter* 9 &est-e9ternal* a additional-pat%* c RI-compressed*
?e9t Bop 1'21'21 1'21'21 ....
Detric 4ocPrf eig%t Pat% . 1.. . ,1.. i . 1.. . i . 2',6 i
SanJose2# sho# bgp ipv6 unicast $P ta&le ersion is 2!* local router I0 is Status codes: s suppressed* d damped* % %istory* alid* 8 &est* i - internal* r RI-failure* S Stale* m multipat%* & &ac/up-pat%* f RA-Filter* 9 &est-e9ternal* a additional-pat%* c RI-compressed*
9 /*% Ci"#o an&8or it" affi+iate" A++ right" re"er$e& Thi" &o#u3ent i" Ci"#o Pub+i#
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Lab 7-5, Configuring MP-BGP
?et5or/ ?e9t Bop Detric 4ocPrf eig%t Pat% 8i 2..1:06:F:1::;,! 2..1:06:+F:22::1 . 1.. . ,1.. i r8i 2..1:06:+F:2::;,! 2..1:06:+F:22::1 . 1.. . i 8 2..1:06:+F:::;,! :: . 2',6 i SanJose2#
#tep 6! Veri%ying t'e IP routing tables %or IPv4 an IPv6& a
B. e0a3ining the IP$% an& IP$' routing tab+e" on I(P .ou #an $erif. that BGP i" re#ei$ing the IP$% an& IP$' prefi0e" fro3 (an)o"e* ISP# sho# ip route odes: 4 - local* - connected* S - static* R - RIP* D - mo&ile* - $P 0 - I$RP* @ - I$RP e9ternal* < -
4 4 4 ISP#
1....;6 is aria&ly su&netted* ! su&nets* mas/s 1....;2! is directly connected* 4oop&ac/. 1...1;2 is directly connected* 4oop&ac/. 1.1..;1, is directly connected* $iga&itt%ernet.;. 1.1.1;2 is directly connected* $iga&itt%ernet.;. 1'21,..;2! is su&netted* 2 su&nets 1'21,2. L2.;.M ia 1321,612* .2:3:' 1'21,. L2.;.M ia 1321,612* .:..:1. 1321,61.;2! is aria&ly su&netted* 2 su&nets* 2 mas/s 1321,61.;. is directly connected* Serial.;.;. 1321,611;2 is directly connected* Serial.;.;.
ISP# sho# ipv6 route IP, Routing Aa&le - default - 3 entries odes: - onnected* 4 - 4ocal* S - Static* " - Per-user Static route - $P* R - RIP* B - ?BRP* I1 - ISIS 41 I2 - ISIS 42* I+ - ISIS interarea* IS - ISIS summary* 0 - I$RP @ - I$RP e9ternal* ?0 - ?0 0efault* ?0p - ?0 Prefi9* 0 - 0estination ?0r - Redirect* < -
9 /*% Ci"#o an&8or it" affi+iate" A++ right" re"er$e& Thi" &o#u3ent i" Ci"#o Pub+i#
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CCNPv7 ROUTE 4 4 4 4
Lab 7-5, Configuring MP-BGP
2..1:06:F:1::1;126 L.;.M ia $iga&itt%ernet.;.* receie 2..1:06:F:11::;,! L.;.M ia 4oop&ac/.* directly connected 2..1:06:F:11::1;126 L.;.M ia 4oop&ac/.* receie 2..1:06:+F:2::;,! L2.;.M ia F6.::2* Serial.;.;. 2..1:06:+F:::;,! L2.;.M ia F6.::2* Serial.;.;. 2..1:06:F0:1::;,! L.;.M ia Serial.;.;.* directly connected 2..1:06:F0:1::1;126 L.;.M ia Serial.;.;.* receie FF..::;6 L.;.M ia ?ull.* receie
Are the BGP route" +earne& $ia EBGP or EBGP Dow #an .ou te++ b. 2u"t the infor3ation in the routing tab+e FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFF The route" are +earne& $ia EBGP The a&3ini"trati$e &i"tan#e of / in&i#ate" EBGP a" the "our#e routing infor3ation
E0a3ine the IP$% an& IP$' routing tab+e" on (an)o"e* (an)o"e* i" EIGRP re#ei$ing route" fro3 (an)o"e for (an)o"e?" LA> an& network" !"ing EBGP, (an)o"e* i" re#ei$ing IP$% an& IP$' prefi0e" fro3 the I(P SanJose1# sho# ip route odes: 4 - local* - connected* S - static* R - RIP* D - mo&ile* - $P 0 - I$RP* @ - I$RP e9ternal* < -
4 4 0 4 0
1....;1, is su&netted* 1 su&nets 1.1.. L2.;.M ia 1321,611* .:.1:13 1'21,..;1, is aria&ly su&netted* su&nets* mas/s 1'21,1.;. is directly connected* Serial.;.;1 1'21,11;2 is directly connected* Serial.;.;1 1'21,2.;2! is directly connected* $iga&itt%ernet.;. 1'21,21;2 is directly connected* $iga&itt%ernet.;. 1'21,.;2! L3.;21'2!1,M ia 1'21,12* .!:1':!'* Serial.;.;1 1'21'..;1, is aria&ly su&netted* su&nets* 2 mas/s 1'21'2.;2! is directly connected* 4oop&ac/. 1'21'21;2 is directly connected* 4oop&ac/. 1'21'.;2! L3.;223'6,M ia 1'21,12* .!:1':!'* Serial.;.;1 1321,61.;2! is aria&ly su&netted* 2 su&nets* 2 mas/s
9 /*% Ci"#o an&8or it" affi+iate" A++ right" re"er$e& Thi" &o#u3ent i" Ci"#o Pub+i#
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Lab 7-5, Configuring MP-BGP
1321,61.;. is directly connected* Serial.;.;. 4 1321,612;2 is directly connected* Serial.;.;. SanJose1#
SanJose1# sho# ipv6 route IP, Routing Aa&le - default - 12 entries odes: - onnected* 4 - 4ocal* S - Static* " - Per-user Static route - $P* R - RIP* B - ?BRP* I1 - ISIS 41 I2 - ISIS 42* I+ - ISIS interarea* IS - ISIS summary* 0 - I$RP @ - I$RP e9ternal* ?0 - ?0 0efault* ?0p - ?0 Prefi9* 0 - 0estination ?0r - Redirect* < -
Looking at the IP$% an& IP$' routing tab+e" on (an)o"e "how" that (an)o"e i" re#ei$ing EIGRP an& BGP route" fro3 (an)o"e* (an)o"e*?" LA> an& +oopba#k interfa#e" are being a&$erti"e& to (an)o"e u"ing EIGRP an& for I(P" IP$%8IP$' prefi0e", (an)o"e* i" a&$erti"ing the3 u"ing IBGP SanJose2# sho# ip route odes: 4 - local* - connected* S - static* R - RIP* D - mo&ile* - $P 0 - I$RP* @ - I$RP e9ternal* < -
9 /*% Ci"#o an&8or it" affi+iate" A++ right" re"er$e& Thi" &o#u3ent i" Ci"#o Pub+i#
Page *5 of
Lab 7-5, Configuring MP-BGP
1....;1, is su&netted* 1 su&nets 1.1.. L2..;.M ia 1'21'21* .:.2:1, 1'21,..;1, is aria&ly su&netted* su&nets* mas/s 1'21,1.;. is directly connected* Serial.;.;1 4 1'21,12;2 is directly connected* Serial.;.;1 0 1'21,2.;2! L3.;21'2!1,M ia 1'21,11* .!:16:!* Serial.;.;1 1'21,.;2! is directly connected* $iga&itt%ernet.;. 4 1'21,1;2 is directly connected* $iga&itt%ernet.;. 1'21'..;1, is aria&ly su&netted* su&nets* 2 mas/s 0 1'21'2.;2! L3.;223'6,M ia 1'21,11* .!:16:!* Serial.;.;1 1'21'.;2! is directly connected* 4oop&ac/. 4 1'21'1;2 is directly connected* 4oop&ac/. SanJose2#
SanJose2# sho# ipv6 route IP, Routing Aa&le - default - 1. entries odes: - onnected* 4 - 4ocal* S - Static* " - Per-user Static route - $P* R - RIP* B - ?BRP* I1 - ISIS 41 I2 - ISIS 42* I+ - ISIS interarea* IS - ISIS summary* 0 - I$RP @ - I$RP e9ternal* ?0 - ?0 0efault* ?0p - ?0 Prefi9* 0 - 0estination ?0r - Redirect* < -
Are the BGP route" +earne& $ia EBGP or EBGP Dow #an .ou te++ b. 2u"t the infor3ation in the routing tab+e FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFF The route" are +earne& $ia IBGP The a&3ini"trati$e &i"tan#e of // in&i#ate" EBGP a" the "our#e routing infor3ation
9 /*% Ci"#o an&8or it" affi+iate" A++ right" re"er$e& Thi" &o#u3ent i" Ci"#o Pub+i#
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Lab 7-5, Configuring MP-BGP
erif. IP$% an& IP$' rea#habi+it. pinging I(P?" LA> interfa#e fro3 the LA> interfa#e on (an)o"e SanJose2# ping source 1%2.16.&.1 Aype escape se=uence to a&ort Sending * 1..-&yte IDP c%os to 1.1.1* timeout is 2 seconds: Pac/et sent 5it% a source address of 1'21,1 NNNNN Success rate is 1.. percent (;)* round-trip min;ag;ma9 ,;,;,. ms SanJose2#
SanJose2# ping 2001db!beef11 source gig 0/0 Aype escape se=uence to a&ort Sending * 1..-&yte IDP c%os to 2..1:06:F:1::1* timeout is 2 seconds: Pac/et sent 5it% a source address of 2..1:06:+F:::1 NNNNN Success rate is 1.. percent (;)* round-trip min;ag;ma9 2;;, ms SanJose2#
9 /*% Ci"#o an&8or it" affi+iate" A++ right" re"er$e& Thi" &o#u3ent i" Ci"#o Pub+i#
Page *7 of
Lab 7-5, Configuring MP-BGP
8evice Con%igurations ,Instructor versionInitial Con%igurations Router I#P ,R+%ostname ISP N interface 4oop&ac/. ip address 1...1 222. ip, address 2..1:06:F:11::1;,! N interface $iga&itt%ernet.;. ip address 1.1.1 22.. ip, address F6.::1 lin/-local ip, address 2..1:06:F:1::1;,! N interface Serial.;.;. ip address 1321,611 22222 ip, address F6.::1 lin/-local ip, address 2..1:06:F0:1::1;,! cloc/ rate ,!... N end
Router #an/ose+ ,R.%ostname SanJose1 N interface 4oop&ac/. ip address 1'21'21 222. ip, address 2..1:06:+F:22::1;,! N interface $iga&itt%ernet.;. ip address 1'21,21 222. ip, address F6.::2 lin/-local ip, address 2..1:06:+F:2::1;,! N interface Serial.;.;. ip address 1321,612 22222 ip, address F6.::2 lin/-local ip, address 2..1:06:F0:1::2;,! N interface Serial.;.;1 ip address 1'21,11 22222 ip, address F6.::2 lin/-local ip, address 2..1:06:+F:1::1;,! cloc/ rate ,!... N end
9 /*% Ci"#o an&8or it" affi+iate" A++ right" re"er$e& Thi" &o#u3ent i" Ci"#o Pub+i#
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Lab 7-5, Configuring MP-BGP
Router #an/ose. ,R0%ostname SanJose2 N interface 4oop&ac/. ip address 1'21'1 222. ip, address 2..1:06:+F:::1;,! N interface $iga&itt%ernet.;. ip address 1'21,1 222. ip, address F6.:: lin/-local ip, address 2..1:06:+F:::1;,! N interface Serial.;.;1 ip address 1'21,12 22222 ip, address F6.:: lin/-local ip, address 2..1:06:+F:1::2;,! N end
9 /*% Ci"#o an&8or it" affi+iate" A++ right" re"er$e& Thi" &o#u3ent i" Ci"#o Pub+i#
Page *4 of
Lab 7-5, Configuring MP-BGP
8evice Con%igurations ,Instructor versionRouter I#P ,R+%ostname ISP N ip, unicast-routing N interface 4oop&ac/. ip address 1...1 222. ip, address 2..1:06:F:11::1;,! N interface $iga&itt%ernet.;. ip address 1.1.1 22.. ip, address F6.::1 lin/-local ip, address 2..1:06:F:1::1;,! N interface Serial.;.;. ip address 1321,611 22222 ip, address F6.::1 lin/-local ip, address 2..1:06:F0:1::1;,! cloc/ rate ,!... N router &gp ,1.. &gp router-id 1111 &gp log-neig%&or-c%anges neig%&or 1321,612 remote-as ,... N address-family ip! net5or/ 1.1.. mas/ 22.. neig%&or 1321,612 actiate e9it-address-family N address-family ip, net5or/ 2..1:06:F:1::;,! neig%&or 1321,612 actiate neig%&or 1321,612 route-map ?@A-B
Router #an/ose+ ,R.%ostname SanJose1 N ip, unicast-routing N interface 4oop&ac/. ip address 1'21'21 222. ip, address 2..1:06:+F:22::1;,! ip, eigrp 2 N 9 /*% Ci"#o an&8or it" affi+iate" A++ right" re"er$e& Thi" &o#u3ent i" Ci"#o Pub+i#
Page / of
Lab 7-5, Configuring MP-BGP
interface $iga&itt%ernet.;. ip address 1'21,21 222. ip, address F6.::2 lin/-local ip, address 2..1:06:+F:2::1;,! ip, eigrp 2 N interface Serial.;.;. ip address 1321,612 22222 ip, address F6.::2 lin/-local ip, address 2..1:06:F0:1::2;,! N interface Serial.;.;1 ip address 1'21,11 22222 ip, address F6.::2 lin/-local ip, address 2..1:06:+F:1::1;,! ip, eigrp 2 cloc/ rate ,!... N router eigrp 1 net5or/ 1'21,.. net5or/ 1'21'.. eigrp router-id 2222 N router &gp ,... &gp router-id 2222 &gp log-neig%&or-c%anges neig%&or 2..1:06:+F:::1 remote-as ,... neig%&or 2..1:06:+F:::1 update-source 4oop&ac/. neig%&or 1'21'1 remote-as ,... neig%&or 1'21'1 update-source 4oop&ac/. neig%&or 1321,611 remote-as ,1.. N address-family ip! net5or/ 1'21,2. mas/ 222. no neig%&or 2..1:06:+F:::1 actiate neig%&or 1'21'1 actiate neig%&or 1'21'1 ne9t-%op-self neig%&or 1321,611 actiate e9it-address-family N address-family ip, net5or/ 2..1:06:+F:2::;,! neig%&or 2..1:06:+F:::1 actiate neig%&or 2..1:06:+F:::1 ne9t-%op-self neig%&or 1321,611 actiate neig%&or 1321,611 route-map ?@A-B
9 /*% Ci"#o an&8or it" affi+iate" A++ right" re"er$e& Thi" &o#u3ent i" Ci"#o Pub+i#
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Lab 7-5, Configuring MP-BGP
Router #an/ose. ,R0%ostname SanJose2 N ip, unicast-routing N interface 4oop&ac/. ip address 1'21'1 222. ip, address 2..1:06:+F:::1;,! ip, eigrp 2 N interface $iga&itt%ernet.;. ip address 1'21,1 222. ip, address F6.:: lin/-local ip, address 2..1:06:+F:::1;,! ip, eigrp 2 N interface Serial.;.;1 ip address 1'21,12 22222 ip, address F6.:: lin/-local ip, address 2..1:06:+F:1::2;,! ip, eigrp 2 N router eigrp 1 net5or/ 1'21,.. net5or/ 1'21'.. eigrp router-id N router &gp ,... &gp router-id &gp log-neig%&or-c%anges neig%&or 2..1:06:+F:22::1 remote-as ,... neig%&or 2..1:06:+F:22::1 update-source 4oop&ac/. neig%&or 1'21'21 remote-as ,... neig%&or 1'21'21 update-source 4oop&ac/. N address-family ip! net5or/ 1'21,. mas/ 222. no neig%&or 2..1:06:+F:22::1 actiate neig%&or 1'21'21 actiate e9it-address-family N address-family ip, net5or/ 2..1:06:+F:::;,! neig%&or 2..1:06:+F:22::1 actiate e9it-address-family N ip, router eigrp 2 eigrp router-id N end
9 /*% Ci"#o an&8or it" affi+iate" A++ right" re"er$e& Thi" &o#u3ent i" Ci"#o Pub+i#
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